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Adelaide Review Hot 100 187
product 88–90
voiceover 141–167
affective ventriloquism 8, 11, 17, 24–26, 111
see also sensation correspondence, sensation transfer, hedonic transfer
alcohol content 20
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 117, 120, 122, 146–148, 179
approach-avoidance behaviour 60
assimilation 23
assumption of unity 37
atmosphere 42
auditory 60, 81
store 89
attention 35, 37, 196–197
Audacity 150
auditory textures 39
auditory volume
loudness 20–21, 61–62, 79–80
volume-emotion association 62
auditory–taste interactions 9, 26–38
automaticity 36
bass frequency 169–194
beer 26, 107–140, 174
big data 45n8
Box’s Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices 135
brand communication 91, 97, 130
Brian Eno 198
buying intention 141–167
canteen, work and school 43
Caroline Hobkinson 36
Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) 178
chewing behaviour 62
children 43
Chipotle 22
chocolate 36, 59–86
cognitive avoidance 88
condiment station 44
audition and olfaction 46n16, 88
music and colour 88
music and food/drink 25
odour and touch 88
sensory 8, 143
pitch and colour 142
pitch and location 196
temperature and colour 142
consumer behaviour 141–166
crossmodal correspondence
definition 8, 88, 142, 196
sound and odour 32, 184
sound and taste 26–34, 142
cultural differences 38
demand effect 132
Drum ‘n’ Bass 171
Dubstep 171, 188n2
eating sounds 8, 17, 20
electrophysiology 37
Emile Peynaud 44n1
emotion 24–25, 43
arousal 90
music induced 107–140
entrainment 21
expectations 38
experience design 9, 42–43
music 38, 208
taste 38
familiarity principle 97
see also mere-exposure principle
Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) 180
choice 60
consumption 20–21, 60
names 32
genetic differences 38
genre, style 22–24
halo effect 8, 11, 24–26, 77
headphones 37
healthy eating 43
hedonic mediation 184
hedonic transfer 111
see also affective ventriloquism, sensation correspondence, sensation transfer
House of Wolf 36
Huysman 172
Implicit Association Tests 26, 33
improvisation 32
individual differences, see genetic differences 38–39
Le Nez du Vin 173, 184
limbic system 89
marketing, crossmodal 87–106
McDonalds 23
McGurk effect 37, 46n15
Mehrabian-Russell model 60
memory 36, 87–106
mere-exposure principle 97
multisensorial media delivery 131
genre, effects of 60
harmony 39
melody 39
music wine pairing 89, 109, 172–173
novelty-based segmentation 204
restaurants 20, 22–23, 25
Mussorgsky 198
neuroimaging 37, 41
New York City 45n8
airplane 44n3
background 8, 1–20, 45n8
health implications 8, 21–22, 43–44
transportation 43
white noise 18–19
obesity 43
aroma 32
odour-touch correspondence 88
olfactometer 96
olfactory bulb 89
sensitivity 18–19
online study 33
oral-somatosensory perception 170
labeling 110
sounds of 8
Pavlov 21
personal music playlists 131
personality traits, introverts versus extroverts 81
phonetic features 32
Pinosthesia 172
absolute or relative 161
low versus high 61, 76–78, 175
manipulation 145, 159
pitch-size association 43
vocal 143
pleasantness 77
Positive and Negative Affection Score 111
principal component analysis (PCA) 180
PTC 38
public health 8, 21–22, 43–44
Pythagoras 170
Raggae 171
Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) 177–179
reaction time 97
salivation 38
semantic framing 42
sensation correspondence 8, 11, 17, 24–26, 111
see also sensation correspondence, affective ventriloquism
sensorial dissonance 203
sensory transference 8, 11, 17, 24–26, 111
see also sensation correspondence; affective ventriloquism
smartphones 45n8
smelling screen, the 99
Sniffin’ sticks 18
sonic seasoning 7, 17, 26, 34, 37, 43–44, 133n2, 196
Soundprint 45n8
Southland Corporation 23
spatial co-location 37
pure tone 26
sound–odor congruence 87–106
soundscape design 9
spectral centroid 204
timber 39
store atmospherics 142
stress 62–63
sugar reduction 42
supermarket 22
synaesthesia 26
taste words 32–33
technology 9, 42
tempo 21–22, 61–62, 78–79
tempo-emotion associations 62
temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) 197, 208
temporal evolution, of music and taste 40, 208
temporal synchronization 40
The Chocolate Symphony 42
The Sound of Chocolate 42, 131
Two-eight Company 145
vestibular system 170
VoiceSauce 145
Human 142–143, 158–159
Voiceover in advertisement 141–167
weight 169–194
aromatic intensity 169–194
body 173
competitions 187
complexity 185
expertise 39, 208
wine–music pairing 89, 109, 172–173
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