Notes on Contributors
Frank Achtenhagen
(Dr. rer. pol., 1969, Free University Berlin) is Professor Emeritus of Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Chair of Business Education and Human Resource Development. He has published nationally and internationally. He is editor of the Brill Sense series Professional and VET Learning.
Ronald A. Beghetto
(PhD) is the Pinnacle West Presidential Chair & Professor for the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. He is Editor for the Journal of Creative Behavior, Book Series Editor for Creative Theory & Action in Education (Springer), and Creativity Advisor for the LEGO Foundation.
Sandra Bley
(Dr. oec. publ., 2010; Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | LMU, Munich School of Management) is Professor for Vocational Education and Training at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Wood Technology and Construction. She has published nationally and internationally.
James Campbell
(PhD, 1968, New York University) is a professor at St. John’s University. He is the principal investigator of the American Olympiad studies and has published extensively on factors that contribute to the development of exceptional talent.
Seokhee Cho
(PhD, 1986, University of Alberta) is a professor at St. John’s University. She has written and published extensively on gifted and talent development of students in the U.S. and internationally, including mathematical talents of gifted English Language Learners.
Christopher Day
(CertEd; MA; DPhil; PhD; DLitt; LRAM; FRSA, FAcSS) is Professor of Education at School of Education at University of Nottingham, UK.
Clemens Draxler
(PhD, Dr. rer. nat., 2007, University of Kiel; Dr. habil., 2017, University of Bamberg) is Priv.-Doz. at UMIT, The Tyrolean Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Psychology and Medical Sciences. He has published nationally and internationally especially in the fields of statistics.
Henrietta Grönlund
(DTh, 2012, University of Helsinki) is Professor of Urban Theology at that university. She has published on questions of prosocial behaviour and well-being, especially in relation to religion and values (e.g., in the Palgrave Handbook of Global Philanthropy, 2015).
Can Gürer
is Junior Scientist, Univ.-Ass. Dipl.-Psych. at UMIT, The Tyrolean Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Psychology and Medical Sciences. He has published nationally and internationally.
Kai Hakkarainen
is a Professor of Education at the Department of Education, University of Helsinki. He has developed recognized theoretical frameworks technology-mediated collaborative learning and knowledge creation, carried associated design experiments (knowledge building, progressive inquiry, learning by making) at K-12 education.
Minna Huotilainen
(PhD, 1997, Aalto University [previously Helsinki University of Technology]) is a Professor of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki. Her background is in the neuroscience of auditory perception, memory, attention and musical and language functions. Currently, she aims at applying brain research as a research method in the field of education.
Jukka Husu
(PhD) is Full Professor of Teacher Education and Dean at the Faculty of Education at University of Turku, Finland.
Sonmi Jo
(PhD, 2009, University of Arizona) is a research director of Project BRIDGE funded by U.S. Department of Education at St. John’s University. Her expertise is in STEM education for the gifted, non-traditional identification assessments, and creativity education.
Matthew Joseph
(PhD, 2009, Stanford University) is an Associate Professor of Education at Duquesne University. He has published widely on the topic of purpose development across the life span, and is currently writing a book on purpose and complexity.
Arto Kallioniemi
(DTh, 1997, University of Helsinki) is Professor of Religious Education at that university. He also holds UNESCO chair on Values, Dialogue and Human Rights. He works currently as Vice Dean (International Affairs, Societal Interaction and Equality) at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.
Tiina Korhonen
(PhD, 2017, University of Helsinki) is a university lecturer for Learning Innovations in Digital Society at that university. She is the head of the nationwide Innokas Network coordinated by the University of Helsinki, organizing Innovation Education activities in 700 Finnish schools.
Mirka Koro
(PhD, 2001, University of Helsinki) is a Professor of qualitative research and Director of doctoral programs at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, ASU. Her scholarship intersects methodology, philosophy, and socio-cultural critique.
Christine Kreuzer
(Dr. oec. publ., 2018, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | LMU, Munich School of Management) is Product Manager Digital Learning at Airport Munich. She has published nationally and internationally.
Teija Kujala
(PhD, 1997, University of Helsinki) is Professor of Psychology at that university. She has published over 150 peer-reviewed international articles focusing on audition, language and its impairments, learning, and plasticity.
Arniika Kuusisto
(PhD, 2011, University of Helsinki) is Professor in Child and Youth Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden, Research Director and Docent at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK.
Elina Kuusisto
(DTh, 2011, University of Helsinki) works as a University Lecturer (diversity and inclusive education) at the Tampere University, Finland. She has published on teacher ethics, school pedagogy and talent development, particularly on purpose, ethical sensitivity and growth mindset.
Sonja Laine
(PhD, 2016, University of Helsinki) is a Lecturer at the Viikki Teacher Training School and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Education at the University of Helsinki. Her main research interests are gifted education, and teachers’ and students’ mindsets in learning.
Jenni Laurell
(MEd, 2017) works as a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki in the SEDUCE doctoral program. Her doctoral research investigates social aspects of students’ mindset of intelligence and giftedness as well as students’ creative mindset. Kirsi Tirri is her supervisor jointly with Kai Hakkarainen and her research is part of the Growing Mind research project.
Jari Lavonen
(PhD, 1996, University of Helsinki) is a Professor of Science Education. He has been researching both science education for the last 31 years and published 150 refereed scientific papers in journals and books.
Terence Lovat
(University of Newcastle, Australia, Emeritus Professor, Education & Theology) is the author of many research publications, investigator of many research projects. He has honorary appointments at the universities of Oxford, UK, Glasgow UK, and Royal Roads, Canada.
Hannele Niemi
(PhD, 1978) is Professor, Research Director in educational sciences at the University of Helsinki, also nominated as UNESCO Chair in education. She has published many books and articles on education in Finland and globally e.g., Miracle of education: The principles and practices of teaching and learning in Finnish schools (Sense, 2016) and The teacher’s role in the changing globalizing world (Brill, 2018).
Petri Nokelainen
(PhD, 2008, University of Tampere) is a Full Professor of Engineering Pedagogy at the Tampere University, Finland. His research interests cover teaching and learning related to engineering higher education and workplace learning.
Anne Birgitta Pessi
(DTh, 2004, University of Helsinki) is a Professor of Church and Social Studies at that university. Her projects have focused mostly on compassion and altruism, particularly in relation to spirituality and religion.
Mette Ranta
(PhD, 2015, University of Jyväskylä) is Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. She specializes in youth life course development and educational transitions, and has publications on youth well-being, agency, and financial independence.
Heta Rintala
(PhD, 2020, Tampere University) is a post doc researcher in Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Her research interests focus on vocational education and training (VET), particularly VET systems and learning environments.
Inkeri Rissanen
(PhD, 2014, University of Helsinki) is a post-doctoral researcher at Tampere University, Faculty of Education and Culture. Her research in the areas of intercultural education, worldview education and growth mindsets in education has been published in key international journals.
Aino Seitamaa
(MEd, 2021) is a research assistant in the Growing Mind research project. She has studied Finnish students’ mindsets on intelligence, giftedness and creativity and participated in writing research papers on the mindsets, in-service teacher training and learning analytics.
Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen
is a Professor of Craft Science at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Her research interests focus on maker-centered pedagogy as well as the facilitation of collaborative design through technology-enhanced learning.
Kati Sormunen
(PhD, 2020, University of Helsinki) works as a researcher and a teacher educator at that university. She is specialized in the areas of of technology-enhanced inclusive education as well as programming, robotics and other technology education.
Auli Toom
(PhD) is a Full Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for University Teaching and Learning at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Martin Ubani
(PhD, 2007, University of Helsinki) is a Professor of Religious Education at the University of Eastern Finland. Recently he co-edited the volume Contextualising dialogue, secularisation and pluralism. Religion in Finnish public education (Waxmann, 2019).
Ananí M. Vasquez
is a doctoral student at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University. She is section editor for Current Issues in Education, a member of equity and diversity committees for TAG and NAGC and the AERA Autism Spectrum Research committee.
Wiel Veugelers
is Professor of Education (Emeritus) at the University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht. He is editor of the Brill Sense book series Moral Development and Citizenship Education and associate editor of the Journal of Moral Education.
Susanne Weber
(Dr. rer. pol., 1994, Georg-August-University of Göttingen) is Full Professor and Director of the Institute for Human Resource Education and Management at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | LMU, Munich School of Management. She is editor of Brill series Professional and VET Learning.
Michaela Wiethe-Körprich
(Dr. oec. publ., 2017, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | LMU, Munich School of Management) is Manager Health Management at Linde AG. She has published nationally and internationally.
Jenny Yang
(EdD, 2013, St. John’s University) is an adjunct assistant professor at that university. She has published and presented studies on gifted English learners, including Effects of M3 Curriculum on Mathematics and English Proficiency Achievement of Mathematically Promising English Language Learners.