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ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī 169
ʿAbd al-Muʾmin 266
ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlī Kāshānī 340
ʿAbdalwādids 301
ʿAbdul Ḥaq, Muḥammad 72n8
al-Abharī, Athīr al-Dīn 376
al-Abharī, Sayf al-Dīn
student of al-Ījī 351, 355, 356–358
works of
commentaries by 356–358
glosses by 357, 358
uncertain attribution of 357
al-Ābilī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad 325
Abkār al-afkār (al-Āmidī) 343
Abū ʿAbdallāh b. Mujāhid 311
Abū ʿAmr al-Dānī 277
Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī
influence of, on al-Rāzī 96
influences on, of al-Ghazālī 30
views of
on God as Necessary Existent 132–133, 149
on time 98, 101–102, 107
on univocity problem 133–134
works of, Muʿtabar 132
Abū l-Ḥasan al-Marīnī 316
Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāʾī 41–42, 169
Abū l-Hudhayl 170, 171
Abū Hurayra 271, 272, 273, 274
Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī
views of
on essence-existence distinction 129
on motivation 320
works of 38
mention of 40n16, 169, 170, 171, 199, 319
Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Khayyāṭ 169, 320
Abū Isḥāq Īnjū 342, 344
Abū Saʿīd Bahādur Khān 340
Abū ʿUbayda Maʿmar b. al-Muthannā 311
Abū ʿUmar al-Ṭalamankī 277
Abū l-Walīd Ismāʿīl II 255n3
Abū Zayd 276
accidents (aʿrāḍ) 182–183, 187, 238, 308, 312, 314, 322
of believer 274–275
creation of 354
human acquisition of (kasb) 381–382, 389–394
Ādāb al-baḥth (al-Ījī) 357
ʿadamī (negational). see negational (salbī or ʿadamī) attributes
Adamson, Peter 5
Adouhane, Yamina 6
afterlife 50, 240n30, 281, 303
afterness/beforeness 96, 100–101, 116, 117, 118, 119
Aḥkām al-Qurʾān (Ibn al-ʿArabī) 274
Ahmed, Asad Q. 7
aḥwāl theory 41–43, 126, 136–137, 139, 148–149, 308–309, 313, 314, 316
ʿAjāʾib al-qalb (al-Ghazālī) 28–29
al-Ājurrī, Abū Bakr 387
Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī (al-Ṭūsī) 344
Alexander of Aphrodisias 102–103, 107, 113
ʿAlī b. Yūsuf b. Tāshufīn 265, 266, 267
ʿAlī Chelebī 348
Allāh. see God
vs. Almoravids 255, 266, 288
end of caliphate of 301
extremism of 267, 270, 288, 289
theology of 267–270, 282–284, 300
vs. Almohads 255, 266, 288
and Ashʿarism 258, 265–266
and al-Ghazālī’s works 254–255, 265, 266–267
and kalām 269
and Mālikism 257
al-Amad al-aqṣā (Ibn al-ʿArabī) 274
al-Amam li-īqāẓ al-himam (al-Kūrānī)
in general 374–375
key agendas in 388
omissions from 388
structure of
ḥadīth collections 386–387
rational sciences 387–388
schools of law 387
mention of 7
al-Āmidī, Sayf al-Dīn 7, 321, 343
al-Āmulī, Sayyid Ḥaydar 91
al-Āmulī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad 338, 361
analogical reasoning (qiyās) 17, 278, 303–304
Anawati, Georges 1–2, 12n2, 71
al-Anbārī, Abū l-ʿAbbās ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad 311
Ashʿarism in 258–259, 265
reception of al-Ghazālī’s works in 6, 254–255, 265, 266–267, 288, 290
al-Andaqānī, Tāj al-Dīn al-ʿArabshāh 351
al-Anṣārī, Abū l-Fatḥ Nāṣir (son) 49, 56
al-Anṣārī, Abū l-Qāsim (father)
as father of author of MS Beirut 52, 55–56
works of 54, 56, 60
mention of 38, 49, 52
anthropomorphism (tashbīh) 7, 58, 201, 209, 259, 282
Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-taʾwīl (al-Bayḍāwī) 337, 349, 352, 377, 387
al-ʿAqāʾid/al-ʿAqīda (al-Ījī) 346, 358–359, 361, 362, 377
ʿAqīda (Ibn Tūmart) 304–305
al-ʿAqīda al-burhāniyya (al-Salālijī) 309
al-ʿAqīda al-Niẓāmiyya (al-Juwaynī) 384, 391
al-ʿArabshāh, Tāj al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Ḥaydar 351
al-Arbaʿīn fī uṣūl al-dīn (al-Rāzī) 125, 127, 149, 319–320, 321, 349
Arbaʿūn masʾala fī uṣūl al-dīn (al-Sakūnī) 302
argumentum ad hominem (ilzām) 15–16
criticism on, of al-Rāzī 103–104, 107–108
views of
on categories 316
on nature 80
on pleasure 90
on time 98, 102–104, 113
works of
commentaries on 71
Organon 17
Physics 102
Second Analytics 17 . logic
al-Asfār al-arbaʿa (Mullā Ṣadrā) 188
al-Ashʿarī, Abū l-Ḥasan
influence of, on al-Qurṭubī 281
views of
on essence-existence distinction 242–243
on God’s essence 125
on God’s existence 44
on God’s names 280, 281
on kasb 391
on states (ḥāl) 43
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 199–200
works of
citations/quotations of 39, 199, 238, 385
al-Ibāna 199–200, 385, 391, 392
Maqālāt al-Islāmiyyīn 199
Masʾalat al-īmān 385
recommendation of 311
mention of 97, 235
in general 36
and Almoravids 258, 265–266
and Avicenna 6, 79, 92
criticism on, of al-Samarqandī 339
dissemination of
in al-Andalus 258–259, 265
in Ifrīqiya 236n18, 317–331
in Egypt 236–237, 241, 250–251
future research on 246–251
and Ḥafṣids 7, 301–317
history of
in general 13–14
periodization in 236–237, 298
and Ibn Tūmart 267, 268
in Ifrīqiya 7, 236n18, 298–299, 301, 317–331
and Ilkhanids 338
influences on
of al-Ghazālī 12, 298
of al-Juwaynī 38
of Kurdish scholars 375–376
of al-Rāzī 129, 298
intellectual decline of 234, 241
and logic 15–16
and philosophy 1–4, 6
scholars of, discussions of 234, 235–236, 249–250
and Sufism 7
views in. specific concepts . neo-Ashʿarism
Ashraf al-tawārīkh/Ishrāq al-tawārīkh (al-Qaramānī) 348
ʿĀṣī, Ḥasan 72
al-Asrār al-ʿaqliyya fī l-kalimāt al-nabawiyya (al-Muqtaraḥ) 328
Atlaş, Eşref 348
atomism/atoms (jawāhir) 157, 181–182, 190, 312, 314, 319–320, 322–323
Averroes (Ibn Rushd al-Ḥafīd, Abū l-Walīd) 239, 289, 308, 311
Avicenna (Ibn Sīnā)
criticism on
of al-Rāzī 5, 100, 104–106, 107–108, 124
of al-Shahrastānī 95
influence of
on al-Ghazālī 95
on al-Juwaynī 2, 95
on al-Rāzī 71–72, 91, 95
on al-Sakūnī (son) 313
philosophy of
and Ashʿarism 6, 79, 92
refutation of 6
views of
on contingency 168
on doctrine of virtue 87–90
on embryogenesis 73–77
on essence 159–160
on essence, tripartite distinction of 164–165, 167, 171n41, 173
on essence-existence distinction 126, 128, 163n16, 243–244
on essences qua essences 139, 148
on God as Necessary Existent 5, 123–124, 127, 130–133, 142–143, 149–150, 212, 313
on God’s existence 5
on intuition and intellect 81–83
on nature 77–80
on non-existents 158–159
on Organon 17
on pleasure and eschatology 90–91
on prophecy 80–87
on souls 84–85, 87–90
on tashkīk 133–134
on time 97, 98, 99–100, 104–106, 107, 112–113
on universals 139, 165
on univocity problem 133, 150
on virtue (al-khuluq) 87–90
works of
commentaries by 71
Dānishnāma 126, 128, 129
epistle (tafsīr) on al-Aʿlā 71–93
ʿilm al-akhlāq 88
al-Ḥayawān (al-Shifāʾ) 74–75, 76
al-Ilāhiyyāt (al-Shifāʾ) 77, 84, 85, 90, 123, 143, 158
al-Ishārāt wa-l-tanbīhāt 38, 129, 143, 325, 360
al-Mabdaʾ wa-l-maʿād 87, 88
Maqūlāt 129
al-Mubāḥathāt 123, 133, 134, 137n71, 150, 151
al-Nafs (al-Shifāʾ) 75, 81–83
al-Najāt min al-gharaq fī baḥr al-ḍalālāt 100, 143
pseudepigrapha 71–93
al-Samāʿ al-ṭabīʿī 78–79
al-Shifāʾ 74–79, 81–83, 85–87, 100, 104–105, 112
al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt (al-Shifāʾ) 74–75, 77–79
Tafsīr sūrat al-Aʿ 71–93
al-Taʿlīqāt 123, 137n71, 150
ʿUyūn al-ḥikma 112
mention of 27
ʿawāmm (common people) 57, 206, 207, 208, 217, 225, 268, 302
awliyāʾ (the elect) 206, 259–260, 280n82
al-Awzāʿī 200, 201, 210
al-ʿAyyāshī, ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad
pupil of al-Kūrānī 377, 380–381
views of
on al-Kūrānī 381–382
on al-Qushāshī 381–382, 389–390
on al-Ṣiddīqī 377
on unification of actions 392
works of, al-Riḥla al-ʿAyyāshiyya 380, 381
al-Ayyūbī, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn 236–237n18, 380
Azra, Azyumardi 373n6
al-Baghawī, Abū Muḥammad al-Farrāʾ 349
al-Bāhilī, Abū l-Ḥasan 311
Bahmanyār b. al-Marzubān 129, 140
al-Bājī, Abū l-Walīd 260
al-Bājī, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn 211
al-Bājūrī, Ibrāhīm
views of
on essence-existence distinction 242–243, 244
on God’s existence 245
on necessity to reflect 240
on obligation to know God 239
works of, commentaries by 239, 242, 244
mention of 232, 236, 239n20
al-Baʿlī, ʿAbd al-Bāqī 374, 380
al-Ballūṭī, Mundhir b. Saʿīd 311
al-Banārasī, Amānallāh 398
al-Bāqillānī, Abū Bakr
views of
on God’s names 280
on miraculous gifts 51
on recommitting sins 55
on repentance 53, 54
on states (ḥāl) 41–42, 308
works of
citations/quotations from 39, 200, 238, 328
commentaries on 306
Hidāyat al-mustarshidīn 305, 306
Kitāb al-Ibāna 200
Kitāb al-Tamhīd 200
recommendation of 311
mention of 43, 235, 258, 311
al-Barjī 255–256
Barnāmij (al-Majjārī) 325, 329
al-Baṭalyawsī, Ibn al-Sīd 259
Bayān talbīs al-Jahmiyya (Ibn Taymiyya) 202, 212–213, 221, 222
al-Bayān wa-l-taḥṣīl al-muṭliʿ ʿalā ʿulūm al-tanzīl (Ibn Bazīza) 309
al-Bayḍāwī, Nāṣir al-Dīn
death of 337
and dissemination of al-Rāzī’s work 326–327
views of 243
works of
Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-taʾwīl 337, 349, 352, 377, 387
commentaries on 6, 330, 337–338, 349, 360
Minhāj al-uṣūl 360
studies by al-Kūrānī of 384
Tahdhīb al-akhlāq 344
Ṭawāliʿ al-anwār. see Ṭawāliʿ al-anwār
mention of 6
al-Bayhaqī, Abū Bakr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn 281
beforeness/afterness 96, 100–101, 116, 117, 118, 119
Benevich, Fedor 5, 309
Bidāyat al-mujtahid (Averroes) 289
al-Bihārī, Muḥibballāh 405–406
bi-lā kayf (without modality) 199, 201 . modality
binkānāt (water clocks) 112n63
“Books of the Persians” 375, 379, 380, 382
Bori, Caterina 206
Bourdieu, Pierre 16
Boyalık, Taha 344
Brockelmann, Carl 345, 348, 349
Brunschvig, Robert 300
al-Bukhārī 273
al-Bukhārī, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn ʿAlī b. Muḥammad 361
al-Bukhārī, Shams al-Dīn 377
al-Bukhārī al-Saʿīdī, Muḥammad b. Ḥājjī b. Muḥammad 361
al-Burhānpurī, Faḍlullāh 388
al-Būshanjī, Abū l-Ḥasan 283
Calverley, Edwin E. 6
Casassas, Xavier 6
causality 3, 19, 167, 284, 310, 390
causedness (majʿūliyya). see jaʿl al-māhiyya
celestial bodies 284
celestial motion 21–22, 102–108
certificates (ijāza) 349, 351
chains of transmission 378, 379–380, 382, 383
clay (turāb) 173, 175
commentaries. specific titles and authors
common people (ʿawāmm) 57, 206, 207, 208, 217, 225, 268, 302
composites 166, 181–184 . simples
composition, in God 136–145, 150
conceptual (iʿtibārī) 136, 137–139, 146, 187
concomitants, of God’s essence 135, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148
contingency 165–168, 178
continuity (baqāʾ) 322–323
Cordoba 262, 270, 289
Cornell, Vincent 260, 267
corporealism (tajsīm) 195, 197, 217–218, 222, 224, 259, 305, 308 . tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations
cosmology 173–175
Craig, William Lane 250
createdness (ḥudūth) 119, 312, 385–386
in general 7
of actions 354
from clay 173, 175
ex nihilo 43–45, 282n91
and God’s light 26–27
God’s will as cause of 22 . atomism/atoms; non-existent things
al-Ḍaḥḥāk b. Muzāḥim 220
al-dahr (everlastingness). see everlastingness/eternity
Dallal, Ahmad 2–3
Ḍamāʾir al-Qurʾān (al-Kirmānī) 353
al-Dāmghānī, Iftikhār al-Dīn
pupil of al-Ījī 346, 358–562
works of 346, 358–360
al-Dāmghānī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad 359
Dānishnāma (Avicenna) 126, 128, 129
Dānishpazhūh, Muḥammad Taqī 348
al-Daqqāq, Abū ʿAlī 51
al-Dārimī, ʿUthmān b. Saʿīd 199
al-Ḍarīr, Abū l-Ḥajjāj Yūsuf b. Mūsā 305
al-Dashtakī, Ghiyāth al-Dīn 400
al-Dasūqī, Muḥammad ʿArafa 232, 236
al-Dawānī, Jalāl al-Dīn
students of 397, 400
views of
on God’s attributes 375
on Ibn al-ʿArabī 377
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 186, 188–189
on substance-accident distinction 187
works of
chains of transmission for 378, 379, 382, 383
citations/quotations of 188, 387
commentaries by 185, 347, 377, 397, 404
readership of 397
Risāla fī ithbāt al-wujūd 377
Risālat al-Zawrāʾ 186, 189, 377
mention of 156, 185
Derrida, Jacques 16
Descartes, René 19
al-Dhahabī 216
al-Dhakhāʾir fī sharḥ al-Jawāhir (al-Tabrīzī) 355
Dhayl Masālik al-abṣār (al-Kirmānī) 353
Discours de la Méthode (Descartes) 19
of Ashʿarism
in al-Andalus 258–259, 265
in Ifrīqiya 236n18, 317–331
of al-Ghazālī’s work 265
of al-Ījī’s work 7–8, 397–404, 410–411
of al-Rāzī’s work 326–327 . reception; transmission, chains of
al-Dīwī, ʿAbd al-Salām 398
Doubts on Avicenna (Shihadeh) 372n4
duration (mudda)
and beforeness/afterness 117, 118, 119
and God 118–119
and time 107, 113, 114–118
use of term 113n64
. time
Egypt 197, 236–237, 241, 250–251
Eichner, Heidrun 5, 117n58, 323, 324, 326
the elect (awliyāʾ) 206, 259–260, 280n82
embryogenesis 73–77
equivocity, of existence 125–126, 127n19, 128, 131, 141, 150–151 . univocity
Ernst, Carl 386
El-Rouayheb, Khaled 5, 246, 372, 373–374, 375, 376, 378–379, 381, 389
eschatology 90–91
Ess, Josef van 6, 348
causing of. see jaʿl al-māhiyya
concomitants of 135, 143, 146, 147, 148
and contingency 166–167
division of 163
and existence 125–126, 137–139, 147–148, 242–244 . essence-existence distinction
of God. see God’s essence
qua essences theory 139, 148
of time 96–97, 98–119
tripartite distinction of 164–165, 167, 171n41, 173
of wine 262
essence-existence distinction
in general 244–245
views on
of al-Ashʿarī 242–243
in Ashʿarism 129
of Avicenna 126, 128, 163n16, 243–244
of al-Bājūrī 242–243, 244
of al-Bayḍāwī 243
of al-Ghazālī 128, 138
of Ibn Ghaylān al-Balkhī 128, 138
of al-Iṣfahānī 243
of al-Juwaynī 128
of al-Malāḥimī 128, 129
of al-Rāzī 125–130, 162–163n16, 242–243
of al-Suhrawardī 129, 138–139, 146–147
of al-Taftāzānī 243
eternity. see everlastingness/eternity
everlastingness/eternity (al-dahr/al-sarmad) 111–112, 113n64, 116, 117
existence (wujūd)
division of 127
equivocity of 125–126, 127n19, 128, 131, 141, 150–151
and essence 125–126, 137–139, 147–148, 242–244 . essence-existence distinction
of God. see God’s existence
gradations of 133–134
and necessity 135–146
as non-entitative 136–137, 140–141, 144–145, 149–150
and non-existence 127, 128, 406–409
Platonic Forms of 131–132
of time 96–98, 115–116
univocity of
problem with 130–131, 133–135, 141, 150–151
theory of 125, 127, 128, 130, 134 . extra-mental existence; mental existence
extra-mental existence 97, 136–137, 139–140, 147, 171 . mental existence
al-Faḍālī, Muḥammad 232, 236, 240
Fahrasa (al-Lablī al-Fihrī) 307, 320
growth/decrease of 264
in Sufism 386 . wujūb al-maʿrifa; wujūb al-naẓar
Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. see al-Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn
falsafa/falāsifa (philosophy/philosophers)
and Ashʿarism 1–4, 298
criticism on, of al-Ghazālī 20–23
and logic 17–18
and theology 1–4, 233–235
views of
on composites 183
on God’s names 281
on hylomorphism. see hylomorphism
on jaʿl al-māhiyya. see jaʿl al-māhiyya
on natural philosophy 174–175
. specific subjects
al-Fanārī, Ḥasan Çelebī 182, 183
al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr 17, 18, 26, 27, 98
Farangī Maḥallī tradition 398, 403, 404, 411
al-Fārūqī, Ẓahīr al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Ṣamad 338
al-Fāsī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad al-Mahdī 265
al-Fāsī, Abū ʿImrān 258
Fatāwā (Ibn Rushd al-Jadd) 262–263
al-Fawāʾid al-Ghiyāthiyya fī ʿulūm al-balāgha (al-Ījī) 343, 345, 351, 352, 357, 360, 361, 362
fawqiyya (God’s aboveness) 202–204, 220–221
Fayṣal al-tafriqa (al-Ghazālī) 25, 384
fecundated seed (nuṭfa) 74–76
ʿilm al-akhlāq (Avicenna) 88
Fihrist (al-Lablī al-Fihrī) 307, 320
Fletcher, Madeleine 282
Foucault, Michel 16
Frank, Richard M. 2–3, 173
Futūḥāt al-makkiyya (Ibn al-ʿArabī) 381
Galen 20, 109–110
Garden, Kenneth 3
Gardet, Louis 1–2, 12n2
Gelenbevi. see al-Kalanbawī, Ismāʿīl
al-Ghaḍanfar al-Nahrawālī 383
Ghāyat al-amal fī ʿilm al-jadal (al-Āmidī) 321
Ghāyat al-marām fī ʿilm al-kalām (al-Āmidī) 321
al-Ghazālī, Abū Ḥāmid
criticism of, on philosophers 20–23
criticism on
in general 30
in al-Andalus 254–255
of Ibn al-ʿArabī 256, 264
of ʿIyāḍ b. Mūsā, al-Qāḍī 264
of al-Ṭurṭūshī 264
influence of
on Ashʿarism 12, 298
on Ibn Tūmart 268
on later theologians 3, 15, 30
on philosophical theology 1–4
on al-Rāzī 149
influences on, of Avicenna 95
mystical leanings of 25–26, 28
scepticism of 19, 23, 26, 27, 30
views of
on causality 3, 19
on classes of premisses 20–21
on cosmology 174–175n54
on essence-existence distinction 128, 138
on God as Necessary Existent 145–146
on God’s essence 124–125
on God’s light 25–27
on God’s names 273, 287, 291
on God’s transcendence 27
on Ibn Ḥazm 273, 287
on imaginations 21–22
on immaterial soul 47
on kalām 13, 14, 323–324
on knowledge 23–24
on knowledge and virtue 28–29
on logic 15–16, 17–19
on necessity to reflect 239
on the soul 262–263
on syllogisms 18
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 197, 206–207
views on
of Abū l-Walīd Ismāʿīl II 255n3
of al-Barjī 255–256
of Ibn al-ʿArabī 273, 274–275, 288
of Ibn al-Faṣīḥ 255
of Ibn Khaldūn 12n1
of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd 256
of Ibn Ward 255
of al-Qurṭubī 256
works of
advice against 310
ʿAjāʾib al-qalb 28–29
citations/quotations from 387
commentaries on 57
dissemination of 265
Fayṣal al-tafriqa 25, 384
Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn. see Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn
Iljām al-ʿawāmm 206
al-Iqtiṣād fī l-iʿtiqād 13, 15–16
Kitāb al-Tafakkur 18
al-Maḍnūn 384
Maqāṣid al-falāsifa 128, 140
al-Maqṣad al-asnā fī sharḥ asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā 273
Miḥakk al-naẓar 15, 20
Mishkāt al-anwār 27, 384
Miʿyār al-ʿilm 15
motifs shared with other authors 24
al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl 13, 19, 21, 23–24, 26, 30, 310, 384
al-Mustaṣfā min ʿilm al-uṣūl 15, 20, 300, 323
Nafkh al-rūḥ wa-l-taswiya 310
al-Qisṭās al-mustaqīm 18, 384
reception of, in al-Andalus 6, 254–255, 265, 266–267, 288, 290
studying of, by al-Kūrānī 384
Tahāfut. see Tahāfut
mention of 85, 124
“Al-Ghazālī’s Skepticism Revisited” (Kukkonen) 19
al-Ghazzī, Najm al-Dīn 380
Ghiyāth al-Dīn Dashtakī 188
Ghiyāth al-Dīn Muḥammad 340–341, 342, 343, 348, 355
al-Ghumārī, Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. ʿĪsā 318
al-Ghunya (al-Anṣārī) 54, 56, 60
Ghurar al-adilla (Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī) 38
al-Gīlānī 347
Gimaret, Daniel 79n26
by al-Abharī 357, 358
by al-Harawī 399, 402, 404
on al-Harawī 404–410
on al-Ījī 180–181, 185–186, 360, 361
by al-Jurjānī 185
on al-Jurjānī 182, 379, 398–399 . superglosses
aboveness of. see God’s aboveness
attributes of. see God’s attributes
composition in 136–145, 150
and duration 118–119
essence of. see God’s essence
existence of. see God’s existence
and individuation 143–144
knowledge of. see wujūb al-maʿrifa
light of 25
location of. see God’s location
necessity in. necessity
as principle 142
sitting of. see God’s sitting
syllogistic reasoning of 18
and time 107, 114–117
unicity of 281–283
will of 22
God’s aboveness (fawqiyya) 202–204, 220–221
God’s attributes
in Almohad theology 282–283
corporealism in 195, 217, 222, 305 . tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations; taʾwīlāt/taʾwīl
and kayfiyya (modality) 201, 203, 204, 209, 223–224
and maʿnā (meaning) 196, 201, 203–204, 209, 223–224
tashbīh of 57, 201, 209, 217, 311 . aḥwāl/ḥāl; God’s names
God’s essence (dhāt)
concomitants of 135, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148
as Necessary Existent 5, 123–124, 127, 130–133, 142–143, 149–150, 212
views on
of al-Ashʿarī 125
of Avicenna 5, 124
of al-Ghazālī 124–125
of al-Rāzī 125 . essence; essence-existence distinction; God’s existence
God’s existence
in general 5
perfection of 133–134, 145
proof of 2, 43–45
and reason 207
views on
of al-Ashʿarī 44
of Avicenna 5
of al-Bājūrī 245
of al-Sakūnī (son) 312–313
of al-Ṣāwī 245 . equivocity; essence-existence distinction; existence; God’s essence; univocity
God’s location
views on
of al-Hindī 212–215
of Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī 207–208, 210
of Ibn Jamāʿa 220
of Ibn Taymiyya 202, 208–209, 210
God’s names (asmāʾ)
in general 271–281, 282–283, 287
classification of 281–282, 284–285
God’s sitting (istiwāʾ) 57, 196, 202, 208, 209, 218, 219
God’s unicity (al-tawḥīd) 281–283
good deeds, and faith 264
Griffel, Frank 3, 174–175n54, 268
about Prophet and slave girl 214, 216
on corporeality of God 222
“God is dahr 116
on God’s names 271–274, 280
of the mountain goats 204, 208–209
and Ashʿarism 7, 301–317
establishment of rule of 301
kalām under 300
Ḥājjī Khalīfa 342, 348, 357
al-Ḥakamī, ʿAlī b. Muḥammad 378
ḥāl (states). see aḥwāl theory
al-Ḥalīmī, al-Ḥākim Abū ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥusayn b. al-Ḥasan 281, 284–285
Ḥall mā lā yanḥall (al-Dāmghānī) 359
al-Ḥamawī, Yāqūt 275n67
al-Ḥamawiyya al-kubrā (Ibn Taymiyya) 197–204
sources on salaf in 199
views in, on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 198–200, 202–204, 223
mention of 195, 196
Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī 342
Ḥammādī, Nizār 325
al-Ḥamūya, Saʿd al-Dīn 361
Ḥanafism 221, 237, 264n32
Ḥanbalism 217, 264n32, 373, 385
al-Harawī, Mīr Zāhid
pupil of
Mīrzā Jān 400
Mullā Muḥammad Yūsuf 399, 400
views of 406
works of
glosses by 399, 402, 404
superglosses on 404–410
Ḥāshiyat Mīr Zāhid umūr ʿāmma 404–411
Ḥāshiyat al-Ṣāwī (al-Ṣāwī) 245
Hassan, Laura 7
al-Ḥaṣṣār 275
hayʾa (structure) 166
al-Ḥayawān (al-Shifāʾ) (Avicenna) 74–75, 76
Healing (Avicenna). see al-Shifāʾ
heaven. see afterlife; celestial bodies; celestial motion
Hidāyat al-Ḥikma (al-Abharī, Athīr al-Dīn) 376
Hidāyat al-mustarshidīn (al-Bāqillānī) 305, 373
Hikmat, Asghar 72, 92
Ḥikmat al-ʿayn (al-Kātibī) 185, 377
Ḥikmat al-ishrāq (al-Suhrawardī) 129, 131, 189
al-Ḥillī, Ibn Muṭahhar 338–339
al-Hindī, Ṣafī l-Dīn
views of
on God’s location 212–215
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 215–216, 219, 225
views on, of al-Subkī 211
works of
al-Risāla al-tisʿīniyya fī l-uṣūl al-dīniyya 211–216
al-Tisʿīniyya. see al-Tisʿīniyya
mention of 196
Hoover, Jon 7
Hoyningen-Huene, Paul 16
ḥudūth (createdness) 119, 312, 385–386
Ḥudūth al-ʿālam (Ibn Ghaylān al-Balkhī) 137
Humām al-Dīn 346
al-Ḥumaydī 274–275
Hume, David 19
al-Ḥusaynī, ʿAbd al-Karīm 376
al-Ḥusaynī, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn b. Amīr ʿĪsā bey 355
hylomorphism 157, 181, 184
al-Ibāna (al-Ashʿarī) 385, 391, 392
al-Ibāna al-ṣaghīra (Ibn Baṭṭa) 199
Ibn ʿAbbās 220, 222–223
Ibn ʿAbd al-Jabbār, Mubārak 267
Ibn ʿAbd al-Malik al-Marrākushī 270
Ibn Abī Jamra 239
Ibn Abī Zarʿ 267
Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī 259, 277, 310
Ibn ʿAdī, Yaḥyā 107
Ibn al-Amīr 39
Ibn ʿAqīl 45, 199
Ibn al-ʿArabī, Abū Bakr
criticism of, on al-Ghazālī 256, 264
influence of 265
life of 288
views of
on anthropomorphism 259
on al-Ghazālī 273, 274–275, 288
on God’s names 274–276, 291
on Ibn Ḥazm 274, 288
on pregnancy 284
on Sufism 264
works of
Aḥkām al-Qurʾān 274
Kitāb al-Amad 276
mention of 258, 260
Ibn al-ʿArabī, Muḥyī l-Dīn
al-Qushāshī’s dream about 389–390
views on
of al-Jurjānī 377
of al-Taftāzānī 378
works of
advice against 311
citations/quotations from 387
al-Futūḥāt al-makkiyya 381
mention of 7, 243, 373
Ibn ʿArafa
and dissemination of al-Rāzī’s work 326–327
views of, on Ibn Khaldūn 317
works of
citations/quotations in 328–329
al-Mukhtaṣar al-shāmil fī uṣūl al-dīn, or al-Mukhtaṣar al-kalāmī 317, 326–329, 330
Ibn al-ʿArīf 266
Ibn ʿAṭiyya 309
Ibn Bājja 265
Ibn al-Bannāʾ al-Marrākushī 325
Ibn Barrajān 256, 266, 275, 307, 311
Ibn Baṭṭa 199
Ibn Bazīza
criticism of, on al-Juwaynī 308
and dissemination of al-Rāzī’s work 319
influences on, of al-Rāzī 318–320
works of
al-Bayān wa-l-taḥṣīl al-muṭliʿ ʿalā ʿulūm al-tanzīl 309
citations/quotations from 328
citations/quotations in 309
commentaries by 300
al-Isʿād fī sharḥ al-Irshād 307, 318, 328
Ibn Farḥūn 270
Ibn al-Fāriḍ 311
Ibn al-Faṣīḥ 255, 256
Ibn Fūrak, Abū Bakr
views of, on miraculous gifts 51
works of
citations/quotations from 238, 328
Mushkil al-ḥadīth/Kitāb al-taʾwīlāt 39, 45, 58, 199
recommendation of 311
mention of 197
Ibn Ghaylān al-Balkhī
influences on, of al-Ghazālī 30
views of
on aḥwāl 137
on composition problem 138
on essence-existence distinction 128, 138
works of, Ḥudūth al-ʿālam 137
mention of 4
Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī 356, 361
Ibn al-Ḥājib 325, 343, 350, 351, 352, 357, 361
Ibn Ḥamdīn
in general 258
criticism of, on al-Ghazālī 264
criticism on 262–263
views of
on al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ 260
on Sufism 264
views on, of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd 262–263
Ibn Ḥanbal, ʿAbdallāh b. Aḥmad 199
Ibn al-Haytham, Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan 24
Ibn Ḥazm 273–274, 280, 287, 288, 291, 307, 311
Ibn Ḥirzihim/Ḥirazm 265
Ibn al-Ilbīrī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. Khalaf b. Mūsā al-Anṣārī 260–264
Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī
criticism of, on Ibn Taymiyya 204–206, 207–210
theological position of 206
views of
on God’s location 207–208, 210
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 206, 210, 219, 225
works of, Jiha 204–206, 207
mention of 196, 216
Ibn Jamāʿa, Badr al-Dīn
and Ibn Taymiyya 217
views of, on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 216–218, 220–221, 225
works of
Īḍāḥ al-dalīl. see Īḍāḥ al-dalīl
mention of 196
Ibn Kathīr 221
Ibn Khafīf 360
Ibn Khaldūn
and dissemination of al-Rāzī’s work 325–326
teachers of 325–326
views of
on al-Ghazālī 12n1
on Ibn Tūmart 267
on kalām 299
views on, of Ibn ʿArafa 317
works of
commentaries by 316, 326
Lubāb al-Muḥaṣṣal 325
Muqaddima 298, 317–318, 326
mention of 1
Ibn Marzūq 255n3
Ibn Masarra al-Jabalī 256, 276–278, 280n82, 310
Ibn Mubārakshāh al-Bukhārī 185
Ibn Qaṣī 266
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya 195–196, 373
Ibn Rabīʿa, Abū ʿĀmir 270
Ibn al-Rāwandī 311
Ibn Rushayd al-Fihrī al-Sabtī 320
Ibn Rushd al-Ḥafīd, Abū l-Walīd (Averroes) 239, 289, 308, 311
Ibn Rushd al-Jadd, Abū l-Walīd
criticism of, on Ibn al-Ilbīrī 262–264
fatwā addressed to 268–269
life of 288–289
views of
on al-Ghazālī 256
on al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ 260
on Ibn Ḥamdīn 262–263
on necessity to reflect 260–261
on obligation to know God 260–261
works of
Fatāwā 262–263
Muqaddimāt 260
mention of 6–7, 256, 258
Ibn Sabʿīn 311
Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī 265
Ibn Sīnā, Abū ʿAlī. see Avicenna
Ibn Taymiyya
criticism of
on Ashʿarī hermeneutics 7
on al-Rāzī 198, 222
on al-Sarūjī 221–222
criticism on
of Ashʿarīs 195–196
of Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī 204–206, 207–210
of al-Sarūjī 221
relationships with, Ibn Jamāʿa 217
views of
on Ashʿarism 38
on God’s aboveness 202, 203–204
on God’s attributes 195
on God’s location 202, 208–209, 210
on Ibn Tūmart 267
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 198–200, 202–204, 216, 223
on world creation 45
works of
Bayān talbīs al-Jahmiyya 202, 212–213, 221, 222
al-Ḥamawiyya al-kubrā. see al-Ḥamawiyya al-kubrā
mention of 373
Ibn al-Tilimsānī al-Fihrī, Sharaf al-Dīn 306, 320–321
Ibn Ṭufayl 307
Ibn Tūmart
and Ashʿarism 267, 268
extremism of 289
influences on 268
leadership of 266
teachings of 267–268
views on 267
works of
ʿAqīda 304–305
Murshida/Tawḥīd al-bāriʾ 268, 282–283, 286, 304–305
mention of 256, 300
Ibn al-Uqlīshī 256, 273–274, 275
Ibn ʿUyayna 276
Ibn Ward 255, 266
Ibn Yaʿīsh al-Munṣafī, Abū l-Ḥasan Ṭāriq 273n62
Ibn Zayd 286
Ibn Zaytūn 318
Ibrahim, Bilal 5
al-ʿIbrī, Burhān al-Dīn 338, 341
iḍāfī (relational). see relational (iḍāfī) attributes
Īḍāḥ al-dalīl (Ibn Jamāʿa)
reasons for writing of 217
views in
on God’s aboveness 220–221
on God’s location 220
on God’s sitting 219
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 216–219
Ifrīqiya 7, 236n18, 298–299, 301, 317–331
Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn (al-Ghazālī)
burning of 254, 266–267
commentaries on 57
introduction in al-Andalus 6–7
studies of, by al-Kūrānī 384
views in
on kalām 13
on knowledge and virtue 29
on thinking 18, 25–26
views on
of Ibn Ḥamdīn 260
of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd, Abū l-Walīd 260
of al-Sakūnī 310
mention of 3
ijāza (certificates) 199–200, 349, 351
al-Ījī, ʿAḍud al-Dīn
life of 340–341
students of
in general 350–351
al-Abharī 351, 355, 356–358
al-Andaqānī 351
al-ʿArabshāh 351
al-Dāmghānī 346, 358–562
ijāza issued to 349
al-Juwaynī, Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Ḥamawayh 349
al-Kirmānī 342, 345, 351–355
al-Tabrīzī 355–356
al-Taftāzānī 361
views of
on causedness 179–180
on composites 183
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 180–181, 184–185
al-Zamakhsharī 359
works of
Ādāb al-baḥth 357
al-ʿAqāʾid/al-ʿAqīda 346, 358–359, 361, 362, 377
commentaries by 343, 348–349, 350, 352, 355, 361
commentaries on 346, 347, 351, 352, 356–357, 358–359, 360, 361–362, 406
overview of 360
of unidentified authors 362
discussion about al-Kashshāf (al-Zamakhsharī) 345–346
dissemination of 7–8, 397–404, 410–411
al-Fawāʾid al-Ghiyāthiyya fī ʿulūm al-balāgha 343, 345, 351, 352, 357, 360, 361, 362
glosses on 180–181, 185–186, 361
overview of 360
Ishrāq al-tawārīkh 347–348
Jawāhir al-kalām 343, 352, 355, 360, 361
al-Maqāla al-muqarrara fī taḥqīq al-kalām al-nafsī/Risāla fī kalām Allāh/Risāla fī qidam al-kalām/Risāla fī anna l-kalām ṣifat Allāh 348
al-Mawāqif fī ʿilm al-kalām. see al-Mawāqif fī ʿilm al-kalām
poems 348
readership of 397
Risāla fī ādāb al-baḥth 345, 350, 360, 362
al-Risāla al-Shāhiyya fī l-akhlāq 344, 352, 357, 362
al-Risāla al-waḍʿiyya 345, 362
Risālat al-Madkhal fī l-maʿānī wa-l-bayān wa-l-badīʿ/ Mukhtaṣar fī fann al-balāgha 344–345
Sharḥ al-Mawāqif 6, 7–8, 179, 180–181, 184, 185–186, 348, 352, 362, 382
Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-muntahā 362
Taḥrīr al-Arbaʿīn 349
Taḥrīr al-Muḥaṣṣal 349
Taḥrīr Nihāyat al-ʿuqūl 349
Taqrīb al-Ṣaḥāʾif 349
al-ʿUyūn 347, 360
mention of 156
al-Ījī, Aḥmad 338
al-Ilāhiyyāt (al-Shifāʾ) (Avicenna) 77, 84, 85, 90, 123, 143, 158
al-Iʿlām bi-ḥudūd qawāʿid al-islām (ʿIyāḍ b. Mūsā) 259
Iljām al-ʿawāmm (al-Ghazālī) 206
Ilkhanids 337, 338–340
Illuminationists 188–189
ʿilm al-mukāshafa (science of disclosure) 14, 25
ilzām (reductio ad absurdum) 15–16
imaginations (wahmiyyāt) 21–22, 23n38
immaterial souls 47
individuation (taʿayyun) 143–144, 179, 189, 406
infidelity (takfīr) 268, 303 . unbelief
inherence (maḥall/ḥāll) 129, 131, 209
intellect 81–83
Introduction à la théologie musulmane (Gardet & Anawati) 1, 12n2
intuition 81–83
investigation and disjunction (al-sabr wa-l-taqsīm) 15–16, 17
al-Iqtiṣād fī l-iʿtiqād (al-Ghazālī) 13, 15–16
al-Isʿād fī sharḥ al-Irshād (Ibn Bazīza) 307, 318, 328
al-Iṣfahānī, Shams al-Dīn
influence of 1
views of 243, 342
works of
commentaries by 6, 338, 340
Tasdīd al-qawāʿid 340
al-Isfarāʾīnī, Abū Isḥāq 39, 311, 328, 387
al-Isfarāʾīnī, Iṣām al-Dīn 350–351, 375, 379, 382
al-Isfarāyinī, Bahāʾ al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Ṣamad al-Baḥrābādī 361
al-Ishāra fī ʿilm al-kalām (al-Rāzī) 59, 126
Ishārāt (Avicenna) 38, 129, 143, 325, 360
Ishrāq al-tawārīkh (al-Ījī) 347–348
Islam and Rationality. The Impact of al-Ghazālī. Papers Collected on his 900th Anniversary (eds. Tamer & Griffel) 12n2
Islamic Intellectual History in the Seventeenth Century (El-Rouayheb) 372, 373–374
Ismāʿīlism 279n81
Istiqṣāʾ al-naẓar fī l-qaḍāʾ wa-l-qadar (al-Ḥillī) 339
iʿtibārī (conceptual) 136, 137–139, 146, 187
Iʿtirāḍāt (al-Sarūjī) 221–223
ʿIyāḍ b. Mūsā, al-Qāḍī
criticism of, on al-Ghazālī 264
life of 288
views of
on al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyāʾ 260
on Sufism 264
works of, al-Iʿlām bi-ḥudūd qawāʿid al-islām 259
mention of 258
Jaʿd b. Dirham 199, 209
al-Jāḥiẓ 311
Jahm b. Ṣafwān 199, 209
jaʿl al-māhiyya (causing of essence)
in general 5, 156–157
external agency in 160
vs. non-existent thing 157–158, 171, 180, 186
and parts of the whole 160
philosophical significance of 184–185, 186, 190
and terminology 184–185
views on
in Ashʿarism 177–178, 180
of al-Dawānī 186, 188–189
of falāsifa 177
of al-Ījī 179, 180–181, 184–186
of Illuminationists 188–189
of al-Jurjānī 180–181, 184–185
of al-Kalanbawī 159–160
of Mullā Ṣadrā 188–190
in Muʿtazilism 177
of Peripatetics 188–189
of al-Rāzī 5, 157–158, 160–163, 164, 165–166, 169–170, 172, 176, 181
of al-Siyālkūtī 185–186
of al-Taftāzānī 177–180
Jalāl al-Dīn Tūrān Shāh 362
Jamāl al-Dīn Maḥmūd 399n10, 400
al-Jāmī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān 371, 375–376, 383, 387
al-Jāmiʿ li-aḥkām al-Qurʾān (al-Qurṭubī) 274, 280
Jāmiʿ al-ummahāt (Ibn Ḥājib) 325
Jār Allāh Efendi, Walī l-Dīn 358
al-Jārbardī, Fakhr al-Dīn (father) 345, 346, 350n80, 353, 361
al-Jārbardī, Ibrāhīm (son) 361
Jawāhir al-kalām (al-Ījī) 343, 352, 355, 360, 361
al-Jawāhir al-khams 388
Jawharat al-tawḥīd (al-Laqānī) 233n7, 244, 245
Jews 199, 209
Jiha (Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī) 204–206, 207
al-Jubbāʾī, Abū ʿAlī 97, 98, 127, 169, 199
al-Jumal (al-Khūnajī) 325, 329
al-Jurjānī, al-Sayyid al-Sharīf
chains of transmission through 383
views of
on composites 181–182
on Ibn al-ʿArabī 377
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 180–181, 184–185
works of
citations/quotations from 387
commentaries by 358, 362, 377, 388, 406
glosses by 185
glosses on 182, 397, 398–399
readership of 397
mention of 156
al-Juwaynī, ʿAbd al-Malik
authorship of 48
criticism of, on Muʿtazilīs 281
criticism on 308
influence of
on Ashʿarism 38
on Ibn Tūmart 268
on al-Rāzī 39, 40
on al-Sakūnī (son) 313
influences on, of Avicenna 2, 95
students of, al-Qushayrī 56
views of
on essence-existence distinction 128
on kasb 391
on miraculous gifts 49
on recommitting sins 55
on states (ḥāl) 41–43, 308
works of
al-ʿAqīda al-Niẓāmiyya/al-Risāla al-Niẓāmiyya 384, 391
citations/quotations from 387
citations/quotations of 200, 238
commentaries on 305–306, 307, 309
Kitāb al-Irshād. see Kitāb al-Irshād
recommendation of 311
Shāmil 38–39, 40–43, 53, 60, 328
studies of, by al-Kūrānī 384
summaries of 309
mention of 4
al-Juwaynī, Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Ḥamawayh 349
Kabbenkoobe movement 240
in general 1–2
under Almoravids 269
under Ḥafṣids 300
irrelevance of 299
legitimacy of 323
views on
of al-Ghazālī 13, 14, 323–324
of Ibn Khaldūn 299
works. specific works . atomism/atoms; simples; theology; under specific subjects
Kalām Cosmological Argument (Craig) 250
al-Kalanbawī, Ismāʿīl (Gelenbevi) 156, 159–160
karāmāt (miraculous gifts) 49–52
kasb (human acquisition of action) 381–382, 389–394
al-Kāshānī, ʿAbd al-Razzāq 341
al-Kashf ʿan manāhij al-adilla fī ʿaqāʾid al-milla (Ibn Rushd) 308
Kashf al-asrār (al-Khūnajī) 329
Kashf al-fawāʾid (al-Ḥillī) 338
Kashf al-murād (al-Ḥillī) 338
Kāshif al-sajāf ʿan wajh al-Kashshāf (al-Dāmghānī) 359–360
al-Kashshāf (al-Zamakhsharī) 306, 309, 345, 349, 350n80, 359–360
al-Kātibī, Najm al-Dīn 185, 246, 349, 377, 382
al-Kawākib al-darārī fī sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (al-Kirmānī) 353
al-Kawāshif al-Burhāniyya fī sharḥ al-Mawāqif al-sulṭāniyya (al-Kirmānī) 351, 352, 353–355
kayfiyya (modality) 201, 203, 204, 209, 223–224
Kenny, Joseph P. 6
khalaf 196, 198 . salaf
al-Khallāl, Abū Bakr 199
al-Khamsūn (al-Rāzī) 321
al-Khayrābādī, ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq 407–409
al-Khayyāṭ, Abū l-Ḥusayn 320
al-khuluq (virtue) 87–90
al-Khūnajī, Afḍal al-Dīn 325, 329
al-Khusrawshāhī, Shams al-Dīn 320–321
Khwāja Anṣārī 387
al-Kirmānī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Yūsuf
ijāza issued by 351
pupil of al-Ījī 342, 345, 351–355
views of, on composition of Mawāqif (al-Ījī) 353–355
works of
commentaries by 351, 352, 353–355
Ḍamāʾir al-Qurʾān 353
Dhayl Masālik al-abṣār 353
al-Kawākib al-darārī fī sharḥ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 353
al-Kawāshif al-Burhāniyya fī sharḥ al-Mawāqif al-sulṭāniyya 351, 352, 353–355
al-Nuqūd wa-l-rudūd fī l-uṣūl 352
Risāla fī masʾalat al-kuḥl 353
Taḥqīq al-Fawāʾid al-Ghiyāthiyya 352
Unmūdhaj al-Kashshāf 353
Kitāb al-Amad (Ibn al-ʿArabī) 276
Kitāb al-Asnā fī sharḥ asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā (al-Qurṭubī) 271, 272–273, 279–281, 286, 291
Kitāb al-ʿAyn (al-Kātibī) 349
Kitāb al-Dharīʿa ilā makārim al-sharīʿa (al-Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī) 28
Kitāb al-Ibāna (al-Bāqillānī) 200
Kitāb al-Irshād (al-Juwaynī)
authorship of 48
commentaries on 38–39, 39n112, 60, 300, 307, 309
as primary source 328
teaching of 325
use of 300
use of, in MS Beirut 40–43, 46, 49, 55
versification of 305
views in, on states (ḥāl) 308
mention of 53, 384
Kitāb al-Mashāʿir (Mullā Ṣadrā) 188–190
Kitāb al-Minhāj fī shuʿab al-īmān (al-Ḥalīmī) 284
Kitāb al-muḥallā fī sharḥ al-mujallā (Ibn Ḥazm) 273
Kitāb al-Sharīʿa (al-Ājurrī) 386–387
Kitāb al-sunna (Ibn Ḥanbal) 199
Kitāb al-Sunna (al-Lālakāʾī) 387
Kitāb al-Tafakkur (al-Ghazālī) 18
Kitāb al-Tamhīd (al-Bāqillānī) 200
Kitāb al-taʾwīlāt (Ibn Fūrak) 39, 45, 58, 199
Kitāb Uṣūl al-dīn ʿaqāʾid ahl al-sunna (MS Beirut)
author of, identity of 49, 52, 55–60
citations/references in
in general 39–40
to author’s father 48–55, 58
content in
on God’s existence 43–45
Juwaynian 41–42, 60–66
non-Juwaynian 43–45
on states (ḥāl) 41–42
criticism in
in general 46–47
of al-Ghazālī 47
dating of 47–48
new sections in 40 . MS Beirut
al-Kiyā al-Harrāsī 38
of God. see wujūb al-maʿrifa
of God’s names 279–280
three modes of 314–315
of unification of actions 392
views on
of al-Ghazālī 23–24, 28–29
of al-Rāzī 197–198
of al-Sakūnī 314–315
Knysh, Alexander 373
Koca, Muhammet Ali 347
al-Kubrā (al-Sanūsī) 238
Kukkonen, Taneli 19
al-Kūrānī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān 380
al-Kūrānī, Ibrāhīm
criticism of 392
influences on 373, 389
students of, al-ʿAyyāshī 377, 380–381
studies of
abroad 380
under al-Baʿlī 380
al-Ghazālī 384
under al-Ghazzī 380
under al-Ḥusaynī, ʿAbd al-Karīm 376
and Naqshbandiyya path 383–384
under al-Qushāshī 380–381, 382, 384
under al-Ṣiddīqī 376–378, 380
under al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī 379
of works
of al-Bayḍāwī 384
of al-Juwaynī 384
of al-Rāzī 384
teaching of 373
views of
on Ashʿarism 387–388
on Ḥanbalism 385
on kasb 390–393
on Sufism 387
on works of al-Ījī 348
views on
of al-ʿAyyāshī 381–382
of El-Rouayheb 373–374
of Nafi 373n6
works of
al-Amam li-īqāẓ al-himam. see al-Amam li-īqāẓ al-himam
citations/quotations in 385
Maslak al-sadād fī afʿāl khalq al-ʿibād 389
writing style of 381–382
mention of 7, 346–347
al-Lablī al-Fihrī, Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad b. Yūsuf 306–307, 320–321
Laḥn al-ʿawāmm fī-mā yataʿallaqu bi-ʿilm al-kalām (al-Sakūnī) 310
al-Lālakāʾī 387
Lamaḥāt (al-Suhrawardī) 146
Lammer, Andreas 5
al-Laqānī, Ibrāhīm 232, 233n7, 236, 240, 244, 245
Leaman, Oliver 2–3
light, use of term 25–27
location. see God’s location
and Ashʿarism 15–16
and philosophy 17–18
science of 245–246
in scientific writing 17
views on, of al-Ghazālī 15–16, 17–19
Lubāb al-Arbaʿīn (al-Urmawī) 349
Lubāb al-Muḥaṣṣal (Ibn Khaldūn) 325
al-Maʿālim fī uṣūl al-dīn (al-Rāzī) 318, 319, 320, 325
al-Maʿālim fī uṣūl al-fiqh (al-Rāzī) 321
al-Mabāḥith al-mashriqiyya (al-Rāzī)
views in
on contingency 167
on existence 149
on God as Necessary Existent 131
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 158, 160–161, 164, 165–166, 172
on necessity 144
on non-existent things 171–172
on primary concepts 169, 172–173
on time 99–100, 114–115, 119
on univocity problem 150
mention of 156
al-Mabdaʾ wa-l-maʿād (Avicenna) 87, 88
Madelung, Wilferd 135, 141, 361
al-Maḍnūn (al-Ghazālī) 384
Madrasa-yi Sayyār 340
Mafātīḥ al-ghayb (al-Rāzī) 119, 166, 168, 173–175, 183
maḥall/ḥāll (inherence) 129, 131, 209
Mahdavi, Yaḥyā 71, 92
al-Maḥṣūl fī uṣūl al-fiqh (al-Rāzī) 321
Majālis al-muʾminīn (Nūr Allāh Shūshtarī) 361
al-Majjārī 325, 329
majʿūliyya (causedness). see jaʿl al-māhiyya
Makdisi, George 197n11
al-Makkī, Abū Ṭālib 310
al-Makkī, Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn
as father of author of MS Beirut 49, 52, 55–56, 58
influences on, of al-Juwaynī 38
views of, on miraculous gifts 51
views on, of his son 58–59
works of
citations/references in 51–52
Nihāyat al-marām fī dirāyat al-kalām 36, 51, 54, 60
al-Makkī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad 351
al-Malāḥimī, Rukn al-Dīn
views of
on composition problem 136
on essence-existence distinction 128, 129
on tashkīk 134
works of
citations/quotations from 319–320
Tuḥfat al-mutakallimīn 126, 128
mention of 124
Mālik b. Anas 201
Mālik b. Wuhayb 265
Mālikism 257–259, 269
Mamlūks 195–196
maʿnā (meaning) 196, 201, 203–204, 209, 223–224
al-Maqāla al-muqarrara fī taḥqīq al-kalām al-nafsī/Risāla fī kalām Allāh/Risāla fī qidam al-kalām/Risāla fī anna l-kalām ṣifat Allāh (al-Ījī) 348
Maqālāt al-Islāmiyyīn (al-Ashʿarī) 199
Maqāṣid al-falāsifa (al-Ghazālī) 128, 140
al-Maqqarī, Aḥmad 318
al-Maqṣad al-asnā fī sharḥ asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā (al-Ghazālī) 273
Maqūlāt (Avicenna) 129
maʿqūlāt (rational sciences) 375–376, 378, 384, 387
Marīnids 301, 316
al-Marīsī, Bishr 198, 209–210
al-Marjānī, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbdallāh b. Muḥammad 307
Marmura, Michael 2–3, 13
Maṣābīḥ al-sunna (al-Baghawī) 349
al-Masāʾil al-bukhāriyya (al-Rāzī) 144
Masʾalat al-īmān (al-Ashʿarī) 385
Mashāriʿ (al-Suhrawardī) 138
Maslak al-sadād fī khalq afʿāl al-ʿibād (al-Kūrānī) 389
al-Masʿūdī, Sharaf al-Dīn
influence of, on al-Rāzī 149
influences on, of al-Ghazālī 30
views of
on composition problem 143–144
on God as Necessary Existent 145–146
works of, Shukūk 130–131
mention of 4, 124
Maṭāliʿ al-anwār (al-Urmawī) 329, 358, 377
al-Maṭālib al-ʿāliya (al-Rāzī)
and epistle of Avicenna 72, 91
and Risāla fī l-Tanbīh 72, 91, 92
views in
about time 96–99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 111, 114, 115–118
on embryogenesis 76–77
on eschatology 91
on existence 125
on God as Necessary Existent 127
on necessity 144
on pleasure 91
on prophecy 83–87
on virtue 89–90
mention of 5
al-Maṭālib al-ʿaliyya wa-l-maqāṣid al-saniyya fī maḥall al-kamālāt al-insāniyya (al-Tabrīzī) 356
Māturīdism 221, 239–240, 264n32
al-Mawāqif fī ʿilm al-kalām (al-Ījī)
in general 342–343
commentaries on 351, 353, 356–357, 360, 377, 388, 397, 398, 406
composition in 353–355
dedication of 340–341, 342
dissemination in South Asia
in general 7–8, 397–399
and scholarly networks 400–404, 410–411
reasons for writing of 341
studying of, by al-Kūrānī 382
views in
on common notions 406
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 179, 180–181, 184, 185–186
mention of 6
al-Mawṣilī, Zayn al-Dīn 338
Mayer, Toby 2–3, 14, 124, 143
al-Māzarī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad 328
meaning (maʿnā) 196, 201, 203–204, 209, 223–224
measure (miqdār) 106–107
Meditationes de prima philosophia (Descartes) 19
mental existence 129n31, 171–172 . extra-mental existence
Metaphysics (Avicenna). see al-Ilāhiyyāt
Miftāḥ bāb al-muwajjahāt (al-Kalanbawī). see Risālat al-imkān
Miftāḥ al-ʿulūm (al-Sakkākī) 343, 349, 350, 357, 360
al-Mihād fī sharḥ al-Irshād (al-Māzarī) 328
Miḥakk al-naẓar (al-Ghazālī) 15, 20
al-Miklātī, Abū l-Ḥajjāj 6
al-Milṭawī, Musāfir b. Nāṣir 348
al-Minhāj fī shuʿab al-īmān (al-Ḥalīmī) 281
Minhāj al-uṣūl (al-Bayḍāwī) 360
miqdār (measure) 106–107
Mīr Zāhid 248n65
miraculous gifts (karāmāt) 49–52
Mīrzā Jān al-Shīrāzī/al-Bāghnawī 397–398, 399, 400
Mishkāt al-anwār (al-Ghazālī) 27, 384
Miskawayh 28
Miʿyār al-ʿilm (al-Ghazālī) 15
modality (kayfiyya) 201, 203, 204, 209, 223–224
Morris, James 371
MS Beirut (AUB Library 297:R27kA)
description of 37–38 . Kitāb Uṣūl al-dīn ʿaqāʾid ahl al-sunna
Muʿammar b. ʿAbbād 47
al-Mubāḥathāt (Avicenna) 123, 133, 134, 137n71, 150
mudda (duration). see duration
Mufaṣṣal (al-Zamakhsharī) 350
Mughnī (al-Mutawallī) 53
al-Muḥākamāt bayn Sharḥay al-Ishārāt (al-Rāzī, Quṭb al-Dīn) 358
Muḥammad Amīn b. Maḥmūd Amīr Bādishāh 379
Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Salām 299, 324–325
Muḥammad b. Badr Jājarmī 360
Muḥammad b. Salāma al-Anṣārī 325
Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā al-Rāzī 96, 97–98, 109–110, 111, 116
Muḥammad Khudā Banda (Öljaitü) 338
al-Muḥarrar al-wajīz (Ibn ʿAṭiyya) 309
al-Muḥāsibī 24
al-Muḥaṣṣal (al-Rāzī)
citations/quotations from 319–320
commentaries on 316, 326, 349
teaching of 325
views in
on essence-existence distinction 127, 141
on jaʿl 158
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 166, 169–170, 172
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 197
al-Muḥibbī 375
Mukhtaṣar (al-Qushayrī) 54
Mukhtaṣar al-Muntahā (Ibn al-Ḥājib) 350, 351, 357, 361
al-Mukhtaṣar al-ṣaghīr fī l-manṭiq ʿalā ṭarīqat al-mutakallimīn (al-Fārābī) 18
al-Mukhtaṣar al-shāmil fī uṣūl al-dīn, or al-Mukhtaṣar al-kalāmī (Ibn ʿArafa) 317, 326–329, 330
al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī l-ḥikma wa-l-manṭiq (al-Rāzī)
innovativeness of 326–327
views in
on contingency 168
on existence 125
on jaʿl 158
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 158, 161–162, 165
on primary concepts 169, 172–173
on time 99, 100–101, 103, 108, 110, 119
mention of 156
Mullā Muḥammad Yūsuf 399, 400
Mullā Ṣadrā 156, 162–163, 188–190
Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede 357
al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl (al-Ghazālī) 13, 19, 21, 23–24, 26, 30, 310, 384
Muntahā al-sūl (al-Āmidī) 321
Muntahā l-suʾl wa-l-amal fī ʿilmay al-uṣūl wa-l-jadal (Ibn al-Ḥājib) 343
Muqaddima (Ibn Khaldūn) 298, 317–318, 326
Muqaddimāt (Ibn Rushd al-Jadd) 260
Muqaddimāt (al-Sanūsī) 239, 242
Muqāwamāt (al-Suhrawardī) 138–139
Muqtaḍab al-Tamyīz (al-Sakūnī) 314
al-Muqtaraḥ, Taqī l-Dīn 309, 328
Murshida (Ibn Tūmart) 268, 282–283, 286, 304–305
Murtaḍā al-Zabīdī 57
Muṣāraʿat al-falāsifa (al-Shahrastānī) 135, 139, 141
Muṣāraʿat al-Muṣāraʿa (al-Sāwī) 141
Mushkil al-ḥadīth (Ibn Fūrak) 39, 45, 58, 199
al-Mustaṣfā min ʿilm al-uṣūl (al-Ghazālī) 15, 20, 300, 323
Muʿtabar (Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī) 132
al-Muʿtaqad lil-shaykh al-kabīr (Ibn Khafīf) 360
al-Mutawallī 38, 53
criticism on 281
views in
on God’s names 281
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 177
on non-existent things 170–171
on obligation to know God 240
on world creation 44–45
al-Nabīhī, ʿAlāʾ 361
Nafi, Basheer 373
Nafkh al-rūḥ wa-l-taswiya (al-Ghazālī) 310
al-Nafs (al-Shifāʾ) (Avicenna) 75, 81–83
al-Najāt min al-gharaq fī baḥr al-ḍalālāt (Avicenna) 100, 143
Naqshbandiyya 382–383
al-Nasafī 244, 250
al-Nasafī, Burhān al-Dīn 338
Naṣrids 301
natural philosophy 174–175
nature 77–80
al-Naẓẓām, Ibrāhīm 311
Necessary Existent (wājib al-wujūd) 5, 123–124, 127, 130–133, 142–143, 149–150, 212
and existence 135–146
in God
as negational attributes of 131, 136, 140–141, 144
as perfection of existence 133–134, 145
as relational attributes of 140–141, 144–145
negational (salbī or ʿadamī) attributes 131, 136, 140–141, 144
neo-Ashʿarism 1, 36 . Ashʿarism
Neoplatonism 279n81, 282
Nihāyat al-aqdām (al-Shahrastānī) 139, 141
Nihāyat al-marām fī dirāyat al-kalām (al-Makkī) 36, 51, 54, 60
Nihāyat al-ʿuqūl (al-Rāzī)
citations/quotations from 322
commentaries on 349
studying of 321
views in
on essence-existence distinction 127
on existence 125
on necessity 144
mention of 59, 60
Niẓām al-Mulk 57–58
non-conformism 287, 289–290
non-entitativity 136–137, 140–141, 144–145, 149–150
and existence 127, 128, 406–409
of time (zamān) 115–116
non-existent things (shayʾiyyat al-maʿdūm)
vs. jaʿl al-māhiyya 157–158, 171, 180, 186
views on
of Avicenna 158–159
in Muʿtazilism 170–171
of al-Rāzī 171
nonliteral reinterpretations. see taʾwīlāt/taʾwīl
notions, common 406–410
now, notion of 113–114
al-Nuqūd wa-l-rudūd fī l-uṣūl (al-Kirmānī) 352
Nūr Allāh Shūshtarī 361
Nūr al-Dīn ʿAlī l-Minūfī l-Shādhilī 241
nuṭfa (fecundated seed) 74–76
Obermann, Julian 23
to know God. see wujūb al-maʿrifa
to reflect. see wujūb al-naẓar
Öljaitü 339
Organon (Aristotle) 17
Orientalism 246–247, 248
The Origins of Islamic Reformism in Southeast Asia (Azra) 373n6
perfection (kamāl), of God’s existence 133–134, 145
Peripatetics 188–189
Perler, Dominik 3
Persian, use of term 236n14
Philoponus, John 113
philosophy. see falsafa/falāsifa
Physics (Aristotle) 102
Physics (Avicenna). see al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt
Plato 95, 109–110, 112–113
Platonic Forms, of existence 131–132
pleasure 90–91
poems 348, 360
polytheists 199, 209
Pourjavady, Reza 6
Pouzet, Louis 196
pregnancy 284
premisses, classes of 20–21
prophecy 80–87, 266
Prophets, and God’s names 279–280
prototype meter 105–106
of Avicenna 71–93
methodology of work 71–72, 91–92
al-Qalāsnī 236n18
al-Qalshānī, ʿUmar b. Muḥammad 330
al-Qaramānī, Qara-Yaʿqūb 348
Qawāʿid al-ʿaqāʾid (al-Ṭūsī) 338
al-Qawāʿid al-Shamsiyya fī sharḥ al-ʿAqāʾid al-ʿAḍudiyya (al-Dāmghānī) 346, 358–359
al-Qisṭās al-mustaqīm (al-Ghazālī) 18, 384
qiyās (analogical reasoning) 17, 303–304
al-Qūnawī, Ṣadr al-Dīn 391
and createdness 385–386
Tafsīr sūrat al-Aʿ [87] 71–92
verses of
2:22 353
2:23 345, 359, 361
3.7 57
3:138 219
4:15 219
6:38 274
6:61 220
7:54 202
7:180 271, 286
10:3 202
11:123 220
13:3 202
16:50 202, 214, 220
16:60 204
17:29 217
17.85 47
17:110 271
20:5 196, 202, 208, 214, 219
20:8 271
20:14 385
20:91–93 278
23.53 38n10
25.54 175
25:59 202
30.20 173
32:4 202
35:10 202, 208, 220
41.53 233n7
42:11 200, 207
42:53 220
51.21 233n7
57:4 202, 203, 208, 218, 220
59:24 271
70:4 202, 220
al-Qurashī, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Ibrāhīm 300
al-Qurṭubī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. Farḥ
influences on, of al-Ḥalīmī 281, 284–285
life of 270
non-conformism of 287, 289–290
views of
in general 256, 289–290
on al-Ghazālī 256
on God’s names
in general 272–281, 283, 287
classification of 281–282, 284–285
on Ibn Masarra al-Jabalī 276–278
on obligation to know God 286–287
on Sufism 278–279
views on 270
works of
in general 270–271
al-Jāmiʿ li-aḥkām al-Qurʾān 274, 280
Kitāb al-Asnā fī sharḥ asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā 271, 272–273, 279–281, 286, 291
al-Tadhkār fī afḍal al-adhkār 271
al-Tadhkira fī aḥwāl al-mawt 271
Tafsīr 271
mention of 6
al-Qushāshī, Aḥmad
dream about Ibn al-ʿArabī 389–390
influence of 389
teacher of al-Kūrānī 380–381, 382, 384
views of
on Ḥanbalism 385
on kasb 389, 390, 391, 393
views on, of al-ʿAyyāshī 381–382, 390–391
works of, writing style in 381–382
al-Qushayrī, Abū Naṣr ʿAbd al-Raḥīm (son)
as author of MS Beirut 49, 56
views of, on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 57–58
works of 56
al-Qushayrī, Abū l-Qāsim ʿAbd al-Karīm (father)
as father of author of MS Beirut 49, 52, 55–56
views of
on miraculous gifts 50–51
on necessity to reflect 239
on repentance 53–54
works of
Mukhtaṣar 54
Risāla 50–51, 53–54, 55
mention of 45, 197
Quṭb al-Dīn al-Rāzī 358, 377, 382
Quṭb al-Dīn Shāh Maḥmūd 361
Quṭb al-Dīn al-Sihālawī 398, 400, 404
al-Radd ʿalā l-Jahmiyya (al-Dārimī) 199
al-Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī 28
Ramli, Harith 7
rational sciences (maʿqūlāt) 375–376, 378, 384, 387
Rawshanāyī-nāma (al-Dāmghānī) 360
al-Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn
in general 5
attribution to
epistle on al-Aʿ 71–93
evidence 72, 91–92
of al-Maṭālib al-ʿāliya 72, 92
as author of MS Beirut 49, 58–60
criticism of
on Aristotle, on time 103–104, 107–108
on Avicenna
on God’s essence 5, 124
on time 100, 104–106, 107–108
criticism on, of Ibn Taymiyya 198, 222
deathbed statement of 231, 238
influence of
in general 5
on Ashʿarism 129, 298
on Ibn Bazīza 318–320
on neo-Ashʿarism 1, 36
on al-Sakūnī (son) 312–313
influences on
of Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī 96
of Ashʿarism 129
of Avicenna 71–72, 91, 95
of al-Ghazālī 30, 149
of al-Juwaynī 39, 40
of al-Masʿūdī 149
of Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā al-Rāzī 96
of Plato 95
scepticism of 197–198
students of 307, 361
views of
on aḥwāl/ḥāl 148–149
on composites 183–184
on composition problem 141, 143–145
on contingency 166–168
on continuity 322–323
on cosmology 173–174
on embryogenesis 76–77
on eschatology 90–91
on essence, tripartite distinction of 164–165, 167, 171n41, 173
on essence-existence distinction 125–130, 162–163n16, 242–243
on eternity 111–112
on everlastingness 111–112
on general concepts 156–157
on God as Necessary Existent 130, 132, 149–151
on God as principle 142
on God’s essence 125
on his father 58–59
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 5, 157–158, 160–163, 164, 165–166, 169–170, 172, 176, 181
on kalām 324
on kasb 391–392
on knowledge 197–198
on mental existence 129n31, 171–172
on natural philosophy 174–176
on non-existent things 171
on pleasure 90–91
on primary concepts 168–169
on priority problem 147–149
on prophecy 83–84, 85–87
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 197–198
on tashkīk 134
on time
in general 96–97
and duration 114–119
essence of 98–104, 105–109, 110–119
existence of 96–98
on univocity problem 141, 150
on virtues of souls 89–90
views on
of al-Sakūnī (son) 330
of al-Sanūsī 231
works of
al-Arbaʿīn fī uṣūl al-dīn 125, 127, 149, 319–320, 321, 349
Beirut Manuscript. see MS Beirut
citations/quotations from 319, 321–322, 387
al-Ishāra fī ʿilm al-kalām 59, 126
kalām summa 4, 36
al-Khamsūn 321
Kitāb Uṣūl al-dīn ʿaqāʾid ahl al-sunna. see Kitāb Uṣūl al-dīn ʿaqāʾid ahl al-sunna
al-Maʿālim fī uṣūl al-dīn 318, 319, 320, 325
al-Maʿālim fī uṣūl al-fiqh 321
al-Mabāḥith al-mashriqiyya. see al-Mabāḥith al-mashriqiyya
Mafātīḥ al-ghayb 119, 166, 168, 173–175, 183
al-Maḥṣūl fī uṣūl al-fiqh 321
al-Masāʾil al-bukhāriyya 144
al-Maṭālib al-ʿāliya 71–92, 76–77 . al-Maṭālib al-ʿāliya
al-Muḥaṣṣal. see al-Muḥaṣṣal
al-Mulakhkhaṣ. see al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī l-ḥikma wa-l-manṭiq
Nihāyat al-ʿuqūl. see Nihāyat al-ʿuqūl
Risāla fī l-Tanbīh 72, 91, 92
al-Riyāḍ al-mūniqa 58
Sharḥ al-Ishārāt 100, 124n7
Sharḥ ʿUyūn al-ḥikma 108, 134
studying of
in general 320–321
by al-Kūrānī 384
al-Tafsīr al-kabīr 321
Tafsīr sūrat al-Aʿ 71–92
Taʾsīs al-taqdīs 197–199, 202, 220, 222
transmission of 298, 317–330
use of 300
mention of 156, 214, 235, 236
reality of the spirit (rūḥ) 46
reasoning. see analogical reasoning; syllogistic reasoning
al-Ghazālī’s works in al-Andalus 6, 254–255, 265, 266–267, 288, 290
of al-Sanūsī’s work 235–236 . dissemination; transmission, chains of
reductio ad absurdum (ilzām) 15–16
reinterpretations. see taʾwīlāt/taʾwīl
relational (iḍāfī) attributes 140–141, 144–145
repentance 52–54
al-Riḥla al-ʿAyyāshiyya (al-ʿAyyāshī) 380, 381
Risāla (Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī) 259
Risāla (al-Qushayrī) 50–51, 53–54, 55
Risāla fī ādāb al-baḥth (al-Ījī) 345, 350, 360, 362
Risāla fī l-ʿaql (al-Fārābī) 26
Risāla fī ithbāt al-wujūd (al-Dawānī) 377
Risāla fī l-Tanbīh (al-Rāzī) 72, 91, 92
Risāla fī masʾalat al-kuḥl (al-Kirmānī) 353
Risāla fī l-taṣawwur wa-l-taṣdīq (al-Taḥtānī) 404
al-Risāla al-Niẓāmiyya (al-Juwaynī) 384, 391
al-Risāla al-Shāhiyya fī l-akhlāq (al-Ījī) 344, 352, 357, 362
al-Risāla al-shamsiyya (al-Kātibī) 246, 377
al-Risāla al-tisʿīniyya fī l-uṣūl al-dīniyya (al-Hindī) 211–216
al-Risāla al-waḍʿiyya (al-Ījī) 345, 362
Risālat al-ḍiyāʾ al-ʿaqlī (ʿUmar Khayyām) 129
Risālat al-imkān (a.k.a. Miftāḥ bāb al-muwajjahāt; al-Kalanbawī) 159–160
Risālat al-Madkhal fī l-maʿānī wa-l-bayān wa-l-badīʿ/Mukhtaṣar fī fann al-balāgha (al-Ījī) 344–345
Risālat al-Zawrāʾ (al-Dawānī) 186, 189, 377
al-Riyāḍ al-mūniqa (al-Rāzī) 58
Rudolph, Ulrich 3
rūḥ (reality of the spirit) 46
Ṣābiʾa 199, 209
al-sabr wa-l-taqsīm (investigation and disjunction) 15–16, 17
Sabra, Abdelhamid 341
Sachau, Edward 241
Safīna-yi Tabrīz (Tabrīz) 91, 92
al-Ṣaḥāʾif (al-Samarqandī) 339–340, 349
al-Sakkākī, Sirāj al-Dīn 343, 349, 350, 357, 360
al-Sakūnī al-Ishbīlī, Abū ʿAlī ʿUmar (son)
and dissemination of al-Rāzī’s work 321–324
influences on
of Avicenna 313
of al-Juwaynī 313
of al-Rāzī 312–313
life of 309–310
terminology of 323
views of
in general 316
Aristotelian categories 316
on books 310–312
on God’s existence 312–313
on heresies 310
on kalām 324
on al-Rāzī 330
on three modal qualifiers 314–315
works of
citations/quotations in 321–322
commentaries by 313–314
Laḥn al-ʿawāmm fī-mā yataʿallaqu bi-ʿilm al-kalām 310
Muqtaḍab al-Tamyīz 314
al-Tamyīz li-mā awdaʿahu l-Zamakhsharī min al-iʿtizāl fī tafsīr al-kitāb al-ʿazīz 313–316, 322
ʿUyūn al-munāẓarāt 312, 314, 321, 322, 323–324
al-Sakūnī al-Ishbīlī, Muḥammad b. Abī l-Khaṭṭāb b. Khalīl (father)
life of 301–302
views of
on Murshida 304–305
on necessity to reflect 302–303
on obligation to know God 302
works of
Arbaʿūn masʾala fī uṣūl al-dīn 302
commentaries by 304–306
Sharḥ Murshidat Ibn Tūmart 304–305
Sharḥ al-Tanbīh wa-l-Irshād fī ʿilm al-iʿtiqād/Sharḥ Manẓūmat al-Ḍarīr fī l-tawḥīd 305–306
mention of 309
sources on 199
views of
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations
in general 196
al-Ghazālī on 207
al-Hindī on 215
Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī on 206
Ibn Jamāʿa on 218, 220–221
Ibn Taymiyya on 198, 200, 202, 203, 206
al-Juwaynī on 200
al-Sarūjī on 222–223 . khalaf
al-Salālijī, Abū ʿAmr 309
salbī (negational). see negational (salbī or ʿadamī) atrributes
al-Samāʿ al-ṭabīʿī (Avicenna) 78–79
al-Samarqandī, Qāḍī Shāh 398
al-Samarqandī, Shams al-Dīn 339–340, 349
al-Sanūsī, Muḥammad b. Yūsuf
in general 6
criticism on 240
influence of 241
views of
on kasb 389
on necessity to reflect 233n7, 238–239
on obligation to know God 231–232
on al-Rāzī 231
on states (ḥāl) 309
on syllogistic reasoning 304
works of
autocommentaries on 238, 239
citations/quotations in 238, 239
commentaries on 241
al-Kubrā 238
Muqaddimāt 239, 242
reception of 235–236
Sharḥ al-ʿAqīda al-kubrā 233n7, 238
Umm al-barāhīn 239, 241
al-sarmad (eternity). see everlastingness/eternity
al-Sarūjī, Shams al-Dīn 196, 221–223, 225
al-Ṣāwī, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad 244–245
al-Sāwī, ʿUmar b. Sahlān 124, 136 n62, 139, 141
al-Sayf al-ṣārim ʿalā ʿunuq al-ʿAḍud al-ẓālim (al-Jārbardī, Ibrāhīm) 361
of al-Ghazālī 19, 23, 26, 27, 30
of al-Rāzī 197–198
scholarly networks 8, 273, 397–399, 404
in general 400–404, 410–411
trees of 401–402, 403
science of disclosure (ʿilm al-mukāshafa) 14, 25
scientific writing 16–17
Sebti, Meryem 4–5
Second Analytics (Aristotle) 17
Serrano, Delfina 6
Shadd al-izār (al-Shīrāzī) 351
Shāfiʿī law school 197n11
Shāh Shujāʿ 358, 359, 360, 361
Shāh Walīallāh 400
al-Shaḥḥām, Abū Yaʿqūb 169–170
al-Shahīd al-Awwal 351
al-Shahrastānī, Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Karīm
criticism of, on Avicenna 95
views of
on composition problem 136, 139–141
on states (ḥāl) 309
on tashkīk 136
on univocity problem 135
works of
Muṣāraʿat al-falāsifa 135, 139, 141
Nihāyat al-aqdām 139, 141
mention of 1, 149
al-Shāmil (al-Juwaynī) 38–39, 40–43, 53, 60, 328
al-Shamsiyya (al-Kātibi) 246, 377, 382
Sharḥ al-ʿAqīda al-kubrā (al-Sanūsī) 233n7, 238
Sharḥ al-ʿAqīda al-Nasafiyya (al-Taftāzānī) 376, 378
Sharḥ ḥāshiyat Mīr Zāhid umūr ʿāmma (al-Khayrābādī) 407–409
Sharḥ al-Ishārāt (al-Rāzī) 100, 124n7
Sharḥ al-Maqāṣid (al-Taftāzānī) 177–179
Sharḥ al-Mawāqif (al-Ījī) 6, 7–8, 179, 180–181, 184, 185–186, 348, 352, 362, 382
Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-muntahā (al-Ījī) 362
Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-talkhīṣ (al-Taftāzānī) 376, 377
Sharḥ Murshidat Ibn Tūmart (al-Sakūnī) 304–305
Sharḥ al-Tanbīh wa-l-Irshād fī ʿilm al-iʿtiqād or Sharḥ Manẓūmat al-Ḍarīr fī l-tawḥīd (al-Sakūnī) 305–306
Sharḥ ʿUyūn al-ḥikma (al-Rāzī) 108, 134
al-Sharīf al-Tilimsānī 325
al-Shāshī, Abū Bakr 267
Shaṭṭāriyya 384, 388
Shayʾ (one of God’s names) 285
al-Shaykh al-Mufīd 47
Shīʿa. see Twelver Shīʿism
al-Shifāʾ (Avicenna) 74–79, 81–83, 85–87, 100, 104–105, 112 . al-Ilāhiyyāt
Shihadeh, Ayman 4, 16, 84, 89, 372n4
al-Shinnāwī, Abū l-Mawāhib Aḥmad 382–383
al-Shīrāzī, Fatḥallāh 400
al-Shīrāzī, Muʿīn al-Dīn Junayd 350n80, 358, 359, 360
al-Shīrāzī, Quṭb al-Dīn 341
al-Shukūk (al-Masʿūdī) 130–131
al-Ṣiddīqī al-Kūrānī, Sayyid Muḥammad Sharīf b. Yūsuf 376–378, 380
simples 162, 163, 165–166 . composites
and faith 264
recommiting repented 54–55
repenting forgotten 52–54
al-Siyālkūtī, ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm 182–183, 185–186, 250, 398, 400
souls 47, 84–85, 87–90, 262–263
Spevack, Aaron 7, 390
states (ḥāl). see aḥwāl theory
Street, Tony 5, 16
structure (hayʾa) 166
al-Subkī, Taqī l-Dīn
views of
on al-Bājī 211
on al-Hindī 211
on Ibn Tūmart 267
works of, Ṭabaqāt al-Shāfiʿiyya al-kubrā 204–205, 346, 350
mention of 60, 70, 196
and Ashʿarism 7
faith in 386
and Ḥanbalism 373
non-monistic/monistic 373, 383, 385
orders in 383
spread of 371
views on
in general 264
of al-Kūrānī 387
of al-Qurṭubī 278–279 . Ibn al-ʿArabī, Abū Bakr
Sufyān b. ʿUyayna 275
al-Suhrawardī, Shihāb al-Dīn
citations of 188
views of
on essence-existence distinction 129, 138–139, 146–147
on God as Necessary Existent 131–132, 133–134, 145
works of
Ḥikmat al-ishrāq 129, 131, 189
Lamaḥāt 146
Mashāriʿ 138
Muqāwamāt 138–139
Talwīḥāt 129, 133, 146
mention of 124
al-Suhrawardī, ʿUmar 387
Sullam al-ʿulūm (al-Bihārī) 405–406, 410
al-Sunna (al-Khallāl) 199
Sunni Islam 339, 387 . Ashʿarism
on al-Harawī
in general 404
subjects discussed in 405–410, 411
by Mīrzā Jān 397–398 . glosses
sūrat al-Aʿ [87] (epistle) 71–92
al-Suyūṭī 236n14
syllogistic reasoning 15–16, 17–18, 20, 246, 298, 304 . analogical reasoning
Syria 195
taʿayyun (individuation) 143–144, 179, 189, 406
Ṭabaqāt al-Shāfiʿiyya al-kubrā (al-Subkī) 204–205, 346, 350
al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī, Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn b. ʿAbd al-Qādir 379
al-Ṭabīʿiyyāt (al-Shifāʾ) (Avicenna) 74–75, 77–79
al-Tabrīzī, Amīn al-Dīn Ḥājj Bulah 346
al-Tabrīzī, ʿIzz al-Dīn al-ʿAṭāyī 346
al-Tabrīzī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Maḥmūd 355–356
al-Tadhkār fī afḍal al-adhkār (al-Qurṭubī) 271
al-Tadhkira fī aḥwāl al-mawt (al-Qurṭubī) 271
al-Tadhkira al-Sharqiyya (Abū Naṣr al-Qushayrī) 57
Tadhyīl (Ibn al-Ilbīrī) 260–261
Tafsīr (al-Qurṭubī) 271
al-Tafsīr al-kabīr (al-Rāzī) 321
tafsīr on al-Aʿlā (Avicenna) 71–93
Tafsīr sūrat al-Aʿ 71–93
al-Taftāzānī, Saʿd al-Dīn
criticism on 392
pupil of al-Ījī 361
views of
on contingency 178
on essence-existence distinction 243
on Ibn al-ʿArabī 378
on jaʿl al-māhiyya 177–180
works of
citations/quotations from 387
commentaries by 244, 250
Sharḥ al-ʿAqīda al-Nasafiyya 376, 378
Sharḥ al-Maqāṣid 177–179
Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-talkhīṣ 376, 377
Tahdhīb al-manṭiq 404
mention of 156, 181, 184
tafwīḍ 7, 196, 197, 215
views on. see tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations
tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations
views on
of al-Ashʿarī 199–200
in Ashʿarism 196–200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 209, 217, 224
of al-Ghazālī 197, 206–207
of al-Hindī 215–216, 219, 225
of Ibn Jahbal al-Kilābī 206, 210, 219, 225
of Ibn Jamāʿa 216–218, 220–221, 225
of Ibn Taymiyya 198–201, 202–204
of al-Juwaynī 200
of khalaf 196, 198
of al-Qushayrī, Abū Naṣr 57–58
of al-Rāzī 197–198
of salaf. see salaf
of al-Sarūjī 222–223, 225
Tahāfut al-falāsifa (al-Ghazālī)
in general 4, 30, 95
views in
in general 300
on causality 19
on classes of premisses 20–21
on composition problem 138, 140
on God’s essence 124–125
on God’s light 25
on imaginations 21–22
Tahdhīb al-akhlāq (al-Bayḍāwī) 344
Tahdhīb al-akhlāq (Miskawayh) 28
Tahdhīb al-manṭiq (al-Taftāzānī) 404
taḥqīq (critical investigation, verification)
in general 392–393
intellectual vs. spiritual 372–373
translation of term 372n4
Taḥqīq al-Fawāʾid al-Ghiyāthiyya (al-Kirmānī) 352
Taḥqīq al-tafsīr 349
Taḥrīr al-Arbaʿīn (al-Ījī) 349
Taḥrīr al-Muḥaṣṣal (al-Ījī) 349
Taḥrīr Nihāyat al-ʿuqūl (al-Ījī) 349
Taḥṣīl (Bahmanyār) 129, 140
al-Taḥtānī 404
Tāj al-Dīn Aḥmad 348
Tāj al-Dīn ʿAlī Shāh 340
Tajrīd al-iʿtiqād (al-Ṭūsī) 338, 340
tajsīm (corporealism) 195, 197, 217–218, 222, 224, 259, 305, 308
takfīr (infidelity) 268, 303 . unbelief
al-Taʿlīqāt (Avicenna) 123, 137n71, 150
Talkhīṣ al-Muḥaṣṣal (al-Ṭūsī) 316, 326
al-Talwīḥāt (al-Suhrawardī) 129, 133, 146
al-Tamyīz li-mā awdaʿahu l-Zamakhsharī min al-iʿtizāl fī tafsīr al-kitāb al-ʿazīz (al-Sakūnī) 313–316, 322
Tanqīḥ al-ʿibārāt fī tawḍīḥ al-Ishārāt (al-Dāmghānī) 360
Taqrīb al-Ṣaḥāʾif (al-Ījī) 349
Tārīkh-i Guzīda (Ḥamd Allāh Mustawfī) 342, 343
Tārīkh-i Ūljāytū (ʿAbdallāh b. ʿAlī Kāshānī) 340
al-Ṭārimī, ʿImād al-Dīn 397, 400
ṭarīqa 383
Taṣaffuḥ al-adilla (Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Baṣrī) 38
Tasdīd al-qawāʿid (al-Iṣfahānī) 340
tashbīh (anthropomorphism) 7, 58, 201, 209, 259, 282
tashkīk (gradations of existence) 133–134, 136, 150–151
Tāshufīn 267
Taʾsīs al-taqdīs (al-Rāzī) 197–199, 202, 218, 222
Ṭawāliʿ al-anwār (al-Bayḍāwī)
commentaries on 6, 330, 337–338, 349, 360
popularity of 337
translation of 6
use of template of 326–327
mention of 176–177, 212, 317, 342
Tawḥīd al-bāriʾ (Ibn Tūmart). see Murshida
taʾwīlāt/taʾwīl (nonliteral interpretations)
in general 7, 196–197, 206
as pagan 198
roots of 198–199, 209
views on. see tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations
al-Ṭayyibī, Sharaf al-Dīn 362
terminology 184–185
text-nexuses 247–248
Thanvi, Mawlana Ali 250
al-Thawrī, Sufyān 200–201, 210, 220
“The Second Revival of Astronomy” (Thomann) 24n42
Theologian-Logicians 329
of Almohads 267–270, 282–284, 300
and philosophy 233–235 . kalām
Thiele, Jan 7
Thomann, Johannes 24n42
Timaeus (Plato) 109–110
time (zamān)
and beforeness/afterness 96, 100–101, 116, 117, 118, 119
and duration 107, 113, 114–118
elapsing character of 113
essence of 96–97, 98–119
and everlastingness/eternity 111–112, 113n64, 116, 117
existence of 96–98, 115–116
and God 107, 114–117
and heavenly motion 102–108
non-existence of 115–116
and persistence 107
production of 114
self-subsistency of 109–119
and simultaneousness 101–102
use of term 113
views on
of Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī 98, 101–102, 107
of Alexander of Aphrodisias 103, 107
of Aristotle 98, 102–103, 113
of Avicenna 97, 98, 99–100, 104–106, 107, 112–113
of Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā al-Rāzī 97–98, 109–110
of Plato 109–110, 112–113
of al-Rāzī 98–119
al-Tirmidhī 272
al-Tisʿīniyya (al-Hindī)
reasons for writing of 211–212
views in
on God 212
on God’s location 212–215
on tafwīḍ vs. taʾwīl interpretations 215–216
Traité de l’âme (Avicenna). see al-Nafs
transmission, chains of 378, 379–380, 382, 383 . dissemination; reception
Treiger, Alexander 3, 135
Tuḥfat al-mursala (al-Burhānpurī) 388
Tuḥfat al-mutakallimīn (al-Malāḥimī) 126, 128
Tunis 301
turāb (clay) 173, 175
al-Ṭurṭūshī, Abū Bakr 264, 278
al-Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn
views of, on tashkīk 135, 150–151
works of
Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī 344
commentaries by 316, 326
commentaries on 338, 340
Qawāʿid al-ʿaqāʾid 338
Tajrīd al-iʿtiqād 338, 340
Talkhīṣ al-Muḥaṣṣal 316, 326
al-Tustarī, Badr al-Dīn 338
Twelver Shīʿism 338–340, 341
ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz 238
ʿUmar Khayyām 24, 124, 129, 137
Umm al-barāhīn (al-Sanūsī) 239, 241
unbelief 198, 263–264 . takfīr
unity of being (waḥdat al-wujūd) 381
universals 137, 139–140, 165
of existence
problem with 130–131, 133–135, 141, 150–151
theory of 125, 127, 128, 130, 134 . equivocity, of existence
Unmūdhaj al-Kashshāf (al-Kirmānī) 353
al-Uqlīshī al-Dānī 256, 273–274, 275
al-Urmawī, Sirāj al-Dīn 329, 349, 358, 377
Urvoy, Dominique 265, 267
al-ʿUyūn (al-Ījī) 347, 360
ʿUyūn al-ḥikma (Avicenna) 112
ʿUyūn al-munāẓarāt (al-Sakūnī) 312, 314, 321, 322, 323–324
verification (taḥqīq) 392–393
virtue (al-khuluq) 87–90
waḥdat al-wujūd (unity of being) 381
wahmiyyāt (imaginations) 21–22, 23n38
wājib al-wujūd (Necessary Existent) 5, 123–124, 127, 130–133, 142–143, 149–150, 212
Wajīh al-Dīn b. Naṣrallāh al-Gujarātī 397, 398, 400
al-Walīd b. Muslim 287
water clocks (binkānāt) 112n63
Wisnovsky, Robert 124, 158–159, 243, 314–315
wujūb al-maʿrifa (obligation to know God)
in general 237
views on
in Ashʿarism 233, 239
of al-Bājūrī 239
of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd 260–261
in Māturīdism 239–240
in Muʿtazilism 240
of al-Qurṭubī 286–287
of al-Sakūnī 302
of al-Sanūsī 231–232
wujūb al-naẓar (obligation to reflect)
in general 231, 232–233, 237
views on
in Ashʿarism 233
of al-Bājūrī 240
of Egyptian scholars 241
of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd 260–261
of al-Laqānī 233n7
of other scholars 239
of al-Sakūnī 302–303
of al-Sanūsī 233n7, 238–239
wujūd (existence). see existence
al-Zabīdī, Ibrāhīm b. ʿAbdallāh 236n18
al-Zajjājī 276
al-Zamakhsharī, Jār Allāh
views of, on Q. 2:23 359
works of
commentaries on 313–314, 350, 359–360
glosses on 349
al-Kashshāf 306, 309, 345, 349, 350n80, 359–360
Mufaṣṣal 350
rejection of 311
zamān (time). see time
al-Zubaydī 277
Zubdat al-tawārīkh (ʿAlī Chelebī) 348
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