Index of Ancient Sources


1 57
1–11 170–71
1:1–2:3 170
1:26–27 57
1:29–30 58
2:3 171
2:4 57, 170
2:4–3:24 4, 170–92
2:5–3:24 170
2:6–8 56
2:8 171–73, 183
2:8–15 171
2:9 173–74
2:10–15 172
2:13 177, 188
2:14 172
2:15 172–74, 177, 183
2:16–17 174
2:17 58
3:3 175
3:8 57, 174, 176–77
3:10 175
3:12 176
3:22–24 171, 174
3:24 173–74, 177
4:11 179
4:16 172
6:18 58
8:19 176
10:30 172
11:1–9 58
11:2 172
11:8 179
12–13 355
12:2–3 126
12:3 114
13:10 174, 178, 185, 187, 356
14 355–56
14:1–22:19 357
14:2 356
14:3 356
14:7 171
14:8 356
14:13 126
14:17 356
14:18–20 123
14:24 126
15:18 126
16:14 171
17 126
17:4–6 126
17:7 126
18:18–19 127
18:28 341
19:22 356
19:23 356
19:26 356
19:30 356
20:1 171
22:1–2 357
22:1–19 122, 357
22:2 357
22:4 152
22:14 122, 357
22:20–24 357
22:20–25:11 357
23 357
24 357
25:1–11 357
28:3 120
28:16 166
28:17 27, 300
28:19 27
28:22 27
35:11 120
38:21–22 171
48:4 120
49:3 125
49:4 125
49:8–10 124
49:10 125
2:24 58
3:5 25
3:14 57
4:23–26 281
7:9–12 90
7:17–20 90
12:25 57
19:12 175
19:12–13 175
19:13 175
19:20 367
19:23 175
23:13 43, 261
24:4 344
24:12 110
24:16 367
25:31–40 233, 363
31:10 362
34:4 367
34:29 367
37:17–24 363
39:14 344
2:2 300
6:8 300
7:38 367
13:40 233
19:18 278
19:24 261
19:34 279
25:1 367
26:12 177
26:31 324
26:46 367
1:1 367
3:1 367
3:14 367
4:15 175
8:4 237
9:1 367
9:5 367
17:16–26 90
18:20–32 356
19:20 362
24:5–7 179
4:10 367
11:29–12:4 273
12:5 358
12:11 358
12:21 358
14:23 358
14:23–24 358
14:24 358
16:2 358
16:6 358
16:11 358
23:14 177
26:2 358
33:19 120
4:8–9 344
5:15 25
10:11 343
15:7 284
18:17 284
19:22 367
24:26 362
2:8 57
4:6 367
4:12 367
4:14 367
18:8 367
1 Samuel
10:3 367
12:12 362
17:40–54 343
2 Samuel
7 363
18:18 356
24:16–25 301
1 Kings
1:33 177
1:38 177
1:45 177
5:1 126
6–8 176
6:7 347
7:50 363
8 133, 305
8:6 362
8:9 367
8:16 358
8:29 305, 358
8:29–30 305
8:33 233
8:35 305
8:44 231, 233
8:48 233
9:3 358
9:7 358
9:8 358
11:38 359
19:8 367
2 Kings
1:10 280
5:17 347
11:12 119
12:13 363
22:4 363
23:4 363
23:26–27 359
23:27 359
25:4 184
1 Chronicles
6:49 57
6:77 367
9:19 363
9:22 363
16:31 362
21:15–22:1 301
22:19 362
24:7–18 30
2 Chronicles
3:1 301
3:7 363
5:10 367
6:6 359
6:20 359
6:34 231
6:37 360
6:38 360
7:16 359
17:5 301
17:11 301
23:4 362
23:15 362
23:17–18 362
24:9 57
28:9–15 277
32:30 177
33:14 177
34:9 363
36:22–23 363
2:70 279
9:4–5 306
1:4–9 360
1:9 360
3:15 184
10:29 57
10:37–40 279
1:5 184
7:7–8 184
2 127
2:8–9 125
2:9 125
2:12 125
4:6 303
5:2 362
5:4–5 303
5:10 305
10:16 362
11:4 300
15:1–2 125, 302
20:3–4 303
24 302
24:3–4 302
24:7 301
24:7–10 302
24:8 362
24:9 301
24:10 362
26:6 303–4
26:8 300, 305
26:12 303
27 302
27:4–5 304
27:6 302
28:2 305
29:2 117
29:10 362
37:28 303
38:1 300
42 304
42:2 304
42:4 304
42:6 304
42:12 304
43 304
43:3–4 304
43:5 304
44:4 362
47 3, 109–30
47:1 115, 119–20, 125
47:1–2 113, 119
47:2 115, 123, 125
47:3 113, 115, 118–20, 124
47:3–4 114, 118, 123
47:4 111, 113, 115, 119, 121–22
47:4–5 115, 121
47:5 109–11, 119
47:6 117–18
47:6–7 362
47:7–9 115, 119
47:8–9 113
47:9 111, 119–20, 123
47:10 114
48 121
48:2 362
48:3 361
51:21 303
56:11 301
61:4–5 304
63:2 305
68:24 362
70:1 300
72 127
72:8 124
72:11–14 125
73:17 362
76 123
76:1–2 123
76:2–3 121
78 123
78:60–72 123
78: 68–69 121
79:1 122
80:9–17 179
84:2–4 305
82:10 305
84:3 362
84:5 301
86:31 301
87 122
87:2 121–22
89:12 367
92:1–14 302
92:16 303
96 301
96:6 301
96:7 117
96:8–9 301
98:2 303
98:6 362
100:1–2 300
100:4 301
101:8 125
110:1–4 123
113–118 307
114:2 121
116:14 301
116:17–19 301
117 119
118:19–20 301
121:4 281
122:1–3 302
122:4 121
122:6 251, 356
132:9 303
132:13 121
134 301, 306, 356
138:2 305
145:1 362
146:7 303
2:5 184
2:5 195
1–39 364
1:2–20 361
1:21 125, 361
1:22–23 361
1:24 361
1:24c–26 361
1:27–31 361
2:2–3 361
2:3 253, 357
2:3–4 253
2:4 254
2:18–20 116
4:5 361
5:1–7 179
6 175, 365
6–12 361
6:1 300, 363
6:4 363
6:5 363
6:6 300, 363
7:1–17 364
8:18 361
10:12 361
11:9 361
15:18 126
17:7–8 116
22:2 361
24–35 361
24:23 361
25:6 361
25:7 361
27:13 361
29:1 361
29:8 361
30:19–22 116
30:29 357
31:6–7 116
32:1 356
32:1–8 361
33:20 361
36–38 364
36–39 361
36:1 361
36:2 361
37:32 361
39 365
40–66 117
40:1–2 365
40:9 361
42:1 57
43:7 279
44:28 365
45:22–23 117
48:7 279
49:14 ff. 113
51:1–7 179
51:3 174, 176–78, 185, 187–88
52:7 361
56:6 ff. 113
56:7 306
60:3 ff. 113
60:7–8 301
65:11 361
65:17–25 176, 188
66:6 365
66:12 356
66:20 361
6:6 244
10:10 362
10:11 116
10:14–15 116
16:19–20 116
31:22 302
31:30–33 58
35:4 363
39:4 184
46:18 367
52:7 184
52:19 363
52:24 363
2:11 361
2:20 362
1–2 175
11:23 26
20:33 362
28 172, 174, 178–80, 185, 187–88
28:2 179
28:7 178
28:9 178
28:11–19 178
28:14 178
28:16 178
28:18 178
31 174, 178–80, 185, 187–88
31:8–9 178
35:10 120
36:35 176–79, 188
38:12 249
40:6–7 363
41:16 363
41:17–25 176
43:8 363
47:1–12 176
48:10 362
6:11 231, 306
6:18 347
9:11 57
9:21 306
5:1 367
2:3 176–78
4:18 176
6:8 121
7:10 362
7:10–17 362
7:13 362
9:1–4 362
21 111
2:4 304
2:7 304
4:2 357
4:10 361
2:11 116
3:15 362
3:9 343
4:7 342
8:3 357
8:22–23 113
9 269
9:7 268
12:2 363
14:4 239–40
14:8–11 176
14:9 362
1:14 362
4:4 367
9:1 306
Ben Sira
49:16–50:1 176
2:23 32
4:13 35
6:10 58
8:5–13 112
8:12 112
8:28–33 38
9:1 35
11 37
12:18 57
14:25–32 43
16:13 367
16:21 367
17:1 367
17:1–13 367
17:2 367
21–28 368
21:11 32
22:35 278
24 369
24:1–2 230
24:23–28 369
27:52–53 367–68
28:6 369
1:21 35
5:1–20 38
8:22–25 36
9:2 43
14:36 58
1:8–23 366
2:7 277
2:37 304
4:31 35
7:1–10 112
7:13 279
8:26–33 38
9:10–17 36
9:28 43
9:28–36 368
9:31 368
9:54–55 280
10 37
10:13 36
10:23–24 280
10:25 278
10:25–37 275–76
10:26 277
10:30 277
10:31 279
10:32 279
10:33 279
10:34 277, 279
12:16–21 276
15:20 279
16:19–31 276
17:20–21 369
17:20–37 369
18:9–14 276
19:11 369
19:41–44 230
22:42 58
24:52–53 355
1:44 37
1:45 32
2:1–11 33
2:11 33
4:46–54 34
6:3 36
10:11–18 58
1–12 366
1:1–11 111
1:8 144
2:1–13 144
2:1–41 366
8:14 280
10:38 32
13–28 366
17:16–34 132, 142, 144–45
17:22 143
17:22–23 132
17:23 142
17:24 143
17:26 143
17:28 143
17:31 142–43
17:34 145
20:15 366
21:37–40 144
22:22–29 144
16 57
1 Peter
2:6–7 342
2:7 176, 188
21–22 176, 188
21:9–22:5 368

Qumran Texts

11–17 175
Temple Scroll
2–12 308
3:10–12 308
13–29 308
21:2–4 309
22:11–13 309
30–39 308
37:4–12 309
39:4–9 309
40:1–4 309
40:6–7 309
42:7–17 309
45:7–15 310
45:15–46:2 310
46:13–16 310
47:3–7 310
47:7–18 310
52:14–53:4 310

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

Apocalypse of Moses
13 176
29 176
1 Enoch
25 176, 188
28–32 173
2 Enoch
8 176
42:3 173
65:10 173
3 Enoch
5:1–3 176
5:10–14 176
8:16 173
Testament of Daniel
5:12 176
Testament of Levi
18:6–11 176


Against Apion
2.103–14 308
86 34
270 33
Jewish Antiquities
15.416–419 308
18.28 37
Jewish War
2.20 33
2.168 37
4.474 277
5.190–206 308
6.254 229

Targumic Texts

Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Genesis
8:20 176
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Leviticus
19:18 279

Rabbinic Literature

ʿAbod. Zar. 3:5 44
ʿAbod. Zar. 3:6 267
ʿAbod. Zar. 3:7 267, 269
ʿAbod. Zar. 3:8 267
Ber. 4:5 231
Ber. 7:1 280
Ber. 8:8 280
Ḥag. 3:8 308
Meg. 3:1–3 323
Men. 11:7 325
Mid. 2:1–6 308
Mid. 5:1 308
Mid. 5:2 248
Parah 2:3 270
Peʾah 8:6 279
Shek. 6:4 325
Taʿan. 4:2 279
Yoma 5:2 340–41
ʿAbod. Zar. 6:11 43
ʿErub. 4:11 40
Ḥag. 3:35 308
Talmud Bavli
ʿAbod. Zar. 43b 345
ʿAbod. Zar. 47a–b 267
ʿAbod. Zar. 47b 267
B. Meṣ. 57a 270
Ber. 30a 233
Ḥul. 13b 273
Meg. 6a 270
Meg. 26a–29a 323–24
Meg. 27b 323
Meg. 28b 270
Meg. 29a 347
Sanh. 63b 262
Yoma 53b–54a 341
Yoma 54b 248, 341
Talmud Yerushalmi
ʿAbod. Zar. 5:4 40
Ber 4:5 231
Taʿan. 68d 30
Yoma 5:3 248
Avot de-Rabbi Natan A
16 279
Genesis Rabbah
16:5 176
19:7 176
39:15 28
69:7 27
Leviticus Rabbah
2:7 176
Ruth Rabbah
2:2 27–28
Ecclesiastes Rabbah
1 343–44
1:8 39
7:26 39
Song of Songs Rabbah
1 343–44
2:5,3 195, 197
2:14,7 202
Sifre Deuteronomy
29 233


Baqarah 2:30 77
Baqarah 2:125–127 78
Ṭā hā 20:1–21 85
Ṭā hā 20:5 89
Ṭā hā 20:20 90
Wāqiʿa 56:15–33 79
Ḥadīd 57:2 79
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