Ad J. Meskens
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Acquaviva, Claudio 23, 30, 222, 225
Aguilón, Franciscus de 10, 82
biography 62–63
as an architect
Saint Charles Borromeo Church 224–31
as an architect 63, 223–31
as confessor 26
as teacher at mathematics school 26
Catoptrics (manuscript) 68–80
erection of mathematics school 30
experimental philosophy 64–65
influence on della Faille 172
influence on San Vicente 30, 47, 68, 71, 80, 87, 94
influenced by painters 65, 67
on conics
properties in an ellipse 76–79
on optics 64–80, 244
attenuation of light 66
camera obscura 66–67
colour theory 65
harmonic pencils 72–73
harmonic quadruples and harmonic conjugates 70–75, 78
horopter concept 65–66, 67
neusis-like constructions 68–70
on Alhazen’s problem 75–76
on mirrors 75–76, 78–79
on projections and perspective 67, 78, 237
on trisection of an angle 68–70, 94, 98, 101
Opticorum libri sex 64–67
Aguilón, Juan de 62n2
Aguilón, Pedro de 62n1
Albert, Ferdinand 30
Alegambe, Antonius 31, 190
Alegambe, Philippe 63
Alexander, Amir ix, 58, 59, 60, 247
Alhazen 68, 71, 75, 76, 97, 101
Alhazen’s problem 75n40, 101 fig5.10
Álvarez de Toledo, Fernando, Duke of Alba 7n21, 25n79
America 4
Amsterdam ix, 2, 3n3, 187
Andalusia 5
Annaberg 11n2
Anselmo, Antonio 2n3, 37n150
Antwerp ix, x, 17, 30, 33, 41n158, 63
churches 10, 184, 192, 208, 211, 222–32
Chapel of Jesuit College 235–37
Saint Charles Borromeo Church see church, Charles Borromeo
Counter-Reformation 8
fortifications 63, 184, 203
Gregorio a San Vicente in Antwerp 30–33, 82, 87, 94–115, 132
Ignatius of Loyola and Antwerp 62n2
Jesuit domus professa 29, 186, 187, 208, 220, 233n, 60
Jesuits in Antwerp 6, 7, 8f0.2,9, 188
merchants and trade ix, 2, 2n2, 4, 63, 232
plague epidemic 63
printers 5n12, 20n50, 33, 39, 64, 172, 182, 184, 192, 198,
Protestant Revolt in Antwerp 1, 7, 8
Reconciliation 1, 8, 25,
schools 11, 12, 49
Jesuit College see Jesuit College, Antwerp
Archdukes Albert and Isabella 2, 3, 5, 10, 29, 232, 239
Aristotle 13, 14, 172, 193
Army of Flanders 5, 218
Arriaga, Rodrigo de 85
Brahe, Tycho 21, 193n12
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico
eclipse of Jupiter 218
comet 21, 31, 32, 218n33
Copernican system 187n19, 196, 217
Peurbach, Georg
Planetary theory 14
Ptolemaic system 37, 196, 217
transit of Venus 21n54, 202–3
Tychonic system 187n19, 196
Aynscombe, Thomas 10n37
Badajoz 240, 241
Barvoets, Alexander 34
Beati, Gabriele 21n50
Bellarmine, Robert, Cardinal 22
Besson, Jacques 35n147
Beys, Gilles I
printer 192
Bierthe, Thomas de 187
Blocq, Jacques du 223, 224
Boechelion, Karl 187
Boelmans, Willem 8, 33, 246
biography 206
and the ductus-method 87, 140
as teacher at mathematics school 34, 199, 211
manuscripts by Boelmans 87, 119–21, 140
on optics 80
sine law 207–8
Bohemia 33, 193, 232
Bosmans, Henri xii, 246, 249
Braikenridge, William 47
MacLaurin-Braikenridge theorem 47, 104, 175
reduction of 5, 239
Breslau 39, 194, 195, 197
Briggs, Henry
logarithms 220
Broetius, Paschasius 198n40
Bruges 6, 81, 223, 255
youth of San Vicente in Bruges 81
Brussels 6, 27, 62, 82, 189–90, 208, 218
churches 223–24, 234
Bürgi, Jost 35n147
Candone, Guiseppi 218n33
Carafa, Vincenzo 189
Carpentier, Gillis 82
Casati, Paolo 21n50, 186, 187n17
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 218
Catalonia 241
Revolt (1650–52) 5, 171
Cavalieri, Bonaventura 47, 169, 213
correspondence with Moretus 86n33, 195
correspondence with San Vicente 85f4.2, 86
Geometria Indivisibilibus 89, 157
Jesuit response to the concept of indivisibles 58–61
San Vicente’s criticism 128–31
Tacquet’s criticism 214–15
on indivisibiles 57–58, 246–47
possible influence on San Vicente 109, 132, 140, 161
Charles V, Emperor xi, 6, 23
Chifflet, Laurent 40
Christina, Queen of Sweden 186
Casati and de Malines’s mission 186
conversion and abdication 186–89
de Manderscheidt ‘s account 186
Francken as intermediary 187–88
Macedo as confessor 186
Philip Nutius ‘s mission 186–88
sojourn in the Southern Netherlands 188–89
Charles Borromeo, Antwerp 28f1.3, 224
architectural features 228–30
debts incurred to build 232
designs by Aguilón 225–28
interior 230–32
Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-la-Crypte, Cassel 234, 235f14.6
Discalced Carmelites’ Church, Brussels 224
Eglise Saint Loup, Namur 234
Gesu, Rome 227
Mons 223
Saint Rumbold’s Cathedral, Mechelen 234
Scherpenheuvel 234–35, 236f14.7
Sint-Michielskerk, Leuven
design by Hesius 233–34
cooperation du Blocq and Aguilón 224
Ciermans, Joannes 20n50, 33
biography 198–99
and mechanics 33, 51, 91–93, 210, 246
as military architect 238–41
as teacher at mathematics school 31, 34–35, 199
correspondence with Descartes on optics 199, 201
Disciplinae Mathematicae 201–3
in Portuguese military service 205
in Spanish military service 205–6
logarithms 139n9
supervision of theses 203
Clavius, Christopher 83, 205
and astronomy 21
and mathematical curricula 16–17
and Michiel Coignet 35–38
and San Vicente 20–21, 81–82
and the invention of the sector 35, 36f1.5
and the Ratio Studiorum 17
as mathematics teacher at the Roman College
Academy of mathematics 18, 20–21
as mathematics teacher at the Roman College 16, 18
cited by San Vicente 94
Cobergher, Wenceslaus
as architect 224
Coignet (family) 2n2
Coignet, Gillis ix, 2n3
Coignet, Michiel 35
and astronomy 36–37
and the sector 35–41, 202,
as surveyor 63
Colégio de Santo Antão 205
Colegio Imperiale 41, 168
Cologne 2n2
Commandino, Federico 21
editions of books 45, 46, 94n2, 99
Consejo de Indias 169, 241
Coster, Jacob de 41
Cox, Joannes 31, 191
Cuellar, Juan de 62n2
de Gottignies, Gilles-François 20, 21n50, 198, 246
biography 218–20
as astronomer 218–19
as consultant for building plans 223
Elementa geometriae planae 213, 219
on logistics 219
de Gottignies, Lancelot 218
del Monte, Guidobaldo 35n147
Delange, Boudewijn 18n38, 24n76
Delgado, João 205
della Faille, family 2n2
della Faille, Jan (van) Karel sr. 165
della Faille, Joannes 5n12, 20n50, 39, 84–85, 193, 205, 246
biography 165–71
as senior cosmographer 169
at the college in Barcelona 171
at the college in Dôle 166
in Spanish military service 169, 241, 243
in the retinue of don Juan 170–71
and San Vicente x, 31, 33, 84, 165–66, 168–69, 172, 174, 193, 246
as student at mathematics school 31, 33, 165
as teacher at mathematics school 33–34, 168
De Centro Gravitatis 172, 182–83
influenced by painters 172, 175, 177f10.8,
on architecture 172, 236–38, 241, 243
On conic sections 173–79
pole and polar 173–74, 176–77, 179
on optics 80
Theses Mechanicae 166, 169
use of the sector 35, 40–41
Den Bosch see ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Derkennis, Ignatius 31, 34, 238
biography 189–90
De uno, trino, creatore 190
Desargues, Girard 47, 181
Descartes, René 103, 104, 219, 246
correspondence with Ciermans 199, 201
on optics 199, 201
sine law 207
Drebbel, Cornelis 201
Dudith, Andreas 15n24,
Dunkirk 1, 6
Durandus, Jacobus 85n29
biography 190–91
on fortification 191, 238
Dürer, Albrecht
Underweysung der Messung
on conic sections 44, 45f2.2
Dutch Republic ix, xi, 1, 3, 5, 21n53, 206n71, 239
d’Yllan, García 188
Élvas 205, 240
Engelgrave, Johannes Baptiste 187–88
England ix, 1, 9
Errard, Jean 205
Eucharist 59
Fallon Simão 240
Fardella, Michelangelo 219
Farnese, Alexander, Duke of Parma 1, 7–9, 23, 25
Fayd’herbe, Lucas 234–35
Ferdinand II, Emperor 84, 193
Fermat, Pierre de 35
Fermat’s principle 208, 246
possible influence of San Vicente 158, 161
Treatise on Quadrature
higher hyperbola 158
Treatise on Quadrature 158–59
Fernemont, Count 194
Finé, Oronce
Arithmetica practica 14
Flüske, Franz 197
France ix, 5, 6n14, 168, 171n38, 248, 249
Francken, Gottfried 187-88
Frankfurt 2n3
book fair 37, 53
Franq, Gaspar Alexius 197
Frederik Hendrik, stadtholder 239
Frias, Ferdinand de 25
Füssel, Friedrich 196
Galileï, Galileo 35n147
Galle, Theodoor
engraver 64, 66f3.3
Galucci, Paolo 35n147
Gechauff, Thomas 45
Ghetaldi, Marino 35–36
Ghisoni, Stephanus 85
Giattini, Giovanni Battista 21n50
Giornale di letterati
Girard, Albert 51, 176f10.7
Goa 218n33
Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de, Cardinal 62n1, 62n3
Grassi, Orazio 20, 32
Graz 85, 190
Greek mathematicians
Apollonius of Perga 42–44, 70, 71, 87, 103
biography 42–43
Apollonius’s theorem 111
Apollonius’s problem 46, 46 fig.2.3
Konika 42–44, 78, 97n5, 98, 106, 114
Konika (edition by Commandino) 45, 99n10
Konika (edition by Richard) 45
Konika (first edition by Maurolico) 45
Work on conic sections 42–43, 102
Archimedes 42, 97
determination of the center of gravity 50, 52
geometry 213
infinitesimal calculus 50, 52, 121, 149
On conoids and spheroids 45, 110
On the quadrature of the parabola 42, 43, 116, 120
squaring of the circle 47–48, 54
trisection of an angle 68
Elements 14, 16, 18, 19f1.1, 66, 94n2, 97n5, 122–23, 173n53, 190, 212n11, 213
Heron of Alexandria 99, 101–2
Hippias of Elis 68
Nicomedes 68, 100
Pappus of Alexandria 46, 68, 70, 71, 79, 93f4.7, 94, 149, 197, 213
Collection 46, 97, 99, 100, 102
Philon 102
Grenzing, Christoph 85, 232
Grienberger, Christoph 20, 21, 22n56, 190
and della Faille 172, 182
and San Vicente 33
as architect 233
judgment on San Vicente’s quadrature 83–85, 152, 161, 245
mathematics professor 20
Guldin, Paul 20, 82, 169
criticism on indivisibles 57, 61
Pappus Guldin theorem 213
Haarlem 2n3
Habsburg, family 3
Hamburg 2n2, 2n3
Happaert, Remigius 165
Hay, John 37, 38
Hesius, Willem 33
biography 208–9
as architect 233–35, 236f14.7, 237f14.8
Emblemata de fide, spe, charitate 208–9
Hevelius, Johannes
correspondent of Moretus 195
Heyns, Peter 2n3
Hoens, Jacobus 203
Hoeymaker, Hendrik
as architect 223–24, 234
Holy Roman Empire 4
Houtappel sisters 10, 217, 246
Huygens, Christiaan 158, 161
Huygens, Christiaan correspondence with Tacquet 212–13
critcism on San Vicente’s quadrature 86, 89
visit to San Vicente 86
Huyssens, Peter
biography 225
as architect
Church of Charles Borromeo 225–28
as architect 29n107, 224, 234
ibn al-Haytham, Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan see Alhazen
Iconoclastic Revolt 1, 4
India 205n62
Indies 4
Inquisition 1, 81n2
Italy ix, 4, 9, 58, 62n3, 81n2, 85, 171, 231, 249
Jesuit College
Aalst 208, 210
Antwerp 23–35, 63, 82, 165, 224, 235
Academy of Church History 28–29, 30–32, 34
Engels Huys (also Hof van Liere) 26n88, 27, 29, 234, 235
erection 23–25
Huys van Aecken 24, 25n78, 27, 28f1.3, 29
mathematics school 27–28
professed house 29
re-erection 25–26
Breslau (Wrocław) 194–96
Breznice 194
Bruges 190, 193, 209, 211
Brussels 82, 184, 218
Cambrai 6
Cassel 199, 234
Collegio Romano 15, 16, 36, 83, 85, 188n31
Academy of Mathematics 20–21
and astronomy 32, 60n36, 81, 203, 218, 223, 249
Cologne 27
Dinant 6, 23
Dôle 166
Douai 22, 27, 59, 62, 63, 81
Dunkirk 210
Ghent 184, 190, 206, 208, 218, 220, 234
Glogau (Głogów) 194
Graz 85, 190
Jihlava 194
Klatovy 194
Klementinum, Prague 84, 184, 193–94, 232
Kortrijk 62, 82, 209, 234
Leuven 6, 7, 22–23, 30, 59, 82, 189, 192, 199, 206, 208, 211, 217, 233
mathematics school 33–34, 51, 168, 244
Liège 27
Lier 168
Maastricht 7, 191, 206
Mechelen 165, 189, 234
Messina 14, 15
Molsheim 27
Münster 194
Neisse 194
Olomouc 193
Oudenaarde 210
Paris 62
‘s-Hertogenbosch 82, 198–99, 210
Saint Omer 7
Tournai 6, 23
Trier 27
Ypres 189, 199, 209
Znojmo 194
João IV, King of Portugal 186
Jonghe, Ignatius de 34–35, 128, 244
Geometrica inquisitio
application of San Vicente’s methods 159–60
Juan José of Austria 40, 170–71
Kamiensky, Joannes de Swienthohliwicz 191
Kepler, Johannes 38, 61
infinitesimals 53–57, 58
Messekunst Archimedis 53
Nova stereometria 53–54, 58
Kinner, Godefred 195
Kircher, Athanasius 20n50, 65f3.2, 190n51,195, 196, 217n25
Laínez, Diego 6n18, 13
Langres, Nicolas de 241
Lassart, Charles 241
Le Vray, Valentin 33, 210
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 158, 161, 221, 247
influenced by San Vicente 89, 246
Leopold Wilhelm, Archduke 193, 208
Leuven 6, 11, 34, 82
Jesuit College see Jesuit College, Leuven
University 22, 27, 28n101, 218
Lier 33
Lille 6
Lipsius, Justus 15n24
Lobkowitz, Juan Caramuel 189
Losson brothers 235
Low Countries ix, 1–7, 9, 23, 33, 39, 62, 82, 168–69, 203, 207, 217, 227, 238–40, 248, 249
Loyola, Ignatius of 6, 62n2
Lübeck 188
Macedo, Antonio
and Queen Christina 186–87
MacLaurin, Colin 47
Madrid xi, 41, 84, 85, 168–69, 172, 184, 193, 206, 243
Malines, Franciscus de 186, 187n17
Manare, Olivier 26, 27, 225n28
Manderscheidt, Charles 186
Marolois, Samuel 201, 205
Martini, Martino 217
Mary of Hungary 6
Maselli, Ludovico 20
mathematical instruments
astrolabe 14, 67
sector 35–41
sundial 44n10, 67, 196
mathematics San Vicente, Gregorio a, and della Faille, Joannes
Alhazen’s problem 75–76, 101, 156–60
Apollonius’ s theorem 111
Apollonius’s problem 46, 46 fig.2.3
conic section 42–47, 103–16, 132–40, 173–83
curve (other than conic section)
cissoid 101
quadratrix 101
horopter 65–66, 67
infinitesimal calculus 49–56
Cavalieri’s indivisibles 57–61, 128–31, 213
criticism on indivisibles 58–61, 214
exhaustion method 121–24
quadrature of the hyperbola 132–40
San Vicente’s infinitesimals 121–28, 132–52, 158–61, 213–16
logarithms 108, 132–40, 220–21
Mystic Hexagram Theorem 47, 174–75
neusis-like constructions 44, 68–69, 94–95
perspective 67,70, 175–76, 177f10.8
projective geometry 47, 70–75, 173–81
Pythagoras’ theorem 89
squaring of the circle 47–49, 82–89, 124, 126, 161–64, 182–83
trisection of an angle 47–48, 54, 75n40, 101f5.10
Matthias, Archduke of Austria 8
Maurolyci, Franciscus 45
Mechelen 235
novitiate 165, 184, 199, 218
Mennher, Valentin 49–50
Mercurian, Everard 6n18, 20, 24
Mersenne, Marin 128, 130–31, 220, 247
China 18, 34, 82, 205, 217n25
Holland Mission 9
Missio castrensis 9, 168n20
Missio Navalis 210
Montano, Benito Arias 192
Montmorency, Floris de 84
Mordente, Fabrizio 35n147
Moretus, Balthasar I 64
Moretus, Balthasar II 5n12, 20n50, 33, 39
Moretus, Jan 64, 192
Moretus, Theodorus 80, 155n2, 172, 192,245, 246
biography 192–94
as a teacher in Bohemia 195–98
as an author 196–98
as collaborator of San Vicente 84, 85, 86n33, 87, 90, 117
Mydorge, Claude 46
Nadal, Hieronimo 14, 16, 23
Naples 5, 171, 219
Netherlands (Nederlanden) ix, x, 4, 6, 24, 85, 223–24, 238–39
Netherlands, Southern see Netherlands, Spanish
Netherlands, Spanish ix x, 2, 4, 12n5, 22, 24, 86, 172, 184, 187, 206n71, 248
Nickel, Goswin 188
Nieuwpoort 220
Noyelle, Charles de 234
Nutius, Philip see Nuyts, Philip
Nuyts, Philip 10, 31, 165
biography 184–85
Nutius, Philip
mission to Stockholm to convert Queen Christina 185–89
Templars, Philip (pseud.) 187
Nuyts, Martin 184
Oliva, Giovanni Paolo 86, 234
Olivença 206, 240
Ortelius, Abraham
Theatrum Orbis terrarum 197
Ostend 238
Palermo 171
Papebrochius, Daniel 203n58
Paris 192, 198n40
Pascal, Blaise 47, 181, 213n16, 246
Mystic Hexagram Theorem 47, 174–75
Treatise on conics 47
Pels, Anna 62
Pels, Clara 62n3
Philip Eugene, Count of Hornes et d’Herlies 211–12
Philip II, King of Spain xi, 1–3, 6, 7n21, 62
Philip IV, King of Spain 40, 169–71, 232, 241
al Ghazali’s wheel 60, 61f2.12
Aristotle’s wheel 60, 61f2.12, 212
Ockham’s razor 59
Aristotelian 15, 16, 21, 32, 60, 61, 121
Achilles and the tortoise 121
Aristotle’s wheel 60, 61f2.12, 212
On the heavens 18
Physics 60, 121
energy 91
energy, kinetic 91
free fall 91
inertia 91
optics 68–79, 94–101, 172, 198, 199–201, 207–8
statics 31, 33, 85, 91, 182, 197–99, 201, 212, 244–46
Pinto Pereira, Joseph 186
Plantijn, Christoffel
printer 192
Polanco, Juan Alfonso de 12n7
Portugal 5, 9, 35, 205, 240
war of independence 169, 205, 240, 241, 249
Prague xi, 39n155, 84, 87, 155, 157, 162, 166, 184, 193–94, 245, 248
Sack of
by Saxons 85, 87, 88, 91, 193, 195n22
by Swedes 193
Prince, Henri de 217
Puteanus, Erycius 32n124
Pynappel, Reynier 33, 210
Ratio Studiorum 17–18
Messina program 14–15
Regiomontanus 45
Requesens, Luis 24
Ribadeneyra, Pedro de 6
Ricci, Matteo 195
Richard, Claude 45
Roberval, Gilles Personne de 216
Roermond 218
Rosis Giovanni de
as consultant for building plans. 223
Rotterdam 2
Rouen 2n2
Rozdrażewski, Jakub Hieronim 203
Rozdrażewski, Krzysztof Aleksander 203
Rubens, Peter Paul
and de Aguilon 64–66, 70
Saint Charles Borromeo Church 224, 227, 228, 231
‘s-Hertogenbosch 82, 187n25, 198–99, 210, 239
Saenredam, Pieter 70f2.8, 71
University 63
San Vicente, Gregorio a ix–xii, 205
biography 81–87
in Antwerp 30–33, 82, 87, 94–115, 132
and Aguilon
influence 30, 47, 68, 71, 80, 87, 94
and astronomy
comets 21
transit of Venus 21n54, 203
and Cavalieri
correspondence with San Vicente 85f4.2, 86
possible influence on San Vicente 109, 132, 140, 161
San Vicente’s criticism on Cavalieri’s indivisibles 128–31
and Clavius 20, 21, 81–82
cited by San Vicente 94
and de Gottignies 218
and de Jonghe
application of San Vicente’s methods 159–60
and de Sarasa
defense of San Vicente’s methods 131, 220–21
and Fermat
possible influence on Fermat 158, 161
and Grienberger 83, 161
and Huygens 86
and mechanics 91, 92f4.6, 93f4.7
and sector 39–40
and Tacquet 211
use of San Vicente’s methods 213–16
Antwerp mathematics school 30–34
as an architect 232–34
at the Roman College 18, 20
classic Greek problems
squaring of the circle 47, 82–84
trisection of an angle 94–98, 117–18
conic sections 47
as an aid to construct mean proportionals 102–3, 106–8, 113
construction by transformations 104–5, 108–9, 111–12, 115, 150–51, 156–57, 174
inscribed polygons 115–16
logarithmic properties of a hyperbola 108, 137
properties 103, 146
properties in an ellipse 105, 109–11, 113
properties of a hyperbola 111, 132–40
properties of a parabola 111
construction of mean proportionals 98–103, 106–8, 113, 133–36
existence of the orthocenter in a triangle 90–91
infinitesimal calculus 60–61
analagy between the area of a parabola and a spiral 157
analogy between an ungula and the sphere 147–48
calculation of lateral surface areas 147–49
calculation of volumes using the ductus method 143–46, 151–52
ductus method 82, 140–43, 153–55
exhaustion method 121–24, 145–46, 161
expanding a geometric sequence by insertion 126–28
influence of Stevin 51
use of infinitesimals 124–28
influence of 244–48
law of cosines 90
manuscripts sent to Rome 153–55
manuscripts written in Rome and Prague 155–57
mathematical manuscripts 87–88
Opus geometricum 86
Problema Austriacum 57, 87–89, 121
Pythagoras’s theorem 89–90
quadrature of the circle 82–86, 88, 89, 124, 146, 152, 154, 156, 161–64, 245
sequences and series 117
Achilles and the tortoise 121
convergence of 117–21
sojourn in Prague 84
sojourn in Rome 84, 245
students of San Vicente
Boelmans 206
Ciermans 199
della Faille x, 31, 33, 84, 165–66, 168–69, 172, 174, 181–82, 193, 246
Derkennis 189
Moretus 192–93, 196
other students of San Vicente 209–10
youth of San Vicente in Bruges 81
Sapieha, Leo Carolus 203
Sarasa, Alphonsus Antonius de 131, 140
biography 220
and logarithms 220
defense of San Vicente’s methods 131, 220–21
Schall von Bell, Adam 18
Schott, Kaspar 213
Scribani, Carlo 11, 26–29, 83, 224
Seventeen Provinces xi, 1, 17
Sicily 5, 81, 171
Snel van Royen, Willebrord 207
Spain ix, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 35, 40, 41, 63, 168–71, 236, 240, 249
Spinola, Ambrogio 5, 239
Stade 2n3
Stafford, Ignace 35, 205
Stansel, Valentin 195
Steenvoorde 1
Stevin, Simon 2n3, 15n24, 50, 51, 53, 93f4.7, 201
infinitesimal calculus 51, 122
Stockholm xi, 186–88
Stöffler, Johannes 14
Succa, Jacob de 31n116
Tacquet, Andreas 32n121, 34, 61, 89, 160, 190, 206, 217–19, 238, 242f14.11
biography 211
criticism on indivisibles 128n22, 214
infinitesimal calculus 213–16
Tartaglia, Nicolo 45
Teodósio, Prince of Portugal 205
Teplá 196
Thirty Years’ War 4, 5
Torrentius, Laevinus 11, 23
Torres, Baltasar de 16, 20
Torricelli, Evangelista 128–30, 158n10
Tournai 6, 11n2, 62, 225
Tristano, Giovanni 222
Tucher, Jan Antoon 203–4
Turin 186
Twelve Years’ Truce 2, 4, 21n53
University of Douai
Collège d’Anchin 22
Uppsala 193
Uwens, Hendrik 205
Valerio, Luca 52–53
van Aelst, Walter 33, 91, 199, 246
biography 210
van Ceulen, Ludolff
squaring of the circle 48–49
van de Vyver S.J, Omer xii, 249
van Etten, Hendrik, mayor of Antwerp 29
van Langren, Arnold-Florent 166, 169n32, 241
van Maelcote, Odo 20–22
van Moerbeke, Willem
Archimedes translation 45
van Raphelingen, François
printer 192
van Rasseghem, Jacob 10n37, 33
biography 209
van Roomen, Adriaan 36, 37
solution of Apollonius’s problem 46 f2.3
squaring of the circle 48–49
van Schoonhoven, Jan 24
van Schooten, Frans 47
Venice 2n2
Verbiest, Ferdinand 18, 34, 218
Vienna 85, 195n22, 198
Viète, Francois 36, 46, 94, 100
Ville, Antoine de 205
Vitelleschi, Muzio 82, 84, 85, 169n24, 193, 205, 225n26, 232, 245
von Bukau, Ferdinand 197
Vredeman de Vries, Hans 70, 226
Wales 9
Wallis, John 47
Westphalia, Peace of 5, 231
Whiston, William 213
Wroclaw see Breslau
Zucchi, Nicolo 193
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