Chin Ming Stephen Lim
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Aaboe, Asger 98n
Ahmed, Sara 79, 82
Akper, Godwin I. 52n3, 68
Alcoff, Linda M. 8, 54–56, 80–81, 88
Alcoff, Linda M. and Mohanty, Chandra 13
Ammermann, Nancy 35, 36–37
Analects 111, 111n5, 112, 112n8
ancestral worship 46–47
Anderson, Allan 37n
Anderson, Benedict 71n
Anderson, Elizabeth 19
Ariarajah, Wesley 46
Asad, Talal 44–45
ASEAN 72, 72n
Asia as Method 4–5
inter-referencing 76–77
reflexivity 20 reflexivity
Asian Economic Crisis see economic
Asian Values Discourse 74–76, 74n5, 111, 188
reverse-Orientalism 75
Aśoka, King 150–152, 153, 154–155, 181n3
Aśokāvadāna 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157
Avalos, Hector 54
Banazak, Gregory and Reyes Ceja, Luis 5n, 193
Baratham, Gopal 135, 136, 137, 139
Barr, James 35–36, 35n10, 36n, 48
Barr, Michael 75, 99, 104, 104n
Barr, Michael and Skrbiš, Zlatko 43n21, 99
Barton, John 10n9, 14n12, 57–63, 57n, 58n, 107, 147, 148–149, 168
Bevans, Stephen 3, 3n4
Bible 14–18
coloniser’s text 5, 21
dangerous 14–18, 20, 83, 175, 179
domestication 4, 15–16, 17, 67, 175
in Asia, 66, 66n, 74n4
neo-coloniser’s text 177
scandal 17, 83, 179
site of struggle 178–179
uncanny 15–16, 179
(un)problematic Bible 49, 177, 186
hermeneutics, biblical
biblical scholar 10n10, 11, 21, 54, 55
and Asia 12, 31–33, 51
as civil servants 14, 14n12, 16, 49, 53
public intellectual
biblical studies 7, 16, 28–29, 54, 56, 120, 187, 191
contextual 4, 65, 67–68
historical criticism 30, 54n traditional historical criticism
hermeneutics, biblical
Bilgrami, Akemi 134
Boer, Roland 96n6, 101, 101n14, 101n15, 101n16
Boone, Kathleen 34, 35, 36n
Bosch, David 5
Bowen, John R. 72
Brenner, Athalya 4
Brown, Judith M. 134
Brueggemann, Walter 50
Dharma 151, 152
dream theories 153n, 154n15
karma 154, 155, 155n
Pindola Bharadavaja 156
Samudra 156–157
sangha 151, 153
Upagupta 154, 156–157
Bullock, Nathan 97
Butler, Sally 96n7
capitalism see neocolonialism
Carreiro, Daniel R. 111
Carroll, Robert 15–17, 83, 175
Chan, Mark 31, 31n
Chen, Kuan Hsing 4, 20, 70, 72, 73, 74–77, 77n
Chen, Li Fu 111
Cheng, Vincent 103, 135, 136, 138, 139
Chia, Philip 12, 109, 173
Chong, Terence 37, 38, 39, 39n, 44n26, 74n5, 75
Chong, Terence and Hui, Yew Foong 37, 38
Choo, Lak Yeow 30
Chow, Rey 73n
Chua, Beng Huat 40n, 41, 42, 42n18, 74n5, 75, 99n
Clammer, John 27–28
Clines, David 29n3
Code, Lorraine 53n4
Collins, John 107, 109, 124–126, 125n3, 129, 148
colonialism 5n, 12, 28, 70, 109, 190, modern/colonial world system
Confucianism 12, 74, 74n5, 75, 112, 113
Confucius 110–114, 112n6, 112n7, 112n8, 181n3
conscientisation 52n1
framework 53, 70, 87, 186
contextualism 3–9, 20–21, 28, 53, 69–70, 176, 187–188
contextual vs cognitive values see objectivity in biblical interpretation
geocolonial, historical materialist category 4, 87
inter-contextual 5–7, 14, 20–21, 70, 73, 186
intersubjectivity 6, 17, 53, 70
intra-contextual 7–9, 14, 17, 20–21, 70, 77, 186
polyphonic contextualism 5, 7, 121
spaces of intelligibility 8, 16, 17, 143, 178, 180, 181
spaces of intelligibility and spaces of marginality 7–8, 79, 81, 121, 171, 179, 180, 183, 186
spaces of marginality 8, 13, 70, 121, 178, 180, 185
dialogue, epistemic, kaleidoscopic consciousness
conversation 29, 45, 61, 187 dialogue
framework 73–74, 77, 83, 84, 186
court tales 92n
court conflict tales 92, 123
court contest tales 92
The Disgrace and Rehabilitation of a Minister 172, 176
traditional historical criticism
Cox, Harvey 41, 44–45
Davids, T. W. Rhys 154n14, 154n15
Davies, Philip 14, 108, 173
decolonial 5, 5n, 193–194
vs postcolonial 193–194
contextualism, dialogue, modern/colonial world system
deferred eschatology 148
dialogue 3, 20, 65, 68, 70, 78, 177
border gnosis 83n
constructive difference 80
dialogical imagination 87, 111, 139
exteriority/face 78–79 infinity, Lévinas, Emmanuel, totality
fusion of horizons 8, 81, 81n
monotopic vs pluritopic 80, 81, 177
multicentric dialogue 21, 23, 82, 84, 85–87, 179, 180, 186, 188
discursive imperialism 54–56, 79, 88, 183–184
Douglas, Mary 120n18
dreams 144–145
dreams and visions 145n4, 153n, 154n15 Buddhism
dreams in the Ancient Near East 96n7, ideology
dreams of disenfranchised 149, 160–161, 165, 173, 184
Dube, Musa 5, 65
Dussel, Enrique 78
Eagleton, Terry 14, 14n11
Asian economic crisis 1, 30, 99n
economic ethic 172
economic pragmatism 75, ideology
network of economic power 94, 100–102
theoeconomics 101
empire 93, 95, 164–165, 173
ambivalence 137–138, 151
Babylonian 95, 96, 98, 101, 144–145 National Education
networks of power 93–94 ideology, economic, military, political
Persian 96, 98, 99, 101
Seleucid 96, 102–103, 127
epistemic advantage 19, 87, 175, 177
epistemic friction 21, 82, 84, 87, 188
epistemic terrain 53, 53n4, 67, 69, 77, 82, 83n, 186–187
epistemic vices 18–19, 82, 176, 182, 188
epistemic violence 6, 32, 82
epistemic virtues 18–19, 82, 175, 188
Eurocentric 29, 73, 73n
Evers, Georg 86
everyday religion 52, 52n2
Fanon, Frantz 190
feminist standpoint theories 29, 60–62, 81
intersectionality 66
white feminist discourse 66–67, 67n16, 79
hermeneutics, biblical
Fewell, Dana Nolan 107, 120n19, 127, 128, 129n6, 147–148
Flannery-Dailey, Frances 96n7
folded together with 53, 87, 142, 169, 175, 179, 182
food offered to idols 107
Ford, David 12, 45
Freire, Paulo 52n1
Freud, Sigmund 15–16
Gadamer, Hans 8, 81, 81n
Gandhi, Mahatma 130, 131n, 132, 134, 181n3
Hind Swaraj 131, 132
Satyagraha/nonviolent resistance 131, 132–133, 132n13, 134
Giddens, Anthony 54
Glass, Zipporah 100, 101n14
Global North and Global South 2, 2n
Goh, Beng Lan 72, 73
Goh, Daniel 33, 37, 38, 39
Goh, Robbie 37
Goldingay, John 106, 107, 110, 124, 125, 126, 126n, 128, 129, 147, 148–149
Goldstone, Jack A. and Haldon, John F. 93, 101n14
Gordon, Lewis 54
Gottwald, Norman 95
Gramsci, Antonio 9–10, 42–43, 64n12
Habicht, Christian 102–103, 103n17
Hall, Stuart 7
Haraway, Donna 60
Harding, Sandra 60
Heaton, Eric 103n17, 107
hermeneutics, biblical
critical-scientific-modern paradigm 28, 28n, 63n11
cultural-hermeneutic-postmodern paradigm 63n11
emancipatory-radical democratic paradigm 63, 63n11
feminist 18, 20, 22, 30, 56, 63n11, 65, 66, 81 feminist
liberation 11, 18, 22, 56, 63n11, 64, 64n13, 65, 66, 68, 176
postcolonial 18, 22, 32n, 56, 63n11, 65, 66
religious-the*logical-scriptural paradigm 63, 63n11
Bible, traditional historical criticism
Herodotus 125
Hill, Michael 75, 104
Hill, Michael and Lian, Kwen Fee 40n, 42, 42n18, 43n21, 74n5
home 1–3, 8, 73, 189–190
horizon 81n
fusion of horizons see dialogue
Huang, Po Ho 30
Humphreys, W. Lee 92, 92n, 108
Hwa, Yung 30, 31, 32
identity formation 12, 13, 20, 71, 143, 186, 188
identity politics 12–14, 52n2, 84, 180
dreams 96–97 dreams
ideology of economic pragmatism 42–43, 49, 97–98, 104
ideology of objectivity see objectivity in biblical interpretation
network of ideological power 93–94, 95–98, 158
Ileto, Reynaldo 73
infinity 78 totality and infinity
inter-referencing see Asia as Method
intersubjectivity see contextualism
Jefferess, David 132, 133, 134
Jenco, Leigh 74
Josh, Bhagwan 150
Joyce, Paul 12
Kafka, Franz 15
kaleidoscopic consciousness 19, 23, 84, 183
Kamaludeen 114–115, 114n11,
King, Victor 72
Koh, Adeline 76n8
Koyama, Kosuke 78–82
Kunāla 152, 153–154
Kwan, Simon 3n4, 46,
Kwok, Pui Lan 1, 29, 66, 67n16,
kyriarchy 28
LaCocque, André 109
Lau, Siew Mei 135, 137–138, 139
learning to learn from below 87, 188
Lee, Archie C. C. 12, 46, 66n
Lee, Moonjang 29, 50
Lee, Terence 98
Lévinas, Emmanuel 77–78, 187
liberation 4, 19, 179 hermeneutics, biblical
Lim, Johnson T. K. 32n
Lim, Stephen Chin Ming 69, 76n7, 172, 187, 188
Lin, Yutang 110–114
Lipton, Diana 96–97, 96n7
locus of enunciation 20, 73, 77, 83, 83n, 84, 85–86, 186
Loh, Jacqueline 43
Longino, Helen 61–62, 61n
Lorde, Audre 1, 60
Lugones, Maria 16, 120–122, 169, 171, 180
Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act 43, 44
Malay minorities 42n19, 86, 114–115, 115n13, 178–179, 184
halal 114, 116–117
Malay problem 114, 114n11
tudung 114, 117
Sa’at, Alfian
Mann, Micahel 17, 93–95, 99, 102
Marsden, George 34
Marxist Conspiracy 42, 42n20, 103–104, 135, 136–137
detention cells 135–137, 139
fear 138–139
moral panic 104
Cheng, Vincent, political prisoners, Teo, Soh Lung
McKee, Robert 158n19
Medina, Jose 5, 7, 18–20, 20–21, 82, 83, 84
Mignolo, Walter 6–7, 20, 68, 80, 82n, 193–194
Mignolo, Walter and Tlostanova, Madina 83n, 194
concentrated-coercive 102
network of military power 94, 102–103
state terror 102, 128
modern/colonial world system 5–7, 8, 11, 13, 17, 63, 67n17, 68, 73, 76, 81, 177, 180, 186, 188
colonial difference 6, 69, 80, 83n
colonial matrix of power 6
coloniality of power 6, 13
Mohanty, Chandra 12–13
Montgomery, James 107, 125n2, 148
Moore, Stephen and Rivera, Mayra 189
Moore, Stephen and Sherwood, Yvonne 14, 14n12, 16, 53, 54n, 82
Morrison, Kathleen 93
multiculturalism 40–41, 46–47
Nadar, Sarojini 68
Nandy, Ashis 133, 134
Narayan, Uma 79
National Education 99–100, 99n
Babylonian education 98–99, 109
nationalism 73, 74, 187 Asian Values Discourse, identity
nativism 74, 76, 77, 187 privilege, identity
neo-colonialism 41–42
(un)problematic capitalism 49–50, 101, 172–175, 186
Newsom, Carol 92, 106, 109, 121n, 128, 129n6, 130n, 167
Nkrumah, Kwame 41
Noegel, Richard 96n7, 146n4
nonspecialist readers see readers
objectivity in biblical interpretation 57, 59, 187
cognitive vs contextual modes of inquiry 61–62
difffusion of power 61n
ideology of objectivity 62
positivism 59
weak objectivity 61
weak objectivity vs strong objectivity 60
white male gaze 60–61
O’Flaherty, Wendy Doniger 154, 154n14, 154n15
Oppenheim, Adolf 96n7
ordinary reader 4, 52n3
in Asia 66
Pace, Sharon 109, 127
Panikkar, Raimundo 80, 83
Parekh, Bhiku 75
Patke, Rajeev 72
Pieris, Aloysius 66n
planet, the 189 subaltern
pluriversality 82n, 194
network of political power 94, 98–100
political prisoners 8, 184 Marxist Conspiracy
Poon, Michael 30, 32–33
Portier-Young, Anathea 102–103, 103n17
postcolonial 3n4, 5, 18, 21, 41 decolonial, hermeneutics, biblical
praxis 11
accommodate 172, 174
resist 173, 174
transformative praxis 11–12, 186
withdraw 173, 174
epistemic, resistance
privilege 7–9, 17, 55, 85, 87, 175, 188
Chinese privilege 76
white privilege 76
Protestant Fundamentalism 34, 49, 76
dispensationalism 36, 36n
history of, 34–35
Pentecostalism 37n12
sociology 36
public 10–11, 28
public of the academy 10, 28–29
public of the church 11 Protestant Fundamentalism
public of society 10
public intellectual 9–14
organic intellectual 9–10
scholar-official 12
traditional intellectual 9–10
Pyper, Hugh 17, 83
Quijano, Anibal 5–6, 17, 53
Rahim, Lily Zubaidah 115n12
Ramakrishna, Kumar 44
readers 53n5
nonspecialist readers 52, 52n3, 53, 65–66
specialist readers 4, 54n, 65–66
ordinary reader
reflexivity 20, 61, 62, 84, 119n, 188 epistemic, privilege
Reiner, Erica 98
republic of many voices 19
resistance 8
literature, accommodationist 167, 168, 171, 172
literature, resistance 167, 169, 171, 173, 176, 181
logic of impurity 121, 141–142, 171, 174, 175
logic of purity 16, 120, 140–141, 164, 169, 179, 180, 181
privileged vantage point 122, 180
ritual defilement 107
socio-political 108
Rivera, Mayra 79, 80
Rowland, Christopher and Corner, Mark 12
Rowlands, Michael 101n14
Sa’at, Alfian 115–119
Said, Edward 9–10
Samartha, Stanley 29, 29n4, 46
Schäfer, Peter 101n16
Schniedewind, William M. 98n
Schreiter, Robert 3
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth 19, 20, 28–29, 28n, 63, 63n11, 66, 67
scientism 28–29, 31, 48, 51, 59, 76
secularisation 43–45
secularism 41, 43–45
muscular secularism 44
(un)problematic secularism 50, 169–170, 186
See-Judge-Act 67–68
Segovia, Fernando 4
Seow, Choon Leong 107, 108, 109, 110, 129, 147
Sharpe, Leslie and Gopinathan S. 99–100, 99n
Sherwin-White, Susan and Kuhrt, Amelie 95, 96
Shipley, Graham 103, 103n17
Sima Qian 110
AWARE saga 44n26
casinos 39, 39n, 97
Catherine Lim affair 98
history of, 27–28, 27n
homosexuality 39, 39n
in networks of knowledge production 13
out of bound (OB) markers 98
public of academy in Singapore 29–33
public of church in Singapore 33–34, 37–40
public of society in Singapore 42–43, 43–44, 46–47
success 108, 117–118
theology of success 39–40, 49
ideology, Malay minorities, Marxist Conspiracy, National Education, political prisoners, public, secularism
Singapore Dreaming 158–160
Sinopoli, Carla 95, 98
Smith-Christopher, Daniel L. 108, 109, 127–128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 147, 149, 150, 184n
Song, Angeline 32n
Song, Choan Seng 74n4
Southeast Asia, Area Studies 72
Spivak, Gayatri 13, 53, 64, 64n12, 87, 94n5, 181, 188–189
Strong, John 150, 150n, 151n11, 151n12, 152, 154
subaltern 64, 64n12, 69, 178, 189, 190 planet, the
Sugirtharajah, Rasiah S. 5, 30–32, 39, 46, 64–65, 64n13, 66, 176
Sullivan, Shannon 73n
Sumegi, Angela 154, 154n15
Suratman, Suriani 115n11
Szanton, David 72
Tambiah, Stanley 151
Tan, Kenneth P. 39n
Tan Kenneth P. and Lee, Gary J. J. 39n
Tan, Nancy 30, 38
Tan, Yak Hwee 32n
Teo, Soh Lung 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140
Thanapal, Sangeeta 76, 76n7, 76n8
theological education 29–33
Thio, Li Ann 47
Thiong’O, Ngugi W. 82
Tong, Chee Kiong 42n19, 46–47
totality and infinity 78, 80
totality 187
Towner, W. Sibley 126
Tracy, David 10–12, 17, 63
traditional historical criticism 3n3, 6–7, 57–59, 57n
form criticism 59, 96n7, 176 court tales
literary competence 57
plain sense 10n9, 58
source criticism 58–59, 108
two-staged 57
Treanor, Brian 78n
Tu, Weiming 12, 112, 113, 113n8
Tucker, Vincent 41
Ukpong, Justin 178
Van De Mieroop, Marc 98
Wallerstein, Immanuel 93, 101n14
Wang, Hui 71n
Weber, Max 94
Weinberg, Joel 101n14
West, Gerald 4, 52n3, 65–66, 67–68
West, the 7
Wiseman, Donald J. 95, 98
Wong, Gordon 108, 126, 147, 168, 168n2, 172
Wong, Melissa W. 40n
Woo, Yen Yen 158
world systems 93
Wylie, Alison 19
Yao, Xinzhong 111, 113
Young, J. T. 95, 98
Young, Robert 41
Young, Serinity 154, 154n14, 154n15
Žižek, Slavoj 161n
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