Tahera Aftab
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Honorific titles for women are not transposed: Bībī Rānī is indexed under Bībī.

Honorific titles for men are mostly omitted from the index, but are retained in some case for easier identification or when they are an intrinsic part of the name. In the first case they are transposed: Shaikh Allāh is indexed under Allāh. When honoric titles are an intrinsic part of the name they not transposed: Amīr Khwurd is indexed under Amīr.

Abbas, Shemeem Burney 19
ʿAbbās ʿAlī/ʿAbbās Makkī/Gorā Chānd Shāh 42, 107, 251–252
ʿAbbāsī, Maḥmūd Aḥmad 299
ʿAbdul ʿAzīz Dihlawī (d. 1823/1824) 97–98, 137–138, 144–145, 197, 294
ʿAbdu’l Fatḥ 374
ʿAbdul Ḥakīm 292–293
ʿAbdul Jalīl Chauhaŕ Bandagī 262
ʿAbdu’l Laṭīf Bhittai (Bhit Shāh) 19, 475
ʿAbdu’l Qādir Badaoni 107, 402n293
ʿAbdu’l Qādir Gilānī (d. 1166) 42, 269, 282, 297–298, 454, 477, 478n12, 481, 483
ʿAbdu’l Qādir Sālis b. Saiyyid Muḥammad Bālā Pīr Gīlānī 257
ʿAbdul Wahid Bilgrāmī 36
ʿAbdu’līd, Muḥammad 244–245
ʿAbdulādir, Saiyyid b. Saiyyid Hāshim 385, 387
ʿAbdu’l-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis Dihlawī (d. 1642/1643)
disciples of 74
sources of 62
views of
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 412
on Bībī Sāra 393, 394
on Dārā Shikūh 402
on Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Suwalī 219–220
on slave girls/maidservants 142
on women 74, 126–127
works of, Akhbāru’l Akhyār fī Asrāru’l-Abrār 62, 72–73, 74, 126–127, 142, 219–220, 393, 394, 412
Abdullah Shāh Ghāzī 28, 193
ʿAbdur Raḥīm (d. 1719) 157, 294, 295–296
ʿAbdur Raḥīm Khān Khānān (d. 1627) 128, 130, 420
ʿAbdur Razzāq 403
Abdus Salām Khaljī Samarqandī Qureshī 378
ʿAbduṣ Ṣamad b. Afẓal Aḥmad 35, 407–408
ʿĀbid Sanāmi, Muḥammad 290
Abū Bakr Ṣiddīq 160
Abū Bakr Ṭūsī Qalandarī 138, 183
Abū Isḥāq Kazārūnī 38n26
Abu Muzaffar Aḥmad Shāh, Sultan of Gujarat 375
Abu Naṣr Pārsa 207, 339
Abu Nuʿaym al-Iṣfahānī, Aḥmad. ʿAbdu’llah 65
Abū Saʿīd Abu’l Khair 206
Abū Saʿīd Aqṭāʾ 118
Abū Yazīd al-Basṭāmī 65–66, 70, 195
Abu Yazīd Shaṭṭārī Burhanpurī 420
Abu’l Faiẓ Zu’l-nūn b. Ibraḥīm al-Miṣrī 69
Abu’l Fatḥ Shamsu’d-Dīn Muḥammad al-Qādirī 261, 270–271
Abu᾽l Faẓl Junaidī 433
Abu’l Ḥasan Fakhrābādi 273
Abu’l Ḥasan Nūrī 48–49
Abu’l Ḥasan Samnūn b. ʿAbdullah al-Khawwās 69
Abu’l Lais al-Samarqandī 113
Abu’l Qāsim Gurgāni (d. 450 or 469) 40
Abu’ḷayāt Qādirī, Muḥammad 296–298
Abu’l-Faiẓ (grandson of Gīsū Darāz) 435
ādāb (etiquette)
in general xii
for attending discourse assemblies 56–57
for khalīfas 51
for novices 155
for shrine visitation 85–86
Adam, Prophet
fall from Paradise xi, 90, 91, 100
in India 35, 37
ʿĀdil Shāh 421
adultery 103, 129
advice to women
by Amīr Khusraw 81–82, 109
by Sirhindī, Aḥmad 128–129
Aḥmad, Bashīruddīn 83, 231, 376–377, 377, 428, 430
Aḥmad, Khwāja (husband of Bībī Zulaikhā) 396
Aḥmad, Muftī Rashīd 4
Aḥmad, Shafīq 269
Ahmad, Syed 428–429
Aḥmad b. Khalīlu’llah Qādirī 367
Ahmad b. Khiẓrūya al-Balkhi 70
Aḥmad Bādpā (Miran Shāh) 268–270
Aḥmad Gangohī, Rashīd 157–159
Aḥmadu’llah, Maulawī (son of Ajība Khānam) 331
Ahmedabad (Gujarat), forgotten Sufi women from 496–497
Aḥrār, Ubaidullah 43, 108, 378
Aḥsanu’l aqwāl (Kāshānī) 93, 121, 138, 143, 144, 183
ʿAinu’d-Dīn Ganju’l ʿIlm Junaidī 245–246
ʿĀʾisha (wife of Prophet) 21, 160
ʿAjība Khānam 171, 327–331
Akbāru’l awliyāʾ min lisānu’l aṣfiyāʾ (Kheshgī) see Kheshgī, ʿAbdu’llah
Akhbāru’l Aṣfiyā (ʿAbduṣ Ṣamad b. Afẓal Aḥmad) 35, 407–408
Akhbāru’l-Akhyār fī Asrāru’l-Abrār ( Dihlawī) see ʿAbdu’l-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis Dihlawī
ʿĀlam, Muḥammad Makhdūm 297–298
Alam, Muzaffar 61
ʿĀlam Khan 277–278
alams (wooden cribs) 439
Alāʾu’d-Dīn (grand-son of Bībī ʿĀʾisha) 230
ʿAlāʾu’d-Dīn Ḥasan Gangū, Sulṭān of the Bahmani kingdom 43, 232–233, 234
ʿAlāu’d-Dīn Khiljī, Sulṭān of Delhi 189, 443
ʿAlāu’d-Dīn Ṣābir 453, 454
ʿAlāʾud-Dīn Uṣūlī 141–142
Alāʾu’d-Dīn Ẓiyāʾ 147
ʿAlī, Khwāja (Bībī Zulaikhā father-in-law) 396
ʿAlī, Rawnaq 227–230, 252
ʿAlī Aḥmad Ṣābir (d. 790 or 764) 116, 231
ʿAlī b. Abu Ṭālib 105, 113, 289
ʿAlī b. al-Jawzī 66, 175
ʿAlī Datār, Mirāṅ Saiyyid 461, 462, 464–465, 470 Chilla of ʿAlī Datār, Mirāṅ Saiyyid
ʿAlī Muḥammad ibn-i Muḥammad Muʿīn 169–170
Āl-i Muḥammad, Saiyyid (d. 1729) 291
ʿAlīmu᾽d-Dīn Ṣābir (d. 1291) 363
Allāh, Shaikh (husband of Bībī Daulat) 340–341
Allahdād, Shaikh (father of Bebe Nekbakhta) 445
Amīn, Muḥammad 352
Amīr Khusraw
advice to daughter 81–82, 109
children of 81n108
identities of 34–35
interactions/relationships of, with Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 2, 80, 82
poetry of 35
views of 2, 35
views on, of Amīr Khwurd 80, 82
works attributed to
Hasht Bihisht 81–82, 109
Khāliq bāri 36
Maṭlaʿ ʿul-anwār 81
Naṣiḥat farzand 109
Amīr Khwurd
views of
on Amīr Khusraw 80, 82
on Bībī Fāṭima 363
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 413–414
on Bībī Khadīja 107, 220–221
on Bībī Mastūra 362–363
on Bībī Qarsum Khātūn 383
on Bībī Rānī 222, 223–224
on Bībī Sharīfa 166, 363
on Bībī Zulaikhā 395, 396, 398, 399
on daughters of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 231
on Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 132, 223
on Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 100–101
works of
Siyaru’l Awliyāʾ 60, 71, 80, 100–101, 107, 166, 220–221, 222, 223–224, 363, 395, 398, 399
credibility of 363–364
Amma Bībī Maryam 458–460, 458–459
Amma Bī/Maḥmūdā Bībī 492–493, 492
Amma Khairuʾn-nisāʾ 456–457, 456
Anantha Raman, Sita 283
Andrae, Tor 123
Anfāsu’lʿĀrifīn (Walīullah Dihlawī) 157, 294–296
animals, talking with 353
Anīsu’l Arwāh (attr. Muʿinu’d-Dīn Chishtī) 112–113, 114
Annual report of the Director of Archaeology (Sastri) 313
Ansari, Z. 82
ʿArab, Khwāja (father of Bībī Zulaikhā) 396
ʿĀrif, Muḥammad 418–419
Armughān-i ṭānī al-maʿrūfi (Muḥammad Sulṭān) 225, 233, 234,
326, 377, 433–434
Arnold, T.W. 292–293, 307, 312
Asani, Ali S. 19–20
Āsarāt Phulwari sharīf mausūm ba Aʿyān-i-waṭn (Saiyyid Muḥammad Shuʿaib) 297
Āsāruʾs Sanādīd (Ahmad ) 427–428, 429
al-Ashqānī, Abu’l ʿAbbās 40
Ashraf, Saiyyid Sulaimān 82
Asiatic Society of Bengal 242
āsitānās 317, 485
Asrāru’l awliyā’ (attr. Isḥāq) 61, 393
Asyūtī, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān 179
At the Shrine of the Red Sufi: Five Days and Nights on Pilgrimage in Pakistan (Frembgen) 20
ʿAṭāʾ Ḥussain,ʿAbdur āq 208, 301, 382
ʿAṭā’u’llāh Sirhindi Bukhārī 334
ʿAṭṭār, Farīdu’d-Dīn
views of
on Rābiʿa (daughter of Kʿāb) 206
on women 15, 89, 117–118
works of
Ilāhi nāmā 206
Pand nāma 117
Tazkiratu’l Awliyāʾ 66–67, 162
autobiographies 63, 75–76, 448 under specific autobiographies
Awadhi dialect 36
ʿAwārifu’l-maʿārif (Suhrawardī) 154, 175–176
ʿAwfī, Sadīduʿd Din Muḥammad 205, 207
Awliyāʾ-i Afghānī (Imāmu’d-Dīn Ghoryāl) 445
ʿAynu’l-Quẓāt Hamadānī 105
Āzād Bilgrāmī, GhulāmʿAlī 37, 125, 291, 244, 291, 371, 415
ʿAzam Jāh Bahādur Nawāb Wālājāh IV 323, 325, 414–415, 507
ʿAzīzu’d-Dīn (son of Bībī Khadīja) 221
ʿAzīzu’d-Dīn Amjharī 297
ʿAzīzullah Mutāwakkil 278
Bābā Farīd see Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar (Bābā Farīd)
Bābā Nekī Rishī 351–353
Bābā Qāsim 490
Bābā Sattār 155
Badakhshī, Mullā Shah 75, 449, 451–452
Badayunī, Nūr Muḥammad 195
Badīʿu’d-Dīn Madār 268–269
Badru’d-Dīn ʿĀlam Zāhidī 357
Badru’d-Dīn Ghaznawī 131
Badru’d-Dīn Qādirī 261
Bādshāh Begam 328
Bahār-iʿĀzam Jāhī (Nāzir) 323, 325, 414, 507
Bahāʾu’d-Dīn Gudriyā Faqīr 272
Bahāʾu’d-Dīn Mattu 248, 352, 353
Bahāʾu’d-Dīn Naqshband 338
Bahāʾu’d-Dīn Zakarīyya 42, 93–94, 108, 139, 146, 185, 217, 262, 387, 389, 400, 401, 402, 403
Bahāu’l-ḥaqq Khāṣṣa-yi Khudā Amethwī 401
Bahawalpur Gazetteer  241
Bahjo (prostitute) 144–145
Bahlul Lodi 275n256
Bahmani, Sulṭān Maḥmūd 376–377
Bahr-e-Zakhkhar (Wajīhu’d-Dīn Ashraf) see Wajīhu’d-Dīn Ashraf
Bāʾī Jī 427–428
Balochistan, forgotten Sufi women from 495–496
Bandā Nawāz 190
Bānu Zuhrā Khatūn/Rābiʿa of Bengal 332–333
Bāqī Billah 43, 108, 127, 340–341, 378–380
Baranī, Ẓiyāʾu’d-Dīn 149
Barelwī, Aḥmad Raza Khan Fāzil (d. 1921) 161, 162, 198
Barelwī, Aḥmad Shahīd (d. 1831) 332
Baŕī Buā/Bībī Būbū Abādī 96, 234–238
Baŕī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Naʿīma 110, 367–368
Barkatu’llah, Saiyyid 291n327
Barlas, Asma 6, 91
Basṭāmī, Bāyazīd 65, 70, 163, 195, 419–420
Basu, Helene 194
Bāwa Gor 193, 194
Bayly, Susan 85, 325–326
beating, of disobedient wives 114–115
Bebe Nekbakhta 63, 445–447
Beemā Bīwī 41–42, 304–305
Beglar, J.D. 211, 212
Behat Bībī 254–255
Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qurʾān (Barlas) 6
Bengal, forgotten Sufi women from 497
Bhakkari, Muhammad Mʿāsūm 369
Bhīkājī Qādirī, ʿAbdu’llah 417
Bhikārī Chishtī, Shāh 182, 421–422
Bhit Shāh (ʿAbdu’l Laṭīf Bhittai) 19, 475
Bī Amma Ṣāḥiba 423–425
Bī Mayya xii
Bībī Abdāl/Khujasta Akhtar 356–358
Bībī Āghā (wife of Muḥammad Ṣiddique) 380
Bībī ʿĀiʾsha (daughter of Bībī Ḥājara) 44, 249–250, 371
Bībī ʿĀʾisha (daughter of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar) 43, 226–232, 381
Bībī Ajjī Ṣāḥiba 287–288
Bībī Allāh Dī 421–422
Bībī Āmna (daughter of Bībī Ḥājara) 44, 249–250, 371
Bībī Ārām Ḥaṣūr 404–406
Bībī Ashraf Jahāṅ Ḥaẓrat Mā Ṣāḥiba 42–43, 232–234
Bībī ʿĀṣima 288–289
Bībī Awliyāʾ 73, 215–216
Bībī Badī 369
Bībī Bandagī Ḥusainī 276–277
Bībī Bānu (wife of Muḥammad Ṣādiq) 380
Bībī Bebe 354–356
Bībī Būbū Abādī/Baŕī Buā 96, 234–238
Bībī Daulat 340–341
Bībī Daulat/Bībī Kamāl Sānī 210
Bībī Durrā Quṣūrī 277–278
Bībī Duyā 216–217
Bībī Fāṭima (daughter of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar) 231, 363, 381
Bībī Fāṭima (daughter of the Prophet) 285, 338, 360, 418
Bībī Fāṭima (from Bidar) 261
Bībī Fāṭima (mother of Miyāṅ Mīr) 368–370
Bībī Fāṭima Saiyyida Gilānī 257–260
Bībī Fāṭima Sām 406–414
interactions/relationships of
with Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 407, 509
with Muntajibu’d-Dīn 509
with Najību’d-Dīn Mutāwakkil 407, 408
with Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 23–24, 407, 509
maidservant of 137
Bībī Fāṭima (wife of Shamsu’d-Dīn) 239–240
Bībī Fāṭima/Bībī Ḥajiānī 305–306, 322
Bībī Gauhar 437–438
Bībī Ḥabībā/Jiyya 210
Bībī Hadyā 210
Bībī Ḥāfiz Jamāl 109, 166, 341–343
Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba 371–372
daughters of 43–44, 249, 371
shrine of 44, 371, 372
sons of 43, 116, 249, 371 Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb; Muntajibu’d-Dīn
Bībī Ḥāji 438
Bībī Ḥajiānī/Bībī Fāṭima 305–306, 322
Bībī Ḥalīma (daughter of Khusḥāl Khan Khattak) 365–366
Bībī Ḥalīma/Bībī Tanūrī (daughter of Masʿūd QuraIshi) 438
Bībī Ḥamīda (daughter of Bībī Ḥājara) 44, 249–250, 371
Bībī Ḥūr 400, 437–438
Bībī Ḥurmat Khatūn 299
Bībī Ḥusnu 299
Bībī Huzaira Khātūn 118, 362
Bībī Islām Khāno/Khātūn 170–171, 344–347
Bībī Jamāl (daughter of Shihābu’d-Dīn/ Pīr) 210
Bībī Jamāl Khātūn/Bībī Jīv (sister of Miyāṅ Mīr) 75, 109, 110, 368, 369
Bībī Jamīla Mastānī 489
Bībī Jawindī/Zinda Ahadi 84, 240–243
Bībī Jīū/Jī 110, 372–376
Bībī Jīv/Bībī Jamāl Khātūn (sister of Miyāṅ Mīr) 75, 109, 110, 368, 369
Bībī Jīyā 291
Bībī Johda see Bībī Abdāl/Khujasta Akhtar
Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi/Bībī Ṣāḥiba 159, 172, 333–339
Bībī Kamāl Sānī/Bībī Daulat 210
Bībī Kamāla/Bībī Khunza [Khunjā] Sulṭāna 376–378
Bībī Kamāl/Kamālo 26–27, 85, 208–214
Bībī Khadīja (daughter of Bībī Ḥājara) 44, 249–250, 371
Bībī Khadīja (wife of Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Suwāli) 107, 218–222
Bībī Khunza [Khunjā] Sulṭāna/Bībī Kamāla 376–378
Bībī Khwānd Mā Ṣ̣āḥiba/Māh Khātūn 245–246
Bībī Khwānja Batūl Khātūn 180, 436
Bībī Khwurd/Bībī Lohri 415–416
Bībī Lahrī (sister of Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī) 236
Bībī Lohri/Bībī Khwurd 415–416
Bībī Mahkalī 267–268, 509–510
Bībī Māhlat 279–281
Bībī Māhnau 268–270
Bībī Makhdūma 120, 400–404
Bībī Mammi 281–282
Bībī Maryam Bukhārī Shahīd 460–461
Bībī Maryam (daughter of Bībī Ḥājara) 44, 249–250, 371
Bībī Mastūra (daughter of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar) 231, 362–363, 381
Bibi Nāhzan/Bībī Nekzan 312–313
Bībī Naʿīma/Baŕī Ṣāḥiba 110, 367–368
Bībī Nānī 310–312
Bībī Nawāzan 430
Bībī Nekzan/Bībī Nāhzan 312–313
Bībī Nūr 400, 437–438
Bībī Nūrbharī 431
Bībī Peroz Khātūn 495–496
Bībī Qādirīyyā 282–283
Bībī Qarsum Khātūn (mother of Bābā Farīd) 73, 363, 380–384
Bībī Qayyūmi/Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ 159, 172, 333–339
Bībī Ᾱrām Ḥaṣūr 107
Bībī Rānī (from Thatta, Pakistan) 272–273
Bībī Rānī (grandmother of Amīr Khwurd) 222–225, 364
Bībī Rānī (mother of Gīsū Darāz) 111
Bībī Rāstī (wife of Wais Sarwānī) 432–433
Bībī Rāstī/Bībī Pākdāman 42, 108, 218, 384–391, 385, 386, 388, 390
Bībī Raushan Ārāʾ 42, 107, 251–252
Bībī Raẓā Khātūn 117n50
Bībī Raẓiā/Baŕī Būā (daughter of Pīr) 210
Bībī Raẓiya (mother of Manerī) 133
Bībī Ruqayya 400
Bībī Ṣāḥiba Surkhposh 321
Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi 159, 172, 333–339
Bībī Saiyyidānī/Saidānī Ṣaḥiba 319
Bībī Ṣajīnī 283–284
Bībī Sāra 26, 41, 73, 391–395, 413
Bībī Shāhbāz 437–438
Bībī Shaikhī Durkhānī 319–320
Bībī Shaikhī Fāṭima 284–285, 286–287
Bībī Shaikhzādī 320–321
Bībī Shamsa Mā Ṣāḥiba 273
Bībī Shamsuʾn-nisāʾ 301
Bībī Sharīfa (daughter of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar) 362–365
deprivation of khilāfat 1–2, 11, 109, 166–167, 364–365
mention of 231, 381
Bībī Ṣūrat 274–276
Bībī Tāj 437–438
Bībī Tanūrī/Bībī Ḥalīma 438
Bībī Tārī 321–323
Bībī Ummat Allāh 342
Bībī Umm-i Ḥabība 470–471, 471
Bībī Wajīha 288
Bībī Walīya 296–298
Bībī Yasso 286–287
Bībī Zainab 400
Bībī Zulaikhā 73, 110, 139, 326, 395–400, 398, 413
Bībī Zulaikhā (Gulbarga) 326
Bībīaṅ Pākdāman 489–490
Bībīāṅ Pākdāmnāṅ 437–441, 440
Bidar: Its History and Monuments (Yazdani) 253, 276–277
Bihar, forgotten Sufi women from 497
Bihishtī Zewar (Thanāwī) 159, 197
Bijapur, forgotten Sufi women from 497–498
Bilgrāmī, Ṣaghīr Aḥmad 416
Bishārat-i-Mazahriyyā 329–330
Blair, Sheila 174
Blois, François de 206
Boivin, Michel 20–21
bondmaids see slave girls/maidservants
Bonuvrié, Netty 5–6
books by Sufi women
Irshādu’l Fuqarāʾ (Bebe Nekbakhta) 63, 445–447
Mʿālūmāt-i-Walīya (Bībī Walīya) 298
Mūnisu’l-arwāḥ (Jahān Ārāʾ Begum) 63, 75, 190–191, 448
Risāla-yi ṣāḥibiyya (Jahān Ārāʾ Begum) 63, 448–452
Bray, Denys 313, 495
Būbū Rāstī 129–130, 418–420
Buchanan, Francis 213
Buehler, Arthur 106, 339
Bukhari, Afshan 179–180
Bukhārī, Jalālu’d-Dīn (Jahāṅiyaṅ Jahāṅgasht) 240, 248
Bulbul Shāh 247, 248
Burgess, James 375–376
Burhanpurī, Muḥammad Maṭiʿu’llah Rāshid 420
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb
celibacy of 121
family of
brother see Muntajibu’d-Dīn
mother 43, 249 Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba
sisters 249
interactions/relationships of
with Bībī ʿĀʾisha 228–230
with Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 227
with Sōnā Bāʾī 253
malfūzāt of see Aḥsanu’l aqwāl (Kāshānī)
shrine of 253
spiritual jurisdiction and 147
ʿurs celebration of 190
views of 183
on Bahāʾu’d-Dīn Zakarīyya 93–94
on Kāshānī, Ruknu’d-Dīn Dabīr 106
on marriage/marital life 118–119
on women 94, 138, 183
on women of ill repute 143–144
mention of 62
Burhānu’d-Dīn Quṭb-i-ʿĀlam 374
Burton, Richard F. 193–194, 300–301, 306
Buzurg (sister of Hāṅsā Bukhārī) 182
in general 104
of Bībī Ārām Ḥaṣūr 405
of Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 121
vs. marriage 91–92, 93, 112, 120
of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 104, 120
Census(Bray) 313
Chaghtai, M. Abdulla 376
chakki (grinding stone) ritual 439, 466
chakki-namas (songs while grinding) 36
Chand, Tara 32
Chanda Bī 250–251
Chandāyān (Mawlānā Daʾūd Awadhi) 36
chaos, women perceived as 88, 90–94
Chatrīwālī Sarkar 489
death of 131, 132
of slave girls/maidservants 140
stillborn 267–268
Sufi men’s views on 130–134
Chilla of ʿAlī Datār, Mirāṅ Saiyyid
in general 461–462, 463–464, 464–467, 465, 466, 467
female shrines within 467–468
healing rituals at 468–470
Chimnī Bī Ṣāḥiba 433–434
Chirāgh-i Dihlī, Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd see Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī
Chishtī, ʿAbdu’r Raḥmān 52, 76, 269
Chishtī , 39, 343, 382
Chishtī, ʿAlī Asghar 76, 101, 219, 231, 342–343, 381, 382–383
Chishtī, Amānat ʿAlī 299
Chishtī al-Munʿamī, Ghulām Ḥusain 301
Chishtī-Ṣabirī, Bābā Mastān ʿUmru’d-Dīn 494
Chishtī-Ṣabirī, Bābā Sirāju’l Ḥaqq Shah 494
Chittick, William C. 91, 280
colonial administration 83, 85
Cornell, Rkia 7, 8, 12–13, 24, 68, 70
Cunningham, Alexander 85, 208, 212–213
Dādī Bakhtūʾī 238–239
Dādi Mā 462, 466–468
Dahlén, Ashk P. 15
Dakake, Maria M. 14–15, 22
Dāmā Mā 462, 466–468
Dārā Shikūh, Muḥammad 74–75, 110, 368, 370, 402, 447, 449, 451–452
Darāb Khan 130, 420
darbārs (shrines) see shrines
Dargāh Qulī Khān, Zu’l-qadr 196
dargāhs (shrines) see shrines
Darul Ishāʿat press 247
Darwish Jamālī Kambo see Jamālī, Ḥāmid b. Faẓlu’llah
Dāta Ganj Bakhsh see Hujwīrī, Abu’l Ḥasan ʿAlī
Daʾūd Awadhi (d. 1322) 36
Daʾūd Khan 366, 445, 447
in general 108–109
advice to 81–82, 109
of Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba 249, 371
of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 231–232, 362–363
of Muḥammad Mīr 289–291
of Muʿinu’d-Dīn Chishtī Ajmerī 341–342
Daulā Daryai 450
Delage, Remy 20
Delhi Sultanate 1, 2–3, 33, 392 specific Sultans/Sultana
Devotional Islam in Contemporary South Asia: Shrines, Journeys and Wanderers (Boivin & Delage) 20
dhammal dancing 20
Dhikr an-Niswa al-Mutaʿabidāt as-Ṣūfiyyāt (as-Sulamī) 12–13, 68
dialects 31, 35–36
Digby, Simon 126
Dilshād, Muḥammad 240
disciples (murīd)
etiquettes for 56–57, 110, 155
of ʿAbdur Raḥīm 157, 294
of Badakhshī, Mullā Shah 451–452
of Badru’d-Dīn ʿĀlam Zāhidī 357
bond with pīr of 154
of Chatrīwālī Sarkar 489
of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 223, 225, 364, 407
of fathers/husbands/sons and brothers 356–368
initiations of
in general 147–152
rules of segregation for 153–154
of Jāṅbāz Qalandar Lāharpurī 289
of Jān-i-Jānāṅ, Mazhar 329, 331
of Kamāl, Muḥammad 300
of Khwānd Mīr ʿArīzī 374
mothers as 110, 361, 367, 374
of Muʿīnu’d-Dīn Chishtī 449
of Multānī Bādshāh 270–271
of Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī 149–152, 377
of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 405, 406
oaths of alliance of
method of administering 147–148, 150–152
Sirhindī on 129
parda rules and 160
of Ṣibghat Allāhī, Allāh 286, 367–368
wives as 116–117, 153
of Badakhshī, Mullā Shah 451–452
of Bhikārī Chishtī, Shāh 422
of Dihlawī, ʿAbdu’l-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis 74
of Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 223
initiations of 154–155
of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 35, 405
divorce 10, 99, 115, 126, 128, 179
Dosan Miyāṅ 461
Duhat Bībī 254–255, 255–256
Eastwick, Edward 263
Elias, Jamal 10–11
Ernst, Carl 147, 227–228, 231
Eternal:,,ter (Ernst) 227–228
ethnic diversity, in South Asia 31–32
etiquette (ādāb) see ādāb
Eve 91, 92, 99–100
Ezzati, Abul Fazal 343, 453
Fahkhru’d-Dīn, Bābā (d. 1295) 319
Fahkhru’d-Dīn Dihlawī (d. 1785) 292
Fahkhru’d-Dīn ῾Irāqī (d. 1289) 129
fakirs, female 21
Sufi men’s views on
in general 104–105
children 130–134
mothers, sisters, daughters 106–112
Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī 104–105
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 106
Fānī, Muḥsin 452
al-Fansūrī, Muḥammad Amīr Ḥasan Madārī 268–269
Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar (Bābā Farīd)
books of 60
disciples of 223, 225, 407
family/descendants of
daughters 231–232, 362–363 Bībī ʿĀʾisha; Bībī Fātima; Bībī Mastūra; Bībī Sharīfa
father 382
mother 380, 381 Bībī Qarsum Khātūn
sisters see Bībī Ḥājara
wives 100, 118 Bībī Huzaira Khātūn; Bībī Rāstī
interactions/relationships of
with Bībī Fāṭima Sām 407, 509
with maidservants 139
with mother 382–383
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 58–59, 101
jurisdiction of 146
khānqāh of
food distribution at 116
women’s presence in 182, 184
malfūzāt of see Asrāru’l awliyā’
views of
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 408, 413
on children 132–133
on daughter as khalifa 1–2, 11, 109, 166–167
on Fāṭima Sām 137
on role of pīr 154
on women 89
views on
of Amīr Khwurd 131, 223 Jawāhir-i Farīdī
works of, Surruʾs-Ṣudūr 218
mention of 58
Farīdu’d-Dīn Masʿūd (Ganj-i-Shakkar) 421
Farsi language 35–36
Fārūqī, Abū al-Ḥasan Zīd 380
Fārūqī, Burhan Ahmad
Faruqui, Munis Daniyal 212
fasts/fasting 322, 410–411
Fatāwā ʿAzīzī (ʿAbdul ʿAzīz Dihlawī) 137
Fatḥ ʿAlī Wāʾisī 332
Fatḥ Muḥammad, Khalīfa 295–296
Fatḥul-awliyāʾ (anon.) 227
Faṭima (wife of Ahmad b. Khiẓrūya al-Balkhi) 70
Fatūḥāt al-makkiyyā (Ibn al-ʿArabi) 67
Fauq, Muḥammad Dīn 247
Fawaʾidu’l-Fuʾād (ḤasanDihlawī)
in general 56, 58, 70–71, 395
views of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ in see Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ , views of ḤasanDihlawī
Faẓlu’llah Naqshbandī, Muḥammad 333, 334, 337, 339
female fakirs 21
female singers 19–20
“Female Sufi Saints and Disciples: Women in the Life of Jalāl al-dīn Rūmī” (Dahlén) 15
The Female Voice in Sufi Ritual: Devotional Practices of Pakistan and India (Abbas) 19
Firdawsī, Ghulām Nabī 356–357
Firūz Shāh Tughlaq (d. 1388) 209, 213
Firuzpurī, Miyān Jī Muḥammad Ismāʿīl 201
Five Respected Women (Pānch Bībī kī Dargāh) 313
Five Sisters (Pānch Bībioṅ) 44, 249–250
Flueckiger, Joyce Burkhalter 18–19
flying, miraculous (marṭab-eṭairī) 250, 269
Forman, Mrs. John 53
free food (langar) 178, 483
Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim 20
Futūḥ-us Salaṭīn (ʿIṣāmī) 2
Gangā Bībī 261–262
Gangohī, Rashīd Aḥmad 200, 344, 346
Ganj-i-Shakkar (Farīdu’d-Dīn Masʿūd) 154, 182, 421
Gazetteer of the Multan district 293
Ghāʾib Shah, Ḥāji 85–86
Gharīb Nawāz see Muʿinu’d-Dīn Chishtī Ajmeri
Ghāsī, Qāẓī 280–281
al-Ghazālī 93, 124, 175–176
Ghāzī Bābā (Shamsu’d-Dīn, Khwāja) 239–240
Ghāzī Miyān (Saiyyid Salār Masʿūd Ghāzī) 20, 53
Ghāzīu’d-Dīn Khan 292
Ghaznavids 33
Ghiyāspur, khānqāh in 88, 149, 177–178, 181
Ghulām Aḥmad b. Saiyyid ʿAzīzullah b. Nūr Aḥmad b. Saiyyid Jalāl Bukhari 453
Ghulām ʿAlī Dihlawī 97, 289–290, 329, 348–349
Ghulām Ḥasan (d. 1789) 334
Ghulām Muḥammad (d. 1765) 334
Ghulām Muʿīnu’d-Dīn ʿAbdullah see Kheshgī, ʿAbdu’llah
Ghulām Nabī (d. 1811) 334
Gīsū Darāz, Muḥammad Ḥusainī Bandā Nawāz
control of sexual urges by 121–123
education of 111
family/descendants of
Bībī Bandagī Ḥusainī 276
granddaughter of 435
grandson of 435
mother of 111
Walī Ullāh Ḥusainī 277
wife of 117n50
Gulbarga khānqāh of 152
interactions/relationships of, with Simnānī 168
letters of 164–165
malfuz of see Jawāmiʿulʾ-kilam
shrine visitations by 225, 326, 411
views of
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 408, 411–412, 413
on dialects of India 35
on etiquettes 57
on female disciples 152–153
on forged malfūzāt 60
on inaudibility of women 199–200
on marriage/marital life 123
on Mashāriqu’l Anwār 99
on shrine of pīr replacing Kʿaba 187–188
on slave girls/maidservants 139–140
on spiritual relationships 106
on succession of Naṣīru’d-Dīn Chirāgh-i Dihlī 167–168
on wives as disciples 116–117, 153
on women of ill repute 144
on women’s spirituality 164–165
gnosis (maʿrifa) 69
Goldziher, Ignaz 50–51
gonorrhoea 125
graves see shrines
Green, Nile 86
grinding stone (chakki) ritual 439, 466
“Guest of the Inmost Heart: Conceptions of the Divine Beloved among Early Sufi Women” (Dakake) 14–15
Guldasta-yi karamāt (Lahorī) 483
Gulshan-i Awliyāʾ 101
Gulzār-i Abrār (Māndawī) 74, 404–406, 419, 422–423
Gūngī Bī 250–251
Habib, Jaweda 324
Habib, Mohammad 60, 88–89
Ḥabīb Allāh Ṣibghat Allāhī (d. 1632) 286, 314, 367–368
Ḥadīqatu’l Awliyāʾ (ʿAbdulādir) 385, 387
Ḥadīqatu’l Awliyāʾ (Lahorī) 79, 428
on Sufis 49
on wives 113
on women 91–92, 98, 99–100, 160
Ḥāfiz Ghulām Rasūl Gujarati 498
Ḥaft ʿAfīfa (Seven Virtuous Ladies) 80, 441–444
hagiographies 52–54 under specific hagiographies
Haibat Khan 275
Ḥājī ʿAbdu’llah 450
Ḥajj pilgrimage
of female singer 142–143
of Sufi women
ʿAjība Khānam 329–330
Bībī Fāṭima/Bībī Ḥajiānī 305–306
Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi 337
Saiyyida Ḥāfiza Bībī 415
Hamadānī, Mīr Muḥammad (d. 1448) 256
Hamadānī, Muḥammad Ṣādiq Dihlawi Kashmiri (17th century) 37, 74, 156
Ḥāmid b. Faẓlu’llah see Jamālī, Ḥāmid b. Faẓlu’llah
Ḥāmid Ḥasan Chishtī 405
Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Ḍarīr 111
Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Suwalī 107, 218–220, 221, 222, 342
Ḥammād, Shaikh 308–309
hands, touching of women’s 102, 148, 151
Hāṅsā Bukhārī (d. 1596/1597) 182
Ḥaqaʾiq-i Hindi (ʿAbdul Wahid Bilgrāmī) 36
Ḥaqīqat-i Gulzār-i Ṣābirī (Ṣābirī Chishtī Rampurī) 53–54, 116, 453
Ḥaqq, ʿAlaʾu’l b. Asʿadi Lahori Bangali see Ḥaqq, Nūru’l
Ḥaqq, Nūru’l 134–135
Harāwī, Niʿmatu’llah 78, 217, 275–276, 320–321, 432
Hāro Ana 306–308
Harro Bībī 262–266
Hārwanī, ʿUsmān 61, 112–114
Ḥasan Shāh 42
compassion of 141
credibility of 23
as scribe of Fawaʾidu’l-Fuʾād 56, 58, 71, 395
al-Hasani, Syed Abdul Hayy Nadwi 222, 414
hashim 175
Hāshim ʿAlāwī (Hāshim Pīr) 282–283, 284
Hāshim Kishmī, Muḥammad 340–341, 379, 380
Hāshim Pīr (Hāshim ʿAlāwī) 282–283, 284
Hashmi, Farhat Naseem 4–5
Hasht Bihisht (Amīr Khusraw) 81–82, 109
Ḥassāmu’d-Dīn, Makhdūm Shāh 210, 211
Hasti Bībī 84, 266–267
Ḥayāt, Muḥammad 300
Ḥaẓarātu’l-quds (Sirhindī) 380
Hazbaru’d-Dīn Zafar Khan 43
Ḥaẓrat Bābājān 426–427
Ḥaẓrat Naʿīma 367–368
Haẓrat Shah ʿAbdu’l Mannān Ḥuẓūrī al-ma῾ārūʿf Burqa῾-posh 490–491, 491
Ḥaẓrat Zachchā Bībī 325–326
healing powers
in general 18–19
of ʿAlī Datār, Mirāṅ Saiyyid 462, 464–465
of salt 309, 316, 318, 439, 476, 493
of Sufi women
Amma Bī/Maḥmūdā Bībī 493
from Balochistan 496
Bībī Kamāl/Kamālo 213
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 482–486
Makhkhan Bī 417–418
Saiyyida Khadīja Bībī 474
of water at shrines 378, 391, 474, 491 miracles/miraculous powers
Hidāyat ʿAlī, Muḥammad 159–161
Ḥilyātu’l awliyāʾ wa ṭabaqātu’l aṣfiyyāʾ (Abu Nuʿaym al-Iṣfahānī) 65
hina paste 487–488
Hindawi language 35–36
Hoffman-Ladd, Valerie 7, 8, 21–22, 67, 93
Hotak, Muḥammad 366, 445
Hujwīrī, Abu’l Ḥasan ʿAlī
life of 39–41
shrine visitations by 195, 437
views of
on Sufism/taṣawwuf 47–49
on women
in general 69–70, 88, 90–92
wives 112
works of, Kashfu’l Maḥjūb 39, 47–48, 68–70, 88, 90–91, 112
human temperaments (mizāj) xii
Ḥusain b. ʿAlī 437
Ḥusain Gharīb Dhukarposh, 210
Ḥusain Shāh Bukhārī 315
Ḥusainī, ʿAbdurʾ Raḥman 287
Ḥusainī, ʿAlī Muḥammad 287–288
Ḥusainī, Muḥammad Akbar 140, 412
Ḥusainī, Muḥammad Kamgār Khan 183
Ḥusāmu’d-Dīn Aḥmad 341
Ibn al-ʿArabī 9, 10, 67, 146, 324
Ibn Baṭuṭa 3, 38n26
Ibn Isḥāq 148
Ibn al-Jawzī 175
Ibn Taymiīyah 175, 177, 195
Ibrāḥīm b. Adham 93
iḥtilām (nocturnal emission of seminal fluid) 93–94
Ikhtiyāru’d-Dīn Khaljī 209
Ilāhi nāmā (Aṭṭār) 206
ʿIlmuʾud-Dīn, Saiyyid 461
Iltutmish, Sultan of Delhi 3, 364–365, 392
Ilyās, Muḥammad 201
Imāmu’d-Dīn Ghoryāl 445
impotency 282
income of shrines (nazrānā) xii, xix, 85, 441, 460, 467, 475, 477, 489, 493
languages of 35–36
in Muslim traditions 35–37
Partition of 303, 461–462
infertility, healing of 254, 391, 476, 482–483
initiations (baiʿat)
of men, Suhrawardī on 154–155
of women
in general 147–152
Aḥmad Gangohī and 157–159
Aḥmad Raza Khan Fāzil Barelwī on 161–162
different practices for 154, 155–157
Kalīmu’llah Jahanābādī on 155–156
Naqshbandī-Mujaddidī stance on 160–161
by proxy 159
rules of segregation for 153–154
Thanāwī on 159
Walīullah Dihlawī on 157
insān-i kāmil (Perfect Person) 9
invisibility of women see veiling of women
Irshādu’l Fuqarāʾ (Bebe Nekbakhta) 63, 445–447
ʿĪsā Jundu’llah, Masīhu’l Awliyāʾ (d. 1622) 155, 419–420
ʿIṣāmī, Imadu’d-Din Maḥmūd 2
Isḥāq, Badru’d-Dīn 60–61, 223–224, 363, 393
feminine dimension of 9–10
in South Asia
arrival of 32–33
converts and 34
Muslim communities in ix, 31–32, 34, 112
Western divisions of 9
women in see Sufi women; women
Islamic jurisprudence ( fiqh) 275
Islamic law (sharīʿā) 275
Ismāʿīl Shahīd, Muḥammad 197
Jahān Ārāʾ Begam 447–453
Begam Dālān build by 343
shrine of 27
visit to shrine of Muʿīnu’d-Dīn Chishtī 190–191
works of
in general 368
Mūnisu’l arwāh 63, 75, 190–191, 342, 448
Risāla-yi ṣāḥibiyya 63, 75, 448–452
zenana build by 179
Jahangir, Mughal Emperor 35, 72, 74, 76, 78, 107, 217, 278–279, 343, 379, 404, 447
Jahāṅiyaṅ Jahāṅgasht (Bukhārī, Jalālu’d-Dīn) 240, 248
Jaipurī, Muḥammad Ḥidāyat ʿAlī see Hidāyat ʿAlī, Muḥammad
Jalālu’d-Dīn Thānesrī 454
jamāʿat khānas (house of congregation) see Sufi lodges
Jamāʿat-i Islāmī (political party) 4
Jamāl Baghdādī Wārangalī 434–435
Jamālī, Ḥāmid b. Faẓlu’llah 60, 72, 181, 182, 221, 235, 385, 395
Jamālu’d-Dīn, Sulṭān of Farghana 42, 385
Jamālu’d-Dīn Hāṅswī 139, 249
Jāmī, ʿAbdur Raḥmān 60, 67–68, 98, 205, 206, 207, 339n54, 449
Jāṅbāz Qalandar Lāharpurī, ʿAbdur Raḥmān 289
Jān-i-Jānāṅ, Mazhar 119, 156–157, 171, 195, 289–290, 327–331, 347, 348
Jawad, Haifa 7–8
Jawāhir-i Farīdī (Chishtī) 76, 101, 139, 219, 231, 342–343, 381, 382–383
Jawāmiʿulʾ-kilam (Ḥusainī) 140, 412
Jījā Mīrāṅ/Māʾī Qadam 314
Jīwan Amethwī, Aḥmad 401, 403
Jiyya/Bībī Ḥabībā 210
Jundhi Patni 442
Jūsī/Yūsuf, Shaikh (d. 1146) 421
Kakar, Bustān 275
Kakbūr Sarwānī, Aḥmad 216–217
Kākwī, Ghafūru’r Raḥman 208
al-Kalābādhi, Abū Bakr 69–70
Kalimātuʾs-ṣādiqīn (Hamadani) 37, 74, 156
Kalīmu’llah Jahanābādī, Shāh (d. 1729) 16, 83, 125, 130, 140, 155–156, 182–183
Kamālu’d-Dīn Awadhi 236, 238
Kāmil, Miāṅ Muḥammad (d. 1823) 26, 299, 300
Kamptee/Kamthi 423–424
kanīz/kanīzak see slave girls/maidservants
Kanzu’l ʿUmmāl (al-Muṭṭaqī al-Hindī) 169–170
Kanzu᾽l-Ansāb (ʿAṭāʾ Ḥussain) 208, 382
karāmat (spiritual charisma) see spiritual charisma
Karamustafa, Ahmet T. 175–176, 179
Kāshānī, Ḥammād 93, 121, 138, 183
Kāshānī, Ruknu’d-Dīn Dabīr 61, 106
Kashfu’l Maḥjūb (al-Hujwīrī) 39, 47–48, 68–70, 88, 90–91, 112
Kasmani, Omar 21
Katbar, Bachchā 300
Kausar, Bābā 456–457
Kausar, Inʿām-ul-Ḥaq 312, 435, 495
Kazārūnī, Abu Isḥāq 38
Kazārūnī, Ṣafīu’d-Dīn 38–39
Khadīja Bībī 422–423
Khairu’l Majālis (Qalandar) 71, 94–95, 132, 133, 137, 149–150, 235–236, 410–411
Sufi women as
in general 165–172
ʿAjība Khānam 171, 327, 329, 331
Bībī Ḥāfiz Jamāl 166, 342
Bībī Islām Khāno 344–345
Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi 172, 333, 335–336
disqualification of
in general 166–171
Bībī Sharīfa 1–2, 11, 109, 166–167, 364–365
at Ḥaft ʿAfīfa shrine 444
Mardum Maḥall 171, 348
Shāmma Bībī 349–351
successor of Naṣīru’d-Dīn Chirāgh-i Dihlī 167–168
of Sufi women, male 353 shaikhas
Khāliq bāri (attr. Amīr Khusraw) 36
Khan, ʿAlī Muḥammad (d. 1889) 278, 372–374, 375, 376, 461
Khan, ḤāmidʿAlī (d. 1887) 117
Khan Sarwānī, ʿUmar 344
Khānam Jī 292
Khānam Ṣāḥib 429–430
khānqāhs see Sufi lodges
Khatri, Ṣiddique ʿAbdu’llah 477–478
Khattu, Aḥmad 101–102
Khazīnatu’l Aṣfiyyāʾ (Lahorī) 78, 216
Kheshgī, ʿAbdu’llah
date of birth of 285
views of
on Bībī Bebe 354–356
on Bībī Durrā Quṣūrī 277–278
on Bībī Duyā 217
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 410
on Bībī Mahkalī 267–268, 509–510
on Bībī Mammi 281–282
on Bībī Rāstī/ Pāk Mā’ī/Pāk Dāmnāṅ 387, 389
on Bībī Sāra 393
on Bībī Shaikhī Durkhānī 319
on Bībī Shaikhī Fāṭima 284–285
on Bībī Shaikhzādī 320–321
on Būbū Rāstī 418
works of
Akbāru’l awliyāʾ min lisānu’l aṣfiyāʾ 76–77, 267–268, 277, 277–278, 281–282, 284–285, 319, 320, 354–355, 354–356, 509–510
Maʿāriju’l wilāyat 18, 36, 77–78, 216, 267–268, 278, 282, 387, 389, 393, 410–411, 418
mention of 286
Khudā Bakhsh 288
Khuihāmi, Ghulām Ḥasan 249, 254–256, 261, 350, 351–352
Khujasta Akhtar/Bībī Abdāl 356–358
Khusḥāl Khan Khattak 365
al-Khuttalī, Abu’l Fazl Muḥammad 40
Khuzdār/Quzdār 206–207
Khwāja Muḥammad Parsā 339
Khwān Bībī Ṣāḥiba 244–245
Khwānd Mīr ʿArīzī 373–374
Khwānd Mīr Junaidī 433–434
Khwashtarā Bībī 278–279
Kirmānī, Aḥmad 222–223
Kirmānī, Mubārak Muḥammad 231
al-Kirmānī, Muḥammad b. Mubārak al-ʿAlawī see Amīr Khwurd
Kirmānī, Muḥammad Maḥmūd (grandfather of Amīr Khwurd) 222–223
Kitāb ādābu’l-murīdīn (Suhrāwardī, Abū Najīb ) 57, 120, 322
Kitāb tazkiratu’l-khwātīn dar sharaḥ-i ḥāl- i mashāhīr-i niswān-i ʿālam az ʿArab wa Rūm wa Hind wa ʿAjam az ṣadr-i Islām (Shirazi) 79–80
Kitāb-al-lumaʿ fi’l-tasṣawwuf (al-Sarrāj) 49–50
Küçük, Hülya 11
Kulliyāt-iṢāleh (Safūri) 293
al-Hujwīrī’s stay in 40–41
Māʿī Bhāgī in 428–429
Lahorī, Ghulām Sarwar 38, 41, 78–79, 248, 262, 263, 394, 428, 437, 438, 483
Lahorī, Nūr Aḥmad Chishtī 258, 438
Lahori, Salār 435
Lal, Mohan 240–241
Lallā ʿArifā/Lāl Ded/Lallā Yogishwari 247–249
Lamaʿat (Fahkhru’d-Dīn ῾Irāqī) 129
langar (free food) 116, 138, 178, 183, 444, 475, 483, 488
Langar Mall, Bābā 261–262
Langar Zamīn, Sulaimān 210
language command, of Sufi women 298, 332
Laṭāʾif-i Quddūsī (Ruknu’d-Dīn) 344–345
Lees, William Nassau 45–46
of authorisation for instructions 171, 331, 335
of Gīsū Darāz 164–165
of Jān-i-Jānāṅ, Mazhar 329–331, 348, 349
of Kalīmu’llah Jahanābādī 156
of Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā 124, 188
of Quddūs Gangohī, ʿAbdu’l 170–171, 344
of Sirhindī, Aḥmad 128–129
Lidā Mall Rishī 261–262
“A Lightning Trigger or a Stumbling Block: Mother Images and Roles in Classical Sufism” (Salamah-Qudsi) 15–16
lineage (shajara) 105–106, 298, 368, 386, 389
Little, David 179
Lodi Sultanate 275n256
Lubābu’l-Albāb (ʿAwfī) 205, 207
Lynes, Krista Geneviève 207
Mā Ṣāḥiba Ashraf-i do-jahāṇ see Bībī Ashraf Jahāṅ Ḥaẓrat Mā Ṣāḥiba
Mā Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Ḥājara see Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba
Maʿāriju’l-Wilāyat (Kheshgī) see Kheshgī, ʿAbdu’llah
Maʿāsiru’l Kirām (Āzād Bilgrāmī) 291n327, 415
Maclean, Derry L. 311
Madni, Saiyyid 319
Māh Khātūn/Bībī Khwānd Mā Ṣ̣āḥiba 245–246
Māhīn Abu’l Bakr Awliyāʾ Allāh 41, 304, 305
Mahmand b. Daulatyār 217
Maḥmūd Hāṅswī 249, 371
Maḥmūdā Bībī/Amma Bī 492–493, 492
Māʾi Baréchāni/Māʾi Gondrani 495
Māʿī Bhāgī 428–429
Māʾī Fāṭima Mastūiʾn 435
Māʾī Gāŕhī 28, 474–476
Māʾi Gondrani/Māʾi Baréchāni 495
Māʾī Khadīja 26, 299–300
Māʾi Khairū 495, 496
Māʾī Lānjī 42, 476–477, 477
Māʾī Maklī 84, 308–309
Māʾī Meharbān 493–494
Māʾī Mihirbān 214–215
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 477–488
healing powers of 482–486
legends about 42, 480–482
shrine of
in general 86–87, 476–480
āsitāna within 317
management of 487–488
as space for women bonding 486–487
visitations of 193
sister of Māʾī Lānjī 42, 477
ʿurs celebrations for 86, 478, 486
Māʾi Natrū 495, 496
Māʾī Nihāl Khātūn 300
Māʾī Nūruʾn nisāʾ Begam 301–304, 510
Māʾī Qadam/Jījā Mīrāṅ 314
Māʾi Saidū 495, 496
Māʾī Sapūraṅ/Ṣafūrā Qādirīyyā 292–293
maidservants see slave girls/maidservants
Majīd, Muḥammad ʿAbdu’l 371
Majzūba of Muḥammadpur 425–426
Makhdūma Jahān 376
Makhdūm-i Jahān see Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā
Makhkhan Bī 417–418
Maklī, necropolis of 84, 308–309, 315
Maktubāt-i Rabbānī (Sirhindī) 127
male singers 19
malfūzāt/malfūz 55–59
in general 70–71
about or by women 63
accuracy of 58–59
forged 60–62
oral traditions and 25–26, 55–56, 83
Malhī Qattāl 217
Malik Khushbāsh 374
Malik Shʿabān 374
Maliki school 12
Mʿālūmāt-i-Walīya (Bībī Walīya) 298
of shrines 83, 182, 444, 475, 476, 487–488
of Sufi lodges 174
Manāqibu’l Aṣfiyya (Shuʿaib Firdawsī) 133
Manāqibu’l Awliyāʾ (Jīwan Amethwī) 401
Manāqibu’l Maḥbūbīn (Sulaimānī) 342
Māndawī, Muḥammad Ghawsī Shaṭṭārī 72, 74, 404–406, 419, 422–423
Manerī, Aḥmad Yāhyā 210
Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā
letters of 124, 188
mother of see Bībī Raẓiya
shrine of 212
views of
on children 133–134
on Malfūzāt of Hārwanī 114
on sex/sexual urges 123–124
on visits to shrines 188
mention of 357
Mangho Pīr 193–194
Maqāmāt-i(Ghulām ʿAlī) 289–290, 329, 348–349
Maqṣūd al-murād 282–283
Mardum Maḥall/Bībī Ḥayātuʾn-nisāʾ 171, 327–328, 347–349
maʿrifa (gnosis) 69, 212
marriage/marital life
in general 104
vs. celibacy 91–92, 93, 112, 120
sex and 120–126
views of Sufi men on 112–120, 123
marṭab-eṭairī (flying, miraculous) 251
Mʿarūf, Shaikh of Jaunpur 402
Marwandi, Usman (Qalandar Lal Shahbaz) 20, 21
Mashāriqu’l Anwār (Ṣaghānī) 97, 99–100
Mʿāshūq Rabbānī 434–435
Masson, Charles 310–311
Maṭlaʿ ʿul-anwār (Amīr Khusraw) 81
Maudūdi, Abul ʿAlā 4
Mauj Daryā Bukhārī 257
al-Mawṣilī, Fatḥ 130
mazārs (shrines) see shrines
McConaghey, Allen 495, 496
meals, cooking of 17, 93–94, 161, 183, 379
Meeruthī, MuḥammadʿĀshiq Ilāhī 158
Mehmed Zihni Effendi 80
menstruation 150n17, 161, 317
Mernissi, Fatima 16
Miāṅ Jī Chishtī 423
Miāṅ Mastān Shāh xii
Miāṅ Mīr (Miyāṅ Jīv) 74–75
Mihr Bakhsh 302
Miller, Ronald E. 304
Min Allāh Shāh 435
Minhāj Sirāj Juzjāni 1, 33, 365
Minnat-Ullah Bībī Ṣāḥiba 180, 436
Minorsky, Vladimir F. 206–207
Mīr Khwurd see Amīr Khwurd
Mīrā Bībī 256–257
miracles/miraculous powers
associated with
ʿAbbās ʿAlī/ʿAbbās Makkī/Gorā Chānd Shāh 251–252
ʿAbdul Qādir Gilāni 483
Bī Amma Ṣāḥiba 425
Bībī Abdāl/Khujasta Akhtar 357–358
Bībī Ajjī Ṣāḥiba 288
Bībī Durrā Quṣūrī 277
Bībī Duyā 217
Bībī Fāṭima Saiyyida Gilānī 258
Bībī Fāṭima Sām 412–413
Bībī Fāṭima/Bībī Ḥajiānī 306
Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba 371–372
Bībī Khunza [Khunjā] Sulṭāna 378
Bībī Khwurd 416
Bībī Makhdūma 403
Bībī Nūrbharī 431
Bībī Qarsum Khātūn 383–384
Bībī Rāstī 432–433
Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi 337–338, 339
Bībī Sāra 392–393
Bībī Shaikhī Durkhānī 320
Bībī Sharīfa (daughter of Muḥammad Fāzil) 294, 295–296
Bībī Zulaikhā 398–399
Hāro Ana 307–308
Ḥaẓrat Bābājān 426
Haẓrat Shah ʿAbdu’l Mannān Ḥuẓūrī 490
Lidā Mall Rishī 261
Māʾī Khadīja 300
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 482–486
Māʾī Sapūraṅ/Ṣafūrā Qādirīyyā 292–293
Majzūba of Muḥammadpur 425
Makhkhan Bī 418
Mʿāshūq Rabbānī 434
Qadam, Māʾī/Jījā Mīrāṅ 314
Sangha Bībī 353
Sittī Mā Ṣaḥiba 286
healing powers
Mīrāṅ Ḥusainī (Shams ul-ʿUshshāq) 377
Mirāṅ Pīr see Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr
Mirāṅ Saiyyid ʿAlī Datār
shrine of 463–464, 465, 466, 467
chilla 461–467
female shrines within 467–468
healing rituals at 468–470
Miran Shāh (Aḥmad Bādpā) 268–270
Mirāt-i Madārī (Chishtī) 269
Mirāt-i Masʿūdī (Chishtī) 52
Mirāt-ịmadī (Khan) 278, 372–374, 375, 461
Mirāt-ul Asrār (Chishtī) 76
Mirātu’l Kaunain (Firdawsī) 356–357
Mīr-i Kalān 107
Mirza, Mohammad Wahid 107
Miyān Akhund Saʿīd Shuryānī (d. 1609) 267, 268, 509–510
Miyāṅ Mīr/Miyāṅ Jīv (d. 1635) 74–75, 110, 368, 369, 370
Miyāṅ Qāsim Afghānī Qādirī 445
Miʿyār-us sulūk (Hidāyat ʿAlī) 159–161
mizāj (human temperaments) xii
al-Mīzān al-kubrā al-Shaʿrānīyah (al-Shaʿranī) 161–162
mobility of women xi–xii, 161, 196, 197, 201 Ḥajj pilgrimage; travels
Mohan Lal, Munshi 84, 241–242
Mojaddedi, Javid A. 67
Moroccan Female Religious (Ouguir) 12
Morocco 12
mosques 179–180, 262, 266, 375–376
in general 108, 109–110
as disciples of sons 110, 361, 367, 374
motichoor laddūs (ball-shaped sweetmeat) 439, 440
Muʿāmilāt-i Mazhariyya (Naʿīmu’llah Bahrāʾīchī) 102–103, 348
Muḥammad, Prophet 95–96
Muḥammad Abu’l Qāsīm Gurgānī (d. 1751/1752) 54
Muḥammad b. Mubārak al-ʿAlawī al-Kirmānī see Amīr Khwurd
Muḥammad b. Qāsim 33
Muḥammad b. Tughlaq, Sultan of Delhi 177, 215, 218
Muḥammad Bāṣīr (d. 1613) 283
Muḥammad Chishtī 278, 279n270
Muḥammad Fāẓil 157, 294
Muḥammad Ḥusain (husband of Bānu Zuhrā Khatūn) 333
Muḥammad Ismāʿīl Bukhārī 38
Muḥammad Jamālu’d-Dīn 269
Muḥammad Makhdūm Bakhsh Firdawsī 208
Muḥammad Mīr 289
Muḥammad Shāh Āyatullah (Shorish) 297
Muḥammad Sulṭān 225, 233, 234, 326, 377, 433–434
Muḥammad Wāʾiẓī, ʿAbdu’lʿAzīz b. Sher Malik 122, 152
Muḥammad Wāris 362
Muḥammad Ẓiāʾu’l Ḥaqq 335, 339
Muḥammadi Begam 247
Muḥibu’llah Allāhābādī 280
Muhiʾu’d-Dīn, Shaikh (son of Qāẓī Ghāsī) 281
Muʿinu’d-Dīn Chishtī Ajmerī (d. 1236)
daughter of 109, 166, 341–342
disciples of 218–219, 449
shrine of 190–191, 448
works attributed to, Anīsu’l Arwāh 112–113, 114
mention of 39, 41, 131
Muir, William 199
Mujaddid Alf-i Sānī see Sirhindī, Aḥmad
Mujaddidī, Muḥammad Hāshim 333–334
Mujaddid-i Alf-i Sānī 334, 336, 379
Mujāhadātu’l Awliyāʾ (Qalandar) 288
Mujeeb, Muhammad xiii, 15
Mujībuʾn-nisāʾ 453–455
Mukhaddarāt Abdāliyā (Three Chaste Veiled Women Abdāl) 309–310
Mukhtiyār Bībī 493
Mukkā Bī 85, 270–271
Mulkapurī, MuḥammadʿAbdu’lār Khan 182, 184, 232–233, 376, 417, 421, 434
Multāni, Hissāmu᾽d-Dīn 164
Multānī Bādshāh 261, 270–271
muʾmināt 355
Mumtāz Mahal 63, 447
Mūnisu’l-arwāḥ (Jahān Ārāʾ Begam) 63, 75, 190–191, 342, 448
Munsif, Abdul Ghani 424
Muntajibu’d-Dīn 43, 230, 249, 371, 372, 509
Muntakhabuʾt tawārīkh (Abdu’l Qādir Badaoni) 107, 402n293
Muraqqāʿ-yi Dehli (Dargāh Qulī Khān) 196
Murata, Sachiko 10
murshid (spiritual guides), Sufi women as 16, 120, 155, 161–163, 175, 195, 200, 285–286, 335, 343, 381, 400–404, 449
Murtaʿīsh, Abu Muḥammad 49
Murtazā, Muḥammad 295
Mūsā Āhangar Suhrawardī 262–263, 265
Mūsā (husband of Bībī Mammi) 282
Muslim communities (South Asia) ix, 31–32, 34, 112
al-Muṭṭaqī al-Hindī, ʿAlāʾu’d Dīn ʿAlī b. ʿAbdu’l-Malik Ḥusāmu’d-Dīn (d. 1567) 114–115, 168–170
Muzaffar Shams Balkhī 124
Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Schimmel) 73–74
mystical sayings, of Shāmma Bībī 350–351
Nādān Bībī/Saidānī Bībī 314–315
Nadwī, Muḥammad Akram 14
Nadwī, Sayyid Sulaiman 14, 32, 37
Nafaḥātu’l-uns min ḥaẓarātu’l-quds (Jāmī) 67, 206, 339n54, 449
Nafā’isu᾽l-anfās (Kāshānī) 106
Nagore Andawar 188, 274
Nāgpurī, Bābā Tāju’d-Dīn 424
Naharwālā, Ḥusain 107, 405–406
Naʿīmī, Muḥammad Iqbāl Ḥusain 477
Naʿīmu’llah Bahrāʾīchī, Muḥammad 102–103, 329–330, 347, 348
Nainar, Syed Muhammad Husayn 33
Najību’d-Dīn Mutāwakkil 118, 363, 380, 381, 384, 407, 408, 409, 411, 413
Naqīʾud-Dīn Awadhī 134, 142
Naṣībā Bībī 269
Naṣiḥat farzand-i bihishti ̄ samaratu’l fu’ād ʿafīfā (Amīr Khusraw) 109
Nasīm, Waḥīda 232, 252
Nāṣir-ud-dīn (son of Sulṭān Iltutmish) 3
Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī
control of sexual urges by 120–121
family of 105, 236
female disciples of 149–152, 377
interactions/relationships of, Bībī Būbū Abādī 236–237
malfūz of Khairu’l Majālis (Qalandar)
succession of 167–168
views of
on Anīsu’l Arwāh 114
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 410–411, 413
on Bībī Zulaikhā 397
on family 104–105
on initiations 155
on khānqāhs 177
on Mashāriqu’l Anwār 99
on mother of Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Ḍarīr 111
ʿurs celebrations 189–190
on women 94–97, 118
on women’s spirituality 163–164
views on, of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 57
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein 9–10
Nāz Bībī (daughter of Shaikh Sirāju’d-Dīn Junaidī) 246
Nāzir, Ghulām ʿAbdu’l-Qādir 323, 325, 415, 507
nazrānā (income of shrines) 38n26, 85, 86, 441, 460, 467, 475, 477, 489, 493
Neville, H.R. 239
Newell, James Richard 426–427
Nijātu’llah, Saiyyid (Shāh Miyāṅ) 291n327
Nizam Bīwī see Beemā Bīwī
Nizāmi, Ḥasan Sānī 394–395
Nizami, Khaliq Ahmad 58, 88, 156, 176–177, 181, 236, 380
Nizāmi Dihlavī, Ḥasan 201, 343, 407, 412–414
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Abu’l Muaʾiyyad 26, 41, 199, 391, 392–393, 394–395
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Ambethwī, Bandagī Miaṅ 120, 400–401, 402–403, 404
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Aurangābādī 125, 130, 141, 156, 183
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ
birth of 396
celibacy of 104, 120
disciples of 35, 405, 406
family/descendants of
mother see Bībī Zulaikha
interactions/relationships of
with Amīr Khusraw 2, 80, 82
with Bībī Fāṭima Sām 23–24, 407, 509
with Bībī Rānī 224
with Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 227
with children of Badru’d-Dīn Isḥāq 362
with Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 58–59, 101
with mother 395, 398–400
khānqāh of
in Ghiyaspur 149, 177–178, 181
women’s presence in 181
malfūz of see Fawaʾidu’l-fuʾād; Siyaru’l Awliyāʾ
as malfūz scribe 58–59
shrine of 27
ʿurs celebration by 190
views of
on baraka of saints 18
on Bībī Fāṭima Sām 408–409, 413
on Bībī Qarsum Khātūn 381, 383, 384
on Bībī Rānī 225
on Bībī Sāra 26, 392
on celebacy 98–99
on Chishtī Shaikhs 61
on death of Sufi saints 186
on effect of supplications 186
on etiquettes 57
on family 106
on Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 131
on forged malfūzāt 60
on Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Suwalī 222
on Quṭbu’d-Dīn Bakhtiyār Kākī 131
on shrine of pīr replacing Kʿaba 187
on shrines 185–186
on spiritual jurisdiction 24, 146–147
on Sufis 51
on traits of men of Allāh 51
on walāyat and wilāyat 24
on women 88–89, 98–99, 100–101, 109, 408–409
on women of ill repute 142–143
on women’s initiation 149
views on, of Amīr Khwurd 100–101
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Yamanī 168
Nizāmu’l Mulk Ṭūsī 92
novices, female 151
Nuh siphir (Amīr Khusraw) 35
Nund Rishī (Nūru’d-Dīn Wali) 254–256, 350
Nūr Bāʾī 300–301
Nūr Muḥammad 293
Nūrī Bābā 85–86
Nūru’d-Dīn, Shaikh (d. 1439) 248
Nūru’d-Dīn Mubārak Ghaznawī (d. 1234) 41, 392
Nūru’d-Dīn Wali (Nund Rishī) 254–256, 350
Nūru’llah, Shaikh 423
Nuṣrat Jang, Zu’lfiqār Khan Bahadur 324
oaths of allegiance (baiʿāt)
women and
method of administering 147–148, 150–152
Sirhindī on 129
Walīullah Dihlawī on 157
oral traditions
hagiography and 53
malfūzāt/malfūz and 25–26, 55–56, 83
shrines and 83, 86–87
tazkirāt/tazkira and 83
women’s biographies and 238, 293, 311, 314, 325, 430, 456–494
Orientalism 45–46
Ouguir, Aziza 12
Pākdāman Bībīāṅ 494
Panah Bībī 302
Pānch Bībī kī Dargāh (Five Respected Women) 313
Pānch Bībioṅ (Five Sisters) 44, 249–250
Pand nāma (ʿAṭṭār) 117
Pānīpatī, Sanāʾu’llah 119, 328, 347, 348, 349
parda see veiling of women
Parda: sharaʿī aur ijtimāʿī nuqta ye nigāh se (Maudūdi) 4
Parioṅ, Shāh 485
Partition (1947) 461–462
Pata Khazana (Hotak) 366, 445
Pemberton, Kelly 18
Perfect Person (insān-i kāmil) 9
Pfleiderer, Beatrix 462
Phūl Bībī 110, 289, 359–362
Pigot, George 324
Pilgrims of Love. The Anthropology of a Global Sufi Cult (Werbner) 17–18
Pīr ʿAlī 119, 347
Pīr Badr see Badru’d-Dīn ʿĀlam Zāhidī
Pīr Ghāʾib Ṣāḥib/Qadirī, Ḥasan 324
Pīr Ghāyab Shāh 458
Pīr Saiyyid Walī Muḥammad 492, 492
Pīr Jug(Shihābu’d-Dīn) 209–210
Sufi men, Amīr Khusraw 35
Sufi women
Bebe Nekbakhta 445–447
Bībī Ḥalīma 366
Māʾī Nūruʾn nisāʾ Begam 303
Rābiʿa Balkhi 205, 207
Shāmma Bībī 351
polygamy 128
possessed women 464–465, 468–469
postpartum period 325
proselytizing activities 305
protection amulets (tʿāwīz) xii
Punch Bībīāṅ Ṣaḥiba (Five Respected Women) 250–251
Pune/Poona 426
Qabūlā Ḥusainī (Yad Ullāh Shāh) 435
Qadam, Shaikh 445
Qādir, ʿAbdu’l (father of Makhkhan Bī) 417
Qādirī, Abu’l-Fatḥ Dāw᾽ūd 293
Qadirī, Ḥasan/Pīr Ghāʾib Ṣāḥib 324
Qādirī al-Munʿamī, Aḥmad 301
Qalandar, Ḥāmid 59, 71, 94–95, 133, 137, 149–150, 235–236, 410–411
Qalandar, Masʿūd ʿAlī 288, 289
Qalandar, Muḥammad Māh 110, 359–361
Qalandar, Ᾱrif Billah Shāh Muḥammad Kāzim 288n313
Qalandar Allahabadī, Bāsiṭ ʿAlī 110, 288, 289, 361
Qalandar Kākorwī, Turāb ʿAlī 196, 288, 289, 359, 360, 361
Qalandar Lahirpur, Mujtabā/Majjā 359
Qalandar Lal Shahbaz (Marwandi, Usman) (d. 1274) 20, 21
Qannaujī, Ṣiddīq Ḥasan Khan xi–xii
Qāẓī Qāẓan 368–369
Qāẓī Sāiʾṅ Dittā b. Qāẓī Qalandar Farūqī 369
Qāzi Sharfu’d-Dīn 100–101
Qāzī Shuʿaib 382
al-Qirmisini Muzaffar 66
Qiwām, Muḥammad Jamāl 396–397
Qiwāmu’l-ʿaqā’id (Qiwām) 396–397
Quddūs Gangohī, ʿAbdu’l 36, 158, 170–171, 344
Quddūsi, ʿIjāzu’l Ḥaqq 344
quilting 292
Quraish Bībī 283
creation story in 91
reciting/memorising of
by Bāʾī Jī 428
by Bānu Zuhrā Khatūn 333
by Bībī Fāṭima/ Bībī Ḥajiānī 306
by Bībī Rāstī 387
by Bībī Ṣūrat 275
by Māʾī Nūruʾn nisāʾ Begam 302
by Makhkhan Bī 417
by Saiyyida Ḥāfiza Bībī 415
2:109 xiii
2:288 10–11
3:37 163
4:23 102
4:34 xi
12:53 98
24: 36–37 173
30:22 98
33:28–29 95–96
33:32 96
60:12 148, 151
women’s status in 6
Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective (Wadud) 6
Qushayrī, Abu’l Qāsim 60, 65–66, 69
Quṭb Shāh 302
Quṭb-i ʿĀlam see Ḥaqq, Nūru’l
Quṭbu’d-Dīn, Shaikh (d. 1601) 423
Quṭbu’d-Dīn Bakhtiyār Kākī (d. 1235) 111, 115, 131, 186, 391–393
Quṭbu’d-Dīn Sihālwī Shahīd (d. 1691) 280
Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya
biographies of 7, 8
in Kashfu’l Maḥjūb 69
status of 66–67, 136
mention of 162, 267, 276, 323
Rābiʿa Balkhi see Rābiʿa (daughter of Kʿāb)
Rāʿbia Baṣari 80
Rābiʿa of Bengal/Ḥaẓrat Bānu Zuhrā Khatūn 332–333
Rābiʿa (daughter of Kʿāb) 205–207
Rābiʿa Khānam 328
Rābiʿa al-Quzdārī see Rābiʿa (daughter of Kʿāb)
Rabia(film) 207
Rafiqi, Abdul Qaiyyum 352
Raja Kanak/Raja Ganesh 211
Rāji, Bibi (Queen of Sharqi Sultanate) 179
Rājī Laulashtī 314
Rām, Hittū 311–312
Ramakrishnan, K.K. 426
Rashdi, Ḥusamuddīn 316
Rāstī Mā 462, 466–468
Rasūlnumā Banarsi 297–298
Rawẓat’l-aqṭāb al-maʿarūfĀṣaf (ʿAlī, Rawnaq) 227–230
Rawẓatu’l Abrār (Amīn) 352
Rawẓatu’l awliyāʾ (Ᾱzād Bilgramī) 371
Rawẓatu’l awliyāʾ-Bijāpur (Zubairī) 79, 250, 273, 282–283, 284, 285, 287–288, 314, 367
Rāzī, Maulānā Fahkhru’d-Dīn 96–97
Raẓiu’d-dīn (alias ʿAbdullah) 342
Raẓiya Sulṭān 1–3, 142, 365, 392, 394, 413
research methods 25–27
ribāṭs (hospices) see Sufi lodges
Risala al-qushayriyya (Qushayrī) 65–66
Risālā Siyaru’l Aqṭāb (Chishtī) 166, 343, 382
Risāla-yi ṣāḥibiyya (Jahān Ārāʾ Begam) 63, 75, 448–452
Rishī namā (Bahāu’d-Dīn Mattu) 248, 352, 353
Ritter, Hellmut 207
Rizvi, Saiyid Athar Abbas 61, 219
Roded, Ruth 13–14, 68
Ruknu’d-Dīn, Shaikh (d. 1575/1576) 344–345
Ruknu’d-Dīn Abu’l Faṭh/Rukn-i- ʿĀlam (d. 1335) 42, 384, 387
Ruknu’d-Dīn Firūz (d. 1263) 3
Rūmī 11, 15
Rushd Nāmā (Quddūs Gangohī) 36
Rustam ʿAlī 293
Saʿadi Lahorī 366
Ṣābirī Chishtī Rampurī, Muḥammad Ḥasan 54, 231, 382, 453, 498–507
Ṣādīq, Luṭfu’llah Khan Bahādur 328
Ṣadru’d-Dīn, Qāẓī 280–281
Ṣadru’d-Dīn ʿĀrif Qattāl 42, 385, 387
Ṣafīnatu’l Awliyāʾ (Dārā Shikūh) 74–75, 110, 370
Ṣafiu’d-Dīn, Saiyyid 257
Ṣafīu’llah, Qayyūm-i Jahan 159, 172, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338
Ṣafūrā Qādirīyyā̇/Māʾī Sapūran 292–293
Safūri, Ṣaleḥ Muḥammad 293
Ṣaghānī, Maulānā Raẓiu’d-Dīn Ḥasan 99–100
Ṣāḥib, Shah 367
Sāʿīd, Aḥmad (d. 1935) 321, 428, 430
Saʿīd Khan 277
Saidānī Bībī/Nādān Bībī 314–315
Saidānī Ṣaḥiba/Bībī Saiyyidānī 319
Saifu’d-Dīn Bākhrāzī 189–190
Saifullah Qādirī Shaṭṭārī Sibghat Allāh 273, 286
Saiyyid Muḥammad Shuʿaib 297
Saiyyid Salār Masʿūd Ghāzī (Ghāzī Miyān) 53
Saiyyida Bībī Āmna 471–472
Saiyyida Bībī Banū 471–472
Saiyyida Ḥāfiza Bībī 414–415
Saiyyida Khadīja Bībī 472–474, 473
Saiyyidʾus-Sādāt Muḥammad Ḥanīf 253
Sakhī Bī Jī Sarkār Qalandarī 492
Sakinatu’l Awliyāʾ (Dārā Shikūh) 75
Salamah-Qudsi, Arin Shawkat 15–16
Salāmān wa Absāl (Jāmī) 67
Ṣāleḥ, Muḥammad 293
Ṣalehā Mā Ṣāḥiba 284
salt, healing powers of 309, 316, 318, 439, 476, 493
Samʾani, Aḥmad 91
Sāmānī, Muḥammad ʿAli 411
Sangha Bībī 351–353
al-Sarrāj, Abū Naṣr 49–50, 130
Sastri, Hirananda 313
Satīuʾn Nisāʾ 448
sattioṅ jo āstāno (shrine of the chaste women) 441, 444
Sayyida Junaid Bībī see Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr
Sayyida Nafīsa 8
Schimmel, Annemarie 5, 9, 73–74
segregation of women
in general 198–201
during initiation 153–154
views on
of Amīr Khusraw 81–82
of Gangohī, Rashīd Aḥmad 200
of Simnānī, Muḥammad Ashraf Jahāngīr 200
of Thanāwī, Ashraf ʿAlī 200–201
Seven Virtuous Ladies (Ḥaft ʿAfīfa) 80, 441–444
sex/sexual urges
slave girls/maidservants for 137
suppressing of 120–125
wives and 113
Shādī b. Yaʿqūb b. Muḥammad Kabīr 373, 374
Shādī Khan 275
Shāh, Imtiyāz Ḥussain 293
Shah, Sayyid Jamāl 460
Shāh Jahan, Mughal Emperor (d. 1666) 63, 75, 179, 190, 212, 342, 367, 368, 447–448, 449
Shah Jo Risālo (Bhit Shah) 19, 475
Shāh Miyāṅ (Nijātu’llah, Saiyyid ) 291n327
Shāh nāma-ye Hind (ʿIṣāmī) 2
Shāh Parioṅ jo Āsitāna (Shrine of the King Fairies) 315–318, 317–318, 444
Shāhbāz, Shāh 184
Shāhul Ḥamīd Nagori 188, 274
Shaikh, Saʿdiyya 10
restrictions against 11, 88, 89 khalifas
shajara (lineage) 105–106, 298, 368, 386, 389
Shakūru’d-Dīn Walī, Bābā 352
Shāmma Bībī 349–351
Shamnā Mīrāṅ (Shamsu’d-Dīn) 377
Shams ul-ʿUshshāq (Mīrāṅ Ḥusainī) 377
Shamsu’d-Dīn (nephew of Amīr Ḥasan Sijzī) 119
Shamsu’d-Dīn (Shamnā Mīrāṅ) 377
Shamsu’d-Dīn, Khwāja (Ghāzī Bābā) 239–240
Shamsu’d-Dīn, Muḥammad 371
Shamsu’l-ʿᾹrifīn ʿAbdu’l Wahīd 41
Sharaḥ Jawāmiu’l kilam (Ḥusainī) 412
al-Shaʿranī, ʿAbd al-Wahāb 161–162
Sharīfa Khatūn (daughter of Muḥammad Fāzil) 157, 294–296
Sharma, Sunil 207
Shaṭṭārī, Muḥammad Ghausī 182
Sher Shāh Suri, Sultan of Delhi 268, 269–270
Shibli Academy 37n23
Shihābu’d-Dīn (PīrJot) 209–210
Shihābu’d-Dīn, Maulānā 133
Shihābu’d-Dīn Abu Bakr 304, 305
Shihābu’d-Dīn Qattāl Zāhid 358
Shirāzī, Mirza Mehdi 79–80, 443
Shīrāzī, Shukru’llah 322
Shorish (Muḥammad Shāh Āyatullah) 297
Shrine of the King Fairies (Shāh Parioṅ jo Āsitāna) 315–318, 317–318, 444
shrine visitations
etiquette of 85–86
menstruation and 317
replacing Ḥajj 187–188
restrictions on
for females 470, 481–482
for males 389, 391, 472, 481, 494
to shrines of Sufi men
Abū Yazīd Basṭāmi 195
ʿAlī Datār, Mirāṅ Saiyyid 463–464, 464–467, 465, 466, 467
Pīr Ghāyab Shāh 458
to shrines of Sufi women
in general 192, 510
Amma Bībī Maryam 458, 459, 460
Amma Bī/Maḥmūdā Bībī 493
Amma Khairuʾn-nisāʾ 456, 457
Bakhtūʾī, Dādī 239
Bībī ʿĀʾisha 232
Bībī Ashraf Jahāṅ Ḥaẓrat Mā Ṣāḥiba 234
Bībī Maryam Bukhārī Shahīd 460
Bībī of Kamāl/Kamālo 26–27, 213–214
Bībī Rāstī 391
Bībīaṅ Pākdāman 490
Bībīāṅ Pākdāmnāṅ 437–438
Ḥaft ʿAfīfa 441, 444
Harro Bībī 263
Hujwīrī, Abu’l Ḥasan ʿAlī 437
Māʾī Maklī 309
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 193, 478, 479–480
Pākdāman Bībīāṅ 494
Punch Bībīāṅ Ṣaḥeba 251
Saiyyida Bībī Āmna 472
Saiyyida Bībī Banū 472
Saiyyida Ḥāfiza Bībī 415
Saiyyida Khadīja Bībī 474
of Zachchā Bībī 225
tying of threads/ribbons during 189, 232, 239, 251, 309, 319, 439, 464–465
views on
of Aḥmad Raza Khan Fāzil Barelwī 198
of Dargāh Qulī Khān 196
of Gīsū Darāz 187–188
of Ismāʿīl Shahīd, Muḥammad 197
of Jān-i-Jānāṅ, Mazhar 195
of Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā 188
of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 187
of Qalandar, Turāb ʿAlī 196
of Qannaujī, Ṣiddīq Ḥasan Khan 198
of Shahul Hamid 188
by women
in general 16, 21, 26–27, 191–195
disapproval of 195–198
gender discrimination at 192
Jahān Ārāʾ Begum 190–191, 448
popularity in 18th century 196
visibility of 27–28
in general 20–21, 84–85, 185–190
ablution of sins and 195
disapproval of 185–186
grants/patronage for 185
income of 38n26, 85, 86, 441, 460, 467, 475, 477, 489, 493
management of 83, 182, 444, 475, 476, 487–488
neglect of 83–85, 313, 380, 391
oral traditions and 83, 86–87
performances at 194
replacing Kʿaba 187–188
replicas of 462
as sacred spaces 20–21
singers at 19
studies on 16–17, 83–87
of Sufi girl-children 433
of Sufi men
Abdullah Shāh Ghāzī 28, 193
Abū Yazīd al-Basṭāmi 195
Aḥmad Bādpā 270
ʿAinu’d-Dīn Ganju’l ʿIlm Junaidī 246
ʿAlāu’d-Dīn Ṣābir 454
ʿAlawī, Hāshim Ḥusainī 284
Bāqī Billah 380
Bāwa Gor 193, 194
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 253
Chatrīwālī Sarkar 489
Chishtī, Amānat ʿAlī 299
Fatḥ ʿAlī Wāʾisī 332
Ḥabīb Allāh Ṣibghat Allāhī 286
Ḥamīdu’d-Dīn Suwalī 221
Hujwīrī 40
Kāmil, Miāṅ Muḥammad 299
Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā 212
Mangho Pīr 193–194
Mʿāshūq Rabbānī 434–435
Miāṅ Mastān Shāh xii
Mīrāṅ Ḥusainī 377
Mirāṅ Saiyyid ʿAlī Datār 463–464, 465, 466, 467
chilla 461–467
female shrines within 467–468
healing rituals at 468–470
Muntajibu’d-Dīn 371
Mūsā Āhangar Suhrawardī 265
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 27
Nūrī Bābā 85–86
Pīr Ghāʾib Ṣāḥib/Qadirī, Ḥasan 324
Pīr Saiyyid Walī Muḥammad 492, 492
Qalandar, Turāb ʿAlī 288n313
Qalandar Lal Shahbaz 20, 21
Shāhul Ḥamīd Nagori 274
Shamnā Mīrāṅ (Shamsu’d-Dīn) 377
Shamsu’d-Dīn (Ghāzī Bābā) 240
Shīrāzī, Shukru’llah 322
Sirāju’d-Dīn Junaidī 326
Zinda Pīr 17
of Sufi women
in general 510
Amma Bībī Maryam 458, 458–459, 460
Amma Khairuʾn-nisāʾ 456, 457
appearance of 85
Bakhtūʾī, Dādī 238, 239
Bānu Zuhrā Khatūn 333
Bāqī Billah’s mother 380
Beemā Bīwī 304
Bī Mayya xii
Bībī ʿĀʾisha 230, 232
Bībī Ashraf Jahāṅ Ḥaẓrat Mā Ṣāḥiba 234
Bībī Bandagī Ḥusainī 276–277
Bībī Būbū Abādī 234, 238
Bībī Fāṭima 239–240
Bībī Fāṭima Saiyyida Gilānī 258–259, 260
Bībī Fāṭima Sām 413–414
Bībī Ḥāfiz Jamāl 343
Bībī Ḥājara/Mā Ṣāḥiba 44, 371, 372
Bībī Ḥalīma 368
Bībī Jawindī 240–241, 242–243
Bībī Jawindī/Zinda Ahadi 84
Bībī Jīū/Jī 375
Bībī Kamāl/Kamālo 26–27, 85, 208, 212–214
Bībī Khadīja 221
Bībī Khunza [Khunjā] Sulṭāna 376, 377, 378
Bībī Khwānd Mā Ṣ̣āḥiba/Māh Khātūn 246
Bībī Khwurd 416
Bībī Māhlat 281
Bībī Māhnau 270
Bībī Maryam Bukhārī Shahīd 460–461
Bībī Nānī 310, 312
Bībī Nekzan/Bībī Nāhzan 313
Bībī Nūrbharī 431
Bībī Qādirīyyā 283
Bībī Rāstī 388, 389, 390, 391
Bībī Raushan Ārāʾ 252
Bībī Saiyyidānī/Saidānī Ṣaḥiba 319
Bībī Shamsa Mā Ṣāḥiba 273
Bībī Tārī 322
Bībī Umm-i Ḥabība 470, 471
Bībī Zulaikhā 400
Bībīaṅ Pākdāman 489
Bībīāṅ Pākdāmnāṅ 437, 438–439, 440, 441
in Bidar 254
of the chaste women 441, 444
Hāro Ana 307, 308
Harro Bībī 262, 263, 264–265, 265–266
Hasti Bībī 84
Ḥaẓrat Bābājān 426
Haẓrat Shah ʿAbdu’l Mannān Ḥuẓūrī 490–491, 491
Jahān Ᾱrāʾ Begam 27
Khujasta Akhtar/Bībī Abdāl 358
Khwashtarā Bībī 279
Māʾī Gāŕhī 474–476
Māʾī Khadīja 300
Māʾī Lānjī 476–477
Māʾī Meharbān 493–494
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 477–488
in general 86–87, 476–480
management of 487–488
as space for women bonding 486–487
visitations of 193
Māʾī Nūruʾn nisāʾ Begam 303–304
Māʾī Sapūraṅ/Ṣafūrā Qādirīyyā 292, 293
Maklī, Māʾī 309
Mihirbān, Māʾī 214
Mukhaddarāt Abdāliyā 310
Mukkā Bī 85
Pākdāman Bībīāṅ 494
Pānch Bībī kī Dargāh 313
Pānch Bībioṅ (five sisters) 250
Punch Bībīāṅ Ṣaḥeba 251
Qadam, Māʾī/Jījā Mīrāṅ 314
Quraish Bībī 283
Rābiʿa (daughter of Kʿāb) 207
Saidānī Bībī/Nādān Bībī 314–315
Saiyyida Bībī Āmna 471–472
Saiyyida Bībī Banū 471–472
Saiyyida Ḥāfiza Bībī 414–415
Saiyyida Khadīja Bībī 472, 473
Sakhī Bī Jī Sarkār Qalandarī 492
Ṣalehā Mā Ṣāḥiba 284
Sangha Bībī 353
sattioṅ jo āstāno 441, 444
Sayyida Nafīsa 8
Shāh Parioṅ jo Āsitāna 315–318, 317–318, 444
Sittī Mā Ṣaḥiba 286
Sōnā Bāʾī 253
as source for study of 83–87
Zachchā Bībī 225, 325–326
terms for 185
visiting of see shrine visitations
wayside 85
women and
in general 21
active participation at 17
expression of spirituality of 191–195
as singers 19
visitations of see shrine visitations
Shuʿaib Firdawsī (d. 1895) 133
Ṣibghat Allāh, Muḥammad 367
Sibi District Gazetteer (McConaghey) 495
Siddiqi, Iqtidar Husain 61
Ṣifāt al Ṣifwā (ʿAlī b. al-Jawzī) 66
organisational patterns of 146–147
surveys of 72
women’s presence in
in general 146–147
arguments against 159–162
as disciples 147–159
as khalifas see khalifas
as shaikhas, restrictions against 11, 88, 89
as Sufis 162–165
Silvers, Laury 6
Simnānī, Muḥammad Ashraf Jahāngīr 68, 168, 186–187, 200
singers 19–20
Sirāju’d-Dīn Junaidī (d. 1379) 226, 233, 249, 326, 371
Sirāju’d-Dīn Junaidī (d. 1393) 246
Sīrat-un Nabī (Nadwī) 37n23
Sirhindī, Aḥmad 127–129, 159
Sirhindī, Badru’d-Din 380
Sittī Mā Ṣaḥiba 285–286
Siyar-i Muḥammadi (Sāmānī) 411
Siyaru’l Aqṭāb (Chishtī) 39
Siyaru’l Awliyāʾ (Amīr Khwurd) see Amīr Khwurd
Siyaru’l ʿᾹrifīn (Jamālī) 60, 72, 221, 235, 385, 395
Siyāsat-nāma (Nizāmu’l Mulk Ṭūsī) 92
slave girls/maidservants
of Bībī Zulaikhā 139, 398
children of 140
cooking of meals by 93–94
gifted as commodities 139
marrying of 141
for sexual gratification 137
Sufi men’s views on 137–142
Sufi women and 137
sleep/sleeping 322, 410
Smith, Margaret 7, 312
Sōnā Bāʾī 252–253
South Asia
in general 31
ethnic diversity in 31–32
Islam in
arrival of 32–33
converts and 34
Muslim communities in ix, 31–32, 34, 112
Sufi lodges (khānqāhs) in
associated with a woman 180, 436
functions of 176–178
for Sufi women 179
women’s presence in 180–181, 182, 183–184, 422
Sufis’ arrival in 38–39, 41–44
Mongols’ arrival in 33
Turko-Afghans’ arrival in 32
spiritual charisma (karāmat)
in general 58
boundaries of 146–147
of women Sufis 309, 311, 485, 510
spiritual guides (murshid), Sufi women as 18, 120, 161–163, 400–404
spiritual jurisdiction 24, 146–147
spiritual lineage see lineage
state grants 185
Stowasser, Barbara 91
Sufi (term)
male connotation of 46–47
use of xii, 45–46, 48
Sufi girl-children 433–435
Sufi lodges (khānqāhs)
in general
development of 174
functions of 173–174
opposition against 175–176
for Sufi women 179
in South Asia
associated with a woman 180, 436
functions of 176–178
for Sufi women 179
women’s presence in
in general 180–181
in low-cadre functions 183–184
in managerial functions 182, 422
Sufi men
as archetypical 93
arrival of in South Asia 38–39
as disciples see disciples
etiquettes for disciples of 56–57
humiliation of, by women 96
jurisdiction of 24, 146–147
mode’s of piety of 508–509
monographs on 7
shrines of see under shrines
supernatural powers after death of 186–187
treatment by
of slave girls/maidservants
Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 139
ḤasanDihlawī 141
Naqīʾud-Dīn Awadhī 142
of women
in general 113–114
ʿAlī Aḥmad Ṣābir 116
Quṭbu’d-Dīn Kākī 115
ʿurs celebration for see under ʿurs (death anniversary) celebrations
views of
on children
Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 132–133
Manerī, Sharfu’d-Dīn Yāhyā 133–134
Naqīʾud-Dīn Awadhī 134
al-Sarrāj, Abū Naṣr 130
on family
in general 104–105
children 130–134
mothers, sisters, daughters 106–112
Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī 104–105
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 106
on marriage/marital life
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 118–119
Gīsū Darāz 123
Jān-i-Jānāṅ, Mazhar 119
Najību’d-Dīn Mutawakkil 118
Suhrāwardī, Ẓiāu’d-Dīn Abū Najīb ʿAbdu’l Qādir 120
on slave girls/maidservants 137–142
ʿAbdul ʿAzīz Dihlawī 137–138
Gīsū Darāz 139–140
Kalīmu’llah Jahanābādī 140–141
on Sufi women
as men in form of women 15, 89, 164–165, 268, 324
Nāzir, Ghulām ʿAbdu’l-Qādir on 507
on wives 112–120
on women (in general)
in general 88–90, 509
in 17th and 18th century 126–130
ʿAbdul ʿAzīz Dihlawī 97–98
ʿAbdu’l-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis Dihlawī (d. 1642/1643) 126–127
Amīr Khusraw 81–82, 109
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 94
as chaos 88, 90–94
compassionate attitudes towards 134–135
as deficient in reasoning 4–5, 94–98, 161–162
Farīdu’d-Dīn Ganj-i Shakkar 89
Ḥaqq, Nūru’l 134–135
Hidāyat ʿAlī, Muḥammad 161
Hujwīrī 69–70, 88, 90–92
Ibrāḥīm b. Adham 93
of ill repute see below
Jāmī, ʿAbdur Raḥmān 98
Kalīmu’llah Jahanābādī 130
martital life/sex and 120–126
Naʿīmu’llah Bahrāʾīchī 102–103
Naṣīru’d-Dīn Maḥmūd Chirāgh-i Dihlī 94–97, 118
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 88–89, 98–99, 100–101, 109, 408–409
Nizāmu’l Mulk Ṭūsī 92
as personifying evil 89, 98–103
Ṣaghānī, Maulānā Raẓiu’d-Dīn Ḥasan 99–100
Sirhindī, Aḥmad 127–128
ʿAṭṭār, Farīdu’d-Dīn 15, 89, 117–118
Yūsuf Gadā 125–126
on women of ill repute 142–145
ʿAbdul ʿAzīz Dihlawī 144–145
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 143–144
Gīsū Darāz 144
Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 142–143
Sufi women
in general ix
anonymous, from 15th century Bidar 253–254
arrival of in South Asia 41–44
books by see books by Sufi women
as disciples see under disciples
Ahmedabad (Gujarat) 496–497
from Balochistan 495–496
of Bengal and Bihar 497
of Bijapur 497–498
invisibility of 23, 509
as khalifas see khalifas
lack of own writing of 14
language command of 298, 332
as men in form of women 15, 89, 164–165, 268, 324
mentioned in Tawārīkh āʿina-yi taṣawwuf (Ṣābirī Chishtī Rampurī) 498–507
mode’s of piety of 508–510
poetry by see under poetry/poets
research on 5–16
shrines of see under shrines
in silsilas see under silsilas
as spiritual guides 18, 120, 161–163, 400–404
Sufi lodges and see under Sufi lodges
taṣawwuf of
in general ix–x
taʿabbud as essence of 24
in texts on Sufism see under texts on Sufism
titles for 89
travels of see travels
ʿurs celebration of see under ʿurs (death anniversary) celebrations
Sufis (in general)
fake 49–50
female see Sufi women
ḥadīths on 49
male see Sufi men
supernatural powers after death of 186–187
veneration of 50–51
views on
of Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ 51
of al-Sarrāj 49–50
initiation into see initiations
in Morocco 12
Muslim views of 46
orders in see silsilas
Orientalist view of 45–46
of Sufi women
in general ix–x
taʿabbud as essence of 24
texts on see texts on Sufism
views on
of Abu’l Ḥasan Nūrī 48–49
of al-Hujwīrī 39, 47–48
of Muḥammad b. Tughluq 177
of Murtaʿīsh 49
wool garments and 45
ṣuḥba/ṣuḥbat 355
Suhrawardī, Shihābu’d-Dīn Abū Ḥafs ʿUmar (d. 1234/1235) 154, 175–176, 400
Suhrawardī, Shihābu’d-Dīn (d. 1191) 209
Suhrawardī, Tawakkal Mastān Bābā 319
Suhrāwardī, Ẓiāu’d-Dīn Abū Najīb ʿAbdu’l Qādir 57, 120, 322
Sulaiman Dāna 216, 217
Sulaimānī, Najmu᾽d-Dīn 342
as-Sulamī, Abū ʿAbdur-Raḥmān 12–13, 24, 59, 68
Sulayman al Tajjār 33
Sulṭān Bāhū 434–435
Sultan Jahan Begum, Nawab of Bophal 158
Sulṭāna Bībī 274
Sulṭānu’l-Mashāʾīkh see Nizāmu’d-Dīn Awliyāʾ
Surruʾs-Ṣudūr (Farīdu’d-Dīn) 218
Syed Alaol 126
Syed Muḥammad Wāsil 362
ṭabaqāt literature
in general 59–60, 63
Sufi women in 72–73
under specific ṭabaqāt
Ṭabaqāt al-Sufiyya (as-Sulamī) 59
tahajjud prayers 111, 115, 161, 354, 451
Tahzib-un(journal) 247
Tajalliyāt-ịmānī (Ḥusainī, ʿAlī Muḥammad) 287
Tāju’d-Dīn Sambhalī 340–341
takyas (resting chambers) see Sufi lodges
Talbīs Iblīs (Ibn al-Jawzī) 175
talking, with animals 353
Talmīzsāz, ῾Atīqu’llah 420
Taṅbihu’l Ghāfilīn ( Abu’l Lais al-Samarqandī) 113
The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought (Murata) 10
Tārīkh Awliyāʿ-i Dihlī (Sāʿīd, Aḥmad) 321, 428, 430
Tārīkh Khwāja Muʿinu’d-Dīn Chishtī Ajmerī (Nizāmi Dihlavī) 343
Tārīkhʾ-i (Sāʿīd, Aḥmad) 321
Tārīkh-i Bilgrām (Bilgrāmī) 416
Tārīkh-i Ḥabībī wa Tazkira-yi Murshidi (Muḥammad Wāʾiẓī) 122, 152
Tārīkh-i Ḥasan (Khuihāmi) 249, 254–255, 256, 350, 352
Tārīkh-i khānjahānī wa Makhzan-i Afghānī (Harāwī) 78, 217, 275–276, 320, 432
Tārīkhi-Sind: al-mʿarūf Tārīkh-i-Mʿāsūmī (Bhakkari) 369
taṣawwuf (term)
male connation of 46–47
use of 45–46, 48 Sufism
Tawārīkh āʿina-yi taṣawwuf (Ṣābirī Chishtī Rampurī) 54, 382, 498–506
tʿāwīz (protection amulets) xii
Tazkira Saiyyid Aḥmad Bādpā (Aḥmad, Shafīq) 269
Tazkirāʾ-i Multan (Shah) 293
tazkirāt/tazkira 63, 71–72, 83 under specific tazkirāt
Tazkiratu’l Awliyāʾ (ʿAṭṭār) 66–67, 162
Tazkiratu’l kirām (Abu’ḷayāt Qādirī) 297–298
Tazkiratʾul kirām-Tārīkh-i-Amroha, jild ānī (ʿAbbāsī) 299
tekkes (resting chambers) see Sufi lodges
temperament, humans (mizāj) xii
Temple, Richard 357n121
terminologies, of power 147
texts on Sufism 198–201
in general 54–55
authored by males, for males, on males 53, 55
biographical dictionaries 71, 74, 222, 262, 414
hagiographies 52–54 see under specific hagiographies
malfūzāt/malfūz see malfūzāt/malfūz
modern 6–7, 73–74
Sufi women in
in general ix–x, 62–65
in appendices 73–74, 75, 79
in modern texts 73–74
omitting of 74
from outside South Asia 65–68
from within South Asia 68–80
written by women 75
ṭabaqāt literature 59–60, 63, 72–73 see under specific ṭabaqāt
tazkirāt/tazkira 63, 71–72, 83 see under specific tazkirāt
by venerated Sufis 39–40
Thanāwī, Ashraf ʿAlī 159, 197, 200–201, 365
Thatta/Tatta 431
Thattawī, ʿAlī Sher Qāniʿ 308–309, 315–316, 369, 431, 441
Thattawī, Abu’l Sirāj Muḥammad Ṭufail 316
Thattawī, Muḥammad ʿĀzam 79, 272, 305–306, 309–310, 321–322, 442–443
Three Chaste Veiled Women Abdāl (Mukhaddarāt Abdāliyā) 309–310
Tokhtah Tirmizī, Aḥmad 438
tombs see shrines
of Sufi women
in general 41–44
Bībī Ṣāḥiba/Bībī Kalāṅ/Bībī Qayyūmi 338
Māʾī Nūruʾn nisāʾ Begam 303
miraculous 314
Pānch Bībioṅ 249
Shāmma Bībī 351
Ḥajj pilgrimage
of women, in general 34 mobility of women
Troll, Christian W. 211
Tuḥfahtu’l-Kirām (Thattawī, ʿAlī Sher Qāniʿ) 308–309, 315–316, 369, 431, 441
Tuḥfā-i-naṣāʾiḥ (Gadā) 125–126
Tuḥfatu’l-ṭāhirīn (Thattawī, Muḥammad ʿĀzam) 79, 272, 305–306, 309–310, 321–322, 442–443
Turabi, Kafeel 212
Turko-Afghans 32
Turmān, Miyāṅ 320–321
Turta-turt Bībī 323–324, 507
al-Tustarī, Sahl 163
tying of threads/ribbons 189, 232, 239, 251, 309, 319, 439, 464–465
Uchch Sharīf 240–242, 242–243
ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab 140
ʿUmar Farūq 293
ʿUmar Khan Sarwānī 170, 344
ʿUmar Yaghestani 378
ʿUmdatu’l Maqāmāt (Naqshbandī) 333–334
Umm-i Ḥabība 510
al-ʿUnwān fi sulūk an niswān (Muṭṭaqī) 114–115
Urdu language 169–170
ʿurs (death anniversary) celebrations
in general 189–190
of Sufi men
Aḥmad Bādpā 269
Burhānu’d-Dīn Gharīb 190
Ghāzī Miyān 53
Kausar, Bābā 457
Mangho Pīr 193
Shāhul Ḥamīd Nagori 274
of Sufi women
in general 189
Beemā Bīwī 305
Bībī Ashraf Jahāṅ Ḥaẓrat Mā Ṣāḥiba 234
Bībī Fāṭima 240
Bībī Fāṭima Sām 414
Bībī Ḥāfiz Jamāl 343
Bībī Khunza [Khunjā] Sulṭāna 377, 378
Bībī Raushan Ārāʾ 252
Dāmā Mā 468
Māʾī Gāŕhī 475
Māʾī Meharbān 493
Māʾī Mirāṅ Shāh/Sayyida Junaid Bībī/Mirāṅ Pīr 86, 478, 486
permissibility of 457, 470, 494
Punch Bībīāṅ Ṣaḥeba 251
Rāstī Mā and Dādi Mā 468
Saiyyida Khadīja Bībī 474
Sulṭāna Bībī 274
veiling of women (parda)
in general 2, 198–199
female disciples and 160
interactions with men without 224, 225, 296
views on
of ʿAbdu’l-Ḥaqq Muḥaddis Dihlawī (d. 1642/1643) 394
of Amīr Khusraw 81–82
of Gangohī, Rashīd Aḥmad 200
of Ilyās, Muḥammad 201
of ʿIṣāmī, Abdul Malik 2
of Maudūdi, Abul ʿAlā 4
of Simnānī, Muḥammad Ashraf Jahāngīr 200
of Thanāwī, Ashraf ʿAlī 200–201
Wadud, Amīna 6, 91
Wais Sarwānī 432
Wajīhu’d-Dīn Ashraf
family/descendants of, daughter of 209
views of
on Bībī Ārām Ḥaṣūr 406
on Bībī Bū Abadī 235, 236–237
on Bībī Jīyā 291
on Bībī Khadīja 221
on Bībī Khwurd 416
on Bībī Māhlat 279
on Bībī Sāra 393–394
on Harro Bībī 262
on Ḥaẓrat Bībī Makhdūma 401–402
on Majzūba of Muḥammadpur 425–426
on Pīr Badr 357
works of, Bahr-e-Zakhkhar 78, 216, 221, 235, 236–237, 262, 279, 291, 357, 401–402, 406, 416, 425, 496
Wajihu’d-Dīn Khijwandī 382
Wālājāh I, Nawab 324
Wālājāh IV, ʿAzam Jāh Bahādur Nawāb 323, 325, 414–415, 507
Walī Ullāh Ḥusainī 277
Walīullah Dihlawī (d. 1762/1763) 157, 197, 294–296
Wāqiʿāt Dāru’l Ḥukūmat Dihlī (Aḥmad) 83, 428, 430
Wāqiʿāt-i Mamlukat-iBījāpūr (Aḥmad) 250, 376–377
Wāris ʿAli Bengali 332
water, healing powers of 378, 391, 474, 491
Watto Shoryānī, Shaikh 76
wayside shrines 85
Werbner, Pnina 17–18
wilāyat (Sufi’s jurisdiction) 24, 146–147
Wilāyat Sharfu’d-Dīn ʿAlī 238–239
as disciples 116–117, 153
disobedience of 113–115
Ḥadīth on 113
of Muḥammad, Prophet 95–96
sex and 113
women as 112–120
women (in general)
in general ix, 34
adultery and 103, 129
advice to 81–82, 109, 128–129
anonymity of 108
as disciples see under disciples
divorce and 10, 115, 128
as fakirs 21
Ḥadīth on 91–92, 98, 99–100, 113, 160
hands of, touching of 102, 148, 151
humiliating men 96
Ibn ʿArabī on 10
mobility of xi–xii, 161, 196, 197, 201
moral conduct of 81–82, 109, 128–129
oaths of allegiance (baiʿāt) and 129, 147–148, 150–152, 157
polygamy and 128
possessed 27, 213, 464–465, 468–469, 472
public discourse on, evasion of 53–54
role of
in fall of Adam xi, 91, 92, 99–100
at shrines see Sufi women
segregation of see segregation of women
silsilas and see under silsilas
status in Qurʾān 6
Sufi men’s views on see Sufi men
veiling of see veiling of women
Women, Saints and Sanctuaries (Mernissi) 16
Women in Islamic Biographical Collections: From Ibn Saʿd to Who’s Who (Roded) 13–14, 68
Women in the Qurʾan, Traditions, and Interpretation (Stowasser) 91
Women Mentors of Men (Aftab) xiii
Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India (Pemberton) 18
women of ill repute
funeral prayers for 144
initiation of 144–145
repentance of 142–143
Sufi men’s views on 142–145
women’s galleries (zenanas) 179
wooden cribs (alams) 439
wool garments 45
Yā ʿAlī 311
Yad Ullāh Shāh (Qabūlā Ḥusainī) 435
Yaghestani, ʿUmar 43
Yaḥyā, Shaikh 236
Yaḥyā Kabīr 320, 432
Yaʿqūb Chishtī 376
Yaʿqūb Mashhadī 442
Yazdani, Ghulam 85, 253, 261, 270–271, 276–277, 435
yogi, contestations between Sufis and 38–39
Yusuf Batukzaʾī 281, 282
Yūsuf Gadā 125–126
Zachcha Bī 250–251
Zachchā Bībī 225–226
Zahiru’d Dīn Saiyyid Aḥmad 145
Zainu’d-Dīn ʿAlī Awadhi (son of Bībī Būbū Abādī) 236, 237, 238
Zainu’d-Dīn Shīrāzī 244–245
Zamān, Ḥāfiz Muḥammad 494
Zar Zari Zar-Bakhsh (Muntajibu’d-Dīn) 44, 253, 372
zāwiyas (retreats) see Sufi lodges
zenanas (women’s galleries) 179
Zihrat nama (Gurgānī) 54
zikr performance 354, 403
Zinda Ahadi/Bībī Jawindī 84, 240–243
Zinda Pīr (d. 1999) 17
Zubaidā Bībī 493
Zubairī, Muḥammad Ibrāhīm 79, 250, 273, 282–283, 284, 285, 287–288, 314, 367
Zubdatu’l-Muqāmāt (Hāshim Kishmī) 340–341, 379–380
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