Academia Sinica (Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan 中央研究院) 73; a 96 97 125 127 131 268 466 478
Acheson, Dean 435
aerial photography 126 362
Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol, François C. van 334 472 475; a 306 307 392 393; a 318 32533 383 449 471; photos of 282 283 284 285; a 378 379 38081 382 399
Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol, Marnix van 285 327
Afghanistan 388
Africa 20
African-Asian conference on Indonesia (Delhi, India; 1949) 318
Air Transport Agreement, Dutch-Chinese (1947) 284 3038 346 355 471
Asiatic Petroleum Company (APC; Royal Dutch Shell) 46 109
Asperen, C.W. See Boetzelaer van Asperen, C.W. van
Atlantic Charter 151
Attlee, Clement 207 406
Audinet, Jean 176
Australia 232 316 317 328 331 351 426
Austria 21 68 86 147
Austria-Hungary 17 88 217 217 218
aviation, civil 284 3038 346 355 471. See also Orie
Balkenende, Peter 418
Banjarmasin 435
banks 19 21 46 109 302 419 474
Bao Dai 402
Barbanson, A.E. 65
Barkman, Carl D. 254 322 326 330 335 357
Baren. See Wang Renshu
Batavia (Jakarta) 2 461; air routes to a 3056 308; Chi 49 77 78 79 208 209 258 350 352 353 435 227; a 1214; UN Co 288 316 351; i 152
Batavian Revolution (1795) 3
Beatrix, Crown Princess and Queen (Netherlands) 416 417 473 474
Beelaerts van Blokland, F. 51 199 463
Beijing (Peking; Beiping): Beiyang government in, 34; Communist occupation of, 296, 336, 472; Dutch consulates in, 336, 339n207, 340, 381; Dutch embassy in, 271, 321, 322, 326, 330, 333–36, 381, 392, 393–94, 475; Dutch legations in, 16–17, 40, 52, 54, 58, 59, 61, 135, 170–73, 475; Japanese control of, 158; name changes of, 35n2; in postwar period, 326, 330, 333–36, 339n207, 340. See also Legation Quarter (Beijing)
Beiyang regime 34 52 67
Belgium: assets in China of, 21, 46, 218; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 217n13; Chinese diplomatic missions to, 68n142, 198, 204n310, 441n383; consulates of, 209, 227n50, 316; diplomatic missions of, 52n73, 56n90, 170, 200, 332; and Dutch consulates, 337, 338, 339; and Dutch East Indies, 80n190, 316, 351; and extraterritoriality, 219n24, 251n174; government in exile of, 206–7; and Netherlands, 3, 149n5, 200, 328n152; and recognition of PRC, 332, 379, 385; and Taiwan, 422n308, 440; trade with China of, 48; and Treaty of Brussels, 293
Berg, Jan van den 329 449; a 244 250 255; a 120 121 125 176; a 371; a 164; i 156 161 17576 177 180 184 185 192 322 324 358; a 194 336 337; i 325 326 475; photos of 142 282; i 325 326 336 337; i 173 193
Berg, Roland van den 122 140 324
Bernhard, Prince (Netherlands) 153
Bethune, Norman 367
Biervliet, A. van 64
Big Five powers (Britain, France, US, USSR, China) 293 451 470
Big Four powers (Britain, US, USSR, China; World War II) 8 153 213 321 328 445
Bijvanck, G.M. 64 109
Black Flag (secret society) 323
Blaskowitz, Johannes 153
Blijdenstein, B.M. 462
Blofeld, John 183
Blom, F.J. 85
Blom, N.S. 240
Bo’ao Forum for Asia 419 420
Bodel Bienfait, P.E.H. 188 189
Boetzelaer, E.O. van 50
Boetzelaer van Asperen, C.W. van 254 321 322 329 330 335 357
Boetzelaer van Oosterhout, C.G.W.H. van 320
Bogue, Treaty of the (Humen Tiaoyue 虎门条约; Britain-China; 1843) 215
Boissevain, Gideon W. 61 66 95 107 193 194 240
Bonaparte, Louis 3
Boon, Han N. 322 326 417; o 323; a 320 348 384 387 398 449
Borel Rinkes, H.I. 305
Borneo 21112
Bos, Hendrik 200 201 468; a 109 111; i 17475 17780; i 56 58 61 107 171; photo of 141; i 173; i 159 161
Bosch van Drakestein, H.P.J. 5859 60
Bot, Ben R. 269 399 400 418 427
Bourdrez, François J.M. 128 130 173 449; career i 9192 10714 465 466 467 468; death of 11823 176 468; a 27 93 94 9899 106 127; a 364; medal give 12425 139; photos of 137 138 139
Bourdrez, Zabeth (Elizabeth von Meyenburg) 11012 120 125 176
Central Committee for Relief to the Chinese People (Centraal Comité voor Hulpverlening aan de Burgerbevolking van China; Zhongguo Pingmin Jiuji Hui 中国平民救济会) 19899
Central University (Chongqing) 11718
Chang, Henry Kunghui. See Zhang Qian
Chang Chen-Chi. See Zhang Chengqi
Chang Kuo Wai. See Zhang Guowei
Chang Pu Ching. See Zhang Buqing
Chang Tseng-Fu. See Zhang Zengfu
Chang Tseng-Lu. See Zhang Zenglu
Chao Hui-mu. See Zhao Huimo
Chapin, Selden 435
Chefoo Convention (1876) 21516
Chen Chuben 陈楚本 347
Chen Duxiu 陈独秀 359
Chen Gongbo 陈公博 49
Chen Guofu 陈果夫 347
Chen Jiliang 陈季良 42
Chen Kaimao 陈开懋 (Chen Kai Mou) 209
Chen Lifu 陈立夫 347
Chen Shaokuan 陈绍宽 197 467
Chen Shiguang 陈世光 42
Chen Yuanping 陈元屏 (Yuan-Ping Chen) 353
Cheng, C.C. See Zheng Zhaojing
Cheng, F.T. See Zheng Tianxi
Cheng Kai-ming. See Zheng Jiemin
Cheng Ta-Hung. See Zheng Dahong
Chi Ti-fan. See Ji Tifan
Chiang Chia-Tung. See Jiang Jiadong
Chiang Kai-shek. See Jiang Jieshi
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame. See Song Meiling
Chile 52 56 68 162 427
China, Communist. See People’s Republic of China
China, diplomatic history of 46
China, imperial 1 36 1113. See also Qi
China, Republican-period 56 10 24 26 7677 46367. See also civil war; Natio
China Democratic League (Zhongguo Minzhu Tongmeng 中国民主同盟) 176
China National Aviation Corporation 308
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 97 131 268
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 26 35 37173 376 377; i 34 148 29496 336 35961 36365 369 464 467 470 472; Dutch relatio 35777 449; o 265; fou 359; GMD purge of 361 464; a 36367; occupatio 296 336 472; a 6 383; i 34 148 35961 36365 369 464 467; a 371
Chinese (Mandarin) language 335; 16465 469
Chonghou 崇厚 15
Chongqing (Chungking): Brondgeest’s journey to, 369–70, 469; Chinese Nationalist government in, 295, 296, 383, 467, 472; Dutch consular missions in, 193, 354n290, 419; Dutch embassy in, 27, 180–87, 190, 191, 202, 243, 320–24, 337, 350, 375, 419, 469, 475; Dutch legations in, 27, 116, 156, 158, 160, 162, 170, 174–80, 189–91, 193, 467, 469, 475; Dutch property in, 184, 190; foreign consulates in, 214; hydraulic engineers in, 107, 114–19, 120, 177, 467; Japanese bombing of, 115–16, 140, 148, 149, 177–78, 468; and London, 213; military representatives in, 187, 188, 191, 469; new consulate at (2014), 324; photos of, 140
Christianity 11 216 225 256 384; a 4023 438
Chubb, J. 339
Chungking Diary (Payne) 11718
citizenship: in 1945 treaty, 257–61; and Chinese Nationalist government, 261; in Dutch East Indies, 232–33, 310, 463; and extraterritoriality, 242–43; in Indonesia, 261, 319; and jus sanguinis, 261, 463, 464; laws on, 233, 234, 261, 463, 464; of overseas Chinese, 211, 223, 229–35, 310, 319; and PRC, 261, 319; in Qing period, 233, 261; treaties on, 234, 300n17, 319, 473. See also Dutch citizens; overseas Chinese
Citters, A.J. van 17 463
civil war in China (1911–49) 6 3435 254 29496 35965 406 452 457 307 308; CCP victory i 336 341 472; CCPGMD U 34 148 35960 361 36365 369 464 467; cease fire i 295 470; a 33031; a 302 355; a 377 408
Cixi (Tze Hsi), Empress Dowager 18 52 463
Clark Kerr, Archibald 161
Clarke, Ashley 238
Claus, Prince (Netherlands) 473
Cohen Stuart, A.B. 15455
Cold War 8 25 293; a 270; Dutch allia 299 450; DutchChi 2 24 442 444; PRC foreig 404; a 389 424 426 438 446
Colijn, Hendrikus 74 197 198
colonialism, Dutch 8 2022 448; a 27475 276; i 23 20 21 22 2425 355 44344 447 461; e 153 29699 437; a 3 22526; “passive” 3 62 448. See also decolo Wester
Comintern (Communist International) 359 360 363
Commission for Trade Relations with China (Dutch East Indies) 49
Common Program (PRC) 393 407 472; a 267 27071; o 26566 26971 273
communism: in Indonesia, 317, 359, 390, 432, 436, 471; in Netherlands, 155, 358, 363; in US, 363, 367, 384
Communist Party of Indonesia (Partai Komunis Indonesia) 359 471
Confucius 1213; A
Congress of Vienna (1815) 3 162 217
Consular Convention, Dutch-Chinese (1911) 19 23235 240 463; a 167 239 242 249 25761; a 77 212 23334 235 239 242; a 269 300 352
consular jurisdiction: and 1945 treaty, 252, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 275; abolition of (1931), 38, 80, 228, 234, 238, 240, 465; courts for, 61–62, 218; Dutch-Chinese treaties on, 224, 226–27; and extraterritoriality, 61, 215–16, 219, 222, 238n108, 239, 242
diplomatic missions: at chargé d’affaires level, 15, 81, 158, 414–17, 435, 442, 462; embassies vs. legations, 68, 162; and Netherlands-Indonesian Union, 388; upgrading of, 27, 52, 68, 161–64, 170, 181, 204, 213, 214, 217n15, 415–16, 445, 449, 473. See also consular missions; Legation Quarter
diplomatic missions, Chinese 1718 68 196; to Belgium 68 198 204 441 68 198 203 207; to Fra 68 198 34647; to Germa 17 68 2017; of PRC 4079; trai 19596 352; to US 364
diplomatic missions, Chinese to Netherlands 1718 6776 195207 34049; archives of 34748; at chargé d’affaires level 81 41417 473; evacuatio 200201; i 2017; i 301 34049 350 356; of PRC 349 411 41417 448; i 6776 80; i 1719; staff of 286 287 476; i 195212 214
diplomatic missions, Dutch: to Britain, 204, 328n152; in Europe, 388; to Germany, 59
diplomatic missions, Dutch to China 1617 5061 16992 32036; a 243 247 252 255; i 1617 40 52 54 58 59 61 135 158 17073 271 321 322 326 330 33336 381 392 393 475; a 52; at chargé d’affaires level 15 158 41417 442 462 473 474 475; a 16465; i 116 156 158 160 162 170 17487 18991 193 202 243 337 350 375 419 467 469 475; a 227; i 331 333 334; a 17273; military 15960 18792; i 58 61 170 171 17374 281 285 32034 337 357 37883 387 475; i 271 32040 378; postwar status of 333 37788 41518 41921 440 442 448; i 5066; i 1517 52; tributary 11 13; upgradi 27 52 129 16263 41516; i 156 15761 16992 214
diplomatic missions, foreign to China 55 114 177 21718 408; of Australia 328 331 53 56 170 200 332; of Brazil 52 56 162 170; of Britai 52 56 200 321 331 332 391 392 44041; of Burma 331 328 332 56 162 52 56 162 331 52 56 321 331 391; of Germa 52 55 162 217 392; of Japa 52 56 157 217; to PRC 37788 41323 44041 442 448; a 37788 40813; tributary 45 458; of US 52 56 172 217 383 391; of USSR 52 55 321 331
Dutch China Syndicate (Nederlandsch Syndicaat voor China) 4647
Dutch citizens: in China, 195, 223–29, 234, 335; of Chinese descent, 211, 223; and consular missions, 21, 64, 193, 195, 338, 339; and extraterritoriality, 80; Japanese internment of, 123, 172–73, 193, 324, 336, 468; and recognition of PRC, 400, 402–3. See also citizenship; overseas Chinese
Dutch Communist Party 155 358 363
Dutch Consular Act (Consulaire Wet; 1871) 22627
Dutch East India Company (VOC; Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) 2 3 11 12 13 461 462
Dutch Friendship Association for Asian Art 72
Dutch Harbor Construction Company (Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Havenwerken) 46 47 93 109
Dutch Indies Trading Bank 109 302 338
Dutch language 8 88
Dutch Trading Society (Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij) 15 46 109
Dutch West India Company (WIC) 461
Dutch-Chinese relations: early (1600–1840), 11–13; early modern (1840–1927), 13–20; modern, 11, 20–24; in postwar period (1946–50), 24, 26, 27–28, 144, 214, 281–90, 293–442; power dynamics in, 450–53, 454; in prewar period (1927–36), 24, 26–27, 33–139; in recent period (1950–2018), 413–23; scholarship on, 6–11, 20–21; sources for, 26, 27–28, 29, 459–60; in World War II (1937–45), 24, 26, 27, 140–43, 147–277
Duyvendak, J.J.L. 11 56 12223 12526 19899
East Asian Affairs Office (Dienst der Oost-Aziatische Zaken; Dutch East Indies) 45 50 167 23132 275 30910 432
East Germany 427
East Indies, Dutch: and 1945 treaty, 166, 223, 236–37, 242–43, 244–48, 257–61, 275; aid to China from, 155–56, 212; and Air Transport Agreement, 306; anti-Chinese violence in, 288, 309–17, 470; and Britain, 80n190, 150, 316, 464; Brondgeest in, 375–76; categories of residents in, 230–31, 233, 234; Chinese consular missions in, 63, 76–82, 207–8, 211–12, 233–34, 239–41, 259, 314, 329, 349–54, 356, 463, 470; and Chinese name, 165; Chinese Nationalist agitation in, 166–67, 235; Chinese students in, 119, 127–28; Chinese trade with, 22, 38, 47–50, 168–69, 234, 302–3, 355, 471; Chinese warships in, 43, 44–45; citizenship in, 232–33, 310, 463; colonialism in, 2–3, 20–22, 24–25, 355, 443–44, 447, 461; and Consular Convention, 77, 212, 233–34, 235, 239, 242; decolonization of, 296–99, 309–19, 320, 355, 368, 439–40, 443, 447; Dutch citizens of Chinese descent in, 23,
East Indies, Dutch (cont.)
211, 223, 233, 257, 260, 310; Dutch containment policy in, 309–10, 313; Dutch legal system in, 23, 227, 236, 244, 245; Dutch military aggression in, 297, 314–15, 317, 318, 329, 351, 355, 376, 443, 452, 471; Dutch warships in, 41, 44; and Dutch-Chinese relations, 8, 20–21, 25–26, 357, 358; economy of, 35–36, 48, 229; Great Depression in, 35–36, 48; immigration to, 45, 223, 229, 230, 466; Japanese occupation of, 7, 40, 123, 152, 160–61, 172–73, 189, 207, 208, 213, 214, 452, 459, 469; Japanese relations with, 9n20, 33n1, 49, 81, 149–51, 154, 157, 212, 230, 232, 464, 468; in postwar period, 302–3, 336, 340, 341, 345, 355, 356; and recognition of PRC, 380, 387; Sneevliet in, 358–59; sympathy for China in, 154, 155–56; in World War II, 4, 149–52, 154, 159, 166–67, 172–73, 187, 276, 350. See also Indonesia; overseas Chinese; Peranakans; Totoks
economic relations, Dutch-Chinese 28 154 157 301 302; i 16869; i 4550 7374; i 168. See also trade
economy, Chinese 81 88 8992 406; a 74 94 7374; Soviet model for 415
Eden, Anthony 373
Eighth Route Army (PLA) 36970 371
Eight-Nation Alliance (Baguo Lianjun 八国联军) 86
embassies. See diplomatic missions
engineering, geodetic 126. See also hydraulic e
Enlightenment, European 13
Escher, George 84 462
Europe: Chinese cultural influence in, 12–13; Chinese missions in, 68; Dutch relations with, 299, 320, 388; missionaries from, 14; in World War II, 213, 221. See also Marshall Plan; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; particular countries
extraterritoriality, Dutch 22277 445 458 470; 1931 treaty o 38 80 228 234 238 240 465; a 129; a 2122 25 6162 217
extraterritoriality, Dutch-Chinese 1945 treaty on 143 16566 443 445 446 448 469 48393; a 252 25354 256 271; a 165 252 254 25657; a 25761; a 167 249 25761; a 252 253 255 257 258 260 272 275; a 243 247 252 255 267 271 392; a 166 223 23637 239 24248 25761 275; effects of 25277; first draft of 23738; a 253 25556 272; 26 27 3839 40 213 219 22235 23749 27475 452; a 166 23637 24448 257 258 260 275; postwar status of 267 27072 299300 301; a 27475 452; a 267 27071 39293; a 165 25461; provisio 25253 27072; ratificatio 24952; sig 27477; a 75 206 260 483 487 49093
Fairbank, John King 5 370
Farmer, P. 64 66 194
Feng Jixiu 冯吉修 (Fung Kat-shau) 208 209
Feng Yuxiang 冯玉祥 144 183
Feng Zhizheng 冯执郑 (Chih Tsing Feng) 72 78 79
Ferguson, Jan Helenus 1516 52 462
Fernhout, John 363 364 365 367
Fijnje van Salverda, J.G.W. 85
Findlay Andrew, G. 161
Finland 68 388
Flaes, Reijnier (F.C. Terborgh) 171 172 468 475
Fokker (firm) 72 73
Fontanel, E. 193 336
Foo Ping-sheung. See Fu Bingchang
Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of (Waijiaobu; 外交部; GMD): and Chinese consulates, 210; and Chinese diplomatic missions, 178, 180, 201, 340; and Chinese name for Holland, 165; and Dutch military mission, 190; and extraterritoriality, 227–28, 236, 248, 250; history of, 67–68; organization of, 196; relocation to Chongqing of, 148; relocation to Nanjing of, 320; in World War II, 148, 195–96
Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of (Waijiaobu; 外交部; PRC): and diplomatic relations with Indonesia, 434–36; and diplomatic relations with Netherlands, 405–7–409, 410–13, 414–16; and preexisting treaties, 267; and recognition, 267, 410, 432–34
Foreign Affairs, Dutch Ministry of 51 155 320 374; history of 3 1415 5051; relocatio 341; relocatio 169 202
Foreign Affairs Investigation Group (Waishi Zhencha Zu 外事侦察组) 188
Foulkes, Charles 153
400 Million, The (film) 36568 467 468
Four-Power Treaty (1921) 150
France: assets in China of, 46, 217, 424; in Big Five coalition, 293, 451, 470; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 87, 88, 217n13; Chinese diplomatic missions to, 68n142, 198, 346–47; and Chinese Nationalist government, 38, 69, 332, 472; Chinese treaties with, 14, 219n20, 224, 304; consular missions of, 63, 351; diplomatic missions of, 52n74, 56n90, 321, 331n166, 391; and Dutch East Indies, 80n190, 316, 351, 354, 464; Dutch relations with, 1, 2, 3, 21, 51, 169, 191, 328n152; and extraterritoriality, 14, 215, 217n11, 251n174, 275; in Four-Power Treaty, 150n8; and Geneva Conference, 414n260; in Indochina, 149, 151, 275, 304, 402, 414n260, 431; and Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 464; military of, 40n24; mutiny of Chinese diplomats in, 346–47; overseas territories of, 232n78; and PRC, 269, 379, 380, 385, 386, 401, 460; and Taiwan, 422n308; and Treaty of Brussels, 293; in UNSC, 293; in World War II, 149, 198, 200, 275–76
François, J.P.A. 398
Free French Forces 369 373 374
Fremery, H.J.D. de 109 187 467
Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, Treaty of (US-China; 1946) 300
Gulik, Robert H. van 328 335 35758; i 18184 186 190 192 469; a 214 35758 449; a 244 182; Judge Dee detective series of 18182; a 323; photos of 142 144
Guo Moruo 郭沫若 183
Guo Taiqi 郭泰祺 (Quo Tai-chi) 71 141 196 198 221
Guo Zeji 郭则济 (T.C. Kuo) 78 79
Haas, J.C.W.M. de 66
Hague, The: Chinese consular mission in, 349–50; Chinese diplomatic missions in, 68–76, 196–201, 208, 287, 341–49; evacuation of Chinese mission from, 200; relocation of Chinese mission to, 203, 206, 207, 341–43
Hague Citizen Convention (1930) 234
Hague Convention (1907) 3 19 52
Hall, R.A. 194
Hamengkubuwono IX, Sultan 298
Hang Liwu 杭立武 110 125 130 449
Hao Deqing 郝德青 416 473
Harbin (Charbin) 62 64 65 66 194 339
Hart, George H.C. 4849
Hart, Robert 16
Hasselman, A.H. 193
Hatta, Mohammad 36 297 298; a 389 391 39597 429 433 434 435 440
He Yingqin 何应钦 192
Heavenly Wind Lute Society (Tian Feng Qin She 天风琴社) 183
Helfrich, Conrad E.L. 153 374 375
Hemingway, Ernest 363
Heuvel, Nicolaas A. van den 130 173; a 111 113 120 121 176; a 370; i 11416 177; departure of 12324 129; a 95 100103 104 123 466; a 188; a 12425 139 467; photos of 138 139; a 106; a 127 128; teachi 11718; wife of 112 123
Hirohito, Emperor (Japan) 41 153
Hiroshima 153
Hirschfeld, H.M. 389
History Today (film group) 364
Hitler, Adolf 33
Ho Chi Minh 431
Hoeppli, Reinhold 172
Hoeven, H. van der 334
Hoeven, Jan des Amorie van der 15
Hoeven, L. van der 64 65 66 194
Hoffmeister, A. 193
Holland-China Association 72 73
Hong Jun 洪钧 462
Hong Kong: and Britain, 5, 63, 384; Chinese Nationalist agents in, 440; Dutch consular missions in, 63, 337, 338, 340; and Dutch East Indies trade, 47, 168; postwar Dutch diplomats in, 333n181, 334; in World War II, 152, 174
Hoogland, Wittert van 307
Hoogstraten, J.E. van 50
Hoorn, Pieter van 11 12 461
How Yukong Moved the Mountains (film; Ivens) 368
Hsieh, William. See Xie Weilin
Hsiung Shih-I. See Xiong Shiyi
Hu Jintao 胡锦涛 418
Hu Yunzhou 胡运洲 119 121 468
Huai River 90 91 1056 109
Huan Xiang 宦乡 395 411 432
Huang Hua 黄华 414
Huang Renlin 黄仁霖 36566
Huang Zheng 黄正 (Ouang Tcheng; Tianmai 天迈) 75 79
Huangpu Conservancy Board 463
Huangpu River 462
Hull, Cordell 221
human rights, universal 422 455
hydraulic engineering 26 27 73 83131 448 449 46467; a 39 8889 9297 362 477; i 8385; a 84 8889 90 462 464 465; i 8485 98 99 127 362 415 463 465. See also Bourdrez Fra Nicolaas A. va
Hydraulic Research Institute, Central (Zhongyang Shuigong Shiyansuo 中央水工试验所) 27 93107 123 127 465 466 467; i 107 114 11618; co 1014; desig 1023; proposals for 93101; provisio 1047 138 139
Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing (Nanjing Shuili Kexue Yuanjiuyuan 南京水利科学研究院) 97 131
immigration: to Dutch East Indies, 45, 223, 229, 230, 466; and extraterritoriality, 244–46, 247, 248; Japanese, 230; to Netherlands, 7; quotas on, 229, 244–46, 300n17. See also overseas Chinese; Peranakans; Totoks
imperialism, Western 5 45758; a 27475; a 217 218 22021 222 22526; cultural 4056; Dutch 3 2022 62 443 444 448; a 21522; a 41 4344 80 217; legal 216; a 4046 407 409; a 2122 23 217; a 216 27677 455. See also colo Dutch; decolo
India 191 222 434 304; diplomatic missio 331 434; a 409 410 152
Indies Social Democratic Association (Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereeniging) 359
Indochina, French 149 151 304 414
Indonesia: Chinese (GMD) consulates in, 349–54; Chinese (PRC) consulates in, 435–36; Chinese (PRC) diplomatic missions in, 434; and Chinese Nationalist government, 312, 317, 351, 354, 355, 389, 432, 434n360, 435, 443–46, 452; citizenship in, 261, 319; Dutch colonialism in, 2, 21, 23–25, 355, 447, 461; Dutch negotiations with, 297–98; Dutch union with, 298, 388–89, 429, 439, 444, 472, 473; and Dutch-Chinese relations, 299, 300–301, 320, 355, 443–44, 446, 450, 459; independence of, 25, 297, 312, 319, 368; and PRC, 25, 396, 432, 434–37, 440, 444; recognition of, 315n95, 348n252, 354, 390, 391, 394, 395, 397, 429–31, 432–33, 473; and recognition of PRC, 354–56, 387, 388–98, 401, 425, 427, 429–37, 439, 443, 444, 473; transfer of sovereignty to, 344, 389, 391, 472; United States of, 297–99, 388, 394, 396, 397, 401, 472. See also East Indies, Dutch; overseas Chinese
Indonesia Calling (film) 368
Indonesian independence movement 25 36 30919; a 288 30917 470; a 27 31019 351 35556 389
Indonesian independence movement (cont.)
444; Dutch military action against, 297, 314–15, 317, 318, 329, 351, 355, 376, 443, 452, 471; and Ivens, 368; and Sneevliet, 359; and UNSC, 298, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317–18, 329, 355; and US, 317, 351, 394
Internationaal Handelsconsortium (N.V. Maatschappij voor Internationalen Handel) 57 73
International Civil Aviation Organization (UN) 304
International Court of Justice (ICJ) 76 342 470 471
International Justice, Permanent Court of (World Court) 74 7576 197 342 464 465 467
international law: and 1945 treaty, 258, 260–61; on diplomatic recognition, 268–69, 398–400, 403–4, 425–27, 429, 446; and extraterritoriality, 25, 215, 222; on “odious debts,” 264–65; principles in, 258–59, 260; and rise of PRC, 453–55; on state succession and international treaties, 262–74; and unequal treaties, 221–22, 264–65
International Peace Campaign 155
interpersonal connections, Dutch-Chinese
interpreter service 50 51
Iran 162 331
Iraq 427
Israel 388
Israel, B.J. 65 66
Italy: assets in China of, 424; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 217n13; Chinese relations with, 40n24, 68n142, 162n65, 219n24; diplomatic missions of, 52n74, 56, 56n90, 331n166, 332n173; Dutch relations with, 21, 51; and extraterritoriality, 217n11, 251n174; and Wang Jingwei regime, 281; in World War II, 149
Ivens, Joris 358 36168 37677 449 467
Jakarta. See Batavia
Japan: attacks on Shanghai by, 34, 40, 44, 104, 108, 465, 467; bombing of Chongqing by, 115–16, 148, 149, 177–78, 468; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 87, 88, 217, 217n13; boycotts of, 155, 212, 214; CCP threat to, 371, 372, 373; and Chinese consulates, 79n189, 210; and Chinese name for Holland, 164; Chinese relations with, 8, 33, 46, 68n142, 81, 162n65, 221; consular missions of, 63, 209; diplomatic missions of, 52n74, 56n90, 157, 217; Dutch East Indies relations with, 9n20, 33n1, 49, 81, 149–51, 157, 212, 230, 232, 464, 468; Dutch relations with, 21, 39–40, 49, 51, 156–57, 182, 340; and extraterritoriality, 61, 216, 217n11, 220n28; in Four-Power Treaty, 150n8; German relations with, 34, 150, 468; and Indonesia, 309; internment of Dutch citizens by, 123, 172–73, 193, 324, 336, 468; invasion of China by, 39, 212, 361, 363, 406; invasion of Manchuria by, 33, 34, 48, 71, 81, 147, 220, 465; occupation of Dutch East Indies by, 4, 7, 40, 152, 160–61, 189, 207, 208, 213, 214, 452, 459, 469; Pearl Harbor attack by, 147, 151, 158; prewar sanctions on, 150–51; in Sino-Japanese War, 33, 457n23; surrender of, 153, 186, 192, 207; and trade, 49, 81; in Tripartite Pact, 150, 468; and Western concessions in China, 220–21, 222. See also War of Resistance against Japan
Java 47 119 297 311 376. See also Batavia
Java-China-Japan Line shipping company (Royal Interocean Lines) 46 47 59 302 321 326 338 339
Jesuits 11
Ji Tifan 季惕凡 (Chi Ti-fan) 208 209
Jialing River 116
Jiang Jiadong 蒋家栋 (Chia-Tung Chiang)
Jiang Jieshi 蒋介石 (Chiang Kai-shek) 90 352; i 186 468; i 294 296; a 124 126; Dutch relatio 37 42 54 55 67 175 181 189 192 201 327 403 469; a 241 312 313; a 366; i 3435; a 221; photos of 282 283; purge of commu 361; i 472; i 360; a 188; Wester 408; i 14748 158 159 160
Jiang Tingfu 蒋廷黻 (T.F. Tsiang) 316
Jin Wensi 金问泗 (Wunsz King): and 1945 treaty, 206, 260, 483, 487, 490, 491, 492, 493; as ambassador, 162–63, 204, 205, 482; and Dutch recognition of PRC, 348n252; and Dutch West Indies, 210; and Dutch-Chinese cultural relations, 72–73, 74, 81; and Dutch-Chinese relations, 42, 449; and extraterritoriality negotiations, 214, 235n91, 237–50; and League of Nations, 71, 72, 74, 75; in London, 203, 468, 469, 476; in Netherlands, 69–75, 464, 468, 469, 476, 482; photos of, 136; and Taiwan, 441n383; in World War II, 157–58, 196–208, 468
Jinsha (Yangtze) River 11920
Joerg, O. 193
Johnson, Nelson T. 60
joint communiqué, Dutch-Chinese (1972) 458 460
Joint Military Council, Allied 160 188 189
Josselin de Jong, T.H.J. de 54 58 61 170
Judge Dee detective series (Van Gulik) 18182
Juggernaut over Holland (Van Kleffens) 202
Juliana, Crown Princess and Queen (Netherlands) 298 329 333 344 416 471; a 142 163 469
Kah Tschou Kwang. See Ge Zukuang
Kampen, Jan van 11 461
Kant, P.J. de 64
Kasteel, P. 211
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) 464 465
Ketelaar-van Gogh, M. 199
Keyser, Louis de 11 461
Keyzer, Jacob de 11 461
King, Wunsz. See Jin Wensi
Klaaszes, J. 395
Kleffens, Eelco N. van 207 325 448; a 260; a 210 212; a 162 181 202 204 2056; a 167; a 235 23651; i 158 169 17172 200
Klementaski, L.P. 194
Knobel, F. M. 16 18 462
Kobayashi Ichizō 150 157
Kok, A. 172 321
Kok, Wim 417
Kong Xiangxi 孔祥熙 (H.H. Kung) 49 90 175 190 201; a 124 126; a 102 107
Koo, Wellington. See Gu Weijun
Korea 331 414
Korean War 294 337 406 413 438 441 473
Kovalev, Ivan 408
Koxinga. See Zheng Chenggong
Krull, Germaine 361
Kung, H.H. See Kong Xiangxi
Kunming 19394 195 214 337 469
Kuo, T.C. See Guo Zeji
La condition humaine (Malraux) 365
Lady Precious Stream (play; Wang Baochuan) 74 466
Lampson, Miles W. 34 135
Latest Phase of the Sino-Japanese Crisis, The (Zhong-Ri weiji zhi zuijin jinzhan qingxing 中日危机之最近进展情形; Chinese legation bulletins) 198
League of Nations 293 463; Chi 67 19697; a 110 111 113 122 137; a 81 154; Dutch represe 171; a 91 98 106 108 12627 465; a 33 40 71 197 466; a 90 92; o 263 34 464; a 76; a 71 72 74 75
Lee, Daniel J. See Li Qingen
Lee Chen Hsiung. See Li Zhenxiong
Leeghwater, Jan 84
Leer, Bernard van 305
Legation Quarter (Beijing) 135 217; a 252 25354 256 271; a 53 225; Boxer siege of 16 8586 463; a 391 392; a 369; a 5556; Dutch embassy (legatio 1617 56 86 135 17072 271 321 33336 335 336 381 392 393 424; a
Legation Quarter (Beijing) (cont.)
recognition of PRC, 402, 424; Dutch-Chinese treaties on, 224; foreign diplomatic corps in, 16, 53, 80, 131, 452, 454; Japanese occupation of, 172, 369; PRC requisition of, 267, 391–93, 394, 472; and recognition of PRC, 396–97
legations. See diplomatic missions
Leibniz, G.W. 13
Leiden University 126 421; a 96 97 125 131 268 478
Lely, Cornelis 463
Lenin, Vladimir I. 359
Lennep, Willem van (Liu Yuantao 刘源桃)
Lent, B.H.F. van 305
Li Bing 李冰 116
Li Dazhao 李大钊 359
Li Dijun 李廸俊 313 470
Li Fengbao 李凤苞 17 462
Li Hongzao 李鸿藻 18
Li Hongzhang 李鸿章 18 20 8485 463
Li Jinglu 李景潞 305
Li Keqiang 李克强 420
Li Peng 李鹏 417
Li Qingen 李芹根 (Daniel J. Lee) 288 315 319 353
Li Xie 李协 93
Li Zhenxiong (Lee Chen Hsiung) 351 352
Li Zongren 李宗仁 285
Liang Long 梁龙 (Lone Liang) 198
Lidt de Jeude, O.C.A. van 199
Liebenschütz, P.V.C.E. 338 339
Lin, Andrew S.F. See Ling Shifen
Lin Boqu 林伯渠 367
Lin Langpei 林朗培 (Longby Ling) 79
Lin Pao Heng 77
Lin Sen 林森 5960 158 160 163 178 206 121; photo of 142; a 181
London: Chinese legation in, 201–7; vs. Chongqing, 213; Dutch government in exile in, 149, 151, 158, 169, 171–72, 200, 235, 238, 427, 468, 470, 476
Long March (1934–36) 34
Long Yun 龙云 121
Longhai Railway 45 47
Lou Tseng-Tsiang. See Lu Zhengxiang
Loudon, Alexander 167
Lout siun. See Lu Jun
Lovink, Antonius H.J. 50 163 214 448 475 482; a 251 275; a 37475; a 205; i 18081 184 185 192 322 469; a 167 298 309; a 357; a 240 241 246 247 24849; a 318; a 324; photos of 142 144; i 53 322 325 326 337
Lü Haihuan 吕海寰 463
Lu Jun 路浚 (Lout siun) 77
Lu Tien-I. See Liu Tianyi
Lu Zhengxiang 陆征祥 (Lou Tseng-Tsiang) 1819 67 463
Lubbers, Ruud 417
Luns, Joseph 414 423
Luo Jialun 罗家伦 318
Luo Wengan 罗文干 (Lo Wen-kan) 67 130 477 480
Luxembourg 3 251 293
Ma Chaojun 马超俊 95
Ma Heng 马恒 183
Macao 47 63 340 461
MacDonald, J.J. 161
MacMurray, John V. 135
Madura 297
Mahdi, Izak 473
Maisky, Ivan 122
Makassar (Celebes): Chinese consular missions in, 78, 79, 209, 350, 353, 435n368
Manchurian (Mukden) Incident (1931). See September 18th Incident
Mao Yisheng 茅以升 95 114
Mao Zedong 毛泽东 (Mao Tse-tung) 34 357 411 470; a 369 371 376 469; a 294; a 441; a 367; a 405 406 4078 409; a 378 404 43233 494; a 359; a 394 431
Marchant et d’Ansembourg, F.R.W.H.M.J. de 179
Marco Polo Bridge Incident (1937) 147 19798 467
Mare Liberum (Grotius) 12
Marel, D. de 135
Maring. See Sneevliet, H.J.F.M.
Marshall, George C. 29495 470
Marshall mission 29495
Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program) 294 298 299 317 424
Marx-Lenin-Luxembourg Front 361
Masseur, A.A.J.B. 66
Maux, Henri 12021
May 4th Movement (1919) 4 5 22 52
Medan (Sumatra) 375; Chi 75 77 78 79 208 209 288 31516 350 353 435
Melchers, C.A. 254 338 339
Menon, Kumar P.S. 327
Mexico 68 162 217 218 251
Meyrier, Jacques 285
Michiels van Verduynen, Edgar F.M.J. 2056 250 483 487 490 492 493
Middelburg, Duco G.E. 194 337 338; photos of 282 284
Midway, Battle of 153
Mikoyan, Anastas 407
military, Dutch: and 1945 treaty, 252, 255; attaché in China of, 160–61, 188–92, 328, 336; in Dutch East Indies, 297, 314–15, 317, 318, 329, 351, 355, 376, 443, 452, 471; and gunboat diplomacy, 43–44, 80, 217; warships of, 40–44, 86, 224, 255, 464, 465, 467
Military Control Commission (PRC) 391 393
military relations, Dutch-Chinese: and Boxer Uprising, 86; in prewar period, 40–45; in World War II, 158–59, 187–92, 197, 213, 469
Ming dynasty (China) 11 461
missionaries, Western 11 14 28 173 256 335
Modderman, Tonco 13
Molotov, Vyacheslav 207
Mongolia 153
Mook, Hubertus van 167 242 309 310 313 374
Morhaus, J.M. 194
most-favored-nation clause 3738 215 224; a 253 25556 272; a 222 22728 229 235 23940 24244 247
Mukden Incident. See September 18th Incident
Mulder, G. 321 322 326 335
Münster Peace (1648) 2
Münzenberg, Willi 363
Nagasaki 153
Nanjing (Nanking): Bos in, 56, 58, 61, 107, 171; Bourdrez in, 109–14; CCP occupation of, 296, 307, 381; Chinese Nationalist government in, 33–131, 281, 295, 300, 320, 378–79, 467; Dutch diplomatic missions in, 56, 58, 61, 107, 109, 111, 170, 171, 173–74, 281, 285, 307, 320–34, 337, 357, 378–83, 387, 475; Dutch property in, 56, 111, 173, 327–28, 424; evacuation of, 114, 378–79, 380, 383, 467; foreign diplomatic missions in, 55–56, 114, 157, 382; Japanese attacks on, 35, 104, 106–7, 113–14, 173, 467; and postwar Dutch consulates, 340; postwar Dutch embassy
Nanjing (Nanking) (cont.)
at, 325–33, 334; prewar Dutch legation office at, 56, 173; Wang Jingwei regime in, 156–57, 212, 220. See also Hydraulic Research Institute, Central
Nanjing, Treaty of (1842) 5 13 215 462
Nanjing Decade (1927–37) 3450
Nanjing government. See Nationalist government of China
National Economic Council (NEC; Quanguo Jingji Weiyuanhui 全国经济委员会) 8992 465 466; a 126; a 91 92 95 98 100102 113 124; Hydraulic E 90 114 119; a 95 98 100 101 102 106; a 90 92
National Labor Secretariat (Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat; NAS) 36061
nationalism 456; Chi 56 2223 218 231; I 297. See also I
Nationalist government of China: and 1945 treaty, 237–49, 257, 260–61, 275; and Britain, 34, 154, 198, 332; and Brondgeest, 369–70, 372–73, 377; and Chinese economy, 74, 81, 89, 302; in Chongqing, 148, 155, 295, 296, 383, 467, 472; and decolonization, 27, 166, 319, 355, 444; and Dutch East Indies, 40, 44–45, 231–35, 300–301, 308, 310–19; Dutch military relations with, 40–45, 158–59, 187–92, 197, 213, 469; Dutch relations with, 36–50, 53, 54, 63, 153–69, 299–319, 330–31, 345–46, 403; Dutch withdrawal of recognition from, 320, 398, 410, 441, 443, 446, 473; and Dutch-Chinese Air Transport Agreement, 303–8; and extraterritoriality, 40, 43, 218–22, 223, 227–28, 237, 239–40, 249, 251, 263, 464; foreign relations of, 55, 67, 80, 219–20; founding of (1927), 6; and France, 38, 69, 332, 472; and Germany, 154, 156, 157, 201–2, 212; in Guangzhou, 345, 346; and Indonesia, 310–19, 351, 354, 355, 389, 432, 434n360, 435, 443–46, 452; intelligence operations of, 182, 188, 191, 376; and Japan, 40, 221; and Legation Quarter, 55–56; and mutiny of diplomats in France, 346–47; in Nanjing, 33–131, 281, 295, 300, 320, 378–79, 467; and overseas Chinese, 23, 25, 27, 40, 45, 67, 80, 131, 166, 167, 169, 210, 214, 223, 230, 231, 234, 235, 244, 261, 301, 309–19, 350, 432, 445, 447; in postwar period, 153, 299–301, 330–31, 333, 345–46; and PRC, 266, 393n156, 405, 408; and preexisting treaties, 262–63, 265, 266, 267, 270, 393n156; in prewar period, 34–35, 36, 37, 44; recognition of, 34, 37, 42, 53, 80, 464; and recognition of PRC, 378, 389, 403, 408, 426, 496–99; in Taiwan, 27, 188, 268, 270, 294, 296, 302, 320, 348, 354–56, 400, 472; in UN, 415; and UNSC, 293, 447, 451; and US, 34, 69, 283, 384, 415, 435; withdrawal of recognition from, 27, 320, 348, 355, 383, 387, 398, 410, 411, 434, 441, 443, 446, 473; in World War II, 148, 151–52, 154, 195, 276. See also consular missions, Chinese; diplomatic missions, Chinese
Nationalist Party (Guomindang; GMD): anti-Dutch propaganda of, 241, 248; and CCP, 34, 148, 294–96, 360, 361, 464, 470; and Chinese ambassador, 205; and Indonesian independence movement, 309–19, 351, 355; and Ivens, 363–67; and overseas Chinese, 157, 231; and PRC, 266, 407; and Sneevliet, 359–60; in United Fronts, 34, 148, 359–60, 361, 363–65, 369, 464, 467; US popular support for, 384
NEC. See National Economic Council
Needham, Joseph 183
Netherlands: assets in China of, 16, 17, 56, 86, 111, 173, 184, 190, 327–28, 424; vs. China, 1; Chinese assets in, 341, 411, 413; Chinese immigrants in, 7; Chinese name for (Helan), 164–65, 469; Chinese students in, 96; diplomatic history of, 2–4; Eighty Years’ War in, 2, 457; and EU, 454, 455; foreign policy of, 3–4, 39, 81, 149, 225, 299, 357, 425–26, 437–42, 449–50; German occupation of, 7, 171, 199–200, 208, 213, 214, 275–76, 452, 457, 468; government in exile of, 149, 151, 158, 169, 171–72, 200, 235, 427, 468, 470, 476; Great Depression in, 35–36; hydraulic engineering in, 83–84; liberation of, 153, 469; Nazi bombing of, 199–200; postwar reconstruction of, 296; as small power, 3, 52, 443, 445, 446, 450–52, 455, 457; unofficial Taiwan representative in, 473; welding incident in, 415, 473
Netherlands, Republic of the United (Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) 2
Netherlands Trading Society 302
Netherlands-Indonesian Union 298 38889 444 472 473; a 42937 439
neutralist policy, Dutch 34 22; a 22526; a 19293; a 23 81 357 446 459; a 3940; a 377 425 428 439; a 4 149 15457 200 212 213 299 447 450
New Guinea (West Irian) 298
New Life Movement 365 371
New Zealand 232
Nie Rongzhen 聂荣臻 369
Nieuwe Gronden (New Earth; film) 362
Nijhoff, G.P. 91 106 137
Nine-Power Treaty (1922) 40 81 154 197 464
1945 treaty. See extraterritoriality, Dutch-Chinese 1945 treaty on
Ningbo (Ningpo) 215
Nixon, Richard 442
Nobel, Konstantijn 11 461
Norikov, K.V. 430
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 29394 299 320 332 431 472; a 37980 383 437 43839 440; a 379 381 383 386 388 424 43839 440
Northern Expedition 34 35 41
Norway: Chinese relations with, 68n142, 162n65, 204n310, 219n20, 219n24; diplomatic missions of, 52n73, 56n90, 200; and extraterritoriality, 217n11, 251n174; and PRC, 388, 410n243, 411, 414
Omodeo, A. 91
“One-China” principle 24 416 421 422 442 443
“open-door” policies 22
Operation 101 (Chongqing) 140 177 468
Opium Wars (1840–42; 1856–60) 5 14 215 462
Orient Star Line 307 308 355 471 472
Oswald, J.C. 64
Ott de Vries, P.J. 85
Ouang Tcheng. See Huang Zheng
Oudendijk, Willem J. (Oudendyk) 16 59 63 465 475; a 39 88 89 463 464; career of 5254 55; a 4144; a 81 131; a 22728 23435; photo of 135; a 3738; o 69
Ouyang Qi 欧阳祺 (Kee Ow-Yang) 77
overseas Chinese 21 2325 28; a 166 23637 24448 257 258 260 275; aid to Chi 214; a 76 80 210 350; a 23 25 27 40 45 67 80 131 166 167 169 210 214 223 230 231 234 235 244 261 301 30919 350 432 445 447; citize 211 223 22935 310 319; a 25761; a 27 356 459; discrimi 223 230 23637 24344 248 300 229 23031 233 234; with Dutch citize 211 223; a 415 131 167 169 210 301 350 355 356 44344 447 459; a 23637 24243 248; as “foreig” 230 233 236; i 198; political activism of 205 23132; i 301 350 355; a 388 390 395 397 432; i 76 231 261; viole 309 31013 470; i 155 156; a 73 74 75. See also I
Ow-Yang Kee. See Ouyang Qi
Padang (Sumatra) 77
Paets, Vincent 11 461
Pakistan 304
Palar, L.N. 435
Palembang (Sumatra): anti-Chinese violence in, 313–14, 317, 471; Chinese consular missions in, 78, 79, 208–10, 350, 353
Pan Dimin 盘迪民 305
Panama 68
panda bears 420
Pangkalpinang (Bangka) 351 353
Paramaribo (Suriname): Chinese consular missions in, 211–12, 352, 353, 354, 469
Paris Peace Conference (1946) 343 344 470
Paris Peace Treaties (1947) 293
Parmentier, Koene D. 307
Patijn, J.A.N. 122
Payne, Robert 11718
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on (1941) 147 151 158
Pei Jianzhang 裴坚章 268
Peng Liyuan 彭丽媛 420
People’s Daily (Renmin ribao; newspaper) 290
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 60 36970; a 307; a 371; i 29596; positive views of 378 381
People’s Republic of China (PRC): and 1945 treaty, 267, 270–71, 392–93; and Beijing Legation Quarter, 267, 391–93, 394, 472; British relations with, 169, 269, 385–86, 406, 410n243, 411–14, 446; and Chinese diplomats in France, 346–47; and citizenship, 261, 300n17, 319, 473; consular missions of, 388, 435–36; and Denmark, 388, 410n243, 441; diplomatic missions of, 268, 349, 407–16, 473; Dutch consular missions in, 324, 340, 381–82, 419; Dutch diplomatic missions in, 381–88, 393–95, 413–23, 440, 442, 448; Dutch economic relations with, 97, 301n24, 402, 417, 419–20, 428, 459; and EU, 453–54; foreign assets in, 267, 391–93, 394, 408, 411, 413, 424, 442, 472; foreign diplomatic missions to, 377–88, 413–23, 440–41, 442, 448; foreign policies of, 265–66, 404–6, 449; founding of (1949), 4, 5, 6, 294, 385, 472; and France, 269, 379, 380, 385, 386, 401, 460; and Geneva Conference, 413, 414n260; and imperialism, 404–6, 407, 409; and Indonesia, 25, 319, 348n252, 390, 395, 396, 397, 432–35, 437, 440, 444; and Norway, 388, 410n243, 411, 414; and overseas Chinese, 388, 390, 395n174, 397, 432; US relations with, 380–81, 383–84, 383n106, 401, 406, 408, 409, 415, 426, 446. See also Common Program
People’s Republic of China, Dutch recognition of 9 24 27 320 340 348 357442; a 421; de jure 377 399 400403; a 395 397; a 354 356 387 38898 401 425 427 42937 439 443 444 473; a 26869 398400 4034 42527 429 446; i 42537; 336 348 37798 449; a 377 425 428 439; 494500; objectio 400 401 402; a 26274; ratio 399403; results of 40913 42325 447 458 460; as smallstate behavior 42528 45051
People’s Republic of China, international recognition of 6; by Belgium 332 379 385; by Britai 379 381 38389 392 400402 409 410 426 428 438 439; a 34748 378 389 403 408 426 49699; a 4023 438; a 389 424 426 438 446; a 379 381 383 386 388 424 43839 440; a 26274; a 38586 4014 428 438 439; a 37881 38384 386 387 389 390 401 409 415 426 436 438 439 442
Peranakans (descendants of Chinese immigrants) 211 23031 233 234 310 432; a 257 258 260; viole 309 311 315. See also overseas Chi
Perrier, L. 90 108
Peru 52 68 162 217 218
Philippines 152 304 331
Philips (firm) 47 58 73
Philipse, W.J.D. 338
Plesman, Albert 198 306
Poland 52 56 68 147 162 204 219
Pontianak (Borneo): Chinese consular missions in, 211, 212, 351, 353, 470
Portugal: and Boxer indemnity, 86n8, 130n239; Chinese relations with, 11, 52n73, 56n90, 68n142, 219n24, 251n174, 331n166, 332n173; colonies of, 63, 172; Dutch relations with, 304, 340; and extraterritoriality, 217n11, 251n174
PRC. See People’s Republic of China
Qian Tai 钱泰 198
Qian Xun 钱恂 19 463
Qianlong Emperor (Qing China) 13
Qiao Guanhua 乔冠华 290 412 415
Qin Fen 秦汾 90 94 107 124; a 120 125
Qing, Prince 庆亲王 233
Qing dynasty 45 46162; a 5 8587; a 8485; Dutch relatio 1113 15 1719 21 23 80 22324 45758; Dutch reside 238; a 5 14 21516 22324; foreig 67 76; foreig 238; 233 261; Opium Wars i 5 14 215 462; a 23 76 231 261; a 26263; a 5 14 23 43 8586
Quist, M.J. 43
Quo Tai-chi. See Guo Taiqi
Rainer, Luise 364
Ramel, Henrik 329
recognition, diplomatic: of Chinese Nationalist government, 34, 37, 42, 53, 80, 464; de facto vs. de jure, 377n75, 399; of Indonesia, 315n95, 348n252, 354, 390, 391, 394, 395, 397, 429–34, 472, 473; of Indonesia by PRC, 348n252, 390, 395, 397, 433–34, 436, 472; international law on, 268–69, 398–400, 403–4, 425–27, 429, 446; PRC view of, 403–9; and preexisting obligations, 165, 254–74, 393n156, 399–400, 405; of USSR, 162, 218, 427; withdrawal from Chinese Nationalists of, 27, 299, 320, 348, 355, 383, 387, 398, 410, 411, 434, 441, 443, 446, 473. See also People’s Republic of China, Dutch recognition of; People’s Republic of China, international recognition of
Si Songxi 斯颂熙 (Sung-Hsi Szu) 286 34243 345 347 349
Sieveking, W. 90
Singapore 76 150 151 152 158
Sino-Japanese War, First (1894–95) 225
Sino-Japanese War, Second (1931–45). See War of Resistance against Japan
Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship (1950) 440
Sjahrir, Sutan 312
Slauerhoff, Jan Jacob 19
Sleesen, Maria van der 282
Sneevliet, H.J.F.M. (Maring, Malin) 35861 376 464
Snoeck Henkemans, J.R. 136
Snow, Edgar 365
Snyers, T. 65 66
Society for the Promotion of Dutch Engineering Works 84
Soegiri, Raden Mas I.S. 339
Soeirianata Djoemena, Raden Moesa
Song Faxiang 宋发祥 (Far-san T. Sung) 78 79
Song Meiling 宋美龄 (Soong May-ling; Madame Chiang Kai-shek): and Ivens, 364, 365, 366; and Queen Wilhelmina, 142, 163, 164n77, 213, 469
Song of Heroes (film) 362
Song Qingling 宋庆龄 (Madame Sun Yat-sen): and Dutch diplomats, 185, 358; and Ivens, 364–65, 467
Song Ziwen 宋子文 (T.V. Soong) 49 90 159 196 206 241; a 95 110 124
Soong May-ling. See Song Meiling
South Africa 304
South East Asia Command (SEAC) 191 471
Soviet Union (USSR): in Big Five coalition, 293, 451, 470; in Big Four coalition, 8, 153, 213, 321, 328, 445; and Brondgeest, 376; Chiang Kai-shek in, 360; Chinese consular missions in, 79n189, 352; Chinese diplomatic missions to, 68; and Chinese Nationalist government, 40n24, 69, 72, 148, 154, 198, 360; and Cold War, 293; diplomatic missions of, 52n74, 55, 321, 331; Dutch relations with, 51, 162; and Geneva Conference, 414n260; and Great Depression, 33; and Indonesia, 354, 398, 429–31, 433, 435n363, 436, 472, 473; and Ivens, 362–63; and Nazi Germany, 201, 427; and PRC, 294, 321, 331, 378, 404, 406, 407, 415; and preexisting treaties, 264; recognition of, 162, 218, 427, 437; recognition of Indonesia by, 348n252, 390, 394, 472; and recognition of PRC, 378, 384, 401, 423, 438, 439; and Sneevliet, 359; in UNSC, 293
Spain: assets in China of, 424; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 130n239, 217n13; Chinese relations with, 11, 52n73, 56n90, 68n142, 219n24, 225; civil war in, 363; Dutch Eighty Years’ War with, 457, 461; and Dutch recognition of PRC, 427; and extraterritoriality, 217n11; and Netherlands, 2, 457, 461; and Taiwan, 422n308, 461
Spanish Earth, The (film) 363
Spanjaard, H.J. 305
special courts (International Settlements) 216 224 252 490. See also co
Spoor, S.H. 288
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 388
Stadtman, K.J. 331 333 334
Stalin, Joseph 33 153 4078 409; a 376 394 431
Stark, L. 282 303 321 322 326 330 332
Steenstra Toussaint, A.J.D. 305
Stefenelli, F. 66
Stevin, Hendrik 84
Stichting ter Bevordering van de Culturele Betrekkingen tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en China 96
Stikker, Dirk U. 494 49798; a 332 38485 38788; a 384 38788 39091 394 397 399400; a 39091 397 430 433 436; i 320 442 449; a 399403; o 42629 43739; so 417
Stilwell, Joseph 160
Stokhuyzen, W.A.F. 50
Stuart, J. Leighton 285 383
students, Chinese 96 100 125; Bourdrez Memorial Scholarship for 12122; i 119 12728
Su Ruizhao 苏锐钊 (Su Jui-chao) 77
Su Shangji 苏尚骥 (Shang-Chi Su) 211 212 352 353
submarine incident (1980; Taiwan and Netherlands) 41617 421 473
Sukarno 36 297 312 317 434 439
Sulawesi (Celebes) 79
Sumatra 75 77 297; a 31112 31516 470; Bro 37576
Sun, S.K. 77
Sun Fushi 孙辅世 95
Sun Ke 孙科 (Sun Fo) 198 467
Sun Yat-sen, Madame. See Song Qingling
Sun Zhongshan 孙中山 (Sun Yat-sen) 5 54 60 69 198 205 283 327 465; a 35960
Suriname 35 152 214 297; Chi 21112 214 352 353 354 469; Dutch colo 461; a 395 397 441
Sweden 52 56 68 86 130 217 251 388 410
Swenson, L.S. 40
Swinderen, G.R.G. van 307 337 339
Switzerland: Chinese officials in, 200, 201, 468; Chinese relations with, 52n73, 56n90, 68n142, 200, 201; Dutch relations with, 172, 193, 200, 328n152, 336; and extraterritoriality, 217nn11–12, 251n174; and PRC, 388, 410n243, 411
Sze, Alfred Sao-ke Sze. See Shi Zhaoji
Szu Sung-Hsi. See Si Songxi
Tai Mingfoe. See Dai Mingfu
Taiwan (Formosa): British consular missions in, 440–41; Chinese Nationalist government in, 27, 188, 268, 270, 294, 296, 302, 320, 348, 354–56, 400, 472; Dutch colonization of, 11–12, 417, 461; Dutch consulate in, 340; Dutch submarines sold to, 416–17, 421, 473; Han settlers in, 12; and recognition of PRC, 377, 429, 440; severing of relations with, 27, 268, 348, 354–55, 398, 429, 440–43, 496–98; trade offices in, 421–23, 473, 474; and UN, 270, 412, 415, 435
Tan Boyu 谭伯羽 305
Tang Shixuan 唐士煊 59
Tang Zaifu 唐在复 463
Tao Xiaowan 陶孝完 (Tao Hsiao-Wan) 353
Tao Yue 陶樾 305
Tariff Relations, Dutch-Chinese Treaty for the Regulation of (1928) 3638 80 225 269 301 452 464 465
tariffs, foreign control over 14 22 37 42 80 215 217 218 224 225
Taro, Gerda 363
Tellegen, B.D.H. 122
Temmen, Louis P. van 16061 18889 469
Terborgh, F.C. See Flaes, Reijnier
Thailand (Siam) 61 304 331
Thijsse, J.T. 94
Thio Thiam-tjong. See Zhang Tiancong
Thorbecke, Ellen (Ellen Catleen-Kolban) 57
Thorbecke, Willem J.R. 44 5458 63 73 465 475; affair of 5758; a 39 57 9294 477 480; i 81 130
Three Gorges Dam 117
Three Principles of the People (San min zhuyi; Sun Yat-sen) 5 205 235
Tianjin, Dutch Treaty of (1863) 15 462; a 165 25556; post 269 272 273 301; provisio 22 43 62 22425 226 234 300
Tianjin, Treaties of (1858) 14 21617 256 462
Tianmai. See Huang Zheng
Ting, V.K. See Ding Wenjiang
Titsingh, Isaac 13 462
Tong, Hollington K. See Dong Xianguang
Tong, Lewis 77
Totoks (Singkehs; new Chinese immigrants) 23031 234 309 311 432. See also overseas Chi
trade and commerce: and Chinese foreign policy, 67, 74, 81, 404, 406; Chinese-Dutch East Indies, 12, 22, 38, 47–50, 168–69, 229, 234, 302–3, 355, 471; and Dutch foreign policy, 3, 4, 11–12, 15, 20–21, 49, 401, 428; and extraterritoriality, 216–17, 222, 239; with Germany, 296; and Hong Kong, 47, 168; Japanese, 49, 81, 150, 151, 157; maritime, 2–3, 11–14, 84, 167–68; in postwar period, 296, 301, 302–3, 320, 321, 332, 338–39, 355, 356, 447; and PRC, 404, 406, 408, 413; in prewar period, 67, 73, 76; and tributary missions, 4–5; with US, 303
trade and commerce, Dutch-Chinese: and 1945 treaty, 228, 239, 242, 243–44, 247, 252–53, 255, 272, 299, 486, 491; and consular missions, 61–66, 76, 170, 232, 234, 338–39; and diplomatic missions, 60, 74; and Dutch-Chinese relations, 19–22, 45, 80–82, 129, 157, 169, 222, 255, 272, 301, 302–3, 321, 332, 356, 417, 419, 420, 423, 444–45, 446, 449, 457, 458–59; early (1840–1927), 2–5, 11–15, 43, 461–62; and East Indies, 14, 22, 47–50, 168–69, 234, 302–3, 355, 471; international consortium for, 57, 73; in porcelain, 12, 22; in postwar period, 129, 301, 302–3, 320, 321, 332, 338–39, 355, 356, 423, 447; in prewar period, 45, 47–50, 71–73, 82; and recognition of PRC, 381–82, 384, 385–86, 401–4, 428, 438, 439, 459; with Taiwan, 421–22; and Treaty of Tianjin, 15, 224–25; and World War II, 154, 168–69, 195, 213, 444; and Wunsz King, 72, 73
treaties and agreements, Dutch-Chinese bilateral: on abolition of extraterritoriality (1931), 38, 80, 228, 234, 238, 240, 465; on abolition of extraterritoriality (1945), 143, 165–66, 443, 445, 446, 448, 469, 483–93; Air Transport Agreement (1947), 284, 303–8, 346, 355, 471; Arbitration Agreement (1915), 269n252, 463; Boxer Indemnity Accord (1933), 57, 92–97, 119, 127–31, 225, 256–57, 268, 452, 465–66, 477–81; Consular Convention (1911), 19, 77, 232–35, 239, 242, 249, 257–61, 273, 463; post-1950, 271–72; present legal status of, 261–74; and succession, 165, 254–61, 393n156, 399–400, 405; Taiwan Peace Treaty (1662), 12; on Tariff Relations (1928), 36–38, 42, 53, 80, 218, 225, 269n252, 301, 452, 464, 465. See also Tianjin, Dutch Treaty of
treaties and agreements, multilateral: Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 34; Atlantic Charter (1941), 151; of Brussels (1948), 293, 299, 379, 471; Congress of Vienna (1815), 3, 162, 217n15; Convention on International Civil Aviation (1944), 304; on court proceedings in international settlement (1930), 38n13, 219n20; Four-Power (1921), 150n8; Hague Citizen Convention (1930), 234; Hague Conventions (1907), 3n3, 19, 52; Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 464, 465; Nine-Power (1922), 40, 81, 154, 197, 464; Paris Peace (1947), 293; Saint-Germain (1919), 218; Tripartite Pact (1940), 150, 468; unequal, 5, 85–86, 129, 215–16, 263, 406, 455; Vienna Conventions, 258, 259n199, 262n216, 263, 264, 273. See also Boxer Protocol; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
treaties and agreements, other bilateral 217 251 215 21516; o 304 305; o 209; Double Te 294; Dual Natio 300 473; o 166 222 23843 245 254 275 276;of Frie Commerce a 300 1946) 297 301 470; of Na 5 13 215 462; Re 1948) 316 352; o 38 218; Si 440; o 34 42 218; a 26266 393 405; u 5 14 36 43 21516 406 455; of Wa 215 215 Treaties of (1858)
treaty ports 56; a 222 228 239 252 490; Chi 218; co 14 53 6166 8182 170 214 338 462; a 42 43; a 21 224 228 443 444; extraterritoriality i 215; I 226; Japa 214; a 21617 22425
UN Security Council (UNSC) 293; a 412; a 293 412 415 435 447 451; a 309 316 351 435 445; a 298 312 313 315 316 31718 329 355. See also U
Unilever (firm) 46 47 302
United Front, First (GMD-CCP) 34 35960 361 36365 369 464
United Front, Second (GMD-CCP) 34 148 361 369 467
United Information Committee of the Anti-aggression Powers, 161
United Kingdom. See Britain
United Nations (UN): Chinese Nationalists in, 412, 415, 435, 444, 445, 447, 451; Civil Aviation Organization of, 304; Consular Commission of, 288, 351; first peacekeeping mission of, 351; founding of, 206, 293, 470; Human Rights Committee of, 417n282; India in, 434n360; and Indonesia, 288, 298n8, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317–18, 351, 352, 434, 435, 444, 471, 472; Indonesian membership in, 389, 390, 391, 430, 435, 437, 473; and international law, 258; and Korean War, 413; PRC membership in, 270, 394, 402, 408, 411, 412, 415, 424, 429, 441, 442, 473. See also UN Security Council
United States (US): in Big Five coalition, 293, 451, 470; in Big Four coalition, 8, 153, 213, 321, 328, 445; and Boxer Protocol, 17n51, 86n8, 87, 88, 217n13; and Brondgeest’s report, 373; and CCP, 372; China Aid Act (1948), 392; Chinese consular missions in, 79n189, 352; Chinese diplomatic missions in, 68n142, 198; Chinese economic relations with, 46, 168–69; Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) in, 245; and Chinese Nationalist government, 34, 63, 68n142, 69, 79n189, 154, 166, 304, 352, 435; Chinese treaties with, 14, 37, 215n4, 219n20, 236, 238, 240–43, 245, 254, 256, 275, 276, 300;
United States (US) (cont.)
communism in, 363, 367, 384; consular missions of, 63, 172, 351, 354; diplomatic missions of, 52n74, 56, 217, 321, 331n166, 383, 391; and Dutch East Indies, 151n13, 316, 351, 464; and Dutch recognition of PRC, 383–84, 401, 424, 427, 428; Dutch relations with, 51, 150, 191, 200, 328n152, 387, 437; and Dutch-Chinese treaties, 224, 228, 254, 275, 276; and extraterritoriality, 39, 213, 215, 217n11, 219–21, 222n36, 235, 236, 238–43, 245, 254, 256, 276, 469; in Four-Power Treaty, 150n8; and Geneva Conference, 414n260; and Indonesia, 297–98, 316, 317, 351, 354, 394, 434–35; and Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 464; military presence in China of, 40n24, 41, 160n57; and NATO, 293; and PRC, 383n106, 406, 408, 409, 446; and recognition of PRC, 332, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383–84, 386, 387, 389, 390, 415, 424, 426, 428, 436, 438, 439; “Two-Chinas” policy of, 415; in UNSC, 293; and Vietnam, 402; in World War II, 147, 150, 151, 153, 154, 166
Uruguay 304
Valck Lucassen, Theodore F. 186 192
Varé, D. 135
Vatican City (Holy See) 331 347
Veen, H. van der 85 94
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963) 272
Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties (1978) 264
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) 258 259 262 263 273
Vietnam 401 402 431
Visscher, Dignus H. 321 323
Visser, A. 84 462
Vixseboxse, Jan 11 322 323 334 381 267 326 416 473; a 392 393; a 336 385 386 39496 409 410 429 43234 494 495 496 499
Vliegenthart, J.C. 85
Voltaire 13
Voogd, Niek A.J. de 53 475 496 500; i 41113 414 473; a 41014; i 331 333 334 472; photo of 285; a 266 387 393
Vos, Hubert 463
Vos, Robert de 109
Vos van Steenwijk, C. de 204
Vos van Steenwijk, G.W. de 5861 107 128 17071 466 468 475; photo of 137
Wanghia, Treaty of (Wangxia Tiaoyue 望厦条约; 1844) 215
War of Resistance against Japan (Second Sino-Japanese War; Kang-Ri Zhanzheng 抗日战争, 1931–45) 8 9 33 34 81 14748 294 457 96; a 1034 11318; a 15369 21214 443 445; periodizatio 147; a 457. See also World War II
Ward, Angus 382
Washington Conference (1921) 218
water conservancy. See hydraulic engineering
Water Conservancy, Bureau of (China) 118
Water Resources, Ministry of (Shuilibu 水利部) 97
Weede, M.W. van 60 61 170 173 204
Weedon, Mary 341
Wei Gensheng 魏艮声 (Ken-Sheng Wei) 206 250 341 343
welding incident (1966) 415 473
Wen Jiabao 温家宝 418
West Germany 423 431
West Indies, Dutch 35 165 214; Chi 21012 352 353 354 469; a 168; a 297; overseas Chi 211; i 352 353; a 395 397 441; i 152. See also Curaçao
Whampoa, Treaty of (Huangpu Tiaoyue 黄埔条约; 1844) 215
Whampoa Military Academy 187 360
Why We Fight (film series) 367
Wierink, J.J. 65 66 194 195 337 338 339
Wij Bouwen (We are building; film) 362
Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlands) 18 19 149 158 197 375 251; a 181 202 204 205 206 341 344; a 162; a 368; a 142 163 164 213 469; a 71
Willem III (Netherlands) 17
Willem-Alexander, King (Netherlands) 418 420 474
Willemstad (Curaçao) 289; Chi 21011 352 353 354 419
Wilton Shipyard 73
Winkelman, A.M.L. 430
Wittert van Hoogland, R.W.C.G.A. 3045
Woerden, F.A. van 364
World Disarmament Conference (1932–34)
World Trade Organization 272 418
World War I 2 3 710 218; a 8788
World War II (1937–45): and 1945 treaty, 6, 228, 274, 275–76; alliances in, 4, 8, 148, 151–52, 153, 195, 213, 321, 328, 445, 450, 456, 468; Allied victory in, 153; Britain in, 147, 149–51, 166, 275–76; in China, 4, 147–48, 151–52; Chinese Nationalist government in, 148, 151–52, 154, 195, 276; D-Day invasion in, 153, 245–46; Dutch East Indies in, 4, 149–52, 154, 159, 166–67, 172–73, 187, 276, 350; and Dutch neutralist policy, 4, 149, 154–57, 200, 212, 213, 299, 447, 450; and Dutch recognition of PRC, 426; Dutch sympathy in, 214; and Dutch-Chinese relations, 1, 24–27, 140–43, 147–277, 443, 445, 458; Europe-first strategy in, 213, 221; France in, 149, 198, 200, 275–76; in Netherlands, 149–50; stages of, 147, 212, 457n23; and trade, 154, 168–69, 195, 213, 444. See also War of Resistance against Japan