anc | African National Congress |
baab | Bantu Affairs Administration Board |
bad | Department of Bantu Administration and Development |
bcm | Black Consciousness Movement |
cdf | Ciskei Defence Force |
clpp | Coloured Labour Preference Policy |
cnip | Ciskei National Independence Party |
cosas | Congress of South African Students |
grc | Grahamstown Rural Committee |
hcts | High Commission Territories |
hnp | Herstigte Nasionale Party |
idaf | International Defence and Aid Fund |
iprc | Internal Political Reconstruction Committee (anc) |
mk | Umkhonto weSizwe (‘Spear of the Nation’) |
nad | Native Affairs Department |
np | National Party |
pac | Pan Africanist Congress |
pebco | Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation |
rdp | Reconstruction and Development Programme |
saau | South African Agricultural Union |
saawu | South African Allied Workers Union |
sacc | South African Council of Churches |
sactu | South African Congress of Trade Unions |
sadf | South African Defence Force |
sairr | South African Institute of Race Relations |
sanco | South African National Civic Organisation |
sant | South African Native Trust |
sasm | South African Students Movement |
spp | Surplus People Project |
ulpp | Urban Labour Preference Policy |
up | United Party |
xdc | Xhosa Development Corporation |