Figures | ||
1.1 | Fundamental and transversal characteristics of good teachers. | 6 |
3.1 | The role and personal characteristics of teachers’ moral authenticity. | 62 |
7.1 | Emerging professionalism through value learning trajectories (Lamminmäki-Vartia et al., 2020, on the basis of Kuusisto & Gearon, 2017a). | 132 |
13.1 | Theoretical competence model for intrapreneurship (cognition). | 264 |
13.2 | Example task from dimension I: Creating a GANTT-Chart (observation). | 266 |
13.3 | Example task from dimension II: Perspective Taking and Reasoning (observation). | 270 |
13.4 | Empirical IP competence model (Wright-map) (interpretation). | 271 |
Tables | ||
1.1 | Characteristics of good teachers and good teaching. | 2 |
6.1 | Total distribution in categories of conceptions of the sacred (adapted from Ranta et al., 2016). | 117 |
7.1 | Selection of empirical studies used in the present examination. | 134 |
10.1 | Educational trends and gifted education in Finland. | 197 |
10.2 | A summary of the critical factors of talent development identified in Finnish empirical studies. | 204 |
11.1 | Gifted kindergarten EL students observed in each class of two schools (N = 8). | 225 |
11.2 | Student motivation levels in regular and after-school Project BRIDGE’s math classes. | 226 |
11.3 | Comparison of motivation levels in students with different levels of English proficiency and math ability, pre- and post-implementation of the BRIDGE math program. | 226 |
11.4 | Observation scale of teachers’ instructional strategies for teaching math. | 229 |
11.5 | Mean and standard deviation of frequency of strategies and math open-response scores. | 231 |
11.6 | Two-level hierarchical linear modeling of Open-response assessment scores with Talk Moves and pre-test scores. | 232 |
11.7 | Effects of teachers’ use of instructional strategies on students’ Open-response assessment scores. | 233 |
12.1 | Goal orientation items. | 246 |
12.2 | Metacognitive and resource management strategy items. | 247 |
12.3 | Bivariate correlations between goal orientations and metacognitive and resource management strategies (N = 137). | 248 |
12.4 | Association of achievement goal orientations with WorldSkills competition success. | 250 |
12.5 | Association of metacognition and self-regulation with WorldSkills competition success. | 250 |
14.1 | Concepts as used in this chapter and their descriptions. | 284 |
16.1 | Key similarities and differences between the acoustic signals and expressive features of speech and music. | 316 |