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In: Good Teachers for Tomorrow's Schools
Elina Kuusisto
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Martin Ubani
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Petri Nokelainen
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Auli Toom
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1.1 Fundamental and transversal characteristics of good teachers. 6
3.1 The role and personal characteristics of teachers’ moral authenticity. 62
7.1 Emerging professionalism through value learning trajectories (Lamminmäki-Vartia et al., 2020, on the basis of Kuusisto & Gearon, 2017a). 132
13.1 Theoretical competence model for intrapreneurship (cognition). 264
13.2 Example task from dimension I: Creating a GANTT-Chart (observation). 266
13.3 Example task from dimension II: Perspective Taking and Reasoning (observation). 270
13.4 Empirical IP competence model (Wright-map) (interpretation). 271
1.1 Characteristics of good teachers and good teaching. 2
6.1 Total distribution in categories of conceptions of the sacred (adapted from Ranta et al., 2016). 117
7.1 Selection of empirical studies used in the present examination. 134
10.1 Educational trends and gifted education in Finland. 197
10.2 A summary of the critical factors of talent development identified in Finnish empirical studies. 204
11.1 Gifted kindergarten EL students observed in each class of two schools (N = 8). 225
11.2 Student motivation levels in regular and after-school Project BRIDGE’s math classes. 226
11.3 Comparison of motivation levels in students with different levels of English proficiency and math ability, pre- and post-implementation of the BRIDGE math program. 226
11.4 Observation scale of teachers’ instructional strategies for teaching math. 229
11.5 Mean and standard deviation of frequency of strategies and math open-response scores. 231
11.6 Two-level hierarchical linear modeling of Open-response assessment scores with Talk Moves and pre-test scores. 232
11.7 Effects of teachers’ use of instructional strategies on students’ Open-response assessment scores. 233
12.1 Goal orientation items. 246
12.2 Metacognitive and resource management strategy items. 247
12.3 Bivariate correlations between goal orientations and metacognitive and resource management strategies (N = 137). 248
12.4 Association of achievement goal orientations with WorldSkills competition success. 250
12.5 Association of metacognition and self-regulation with WorldSkills competition success. 250
14.1 Concepts as used in this chapter and their descriptions. 284
16.1 Key similarities and differences between the acoustic signals and expressive features of speech and music. 316
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