Tine Van Osselaer
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1.1 “Luise Lateau, in effigie verurtheilt”, Beiblatt zum Kladderadatsch, 28.51 (7 November 1875): 1, Heidelberg University, CC-BY-SA 3.0 1

1.2 Total number of people bearing the stigmata per country, 1800–1950 19

1.3 Map of cases of stigmatization reported in present-day Belgium, Germany, Italy, France and Spain (1800–1950). © Alexis Vermeylen 24

1.4 The “stigmatic” relative to the total number of stigmata cases and to its main selection criteria (in the five countries under consideration), 1800–1950 37

1.5 “The Addolorata of Capriana” (Maria Domenica Lazzeri), J.R. Herbert, Antwerp, Private Collection. © Kristof Smeyers 50

1.6 “The Estatica of Capriana” (Maria von Mörl), Antwerp, Private Collection. © Kristof Smeyers 50

3.1 Bloodprint of the stigmata (crown of thorns) of Anna Katharina Emmerick. Dülmen, Gedenkstätte Anna Katharina Emmerick. © Emmerick-Bund e. V., Dülmen 95

3.2 Bloodprint of the stigmata (hands) of Anna Katharina Emmerick. Dülmen, Gedenkstätte Anna Katharina Emmerick. © Emmerick-Bund e. V., Dülmen 95

4.1 Marie-Julie Jahenny’s bedroom in La Fraudais. Archives Historiques du Diocèse de Nantes, 5F2/45 127

4.2 Visitors waiting in the living room of Marie-Julie Jahenny’s thatched cottage, and inside her bedroom. Archives Historiques du Diocèse de Nantes, 5F2/45, 48 128

4.3 Marie-Louise Nerbollier reliving the Passion. Archives Diocésaines de Lyon, I.1911 128

4.4 Handmade “reliquary” from a devotee of Laurentine Billoquet, containing a handkerchief imprinted with the blood of a heart-shaped holy wound. Archives Diocésaines de Rouen, box 791 128

5.1 “Die Ansicht eines Tuches vom 2 Januar 1846 mit 115 Bluttropfen”, Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen (Münster) Staatsarchiv Münster, Kreis Recklinghausen, nr.36. Dornenkrone Lithografie (CC-BY-NC-SA) 153

5.2 Anna Katharina Emmerick (woodcut print). Dülmen, Gedenkstätte Anna Katharina Emmerick. © Emmerick-Bund e. V., Dülmen 153

5.3 “Souvenir miraculeux de Louise Lateau” (Landucci). Antwerp, Ruusbroec Institute, Collectie Engelen, Heiligen en begenadigden, Anna-Louiza Lateau, H4. © Ruusbroec Institute 154

5.4 “Souvenir miraculeux de Louis (sic) Lateau.” Bois-d’Haine, Maison Louise Lateau © Maison Louise Lateau, photograph author 155

5.5 “Souvenir miraculeux de Louise Lateau” (Dosseray 1869). Bruxelles, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KBR), Prentenkabinet, S.I.4591, Dosseray 1869. © Koninklijke Bibliotheek 156

6.1 “Saint Rosette Tamisier continuing with her miracles and transforming Father Veuillot into an angel.” Caricature by Honoré Daumier published in: Le Charivari, 20.261 (18 September 1851): 3. Bibliothèque Nationale de France 180

6.2 “The new Don Quixote.” Published in: Gil Blas, 2.40 (2 September 1865): 3. Biblioteca Nacional de España 181

7.1 “Vera effigie della Serva di Dio Gemma Galgani,” Antwerp, Ruusbroec Institute 212

7.2 “Zalige Gemma,” Antwerp, Ruusbroec Institute 212

7.3 “S. Gemma Galgani,” Antwerp, Private Collection Leonardo Rossi 213

7.4 “Visita a Santa Gemma,” Private Collection William Christian 213

7.5 “La Bienheureuse Gemma Galgani en extase, reçoit les stigmates”, Antwerp, Private Collection Leonardo Rossi 213

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