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Index of Names and Subjects

People who died before 1500 are listed by their first names (except for Arabic writers), those who died after 1500 by their surnames.

1317 1, 3, 7, 12, 14
accidents see form, accidental
Accursius 52, 83
Adam Burley 97
Adam of Ely (Adam Junior) 19–21,
commentary on Sentences 20–21, 42
Adam Lakenheath 74
Adam of Hoveden 18n50
Adam of Usk 62
Chronicle 62
Adam Wodeham 10, 19, 23
lectures on Sentences 22
Alan Tylney 74
Albert the Great 209
commentary on De divisione 91n14
Albert of Saxony 99
Alexander of Aphrodisias
commentary on On the Heavens 145
al-Rāzī 172
anatomy 180
Andreas Capellanus 204
Aphorismi Damasceni 168
Aquinas see Thomas Aquinas
Arabic see translations
Aristotelian commentaries (i.e. on Aristotle’s works) 5, 14, 77–78, 145–146, 204
formats of the commentaries 96
on Categories 88–89
on Ethics 8, 93, 145, 149, 151–159
on libri naturales 78, 82
on Metaphysics 88–89, 145
on Meteorology 78, 91, 145
on On Generation and Corruption 88–89, 91, 146
on On the Heavens 18, 145–146
on On Interpretation 88–89, 91, 93, 97
on On Sense and Sensation 91
on On Sophistical Refutations 93, 96
on On the Soul 74, 91, 146, 149
on Organon 43
on parva naturalia 146
on Physics 74, 88–89, 91, 146
on Politics 149
on Posterior Analytics 91, 93, 145
on Prior analytics 91, 93
on Rhetoric 149
on Topics 91
Aristotelianism 5, 8, 94–95, 109, 151, 160
radical 158n42
Aristotle 7, 14, 114, 146, 204, 209
Ethics 82, 90, 149, 151, 155
libri naturales 90
Metaphysics 82, 90, 95, 147
Meteorology 147
On Animals 175
On Generation and Corruption 110, 147
On the Heavens 47
On the Soul 147
Organon 89, 95
Parva naturalia 147, 175
Physics 147
Poetics 150
Politics 149
Posterior analytics 95
Rhetoric 150, 206–207
sciences 6
syllogistic 130–131
Aristotelian commentaries
Armengaud Blaise 168
Arnald of Villanova 6, 11, 172–174, 182
Aphorismi de gradibus 172
Arnold of Strelley 140
ars nova/ vetus see logic, logica nova/ logica vetus
Arts 72–73, 77, 80
course 14
faculties of 3–4, 6–9, 11, 31, 38, 88, 94, 97, 149, 151, 177, 188, 204
Masters 5–9, 11, 14, 33, 40, 145, 149
students 71
Arundel, Archbishop
Constitutions 193
Aston, Trevor, Ralph Evans and Jeremy Catto
The History of the University of Oxford 27
Astrolabe 165
astrology 177–178, 180
astronomy 165, 202
Augustine 17
De civitate Dei 113, 117, 123
Enchiridion 113
Augustinian Hermits (Austin Friars) 11, 40–41, 44, 110
Augustinianism 8
Averroes 7, 109, 111–112, 116, 209
Colliget 167–168, 174–176
Latin translation of 168, 174
commentaries on Aristotle 145
commentaries on Aristotle’s libri naturales 82
De substantia orbis, commentaries on 148–149
Averroism 158n42
Avicenna 7, 11, 175
Canon 168, 173–175, 180–181
Cantica 168
Poem on Medicine 175
The Cure (al-Shifā’/Sufficientia) 110, 112
Avignon 19, 165, 168, 172
Azo 60
Bacon, Francis 1
Baker, Sir John 48, 56
Baldus de Ubaldis 11, 52
Bale, John 76–77
Balić, Karlo 42
Balliol Hall/College, Oxford 33, 44, 170
Barnwell 40
Bartholomew of Bottisham
commentary on Aristotle’s libri naturales 78
Bartholomew of Bruges
commentary on Economics 149
Bartholomew of Reppes 42
Bartolus of Saxoferrato 11, 52
Bataillon, Louis 78
Benedictines 40, 43
Bernard de Gordon 165–166, 172–173, 182
Lilium medicinae 168–169, 171–172
commentaries on 16, 19
Black Death 68, 127, 166, 182
Blackfriars, Council of 193
Black Prince 37, 166
body 102–124
composition and identity of Christ’s body 103–104, 106–107, 111–112, 114
identity, of body after death
De divisione 91–92
boring commentary on 91–3, 97
commentaries on 91n14
De topicis differentiis 91–92
Bonacosa 168
Bonaventure 7, 18, 21
Bourdieu, Pierre 189
Boyle, Leonard 51
Brooke, Christopher
History of the University of Cambridge 27
Buridan see John Buridan
Bury St Edmund’s, Abbey 72
Bynum, Caroline Walker 104
Byzantium 55
Caius, John 72
cannibals 123
Cannon, Christopher 189, 199
Carmelites 15, 41
convent at Cambridge 44
Carthusians 40
Cartlidge, Neil 209
Caspary, Gerard 63
Aristotelian 89
Cathars 103
cathedral schools 192
Exeter 192
cause see matter, material causation
censorship 160
Chapel Royal
choir boys at 37–39, 187
Christine de Pizan 203
Cistercians 40
Clare, Countess of (Elizabeth de Burgh) 71, 200
Clare Hall (now Clare College), Cambridge 33, 200
library 71
Clement V, Pope 172–173
clergy 57–58
marriage permitted in Eastern Church 59
Cobban, Alan 27, 39, 49–50, 55, 197
Coleman, Janet 210
established by founder with endowment 3
Parisian 34
spiritual benefits for endower 34–37
statutes of 34, 77
Sorbonne, and lists under University of Cambridge, University of Oxford
Cologne 18, 43
commentaries see Aristotelian commentaries; Bible, commentaries on; Peter the Lombard, commentaries on the Sentences
Conciliar Movement 63–64
condemnations and prohibitions
Blackfriars (1382) 193
Oxford (1286) 106, 111, 115
Paris (1277) 7–8, 204
consequentiae 95–96
contingency see will, contingency of its acts
conversi, monastic 58
Copeland, Rita 206–207
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 68, 71, 75, 83
library of 75–76
Corpus iuris canonici 53, 64
Corpus iuris civilis 52–53, 64
Codex 53–55
Digest 52–55, 59–61, 75, 74, 81, 83
Accursius’s gloss to Digest 83
glossa ordinaria to Digest 52, 60
Institutes 53–54
Costa, Iacopo 6
councils see Blackfriars, Council of; Lateran IV, Council; Lyons, Council of
Courtenay, William 2n3, 3–4, 9, 13, 18, 20–21
Schools and Scholars in Fourteenth-Century England 27, 84
Cross, Richard 5
Daniell, Christopher 35
Dante Alighieri 6
Commedia divina 206
de Burgh, Lady see Clare, Countess of
decision (proairesis, electio) 152
Decretals, of Pope Gregory IX 50, 53
Decretists 58–59
Dera de Madingle 36
de Saint Pol, Marie, Countess of Pembroke 72, 200
dictum de omni 129–130, 135–136
Digest see Corpus iuris civilis
dimensions, indeterminate 109, 112, 116
Dino del Garbo 174, 182
disputation 32, 194
sophismatic 89
Distinctiones sophismatum 2.13 90
formal 5, 131, 134, 137, 137–139
real 5, 132, 139
Dominicans 5–6, 10–11, 16, 36, 43–44, 101–106, 111, 113–114, 117, 121, 123–124, 140, 143, 167, 177
Dominican studia 40
Dumont, Stephen 18, 43
Duns Scotus see John Duns Scotus
Durandus of St Pourçain 11, 105
Sentences commentary 105
Ebbesen, Sten 4–5, 14, 91n14
Economics (pseudo-Aristotelian) 149
Edmund de Mildenhall 39
Edmund Gonville 72
Edmund Kirketon 69
Edward II, King of England 1, 12, 35, 37–38, 71, 169, 187, 191, 197
Edward III, King of England 35, 37, 39, 70, 72, 169, 191, 197
cured of childhood illness 166–167
Edward de Kingeston 38
elements 110
Elizabeth de Cambridge 201
Emden, A.B.
A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500 61, 127
endowments 32–33
enjoyment (frui) 156–158
of the world 21
ethics 90, 93, 149–150 virtue (moral)
Étienne Tempier, Bishop of Paris 7–8, 204 condemnations and prohibitions
Euclid 208
existence (esse) 109, 111, 117, 119
act of existence/being 117, 122
fabliaux 196
higher 4
Arts; Law; Medicine; Theology
Fallaciae ad modum Oxoniae 93
fallacies 135
Ferrandus Hispanus
commentary on Averroes De substantia orbis 149–150
Fitzpatrick, Antonia 5–6
form 106–108
accidental 109, 111, 114, 118
substantial 111–112, 114, 117, 118–120, 122
unicity/plurality of substantial form 5, 102, 104–107, 109–124
Francis of Meyronnes
Conflatus super Sententias 81
Franciscan(s) 5–6, 9, 11, 14–23, 101–102, 104–106, 124
convent at Cambridge 41–44
Greyfriars, Oxford 42, 78
Norwich studium 21–23, 78
studia 22–23, 40
, poverty, Franciscan theory of
Frederick II, Emperor 63
Friar Daw’s Reply 198
Friedman, Russell 105
future contingents 20
Galen 11, 168, 172–173, 175, 177, 181
On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body 181
Niccolò da Reggio
Gentile da Foligno 166
Geoffrey Chaucer 192, 194, 211
Canterbury Tales – Prologue 164–165
Equatorie of the Planetis 165
House of Fame 209
Miller’s Tale 196–198
Nun’s Priest’s Tale 209
Reeve’s Tale 6, 196–198
Summoner’s Tale 207–210
Troilus and Criseyde 196
Geoffrey of Aspall
commentary on Aristotle’s libri naturales 79
Gilbertines 40
Gilbertus Anglicus 165–166
Compendium medicinae/Laurea anglicana 166–167
Giles of Orleans
commentary on On Generation and Corruption 146, 148
Giles of Rome 110, 112, 121, 149
commentary on On Generation and Corruption 149
De gradibus formarum 110–111
Gilmore, Myron
Argument from Roman Law 60
Giovanni of Casale 19–21
commentary on Pauline epistles 20
Quaestio de velocitate 20
Giraldus Odonis 8, 158n42
Giraut Ott see Giraldus Odonis
distinctions in 132
omnipotence of 10, 117
relation of human will to 20
Godfrey of Fontaines 152
Goering, Joseph 59
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
manuscripts 14–15, 87–93
manuscripts now there which were in medieval library 73n29, 73n30
Gonville Hall, Cambridge 33, 69, 72–73, 82, 83–84
library of 73–74, 76–77
grammar 32, 40, 89, 189, 199, 203–204, 209
Decretum 53, 57
canon: Duo sunt genera Christianorum 57–59, 61
glossa ordinaria 58–60
Great St Mary’s Church, Cambridge 37
Gregory the Great, Pope
Moralia super Job 69
Gregory IX, Pope
Parens scientiarum 30
Gregory of Rimini 11
Gregory, Susann (Elizabeth Cruwys) 28
Grenesby 16
Guillaume de Lorris
Roman de la Rose 205
Jean de Meun
Gui Terrena
commentary on Ethics 149, 152–156
Guy de Chauliac 168
Chirurgia magna 167, 179
halls see University of Cambridge, halls
happiness 158–159
Havely, Nicholas 206
Hebrew 19
Helmholz, Richard 4
Henri de Mondeville 178
Anatomia 178
Chirurgia 178–180
Henry IV, King of England 63
Henry VI, Emperor 60
Henry VIII, King of England 1, 33, 70
Henry Bowet, Archbishop of York 76
Henry de Gretford 38
Henry of Costesy 19, 42
Knowledge of Hebrew 19
Sentences commentary (lost) 19
Henry of Ghent 8, 19, 21, 107
Quodlibeta 118, 153
Henry Thompston 74
heresy 102–103
Hervaeus Natalis 102, 104–106, 114, 117–121, 124
De quatuor materiis 117–119
De unitate formae substantialis in eodem supposito 119–20
Quodlibeta 117–118
Hervey de Stanton 35–39
Hippocrates 174
Honorius III, Pope 11
Hugh de Balhsam, Bishop of Ely 28, 68
Hundred Years’ War 9
Hypostatic Union 106–107
Ibn Rushd see Averroes
Ibn Sina see Avicenna
formal 103–105, 111, 116, 118, 120–124, 132
of indiscernibles 131–133
numerical 107
of body after death 102–124
personal 5
inference 89, 95–96
Innocent IV, Pope 52, 63
insolubilia 209
Institutes see Corpus iuris civilis
intellect 154–155
intellectual, figure of the 188
Ipswich, Franciscan convent at 69
‘is’, sense of 130, 132, 134, 136, 139–140
Isabel, Queen (wife of Edward II) 35
Isidore (medical writer) 168
Jacquart, Danielle 6, 11
James, M.R. 67
James of Viterbo 156–157
James Torthorald 39
Jean de Meun 204
Roman de la Rose 203, 205–206
Jean de Passavant 178
Jean Gerson 203
Jerome 58
Joachim of Fiore 172
Joannes Andreae 52
Joan of Kent, Princess of Wales 194, 202–203
John XXII, Pope 12n21
John Baconthorpe 15, 44
John Botelsham, Bishop of Rochester 69–70, 72
John Brygge 69
John Buridan 8, 11, 98–99, 149, 158n42
De consequentiis 96n26
John, Dean of St Quentin 36
John de Baggeshot, Master of the Chapel Royal 37
John de Donewich 71
John de Glaston 71
John de Kingeston 38
John de Salopbury 38
John de Watford 170
John Deveros 71
John Dew 74
John Dinsdale
commentary on Aristotle’s Ethics 93
John Du Boys 38
John Dumbleton 9
Summa Theologiae 71
John Duns Scotus 5, 8, 10, 19, 21, 98, 112, 128–131, 134, 136–138, 141, 144
at Cambridge? 18, 42–43
Sentence commentaries 42, 156–157
John Gower 194, 211
Vox clamantis 193
John Grandison 192
John Griffon 38
John Gynwell, Bishop of Lincoln 69
John Kynnne 82–83
John Langtoft 39
John Leystoft 72
John Linstede 74
John Malebraunche 69
John Necton 82
John Newton 69, 79
John Norwich 72
John of Arderne
Practica 170–171
John of Felmingham
commentary on Sophistical Refutations 78, 96–97
John of Gaddesden 6, 165–171
Rosa medicinae/anglica 166–169
John of Gaunt 192
John of Hastings
commentary on logical text 78
John of Jandun
commentary on Rhetoric 149
John of la Rochelle
commentary on Aristotle’s libri naturales 79
John of Naples 102, 104–106, 114, 121, 124
Quodlibeta 121–122
John of Paris (John Parys) 81, 121–122
Circa 111–112
John of St Amand 176
commentary on Antidotiarium Nicolai 176
Concordantiae 176
John of Sleekburn 90
John of Tynmouth 72
John of Wakefield 90
John of Walsham 21, 42
John of Walsingham 19
John of Widehylle 82
John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury 17, 102, 115
John Poynton 69, 74
John Pulham 74
John Rudham 78
John Rykener (/Eleanor Rykener) 198
John Sharpe 98
John Somer 202
John Spenser 72
John Sudbury 72
John Torthorald 39
John Trussebot 16
John Tyrington 74
John Walsingham 199
John Wyclif 98, 192–194, 203 Wycliffism
Julian of Norwich 201–202
Justinian see Corpus iuris civilis
King’s Hall, Cambridge 1, 3–4, 6, 27, 33, 37–41, 44, 47–51, 53, 55–56, 59–62, 64, 76, 81–82, 87, 96–97, 166, 187, 197–198
census of law students at 61–62
library 70–71, 75
‘Soler Hall’? 197
King’s Hall, Oxford (later Brasenose) 198
King’s Scholars 1, 3–4, 7, 12, 37–38, 62, 164, 166, 181, 187, 191, 197
natural 17, 21, 131
revealed 17, 21
scepticism about true knowledge 8
Knox, Philip 6–7
laity 57–58
Lanfranc of Milan 178
mental 9–10
spoken/written 9–10
Lateran IV, Council 102
law 4, 73, 75–76, 81, 192, 210
bachelors of canon law 50
bachelors of civil law 50
canon 4, 11–12, 33, 40, 47–48, 50–51, 56–59, 61–4, 71
common 4, 47–48
doctor utriusque iuris 50
Faculty of 31, 48, 51, 150, 188, 204–205
feudal 55
historians of 2
Islamic 37
Masters of 4
Roman (civil) 4, 11–12, 33, 38, 40–41, 44, 47–57, 59–64, 70
private 4, 54–59
study of suspended at Oxford and Cambridge 71
King’s Hall, law students at
Lawrence Merstone 83
Leader, Damian 42–43
Lecercq, Jean
Monks and Love in Twelfth-Century France 190
Le Goff, Jacques
Les intellectuels au moyen âge 188
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 129, 131
Leibniz’s Law 129
Leland, John 72, 76–78
Liber de causis 147
commentaries on see Radulphus Brito Thomas Aquinas,
Liber sextus 63
Libera, Alain de 150
Penser au moyen âge 188
liberal arts 32–33, 40, 190
liberality 155–156
libraries 4, 14, 32, 41, 49, 68–84, 87, 205–206
Franciscan convent at 69
Little, A.G. 42
Little, A.G and F. Pelster, Oxford Theology and Theologians 15
books as pledges for 80
logic 9, 41, 85–99, 209
Aristotelian and non-Aristotelian 94–95, 131, 137
English 11
of faith 139–140
logica modernorum 5, 9, 11, 14
logica nova 78, 89
logica vetus 89
propositional 95
‘queen of the philosophical disciplines’ 93
special rules for dealing with Trinity 5
term 95
terminist 89–90 supposition
Logica Cantabrigiensis 14
Lollardy see Wycliffism
London 43–44
Franciscan studium  9, 23
Inns of Chancery 48
Inns of Court 48, 56
Lothair 60
Lovatt, Roger 67
love 190
dilectio 156–158,
Lyons, Council of 63
Lythfoth 74
madrasas 36–37
Magister Abstractionum see Richard Sophista
Magna Carta 4, 56–57
Guide of the Perplexed 17
Maino of Milan
commentary on Ethics 149–150
manuscripts 4, 6, 41, 67–84, 44
Marmo, Costantino 91n14
Marsilius of Inghen 99
Martin Luther 140–141
masses see Michaelhouse, masses celebrated at
Margery de Hereford 198
Margery Kempe 202
Marie de Champagne 204
mathematics 20, 209
matter 102–104, 105–110, 113, 115–117, 122
material causation 119
prime matter 103, 107–108, 110, 111, 113–114, 118–120
proper matter 107–108, 113
proximate matter 110–111
remaining 120
transient 120
unity of 119
Matthew Wren 72
mean 152
medicine 6, 11, 33, 73, 164–182
bachelors in 172–173
Faculty of 6, 31, 150, 170, 175–176, 178–179
historians of 2
medium (mesotēs, medium) 152–153
Merton College, Oxford 6, 9, 37, 41, 70, 77, 81, 165–166, 169, 198
metaphysics 5, 17, 90, 93, 146–147
Michael Causton 71–72, 74, 84
Michael de Haynton 71
Michaelhouse, Cambridge 1, 3, 15, 27–28, 33, 34–39, 41, 44
library 71
masses celebrated at 35–36
modality 89
modus ponens 95
modus tollens 95
Monachus Niger 15n36, 21n65, 43
monasteries 190
Mondino de’Liuzzi 180
Anatomia 180–181
Moorman, J. 42
Mum and the Sothsegger 190–191
natural philosophy/science 9, 11, 41, 90, 93, 146
New College, Oxford 192
Newton, Isaac 1
Niccolò da Reggio 168
translations of Galen 181
Nicholas Cley 82
Nicholas Damory 38
Nicholas Freton 74
Nicholas of Paris
commentary on De divisione 91n14
Nicholas Trivet 102, 104, 114, 124
Quodlibeta 114–117
Nigel de Thornton 170
Nigel Thorpe 71
nominalism, see Universals, theories of
Dominican Priory at 127
Norwich see Franciscans, Norwich studium
Odo of Cheriton
sermons 81
Ars amatoria 204–205
Pamphilus 204
Pancius de Controne de Lucca 169
Panofsky, Erwin
Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism 189
papacy, power of 57–59
Parliament 63
paralogisms see sophisms
particulars 94–95
Peasants’ Revolt 68
Pelster, Franz 21
Pembroke Hall/College 72, 83–84, 200
library 72, 76–77
Peter Abelard 11
Peter Aureol 11, 15
Peter Bradley 97
Peterhouse, Cambridge 13, 28, 31, 33, 37, 40–41, 67, 79, 81, 84, 170
library of 14–15, 68–70, 74, 76–77
statutes 69–70
Peter of Auvergne 93
Peter the Lombard
Sentences 10, 13, 20, 31, 39
Commentaries on the Sentences 19–20, and see Adam of Ely; Adam Wodeham; Durandus of St Pourçain; Francis of Meyronnes; Henry of Costesy; John Duns Scotus; Pierre Ceffons; Ralph Pigaz; Richard of Conington; Robert of Halifax; Roger Rosetus; Thomas Aquinas; Thomas Ringstead
Peter of Abano 6, 180
Conciliator 11, 176–177
Lucidator dubitabilium astronomiae 177
Peter of Auvergne 93, 151
commentary on Politics 149
Quodlibeta 151
Peter of Spain
Thesaurus pauperum 167
Peter d’Ailly 141
Petrus de Insula
commentary on logical text 78
Philippa, Queen 39
philosophy 143, 15, 195
alternative route to truths gained through revelation 17
historians of 2
Faculty of (modern) 150
scholastic 33, 41
physics 20–21, 147
Physiognomy (pseudo-Aristotelian) 146, 177
Pierre Ceffons 205
Sentences commentary 205
pleasure (delectatio) 156–158
poetry, 203–207
Isagoge 88–89
poverty 155–156
poverty, Franciscan theory of 19, 156
power, royal 60
for souls of founders of a college 34–36
for founders of madrasa 37
predestination 10, 21
predication, theory of 136
Insitutiones grammaticae 89
commentary 88–89
prohibitions see condemnations and prohibitions
properties of terms see logic, terminist
pseudo-Aristotelian works see Liber de causis, Economics, Physiognomy
Ptolemy 208
quality 115, 118
quantity 115, 118–119
dimensive 108–109, 111, 116, 121, 123
Qu’ran 37
Radulphus Brito 147–148, 151
commentary on De divisione 91n14
commentary on Ethics  151–155, 157–158
commentary (?) on Metaphysics 146
commentary on Meteorology 146
commentary on On the Heavens 146
commentary on On the Soul 146
commentary (?) on parva naturalia 146
commentary on Physics 146
commentary (?) on Physiognomy 146
Sentences commentary 151
Ralph de Gretford 38
Ralph Holbeche 81
Ralph Lek 83
Ralph Pigaz 19, 42
lectures on Sentences 22
Ralph Strode 196
realism, see Universals, theories of
reason 152–153
Reformation 71
Reincarnation 103
relations 130, 134, 139–140
relics 118
resurrection 5, 102–103, 109, 111–113, 116–117, 120, 123
revelation see knowledge, revealed
Richard II, King of England 37
deposition of 62–64
Richard Campsall 97
Richard Damory 38
Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham 44, 127–128, 187, 191, 211
Philobiblon 187–188
Richard Dereham 81–82
Richard de Salopbury 38
Richard Dunmow 72
Richard Billingham 9
Richard de Mediavilla see Richard of Middleton
Richard Du Boys 38
Richard Kilvington 9–10
Richard Knapwell 106
Quaestio disputata de unitate formae 111, 116
Richard Fitzralph 19
Richard of Conington 18–19, 22
Sentences commentary (lost) 19
Richard of Middleton 106, 124
De gradu formarum 112–113
Richard of Thetford 195
Richard Oudeby 69
Richard Pulham 74, 79
Richard Sophista (‘Magister Abstractionum’) 90, 93
Richard Swineshead 9
Robert Alyngton 98
Robert Balsham 83
Robert Braunche 75
Robert, chaplain of Cherry Hinton 69
Robert de Abinton 76
Robert de Hardley 82–83
Robert de Mildenhall 39
Robert de Stratforde 83
Robert Graystones 10
Robert Grosseteste
Notulae to Ethics 158
translation of Ethics 158
Robert Holcot 5, 16, 43–44, 127–128, 141, 206
commentary on Ecclesiasticus 128
commentary on Wisdom 16, 43–44, 127–128, 209
Determinatio 139, 140n46,
Quodlibeta 127, 138–139
Sentences commentary 127, 137, 139–140
sermons 128
Robert Kilwardby 8, 81
(?) commentary on De divisione  91n14
Robert Muskham 69
Robert of Halifax 10, 19
Sentences commentary 19–20, 42
Robert Orford 106
Sciendum 109–111, 119, 121
Robert Spalding 71
Robert Tunstede (jnr) 82–83
Robert Tunstede (snr) 81
Roger Buttetourte 36
Roger de Platea 206
Sermons 206
Roger Marston 17, 22
Roger Rosetus 10, 21, 42
Sentences commentary 42
Roger Sutton 69
Roger Whelpdale 98
Saint Edmund’s (Gilbertine house of study, Cambridge) 40
Saint Jacques, Church of, Paris 36
Saint Michael’s Church, Cambridge 34–37
Saladin 37
Salerno 164, 166
formal (= Leibniz’s identity) 129–130
real ‘simply speaking’ 129–130
that falls short of identity 130–133, 135–136, 138, 139–140
sermons 195–196, 200, 206 Odo of Cheriton, Robert Holcot, Roger de Platea, Thomas Bradwardine
Simon Bredon 165–168, 177
Trifolium de re medica 165
Simon de Bury 39
Simon de Multon 51
Simon Holbeche 69, 170
Simon Tunstede
commentary on logical text 78
commentary on Aristotle Meteorology 78
commentary on On the Heavens 145
Smalley, Beryl 43
Smart, William 72
Sobecki, Sebastian 192
‘Soler Hall’, Cambridge see King’s Hall
Somerset, Fiona 199
sophisms 78, 88–91, 93–94, 96, 132, 137, 139–141
Sorbonne see University of Paris, Sorbonne
soul 102–105, 107–113, 117–120, 122–124
life of 158–159
Franciscan studium 22
Stamp, A.E.
Michaelhouse 34–35
Stapledon Hall (Exeter College) 33
theory of inference 95
St Radegund’s Convent, Cambridge 200–201
studia 143
generalia 7
mendicant 22, 40–45
substance 109
ontological priority to accidents 109, 111–112, 115–116, 118
primary 94
form, unicity of substantial form
Summa Fratris Alexandri 17
Summulae ad modum Oxoniae 93
supposition 95
Suto, Taki 93
syllogisms 89, 95–96, 130, 135–137, 139–141
hypothetical 95
perfect 128–129
= accidents shared by elements converted into each other 110, 116, 118–119
syncategoremata 88, 90
Taddeo Alderotti 174
Templars 58
Teodorico Borgognoni 169
Chirurgia 167
commentary on Posterior Analytics  145
theology 40–41, 44, 49, 69, 71–73, 76, 81, 101, 143, 150–151, 158–159, 195, 201, 210
Bachelors of 13, 20, 39
Doctorate of 41
Faculties of 8, 12, 15, 31, 33, 101, 127, 150–151
Masters of 5–7, 9, 13, 15–18, 39, 117, 121, 150–151
Thomas Aquinas 7–8, 98, 102–114, 117, 119, 121, 123–124, 143, 153–155
canonisation of 118
commentary on Ethics 145, 151–152
commentary on Liber de causis 145
commentary on Metaphysics 107–109, 111, 145
commentary on Meteorology 145, 148
commentary on On Generation and Corruption 148–149
commentary on On the Heavens 145, 148
commentary on Physics 148
commentary on Posterior Analytics 93
Sentences commentary 69
Summa theologiae 93, 101, 151–152
Thomism (medieval) 11, 101, 105, 124
Thomas Arundel 69–70
Thomas Bradwardine 9, 191–192
De causa Dei 10, 20–21, 209
Sermon epinicius 192
Thomas Bungay 18, 79
commentary on De caelo et mundo 79
Thomas Chirmister 97
Thomas de Lexham 71
Thomas de Kele 74
Thomas de Leybourne
commentary on logical text 78
Thomas de Lisle, Bishop of Ely 69–70
Thomas Griffon 38
Thomas Hopeman 16
Thomas Morden 71
Thomas of York
Sapientiale 17
Thomas Powys 71
Thomas Ringstead 16
Sentences commentary 16
Thomas Walsingham 203
Thomson, Rodney 4, 14, 72
Tierney, Brian
The Crisis of Church & State 1050–1300 58
Greek to Latin 145, 164, 177
Arabic to Latin 17, 145, 164, 168, 172, 181
Trinity 5, 19, 128–141
persons of 107, 128–141
Trinity College, Cambridge 1, 27–28, 45, 64, 70
Trinity Hall, Cambridge 33, 75, 81
library of 75
Ueberweg: Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie 13
Ullmann, Walter 64–65
Ulpian 54
unicity see Form, unicity of substantial
unity 122–123
universals 94
nominalism 5, 9–10, 94–95, 97–98
moderate realism 95
realism 10, 98
universities, German in later Middle Ages 140
University Hall/College, Oxford 33
University Hall, Cambridge 33 Clare Hall
University of Bologna 11–12, 20, 52, 81, 169, 174, 180–181, 204–205
University of Cambridge 1–3, 5–7, 11–23, 27–45, 47–64, 67–84, 87, 127, 144, 164, 169–170, 181, 190–192, 195–201, 205–206
accommodation at 28–33
Chancellor of 39
college chapels 32
colleges of 13, 28–40, 44–45, 67–68, 197
Fenland gloom of 12
graduates of 31–34, 37
halls/hostels 29–33, 67, 197
rents at 30–31
statutes of 12, 50
as studium generale 12n21
undergraduates 28, 31–32
Clare Hall; Franciscan Convent at Cambridge; Gonville and Caius College; Gonville Hall; King’s Hall; Michaelhouse; Peterhouse; Trinity College; Trinity Hall; University Hall
University of Cracow (Jagiellonian University) 12
University of Erfurt 12
University of Florence 12, 172
University of Heidelberg 12
University of Montpellier 11, 164, 166, 168, 171–175, 178–179, 181–182
University of Orleans 12, 190, 204
University of Oxford 3, 5–9, 11–13, 14n30, 16–23, 27–31, 41, 43, 48, 51, 62, 68, 71, 77–80, 83–84, 87, 91, 93, 106, 127, 144, 156, 158, 164, 166, 168, 181, 187–188, 190–205
statutes of 12, 94, 197
its unquestionable intellectual pre-eminence over Cambridge 13
Balliol College; Merton College; University College
University of Naples 143, 206
University of Padua 11–12, 168, 174, 177
University of Paris 3, 5–9, 11–12, 15, 17–18, 27–31, 41, 43, 68, 77, 80, 84, 88, 90, 93, 98, 106, 121, 143–145, 156, 158–159, 164, 175–181, 205
Collège de Cardinal Lemoine 36
Collège de Dormans 36
English copyists working at 144–145
English Nation in 91
Sorbonne 32–33, 41, 79
statutes of 12
University of Perugia 11–12
University of Prague 12
University of Siena 174
University of Vienna 12
Upland Series 198
via antiqua 98
via moderna 98–99
Vincent of Coventry 16
virtue (moral) 152–153
as disposition of will 153
Walter Beaufon 19, 42
Walter Burley 9, 19, 91
access to Robert Grosseteste’s papers 158
commentary on Ethics 158–159
commentary on On Generation and Corruption 148
commentary on On Interpretation 78, 97
commentary on On the Heavens  148
commentary on On the Soul 148
commentary on Parva naturalia 148
De consequentiis 96
De formis 148
De potentiis animae 148
De sensibus 148
De universalibus 148
Walter Chatton 10, 23
Walter de Blacollisley 69, 76
Walter de Buxton 39
Walter de Merstone 83
Walter Harlyng 74
Walter of Elveden 84
Walter Hilton 201–202
Scale of Perfection 201–202
Walter Stratton 72
Walter Togwyk 83
Wegestreit 10, 98
will 153–155
contingency of its acts 10
free 153, 155
human 20
virtue as disposition of will
William Acton 71
William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich 72, 75
William Bonkes
commentary on Aristotle’s libri naturales 78
William Boyvill 71
William Colville 69
William Damory 38
William de la Mare Correctorium fratris Thomae 101, 103–104, 109
William de Lexham 72
William Dingley 69
William Elmham 83
William d’Eyncourt 16
William Elmham 74
William Gotham 74
William Heytesbury 9
William Irby 69, 81
William Langland 211
Piers Plowman 194, 206–207
William Lyndwood 64–65
William of Chelviston/Chelveston 14n29
commentary on Aristotle’s libri naturales 78
William of Duffield 14, 97
William of Gotham 80
William of Hennor
commentary on logical text 78
William of Knolle 18n50
William of Milton 17
William of Ockham 5, 9–10, 19, 21, 23, 97–98, 112, 127–129, 131–138, 141
Summa logicae 97
William of Sherwood
Introductiones in logicam 89n6
William of Wykeham 192, 196
William Rolf 71
William Somersham 74
William Styberd/ Styburd 72, 83
William Thefford 69
William Waltham 71
William Whittlesey 69
Wittlesey, Archbishop 201
women 6–7
given money for sex 198
readers 201–203
religious houses of 200 St Radegund’s Convent, Cambridge
and university thinking 200–203
Wycliffism 192–195, 199, 203
Zeeman, Nicolette 203
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