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A Bibliographical Sketch of Taha Abderrahmane

1979. Langage et philosophie: essai sur les structures linguistiques de l’ ontologie [Language and Philosophy: Essays on the Ontology of Language Structure]. Rabat: Imprimerie de Fèdala—Publications de la faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Thèses et Mémoires Nº 3.

1985. Essai sur les logiques des raisonnements argumentatifs et naturels. Université de Paris-Sorbone, Paris IV. Thèse de Doctorat d’ état ès-lettres et sciences humaines.

1985. Al-Manṭiq wa-l-Naḥw al-Ṣūrī [Formal Logic and Grammar]. Beirut: Dār al-Ṭalīʿa lil-Ṭibāʿa wa-l-Nashr.

1987. Fī Uṣūl al-Ḥiwār wa-Tajdīd ʿIlm al-Kalām [On the Fundamentals of Dialogue and Renovation of Islamic Theology]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

1989. Al-ʿAmal al-Dīnī wa-Tajdīd al-ʿAql [Religious Practice and the Renewal of Reason]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

1994. Tajdīd al-Manhaj fī Taqwīm al-Turāth [Renewing the Method of Assessing the Tradition]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

1996. Fiqh al-Falsafa, 1: al-Falsafa wa-l-Tarjama [The Essence of Philosophy, Vol. 1: Philosophy and Translation]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

1998. Al-Lisān wa-l-Mīzān aw al-Takawthur al-ʿAqlī [Language and Balance, or the Multiplication of Reason] Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

1999. Fiqh al-Falsafa, 2: al-Qawl al-Falsafī—Kitāb al-Mafhūm wa-l-Taʾthīl [The Essence of Philosophy, Vol. II: On Philosophical Discourse—The Book of Concept and Etymology]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2000. Suʾāl al-Akhlāq: Musāhama fī al-Naqd al-Akhlāqī lil-Ḥadātha al-Gharbiyya [The Question of Ethics—A Contribution to Ethical Criticism of Western Modernity]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2001. “Taʿaddudiyyat al-Qiyam: mā Madāhā wa-mā Ḥudūduhā?” [The Pluralism of Values: Scope and Limits]. Inaugural Speech, n. 3, October. Marrakech: Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ University, Faculty of Letters.

2002. Al-Ḥaqq al-ʿArabī fī al-Ikhtilāf al-Falsafī [The Arab Right to Philosophical Difference]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2003. Ḥiwārāt min Ajl al-Mustaqbal [Dialogues for the Future]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2005. Al-Ḥaqq al-Islamī fī al-Ikhtilāf al-Fikrī [The Islamic Right to Intellectual Difference]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2006. Rūḥ al-Ḥadātha: Naḥwa al-Taʾsīs li-Ḥadātha Islāmiyya [The Spirit of Modernity: Introduction to Founding Islamic Modernity]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2007. Al-Ḥadātha wa-l-Muqāwama [Modernity and Resistance]. Beirut: Maʿhad al-Maʿārif al-Ḥikamiyya lil-Dirāsāt al-Dīniyya wa-l-Falsafiyya.

2012. Rūḥ al-Dīn [The Spirit of Religion: From the Narrowness of Secularism to the Openness of Trusteeship]. Beirut and Casablanca: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2012. Suʾāl al-ʿAmal: Baḥth ʿan al-Uṣūl al-ʿAmaliyya lil-Fikr wa-l-ʿIlm [The Question of Doing: A Search for Practical Origins in Thought and Science]. Casablanca and Beirut: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʿArabī.

2013. Al-Ḥiwār Ufuqan lil-Fikr [Dialogue as a Horizon for Thought]. Beirut: al-Shabaka al-ʿArabiyya lil-Abḥāth wa-l-Nashr.

2014. Buʾs al-Dahrāniyya: al-Naqd al-Iʾtimānī li-Faṣl al-Akhlāq ʿan al-Dīn [The Misery of Secularism: Trusteeship Critique of the Separation of Ethics from Religion]. Beirut: al-Shabaka al-ʿArabiyya lil-Abḥāth wa-l-Nashr.

2015. Suʾāl al-Manhaj: fī Ufuq al-Taʾsīs li-Unmūdhaj Fikrī Jadīd [The Question of Method: Toward a New Intellectual Paradigm]. Intr. Riḍwān Marḥūm. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2016. Min al-Insān al-Abtar ilā al-Insān al-Kawthar [From Sterile to Generous Humanity]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2016. Shurūd mā Baʿda al-Dahrāniyya: al-Naqd al-Iʾtimānī lil-Khurūj min al-Dīn [Post-Secular Loss: Trusteeship Critique of Deserting Religion]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2017. Dīn al-Ḥayāʾ: Min al-Naqd al-Iʾtimārī ilā al-Naqd al-Iʾtimānī, Vol. 1/3: Uṣūl al-Naẓar al-Iʾtimānī [The Religion of Testimony and Sight: From Imperative Thought to Trusteeship, Vol. 1/3: Foundations of Trusteeship Thinking]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2017. Dīn al-Ḥayāʾ: Min al-Naqd al-Iʾtimārī ilā al-Naqd al-Iʾtimānī, Vol. 2/3: al-Taḥaddiyāt al-Akhlāqiyya li-Thawrat al-Iʿlām wa-l-Ittiṣāl [The Religion of Testimony and Sight: From Imperative Thought to Trusteeship, Vol. 2/3: Ethical Challenges to the Revolution of Media and Communication]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2017. Dīn al-Ḥayāʾ: Min al-Naqd al-Iʾtimārī ilā al-Naqd al-Iʾtimānī, Vol. 3/3: Rūḥ al-Ḥijāb [The Religion of Testimony and Sight: From Imperative Thought to Trusteeship, Vol. 3/3: The Spirit of the Veil]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-l-Ibdāʿ.

2017. Suʾāl al-ʿUnf: bayna al-Iʾtimāniyya wa-l-Ḥiwāriyya [The Question of Violence: Between Trusteeship and Dialogue]. Beirut: al-Muʾassasa al-ʿArabiyya lil-Fikr wa-al-Ibdāʿ.

2018. Thughūr al-Murābaṭa: Muqāraba Iʾtimāniyya li-Ṣirāʿāt al-Umma al-Ḥāliyya [Posts of Resistance: A Trusteeship Approach to the Current Struggles of the Umma]. Rabat: Maghareb Center for Civilizational Studies.

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Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives

الأخلاق الإسلامية ونسق الائتمانية: مقاربات في فلسفة طه عبد الرحمن

Series:  Studies in Islamic Ethics, Volume: 3


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