Bianzheng lun 辯正論 (Essays of Disputation and Correction)
6, 26n20, 52n145, 58, 62n187, 64n194, 75n253
Chanyuan qinggui 禪院清規 (Rules of Purity of the Chan monastery)
Chuanfa zhengzong ji 傳法正宗記 (Record of the True Lineage of the Dharma Transmission)
12, 174n200
Chunqiu 春秋 (Spring and Autumn Annals)
13, 231
Congrong an lu 從容庵錄 (Congrong Hermitage Record)
Da Song seng shilüe 大宋僧史略 (The Song Dynasty Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy)
15 f., 69n222, 122n452, 157n119, 159n126, 168n172, 169n176, 174n198, 190n13, 196n48, 197n55, 208n113, 212n137, 247n5, 247n9, 249n19, 249n20, 249n22, 250n25, 253n36, 253n39, 257n60, 260n70, 264n91, 264n93, 269n113, 270n114, 270n115, 271n116, 273n126, 275n134, 286n182, 294n212, 297n230, 298n234, 298n235, 303n250, 303n251, 303n252, 304n255, 307n265
Da Tang Dacien si sanzang fashi zhuan 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 (The Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master from the Dacien Monastery of the Tang Dynasty)
15, 86n295, 86n296, 86n298, 93n327
Da Tang xiyu ji 大唐西域記
Dayun jing 大雲經 (see Mahāmegha sūtra)
Daode jing 道德經 (also known as the Laozi 老子)
87, 43n100, 52, 109, 132 f., 136, 185, 182n243, 183n246, 261n75, 292n203
Dengzhen yinjue 登真隱訣 (Concealed Instructions for the Ascent to Perfection)
Dingying dashi Budai heshang zhuan 定應大師布袋和尚傳 (The Biography of Grand Master Dingying, the Cloth Bag Monk)
15, 300n243, 301n244
Diamond sūtra
153 ff., 191
Erjiao lun 二教論 (Treatise of the Two Teachings)
Erzong jing 二宗經 (Sūtra of the Two Principles)
116 f.
Fahua xuanyi 法華玄義 (The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sūtra)
Fanxie lun 翻邪論 (Treatise Opposing the Evil)
Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林 (A Grove of Pearls in the Garden of the Dharma)
28n31, 97n349, 112
Fanyi mingyi ji 翻譯名義集 (Compilation of Translated Buddhist Terms)
115n425, 115n426, 149n80
Fenyang Wude chanshi yulu 汾陽無德禪師語錄 (Recorded Sayings of the Meditation Master Wude from Fenyang)
10, 173n191
Foding zunsheng zhou 佛頂尊勝呪 (Dhāraṇī of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona)
106 f.
Fozu lidai tongzai 佛祖歷代通載 (Comprehensive Registry of the Successive Ages of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs)
95n338, 258n66, 293n207
Futian lun 福田論 (Treatise on the Fields of Blessedness)
3, 28n33, 46n110, 93n333, 145n59
Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳 (Biographies of Eminent Monks)
15, 85n293, 90n314
Guanjing 觀經 (Sūtra of Contemplation)
30, 79
Guang qingliang zhuan 廣清涼傳 (Extended Records of Mount Qingliang)
106n388, 220n176
Guangyi ji 廣異記 (Record of Widespread Anomalies)
16, 120n446
Guoqing bailu 國清百錄 (Hundred Documents of the Guoqing [Monastery])
8, 29n36, 35n65, 38n76, 38n78, 45n105, 45n106, 45n107
Huahu jing 化胡經 (also known as Laozi huahu jing 老子化胡經)
7, 100, 122, 132, 134, 136 f.
Huayan jing 華嚴經 (see Avataṃsaka sūtras)
Huangdi yinfu jing 黃帝陰符經 (The Yellow Emperor’s Scripture of the Hidden Contracts)
180 f.
Jingming yishu 淨名義疏 (Expository Commentary on the Vimalakīrti-sūtra)
Jingtu wangsheng zhuan 淨土往生傳 (Biographies of Those Who Have Gone to Rebirth in the Pure Land)
79n266, 80n268, 148n74, 167n167, 167n168, 170n180, 192n28, 192n29, 192n30, 192n31, 192n32, 197n52, 197n53, 291n202
Sui Tiantai Zhizhe dashi biezhuan 隋天台智者大師別傳 (Alternative Biography of the Grand Master Zhizhe from the Tiantai Mountains of the Sui Dynasty)
8, 30n41, 30n42, 33n58, 36n68, 38n75