Adam Parr
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Abrégé chronologique de l’histoire universelle de l’empire chinois 27071
Abromont, Claude 240
absolute monarchy/absolutism 27 , 36 , 41
Académie française 240 , 249 , 267
Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 3 , 45 , 216 , 218 , 227 , 235 , 240 , 247 , 249 , 255 , 271 , 273
Académie Royale des Sciences 24244 , 246
Academy of Sciences, Paris 227 , 24244 , 246 , 267
Academy of Sinology, Paris 271
Academy of St. Petersburg 245
accommodation, Jesuit 15 , 19 , 48 , 5051 , 58
Actes du colloque d’Aix-en-Provence 229
Actes du IIe colloque international de sinologie, Chantilly 45 , 255
adaptation. 48 , 52 , 236accommodation
Administrative Science Quarterly 193
Admiralty, Toulon 226
adventurism 214
adversary 93 , 106 , 112 , 138
advocacy 2023
Aepinus, François-Ulrich-Théodore 245
Africa 4 , 11 , 15
agriculture 23 , 2728 , 272
Aix-en-Provence, France 22630 , 232 , 243 , 266
Aix-la-Chapelle, France 262
alertness 84
Alexander the Great 64 , 171
Alexei Mikhailovich (Tsar) 16
Allart, Jean 234 , 266
alliances 1012 , 27 , 90 , 126
Almanach royal 266
Citizen’s Almanac (Éphémérides du citoyen) 29
Imperial Almanac 262
America 4 , 8 , 11 , 15
Amiot, Florens 22526
Amiot, Jean François 228
Amiot, Jean-Joseph-Marie 3 , 8 , 1011 , 1415 , 1718 , 2023 , 25 , 3234 , 3640 , 4265 , 67 , 6973 , 78101 , 1046 , 109 , 11112 , 11415 , 11720 , 128 , 135 , 137 , 141 , 149 , 151 , 153 , 155 , 157 , 15961 , 163 , 16583 , 185 , 187207 , 21011 , 213 , 216 , 218 , 22021 , 22374 . Bertin, Henri
anniversary of emperor’s reign and 261
apostolic prefecture 37 , 202
Art militaire 3 , 3233 , 37 , 3940 , 43 , 45 , 47 , 5053 , 56 , 58 , 81 , 16575 , 17781 , 18894 , 19697 , 199201 , 2046 , 21114 , 216 , 220 , 223 , 246 , 255 , 267 , 27576
Bertin, Henri and 10 , 14 , 18 , 3240 , 42 , 5153 , 5658 , 60 , 166 , 180 , 2003 , 21113 , 216 , 221 , 22328 , 24445 , 248 , 250 , 25355 , 25762 , 26469 , 27174
brothers 22526 , 228
Chinese exceptionalism 193
correspondance littéraire et des arts 38
Correspondance militaire 211
death of 269
Dissertation on Dances 259
Dissertation on the Music of the Chinese 259
education 22930
electricity, study of 245 , 262
Éloge de la ville de Moukden 3 , 33 , 45 , 5152 , 60 , 256 , 272
family 22529
Jesuit expulsion/suppression and 34 , 10 , 13 , 31 , 209
L’histoire, origine et fabrication de la porcelaine en Chine 273
“Life of Confucius” 246 , 257 , 262 , 271
Mencius and 94 , 170 , 176 , 181 , 195201 , 178 , 183 , 19196 , 199200
Messe des jésuites de Pékin 224 , 260
as missionary-astrologer 256
music, Chinese and 224 , 23639 , 24142 , 25761 , 267
nephews of 227
persecution of Christians in China and 261
portrait of 273
science and 242 , 25354 , 264 , 266 , 268 , 27273
sisters of 228
Sunzi 3 , 22 , 43 , 4547 , 49 , 51 , 5359 , 6163 , 65 , 67 , 69 , 7879 , 81 , 8387 , 8991 , 93101 , 1045 , 107 , 109 , 111 , 114 , 11617 , 119 , 135 , 137 , 141 , 149 , 15153 , 15557 , 159 , 161 , 163 , 16567 , 16971 , 17375 , 177 , 179 , 18183 , 18791 , 19397 , 199201 , 205 , 218 , 225 , 255
as Qian Deming 236
Amiot, Jean-Louis 225 , 227
Amiot, Marguerite-Claire 22728
Amiot, Pierre-Jules-Roch 22627 , 230 , 274
Amyot, Alexandre 227
Amyot family 22526
Amyot, Pierre-André 228 , 269
Amyot, Pierre-Jules-Roch. see Amiot, Pierre-Jules-Roch
Amyot, Victor 226
Analects (Lunyu) 170 , 175 , 18283
anatomy 69
ancestors, honoring of 99 , 149 , 15152 , 256 , 265
Andromeda, constellation 154
angels 236
Anglo-French Relations, 1763–1770 (Ramsey) 11
animals 9292 , 96 , 126 , 128 , 158
Annales de Bretagne 269
Annales de la propagation de la foi 252 , 263
Antiquity of China (Webb) 25
Antonelli, Leonardo Cardinal 37 , 253
Année littéraire, Jesuit 49 , 204 . correspondance littéraire
aphorisms 84 , 99 , 102 , 21819
of Emperor Maurice (Maizeroy) 218
strong and weak, empty and full 105
Théorie de la guerre and 216
Vegetius and 219
warfare as deception 兵者詭道也 8384 , 185
Arabic 247
archery 63
Archives françaises de la Compagnie de Jésus, Vanves (afsi) 22730 , 233 , 236 , 245 , 24950 , 25354 , 258 , 260 , 26671 , 273
Archives jésuites de la Province belge méridionale et du Luxembourg (abml) 230 , 245 , 248 , 268
Archives of the Missions Étrangères de Paris, Fonds anciens (mep) 236 , 249 , 251 , 253 , 259 , 268
Archives privées de la Famille Amyot (afa) 226 , 22829 , 231 , 233 , 263 , 266 , 274
Archivum historicum Societatis Iesu (ahsi) 232 , 245
Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu (arsi) 230 , 23234 , 263
Aristotle 23
Arles, France 229 , 232
Armies and Warfare in Europe 1648–1789 (Childs) 6
“Army in the French Enlightenment” (Bien) 5
“Army Management” (jun zheng yue 軍政曰) 114
army/armies 6 , 10 , 69 , 7374 , 76 , 78 , 82 , 85 , 87 , 9097 , 1001 , 104 , 1067 , 10911 , 11318 , 12122 , 12650 , 152 , 15560 , 166 , 171 , 178 , 18183 , 187 , 196 , 203 , 216 , 229
Arnaud, François 24041
Réflexions sur la musique en général et sur la musique française240
Arras, France 197
Art de la guerre par principes et par règles (Puységur) 7
Art militaire/Art of War (Amiot) 3 , 3233 , 37 , 3940 , 43 , 45 , 47 , 5053 , 56 , 58 , 81 , 16575 , 17781 , 18894 , 19697 , 199201 , 2046 , 21114 , 216 , 220 , 223 , 246 , 255 , 267 , 27576
Art of War (Mair) 62
art 13 , 68 , 16 , 32 , 4347 , 5557 , 5963 , 6668 , 7374 , 87 , 9799 , 1024 , 107 , 111 , 119 , 12324 , 134 , 136 , 146 , 163 , 16667 , 16970 , 17274 , 177 , 17981 , 185 , 189 , 194 , 2056 , 211 , 214 , 21619 , 221 , 224 , 23637 , 239 , 255 , 266 , 27273
Chinese 229 , 27374
“Article du Journal étranger24041 , 262 , 278 , 296
artillery 7 , 1516 , 172
artisans 85 , 232
Artistes et de savants attachés au service de l’empereur 38
artists 38 , 40 , 69 , 79 , 229 , 261 , 274
Asia 1 , 15 , 23 , 61
assimilation 7
astrologer 143 , 256
astronomers 199 , 24244
astronomy 198 , 230 , 235 , 24243 , 257 , 263
Atlanticist propaganda 35
Attiret, Claude-François 231
Attiret, Jean-Denis 231 , 255 , 268 , 273
Auriga, constellation 246
Aurora borealis 244
Austria 213
Avignon, France 23031 , 24344
Avis (de Guignes) 3 , 52 , 59
Avis du traducteur (Amiot) 59
Babel, tower of 20
Backer, Alois de 234
Backer, Augustin 234
Baden, margrave of 28
Baker, Keith Michael 3436 , 211
banner system, Manchu 70
banners, war 110 , 114 , 153
baptisms 265
barbarians 78 , 124 , 168
Barbier, Antoine-Alexandre
Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes 206
barons 44 , 67
Bartoli, Joseph 247n138
Barrows, John 238
Bastille 209
battalion 91 , 107
Batteux, Charles 267
bayonets 203
Beale, John 22 , 25
Beccaria, Giambattista 245
Beijing, China 14 , 7 , 10 , 12 , 1420 , 3233 , 35 , 3738 , 4445 , 52 , 71 , 124 , 165 , 184 , 189 , 198 , 202 , 21112 , 21415 , 221 , 22324 , 226 , 22829 , 231 , 23337 , 24248 , 25153 , 25657 , 26063 , 26567 , 26970 , 27273
Beitang, China 7 , 225 , 235
Belgium 258
beliefs 19 , 22 , 26 , 89 , 180 , 18889
Benedict xiv (pope) 235
benevolence (ren 仁) 22 , 169 , 19091 , 19697 , 201
Bengesco, Georges 256
Benoist, Michel 151 , 242
Berlin, Germany 256 , 271
Bernard, Henri Bernard-Maître 23031 , 236 , 248 , 254 , 268 , 273
“Catalogue des objets envoyés de Chine par les missionnaires...” 254
“Chinois (rites)” 236
“Deux chinois du xviiie siécle l’école des physiocrates français,” 254
Le Frère Attiret au service de K’ien-long (1739–1768) 231 , 273
Bertin, Henri Léonard Jean-Baptiste 1 , 3 , 5 , 10 , 1214 , 16 , 18 , 2829 , 3142 , 5153 , 5658 , 60 , 166 , 180 , 2003 , 21116 , 221 , 22328 , 24445 , 248 , 250 , 25355 , 25762 , 26469 , 27174 . Amiot
absolute monarchy system and 36 , 41
agriculture and 28
Amiot, Joseph and 10 , 14 , 18 , 3240 , 42 , 5153 , 5658 , 60 , 166 , 180 , 2003 , 21113 , 216 , 221 , 22328 , 24445 , 248 , 250 , 25355 , 25762 , 26469 , 27174
bishopric or apostolic prefecture in Manchuria 37 , 202
Chinese Jesuits (Ko and Yang) and 31 , 36
Choiseul and 10 , 1213 , 29 , 32 , 35
correspondance littéraire and Art militaire 3 , 10 , 3435 , 3739 , 5052 , 165 , 2024 , 211 , 214 , 216 , 254 , 270
as enlightened minister 35 , 41
France’s economy and 39
French domestic politics and 10
Jesuits and 10
Langlès, Louis and 267
Madame de Pompadour and 12 , 27 , 35
physiocracy and 28
plébicisme littéraire 4142
Qianlong’s set of prints/engraving of military victories 32
resignation from post 37
Russia’s planned invasion of China and 21213
Seven Years’ War and 213
Sèvres porcelain industry and 273
Bertin, Louis-Augustin 268
Bertrand, Gabrielle 228
Besançon, France 232 , 241
Beurdeley, Michel 231 , 255
Beyerhaus, Gisbert 256
Bi, constellation 15354
Bible 23
Bibliotheca missionum (Streit) 248 , 266 , 296
Bibliotheca Sinica (Cordier) 228 , 248 , 263 , 266
Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus (Sommervogel) 232 , 296
Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France (bif) 1 , 14 , 3132 , 3839 , 5153 , 57 , 166 , 203 , 21115 , 221 , 22628 , 250 , 26667
Bignon, Armand-Jérôme 45 , 24950 , 25760 , 267 , 27071
Bilbao, Spain 224
bing (兵), war/warfare/soldiers/military 78 . Art of War
bingfa (兵法), military methods
Sima 62
Sunzi 43 , 46 , 61 , 81 . Sunzi
Wuzi 43 , 53 , 170 , 177 , 188 , 196 , 205
Biographie universelle des musiciens... (Fétis) 258 , 284
Biologie médicale 250 , 286
Biot, Jean-Baptiste 244
Birch, Thomas 237
birds, in warfare 103 , 12627
bishoprics, Beijing 202
Blanchard, Anne
Dictionnaire des ingénieurs militaires… 227 , 277
Blavet, Michel 237 , 239
Blume, Friedrich 230
Bonner, John 31
Bonnet, Anne 225
Bonnet, Claude 225
Bonnet, Marie-Anne 226
Boodberg, Peter Alexis 46
borders, nine types of terrain 137 , 139 , 146
boredom, in war 116
Bourbon 4 , 910 , 32 , 232
Bourgeois, François 36 , 39 , 167 , 169 , 25354 , 261 , 263 , 265 , 271
bourgeoisie 34
Boussel, Gabriel 251
Bouvet, Joachim 20 , 242
Braun, Joseph-Adam
“Observationes meteorologicae ab anno mdccxlix…” 246
Brest, France 253
Brewer, John
The Sinews of Power 9
bribed/bribery of troops 119 , 138 , 192
Britain 912 , 17 , 27 , 35 , 49 , 174 , 212
Brittany, France 209
Brix, Michel 22425 , 240 , 25859 , 262
“Le ‘Supplément au Mémoire” 224 , 258 , 259 , 262
“Une lettre inédite du Père Amiot à l’abbé Roussier” 224
bronze dish (luo) 115
brother, respect for older 178
Brotton, Jerry 33
Brucker, Joseph 233 , 272
Brussels, Belgium 232 , 248 , 258
Bulletin de l’Université L’Aurore (bua) 242 , 254
bull, papal 12 , 19 , 151 , 253
Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé 227
Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient 248 , 253
Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Lyon 272
Bulletin de la société historique et archéologique du Périgord 26869
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 244
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 55
Burke, Edmund
Observations on a Late “State of the Nation” 11
Burke, Peter 16 , 48 , 50
bushel, unit of measure 88
Bussière, Georges 26869
Byzantine 21719
cabinet of curiosities 261 . Bertin, Henri
administrative/administrator 227
naval 230
Cadière, Jean-Baptiste 22930
Cadière, Marie-Catherine 229
Cambridge Companion to the Jesuits 15 , 40
Cambridge Companion to Voltaire 35
Cambridge History of Ancient China 181
campaigns, military and religious
against the Jesuits/suppression of order 10 , 12 , 251 , 252
against Spain and United Provinces 17
canticles, liturgical 260
“Cantilena Sinica signis Europeis expressa” 237
cantons 46 , 166
Cao Cao (曹操) 60
Cao Gui 144
Capella, star 246
Carrez, Louis 234 , 253
Cartier, Michel 248 , 254 , 271
cartography 17
Cassirer, Ernst 2
Castiglione, Giuseppe 255
Catalogus personarum et officiorum provinciae Lugdunensis 233
catalogus brevis 1738 230
Catholicism 17 , 41
cavalry 126
cemetery, Jesuit 251 , 263
censorship 201
ceremonies, Chinese 15152
ceremony, military oath 152
festival for elderly 261
chancellery, French 226
Changshan, mountain 14445
Chanteloup estate 210
chaos, in war 132 , 145
chapel, Chinese-domestic 151
chariots 85 , 8788 , 9293 , 96 , 12627 , 140
Charles ii (king) 21 , 25
Charles iii (king) 10 , 13
Chastel, Jean 197
Chatou, France 262
Chauvelin, Henri-Philippe 13
chemistry 235
Chen Hao (陳皞) 62
Cheng Tang 163
Chester, England 25
Cheung, Kai-chong 49
Chi You (barbarian king) 124
childhood, Chinese 63 , 229
Childs, John
Armies and Warfare in Europe 1648–1789 6
Chin, Ann-ping 199
art 273
armies 115 , 127 , 135
authors 15051 , 54 , 68 , 98
Buddhist 17
bushel 88
classical tradition 21920
classics 173
commentators 51 , 54 , 68 , 87
culture 5 , 15 , 19 , 43 , 54 , 149 , 16667 , 17980 , 240 , 264
dance 225 , 240 , 262
despotism 216
economy 27 , 32
emperor 25 , 60 , 62 , 69 , 168 , 175 , 211
empire 1 , 16 , 30 , 83 , 89 , 123 , 167 , 235 , 255 , 262 , 270 , 274
entertainments 238 , 259
ethics 195
exceptionalism 193
generals 36 , 61 , 161 , 193
Chinese Jesuits 31 , 36 , 233
intellectuals 240
language 21 , 24 , 57 , 236 , 24748
military classics
military culture 32 , 34 , 49 , 199 , 250
military exercises 56
military precepts 70
mission/Jesuit mission 4 , 12 , 14 , 1617 , 20 , 33 , 50 , 201 , 203 , 224 , 23436 , 242 , 264
music 224 , 23639 , 24142 , 25761 , 267
origin theories 20 , 246
ounce 88 , 101
philosophical tradition 4
pacifism 23
philosophy 42 , 176 , 195
physics 80 , 83 , 188
pound 88
priests 34
religion 23 , 80 , 168 , 271
religious beliefs 19 , 22 , 26 , 189
Rites Controversy 19 , 58 , 176 , 180 , 23536
scholars 198
society 2122 , 41 , 89 , 169 , 205
soldier 173
songs 237
strategy, war 21 , 194
territorial expansion 254
tradition 174 , 176 , 220
troops 61 , 255
values 15
warfare 23 , 57
writers 130
Ching-Wah Lam 224
choir 225
Choiseul, duke of (Étienne-François) 913 , 29 , 32 , 35 , 210
Amiot, Joseph and policies of 10
Charles iii and 10 , 13
dismissal and exile 11 , 210
grain trade 210
Jesuit suppression in France and 12
Madame de Pompadour 12 , 35
Mémoire historique sur la négociation de la France & de l’Angleterre 10
Pacte de famille 11
Peace of Paris 11
philosophes 12
Quesnay, François and 29
Chomon, H. 233
“Chou-king” (De Guignes) 248
Christianity 38 , 48 , 100 , 180 , 18889 , 224 , 251
Chu, Adrian 268
Cibot, Pierre Martial 37 , 242 , 254 , 257
Cicero 193
classicism 5
Clément, Jacques 197
Clement xiv (pope) 13 , 202 , 251
Dominus ac Redemptor 13 , 2023 , 251
clergy 209
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 1718
Colin, Lucas 13 , 167 , 169 , 218
College de France 247
Collège Royal, France 249
Aix-en-Provence, France 22630 , 232 , 243 , 266
in Arles, France 232
in Besançon 232 , 241
de France/ Royal College 247 , 249
German provinces 179
Louis-le-Grand, Paris 12
in Nîmes 232
in Toulon 230
Trinity College, Lyon 230 , 237
in Vienna 233
naval in Marseille 230 , 243
combat 94 , 115 , 126 , 129 , 13132 , 156 , 21819
combustible materials 153
comedy, sense of 51
Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques 36
commander-in-chief 178
commanders 8 , 23
Commentaries (Caesar) 6 , 56 , 68
commentaries 51 , 5556 , 6263 , 68 , 195 , 240
canonical 62
Manchu translations and 51 , 56
studying of 68
Sunzi 62
Communion, sacrament of 265
Compagnie des Indes 31 , 36
Compagnie Royale des Indes Orientale 17 . East India Company
Compère, Marie-Madeleine 230 , 232
composer 236 , 240 , 258
Compte rendu des constitutions des jésuites (de La Chalotais) 13
Comptes rendus par un magistrat et par Messieurs les gens du roi… (de Fleury) 13
concerts 225 , 238 , 260
concubines 81
confessions 236 , 265
confessors 252
Confucianism 15 , 19 , 26 , 89 , 175 , 17778 , 18082 , 18990 , 195 , 198 , 208 , 256
Analects 182
canon 177 , 190 , 196 , 198
Classics 16970 , 17778 , 198
doctrine 179
ethos of government 240
ideal 201
tradition 94 , 18586 , 196
values 23 , 16970 , 174 , 210
viewpoint 271
Confucianisms for a Changing World Cultural Order (Ames/Hershock) 198
Confucius 17 , 19 , 22 , 2526 , 49 , 66 , 71 , 166 , 170 , 17577 , 181 , 186 , 188 , 19598 , 240 , 246 , 257 , 262 , 271
Confucius sinarum philosophus (Couplet) 17 , 19 , 49 , 166 , 176 , 198
congregations 22829 , 232 , 234 , 236 , 253 , 265
children’s 236 , 265
Holy Guardian Angels 236
Holy Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith 18 , 202 , 253 , 260
Missions étrangères 18 , 202 , 236
conquest 44 , 160 , 163 , 168 , 194 , 212 , 255 , 260
of Xinjiang 44
of Jinchuan 260
Manchu sinicization and 168
Auriga 246
Bi 15354
Capella 246
Ji 15354
Lyra 246
Yi 15354
Zhen 15354
constitutionalism, parliamentary 12 . Gallicanism
Chinese Rites 19 , 58 , 176
literary 250
convent, Ursuline 22829
convoys 88 , 142
Corbett, Julian S. 9
Cordier, Henri 16 , 33 , 3640 , 45 , 202 , 228 , 245 , 248 , 253 , 26366 , 273
Bibliotheca Sinica 228 , 248 , 263 , 266
“Giuseppe Panzi peintre italien à Peking…” 273
La Chine en France au xviiie siècle 45
“Les correspondants de Bertin...” 16 , 245
“Les Chinois de Turgot” 33
“La suppression de la Compagnie de Jésus…” 36 , 251 , 253
Cornelius, Paul
Languages in Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Imaginary Voyages 22
Correspondance de Pékin (Gaubil) 236
correspondance littéraire 13 , 10 , 3435 , 3739 , 5052 , 165 , 2024 , 211 , 214 , 216 , 254 , 270
Corsica 227
Corvisirer, André 217
Corvus, constellation 154
costumes, military 255
Cotte, Louis
Traité de météorologie 244
coup 13 , 207
coup d’état 207
Couplet, Philippe 17 , 17677
Confucius sinarum philosophus 7 , 19 , 49 , 166 , 176 , 198
courage 64 , 81 , 86 , 104 , 114 , 11920 , 124 , 127 , 133 , 139 , 143 , 171 , 190
Courant, Maurice 45
courtyards 75 , 134
cowardice 64 , 133
Cranmer-Byng, John Launcelot 263
crime 135 , 178 , 197
crossbow 104
cruelty, of rulers 144 , 196
Cummins, James 1415
customs 1920 , 33 , 39 , 42 , 6364 , 66 , 71 , 82 , 87 , 14950 , 168 , 173 , 256 , 26365
Cyclopes (Rameau) 239
da Rocha, Felix 16
Da Sima (大司馬), also Sima Rangju 61
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (daf) 51 , 6566 , 97 , 188 , 220
Dai Zhen 198200
Mencius 199200
Siku quanshu 199
d’Alembert, Jean Le Rond 2 , 12 , 177
Damiens, Robert-François 27 , 197 , 210
dao (道), way 7980 , 82 , 100 , 18183 , 18591 , 195
Daodejing 79 , 97 , 18186
Daoism 182 , 186 , 18889 , 271
Daoshi 271
darkness, art of war in 1023 , 114
Davin, Emmanuele 227 , 23031 , 233
“Les jésuites à Toulon…” 230
“Un éminent sinologue toulonnais...” 227
“Un sinologue éminent” 233
Davis, John 49
Daxue (Great Learning) 17577 , 196
daylight, art of war in 1023 , 114
in Daodejing 79
division of 159 , 192
doctrine and 79
fighting till 118
loss of battle by general 135
original states earth represents 81
place of 117
as punishment for insubordination 77 , 129
soldier who seek 121
as unworthiness 120
debauchery 128 , 148
de Beauvau-Craon, Charles Juste 210
de Bernis, François-Joachim Cardinal 37 , 253
de Bougainville, Jean-Pierre 240
de Bréquigny, Georges Oudard Feudrix 250 , 260 , 262 , 267
decadence 78
de Caradeuc de La Chalotais, Louis-René 13
de Castries, Charles 253
deceit/deception 84 , 17980 , 18586 , 18889 , 218
de Chastenet Puységur, Jacques François Maxime 78 , 11 , 45 , 17172 , 205 , 209 , 211 , 21314 , 220 , 255
de Cock, Joseph
Defuncti tertii saeculi Societatis Iesu 1740–1773 232
de Dainville, François 232
de Dainville, Maurice 226
de Espinha, José 233
defense/defensive 16 , 58 , 98 , 110 , 142 , 207 , 21314
de Fontaney, Jean 18 , 242
de Ghelcke, Ronald Hynderick
Les Amyot 22531 , 266 , 269
de Grammont, Antoine-Pierre 232
de Grammont, Jean-Joseph 16
de Guibert, Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte 213 , 216
Essai général de tactique 213
de Guignes, Joseph 3 , 10 , 17 , 22 , 37 , 43 , 45 , 5253 , 5960 , 62 , 165 , 172 , 174 , 201 , 216 , 231 , 24650 , 25557 , 267 , 272
Avis 3 , 52 , 59
“Chou-king” 248
Essai sur le moyen de parvenir à la lecture... 248
Dehergne, Joseph 47 , 226 , 233 , 242 , 248 , 25354 , 257 , 262 , 27071 , 273
“Gaubil historien de l’astronomie chinoise” 242
“La correspondance littéraire” 254
“Les biens de la maison française de Pékin en 1776–1778” 253
Monumenta serica 47 , 253
Répertoire des jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800 226 , 233 , 273
“Une grande collection” 248 , 254 , 257 , 262
“Voyageurs chinois venus à Paris...” 47
de Laborde, Jean-Benjamin
Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne 238
De la Riviére, Pierre-Paul Le Mercier 32 , 238
de La Tour de Gléné, Charles Jean-Baptiste Des Galois 264
Delatour, Louis-François 263 , 266
Delattre, Pierre 230 , 233
de L’Averdy, Clément Charles François 13
Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas 24243 , 267
de Mailla, Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyriac 45 , 255
Histoire générale de la Chine ou Annales de cet empire 259
de Mattos, Manuel 233
de Maupeou, René-Nicolas-Charles-Augustin 2089
democracy 41
de Neuvialle, Jean Sylvain 2
de Pauw, Cornelius 22 , 5657 , 2045 , 25657 , 259
de Robien de Treullan, Pierre-Louis-Achille 269
de Rochemonteix, Camille 2256 , 236 , 249 , 264 , 268 , 274
Derzhavin, Gavriil Romanovich 246
de Sacy, Jacques Silvestre 227 , 254 , 268
de Saint-Leu, Colonel Saint-Maurice 45 , 2056 , 208 , 255
de Sartines, Antoine-Raymond 14 , 37 , 253 , 266
de Saxe, Maurice 11 , 168 , 170
Description générale de la Chine... (Grosier) 259
Description géographique, historique... (Du Halde) 235 , 238
desertion, army 129 , 155
Deshauterayes, Michel-Ange André Leroux 247 , 28283
de Souza, Polycarpe 236
desperation, enemy 116
d’Espié, François 45
despotism 1213 , 23 , 27 , 29 , 34 , 42 , 206 , 208 , 216
Despotisme de la Chine (Quesnay) 26 , 29 , 32 , 177 , 200 , 205
des Robert, Joseph-Louis 234 , 268
Desrobert, Joseph-Robert 234 , 236 , 268
Desvoyes, M. 268 , 272
detachment, sending out of 114
de Tocqueville, Alexis 31
de Vaivre, Jean-Baptiste Guillemin 266 , 270
de Vergennes, Charles 253
de Visdelou, Claude 242
di (帝), emperor 64
dialectics 218
Dictionnaire de biographie française (dbf) 226 , 231 , 233
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (daf) 51 , 6566 , 97 , 188 , 220
Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastique 230 , 236
Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes (Barbier) 206
Dictionnaire tartare-mantchou-françois (Langlès) 267
Diderot, Denis 2 , 177 , 224 , 256 , 259
Didier, Béatrice
La musique des Lumières Diderot 224
Didot, François-Ambroise 3 , 45 , 2056 , 209
dignity, general’s 119
d’Incarville, Pierre-Noël Le Cheron 242
Dionis 69
diplomacy 11
disaster, military 95
discernment 82
disciples 71 , 175 , 177 . Zengzi/Zenzi
discretion, military 27 , 144 , 155
disease 124 , 128 , 167
disgrace, military 44 , 67 , 199
dishonor, military 95 , 133
Dissertation on Dances (Amiot) 259
Dissertation on the Music of the Chinese (Amiot) 259
divination 158
divine law 3031
Doctrine, La (dao 道) 13 , 8081 , 181 , 18889
of accommodation 51
Confucian 179
of lawful revolution 201
of mandate of heaven 65 , 161 , 181 , 196 , 200
Mencian 197
military 81 , 167 , 211
pacifist 24
parricidal 13
regicide 19697 , 199200 , 210
tactical 8
Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong) 175 , 182
Dôle, France 231
Dominicans 15 , 180
Dominus ac Redemptor (Clement xiv) 13 , 2023 , 251
Dortous de Mairan, Jean-Jacques 246
Doutes sur la dissertation de M. de Guignes (Deshauterayes) 247
dragons 5657
dragoons 57 , 268
drunkenness 128
du Gad, Louis 251
Du Mu (杜牧) 62 , 100
Du You (杜佑) 62
duality 187
Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste 21 , 235 , 238 , 249
Dupont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel 29 , 3233 , 209
Duras, duke of (Emmanuel-Félicité de Durfort) 210
capital 70
fraternal 178
natural 30
paternal 210
political 4
primary 31
Chou 46
Liu Song 65
Ming 15 , 23 , 25 , 65 , 72 , 168 , 174 , 201 , 260
Qing (also Manchu) 168
Shang (also Yin) 163 , 194 , 196 , 200
Song 41 , 62
Tang 62
Xia 163 , 189 , 194 , 19697 , 2001
Yin. see Shang
Zhou 6265 , 163 , 186 , 189 , 19496
Dzungar 255 , 272
Dzungaria 272
Earl of Macartney 269
Earle, Edward Meade 1
earth 49 , 79 , 8083 , 87 , 9192 , 98 , 100 , 102 , 111 , 125 , 130 , 137 , 167 , 182 , 187
earthworks 92
Eastern Han 65
eclipse 246
École française d’Extrême-Orient (efeo) 59
Chinese 27 , 32
French 28
natural 27
physiocratic 28
political 20 , 22 , 27 , 211
Edict of Nantes 17
Qianlong 32 , 261
Yongzheng 72 , 175
education 8 , 14 , 23 , 31 , 34 , 47 , 69 , 71 , 94 , 171 , 17677 , 193 , 198 , 208 , 237
Elba, island of 227
electricity 245 , 262
Elementa linguae Tartaricae (Verbiest) 270
Elman, Benjamin 15 , 170 , 198200
Éloge de la ville de Moukden (Qianlong) 3 , 33 , 45 , 5152 , 60 , 256 , 272
embankments 103
embassy, Lord Macartney 263
Chinese 263
French 176
Eminent Chinese of the Chʻing Period (Hummel) 72
emotion, manipulation of 49 , 187 , 217
Guangwu 65
Jie 200
Kangxi 19 , 45 , 63 , 66 , 6971 , 73 , 170 , 23435 , 254 , 260 , 270
Maurice 21718
Ming 198 , 200
Qianlong 16 , 3233 , 4345 , 151 , 161 , 167 , 170 , 199 , 212 , 231 , 233 , 252 , 25456 , 27174
Wanli 63
Wu 62 , 6465
Wudi 6465
Wuwang 64 , 163
Yongzheng 19 , 40 , 4344 , 59 , 61 , 6970 , 72 , 175 , 17781 , 189 , 2058 , 255
Zhòu 19697 , 199200
Empire Gazettes 262
Encyclopédie 27 , 177 , 238
Encyclopédie méthodique: Musique (Ginguené) 259
enemies 13 , 78 , 82 , 8488 , 9094 , 96102 , 10412 , 11434 , 13643 , 14549 , 15355 , 15860 , 16264 , 167 , 17981 , 185 , 19192 , 194 , 197 , 210 , 21820
art of making 104
five main things to conquer your enemies 79 , 96
energy (shi 勢) 2
England 8 , 22 , 25 , 212 , 263 , 269
engraving 32 , 44 , 27374
Enlightenment 2 , 58 , 1921 , 23 , 27 , 32 , 34 , 37 , 43 , 49 , 79 , 16567 , 169 , 171 , 18889 , 195 , 201 , 2045 , 21011 , 21314 , 225 , 259 , 261
entertainment 75
Entick, John
General History of the Late War 10
envoys 78 , 150
Ephémérides du citoyen (Les Éphémérides) 28 , 29 , 32 , 2056 , 209
epidemic 229
for Charles ii (Webb) 21 , 25
for Qianlong (Voltaire) 256
Epitoma rei militaris (Vegetius) 172 , 177 , 219
Épître au roi de la Chine... (Voltaire) 256
erudition, Chinese 188 , 256
espionage 12527 , 15759 , 162 , 18384 , 19192 . yong jian
Esprit, Jean-Baptiste 229
Essai général de tactique (de Guibert) 213
Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne (de Laborde) 238
Essai sur le moyen de parvenir à la lecture... (de Guignes) 248
Essai sur les moeurs (Voltaire) 20
Essay on the History of Civil Society (Ferguson) 19
Essays on the history, sciences, arts, customs… (Ko and Amiot) 33
ethics 34 , 80 , 82 , 166 , 169 , 175 , 17778 , 180 , 188 , 193 , 195 , 198 , 210 , 217 , 220
ethnomusicology 225 , 261
ethos, military conduct 174 , 190 , 214
Étiemble, René
L’Europe chinoise 254
Les jésuites en Chine 236
Eurasia 212
Europe 2 , 47 , 9 , 11 , 1417 , 1922 , 24 , 2627 , 33 , 3738 , 40 , 45 , 4850 , 57 , 87 , 128 , 155 , 161 , 178 , 199201 , 2078 , 216 , 22122 , 224 , 23435 , 24445 , 249 , 25455 , 258 , 26162 , 27071 , 273
evangelization 15
Evangelists 18
Evelyn, John 25
examens 3 , 43
examinations, China 23 , 43 , 16970 , 173 , 198
civil 23 , 170
military 16970 , 173
fa (法), discipline, law 81 , 89
Fabius Cunctator 86
fables 65 , 168 , 201
faculty, of mind 218
faith 18 , 28 , 180 , 196 , 198
Faivre, Antoine 41
fame 187 , 226
famine 256
fanaticism 41
Fan Zideng
Shulin Wenyuantang (書林 文元堂)
farmers 27
feet, unit of measure 101 , 105 , 115 . ren
Fejér, József 232
Ferguson, Adam 19
festival, Chinese 261
Fétis, François-Joseph
Biographie universelle des musiciens... 258
fiefdoms 138
Fillole, Lucrèce 225
fire, fighting with 78 , 111 , 114 , 15356 , 241
fireworks 24
Fischer, Karl Adolf Franz 232
fisheries 11
flattery, military tactic 119 , 192
fleet, commercial fishing 11
of armies, in battle 133 , 139
of birds, in espionage 127
Florence, Italy 273
Florida, United States 11
Fo (Fu Xi/Noah) 41
food 87 , 95 , 113 , 11718 , 124 , 131 , 142 , 153 , 265
foreigners 45 , 78 , 85 , 145 , 237
forest, advantages 11314 , 116
fortress 71 , 92 , 139
fortune 72 , 139 , 143 , 213 , 215 , 226
Foure Bookes of Flavius Vegetius Renatus (Sadler) 177
Fourmont, Étienne 24647
Framery, Nicolas-Étienne 259
France 4 , 714 , 1718 , 21 , 2732 , 3438 , 41 , 43 , 4547 , 49 , 54 , 5860 , 68 , 70 , 83 , 100 , 128 , 166 , 168 , 17374 , 176 , 184 , 197 , 2005 , 20714 , 216 , 218 , 221 , 224 , 226 , 228 , 23031 , 235 , 23841 , 24345 , 247 , 249 , 25152 , 254 , 25657 , 26066 , 269 , 27374
fraternal duty 178
Frederick ii (king) 27 , 57 , 256
freedom 14 , 25 , 41
Fréron, Élie-Catherine 4951 , 58
frugality 217
Fu Xi (Noah) 41
Fujian, China 145 , 268
Fuxi (emperor) 271
galleys 128
Gallia (arsi) 234
Gallicanism 12
Gamma Andromedae 243
Gaodi (emperor) 64
Gaozu (emperor) 64
Gat, Azar 57 , 213 , 21617
Gaubil, Antoine 17 , 23334 , 23637 , 240 , 24245 , 270 , 272
Correspondance de Pékin 1722–1759 236
Chinese music and 23637 , 242
Gazette de France 240
generals 8 , 43 , 6566 , 79 , 82 , 92 , 9899 , 120 , 127 , 144 , 149 , 151 , 155 , 15960 , 162 , 168 , 170
generalship, great 189
Geng Gan 65
Genoa, Italy 273
geography 19 , 80 , 172 , 198 , 256 , 272
Gerbillon, François 242
Ghislain, Joseph 253
gifts 255
Ginguené, Pierre-Louis
“Chinois (musique des)” 259
Girard, Jean-Baptiste 229
glory, military 24 , 79 , 86 , 89 , 93 , 96 , 98 , 134 , 142 , 149 , 152 , 15556 , 158 , 163 , 187 , 2078 , 26465
Gogeisl, Anton 243
gong, musical note 102
González, Tirso 234
Goree, island 11
governance 43 , 103
government 2 , 8 , 22 , 24 , 2831 , 3334 , 36 , 4041 , 44 , 6365 , 7071 , 94 , 120 , 123 , 135 , 166 , 16869 , 171 , 17475 , 177 , 180181 , 186 , 192 , 2067 , 21415
governors 70 , 72 , 113 , 120 , 192
grain 27 , 33 , 8788 , 153 , 210 , 272
Grammaire Tartare-Mandchou (Amiot) 270
Grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise 59 , 93 , 96 , 183
Great Wall 213
Greece 196 , 226
grenadiers 57 , 212
Gribovsky, Sofrony 246
Griffith, Samuel
Sun Tzu: The Art of War 46 , 55 , 74 , 81 , 90 , 95 , 100 , 105 , 120
Grmek, Mirko Drazen 250 , 273
Grosier, Jean-Baptiste 259
Grosse, Friedrich der 256
gu xiao di zhi jian, da di zhi qin ye (故小敵之堅,大敵之擒) 94
Guangwu (emperor) 65
Guangzhou, China 32 , 39 , 45 , 204 , 227 , 233 , 237 , 266 , 26869 , 272
guilds 28 , 34
Guillemin de Vaivre, Jean-Baptiste 266
Guillot, Pierre 237
gunpowder 24
Guojian (king) 109
Guy, Alan
Oeconomy and Discipline 203
Guy, Basil
French Image of China… 20
Guyue jingzhuan (Li Guangdi) 240 , 262
Habermas, Jürgen 9 , 34
half-victories 136
Hamy, Alfred 274
Han dynasty (Wendi) 6364
Eastern 65
Western 65
Han Xin 6465 . Tao Daoji
Hanfeizi 181
Hanlin, scholars 239 , 260
Hanna, Robert 269
Hannibal 24 , 86
Haoqiu zhuan 49
Harcourt, Anne Pierre (duke) 210
harpsichord 236
Hata, governor general of Ningutta 7172
Havana, Cuba 11
heaven 53 , 65 , 7982 , 98 , 132 , 137 , 161 , 18182 , 18788 , 196 , 200 , 211 , 265
Hegel, Friedrich 271
hegemon (ba 霸) 148
Heilongjiang province, China 71
Hellenism 16
Helman, Isidore-Stanislas 273
helmets 87
Helu (king) 109
heresy 17
Herodotus 6 , 196
heroism 194
He Yanxi (何延錫) 62
hierarchy, natural law and 30 , 35 , 170 , 180 , 202
hieroglyphs 246 , 248
Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 218
Histoire de Toulon (Lambert) 233
Histoire générale de la Chine ou Annales de cet empire (De Mailla) 259
Historical Essay..., An (Webb) 2022 , 24
Hoefer, Jean Chrétien Ferdinand
Nouvelle biographie universelle 209 , 287
Holmes, Samuel
Journal of Mr. Samuel Holmes 268
Homer 6
Hongwu (Taizu) 65
Honoré, Anne-Marguerite 227 , 245 , 273
Horace 203
horses, military 57 , 8788 , 12728 , 140 , 145 , 153
hospital 229
hou (ten bushels) 88
Hsia, Ronnie Po-chia
A Jesuit in the Forbidden City 193
“The Catholic Mission and Translations in China, 1583–1700” 16
“The End of the Jesuit Mission in China” 252
“Twilight in the Imperial City” 20
hu, unit of measure 88
Huang Shi Gong 63
Huang Shi gong san lüe (黃石剬三略) 61
Huangdi (emperor) 62 , 12324 , 167 , 271
Huard, Pierre 25354 , 26869 , 27273
Hugon, François 232
humanity (ren 仁) 2 , 2122 , 100 , 183 , 190 , 208 , 210 , 215 , 217 , 264
Hummel, Arthur 72
Hunan, China 78
hunger, in war 14243
huogong (火攻), fire attack 153
Hydra, constellation 154
Hymne tartare-mandchou, chanté à l’occasion de la conquête... (Amiot) 260
hymns 206 , 260
hypnosis 272
ideologies 56 , 16 , 29 , 218
idleness 111 , 128 , 148
idolatry 79 , 188
Ignatius of Loyola 48
ignorance 82 , 158 , 204
ilan-tchohai-kun 96
illness 124 , 253 , 26263
illustrations 61 , 63 , 273
immorality 194
Imperial Board of Astronomy, Beijing 1516
Board of Astronomy, Beijing 1516
court, Beijing 15 , 274
examination, China 43 , 170
orthodoxy 198
palace, Beijing 202 , 252
India 4 , 11 , 24 , 50 , 212
East 240
West 4 , 11
industry 31 , 33 , 92 , 273
infanticide 257
infidels 18
Institut de France 1 , 38 , 211 , 228 , 274
insurrection 198
Chinese 237 , 24041
European 50
invasion 19 , 23 , 65 , 168 , 2001 , 212
invention 2324
Israel 195
Jacob/Jacques (Yang Ya-Ko-Pe) 236
Jacobite 21
Jacquier, Antoine 253
Jansenism and Jansenists 4 , 10 , 12 , 19 , 58 , 197
Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France (Van Kley) 12
javelins, weapon 87 , 104
jealousies, among enemies 160
Jesuits 25 , 7 , 1022 , 2527 , 3132 , 3536 , 40 , 44 , 4750 , 54 , 58 , 98 , 166 , 169 , 172 , 176 , 178 , 180 , 188 , 190 , 193 , 195 , 19799 , 2023 , 20910 , 214 , 216 , 23035 , 24148 , 25153 , 261 , 263 , 266 , 269
abolishment of 1314 , 251
accommodation 10 , 15 , 19 , 22 , 48 , 5051 , 58
admiration of Chinese values/culture 15
as apologists 178
as assassins guilty of lèze-majesté 210
Chinese Jesuits (Ko and Yang) 31 , 36
Chinese Rites and 98 , 151 , 235
Choiseul, duke of (Étienne-François) and 32 , 35 , 210
deportation from Macau 251
exile of French mission 268
expulsion from France 34 , 10 , 13 , 31 , 209
as intermediaries 244 , 269
as map-makers 16
as mathematicians and scientists 242
suppression 45 , 1011 , 1314 , 19 , 29 , 3640 , 188 , 2023 , 232 , 25153 , 261 , 26465 , 271
tombs in China 251 , 263 , 265
wealth and jurisdiction of mission 252
Jews 270
Ji (箕), constellation 154
Ji (Tsi/Qi), kingdom 73
Jia Lin (賈林 ) 62 , 95 , 120
jiān and jiàn, (間), division, interval/space 157
jiang (將 ), commander 182
Jiangnan, China 74 , 109
Jiangsu, China 145
Jiangxi, China 74
Jie (emperor) 200
Jin dynasty 65
jin (金), metal 115
Jin, western 65
Jinchuan, China 16 , 260 , 267
Jing Yaoshi 62
jing, classics 61
Jingzhou, China 78
jiu bian (九變), nine variations 117
jiu di (九地), nine grounds 137
Ji Yun 199
Johnston, Alastair
Cultural Realism 6 , 174 , 214
Joly de Fleury, Jean-Omer 13
Joly de Maizeroy, Paul-Gédéon 11 , 216 , 218
Jones, Colin
“Bourgeois Revolution Revivified…” 169
“The Great Chain of Buying: Medical Advertisement…” 167
The Great Nation: France from Louis xv to Napoleon 13
José I (king) 251
jue, musical note 102
Julia, Dominique
Les collèges français 230 , 232
jun (軍), city 91
jun, thousands of men 96
junxing (軍形), dispositions 97
junzheng (軍爭), maneuvering 111
justice 75 , 100 , 129 , 134 , 164 , 190 , 199
Kaifeng Jews/synagogue 270
Kamchatka peninsula 213
Kang, Philippe-Stanislas 47 , 233
Kangxi (emperor) 19 , 45 , 63 , 66 , 6971 , 73 , 170 , 23435 , 254 , 260 , 270
Kaon Chung (prince) 273
kaozheng 198
Keng-kan (Geng Gan 耿弇) 65
Khalkha 255
kiun (jun/ou-kun) 91
Knies, Karl 28
knight 185
Ko, Louis 3134 , 3639 , 60 , 211 , 21314 , 236 , 254 , 257 . Yang, Étienne
Kratzenstein, Christian 245
Kuang, Geng (耿況) 65
lacquer 260
Lai Xi 65
lakes 139
Lambert, Gustave 233
Lamiot, Louis-Marie 263
lances 103
landowners 28
Langlès, Louis
Dictionnaire tartare-mantchou-françois 267
Journey to China and Tartary with Lord Macartney’s Embassy 268
“Tartar-Manchu Hymn, Sung on the Occasion... 260 , 267
Languedoc, France 209
Laozi Daodejing zhu jiaoshi (老子道德經注校釋 ) 184
Laroque, Gaspar Laurent 232
Lauras, Matthieu 234 , 248
Lautour, A. M. 226
Laval, Maine 269
law 26 , 28 , 3031 , 34 , 36 , 41 , 66 , 70 , 77 , 81 , 89 , 100 , 164 , 207 , 230 , 265
Lazare 249
Lazarite/s 253 , 260 , 263 , 269
Lazarus, order of 253
Le Bon, Simon 236 , 249 , 251 , 268
league, unit of measure 11 , 85 , 107 . li
leather 92
Lebeau, Charles 249
Le Cheron d’Incarville, Pierre-Noël 242
Lecomte, Louis 1921 , 242
legends 196 , 201
“Fo” (Fu Xi) 41
of founder of Chinese empire 123
Huang Shi gong 63
Shiji 144
of Three Dynasties 19697 , 201 , 211
Xia dynasty 163 , 19697 , 200
Legier, Madame (Amiot, Marie-Victoire) 269
Le Gobien, Charles 18
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 20 , 23 , 25
leisure 101 , 264
Lenoir, Yves 3 , 45 , 22425 , 238 , 24041 , 25859 , 262 , 273
Leo vi (emperor) 218
Le Paige, Louis-Adrien 35
Leroux, Michel-Ange André 45 , 247 , 267
lesser places lethargic state, of army 137
lethargy 111
Lettre de Pékin, sur le génie de la langue chinoise
Lettres édifiantes et curieuses (Le Gobien) 18 , 161 , 234 , 236 , 244 , 246 , 270
Lettre sur les caractères chinois 24748
“Lettre de Voltaire à Frédéric ii...” (Voltaire) 256
Lettres chinoises, indiennes et tartares... (Voltaire) 256
Leuven, Belgium 230 , 253
Li Guangdi/Kuangti 24041 , 259
li, unit of measure 85 , 107 , 109 , 112 , 124 , 157
Liang dynasty 6263
liang (兩), unit of measure 101
Liaozi, one of six military classics 6162
libraries/library 3 , 7 , 21 , 29 , 37 , 172 , 199 , 204 , 228 , 235 , 239 , 266
Lieou-ye-kin 238
“Life of Confucius” (Amiot) 257 , 262 , 271
lightning 114 . electricity
Linguet, Simon-Nicolas-Henri 210
Lipsius, Justus 172
Lisbon, Portugal 235 , 251
Li Shimin 62
literalism 58
literati 15
literature 5 , 32 , 34 , 45 , 69 , 196 , 199 , 243 , 250 , 266 , 268
Liu-ye-Kin (Lieou-ye-Kin) 238
Liu Song dynasty 65
Liutao/ Liu tao 43 , 6263 , 205
Li Weigong wendui (李衛剬問對) 62
Lloyd, Henry Humphrey Evans 5 , 8 , 21213 . Loyd
Lo, Kii-Ming 238
Loewe 178 , 183 , 192
logic 2 , 18 , 35 , 39 , 41 , 58 , 161 , 172 , 186 , 188 , 195 , 209 , 212 , 232 , 243
logistics, military 8
Lombard, Étienne 231
London, United Kingdom 6 , 911 , 13 , 15 , 20 , 33 , 45 , 49 , 57 , 17677 , 185 , 196 , 234 , 237 , 239 , 24449 , 266 , 26869
Longobardo, Nicolò 260
Lorient, France 233
Louis xiv (king) 7 , 17 , 18 , 176 , 209 , 234
Louis xv (king) 3 , 7 , 10 , 13 , 17 , 27 , 35 , 197 , 208 , 210 , 251
Louis xvi (king) 36 , 2023 , 253 , 263
Louisiana, United States 11 , 13
Louvain, Belgium 224 , 254
loyalty 11 , 95 , 155 , 162 , 200
Lucrèce, Louis–Raphaël 269
Loyd, English officer 21213 . see Lloyd, Henry Humphrey Evans
Lu, kingdom 7374 , 144
Lü Wang (tai Gong)
Liutao 63
Lü Ya 16364 , 194
(旅), battalion 91
lu (櫓), chariots, covered cart 93
, town 91
Lugd (arsi) 23334
Lunyu (Analects) 170 , 175 , 18283
luo (鑼), bronze dish/gong 11415
Ly-koang-ty 240
Lyon, France 41 , 227 , 230 , 233 , 237 , 243 , 272
Lyra, constellation 246
Macartney, George 204 , 263 , 26869
Macau, China 202 , 233 , 23637 , 251 , 266 , 26869
Machiavelli, Niccolò 176
Madras, India 263
Madrid, Spain 11
Maggs, Barbara Widenor
Russia and “le Rêve Chinois” 246 , 254
magistrates, France 12 , 124 , 167
magnanimity, of soldiers 129
magnetism 242 , 272
Maine, France 269
management, of army 37 , 114 , 161 , 171
commentators/interpolation 180
conquest 44 , 160 , 163 , 168 , 194 , 212 , 255 , 260
court 44 , 260
emperors 70 , 174
hymns 260 , 267
invasion/invaders 19 , 23
kingdom 168
language 67 , 254 , 26768 , 270
lords 178
manuscripts 46
revolution 168
Tartars 256
translations 51
versions/Art militaire 172
words 54 , 267
Manchuria, China 202
Manchus, people 168
Mandarins 16 , 72 , 150 , 151 , 210 , 253
d’armes 170
de lettres 170
of fifth rank 261
mandate of heaven 65 , 161 , 181 , 196 , 200
Fréron’s 4950
Quesnay’s 31 , 20810
Manila, Philippines 11
of attacking/ defending 141
of Chinese 169
of commanding 118
customs and 14950 , 168 , 263 , 265
good 147
of leading 145
of thinking 47 , 69
manuscripts 3 , 45 , 238 , 258 , 262
map-making 16
maps 272
Marseille, France 226 , 229 , 24344 , 266
marshal of France 7
marshals 209
Martini, Martino 19 , 168
martyrs 252
Mass (liturgy) 263
mathematicians 234 , 242
mathematics 243
Maurice (emperor) 21718
Maverick, Lewis
China: A Model for Europe 27
Mead, Edward 1
meanness 129 , 182
measurements 100 , 244 . hu, li, ren
meat 128
mechanics 245
medal 261
Medicine, Paris Faculty of 45 , 272
medicine 27 , 40 , 66 , 245 , 272
medicines, Chinese 272
meditation 187
Mei Yaochen (梅 堯臣) 62
Meihua Fleur de Prunus ensemble 22425
Mekong, river 272
melancholy, of troops 124
Mellet, comte de 26869
melodies 102 , 23739 , 246 , 259 . music
Mémoires concernant l’histoire... (Amiot) 19 , 33 , 43 , 46 , 172 , 176 , 18889 , 196 , 199 , 2045 , 23637 , 23942 , 24548 , 250 , 25455 , 25762 , 267 , 27071 , 273
Mencius 66 , 94 , 170 , 176 , 181 , 186 , 195201 , 178 , 183 , 19196
Amiot, Joseph and 94 , 170 , 176 , 181 , 195201 , 178 , 183 , 19196 , 199200
Mengzi 170 , 176
Mengzi ziyi shuzheng (Dai Zhen) 198200
Mengshi (孟 氏) 62
mercantilism 36
Mercury, planet 24244 , 246
“Mercurius in sole observatus…” (Hallerstein) 244
meridian 71 , 24344
merit 66 , 16970 , 215
Merrick, Jeffrey 13
Mesmer, Franz Anton 26869 , 272
Messe des jésuites de Pékin (Amiot) 224 , 260
metal 87 , 111 , 115
meteorology 244 . astronomy
Miao, minority group 271
Mien, kingdom 272
militarism 27
military art 1 , 4445 , 57 , 59 , 67 , 7374 , 87 , 103 , 124 , 134 , 136 , 167 , 170 , 214
achievements/self-glorification 44 , 65 , 151
art 1 , 4445 , 57 , 59 , 67 , 7374 , 87 , 103 , 124 , 134 , 136 , 167 , 170 , 214
of governing troops 103
of healing 124 , 167
of making changes 119
of making enemies 104
of military intelligence 107
of proximity 47 , 111
authors 205 , 255
classics, Byzantine 217
classics, Chinese 4345 , 61 , 63 , 67 , 74 , 170 , 175 , 179
commander 218
conduct 178
doctrines, France 211
culture, Chinese 16 , 32 , 44 , 175 , 19495
dress/costume 43 , 255
Enlightenment 58 , 79 , 165 , 171 , 205 , 210 , 21314
examinations 16970 , 173
exercises/training 43 , 5657 , 7475 , 77 , 255
failures 196
forces 30 , 96 , 175
institutions 173 , 213
laws and disciplinary rules 17274
oaths 152
officers 209
operations/affairs 8 , 142
punishment 77
rank 43 , 170
readers 55 , 172
reformers 5
science 66 , 20910
skills 169
spirit 5
strategy/methods 39 , 43 , 255
supplies 118
tactics 8 , 16 , 117 , 166 , 213 , 21720
technology 26
texts and treatises 6 , 44 , 5051 , 68 , 70 , 114 , 174 , 21718
theory 56 , 33 , 55 , 174 , 185 , 205 , 211 , 214 , 21617 , 220
tradition 6
weapons/instruments 43 , 75 , 79 , 86 , 103 , 11226 , 153 , 166 , 203
Milsky, Françoise
“Les souscripteurs de l’histoire…” 45 , 255 , 261 , 273
Ming 6 , 1415 , 23 , 25 , 41 , 44 , 65 , 70 , 72 , 168 , 174 , 198 , 2001 , 240 , 253 , 260 , 26869
court 15
dynasty 23 , 25 , 65 , 168 , 174 , 201 , 260
emperors 65 , 198 , 200
Mirabeau, marquis of 2728
misfortune 14 , 64 , 79 , 8687 , 122 , 132 , 142 , 167
mission, French Jesuit 2 , 45 , 12 , 14 , 1618 , 20 , 33 , 3539 , 4750 , 189 , 2014 , 206 , 211 , 215 , 225 , 23336 , 242 , 246 , 25154 , 26466 , 27071 , 274
missionaries 1819 , 26 , 36 , 38 , 4041 , 43 , 48 , 50 , 57 , 203 , 206 , 215 , 224 , 23536 , 242 , 244 , 24748 , 25254 , 261 , 26466 , 27071 , 273
Missions étrangères 18 , 202 , 236 , 249 , 251 , 253 , 259 , 268
modernization 16
modesty 217
Mohist text 181
monarchy 4 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 3536 , 41 , 176 , 209 , 211 , 252 , 271
money 85 , 113 , 128 , 151 , 153 , 15859 , 161 , 235 , 267
Mongolia 167 , 213
Mongols 41 , 254
Montecuccoli, Raimondo 172
Montesquieu 26 , 206 , 216 , 235
Monumenta serica (Dehergne) 47 , 253
morality 20 , 40 , 80 , 181 , 188
Moreau, Jacob-Nicolas 10 , 3536
Mortimer, Cromwell 237
Morton, Charles 24748
motivation 3 , 38 , 68 , 74 , 200 , 242 , 264
mou gong (謀攻), offensive strategy 90
Mouly, M. 263
mountain 56 , 105 , 11314 , 11617 , 12223 , 131 , 138 , 14445 , 148
Mourgues, Charles 226
Mozi 24 , 181 , 197
Mukden, China 33 , 202 , 267
Murphy, Arthur 50
Muscovites 270
music 120 , 172 , 192 , 22425 , 233 , 23642 , 25662 , 267 , 274
musicians 224 , 237 , 260
mutiny 120 , 192
mythology 271
Nanjing, China 202
nationalism 12
cadets 230
college 243
seminary 229
navies 155
navigation 239
navy 11 , 155 , 227 , 253 , 266
Needham, John Turberville 24748
Ningutta, China 71
Nöel, François
Sinensis imperii libri classici sex 199200
Normandy, France 209
Novissima Sinica 23
obedience 13 , 63
observatories 37 , 235 , 24243 , 278
Oirat lands 272 . Dzungaria
O’Malley, John 1415 , 20 , 48 , 193 , 197
Orphelin de la Chine (Voltaire) 50
Othello 46
Ottoman empire 33 , 213
pacifism 21 , 23 , 167
Padroado, of Portugal 1718 , 234
pagoda 210
Panzi, Giuseppe 263
papacy 18
bulls 12 , 19 , 151 , 203
encyclical 12
Parennin, Dominique 69
Paris, Joseph 253
Paris, France 1 , 34 , 7 , 1013 , 1821 , 2728 , 3137 , 4345 , 47 , 52 , 59 , 88 , 97 , 165 , 172 , 17677 , 202 , 2056 , 20811 , 216 , 218 , 22438 , 24042 , 24445 , 24749 , 25161 , 263 , 26668 , 27174
Parent, Melchior-François 37 , 211 , 226 , 228
Patras, Greece 226
patriotism 41
peace 45 , 9 , 11 , 71 , 84 , 91 , 93 , 109 , 126 , 134 , 151 , 156 , 159 , 161 , 164 , 175 , 2023 , 265
pedagogy 237
Pedrini, Teodoríco 225 , 238 , 260
Peking, China 168 , 204 , 259 , 273
Pereira, Tomas 263
Pereyra, André 238
Périgord 39 , 265
Perkins, Merle 21
Perronet, M. 227
Petersburg, Russia 21213 , 24446 , 26667 , 270
Peyrefitte, Alain 263 , 26869
Pezenas, Esprit 243 , 266
Pfister, Louis 233 , 235 , 248 , 266 , 26869
philanthropy 201
Philip v (king) 232
Philippines 4
philology 198200
philosopher 1 , 20 , 23 , 31 , 66 , 71 , 166 , 170 , 175 , 177 , 182 , 18586 , 235 , 256 , 271
philosophy 4142 , 58 , 171 , 17677 , 188 , 217 , 21920 , 230 , 232 , 246 , 271
physics 80 , 83 , 188 , 235 , 24243 , 245 , 262
physiocracy 2628 , 208
physiology 27
Picard, Alphonse 225
Picard, François 224 , 238 , 255 , 26061 , 273
Sanjiao wenxian 224
Picard, René 231
pinyin 59 , 62 , 88
Pitt, William 910
Pius vii
Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum 203
plague 229
Plato 23
Plutarch 8
poems 44 , 232 , 256
poetry 49
Poland 21214
Polybius 6
polygamy 257
Pombal, marquis of 251
Pompadour, Madame de 12 , 27 , 35
porcelain 31 , 254 , 273
Portugal 4 , 12 , 1718 , 202 , 251
pottery 273
Poupardin, René 267
poverty 87 , 207
Prague, Czech Republic 199
prejudices 5758 , 64 , 170 , 2089
pride 84 , 261
priest 12 , 46 , 23233 , 264 , 268
prisoners 8889
prisons 251
Pritchard, Earl 204
prohibitions 16 , 113
Propaganda Fide 37
propaganda, French 35
Provence, France 21 , 22630 , 232 , 243 , 251 , 264 , 266 , 269
Prussia 11 , 27 , 57 , 256
punishment 44 , 63 , 67 , 77 , 82 , 89 , 100 , 121 , 129 , 134 , 148 , 160 , 187 , 197 , 199 , 201 , 215
Puységur, marquis of. see de Chastenet Puységur, Jacques François Maxime
Pythagoras 259
Pythagoreanism 257
Qi 6163 , 73 , 80 , 83 , 94 , 242 , 248
Qian Deming. see Amiot, Joseph-Marie
Qianlong (emperor) 16 , 3233 , 4345 , 151 , 161 , 167 , 170 , 199 , 212 , 231 , 233 , 252 , 25456 , 27174
Qin dynasty 24 , 63 , 181
Qing dynasty 14 , 16 , 44 , 59 , 70 , 16768 , 170 , 19798 , 200 , 21213 , 240 , 253
Quan Zuwang 198
Quérard, Joseph Marie 205
Quesnay, François 10 , 2634 , 200 , 2056 , 20810
Despotisme de la Chine 26 , 29 , 32 , 177 , 200 , 205
manifesto 31 , 20810
Tableau économique 28
Traité de la monarchie 2830
Traité des fièvres continues 27
Rameau, Jean-Philippe 237 , 23941 , 259
Ramsey, John Fraser
Anglo-French Relations... 11
ratio, combatants 123
Raux, Nicolas-Joseph 229 , 253 , 263 , 26970 , 27374
Ravaillac, François 197
Razumovsky, Cyril 245 , 267
realism 6 , 174 , 214
Realpolitik 10 , 23 , 174 , 216
rebellion 65 , 89
rebels 149 , 161 , 16364 , 194 , 201
Recherches philosophiques (de Pauw) 5657 , 2045 , 25657
recidivism 203
redoubts 92 . fortress
Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses (Turgot) 3233
Réflexions sur la musique en général et sur la musique française… (Arnaud) 240
regicide 19697 , 199200 , 210
Reichwein, Adolf 57
Rémusat, Abel 271
ren (仁), benevolence 22 , 94 , 101 , 169 , 19091 , 195 , 201
ren, unit of measure 101
Renaissance 33 , 193
Répertoire des jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800 (Dehergene) 226 , 233 , 273
Retz, Franz 233
Chinese 65 , 94 , 163 , 168 , 195 , 197 , 2001 , 210
French 45 , 12 , 21 , 29 , 31 , 3334 , 41 , 167 , 195 , 20012 , 217 , 219 , 227 , 266 , 269
Polish 212
scientific 40
social 29
rhetoric 24 , 56 , 94 , 19394 , 232
Ricci, Matteo 15 , 48
rice 88 , 256 , 265
Richmann, Georg Wilhelm 245
Riquetti, Victor 28
Rites Controversy 19 , 58 , 176 , 180 , 23536
rituals, China 44 , 196 , 236 , 262
Rivière, Joseph 32 , 23031
Robbins, Helen 269
Robien de Treulian, Pierre-Louis-Achille 269
Roch, Pierre-Jules 22628 , 230 , 274
Romanization, French system 59
Rome, Italy 12 , 17 , 37 , 202 , 219 , 226 , 232 , 242 , 247 , 253 , 270
Rousseau, Jacques 224 , 238 , 259
Roussier, Pierre-Joseph 224 , 24041 , 25759 , 267
Roussillon, France 227
Rouvres-sur-Aube, France 225
Rowbotham, Arnold H.
“China in the Esprit des lois: Montesquieu and Mgr. Foucquet” 26
Missionary and Mandarin 16 , 253
Russia 21214 , 242 , 246 , 254
Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith 18 , 202 , 253 , 260
Sagittarius, constellation 153
Saillant, Charles Jacques 247 , 27273
Saint-Hélier (Jersey) 269
Saint Maurice de Saint Leu 45 , 2056 , 208 , 214 , 255
sainthood 195
salaries, troops and officers 128 , 157
Salins, Switzerland 233
Sallier, Claude 24950 , 267
Sanjiao wenxian (Picard) 224
san jun (三軍), three armies/military forces 96
Sardinia 247
satire 230 , 257
Sawyer, Ralph
Seven Military Classics 63 , 74 , 105 , 179
“Warfare Is the Way of Deception” 185
scabbard 212
Schall von Bell, Adam 1516
Scheck, Catherine 231 , 255
Scheurleer, Henri 238
scholarship 3 , 11 , 31 , 219
schools 8 , 30 , 181
science 5 , 7 , 1517 , 2728 , 30 , 45 , 47 , 5859 , 66 , 71 , 106 , 165 , 17181 , 18889 , 2045 , 20811 , 21620 , 242 , 25354 , 264 , 266 , 268 , 27273
scientia magna (Daxue) 17577 , 196
Scott, Hamish Marshall 1013 , 35
seafaring 226 . navies
seamen 11
sect, Tao-ze 271
self-abnegation 28
seminary 36 , 22930 , 23233
Serre, Marie Anne 225
Seven Years’ War 4 , 69 , 11 , 20 , 27 , 100 , 155 , 209 , 213
Sèvres porcelain 31 , 273
Shandong, China 7374 , 14445 , 268
Shang dynasty 163 , 186 , 189 , 19597 , 199201
Shang Yang 181
shang, musical note 102
Shao Yong 271
Shaoxing, China 109
Shaughnessy, Edward 181 , 187 , 196
Shengjing fu (Qianlong) 256
Shengyue jing pu 260
Shenyang, China 202
shi (士), knight/scholar-official 185
shi, of Tian Rangju (田穰苴) 61
shields 3031 , 56 , 87 , 92 , 255
shiji (始計), estimates 78
Shiji (Sima Qian) 144
Shizu (emperor) 6465
shoufu (首輔), grand secretary 72
Shuairan (率然), type of snake 14445
Shunzhi (emperor) 65
Siao 223
Siberia, Russia 212
sickness, of army 117 , 12324 , 139 , 142
sieges 7 , 1516 , 86 , 92 , 118 , 122 , 138 , 158 , 160
Siku quanshu (Dai Zhen) 199
silk 238
silver 85 , 261
Silvestre de Sacy, Jacques 227
Sima Bingfa 62
Sima Rangju (司馬穰苴) 6162
Simafa 255
Sinensis imperii libri classici sex (Nöel) 199200
sinology 22 , 43 , 242
sinophilia 1920 , 31 , 216 , 235
sinophobia 1920 , 206 , 254
Sishu 175 . Lunyu, Mengzi, and Zhongyong
skill, military 24 , 75 , 89 , 103 , 115 , 133 , 157 , 169 , 191 , 218 , 249
skirmishes 112
Smith, Adam 27
Society of Jesus. see Jesuits
Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum (Pius vii) 203
Sommervogel, Carlos
Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus 232 , 248 , 254
Song dynasty 41 , 62
songs, Chinese 237 , 239
Sorbonne, University of the 20
soul, Chinese idea of 54
Sounou 178
Spain 4 , 1011 , 13 , 17 , 232 , 251
Speelman, Patrick 46 , 8 , 213
sphygmology, Chinese 272
Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue 74
Standaert, Nicolas
“Article du Journal étranger…” 24041 , 262
“Chinese Christians…” 251
“Jesuit Corporate Culture as Shaped by the Chinese” 15
“Jesuits in China” 1516
“Ritual Dances and Their Visual Representations” 240
“Le rôle de l’autre dans l’expérience missionnaire…” 242
standard/flag 88 , 127 , 15859
Starkey, Armstrong
War in the Age of Enlightenment... 6
starvation 127 , 139
Statman, Alexander 44 , 189 , 272
Stellar Mansions, Chinese 154
Strategicon (Maurice) 217
strategy, military 12 , 4 , 78 , 1516 , 21 , 24 , 34 , 36 , 39 , 43 , 4950 , 65 , 78 , 80 , 94 , 99 , 119 , 168 , 172 , 177 , 18687 , 189 , 194 , 201 , 205 , 211 , 214 , 21620 , 236 , 255 . tactics
suan 102
Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine 24041
Sujo Lan 273
Sun, Master 185
Sunzi 13 , 22 , 43 , 4547 , 49 , 51 , 5359 , 6163 , 6567 , 69 , 71 , 7379 , 81 , 8387 , 8991 , 93101 , 1035 , 107 , 109 , 111 , 113 , 11517 , 119 , 12123 , 125 , 127 , 12931 , 133 , 135 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 14345 , 147 , 149 , 15155 , 15759 , 161 , 163 , 16567 , 16971 , 17375 , 177 , 179 , 18191 , 19397 , 199201 , 205 , 21819 , 225 , 255
Sun Wu 61
Sunzi (master Sun) 13 , 22 , 43 , 4547 , 49 , 51 , 5359 , 6163 , 6567 , 69 , 71 , 7379 , 81 , 8387 , 8991 , 93101 , 1035 , 107 , 109 , 111 , 113 , 11517 , 119 , 12123 , 125 , 127 , 12931 , 133 , 135 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 14345 , 147 , 149 , 15155 , 15759 , 161 , 163 , 16567 , 16971 , 17375 , 177 , 179 , 18191 , 19397 , 199201 , 205 , 21819 , 225 , 255
superstition 79 , 188
sword 77 , 86 , 93 , 120 , 142 , 160 , 212
synagogue 270
Tableau économique (Quesnay and Mirabeau) 28
tactics, military 8 , 16 , 117 , 166 , 213 , 21720
Taigong 61 , 163
Taizong, emperor 62
Taizong, military classic 61
Taizu 6465
Taktiká (Leo) 21718
Tan Daoji 6465
Tang dynasty 62
Tao-ze, sect 271
tao, Taoism and Taoist 182 , 185 , 271 . dao
Tartar 8 , 2425 , 44 , 4647 , 5152 , 5556 , 6570 , 73 , 96 , 105 , 107 , 149 , 168 , 174 , 201 , 252 , 256 , 260 , 26768 , 270
Tartar-Manchu 4647 , 55 , 65 , 6770 , 73 , 168 , 174 , 201 , 260 , 26768 , 270
Tartary 235 , 256 , 268
taxes and taxation 9 , 2728 , 34
Tchang-cheou 72
Tchen, Ysia
La musique chinoise en France au xviiie siècle 224 , 238 , 240 , 25860
technology 1516 , 26
temperature, military strategy 115
temple, Chinese 256
terrain, military strategy 125 , 13034 , 13637 , 139 , 141 , 146
Terwecoren, Édouard 231
theater 1 , 4 , 49
theology 20 , 55 , 66 , 188 , 197 , 230
theory, military 56 , 33 , 55 , 174 , 185 , 205 , 211 , 214 , 21617 , 220
Thucydides 6
Tian (田) 61
Tian Rangju (田穰苴) 61
tian (天), heaven, weather/seasons 8081 , 182
tianxia (天下), all under heaven, the world 55 , 84 , 149
Tibet 167 , 215
timidity, in action 100 , 129 , 133
tolerance 15 , 58 , 242
topography, military tactic and strategy 80 . terrain
Tordesillas treaty 17
Torghuts 212 , 271
Toulon, France 22530 , 23233 , 237 , 263 , 266
Toulouse, France 229
Tourgouths. see Torghuts
Tournu, Jean-Antoine 232
traders 39 , 212
tragedies, entertainment. theater
Chinese 50
Jesuit 179
Traité de la monarchie (Quesnay) 2830
Traité de météorologie (Cotte) 244
Traité des fièvres continues (Quesnay) 27
Traité historique et dogmatique (Faivre) 41
traitors 16364 , 194 , 196
transportation 85
Pacte de famille 1011
Peace of Paris 11
of Tordesillas 17
tributaries, of China 24950
tributary, governing of 113
Trinity College, Lyon 230 , 237
triumphs 99 , 128 , 150 , 158
troops 8 , 44 , 61 , 6667 , 7173 , 75 , 77 , 82 , 8486 , 9293 , 95 , 97104 , 10818 , 120 , 122 , 124 , 12830 , 13239 , 14143 , 14548 , 151 , 15558 , 169 , 177 , 181 , 193 , 207 , 21213 , 227 , 255
trustworthiness 44 , 67 , 148 , 190 , 204
Turandot (Puccini) 238
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques 10 , 3234 , 36
Turin, Italy 24547
Turkestan 272 . Dzungaria
tyrannicide 210 . regicide
Unigenitus (Clement xi) 12 , 19
Chinese 161 , 176
troops 84 , 141
Ursulines 22829 , 263 , 269 , 274
valor 24 , 64 , 74 , 81 , 86 , 104 , 113 , 115 , 120 , 122 , 133 , 143 , 145 , 171 , 190
Van Kley, Edwin
Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France 12
“News from China” 19 , 168
“Plots and Rumors of Plots” 197
Vauban (Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban) 7
Vegetius Renatus
aphorisms and 219
Epitoma rei militaris 172 , 177 , 219
Verbiest, Ferdinand 1617 , 253 , 270
Verevkin, Mikhail Ivanovich 246
Verhaeren, Hubert 37 , 214
Versailles, France 34 , 39 , 202
victory 53 , 82 , 8485 , 92 , 9697 , 99101 , 108 , 110 , 112 , 118 , 124 , 126 , 134 , 14647 , 155 , 158 , 161 , 181 , 18587 , 189 , 191 , 193 , 219 , 260
Vienna, Austria 11
Villeflix, ship 233
vindictiveness 10
virtue 1 , 22 , 28 , 32 , 42 , 70 , 8283 , 94 , 97 , 161 , 163 , 186 , 19091 , 19495 , 215
cardinal 190
moral 164 , 194
Visconti, Ignazio 234
Volga, river 212
Épître au roi de la Chine... 256
Essai sur les moeurs 20
von Clausewitz, Carl 185
von Hallerstein, Augustin 24344
“Mercurius in sole observatus …” 244
von Weber, Carl Maria 23839
wagons 85 , 88 , 127 , 153
Waldron, Arthur 186
Waley-Cohen, Joanna
“China and Western Technology... ” 1516
“Commemorating War” 44
“Militarization of Culture... ” 167
Wang Xi (王晳) 62
wang (王), king 64 , 148
Wanli (emperor) 63
warfare 68 , 2324 , 44 , 57 , 61 , 84 , 89 , 96 , 149 , 17173 , 175 , 177 , 18182 , 18586 , 18889 , 192 , 195 , 206 , 210 , 217
warriors 43 , 6364 , 66 , 70 , 99 , 103 , 110 , 124 , 141 , 146 , 167 , 171 , 255
Way (Dao) 79 , 8182 , 97 , 181183 , 185186 , 189
weaponry 112
weapons 43 , 75 , 79 , 8586 , 103 , 113 , 126 , 153 , 166 , 203
weather 8081 , 107 , 115 , 117 , 126 , 142 , 153 , 244
Webb, John
Antiquity of China 25
Historical Essay/ Essay 2026 , 36 , 65 , 166 , 214
Wei dynasty 62
Wei Liaozi (慰繚子) 6162
Wei Wudi zhu Sunzi 62
Weigong, title 62
Wendi (emperor) 6465
Wendui 62
Wilkins, John 25
Wilkinson, Endymion
Chinese History 1 , 88 , 101 , 175 , 19899
wisdom 65 , 68 , 81 , 84 , 122 , 159 , 16263 , 168 , 183 , 187 , 190 , 201 , 218 , 249
Wittenberg, Germany 245
Wolff, Christian 23
women 75 , 7778 , 86 , 120 , 192 , 210
Wong, Ming 25354 , 26869 , 27273
“La science et la technologie chinoises” 25354 , 27273
“Mesmer en Chine…” 26869 , 272
“Pierre-Louis-Achille…” 269
worship 265
Wu (emperor) 62 , 6465
Wu Han 65
Wu, kingdom 7374 , 79 , 109 , 14445 , 169
Wu (prince) 199
wu (伍), company 91
wu (吾), my 109
wu wei er wu bu wei (無為而無不為), nothing is done but/and nothing is left undone 186
Wudi (emperor) 6465
Wujing, military classics 61
Wuwang (emperor) 64 , 163
Wuzi bingfa 43 , 53 , 170 , 177 , 188 , 196 , 205
Xanten, canon of 256
Xenophon 6 , 216
Xia dynasty 163 , 189 , 194 , 19697 , 2001
xiao, flute 260
xing (形), physical form 97
xing jun (行軍), marching 122
Xinjiang, China 44 , 167
Xuan (king) 94
Xuanyuan (king) 12324 . Huangdi
Yang, Étienne 3134 . , 3639 , 60 , 211 , 21316 , 236 , 254Ko, Louis
yang, principle of 80 , 83 , 188 . yin
Yangtze, river 272
Yi (翼), constellation 15354
Yi Yin 16364 , 194
yi, unit of measure 101
Yin dynasty 163 , 194
Yin, Xia minister 197
yin, principle of 80 , 83
yong jian (用間), the use of spies/division 157 . espionage
Yongzheng (emperor) 19 , 40 , 4344 , 59 , 61 , 6970 , 72 , 175 , 17781 , 189 , 2058 , 255
Yu Liaozi 62
yu (御) drive a chariot/administer/cover 9697
yu, musical note 102
Yue, kingdom 74 , 109 , 145
yue, musical instrument 260
yun-lo, musical instrument 261
Zai yu (prince) 260
Zeiher, Johann Ernst 245 , 267
Zengzi 71 , 175 , 177
Zhang Liang 63
Zhang Yu (張預) 62 , 9495
Zhang Tingyu 72
Zhejiang, China 74 , 109 , 14445
Zhen, constellation 15354
zhi, musical note 102
zhong, unit of measure 88
Zhongyong 175 , 182
Zhou dynasty 6265 , 163 , 186 , 189 , 19496
Zhòu (emperor) 19697 , 199200
Zhu Yuanzhang 198 , 200
zhu (主), sovereign 82
zhu (銖), unit of measure 101
Zhuan Zhu 144
Zhuolu (Zhuozhou) 124
zu, hundred inhabitants 91
Zunghar 212 . Dzungaria
zuo zhan (作戰), doing battle/waging war 85
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