David Emmett
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a ya Mema, Mudimbyi 184n173
Alexander, Charles 46
Alexander, Paul 40n3 , 273
Allen, Roland 114116 , 120121 , 259 , 285 , 299
Anderson, Allan 44 , 51 , 57 , 114 , 118 , 157n7 , 161 , 190n210 , 280
Anderson, Robert Mapes 51n80
Anderson, Rufus 117
Anglicans xii , 14 , 45 , 49n60 , 53n89 , 55 , 63 , 6668 , 73n196 , 74 , 77 , 88 , 114115 , 117118 , 165 , 293
Angola 18n104 , 128129 , 135 , 138 , 142 , 148 , 156 , 158 , 163 , 166 , 168179 , 181 , 183185 , 188189 , 192 , 205 , 212 , 219220 , 279
Antelope 40n7 , 135 , 165
aog Overseas Missions Council (omc) 23 , 124 , 239 , 262
Apostle 911 , 13n73 , 14 , 41n13 , 67 , 115 , 178 , 205
Apostolic Faith Mission (afm) 21 , 84n37 , 88n59 , 89 , 92
Archives 8 , 22 , 24 , 27 , 33 , 122n234 , 153 , 229n7 , 234 , 270n187 , 282
Armstrong, George 9193 , 95 , 153 , 188
Arnot, Frederick 6 , 109 , 176 , 178
Arulappan, John Christian 118
Atkinson, Geoff 13n77 , 49n66 , 255
Atkinson, James 25 , 27n160
Authority 37 , 40 , 63 , 69 , 72 , 77 , 88 , 96 , 102 , 105 , 125 , 152 , 171 , 177 , 186 , 232 , 243244 , 279
Baluba 17 , 38 , 40n9 , 90n72 , 110 , 111 , 136 , 138 , 165 , 188 , 191 , 197 , 220 , 222
Bantamba 163n38 , 164n41 , 199 , 220 , 222
Baptism in the Spirit 12 , 1920 , 34 , 41 , 43 , 4853 , 5658 , 63n150 , 64n151 , 72 , 76 , 86n45 , 89n62 , 102n130 , 107 , 112 , 121 , 138139 , 176n119 , 187 , 194 , 201 , 208212 , 223 , 264 , 271 , 289 , 293
Baptism in water 20n117 , 48 , 63 , 83 , 85 , 105 , 110 , 138 , 142143 , 172 , 180n156 , 190 , 201 , 208 , 230 , 232 , 256 , 301
Baptists 6n31 , 9n50 , 148n113 , 252n111 , 271
Baraka 4
Basongye 17 , 23 , 34 , 38 , 57 , 64 , 136 , 138 , 156168 , 170n86 , 183 , 191 , 196198 , 206207 , 214216 , 225
Batley 46
Bauckam, Richard 47n50
Belgian colonial regime xi , xiii , xv , 3n17 , 6 , 17 , 3738 , 88n58 , 91 , 99101 , 105 , 117 , 128 , 140 , 143n91 , 149151 , 156 , 168n66 , 202 , 204n301 , 226 , 228 , 231 , 236 , 243 , 249 , 275 , 279
Belgium 254 , 257
Beseka, Otaniele 25 , 143 , 195 , 258 , 269 , 274
Bible translation 20n117 , 90n72 , 110
Bié 168169 , 171 , 175 , 177 , 185 , 189
Blackwater fever 5 , 7 , 89n62 , 93 , 193 , 241 , 244
Blakeney, Joseph 5 , 91 , 92 , 95 , 96 , 188
Blandine, Yumba 31 , 195
Blythe, Arthur 162 , 172 , 223
Boddy, Alexander 1 , 1n1 , 53 , 55 , 6579
Bombay 119
Bowie, George 84n37 , 8992 , 9598 , 102 , 104 , 105
Brethren (Open or Plymouth) xviii , 67 , 12 , 42 , 45 , 53 , 59n137 , 78 , 83n29 , 87 , 90 , 107108 , 109n164 , 110 , 112 , 122 , 127 , 138139 , 173174 , 176177 , 181 , 184186 , 190 , 271 , 290
British Assemblies of God (aog) 5 , 9 , 13n77 , 26 , 27n159 , 53 , 78 , 105106 , 112 , 123 , 141 , 240n51 , 290
Brock, Peggy 161n26 , 162n28
Brown, Alfred 199 , 206 , 229230 , 248n93
Brown, Jean 24 , 41n12
Buffalo 165
Bundy, David 9n48 , 9n51
Bunkeya 6 , 169 , 173177 , 301
Burgess, Richard 3n10 , 3n13
Burton, Hettie 21n120 , 24n140 , 32n187 , 54 , 100 , 118n215 , 129 , 171172 , 197 , 202 , 205 , 282
Butler, Horace 151 , 245 , 258
Bwana Tshofwe 204207 , 212
Cambridge 55n104 , 59n135
Cannibalism 94 , 147 , 197 , 203
Carpenter, Wayland 59n135 , 249n98
Carter, Howard 9 , 9n51 , 11 , 193n233
Carter, John 273
Cartwright, Des 24 , 40n3 , 46 , 56n112 , 106
Cattle 184185
China xii , 42 , 59 , 69 , 80n12 , 109n163 , 114115
Comaroff, John and Jean 29n1&3 , 34n24
Congo Evangelistic Mission Report ( cemr ) 6 , 9 , 21 , 2223 , 27 , 29 , 30 , 41 , 54n99 , 130 , 134 , 148 , 150 , 160 , 161163 , 205206 , 216 , 229 , 236 , 237238 , 248 , 259261 , 264266 , 284
Coombs, Barney 10n56 , 10n57 , 13 , 271272
Copperbelt (Zambia) 253
Crawford, Dan 6 , 8 , 90 , 106113 , 138n66 , 160n22 , 168 , 173 , 177178 , 205
Crisp, Eleanor 6870
Crowther, Samuel Adjai 118
Currie, Walter 135136
Dalby, William 234 , 253 , 266267
Dando, Eric 11 , 78
Dar es Salaam 95n97
Dayton, Donald 48n54 , 210211
Demons 5152 , 213
Djoka Punda 65 , 76
Doering, Alma 6364 , 67 , 69 , 75 , 88n58 , 99
Draper, Minnie 98
Du Plessis, David 11n65 , 50n67 , 275n217
Dunn, James D.G. 50
Ebondo, Nkongolo 163164 , 173 , 181 , 221n404
Elephants 141 , 173n103
Elim 12n67 , 24 , 106n144 , 106n148 , 112n178 , 113n182
Emmett, John 11 , 27 , 34 , 125 , 199 , 229n5 , 251n105
Entwistle, Amy 162 , 218
Ethiopia 3 , 88 , 278n10 , 302
Fetishes/Charms 20n117 , 134n26 , 199 , 206207 , 216 , 251 , 256
Fielder, Klaus 47n51
Frodsham, Stanley 23 , 54n100 , 79n4
Fwamba, Louis 224
Garenganze Mission 67 , 112
Garrard, Dave 1718 , 99n6 , 125 , 126n25 , 133n22 , 135 , 189 , 226 , 231n17 , 278 , 284n29 , 308
Gee, Donald 9 , 57 , 82 , 106 , 123 , 248 , 250
Ghana 3 , 36n204
Gittings, Leonard 1920
Glossolalia 2 , 1820 , 4849 , 51 , 53 , 59 , 61 , 63n150 , 64n151 , 65n158 , 85 , 89n62 , 102n130 , 209212 , 236n37 , 293
Gold Coast 118
Gordon, Don 199200 , 248249
Groves, Anthony Norris 108n157 , 118122
Hanicles, Jehu 117n203
Harper, Michael 14
Hastings, Adrian 2n5 , 39
Haustein, Jörg 2n7 , 3n15 , 279n12
Hawkins, Walter 24 , 28 , 235236 , 238 , 239243 , 247n84 , 269 , 272
Healing xiii , xvi , 2 , 13n77 , 1819 , 26n148 , 32n187 , 4143 , 5152 , 53n91 , 5458 , 60n138 , 61 , 62n144-n145 , 70 , 73 , 75 , 77 , 8283 , 85 , 89n62 , 94 , 111112 , 136 , 138139 , 141 , 148 , 198 , 202 , 208 , 211213 , 216 , 225 , 236 , 246n78 , 256 , 264 , 280 , 296
Herschell, Ken 144 , 219
Hezmalhalch, Thomas 11n65 , 84n37 , 86
Hippopotami 179n144 , 203
Hocken, Peter 15n91 , 75 , 82
Hodges, Augusta 95102 , 193
Hodges, Melvin 114n187 , 116
Hodgson, Edmund 21n123 , 27 , 97n104 , 144150 , 244254 , 256
Hooper, Ernest 93 , 95 , 97 , 99
Idealism xv , 1 , 1819 , 26 , 38 , 39 , 75 , 127 , 128 , 132133 , 156 , 187n196 , 204 , 210 , 224 , 226 , 228 , 259260 , 263 , 265 , 271275 , 276285
Idols 162n35 , 165 , 199 , 225 , 256
India 59 , 69 , 118120
Indigenisation xiixiv , 12 , 20n117 , 3639 , 78 , 82 , 101n127 , 113127 , 130131 , 133 , 150 , 154156 , 161162 , 226 , 228 , 232 , 234 , 236238 , 240 , 243244 , 246 , 259260 , 262264 , 266 , 274 , 276279 , 283284 , 286 , 297298
Izake 110111
Jeffreys, George 105106 , 247
Jeffreys, Stephen 292
Jenkins, Philip 117n207
Johannesburg 55n102 , 8586 , 89 , 9192 , 96 , 101 , 188189 , 249n99 , 271 , 273
Johnson, Thomas L. 4344 , 45
Johnstone, Fred 6366 , 68n172 , 756 , 99n115 , 100n122 , 132 , 153 , 159 , 186n192 , 192 , 210224 , 280 , 292
Jones, Bryn 270n187
Kabange, Trudon 133
Kabinda 38n210 , 132 , 164n46 , 166n54 , 167 , 168n66 , 170n86 , 184n174 , 203204 , 220 , 232
Kabongo 7 , 23n133 , 123n234 , 137 , 169n83 , 197n256 , 202 , 227 , 232n20 , 233235 , 241n52 , 243
Kalele, Dominique 34n194
Kalemie 163n39 , 170n86
Kalu, Ogba 3 , 3n10 , 3536 , 277
Kamina 17n101 , 40 , 133n22 , 151 , 169n83 , 235n32 , 239 , 241 , 246 , 253 , 255 , 257258 , 263 , 268
Kandyundu 135136 , 176n120
Kangoe 140
Kangombe 176 , 178
Kapenga, Claude 32 , 134n25 , 158n12 , 163n38
Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti 19
Katanga 6 , 8 , 3435 , 38 , 110 , 129 , 134n31 , 135 , 153 , 173 , 243
Katea xv , 125 , 199 , 229 , 235n32
Katompe 11n60 , 151 , 189n203 , 235n32 , 258
Katontoka 143
Katulumba 176178 , 180
Kay, William 10 , 16n96 , 104n136 , 280n14
Kayembe Hill 90 , 192
Kayumba, Ephraim 229232 , 238 , 263
Kazembe, Ilunga 141142 , 157n9 , 193 , 209
Keswick 4849
Kikondja 133 , 140145 , 148 , 187 , 231 , 250n102 , 253 , 257
Kilumba, Ngoy xviii , 222n410
Kinshasa 133n22 , 134n28 , 279n11
Kiofwe, Ngoy 167
Kiolema (Coremas) 168 , 1736
Kipushya xv , xvii , 3435 , 64 , 102n130 , 125 , 132 , 138 , 157 , 164 , 169170 , 172 , 183184 , 186n192 , 197 , 199 , 201 , 204 , 206 , 207n320 , 214217 , 219220 , 222223 , 226 , 229 , 232n22 , 234n28 , 251 , 268n180 , 270n187 , 280 , 284 , 290 , 308
Kisale 113n184 , 133134 , 140144 , 145n101 , 146 , 148149 , 226 , 231n16 , 235n32 , 280
Kitole 164165 , 167 , 169 , 173
Kitwe 256n129
Kivu 4
Knauf, Elton 46n39 , 229 , 241 , 244254
Kongolo 90 , 234 , 239240 , 251n106
Lake Kivu 4 , 89n64
Lake Mweru 107 , 110
Lake Tanganyika 251n107
Lake, John G 12n65 , 84n37 , 85n41 , 8687 , 108
Land, Stephen 179n143
Lane, C 139 , 173175 , 177
Lang, Archbishop Cosmo 14n85
Lang, George. H. 12 , 118 , 121122
Leeming, Roy 12n66 , 25 , 52n84 , 257
Leopards 170 , 180n156
Lepers 18
Letwaba, Elias 26 , 8587
Likasi 187 , 229
Lillie, David 12 , 25 , 118 , 121 , 248 , 271
Lindhardt, Martin 3n16
Linford, Aaron 247
Lions 13n77 , 31 , 90 , 94n90 , 145 , 224
Luamba 141n77 , 142n83 , 193 , 195196 , 212
Luanza 107 , 110 , 178n131
Lubumbashi 31n181 , 157n9 , 163n38 , 170n86 , 229 , 232n18
Luce, Alice 116 , 120121
Lulungu 189n203 , 235n32 , 245246 , 250251
Lusambo 7 , 165n51
Lutete, Ngongo 166167 , 168n66
Lyne, Peter 59n136 , 271
Lytham 4950 , 53 , 56n106 , 56n110 , 6162 , 67 , 7374 , 126 , 289
Mabwija, Ndjibu 167 , 198 , 203204
Makaba, Stéphane 251
Malaria 60n138 , 62n145 , 89 , 91n74 , 93
Malawi 109 , 156n4
Malcomson, Keith 10n53 , 53n89
Malombo 179 , 180 , 183
Manchester 9n50 , 12n71 , 43n26 , 48 , 53n91 , 62n144 , 65n158 , 190n209 , 248
Marcel, Ngoie 157 , 162166 , 169170 , 173 , 178180 , 182184 , 186187 , 197201 , 203204 , 206 , 221n404 , 225 , 251252
Markowitz, Marvin 6n29 , 31 , 228
Martyrdom 137 , 245246 , 250 , 254 , 258n137
Masele 173174 , 179181 , 183 , 186187 , 190 , 196 , 201202 , 205 , 208 , 217220
Masokoyti, Piele 25 , 143 , 151 , 195
Maxwell, David 1516 , 22 , 23n131 , 36n205 , 44n34 , 49 , 86n48 , 104n136 , 131 , 133n22 , 134n31 , 135n41 , 146 , 150 , 156n4 , 157n7 , 160n23 , 166 , 169171 , 217 , 226 , 282n27
Mbele, Pita 199 , 229n5
Mbesengye, Ngoy 17 , 158n15 , 163n37 , 164 , 166n53 , 167168 , 169n83 , 170 , 173 , 175 , 178n134-n135 , 179n139-n142 , 180n154 , 184187 , 189n203 , 191 , 192n224 , 220
McGee, Gary 104n136 , 120
McNeil, James 54 , 6064
Memorial Service 11 , 34n194 , 248 , 252
Methodists 78 , 53n89 , 137 , 187
Mikoso, Daniel 157n9 , 163n38 , 170n86 , 179180 , 186n192 , 198199 , 219220 , 224
Moloney, Joseph 174
Monga, Ngoy 40 , 41n10 , 151 , 245
Moorhead, Max 21 , 83n31
Mott, John 6n30 , 265
Mpanya Mutombo 7
Msiri (Mwenda Msiri Ngelengwa Shitambi) 173174 , 177
Mudimbyi, Bushito 184
Mulungwishi 187
Mundell, Thomas 56 , 58 , 60 , 62 , 6770 , 7275 , 293 , 295
Mutombo Mukulu 175
Mwanza xviii , 58 , 16n96 , 17 , 18n104 , 25 , 31 , 33 , 40 , 78 , 80n13 , 9091 , 9395 , 9799 , 101103 , 107 , 112113 , 119 , 121 , 123 , 125 , 127128 , 131 , 134 , 136138 , 140142 , 151 , 153 , 156 , 163n39 , 172n102 , 185 , 187189 , 191195 , 197201 , 203 , 205208 , 209n332 , 212215 , 219220 , 222 , 229 , 231 , 233234 , 235n32 , 238 , 241242 , 248n94 , 269 , 280 , 282 , 289291 , 308
Myerscough, Philip 19 , 22n27 , 49 , 80n13 , 141n75 , 187n196 , 272
Myerscough, Thomas 19 , 22 , 32 , 49 , 5254 , 55n101 , 57 , 6162 , 65 , 66n165 , 7073 , 77 , 79 , 8186 , 92 , 9596 , 9899 , 112 , 113n182 , 126n254 , 144145 , 165 , 207 , 209n332 , 282 , 289 , 293
Nakapangwe 179180
Ngoimani 101 , 156n2 , 162n29 , 193194 , 196 , 212213 , 215
Nigeria 3 , 5859 , 117 , 278n10
Northern Rhodesia 107n152 , 253254
Norwegian Pentecostals 4
Nsenga, Nkunka 232
Nyuki, Abraham 194196
Oman, Axel 33 , 221 , 290
Oral sources xvi , 17 , 20 , 2932 , 111 , 148 , 150 , 156157 , 158n12 , 163n37 , 170n86 , 276
Paintings 2629 , 80n13 , 81
Parker, John 247 , 261
Parr, John Nelson 9n50 , 10 , 14 , 48 , 62n144 , 7879 , 81 , 248
Pentecostal Missionary Union (pmu) 5n21 , 9n51 , 15n91 , 18n105 , 2324 , 38 , 40 , 5459 , 61 , 6477 , 80n2 , 84 , 99n5 , 100101 , 197 , 271 , 280 , 284
Pentecostalism 12 , 1011 , 34 , 38 , 3940 , 42n17 , 4851 , 5254 , 5657 , 69 , 77 , 79 , 80n12 , 82 , 83n34 , 112 , 118n214 , 127 , 147 , 157 , 184 , 210 , 271 , 274 , 276286 , 296
Pepper, Ivor 226n426
Physical manifestations 209
Polhill, Cecil xii , 15n91 , 69
Prayer 25 , 27 , 41 , 4344 , 46 , 50 , 52 , 55 , 57 , 63n150 , 66 , 68 , 71 , 73 , 76 , 79 , 81 , 83 , 85n41 , 9394 , 97 , 98n113 , 111 , 113n184 , 139 , 148 , 151 , 162n35 , 180 , 187n196 , 188189 , 193 , 196 , 201202 , 206 , 208214 , 216218 , 220 , 228 , 246 , 255 , 261 , 267 , 289 , 292 , 301
Presbyterians (American) 7 , 245n66
Preston 3 , 13n77 , 15n91 , 27n155 , 29 , 4851 , 54 , 5758 , 66 , 68n172 , 7982 , 8485 , 92 , 98 , 105 , 127 , 187n196 , 190n209 , 248 , 255 , 272n200 , 292
Quinine 32n187 , 8889 , 93
Quy, Douglas 10
Ramsbottom, Fred 27 , 28n164 , 229 , 232 , 262n159 , 267
Rhodesia 241 , 254 , 257
Richards, William T.H. 240n51
Richardson, Arthur 5
Richardson, Edward 8990 , 97
Richardson, Julia 89 , 9599 , 100n124 , 102105 , 153 , 193 , 289
Robinson, Joe 11 , 227 , 236 , 247 , 291
Roman Catholics xixiii , 6 , 37 , 53n92 , 88 , 101n127 , 143147 , 187188 , 204 , 228n2 , 247n81 , 282 , 284 , 301
Rowlands, Edmund 13n77 , 126 , 157n7 , 244n62 , 251 , 253 , 266 , 270n187
Salisbury 240n50 , 241 , 243244 , 253
Salter, James 5 , 7n36 , 7n41–42 , 8 , 8n44 , 9n50 , 10 , 11n64 , 15n91 , 16n96 , 2022 , 23n131 , 23n134 , 25n145 , 27 , 28n167 , 32 , 37n209 , 46n39 , 6465 , 75 , 7881 , 84 , 91106 , 110 , 114115 , 122124 , 126 , 131132 , 138139 , 141 , 146 , 151152 , 159 , 176 , 186 , 188 , 190195 , 208 , 214215 , 219 , 221 , 224 , 227 , 231 , 234 , 241 , 244n65 , 245250 , 252255 , 257259 , 261264 , 269 , 280 , 282 , 289291
Salvation Army 26n148 , 56 , 85
Sandwith, W.H. 62 , 73 , 293
Sanneh, Lamin 114n186 , 115n194
Saunders, Owen 24n139 , 33n188 , 175 , 179 , 183 , 231n15 , 249n99 , 269
Sentery 251n106
Shakayobo 139n64 , 179n145 , 181182 , 187 , 193 , 208
Shalumbo, Ngoy xvii , 157n9 , 158 , 164 , 169 , 170n86 , 175n114 , 178n134 , 178n136 , 183 , 187188 , 189n203 , 191 , 197198 , 200 , 204n302 , 213214 , 220n398
Shalumbo, Ngoy (Shalumbo’s son) 157n9 , 158 , 164 , 169 , 170 , 178 , 183 , 187188 , 191 , 197198 , 200 , 213214 , 220
Shambelo 136 , 168 , 170
Sketches see paintings
Slade, Ruth 38n212 , 81 , 109
South Africa 8 , 21 , 26 , 28 , 41n12 , 78 , 80n13 , 81 , 8490 , 92n82 , 95 , 98 , 100 , 123 , 127 , 156n4 , 194 , 221 , 225n422 , 249 , 254 , 257 , 273274
South America 119
Stanley, Brian 1n3 , 12n70 , 117n205 , 161n25
Stanley, Henry Morton 174n108
Stanleyville 5 , 91
Studd, Charles Thomas 5960 , 289
Sudan 59 , 118 , 174n108
Sunderland 49n60 , 53 , 56 , 65 , 69 , 73n196 , 75 , 296
Swedish Pentecostals 34
Tanganyika 173
Taylor, Cyril 21n122 , 27 , 104n136 , 162 , 193n231 , 213n356
Taylor, Hudson 109
Taylor, William 119121
Thiselton, Anthony 50
Tilsley, George 107n151 , 108n159–160
Toerien, Anna 101n128 , 102 , 104
Tondo 110111
Torrey, Reuben Archer 4547
Trudinger, Ron 10 , 13 , 270n187
Tshofwe See Bwana Tshofwe
Ulyate, S M 8991 , 97 , 153
Uvira 3
Van der Laan, Cornelis 2n8 , 20n119 , 29n169 , 276n1 , 280n17
Vansina, Jan 30n177 , 166n156 , 167n64 , 168 , 169n74 , 175n113
Venn, Henry 117 , 120
Wacker, Grant 15n88 , 15n90 , 47 , 51n80 , 69n177 , 69n182 , 79 , 83n34 , 147 , 281n21
Wallis, Arthur 10n57 , 12 , 59n136 , 271
Watt, Peter 86n47
Wigglesworth, Leslie 20
Wigglesworth, Smith 20 , 46 , 53n91 , 5455 , 69 , 7273 , 100 , 101n126 , 228n3 , 245n69 , 282
Wild-Wood, Emma 228n2
Womersley, David 13n78 , 17 , 28 , 99n116 , 147 , 152 , 226227 , 236 , 238 , 241 , 245 , 251 , 255 , 256n129 , 259 , 262n159 , 263 , 268269 , 273
Womersley, Harold 10n52 , 11n65 , 13n78 , 1415 , 17 , 26n150 , 27n155 , 33 , 39n2 , 4041 , 48 , 79 , 8182 , 90n66 , 95n94 , 100n121 , 103 , 113 , 124125 , 139n67 , 144146 , 148 , 152 , 158n14 , 159 , 161162 , 196 , 223 , 227 , 229 , 231 , 236239 , 241 , 243244 , 245n66 , 246248 , 254259 , 261267 , 269 , 270n187 , 272275 , 284n31 , 291 , 306307
Wright, N.T. 1
Ya Mema, Kabata ka 219
Yeremi, Patisho Ngoy 232233
Yesson, Cyril 229 , 231 , 246
Yorkshire 273
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