
In: Syriac Hagiography
Sergey Minov
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Flavia Ruani
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Scriptural Index

3:14 165, 207
22:17 40
29:10 102
10:22 40
1 Samuel
2:12–17 354
4–7 354
5:2–7 356
1 Kings
8:27 357
1 Chronicles
27:23 40
9:23 40
42:11 361
119:33 146
119:36–37 146
119:89–90 146
138:1–2 149
138:7–8 149
19:7 361
33:22 40
Lamentations 359
3 165
12:3 40
1:4–15 97
5:16 41
6:19–20 150
8:12 150
8:23–27 97
10:23 271
13:42 150
13:50 150
14:22–34 169
20:28 148
22:13 150
24:3–51 150
25:1–46 30, 150
25:14 ff. 150
25:30 150
5:22–43 165, 197
10:13 150
10:32 ff. 150
10:45 148
1:1–4 33
5:1–11 97
8:2 166, 191
8:41–56 165, 197
13:1 ff. 150
13:28 150
14:25–15:10 150
14:26–27 150
4:4–12 166
5:1 ff. 150
5:1–29 150
5:19 ff. 150
5:24 150
7:1–30 150
7:37–38 150
11:1–44 165
12:34–50 150
12:46 150
7:48 357
7:60 350
21:13 148
5:6 148
5:6–6:23 150
5:8 148
1 Corinthians
1:18 39
1:23 39
3:10–17 356
15:1–26 150
15:1–28 150
15:1–58 150
15:3 148
15:41 40
2 Corinthians
1:22 148
1:1–2:22 150
1:13 148
2:19 356
4:1 150
4:30 148
5:2 148
2:15 40
1:11–2:21 150
1:4 148
3:13 148
2:14–15 95
1 Thessalonians
2:12 148
1 Timothy
1:1–2:15 150
1:18–3:16 150
1:18–4:16 150
2:6 148
9:1–28 150
9:11–28 150
9:15 148
10:19–39 150
10:29 148
11:12 40

Index of Ancient Sources

1 Syriac Sources

Acts of Andrew and Matthias 138
Acts of Mari 138, 123
Acts of Paul and Thecla 101, 138
Acts of Thomas 138, 123
Babai the Great
Life of George of Izla 27–28
Bar Ḥaṭar and Symeon bar Eupolemos
Life of Symeon the Stylite the Elder 12, 61, 63–66, 70, 72, 74–75, 78, 281–330
Basil of Caesarea
Hexaemeron 249
Book of Steps 35
Chronicle of Edessa until 540 348
Dādišōʿ Qaṭrāyā
Commentary on the Paradise of the Fathers 168
Eliya the Monk
Life of John of Tella 33
Paradise of the Fathers 45
Ephrem of Nisibis
Carmina Nisibena 50.7 356
Hymns against Heresies 30.2 356
Hymns against Julian the Apostate 2.22 342
George, bishop of the Arabs
Homily on the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste 248
Gewargis Warda
On the Twelve Apostles 30
Poem on Jacob the Persian 11, 231–232, 233–238
Poem on Tahmizgard 11, 231–232, 241–246
History of Constantine and Silvester (Actus Silvestri) 10, 34, 114–130
History of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary 24
History of Karkā d-Bēt Slok 229–230, 238–242
History of Paul of Qenṭos and John of Edessa 37
Išōʿdnaḥ of Baṣra
Book of Chastity 23 174
Book of Chastity 28 174
Book of Chastity 43 174
Book of Chastity 51 209
Išōʿyahb III
Life of Išōʿsabran 8–9
Inventio Crucis Legend 122
Jacob of Serugh
Homilies on Confessors and Martyrs 247
Homily on the Church of St. Stephen at Amida 340–362
Homily on Ephrem the Syrian 352
Homily on Ḥabbib 247
Homily on How the Philistines Took Hold of the Ark 354
Homily on George 247
Homily on the Leprosy and Baptism of Constantine 122, 124
Homily on the Martyrs of Sebaste 247
Homily on Sergius and Bacchus 247
Homily on the Sleepers of Ephesus 247
Homily on Stephen Protomartyr 247, 350
Homily on Symeon the Stylite 247
Homily on Šarbel 247
Homily on Šmonā and Guryā 247
Poem on the Sleepers of Ephesus 101
John of Ephesus
Hist. Eccl. 6.8 344
Lives of the Eastern Saints 61, 65, 72, 76, 343
Prologue 40–41, 95
Life of Ḥabib 93–95
Life of Jacob Baradaeus 20
Life of Mary 70
Life of Simeon of Bēth Arshām 76
Lives of Simeon and Sergius 63, 71
Lives of Thomas and Stephen 69
Joshua the Stylite
Chronicle 345, 346
Julian Romance 361
Life of Abā 26–28, 96–97, 173
Life of Abbā Sallārā 172, 177
Life of Abḥai 48
Life of Abraham Qidunaya and His Niece Mary 45, 61, 65, 100–102
Life of Awgēn 11, 25, 38, 39, 43, 160, 167–170, 173, 177
Life of Barṣauma 41
Life of Benjamin 33–34
Life of Daniel the Doctor 37–38, 49
Life of Epiphanius of Salamis 31–32
Life of Gabriel of Qartmin 45, 62, 63, 66
Life of Ḥabib 168–169
Life of Jacob Baradaeus 20, 44
Life of John the Almsgiver 40, 41
Life of John bar Aphthonia 22
Life of John of Dailam 38–39
Life of John of Nḥel 205
Life of John of Rome (bar Malke) 31, 38, 46
Life of John the Arab 169
Life of Malke 25–26
Life of the Man of God 41, 61, 63, 65, 66, 76, 103–104
Life of Marina 30
Life of Mary of Egypt 43
Life of Micah of Nuhadra 34
Life of Nestorius 31
Life of Nicholas of Myra 37
Life of Onesima 32
Life of Rabban Hormizd 169
Life of Rabbula 61, 63, 67
Life of Roubil 46
Life of Saba of Tour Mesatha 29
Life of Šalīṭā 171
Life of Samuel of Qartmin 61, 63
Life of Shenute 20
Life of Simeon of Qartmin 62, 63
Life of Yāret 11, 161–217
Life of Yāwnān (Yonas) 47, 77, 169
Martyrdom of ʿAbda, ʿAbdishoʿ, and their friends 42
Martyrdom of ʿAbda da-Mšiḥa 93
Martyrdom of Acepsimas, Joseph and Ithallaha 43
Martyrdom of Azazaïl 44
Martyrdom of Babowai 104–105
Martyrdom of Behnam and Sarah 23
Martyrdom of Christine (Yazdouy) 39
Martyrdom of Dādu 233
Martyrdom of Febronia 36, 68, 73–74
Martyrdom of the Forty Martyrs 271
Martyrdom of Jacob the Persian (Intercisus) 11, 267, 226–228, 232–238
Martyrdom of Judah Cyriacus 119, 128
Martyrdom of Maʿin 46, 263
Martyrdom of Miles, Aboursam and Sinay 35–36, 42
Martyrdom of a Mime 136, 139–140, 154
Martyrdom of the Mimes 10, 135–155
Martyrdom of Narsai bar Qyama 347–348
Martyrdom of Philemon and Apollonius 139
Martyrdom of Phokas 39, 41
Martyrdom of Qardagh 6, 171
Martyrdom of Stephen 138
Martyrdom of Symeon bar Ṣabbaʿe 270
Martyrology of Rabban Sliba 179
Marutha of Maipherqat
Canons 176
Mēmrā on Awgēn 167–169
Michael Rabbo
About John of Mardin 79–80
Philoxenus of Mabbug
Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 176
Pseudo-Zachariah of Mytilene
Ecclesiastical History 121
Sargis bar Waḥle
Life of Rabban Hormizd 248
Story of Euphemia and the Goth 98–100
Story of a Daughter of the Covenant 31
Story of the Holy Friday 104
Story of the Merchant at Constantinople 102–103, 105
Story of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 100
Teaching of Addai 122–123, 125–126, 361
Timothy of Gargar
On the Egyptian Fathers Macarius, John, Bishoi 247
Thomas of Marga
Book of Governors 1.1 42
Book of Governors 2.11 173
Book of Governors 3.2.1 47
Book of Governors 4.19 169
Book of Governors 4.25 169
Book of Governors 5.17 169
Book of Governors 6.12 168
Book of Governors 6.15 169
Zacharias Rhetor
Life of Severus of Antioch 36–37

2 Greek Christian Sources

Life of Symeon the Stylite the Elder 300
Asterius of Amasea
Panegyric of St. Euphemia 81
Athanasius of Alexandria
Life of Antony 89 171
Constantinople Synaxarium 258–276
Eusebius of Caesarea
Life of Constantine IV.57 344
Life of Constantine IV.62 117
Evagrius Scholasticus
Hist. eccl. V.21 307
Hist. eccl. VI.20 273
John Malalas
Chron. 119
John Moschos
Spiritual Meadow 73
Life of Martha 311–312
Life of Nikon Metanoeite 75
Life of Syncletica of Palestine 72–73
Life of Symeon the Stylite the Younger 12, 281–330
Martyrdom of Anastasius the Persian 344
Martyrdom of Demetrios of Thessalonike 93
Miracles of Artemios 306
Nicholas of Sinai
Life of Onouphrios 75
Nikodemos Hagioreites
Neon Martyrologion 258
Synaxaristes 12, 257–276
Historia Lausiaca 70
Photius of Constantinople
Bibliotheca, cod. 88 118
Proclus of Constantinople
Homily I.5 95
Hist. eccl. II.9 270
Hist. eccl. II.11 271
Hist. eccl. II.14 265
Theodoret of Cyrrhus
A Cure for Pagan Maladies 8.64 326
Hist. eccl. I.7–9 118
Hist. eccl. V.38 265
Hist. eccl. V.39 263
Historia Philothea 265
Life of Domnina 73
Life of Marana 73
Life of Symeon the Stylite 23, 300

3 Latin Christian Sources

Acts of Peter and Simon 122, 129
Actus Silvestri 114–130
De obitu Theodosii 40 118
Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Latin trans. of Leontius of Neapolis, Life of John the Almsgiver 20
On the One Baptism against Petilian 16.27 114
Depositio Episcoporum 113
Donatio Constantini 116, 129–130
Itinerarium 70
Chronicle, a. 337 118
Letters 43
Liber Pontificalis 113
Liberian Catalogue 113
Martyrdom of Febronia 20
Martyrdom of Perpetua, Felicitas, and their companions 93

4 Arabic Christian Sources

Chronicle of Seert 105–106
Martyrdom of Babowai 104, 106

5 Armenian Sources

History of the Armenians 122
Čašotsʿ girkʿ 149
Pseudo-Faustus of Byzantium
Epic Histories III.10 170

6 Classical Sources

Aelius Aristides 223
On the Sphere and Cylinder III 33
Deipnosophistae 6.224 224
Dissoi logoi 224
Histories 21–22
Theog. 27–28 224
Iliad A 1–2, 3 21
Odyssey A 1–2, A 10 21
Ars Poetica 24
Lucian of Samosata
A True Story 1.2, 4 23
De rerum natura 24
Nemean Odes 7.20–24 224–225
Life of Pericles 39
Institutionis Oratoriae XII 43
Bellum Catilinae ch. 1 22
Epistle 84 43
Geography 1.2 223
Geography 15.3.15 344
Aenid III.193 43
Porphyra, fr. 7 224
New History II.29.3 119

7 Other Ancient Sources

Kirdir inscription 344
Lament for Ur 358
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