International Conference: Law, Gender and Sexuality, Friday, 26 October 2018
08.15-08.45 Conference Registration
08.45-09.00 Welcome Address
Professor Stephen Hardy (Coventry University, UK)
Kristin Hausler (British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
Professor Javaid Rehman, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran (Brunel University, UK)
09.00-10.00 Plenary Session: Honouring Asma Jahangir
Chair: Professor Martin Scheinin
Ms Noor Ejaz (Solicitor and Advocate)
Dr. Arjumand Bano Kazmi, (Early Career Research Fellow - Institute of Advance Study)
Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali (University of Warwick, UK)
Professor Javaid Rehman, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran (Brunel University, UK)
10.00-10.20 Tea/Coffee
10.20-12.15 Plenary Session
Chair: Professor Stephen Hardy
Professor Shaheen Sardar Ali (University of Warwick, UK)
Professor Siobhan Mullally (Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway, Ireland)
Professor Robert Wintemute (Kings College London, UK)
Parallel Sessions: Panels 1 and 2 (12.15-13.30)
12.15-13.30 Panel 1: the Return of the Sex Wars: Regulating Pleasure and Danger in Erotic Life
Chair: Professor Robert Wintemute
Professor Brenda Cossman (University of Toronto, Canada): Sex Wars 2.0.
Dr. Daniel Del Gobbo (University of Toronto, Canada): the Return of the Sex Wars: Toward a Feminist Politics of Campus Peer Sexual Violence.
Dr. Ummni Khan and Jean Ketterling (Carleton University, Canada): Rape as Play: Yellow Peril Panic and a Defence of Fantasy.
12.15-13.30 Panel 2: Same Sex Marriage and Citizenship
Chair: Dr. Steve Foster
Professor Scott Titshaw (Mercer University Law School, United States): Federalism and Inherited Citizenship.
Dr. Ewa Kamrad (Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland): Necessity of Recognition of Same Sex Marriages Concluded Abroad.
Dr. Mohammad Zubair Abbasi (Lahore University of Management Sciences) Regulation of Sex under Islamic Legal System: Judicial Application of Hudood Laws in Pakistan.
13.30-14.15 Lunch Break
Lunch Time Presentation: Emily Hunt
Women’s Rights Activist and Campaigner for Crowdfunded Private Prosecution
Parallel Sessıons: Panels 3, 4 and 5 (14.15-15.45)
14.15-15.45 Panel 3: Gender, Sexualıty, and Parenthood
Chair: Professor Surya Subedi
Professor Keisuke Mark Abe (Seikei University, Japan): Towards Legal Recognition of Family Diversity: Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Japanese Judicial Activism.
Professor Yoshiaki Sato (Seikei University, Japan): Progressing at a Snail’s Pace: Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships in Japan.
Professor Carlos Zelada and Carolina Neyra (Universidad del Pacífico, Peru): Trans*legalities: a Case Study of the Records on Trans* identities within the Peruvian Judiciary (2003-2016).
14.15-15.45 Panel 4: Law and Culture
Chair: Dr. Ayesha Shahid
Dr. Karenjot Bhangoo Randhawa (University of California, Berkeley, USA): Gender, Resistance and Security: Delhi, India.
Chandni Chawla (SOAS, University of London) and Thulasi K Raj (Lawyer Supreme Court of India): Women, Consent and the Indian Law.
Dr. Erich Hou (University of South Wales, UK): Universalism or Cultural Relativism? Case Study of Same Sex Marriage in Taiwan.
14.15-15.45 Panel 5: Law and Culture
Chair: Professor Umut Turksen
David Eichert (Cornell Law School, USA): Denial and Disbelief of Sexual Orientation at the European Court of Human Rights.
Gustavo Bussman Ferreira (Birkbeck University of London, UK): Identities Out of Joint: Law as Expansion.
Giovanna Gilleri (European University Institute, Florence, Italy): Gendered Human Rights and Medical Sexing Interventions upon Intersex Children: a Preliminary Enquiry’.
15.45-16.15 Tea/Coffee
Parallel Sessıons: Panels 6 and 7 (16.15-17.45)
16.15-17.45 Panel 6: Gender Equalıty
Chair: Kristin Hausler
Dr. Sarah Grosso (Webster University Geneva, Switzerland): Women’s Rights on Trial: Gender Equality in a Family Court.
Farnush Ghadery (King’s College London, UK): Sticking to their Guns The International Communuty’s Failure to see the Potentional of Islamic Feminism in the Promotion of Women’s Rights in Post Conflict Muslim States.
Dr. Yumiko Kita (Sussex University, UK) Democratising Criminal Justice Systems: an Evaluation of the Latin American Protocol for the Investigation of Gender Related Killings of Women.
Dr. Monica Ingber (Coventry University, UK): Between Gorgons and Nymphs: the ‘Woman’ Imaginary in International Criminal Law.
17.45-18.30 Reception and Vote of Thanks Dr. Ayesha Shahid (Coventry University)
18.30-20.30 Conference Speakers Dinner