
In: Beyond Consent
Relja Radović
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Abuse of process 155, 167
Admissibility of claims 81, 173, 183184
and denial of benefits 111
and most-favoured nation clause 102, 104105, 108
Adventurism 168, 209210
special 5758
to arbitrate 52, 5455, 5557, 57, 63, 127, 176, 181, 203204
Annulment 47, 73, 205207 , see also Control mechanism, see also Review
duty to state the reasons 75, 206207
excess of powers 47, 7374, 206207
Arbitration without privity 48, 167168
Authority to adjudicate 1920, 52, 5657, 165, 177, 178, 214215
and secondary rules 184, 196197
Basic norm of international adjudication 3637
Bias 168
Bilateral investment treaties 3940, 4849, 5960, 176, 177
of argumentation 105107, 182, 184, 195196
of proof 3435, 72
Commercial law
and arbitration 5152, 162, 208
approaches 4344, 162
dispute settlement mechanisms 42
Commercial transaction 134135, 140141
Communicative process 194195, 199200, 219220
Compétence de la compétence 2728, 3435, 7577
Compulsory jurisdiction 1718, 3334
Conditions of access 62, 80
Conditions precedent 183184
and admissibility 84
and most-favoured nation clause 100, 104105, 108
bypassing 89
Confidentiality 164165, 208209
and a hybrid regime 44
and global public goods 38
and protective regimes 4142
and sovereignty 1617, 171172
and the power of arbitral tribunals to raise jurisdictional issues on their own initiative 7172
of international adjudication 14, 171172
principle of 1, 6162, 7576, 173, 174175, 208209, 213
Consent 5, 46, 170171, 181, 184, 214215
and global public goods 37
scope of 129130, 181
Consistency 1011, 209210, 211, 215216
Contemporaneity, principle of 203204
Continued act doctrine 115
adhesion 33, 4950, 181
claims 127, 163164
regulating jurisdiction 6465
Contractual arbitration 143144
Contractual nature of international adjudication 30
Contractual relationship 162163
Contribution to the development of the host state 136138
Control mechanism 7375, 205 , see also Annulment, see also Review
Cooling-off/waiting periods 8486
Counterclaims 129130, 181
Counteroffer 5455, 176, 181
Court of Appeal of England and Wales 5556, 57, 6365
Customary international law
and arbitral practice 187188
and rules of interpretation 67
violations of 129130
Default rule 182183, 200201
Denial of benefits 61, 110
Depoliticization 3940, 45, 175176
Diplomatic protection 9091, 162163, 172
Dispute 22
and conditions of access 97
arbitrable 5455, 59, 127, 151
non-justiciable 2324
Domestic courts 6566, 73, 205206, 207
Domestic law 48, 6465, 6768, 129130, 143, 146147
Energy Charter Treaty 111, 113114, 143144
European Convention on Human Rights 2728, 41
European Court of Human Rights 2728, 29, 41, 218
and Loizidou case 2729
Evolutive interpretation, doctrine of 204205
Ex officio 3435, 70 , see also Proprio motu
Excess of powers 3435 , see also Annulment, excess of powers
and domestic courts 207
amount of compensation for 5960, 130
occurrence of 102103, 130
Foreign element 148151 , see also Investor, objective definition of
Fork-in-the-road clause 62, 183184
bypassing 94
Forum prorogatum 18, 2627, 4647, 58
Foundational basis of a claim 9697
Futility 90, 183184, 202203
General international law 3637
General principle of international law 35
Global governance 212
Global public goods 37, 216217
High Court of Singapore 149150
Human rights 37, 3941
bodies 32
courts 122123, 150
icsid Convention 56, 2627, 45, 50, 5758, 112113, 120, 148, 176, 181
and admissibility 81, 8283
and excess of powers 7374 , see also Annulment, excess of powers
and mass claims 8889
and objective definition of ‘investment’ 133
and personal jurisdiction 2930, 60
and substantive jurisdiction 5960
icsid 56, 2930, 45, 58, 69, 73, 7778, 154155, 168169, 205207
Identity of claims/disputes 62, 92, 183184, 202203
Indirect investments 123 , see also Presumption, and indirect investments
International adjudication 12
and global public goods 38
International Chamber of Commerce 42, 69
International Court of Justice 56, 1516, 29, 31, 50, 8182, 8384, 92, 9394, 112113, 173, 175, 179180, 195196, 198, 218
and Certain Norwegian Loans case 32
and dispute 22
and genocide disputes 21
and Nicaragua case 2324
International Criminal Court 219
International investment law
and global administrative law 4243
and global public goods 38
as a hybrid regime 42
as a protective regime 39
International Law Commission 9192
International public policy 143144
Inter-state adjudication 173174, 175176, 177178
Inter-state arbitration 4849, 120
Inter-state law 173174, 175
Inter-state relations 6364, 173174, 177178
Investment court 1011, 207208
Investment laws see Domestic law
Investment restructuring 155156
definition of 60, 119120, 132, 156
inherent meaning of 140141
objective definition of 133, 144145, 147, 167, 183184, 202203
definition of 60, 119120, 132, 148149
objective definition of 148 , see also Foreign element
Jura novit curia, principle of 72, 184
Jurisdiction 6, 1920
in abstracto and in concreto 2526
personal 2930, 60, 110111
substantive 5960
substantive, and indirect investments 123124
substantive, and most-favoured nation clause 102
temporal 61
Jurisdictional bridging 127, 181 , see also Presumption, jurisdictional bridging
Jurisdictional regulation
arbitral 34, 161, 170171, 174, 179180
consensual 34, 55
evolutive 192, 196197
process of 12, 4445, 160
two-layered model of 160161, 180, 198, 212
Jurisprudence constante 187188, 195196
Justiciability 22 , see also Dispute, arbitrable, non-justiciable
Legal certainty 202, 224225
Legal change 198202, 205206
Legality requirement 143
independent 143, 167, 182183
Legitimacy 214
normative 214215
sociological 215216
Living instrument doctrine 41
Local litigation, requirement of 62, 8687, 9192, 9294, 100101, 183184
Local remedies, exhaustion of 62, 9091, 9394, 172
Mass claims 8889
Mavrommatis principle 92
Most-favoured nation clause 60, 62, 6970, 98 , see also Presumption, and mfn-dispute resolution
Negotiation, requirement of 62, 8486
New York Convention 6566
North American Free Trade Agreement 115116, 148149
Notification, requirement of 8486
Offer/acceptance 31, 4849, 50, 52, 5758, 181, 204205
Pacta sunt servanda 3334
Permanent Court of Arbitration 46, 69
Permanent Court of International Justice
and Lotus case 15
and Mavrommatis case 22, 92
Power to adjudicate see Authority to adjudicate
Precedent, doctrine of 179, 187189, 194195, 196197, 208
Presumption 182, 200201
and indirect investments 123, 167, 182, 189190
and jurisdictional bridging 127, 189190 , see also Jurisdictional bridging
and mfn-dispute resolution 100, 105, 167, 182, 189191, 202
Primary rules 181
Private-public adjudication 175176, 177178
Privity 4950, 51
condition of 151152, 182183
Procedural economy 8486
Proprio motu 3435, 70 , see also Ex officio
Protective regime 39, 165166, 204205
Reasoning, arbitral 199200
Reciprocity 51, 5657
Regulatory deficiency 162163, 178, 178179, 214215
and contract claims 163164
and denial of benefits 114
and objective definition of ‘investor’ 148
and regulatory space 160161
and umbrella clauses 151152
of party-provided jurisdictional rules 78, 6869
Regulatory space 200202, 205206
and conditions precedent 84
and denial of benefits 114
and futility 9091
and legality requirement 143144
and scope of consent 130
Review 47, 6566, 7375, 205208 , see also Annulment, see also Control mechanism
Right to arbitrate 8384, 102
Rules of procedure 7778
and admissibility 88
Scope of protection 119, 132
Screening process 4647, 58, 69
Secondary rules 182
Self-judging clause 2729, 32
Shareholder claims 125126
Southern African Development Community 149151
Sovereignty 1417, 171174, 174175 , see also Consensualism, and sovereignty
of arbitral tribunals 194195
Standard 183184, 200201, 202203
State responsibility, law of 115, 122123, 153
State-owned companies 120123, 162163
Statutory arbitration 6364
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce 42, 69
Subject matter of dispute 9394
Substantive protections 98, 178, 209210, 213
Supreme Court of the United States 8788
Time of consent 55
Time-bar 115118
Transparency 164165, 208
Triple identity test 9394, 9596
Umbrella clause 60, 151, 182183
uncitral arbitration rules 42
uncitral Working Group iii 1011, 211
Unilateral act/obligation 51, 5657, 6768
US-Iran Claims Tribunal 6364
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 3536, 6768
Withdrawal of an offer 5455, 5657, 112113
World Trade Organization 218219
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