Index of Places, Persons, Companies and Institutions

In: Global Commodity Chains and Labor Relations
Andrea Komlosy
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Goran Musić
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Index of Places, Persons, Companies and Institutions

Tables, figures, and boxes are indicated by an italic t, f, and b following the page numbers.

Achenrain 160
acp (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) states 4243
Addis Ababa 231, 238, 241
Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos 345
Adriatic Littoral 120t, 120
Africa 20, 2122, 44, 46150, 166169, 171, 202203, 230, 257, 310, 311312, 321, 339340
African Growth and Opportunity Act 44
Agreement on Textile and Clothing 4344
Agribusiness Strategic Plan 81
Akuafo Adamfo 327
Alexander & Baldwin 177178, 197198
Algeria 256
All-Ethiopia Trade Union 239
Alvarado Sugar Factory 189, 195
Alvarado Beet Sugar Company 190
Amajaro Ghana Limited 327
Amazon 4647, 48
Amazonian lands 321
America 219
American Exchange National Bank, New York 183
American Frontier 63
American Sugar Refining Company 183184, 187188
American West 178179, 183184
Amsterdam 122123, 153
Anbessa shoe 237
Ancona 166, 167t
Anderson, Joseph Leslie 6566
Andrychów 116117
Anglo-Burmese War (1824-26) 214215n43
Annaberg 160
Aptos, CA 190, 192193
Archer Daniels Midland 69
Archer, Rory 252253
Argentina 1921, 23, 5657, 71, 76, 8184, 8788, 8990, 91, 9596, 98, 100101, 338, 339, 342344, 345347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354355, 363, 367368
Argentine National Statistics Institute 83
Argentinian Ministry of Economy 9697
Argentinian Ministry of Labor 83, 98, 99
Argentinian Soy Chain Association 8283
ArgenTrigo 8283
Armenia 231
Art Museum of the Legion of Honor 188189
Ashanti Kingdom 325
Asia 20, 2122, 33, 36, 3940, 51, 6364, 150, 166169, 171, 198199, 304, 322, 323
Assam 1920, 22, 202207, 208211, 212219, 220221
Assam-Bengal Railway 203204, 210211, 213219, 220
Assam-Bengal Railway Company 203204, 213214, 215218, 219220
Assam Labor Enquiry Committee 216218
Assam Tea Company 205206
Attac Morocco 310
Australia 51, 182183
Austria 1920, 3334, 111113, 121122, 124, 126127, 150, 160161, 309
Austria-Hungary 111, 113, 134136, 138140, 258259
Austrian Empire 111113, 112f
Austrian mining districts 1920
Auschwitz (Oświęcim) 123124
Azores 185
Aztecs 320
Badarpur 213, 215216
Bair, Jeniffer 320
Baltic Sea 122125
Bance, John 166169
Banat 150, 151152, 152f, 157, 161, 164, 166169, 171, 259260
Bangalore 306307, 313
Bangladesh 8, 220, 300, 303, 304305, 306307, 312
Bank of British North America 183
Bank of New Zealand 183
Banská Bystrica 150, 151, 152f, 156157, 158, 159160, 162165, 167t, 171
Banská Štiavnica 163t
Barak River 203205, 206
Barry Callebaut 323, 324
Basque Country 309
Bay of Bengal 210
Bay Sugar Refining Company 178179
Begej 263
Behal, Rana P. 208210
Beijing 58
Belgium 131132, 191, 308309
Belgrade 161, 167t, 252253
Belvedere, Carlos 340341
Bengal 204205, 206207, 210t, 211, 212
Bengal-Nagpur Railway 216218
Benin 310
Bernstein, Henry 86
Bhagwati, Jagdish 1
Bielefeld School 340341
Bieler, Andreas 299300
Big Island 179, 184, 197198
Bihar 203204, 219220
Black Sea 126127, 129130
Blagojević, Milica 269
Blair, Jennifer 320
Bochnia 115
Bohemia 33, 111113, 120t, 121122, 124, 126127, 154155, 161162, 191
Brahmaputra River 203206, 208210, 213
Brahmaputra valley 211, 212, 214215, 220
Bratislava 164165, 166, 167t
Brazil 7, 1921, 55, 5657, 6870, 71, 7276, 321, 345346, 367
Brennan, Lance 208210
Brody 121122
Broz, Josip Tito 265266
Buenos Aires 339, 355
Bug 117118
Bukovina 113, 120t
Bunge 69
Burkina Faso 310
Burma 220
Burnell, A. C. 202203
Buyers, J. W. 211, 212, 213214
Cachar 202205, 206207, 208210, 211, 212213, 214215, 220221
Cachar-Surma valley 211
Cádiz 167t
Cagli, Samuel 166
Calcutta 203207, 210, 212213, 214215, 218220
California 22, 177179, 186, 188189, 190195, 198199
California Beet Sugar Company 190
California Sugar Refinery Company 178179
Cambodia 312
Campling, Liam 84
Canada 134136, 138139, 185
Capitola, CA 190
Cargill 323, 324
Caribbean 180181, 186187, 203
Carinthia 120t
Carnegie, John 208210
Carniola 120t, 120
Carpathian Mountains 116117
Catalonia 308
Center for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (cawee) 237238
Center for Workers Management 304305
Central America 301302
Central Europe 20, 2223, 3738, 117, 150, 154, 171172, 251, 253, 292
Central India 206207, 221
Central Transdanubian region 275, 278, 286
Charleston 178179
Chandpur 215216, 218219
Changchun 5859
Cheminot retraités 310
Chen, Yi Erh 9697
China 23, 1718, 2021, 33, 36, 3940, 4344, 55, 5657, 58, 5960, 6263, 6970, 177, 229, 234237, 241242, 244, 305, 312, 321, 367
Chinese Eastern Railway 5859
Chinese Exclusion Act 197
Chittagong 203204, 212, 213, 220
Chittagong port 203204, 210211, 212, 214216, 218219, 221
Chittagong railway 211
Chota Nagpur Region 203, 208210
Christian-Orthodox Church 114
Chrysler 301
Cisleithania 111113, 138139
Civitavecchia 167t
Coca-Cola 300
Cocoa Health and Extension Division 326, 327
Cocoa Marketing Board 325, 330, 331
Cocoa Marketing Company 326, 327
Cocoa Research Institute Ghana 326
Cold War 252
Collectif Citoyen pour la Restitution et le Développement Intégré du Rail Malien 310
Cologne 191
Columbia 320
comecon 16, 41, 42, 43, 256, 257, 263
Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris 183
Confederación General del Trabajo 308309
Confederazione Unitaria di Base 308309
Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions 239
Cook, James 180
Córdoba 339, 343, 345346, 347348, 349
Corn Belt 6368, 75
Corn-Soy Belt 6465
Côte d’Ivoire 321, 324
Cotonou Agreement 4243
Council of European Communities 308
Pergen, Johann Anton von 121
covid-19 23, 41, 377378
Cracow 116117, 123124
Croatia 113
Cumbers, Andrew 300
Cyprus 309
Dacca 205206
Dairen 5859, 60
Dakar 310
Dalmatia 111113, 120t
Danilov, Vojica 266267
Danube River 166
Davies & Co. 197
Dehing River 205206
Denmark 60
derg 231233, 239
Dhubri 206207, 208210, 215216
Dhunseri River 205206
Dibroo River 205206
Dibrugarh 206
Dibru-Sadiya Railway 210
Dikhow River 205206
Dongbei 58
Dorsett-Morse Expedition 6364
Drahokoupil, Jan 281282
Dresdner Bank, Berlin 183
Dutch East Indies 180
Dunajec 117118, 123124
Dunaway, Wilma 366, 367368
East Asia 36, 42, 5658, 60, 6364, 255
East Asian Tigers 7
Eastern Bengal State Railway 215218, 219220
Eastern Europe 2, 16, 20, 2223, 4041, 42, 4344, 108109, 117, 251253, 254255, 270, 274, 275, 276, 278279, 280282, 292
Eastern India 206207, 221
Eastern Sugar Trust 190191
East Germany 138139, 261, 263
East India Company (eic) 33, 35, 36, 166169, 205206
East Pakistan 220
Ecuador 321
Egypt 51, 256
Elers, Philipp Peter 166
Engels, Friedrich 8586
England 35, 166169
Erie Canal 219
Erne, Lazar 266
Esda 261, 263
Esprit 303, 304306, 307
Ethio-International Footwear Cluster Cooperative Society 243
Ethiopia 22, 225, 227228, 230, 231232, 233235, 236237, 238, 239240, 241242, 243244, 312, 374375
Ethiopian Employer’s Federation 239
Ethiopian Leather Industry Development Institute 225, 234235n62
Ethiopian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 239
Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front 232, 233, 238
EU Commission 309
Europe 2022, 36, 3940, 60, 6364, 6970, 7273, 116117, 126127, 150, 166169, 171, 191, 198199, 203204, 219, 221, 251252, 255, 274, 308, 310312, 321, 338, 372373
European Communities 4243
European Economic Community 254255, 258259, 260261, 270271
European Metalworkers Federation 301
European Railway Agency 309
European Trade Union Council 308
European Union 233234, 235236, 253, 274, 286, 288289, 291, 309, 311312
ExChains Network 303304, 305, 306307, 372373
Evans, Peter 227
Facebook 48
Fairtrade 324
Fakirganj 212
Fenchugani 206207
Ferdinand ii (King) 150151
Ferdinand iii (King) 151
Fernando Po 321
Ferrero 323
Fiat 338, 345346
First World War 41, 108109, 111, 113, 136, 138140
Fold, Niels 319
Ford 301
Ford, Henry 6364
Former Industrial Countries (fic) 2
Fort Romie 194195
France 122123, 131132, 138139, 191, 258259, 308, 309
Frank, Andre Gunder 36
Frankfurt am Main 153, 167t
Frauental 160
Fries, Johann von 165166
Fuchs, Doris 320
Galicia 1920, 2122, 107, 108114, 115116, 120t, 121127, 128132, 133, 134142, 364365, 367
Ganges river 219
Gauhati 215216
Gdańsk 121125, 129130, 167t
Gelnica 163t
Gemer 150
General Motors 301, 302
Genoa 167t
Gereffi, Gary 224225, 319
German Confederation (Deutscher Bund) 129130
German Customs Union (Deutscher Zollverein) 129130, 131132
German Empire 16
Germany 16, 60, 129130, 131132, 178179, 185, 191192, 198199, 258259, 260, 267, 268, 274, 276, 280282, 286, 292, 300301, 304307, 309, 375
Ghana 23, 316, 317–318, 320–322, 324, 326, 328-329, 331, 333, 334–335, 373374
Gibson, Walter M. 196
Goalundo 206207, 210t, 212
Gold Coast 321, 325
Golden Gate Park 188189
Google 48
Gore, John 166169
Gothaer Tageblatt 185
Grama, Adrian 252
Gramsci, Antonio 8687, 320
Great Britain 36, 202203, 211, 288289
Great Lakes 219
Greece 256, 309
Greek-Catholic Church 114
Grossmayer, Nicolaus Anton 166
Guatemala 301302
Gulf of Guinea 321
Guwahati 206, 211, 212, 214215
Habsburg Empire 16, 108, 126127, 129131, 153, 154, 159160, 161
Habsburg Monarchy 16, 2122, 107, 108, 110113, 112f, 114, 116, 120, 121122, 124, 126127, 129131, 134136, 137140, 150152, 153, 154155, 158, 161162, 164, 165169, 364365, 367
Habsburg-Polish Treaty 110111
Hackfield & Co. 179180, 183184, 185, 197
Hamburg 153, 166, 167t
Hanover 179
Harbin 5859
Hawaii 22, 177178, 179186, 187189, 190191, 194195, 196199, 367
Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company 181, 182, 184, 185186, 196, 197198
Hawaiian Commercial Company 181
Hawiian Sugar Company 177178
H&M 300, 303307, 312
Hechengartner, Bartholomäus Ludwig 155156
Heilongjiang Province 58
Hermann, Benedict 166
Herod, Andrew 302
Hershey 323
Hildebrandt, Eckart 301302
Hirlscher, Samuel 166
Hodson, C. W. 219
Hoffnung, Abraham 185
Hong Kong 307
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 183
Honolulu 181183, 185, 186
Hopkins, Terence K. 55
Hoym, Counts von 160
Huajin Group 236237n66
Hungary 2243, 111, 113, 121122, 131, 134, 139140, 150152, 152f, 153, 156157, 158160, 161165, 163t, 166169, 167t, 171, 252, 270, 274, 275, 276, 278, 280282, 283285, 286, 291, 292, 374375
ig Metall 301, 306
ikea 303
Illich, Ivan 4748
Illinois 63
India 2, 33, 35, 36, 202203, 211, 213216, 218219, 220, 300, 303, 304305, 312313, 367
India General Steam Navigation Company 206, 212, 220
Indiana 63
Indian Central Provinces 203
Indian North-Western Provinces 203, 208210, 213214, 216218
Indian Tea Association 212
Inditex 304, 306
Indonesia 44
Industrial Federation of Textile, Leather and Garment Trade Unions 239
Industrial Revolution 2930
International Chemical, Energy, Mining and General Workers Federation 300
International Conference on Labor and Social History (ith) 3
International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam 89
International Labour Office for Ethiopia and Somalia 240
International Labor Organisation (ilo) 8
International Monetary Fund 326
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations 300
Iowa 63, 6566, 67
Iraq 256
Ireland 51, 309
Irwin, William G. 183, 185
Italy 233234, 258259, 309
iveco 345346
Jakobswalde (Kotlarnia) 160
Japan 5859, 60, 64, 6869, 177, 185186
Java 182183
J. D. Spreckels & Bros. 182183
Jiale Company, Shanghai 44
Jilin Province 58
Johns, Rebecca 301302
Jorhat Provincial State Railway 210
Jorhat Tea Company 206
Joseph ii (Emperor) 113114, 116, 117, 118
Jürgens, Ulrich 276, 291
Kagame, Paul 46
Kalakaua (King) 181, 183, 190191, 196
Kappus, Franz Sigmund 166
Karnataka 304305
Karstadt 303, 304, 312
Kaufhof 303, 304
Kecskemét 284285
Kerr, Ian J. 202203, 213214, 215216
Kilauea Plantation Company 185186
Kilburn & Company 218220
Kirchner Fernandes, Cristina 343
Kirchner Government 343, 344345, 346348
Kirchner, Nestor 343, 353
Korea 58
Krzywdzinski, Martin 276, 291
Kuapa Kokoo 327
Labour Immigration Districts Emigration Act i 207208
Lake Constance 33
Lake Zurich 33
Lampland, Martha 252
Lamstedt 178179
Łańcut 116117
Landless Rural Workers Movement 73
Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak 308309
La Rochelle 167t
Latin America 303304, 321
Leather and Leather Products Technology Institute (llpti) 234
Lesotho 44
Levy, David 320
Liaoning Province 58
Libya 256
Lienz 160
Lilienfeld 160
Linden, Marcel van der 89, 369
Linke, die 304305
Lipietz, Alain 282283
Little Poland 122124
Littoral 120t, 120
Livestock and Meat Board (lmb) 231232
Livorno 167t
Ljubljana 166, 167t
Lohit River 205206
Lomé Agreement 4243
London 153, 166169, 185, 205206, 211, 212, 213, 215216
London Underground 308309
Lower Austria 120t
Low, Frederick
Lucassen, Jan 89
Lumding 211, 214216
L’upča 162164
Luxemburg 309
L’viv 123124
Macri Government 345, 346347, 355
Macri, Mauricio 345
Madeira 185
Madras 203
Mali 310
Manchuria 56, 5861, 6263, 75
Manchurian Incident 5859
Manipur 214215
Mannsberg, Franz Anton Schröfl von 166
Marseille 167t
Mars Incorporated 323, 324
Marx, Karl 85, 88
Mato Grosso do Sul 7273, 74
Matson Line 182183
Mattila, Heikki 229
Maui 177178, 181182, 184
Mauritania 310
Mauritius 208210
Mayans 320
Memedovic, Olga 229
Menem, Carlos 343345
Mercato Footwear 231, 238
Mercedes-Benz 284285, 301
Merchants National Bank, Chicago 183
Mercosur 345346
Mesoamerica 321
Messina 167t
Metro 303
Mexico 343
Middle East 241, 256257, 261
Mies, Maria 340341
Milberg, William 277
Mississippi 6364
Missouri 63
Möllbrücke 160
Mondelez International 323, 324
Monsanto 71
Monterey County 194195
Moore, Jason W. 5556
Moravia 120t, 132133
Morocco 255, 256, 310
Moscow 257
Moštenica 159160
Multifibre Agreement 4344
Mercosur Agreement 69
Mymensingh-Jaggarnathgunge Railway 219220
Myška, Milan 154155, 161, 171
Nadelburg 160
Nagpur 203
Napoleon 113
Naraingunge 218219
National Garment Workers Federation 304305
National Leather and Shoe Corporation 232
National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers 308309
Nazira 205206
Nestlé 323, 324
Netherlands 309, 322
Network Rail Without Boarders 308
Netzwerk Bahn von unten 308309
Nevada Bank, San Francisco 183
Newchang, port of 60
Newly Industrializing Countries (nic) 2, 41
New Trade Union Initiative 304305, 307
New York Central Railway 219
New York City 178179
New Zealand 182183
Nkrumah, Kwame 325
Non-Aligned Movement 256
North Africa 42, 254255, 256, 300
North America 2021, 36, 3738, 5556, 6364, 6869, 7071, 177
North-east India 202203
North Europe 3738
North India 202203
Nowy Sącz 123124
ns Germany 16
Oahu 179, 184, 197198
Oceanic Steamship Company 182183
Oder river 166
Office for Copper and Quicksilver 165166
Ohio 63
Olmecs 320
Opátka 163t
Oraviţa 150, 152f, 158, 171
Organic 324
Organisation Démocratique du Rail 310
Organizzazione Sindacati Autonomi 308309
Ostende 167t
Ottoman Empire 121122, 151152
Oudh 216218
Pacific Ocean 180, 181, 182183
Pajaro Valley, CA 192193
Palm, Franz Gottlieb von 166169
Palm, Leopald Karl von 166169
Palpacuer, Florence 320
Pampa 8182, 8789, 9697, 99101
Paraguay 5657, 345346
Paris 308309
Perry, Guillermo E. 340341
Philadelphia 190191
Philippines 182183, 305
Piasna 281282
Pickles, John 251252
Pittsburgh, PA 181182
Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der 75
Podolia 123124
Poland 43, 112f, 112, 121122, 125, 126127, 132133, 160, 161162, 164165
Poland-Lithuania 110111, 116, 121124, 125128
Poprad 117118, 123124
Portugal 177, 202203, 255, 309
Prague 131132, 191
Principe 321
Produce Buying Company 327
Proleter 260, 261, 263
Prussia 110111, 121122, 124125, 129130, 139140
Przemyśl 123124
Przeworsk 116117
Pula, Besnik 252
Qing Dynasty 5859
Quality Control Company 326
Quarshie, Tetteh 321, 325
Queen Liliuokalani 196, 197
Racibórz 164165, 167t
Rails Without Borders 300, 310311
Rail Union of ugtt 310
Rainforest Alliance 324
Rana Plaza (Bangladesh) 8
Rawlings, Jerry John 326
Reardon-Anderson, James 58
Reciprocity Treaty 179180, 187
Regensburg 166, 167t
Regroupement des Cheminots Déflatés 310
Renault 338, 345346
Republican Party 190191
Réseau Rail sans Frontiere 308
Rio Grande do Sul 6869
Ritter, Elias 166
River Steam Navigation Company 206, 219220
Roman-Catholic Church 114
Romania 43, 150, 252, 254, 270
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation 300, 304305
Rosario 349350
Routledge, Paul 300
Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society 180
Russia 5859, 110111, 112f, 125126, 132133
Ruthenia 122123
Ružomberok 166
Rwanda 46
Rzeszów 113114, 115
Sacramento 186, 193194
Sacramento Beet Sugar Company 189
Saikia, Arupjyoti 208210
Saint Michael 185
Sales Directorate for Mining Products 165166
Salinas Valley 194
Salvation Army 194195
Salzburg 111113, 120t
Sandra-Cucu, Alina 252
Sandwich Islands 177178, 179, 190191
San Francisco 178179, 181183, 186187, 188189, 190191, 192193, 195, 196
San Francisco Chronicle 186189
Sanok 113114, 130131
San 117118, 123124, 125
São Tomé 321
Santa Cruz county 192193
Schreyvogel, Christian Gottfried von 165166
Schüssler, Hermann 181182
Schwaz 150, 151152, 152f, 158, 166, 171
Second World War 4, 41, 42, 5152, 177178, 220, 254
Seed Production Unit 326
Selwyn, Ben 84, 224225, 227228
Senegal 310
Sephardic de Young, Family 186187
Serbia 252253, 259260
Sharma, Jayeeta 208210
Sheppard Pellys, Scott & Co. 213
Shlomowitz, Ralph 208210
Siberia 5859
Silchar 206207, 211, 212
Silesia 120t, 160
Silver, Beverly 371, 375
sinaltrainal 300
Sindicato de Mecánicos y Afines del Transporte Automotor 346347
Sindacato Unitario Lavoratori Trasporti 308309
Sinha, Nina 203204
Sloga 260262, 263, 266, 270271
Slovakia 19, , 20, 150, 151, 156157, 159160
Slovakian mining districts 1920
Smith, Adrian 251252
Smolník 150, 152f, 156, 158159, 161162, 163t, 164165, 171
Soledad, CA 194195
Solidaridad 329, 334
Soquel 192193
South America 20, 42, 5657, 68, 81, 345346
South Asia 36, 42, 5657, 305306, 307, 372373
South East Asia 44, 5657, 312, 372373
South East Europe 20, 2223, 251, 253
South East India 304305
Soviet Union 232, 256257, 260261, 270271
Spain 255, 307, 308, 309
Špania Dolina 156157, 158159
Spanish Philippines 180
Spiš 150
Spišská Nová Ves 166, 167t
Spreckels, Adolf B. 182183, 185186, 187189, 197198
Spreckels, Anna 187188
Spreckels, Claus 177184, 185189, 190191, 192194, 195, 196199
Spreckels, Claus Augustus 182183, 197198
Spreckels & Co. 183
Spreckels, John D. 179, 182183, 185186, 197198
Spreckels, Peter 190
Spreckels, Rudolph 197198
Spreckelsville 182, 184
Sri Lanka 300, 303, 304305
Srnicek, Nick 49
Stanisław ii Poniatowski (King) 126127
Stará Ľubovňa 166, 167t
Stará Voda 163t
State Commercial Office 166
Stenglin, Philipp Heinrich 166
Steyr 3
Štós 163t
Stratená 163t
Stryj 119
Styria 120t, 160
Sudan 256
Sud Rail 308309
Subsaharan Africa 42, 44, 224225, 230
Surma River 203205, 206
Surma Valley 215216
Švedlár 163t
Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation 308309
Switzerland 308309
Sweden 306, 307
Sylhet 206207, 213214, 215216
Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs du Rail 310
Syndicat des Travailleurs du Bénin et du Niger 310
Syndicat de Travailleurs du Rail 310
Syndicat du Petit Train de Banlieue 310
Syndicat Libre de Cheminots du Burkina 310
Syndicat Unique des Travailleurs du Rail 310
Tajov 159160
Tamil Nadu 304305
Tarnów 113114, 115
Těšín 166
Textind 253, 254, 260, 263
Textind management 262, 266
Textind paper 263, 264265
Textind’s journalists 264
Textind workshops 262
Thompson, Rivers 211
Thuringia 185
Tigray People’s Liberation Front 232, 233
Tingri River 205206
Tinsukia 215216
Tisa river 166
Taiwan 236237, 241242
Transnationals Information Exchange 303, 307
Transport of Native Labourers Act 207208
Transrail S.A. 310
Transylvania 121122
Treaty of Belgrade 161
Tribitsch, Paul 166
Triebenpath, Johann Pupfhueber von 164165
Trieste 166169, 167t
Triumph 260262
Tunisia 255, 310
Turkey 42, 300, 312
Turner, Frederick Jackson 5556, 58, 63
Tyrol 120t, 150, 151152, 152f, 157, 160, 161, 171
Udarnik 260, 261263, 264, 265266, 268269
Ukraine 112
Ulm 167t
UN Comtrade 225, 240
Union Bank, London 183
United Autoworkers trade union 301302
United Kingdom 60, 69, 236237, 309
United States (US, U.S.A.) 44, 51, 55, 5657, 63, 64, 65, 66, 6769, 71, 7273, 74, 134136, 138139, 177, 178180, 182183, 187188, 189, 190192, 195197, 198199, 219236, 255, 256, 301302, 338, 372373
University of Chicago 6768
Upper Austria 120t
Upper India 211
Uruguay 345346
US Department of Agriculture 6364
US Midwest 56, 6465
US North 36
US South
ussr 69
utz Certified 317, 324
Venezia 166
Venezuela 321
Verdi Trade Union 47, 303304, 306, 307
Vienna 128, 131132, 152f, 155156, 161162, 164166, 167t
Vietnam 312
Villulla, Juan Manuel 9598, 99
Vistula 117118, 122125
Vojvodicna 259260, 262
Volkswagen 301, 338, 345346, 347348
Vries, Jan de 36
Waffenberg, Matthias Mittermayer von 164165
Wallerstein, Immanuel 46, 55, 363
Ward, William Erskine 212
War of the Austrian Succession 153154, 160, 166169
Warsaw 167t
Washington DC 186, 193194, 197
Watsonville 192193, 194
Werlhof, Claudia von 340341
West Africa 69, 321, 325
West African Produce Control Board 325
West Asia 36
Western Beet Sugar Corporation 191
Western Europe 20, 2930, 36, 3738, 51, 60, 6364, 122123, 125126, 151152, 251, 254, 256257, 258, 260262, 270271, 274, 300
West Germany 255, 261
White, R. 211
Wiener Neustadt 160
Włocławek 122123
World Bank 326
World Textile Agreement 4344
World Trade Organization 69
Wrocław 164165, 166, 167t
Yang, Anand A. 219220
Young, Charles de 187188
Young, Michael de 187189
Yugoslavia 2243, 251, 252254, 255257, 258260, 261, 264, 266, 267, 268271, 367, 375376
Yugoslav socialism 252253, 256, 264, 269
Yule, Henry 202203
Zalando 4647
Zamość 125126
Zamoyski Family 125126
Zara 300, 303, 304305, 306307
Žilina 167t
Zimmerman, Susan 252
Zlatá Idka 163
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