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Note on Contributors

Sue Bastian is Associate Professor in Oenology and Sensory Studies, at the University of Adelaide with over two decades of experience working on beverage and food composition, sensory, quality and consumer research. Sue is an oenologist, protein biochemist, and cell biologist. Her research examines the context, inter-individual, sensory and molecular drivers of consumer food choice and preference. Current research focuses on cross-cultural market-insights, virtual reality, and emotions; genetics of mouthfeel perception; terroir of Australian Shiraz wine; wine tourism; authenticity; wine and food pairing; crossmodal interactions; improving sensory and consumer methodologies and traditional Chinese medicine and plant extracts in cancer and gut health. She has published nearly 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Thadeus L. Beekman is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA. Beekman grew up in Saline, MI, USA and received his B.S. degree from the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA. His research interests include investigating the factors influencing the way individuals think about and react during sensory testing. He is also interested in investigating the impact of environmental conditions on consumers’ multisensory perception and behavior.

Jo Burzynska is a sonic artist, writer and curator with a two-decade practice that spans experimental music performance and recording to public and gallery installation art. Jo is also a widely-published wine writer, international judge and author of Wine Class (Penguin Random House, 2009), her work in both areas has increasingly converged in the production of artworks that combine sound and taste. She is currently researching perceptual and aesthetic interactions between sound and wine and their application in a multisensory arts practice through a Ph.D. at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (2016–2020).

Andrew Childress received his B.A. in English Literature and B.M. in Music (Piano Performance) from the Departments of English and Music, respectively, at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA. He received a Master of Science in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. He is currently working as a Senior Taxonomy Analyst at Indeed in Austin.

Ilja Croijmans is a psychologist in the area of olfaction, currently working at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, where he investigates chemosensory communication in humans. He received his PhD from Radboud University, the Netherlands, with his dissertation titled Wine expertise shapes olfactory language and cognition in 2018. In his dissertation, he investigated the influence of olfactory expertise on cognition, including language, memory, and imagery.

Silvana Dakduk is a social psychologist, with a Ph.D. degree in psychology from the Catholic University Andrés Bello (Venezuela). She has over seventeen years of academic experience in different countries across Latin America. Her research interests are related to consumer behavior and pedagogical innovation in higher education, as well as in executive education. At the moment, she is a professor of Marketing at Universidad de los Andes — School of Management, in Colombia.

Alexandra Fiegel is a sensory and consumer scientist. Fiegel received her B.S. from the Department of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA. She also holds a M.S. in Sensory and Consumer Science from the Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA. Her thesis title is “Influences of music genre and components on food perception and acceptance”. She is currently working as an Associate Sensory Scientist at Cargill, Wayzata, MN, USA.

Apratim Guha is a professor of statistics at Xavier Labour Research Institute, India. His research focuses on applied statistics and information theory. He is particularly interested in applications of statistical methods in biological sciences, computer science and management. He obtained his PhD from the department of statistics, University of California, Berkeley, and has taught previously at National University of Singapore, University of Birmingham, UK, and Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

Ryuta Kawashima is a Director of the Smart Ageing International Research Center, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University. He has won the Prizes for Science and Technology, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. His scientific output includes over 400 peer-reviewed papers and numerous books. His scientific interest is in functional brain mapping of higher cognitive functions of humans. He has also become increasingly interested in returning benefits of basic sciences to the public, so that he has proposed systems for improvement of the cognitive functions of humans by industry-university cooperation.

Bruno Mesz is a musician, multisensory artist, and mathematician. As a researcher, he works on sound perception, musical semantics, multisensory perception and mathematical models of music at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he is a professor at the Arts and Culture Department. He has presented multisensory works and installations at the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum (New York), Reid Hall (Paris), Seinajoki Tango Festival in Finland, MALBA (Buenos Aires), among others. He is a pianist and clarinetist, specialized in contemporary music.

Kosuke Motoki is Assistant Professor at Department of Food Management, School of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Miyagi University, Japan. His research focuses on sensory and consumer science, particularly contextual influences on consumer responses to food products. He studies how sensory, emotional, and social factors contribute to consumer perception and preferences, using behavioral experiments as well as neurophysiological techniques (e.g., eye-tracking and fMRI). His research has been published in Food Quality and Preference, Appetite, Multisensory Research, and Frontiers in Psychology.

Rui Nouchi is Associate Professor at Department of Cognitive Health Science, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Japan. His research interest is to understand and improve cognitive health for an individual and a society. He coined the new phrase “Cognitive Health Science”, which is a research area investigating healthy and adaptive mental states (cognitive and emotional) throughout the lifespan. To understand and improve Cognitive Health, he uses multiple research methods such as psychological experiments and questionnaire methods, brain imaging methods, daily intervention methods using randomized controlled trials, and meta-analysis methods.

Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho is an assistant professor of marketing and consumer behavior, at Universidad de los Andes School of Management — a triple crown business school located in Bogotá, Colombia. He holds a joint-PhD degree in engineering sciences (Vrije Universiteit Brussels), and psychology (University of Leuven/KU Leuven). In his research, he focuses on designing meaningful experiences for consumers, by blending the rationale of experiential marketing, and multisensory perception. He advocates for the use of science, and for an appropriate understanding of technology, as a means for achieving a better future. In parallel of his tenure position at Universidad de los Andes, he holds invited scholar positions at KU Leuven and IAE Angers.

Pablo Riera is a researcher and musician. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Buenos Aires and teaches signal processing for music analysis at the University of Quilmes. He currently works at the Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab at UBA where he researches on machine learning for sound processing. As a musician, he has performed live shows using EEG, Neural Networks and differential equations.

Marijn Peters Rit formerly studied Communication and Information Sciences at the Universities of Nijmegen and Tilburg. During her master’s in Nijmegen at Radboud University, her research focused on marketing communication. She explored the more technical aspects of communication during her master’s at Tilburg University, where she investigated human–robot communication.

Toshiki Saito is a JSPS Research Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at Tohoku University School of Medicine. Before entering the Ph.D. course at Tohoku University, he obtained a master’s degree in Psychology at Meiji Gakuin University, Japan. His research focuses on social cognition. He investigates how people perceive and process other’s information using behavioral experiments, eye-tracking techniques, and neuroscientific methods. His research has been published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, and Cognitive Studies.

Han-Seok Seo is currently an Associate Professor and Director of the University of Arkansas Sensory Service Center in the Department of Food Science at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA. He received a Ph.D. in Food and Nutrition and a Doctor of Medical Science in Otorhinolaryngology from Seoul National University (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and the Technical University of Dresden (Dresden, Germany), respectively. He serves as an editorial board member for multiple journals, including the Journal of Sensory Studies, Food Quality and Preference, Foods, and Journal of Culinary Science & Technology.

Mariano Sigman is the director of the Neuroscience Laboratory at Di Tella University (Buenos Aires), an interdisciplinary group integrated by physicists, psychologists, biologists, engineers, educational scientists, linguists, mathematicians, artists and computer scientists. He studied physics at the University of Buenos Aires, his PhD in neuroscience in New York, and a postdoc at College de France, Paris. He has published more than 150 articles in the most prestigious neuroscience, physics, economy, and psychology journals. He investigates decision-making and confidence, and how current knowledge of the brain and the mind may serve to improve educational practice. He also has a research program combining basic science with practical questions of neurology and psychiatry, developing tools to improve diagnosis in schizophrenia, depression, and in comatose patients. Mariano was awarded a Human Frontiers Career Development Award, the national prize of physics, the young investigator prize of “College de France”, the IBM Scalable Data Analytics award The Pius XI Medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and is a scholar of the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

Laura J. Speed is an experimental psychologist working in the Department of Psychology at the University of York, UK. She completed her PhD in Cognitive, Perceptual, and Brain Sciences at University College London. Her main area of research is the interaction between language and perception, focusing on how the perceptual systems are recruited during language comprehension, and how language affects perception.

Charles Spence is a professor of experimental psychology at Oxford University. His prize-wining research at the Crossmodal Research Laboratory investigates the factors that influence what we eat and what we think about the experience with world-leading chefs and food and beverage companies. He is the author of the Prose prize-winning “The perfect meal” with Betina Piqueras-Fiszman (2014, Wiley-Blackwell), the international bestseller “Gastrophysics: The new science of eating” (2017; Penguin Viking) — winner of the 2019 Le Grand Prix de la Culture Gastronomique from Académie Internationale de la Gastronomie, and Multisensory Packaging Design (2019; Palgrave MacMillan). He has published more than 900 peer-reviewed scientific articles. He is a regular on TV and Radio, and has been profiled by The New Yorker (http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/11/02/accounting-for-taste; see also Charles Spence — Sensploration, FoST 2016; https://vimeo.com/170509976).

Motoaki Sugiura is a Professor at the Department of Human Brain Science, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Japan. To reveal the neural mechanisms and computational processes underlying the ‘human’ mind and behavior, he and his lab members from various academic fields are working together, combining functional neuroimaging technique with a variety of research methods. Through these research activities, he strives for a brain science that is considered a ‘hub’, connecting different fields of basic and applied sciences addressing human nature.

Marcos Trevisan is Professor of Physics at the University of Buenos Aires and researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) in Argentina. His work deals with the physics and neuroscience of voice, and also with the evolution of language from the physical mechanisms of voice.

Carlos Velasco is an Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing, BI Norwegian Business School (Norway), where he co-founded the Center for Multisensory Marketing. He also holds a Research Fellowship at the SCHI Lab, Sussex University (UK). Carlos received his D.Phil. in Experimental Psychology from Oxford University. His work lies at the intersection between Psychology, Marketing, and Human–Computer Interaction, and focuses on understanding, and capitalizing on, our multisensory experiences and their guiding principles. Carlos is one of the founding members of Neurosketch (Colombia). He has worked with several companies from all around the world on topics such as multisensory experience design, food and drink, packaging, branding, and consumer research. For more information, see https://carlosvelasco.info/.

Johan Wagemans is a full professor in experimental psychology and currently director of the Department of Brain & Cognition at KU Leuven. He has a BA in psychology and philosophy, an MSc and a PhD in psychology (KU Leuven). He was a post-doc from the National Fund for Scientific Research, which allowed him to spend one year abroad in the laboratory of Michael Kubovy (U. Virgina). He is interested in perceptual organization (e.g., grouping, figure-ground, texture, depth, shape, objects), where he wants to contribute to the understanding of why things look as they do, at different levels (e.g., phenomenological, psychophysical, computational, neural, ecological). He is also interested in applications of our insights in autism, arts, and sports. He is supervising a long-term research program (2008–2022) aimed at reintegrating Gestalt psychology into contemporary vision science/neuroscience (see http://www.gestaltrevision.be). Recently, Prof. Wagemans edited The Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization (2015; Oxford University Press).

Qian Janice Wang is an assistant professor at the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University, in the Food Quality, Perception and Society group. Her research focuses on people’s relationship with food, with on a special focus on how food-extrinsic factors, such as sound, can modify and enhance the way we perceive food and drink. Her work has been covered in publications such as the Financial Times, the Economist, La Revue du Vin de France, Le Figaro, and National Post Canada. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Experimental Psychology from the University of Oxford. Her work spans psychological experiments, technological enhancements, and multisensory performance.

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