Nicolas Graham
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abstract-simple analysis 11 , 117119
accumulation strategy 158 , 161162 , 165 , 172173
Adkin, Laurie 186 , 201
ecological 45 , 94 , 98 , 179 , 218220 , 223
fertilizers used in 83
industrial 97 , 130
labour in 26 , 218219
Mao and 5153
Marx on 22 , 28 , 45 , 9698 , 130
pesticides in 61
Soviet Union and 53
trade in 28 , 130
agro-ecology 3 , 218 , 223
Alberta 134 , 136140 , 142 , 157 , 171 , 173 , 185186
Alberta Innovates 194
Altvater, Elmar 7778 , 114 , 154155
Anderson, Kevin 3233
Angus, Ian 102 , 162
Asia 30 , 137 , 141 , 143
automobility 79 , 99 , 128 , 216
biosphere 62 , 99 , 111112
blockadia 132 , 152
Braverman, Harry 5559 , 61 , 93 , 179181
British Columbia 138 , 141146
built environment 65n , 127128 , 131 , 213
Burkett, Paul 46 , 8n , 17 , 2628 , 92 , 94 , 102 , 208 , 214
cadre 9495 , 178 , 182 , 199
Canada’s Oilsands Innovation Alliance 177 , 197
Association of Petroleum Producers 199
Environmental Assessment Act 134
government 133n , 136 , 140n10 , 141 , 148n , 157 , 177 , 181182 , 184 , 186 , 188 , 199 Harper Government, Trudeau Government
carbon capital 1112 , 118 , 123 , 134 , 147148 , 152 , 157159 , 171174 , 177 , 184 , 186187 , 191 , 184 , 200202 , 205 , 208209 , 215
carbon capture and storage 109 , 177 , 187
carbon cycle 3 , 56 , 8 , 99 , 118
carbon dioxide (and greenhouse gas) emissions 12 , 28 , 7374 , 99101 , 123 , 131 , 139 , 143144 , 145146 , 150 , 154 , 157 , 177 , 204206
in Canada 133n , 134 , 135n7 , 136 , 140 , 142143 , 145146 , 187
need for elimination of 204 , 206207
policies aimed at reducing 175 , 204205 , 207 , 209 , 219
reductions in intensity of 157158 , 164 , 174 , 187 , 192 , 195 , 197 , 205
carbon lock in 12 , 131 , 150 , 209
carbon rift 5 , 66 , 98100 ecological rift, metabolic rift
care work 21 , 28 , 220
caring economy 219220
Carroll, William 133 , 147148 , 157158 , 209 , 213
Carson, Rachel 10 , 6162 , 217
Cenovus 164
cheap nature 110114
China 32n , 4855 , 80 , 137 , 142143
civil society 95 , 118 , 158 , 160161 , 167 , 222
capitalist/bourgeoisie 18 , 26 , 2930 , 32 , 95 , 127 , 157 , 180 , 211
society 3 , 18 , 25
structure 69n , 87n
struggle 49 , 58 , 116 , 222
working/proletariat 18 , 22 , 24 , 27 , 42 , 4749 , 5859 , 89 , 102 , 131 , 157
climate capitalism 12 , 154155 , 157159 , 161162 , 166 , 170 , 173 , 208 green capitalism
climate change 12 , 99 , 103 , 106 , 114 , 131 , 150151 , 159 , 164165 , 174175 , 177 , 187 , 194 , 200 , 204206 , 209 , 222n , 224
adaptation and mitigation 7 , 54 , 150151 , 174175 , 178 , 187 , 194 , 200 , 203207 , 211 , 222 , 225
catastrophic 1 , 200
current and future effects of 12 , 144 , 204 , 222
industry response to 163165 , 177 , 201202
Marxism and 2 , 5 , 28 , 99 , 102
scale and scope of 12 , 62 , 99 , 102103
scientific consensus on 1 , 106 , 159 , 209 global warming and carbon rift
coal 7679 , 83 , 115116 , 143144 , 164 , 171 , 173 , 180181 , 197
Coastal GasLink Pipeline 145146
Cohen, Gerald 10 , 3842 , 4546 , 57
Collectif Scientific 222n
colonialism 23 , 2932 , 36 , 69 , 79 , 152 settler colonialism
commodity chains 11n6 , 101 , 134 , 152 , 208 , 218219
Commoner, Barry 10 , 6162 , 217
competition 6 , 10 , 25 , 81 , 84 , 8687 , 99100 , 115 , 1267n1 , 157 , 206 , 211
concrete-complex analysis 11 , 118119 , 175 , 205
conditions of production 21 , 69 , 71n , 93n11 , 107109 , 216
consumption 20 , 24 , 2627 , 63 , 65n , 7985 , 105108 , 125 , 127128 , 216218
consumption fund 127128
cooperation 6 , 11 , 32 , 36 , 45 , 46n , 5051 , 53 , 66 , 8891 , 95 , 101104 , 107 , 212 , 224
co-operatives 50 , 106 , 171 , 209219 , 223
economy 8687 , 126 , 180 , 219
governance 87n
interlocking directorates 147148 , 167168 , 172173
power 8788 , 118119 , 127 , 147148 , 152 , 156159 , 176 , 205 , 212213 , 221
research and development 57 , 180183 , 186 , 199200 , 202 , 221
Coulthard, Glen 2930 , 34 , 35n , 70 , 214
creative destruction 29n , 53 , 117 , 151 , 225
credit system 83 , 87 , 125127 , 148149
Cultural Revolution 50 , 5253
decarbonization 100 , 115 , 133n , 151 , 172 , 209 , 214 , 217
de-growth 11 , 17 , 20 , 100101 , 105106
democratization 54 , 115 , 152 , 208212 , 214 , 222
dialectics 1011 , 22 , 3839 , 42 , 49 , 67 , 102 , 113n , 129
divestment 152
Dupont 57 , 182
Dutch Disease 134
energy 3 , 7 , 100101 , 151 , 159 , 164165 , 174 , 187 , 208 , 218
matter 100101
technological 76 , 95
ecological modernization 100 , 154 , 200
ecological rift 5 , 32 , 97 metabolic rift
economic surplus 4n , 21 , 2526 , 40 , 42 , 81 , 151 , 157
ecosystems 2 , 11 , 42 , 6162 , 96 , 98 , 102 , 104 , 187 , 207208 , 223 , 225
Emissions Reductions Alberta 191192 , 194
Enbridge 139140 , 144 , 148149 , 162166 , 174175
energy democracy 155 , 214
Engels, Friedrich 18 , 26 , 2933 , 4446 , 6567 , 88 , 94 , 100101
England 24 , 30 , 3233 , 69 , 82 , 98 , 114 , 126
environmental activism 123 , 131132 , 140141 , 184 , 212 blockadia, divestment, Indigenous resistance/resurgence
environmental sociology 81 , 129
Eurocentrism 2930 , 334n6
exchange-value 5 , 10 , 25 , 27 , 41 , 60 , 82 , 8485 , 174176 , 206209
exploitation 4n , 2324 , 29 , 5556 , 69 , 73 , 8182 , 110111
extreme energy 113 , 132 , 144 , 153 unconventional energy, tar sands
Federici, Silvia 22 , 24n , 25 , 70
feminism 2023 , 60 , 108 , 112 , 219221
fertilizers 20 , 79 , 143
of productive forces 3 , 1112 , 4041 , 64 , 101 , 117118 , 155 , 174175 , 178 , 200201 , 205206 , 209 , 211
types of 89
finance capital 11n6 , 87 , 123 , 126127 , 133134 , 147148 , 152 , 208209 , 212213
fixed capital 12 , 72 , 8283 , 87 , 123129 , 132 , 146148 , 150151 , 175 , 209 infrastructure and built environment
carbon 12 , 170 , 174
environmental 100 , 123 , 129 , 165 , 177 , 187 , 195
land 215
Fortis 163166 , 174
fossil fuels
Canada and 134 , 137 , 146147 , 166n
production and consumption of 1 , 68 , 7374 , 7780 , 8485 , 99100 , 109 , 115 , 125 , 131 , 150 , 161 , 177178 , 180182 , 186
transition way from 100101 , 107n , 118 , 153155 , 170 , 207210 , 213 , 216 unconventional energy, extreme energy, decarbonization
Foster, John Bellamy 45 , 8n , 26 , 28 , 61 , 96 , 102 , 113n , 214
fracking 125 , 184n , 197198 , 222n unconventional energy, extreme energy
Galbraith, John 95
General Electric 57 , 180
geo-engineering 93n10
geothermal 162 , 207
Giradet, Herbert 130
Global North 3n , 6 , 101 , 166 , 217
Global South 23 , 73n , 164 , 217 , 219
global warming 1 , 100n , 118 climate change, carbon dioxide emissions
globalization 32n , 80 , 85 , 99 , 101 , 219
Gramsci, Antonio 95 , 161n9
Great Leap Forward 5053
green capitalism 12 , 155n , 161
green forces of production 34 , 78 , 1112 , 100 , 118119 , 151 , 155 , 159 , 205 , 207
green jobs 175 , 217 , 220
Green New Deal 151 , 153 , 155n , 222n
Hansen, James 1
Harper Government 134135 , 184185
Harvey, David 103 , 127128 , 151
Havana, Cuba 219
hegemonic project 161
hegemony 119 , 131 , 161 , 184
historical materialism 8 , 28n , 34 , 65
Huber, Matthew 7879 , 84 , 109 , 131 , 153 , 180 , 216
Hughes, Johnathan 89 , 11
human development 6 , 68 , 208 , 217 , 219
hydro electricity 3n , 162163 , 210
India 3033 , 80
knowledge 35 , 52 , 220 , 223
peoples/communities 29 , 31 , 3335 , 6970 , 111 , 135136
resistance/resurgence 140142 , 210 , 214215 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Industrial Revolution 50 , 56 , 7475 , 78 , 112 , 114115
infrastructure 3 , 12 , 54 , 7172 , 74 , 8283 , 8586 , 89 , 101 , 123133 , 146147 , 150 , 207 , 209 , 215 fixed capital, built environment, pipelines
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1 , 143 , 204
internal relations 22n
International Energy Agency 143 , 158
International Renewable Energy Agency 224n
intrinsic value 5 , 27 , 214
Jevon’s Paradox 101
joint stock company 86 , 126
Jonas, Hans 1720 , 27
Keystone XL Pipeline 137 , 140141
Kinder Morgan 141 , 146 , 148150
Klein, Naomi 109n , 115 , 132
labour power 2122 , 39 , 76 , 78 , 8586 , 110
labour process
trans-historical features of 6768
under capitalism 46n , 5560 , 68 , 7071 , 73 , 7677 , 88 , 92 , 94 , 115 subsumption
land grabs 215
Latouche, Serge 20 , 105107
Lefebvre, Henri 8485
Lenin, V.I. 32n , 4749 , 5759
analysis 129
emissions of oil and gas 139 , 143 , 187
liquefied natural gas 125 , 143 , 184n fracking, natural gas
lobbying 158 , 161 , 212
Luxemburg, Rosa 23 , 32n
Lysenkoism 53 , 55
machinery 34 , 5860 , 63 , 7276 , 8081 , 114115 , 124125 , 180 , 206 , 224
Malm, Andreas 78 , 8485 , 99 , 174175
Mandel, Ernest 10 , 6364 , 101 , 217
Mao, Zedong 38 , 4752
Marx, Karl
and social metabolism 4 , 6768 , 124
and social reproduction 2022
ecology of 45 , 66 , 98
on colonialism 2933 , 6970 , 114
on contradiction between forces and relations 45 , 910 , 39
on cooperation 8890 , 101 , 103
on corporations and capital concentration 8688 , 126127
on credit 83 , 87 , 125126
on fixed capital 8385 , 124125
on fossil fuels 7577 , 99
on knowledge and science 9094 , 98 , 102 , 178179 , 201 , 203
on metabolic rifts 45 , 9698 , 130
on primitive accumulation 23 , 6970 , 114
on socialism 1720 , 2228 , 36 , 46 , 5354 , 207 , 216217
on technology 7476
on the concept of productive forces 36 , 4446 , 67 , 71n , 8384 , 201
McKenna, Catherine 135
metabolic rift 4 , 28n , 9698 , 113n , 217218
metabolism 34 , 28n , 6768 , 9697
industrial 124 , 129
rational regulation of 2728 , 98 , 103104 , 207 , 218 , 220
social or socio-ecological 35 , 28n , 65 , 67 , 9697 , 124
urban 124 , 129130
Mies, Maria 2223 , 2627
military 62 , 65n , 181n
monopoly capitalism 6 , 26 , 5657 , 6061 , 99 , 180
Moore, Jason 110116
Mumford, Lewis 77n
nafta 133
National Energy Board 134 , 144
natural gas 133n , 136 , 138 , 142145 , 171 , 173 , 184n , 187 , 197 fracking, liquified natural gas, unconventional energy
-ism 183184 , 202 , 221
capitalism 80
globalization 6 , 99
policy 133
Noble, David 5859
normative developmentalism 2829 , 34
Northern Gateway Pipeline 140n10 , 166
Norway 156n
nuclear power 15960n4
nuclear radiation 6162
ocean acidification 1
O’Connor, James 107110 , 112113
Ollman, Bertell 4244
organized capitalism 6 , 99
overproduction 64 , 82
ozone depletion 62
Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change 135136 , 187
Panzieri, Raniero 5859
Parenti, Christian 204206 , 211
participatory budgeting 213
peak oil 80
peasants 35 , 49 , 5152 , 111
pesticides 61 , 79 , 182
petro-states 133 , 156 , 186 , 194 , 202
pipelines 82 , 123124 , 131133 , 134 , 136148 , 150152
planning 7 , 18 , 51 , 5960 , 86 , 88 , 90 , 95 , 102103 , 109 , 115 , 208 , 210n , 211 , 216 , 223224
primitive accumulation 23 , 29 , 31 , 6872 , 82 , 114 , 116 , 174 , 215
public ownership 156n3 , 176 , 209210 , 212213
public transportation 216217
renewable energy
in Canada 161167 , 171 , 173175 , 210211
Indigenous Peoples and 215
potential of and growth in 3 , 7 , 9 , 12 , 100101 , 106 , 118 , 143 , 154155 , 161 , 174 , 205206 , 214
transition to 7 , 9 , 12 , 115 , 124 , 136 , 147 , 154155 , 157158 , 167 , 170176 , 186 , 208210 , 224 hydro electricity, solar power, wind power, decarbonization
rentierism 153
research and development 52 , 57 , 158 , 177178 , 180186 , 188189 , 191 , 200202 , 221
resource curse 132 , 156157 , 186
Rossanda, Rossana 5054
Royal Bank of Canada 148150
Saito, Kohei 33
Salleh, Ariel 22 , 24 , 28n , 35 , 214 , 220
Schnaiberg, Allan 182183
Schwartzman, David 7n , 100 , 153
alternative organization of 55 , 203 , 208 , 221222
and scientist activism 6263 , 183 , 202203 , 222
as productive force 3 , 3940 , 45 , 47 , 5657 , 6061 , 7476 , 9091 , 93 , 95 , 178181 , 201
democratization of 52 , 54 , 222223
earth and ecological 3 , 4546 , 48 , 62 , 94 , 102 , 107 , 116 , 177179 , 182 , 186 , 200202
Marx on 9094 , 98 , 102 , 178179 , 201 , 203
neoliberalism and 183184
organized capitalism and 181182 research and development, Indigenous knowledge
Science for the People 222n
scientific-technical revolution 6 , 56 , 62 , 179182 , 217
settler colonialism 31 , 70 , 135
Sharp Research Consortium 189 , 195
Smart Prosperity 170 , 172
social movements 108109 , 205 , 221222 blockadia, divestment, environmental activism, Indigenous resistance/resurgence
social reproduction 2 , 2122 , 65n , 79 , 82 , 127 , 216
democratic 27 , 51 , 103 , 209 , 210n , 223224
eco and green 2 , 4 , 98 , 155 , 207 , 217
in Soviet Union 1819 , 4748
Mao and 50 , 5354
Marx and 1720 , 2228 , 36 , 46 , 5354 , 207 , 216217
material conditions for 34 , 36 , 60 , 64 , 216217
planning and 90 , 102 , 210n
socially necessary labour 28 , 220
solar power 3n , 162163 , 174 , 210
Soviet Union 1819 , 4748 , 5051 , 53 , 64
spatial fix 127 , 151
species being 4243 , 667n2 , 103
staples theory 132 , 156
steam engines 7577 , 115 , 180
steam power 7879
subsumption of labour to capital 24n , 5859 , 7274 , 90 , 92 , 114115 , 178 , 221
subsumption of nature 74 , 9293 , 115
Suncor 162165 , 174 , 185 , 192
surplus value 4n , 5 , 21 , 2324 , 27 , 48 , 57 , 63 , 69 , 72 , 78 , 81 , 100 , 1267n1 , 174
absolute 24n , 73
relative 6 , 66 , 73 , 8182 , 90 , 99 , 115 , 206
Sustainable Development Technology Canada 189 , 191192
Tanuro, Daniel 78 , 100 , 218
tar sands 12 , 80 , 100 , 113 , 132 , 134 , 136141 , 166 , 171172 , 177 , 184185 , 187 , 195 , 197 , 211 unconventional energy, extreme energy
Taylorism 5558
Teck 163165 , 174
The Natural Gas Innovation Fund 197
The Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada 198
throughput 10 , 28 , 73 , 8082 , 99 , 101 , 125 , 129 , 206 , 219
tipping points 187 , 204
town and country 32 , 50 , 9798 , 130 , 153
Trans Mountain Pipelines 141142 , 148n
TransCanada 140141 , 145146 , 148150 , 163165 , 174
treadmill of production 81 , 9899
Trudeau Government 135136 , 170 , 187188
unconventional energy 12 , 80 , 112 , 118 , 132 , 134 , 136137 , 143n , 146 , 178 , 184n , 186187 , 198 , 201 extreme energy, tar sands, fracking
under-consumption 108
uneven development and exchange 32 , 129
unilinear philosophy of history 334n
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 135
United States 48 , 79 , 102 , 131133 , 137 , 139 , 141 , 151n , 180
use-value 9 , 13 , 2527 , 36 , 4142 , 44 , 6768 , 70 , 82 , 206 , 214216
ecological 2 , 5 , 35 , 101 , 174 , 201 , 206207 , 209210 , 220
negative 26 , 217
Van der Pijl, Kees 68 , 9496
Veblen, Thorstein 9596 , 222
Via Campesina 221
von Liebig, Justus 96
Wark, McKenzie 54 , 116
Werskey, Gary 48 , 181182 , 202203 , 222
wind power 3n , 6 , 162165 , 170 , 174 , 210
(500) Women Scientists 222n
world-system theory 110 , 129
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