Karen Lauterbach
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Mika Vähäkangas
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This book comes out of the research project “Looking for Wholeness in an Enchanted World: Healing, Prosperity and Ritual Action in African Charismatic/Pentecostal Churches.” At the completion of a long project, one realizes that the list of organizations and people without whom it would not have been realized is very long. We want to extend our thankfulness to all who have helped and supported us on the way and name here only a few.

This project was generously supported by the Swedish Research Council, the Lund Mission Society, the Lund University Faculty of Humanities and Theology as well as the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (CTR). We are very grateful for the financial support as well as the CTR administrative support throughout the entire project. We owe special thanks to the Prefect of the Centre, Dr. Alexander Maurits, for his continuous encouragement, flexibility and support. Additionally, Ms. Anna Kring’s administrative skills and kind spirits have helped us to keep the project on the track.

The contributors to this volume are researchers of the project, participants in the concluding conference of the project that took place in Lund in March 2016, as well as colleagues otherwise related to the project such as members of the advisory board. The conference was financially supported by the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, RJ) for which we are thoroughly thankful. Additional support was received from Lund Mission Society and in the form of teacher exchange attached to the conference from the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Vitterhetsakademien). Additionally, the IT-department of the faculties has generously supported us in creating websites (not least for the conference with fancy administrational functions) and posters (thank you, Mr. Marcus Lecaros!).

We are deeply grateful for the support offered by Ingrid Heijckers-Velt, assistant editor at Brill as well as for the feedback and encouragements we have received from the editors of the book series.

Much of the academic support for research and publication happens anonymously, and a great number of research application panel members, peer reviewers and editors have contributed their time and energy to improve our work and to facilitate publication. Most of them remain unknown to us but that does not diminish our gratitude.

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Faith in African Lived Christianity

Bridging Anthropological and Theological Perspectives

Series:  Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, Volume: 35


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