Copyright Page
This work was originally published as Subjektivierung und Kohäsion. Zur Rekonstruktion einer materialistischen Theorie des Rechts by Velbrück Wissenschaft, ISBN 978-3-938808-29-0.
The translation of this work was funded by Geisteswissenschaften International – Translation Funding for Work in the Humanities and Social Sciences from Germany, a joint initiative of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the German Federal Foreign Office, the collecting society VG WORT and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers & Booksellers Association).
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Buckel, Sonja, author.
Title: Subjectivation and cohesion : towards the reconstruction of a materialist theory of law / by Sonja Buckel.
Description: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke BrillNV, [2021] | Series: Historical materialism book series, 1570-1522 ; volume 214 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2020031452 (print) | LCCN 2020031453 (ebook) | ISBN 9789004359536 (hardback) | ISBN 9789004432017 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Law–Philosophy. | Jurisprudence. | Law–Social aspects | Law–Political aspects. | Subjectivity–Political aspects. | Subjectivity–Social aspects. | Cohesion.
Classification: LCC K231 .B824 2021 (print) | LCC K231 (ebook) | DDC 340/.1–dc23
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ISSN 1570-1522
ISBN 978-90-04-35953-6 (hardback)
ISBN 978-90-04-43201-7 (e-book)
Copyright 2021 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi, Brill Sense, Hotei Publishing, mentis Verlag, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh and Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
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