
In: Forgotten Diplomacy
Vincent K.L. Chang
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1 The Dutch legation building in Beijing. Source: NNA 2.21.086/6 135

2 Minister W.J. Oudendijk with colleagues on the steps of the Dutch legation in Beiping (Beijing), 1929. Source: W.J. Oudendyk, Ways and By-ways, opposite p. 352. © Oudendyk/Peter Davies Ltd 135

3 Counselor Dai Mingfu at the Noordeinde royal palace, 2 January 1933. Source: The Hague Municipal Archives digital collection, 1.65433 136

4 Minister Wunsz King at the Noordeinde royal palace, 2 September 1933. © Polygoon/ANP digital collection, 20351941 136

5 Minister Wunsz King with his wife and dignitaries at The Hague Municipal Museum, 2 June 1934. Source: The Hague Municipal Archives digital collection, 1.04701 136

6 Delegates of a League of Nations technical committee and the Yellow River Commission, 9 January 1935. Source: estate of F.J.M. Bourdrez 137

7 Minister G.W. de Vos van Steenwijk with Minister Wang Jingwei and other dignitaries at the presidential palace in Nanjing, 19 September 1935. Source: estate of G.W. de Vos van Steenwijk137

8 Stone-laying ceremony in the provisional laboratory of the Central Hydraulic Research Institute at Nanjing, January 1936. Source: estate of F.J.M. Bourdrez 138

9 The Yangzhuang sluice near Huai’an near completion, December 1936. Source: NNA 2.21.287/97 138

10 Technician at work in the provisional laboratory of the Central Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing, early 1936. Source: estate of N.A. van den Heuvel 139

11 Xu Kai, chief engineer of the Huai River Commission, at Yangzhuang, 1936. Source: NNA 2.21.287/97 139

12 Medal awarded by the Nationalist government to Dutch engineers Bourdrez and Van den Heuvel in April 1937. Source: estate of F.J.M. Bourdrez 139

13 F.J.M. Bourdrez, civil engineer of the League of Nations Transit and Communications Organization and consulting engineer to the National Economic Council of China, 1930s. Source: estate of F.J.M. Bourdrez 139

14 N.A. van den Heuvel, consulting engineer of the Central Hydraulic Research Institute and adviser to the Chinese Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1930s. Source: estate of N.A. van den Heuvel 139

15 The mountainous Chinese city of Chongqing, mid-1930s. Source: estate of F.J.M. Bourdrez 140

16 The Dutch diplomatic residence at Te Yuan, Chongqing, early 1940, with Roland van den Berg, son of the Dutch representative in Chongqing. Source: estate of J. van den Berg 140

17 The Dutch diplomatic residence at Te Yuan, Chongqing, after it was destroyed in the summer of 1940. Source: estate of J. van den Berg 140

18 Minister C. van Breugel Douglas on his way to present his credentials in Chongqing, 8 January 1942. Source: estate of J. of van den Berg141

19 Minister C. van Breugel Douglas with Foreign Minister Guo Taiqi and other dignitaries at the presidential palace in Chongqing, 8 January 1942. Source: estate of J. van den Berg 141

20 Dutch ambassador A.H.J. Lovink with President Lin Sen and other dignitaries at the presidential palace in Chongqing, 23 April 1943. Source: estate of J. van den Berg142

21 Queen Wilhelmina with Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Crown Princess Juliana in Ottawa, 16 June 1943. © Spaarnestad Photo 142

22 Excerpt from the Dutch-Chinese treaty of 1945 concerning the abolition of Dutch extraterritorial rights in China. Source: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs 143

23 Dutch embassy staff at Wangshan, Chongqing, early 1946. Source: estate of G. Wu 144

24 Farewell party for Robert van Gulik hosted by the Heavenly Wind Lute Society, Chongqing, March 1946. Source: estate of H. Scheltema 144

25 The Xinjiekou roundabout in Nanjing, 1946. Source: estate of H. Scheltema 281

26 The Dutch embassy at Lao Caishi, Nanjing, 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 281

27 The Dutch ambassador’s residence at Hequn Xincun, Nanjing, 1948. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 281

28 Arrival of Ambassador F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol in Shanghai, 13 March 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 282

29 Ambassador Van Aerssen with President Chiang Kai-shek and other dignitaries at the presidential palace in Nanjing, 29 March 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 282

30 Ambassador Van Aerssen takes his leave of President Chiang Kai-shek after presenting his credentials, 27 March 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen ­Beijeren van Voshol 283

31 Ambassador Van Aerssen with members of his staff and Chinese officials at the Purple Mountain in Nanjing, 27 March 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 283

32 Ambassador Van Aerssen in Shanghai, June 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 284

33 Foreign Minister Wang Shijie and Ambassador Van Aerssen sign the bilateral Air Transport Agreement, Nanjing, 6 December 1947. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 284

34 Acting President Li Zongren entertains foreign diplomatic envoys, Nanjing, 24 January 1949. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 285

35 Farewell party for Ambassador Van Aerssen at the embassy chancery in Nanjing, 22 September 1949. Source: estate of F.C. van Aerssen Beijeren van Voshol 285

36 Members of the Chinese embassy stand in front of their embassy chancery at no. 16 Alexanderstraat, The Hague, 1948. Source: estate of T.L. Chang 286

37 Ambassador Henry K. Chang departs from the Amsterdam royal palace, 2 January 1948. Source: estate of T.L. Chang 286

38 Chinese diplomats with China’s judge of the International Court of Justice, Xu Mo, at the embassy in The Hague, 1948. Source: estate of T.L. Chang 287

39 A policeman stands guard in front of the Chinese ambassador’s official residence at no. 3 Plein 1813, The Hague, June 1950. Source: NNA collection, 904-0484 287

40 The Chinese consul at Medan, Li Qingen, addresses a crowd of 12,000 Chinese demonstrators, 4 September 1947. Source: NNA collection, 12026 288

41 Meeting of the UN Consular Commission in Batavia with Dutch officials, 29 September 1947. Source: Leiden University Libraries/KITLV digital collection, 25438 288

42 The former Chinese consul at Curaçao, T.F. Chang, and the former attaché at the Chinese embassy in The Hague, T.L. Chang, with their families in ­Willemstad, 1951. Source: estate of T.L. Chang 289

43 The former Chinese consulate at Curaçao, no. 53 Scharlooweg. © H. van der Wal. Source: Leiden University Libraries/KITLV digital collection, 42252 289

44 Excerpt of front page of the People’s Daily, 17 May 1972, including article on the normalization of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and China. Source: author 290

45 The Dutch chargé d’affaires in Beijing, J.J. Derksen, and the PRC’s vice-minister of foreign affairs, Qiao Guanhua, sign a joint communiqué in Beijing, 16 May 1972. Source: NNA 2.05.166/655 290

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