Gillian Pink
has a D.Phil. from the University of Oxford on Voltaire’s marginalia and notebooks. She has worked as research editor at the Voltaire Foundation (University of Oxford) since 2007. Specializing in critical editions of eighteenth-century writing, and of Voltaire in particular, she is the author of Voltaire à l'ouvrage (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2018). She translated Hermia Oliver's Flaubert and an English Governess (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980) into French (Flaubert et une gouvernante anglaise (Rouen: PURH, 2011), and is involved in planning the translation strand of a future digital edition of Voltaire’s complete works.
Michel Hermans
S.J., is the archivist of the former Jesuit province of Southern Belgium and Luxembourg and lecturer at the University of Namur. He is visiting professor of the history of Christianity at the Facultés jésuites de Paris (Centre Sèvres) and at the Institut Internationale Lumen Vitae at Namur. He is the scientific editor of several books and the author of many articles on Jesuit history.
Alison Oliver
studied history and French literature at the University of Oxford and subsequently took a D.Phil. in eighteenth-century French literature. Her doctoral thesis explored the evolving language of sentiment in eighteenth-century novels, in particular those of Prévost, Marivaux, and Rousseau. She is currently a research editor at the Voltaire Foundation, working on critical editions of the complete works of Voltaire with a particular focus on his historical writings.