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ʿAbd al-Raḥmān iii al-Nāṣir, caliph of Cordoba (d. 961) 249, 272. See also Cordoba, mission
ʿAbd Allāh al-Mahdī, Fatimid caliph (d. 934) 245
ʿAbd Allāh ibn Ḥudhayfa al-Azdī, raid commander (706) 127
ʿAbd Allāh ibn Mūsá ibn Nuṣayr, raid commander (706). See also Mūsá ibn Nuṣayr
Abealzu-Filigosa 43. See also Copper Age
Abruzzo see San Pellegrino
Abū Khālid al-Samtī, jurist-historian (d. 806) 128
Abū l-Maḥāsin Ibn Taghrī Birdī, historian (d. 1470) 128
Abū l-Qāsim al-Qāʾim, Fatimid caliph (d. 946) 245, 247248
Aconiti, tribe of Barbagia 62
acquamanile (ewer) 264, 385
Adelasia of Torres (d. 1259) 235
Byzantine 10, 101, 106, 160161, 235, 341, 244, 245, 253
ecclesiastical 4, 91, 9495, 115116, 117, 160, 394
endemic functionaries 319320
Greek-speaking 308
justice 6, 242, 280, 334
military 9, 212
municipal 167168
officials see titles
provincial 167, 161, 160, 137, 103, 91, 49, 55, 72, 75. See also iudices provinciarum, provincia Sardiniae
Punic 51
regions 67
Sardinian local 164166
textual records 356. See also condaghes
themata 5, 10, 13, 132, 240, 242
See also curatoría ; iudikes, government ; settlements ; taxation
Adoration of the Magi (fresco) 366367
Aegean–Anatolian culture 43. See also Stone age
Agatho, Sardinian bishop 9394
ager publicus 64
Aghlabids, dynasty of Ifrīqiya (800–909) 130, 208
conquest of Sicily 131
in North Africa 244
Agrigento (ag) 136
Aiga, nuraghe 175
Aistulf, Lombard king (d. 756) 202
akakia (symbolic silk roll) 185
Alà dei Sardi 154
Albucio, propraetor (post-104 bce) 49
Aleo, Jorge, Sardinian priest and historian (d. 1690) 30
ii, Byzantine emperor (d. 913) 236. See also Epanagogé
ii, pope (d. 1073) 273274, 281, 283, 310n61, 312, 323
iii, pope (d. 1181) 227
Alexandria, Council of (362 ce) 76
Alexios i Komnenos, Byzantine emperor (d. 1118) 253
Alfonso v, king of Aragon (d. 1458) 219
Algeria 80
Alghero 73, 154. See also Maria Stella Maris
altar (church) 33, 113, 124, 261, 297, 364, 366367, 370, 375, 380, 382, 396, 400
altarpiece 398
Altar of St Stephen, Oschiri, 124
Amalfi (sa) 12, 136, 241, 244, 250, 389
archon 212213
merchants 249
Amantea (cs) 157
Amari, Michele (historian d. 1889) 28, 151
Ambrose, St 76
Anacletus ii, pope (1130–38) 289
Analetto see San Giorgio di Aneletto
ii, Byzantine emperor (713–15) 171n8, 180, 181, 182, 195, 202
the monk (a disciple of Maximus the Confessor) 110, 318
Antiochus, St 95, 96, 116, 120. See also Sulci, Sant’Antioco
al-Andalus (Iberian Peninsula) 135, 136, 143, 144, 145, 214, 244, 246, 252, 259, 263, 264, 265, 381, 382, 384, 385. See also ʿAbd al-Raḥmān iii, Cordoba, ṭāʾifa
Anna of Zori, wife of Torbini of Lacon 226
Annunciation and Visitation (fresco) 365
Antiquity 23
Apulia (Puglia) 122123, 157, 216, 240, 243, 247, 337, 371
Aquae Hypsitanae, thermal springs 55, 72. See also Forum Traiani, Fordongianus
Arab Conquests of Africa 129, 132, 144
Aragon see Peter iv of Aragon
Arbarea see Arborea
Arbatax 154
archbishopric 280
archonate 219, 222, 224, 316. See also Zerkis
Falsi 2, 1819, 2429, 3335, 149150, 151
kingdom 26, 27, 39, 59, 169, 219, 222, 226, 227, 239, 263, 264, 293, 317, 324, 329, 341, 342, 353, 354, 357, 394, 395 see Bareson i of Arborea, Comita i of Arborea, Constantine i of Arborea, Marianus iv, Peter i of Arborea, Peter ii of Arborea, Zerkis
Byzantine 360, 408
capitals 401403, 416
church plan 102, 103n59, 398399, 401, 405
Lombard 392
Mozarabic 383
neo-Eneolithic 360
Pisan 392, 400, 403, 404
Provençal 408
Romanesque 15, 97, 118, 359360, 379, 383, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, 400, 402, 403404, 406, 407412, 413414, 415416
Victorine 407, 408, 412
Visigothic 383
archontes 9, 12, 3536, 37, 38, 132, 160, 205, 211, 213, 215, 219, 224, 229, 235, 237, 242, 269, 298. See also Amalfi, Gaeta, Ortzocor of Arborea, Torbeni of Arborea, Torkitorius, Zerkis
Arborea 223, 225. See also Zerkis
Calari 223, 232233
maritime 225n82, 237
Àrdara 233, 323. See also Santa Maria di Regno
bishopric 399
palace 396, 397
Argentario 277, 286
Arianism 4, 30, 31, 32, 71, 74, 77, 79, 91, 341
Aripert i and ii, Lombard kings (d. 661 and 712) 202
Aristianis, Greek term for Oristano
Aristotle, philosopher (d. 322 bce) 44 45
armentariu (functionary) 349
arminantia (legal disposition) 349
Arsenius, bishop (d. 843) 113
Artemius see Anastasius ii, emperor
Arzo of Calari, iudike (d. 1089) 228
Asad ibn al-Furāt, qāḍī and commander (d. 828) 135136
Asclepius, Greek god of medicine see Eshmun Merre
Ashtart, Phoenician deity 70
Asinara, Gulf of 51
Assemini 123, 154, 264, 265, 325
assoltura (authorisation clause) 282, 333, 334, 339, 349
Athen, surname see Peter of Athen
ʿAṭiyya al-Sarrāj, daughter’s gravestone 264265
Atto, bishop of Castro (d. 1176) 234
Augustine of Hippo, St, translatio to Sardinia 10, 84, 111, 145, 147
Augustus, Roman emperor (d. 14 ce) 51
coins 69
Al-Azdī, historian (d. 945) 128
Azzo, papal legate (c. 1080) 287
Baal-Hammon, Phoenician deity 70
Baalshamen, Phoenician deity 70
St Bacchus, martyr and military saint (300s) 107
bacini ceramic decorations 267
Bādīs, Zīrid amīr of Ifrīqiya (d. 1016) 139
Bādīs, Zīrid amīr of Granada (d. 1073) 387388
Balari, tribe of Barbaria 49, 53, 62
Baldwin, archbishop of Pisa (d. 1145) 290
Balearic Islands 126, 137, 206, 215, 233, 240, 243, 253
Byzantine 134135, 135n42
mission to Frankish court 207
navigation to 133134
Baptism of Christ (fresco) 377378
Barbagia 55, 119, 142, 259n71, 305, 306, 354, 355. See also Barbaria
Barbaria 47, 5255, 59, 60, 215, 270. See also Barbaricini, Chrysopolis, Ula Tirso
Bidonì 73
Christianisation 76
civitates 55. See also Fordongianus, Praeneste
slaves 82
Barbaricini of inland Sardinia 3, 53, 81, 141n74, 161, 163, 271, 272, 307. See also Balari, Corsi, Iliensi
Barcelona (Spain) 134, 273
i of Gallura (d. 1203) 235, 328
i of Torres (d. 1073) 125, 232, 269, 320, 321, 328, 337, 338, 351
ii of Torres (d. 1190) 234
of Serra, i iudike of Arborea and rex (d. 1186) 220, 226, 227
Baresonus Latin variant of the name Bareson, 227
Bari (ba) 157, 218
amirate (847–71) 243
al-Barīd (state office of communications) 136
Barisone variant of the name Bareson, 232, 328
Barsanes tribe of Roman Barumini 60
Barumini 60. See also Barsanes
Barusone variant of the name Bareson, 328
i, Byzantine emperor (d. 886) see Epanagogé
ii, Byzantine emperor (d. 1025) 214, 214n45, 252
Basilicata 122123, 371
Baudi di Vesme, Carlo (jurist, d. 1877) 18, 25
Bede, monk and historian (d. 735) 106n68, 145
Bello Promontory 47
Bellum Sardum, wars within Roman Sardinia 64
Benedetta Italian variant of the name Benedicta
Benedict viii, pope (d. 1024) 214n45, 216
of Massa, iudike of Calari (d. 1233) 237, 238, 300
Benevento (bn) 157, 244
Berbers (North Africa) 56
Berlin Commission of Theodor Mommsen 18n5, 19, 34
Bernard, abbot of St Victor (d. 1079) 284
Bernardo Maragone, Pisan historian (fl. 1100s) 235
Bes, pagan deity see Eshmun Merre
Bishr ibn Ṣafwān, governor of Ifrīqiya (721–27) 127, 128
bisso (pinna nobilis) 242n2
Bithia (ca) 52, 68, 69. See also administration, oppida
Boethius of Cornus (c. 649) 94
Bologna (bo) 25
Bonarcado see condaghes , Santa Maria di Bonarcado
Bonaria 21
Bonfant, Dionisio, Sardinian jurist and theologist (d. 1637) 30
Boniface count of Lucca, margrave of Tuscany (d. 823) 131, 208, 271
Bonifatius, bishop (c. 300s–400s) 32n65
Bonorva 124. See also Sant’Andrea Priu
Bosa 53. See also Constantine de Castra, San Pietro in Bosa
boullouterion (seal-pincers) 3637, 326
Bronze Age 23, 43, 44, 142n75. See also Nuragic culture
Brumasius see Primasius
buckles, belt 114, 380
buiachesos, bodyguards 350
Bulgaria 340
Būna, Hippo (Algeria) 251n38
burials 10, 21, 23, 32, 43, 118, 177, 295
Busachi 59, 60, 306. See also Ithoccor son of Torcerus, Torbeni at Busachi
Buscheto, architect (c. 1000s–1100s)
Byzacena see Fulgentius of Ruspe
aristocracy 389
art 16
Byzantinism see Macedonian Renaissance
church 88
crafts 118
cruciform churches 116. See also Holy Cross at Ittireddu, Nostra Signora di Bonacattu, St John in Assemini, Santa Maria Iscalas, Sant’Elia of Tatinnu
diplomatic 15
empire 45, 8889, 94, 101, 101, 110111, 132, 160161, 204, 205206, 207, 209, 212213, 217, 218, 225, 240, 252253, 293, 307, 308, 313, 316, 348, 326, 339, 340, 245. See also Exarchate of Africa
incastellamento 129
influence 291292
Italy 109
law 162, 163, 165, 236
monasticism 4
navy 131, 156, 248, 316
truce with Fatimids 247
Cabras 72, 317. See also Mont’e Prama, San Giorgio
Caecilianus, bishop of Carthage (c. 311) 75
Caffaro, historian of Genoa (d. c. 1164) 220
Cagliari 2, 10, 11, 14, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 42, 130, 142, 147, 161, 163, 164, 177, 217, 247, 264, 265, 269, 303, 307. See also Calari, Pluminos, Santa Igia, Santa Restituta, San Saturnino in Cagliari
archbishopric 22, 23, 2930, 32, 112, 230, 237, 275, 277, 281, 316, 317318, 321, 329, 407. See also Hugo, archbishop, John, archbishop, Lambert, archbishop, William, archbishop
Archivio Arcivescovile 39
charters see Carte volgari
fortifications 82
Calabria 115, 122123, 155, 157, 201, 214, 216, 240, 243, 244, 247, 328, 337
Calari medieval name of Cagliari, 14, 223, 224, 233, 259. See also Q.l.rīh
archon 232233
bishopric 95. See also Primasius
kingdom 27, 60, 169, 222, 226, 228, 229, 237, 247, 286, 287, 293, 295, 299, 300, 301, 311, 312, 317, 323, 324, 326, 329, 332, 341, 342, 345, 354, 389, 394, 395. See also Arzo, Benedicta i of Calari, Benedicta ii of Calari, Constantine-Salusius ii, Marianus-Salusius i, Marianus-Torkitorius ii, Ortzocor-Torkitorius i, Ubaldo i Visconti, William of Massa
loco, de (regional/political denomination) 228, 231, 301
Callixtus i, pope (d. 222) 71, 73
Camaldoli, monastic order 125, 394
San Salvatore 234
Cambridge Chronicle see Taʾrīkh jazīrat Ṣiqilliyya
Camerino (mc) 3132
Campania 16, 295, 389, 390
Campidano 53, 65, 78, 319, 347, 395
Canales see Ula Tirso
Cape Farina see Bello Promontory
Capo di Palma 149
Capo San Marco 155
Cappadocia, central Anatolia see Hagios Basilios
Capua (ce) 295, 389
princes of 212213
Caracalla, Roman emperor (d. 217 ce) 69, 71
Carales ancient name of Cagliari, 23, 31, 5051, 52, 55, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 79, 80, 81, 83, 95, 102, 110, 206, 207, 215, 224n79. See also Ashtart, Baalshamen
bishopric 71, 75, 91, 92. See also Gennarus, bishop
Jewish presence in 77
Carmona, Juan Francisco, Sardinian jurist (d. 1670) 30
Carolingians 158, 207, 241, 339, 371, 376
empire 16, 390. See also Charlemagne, Louis the Pious
Reform 15, 332, 344, 351
Carte volgari (‘vernacular charters’) 2, 3541, 282, 298299, 300, 310, 330, 338, 339, 340, 347348
Carthage 78, 10, 66, 101, 161, 303
bishopric see Caecilianus, bishop
Carthaginians 4648, 56
Council of 78, 79, 80, 91, 9798
emigration to 67
institutions 68
mint 84, 170171, 187, 190, 191, 191, 193, 193, 194, 196, 241
Muslim capture 7, 8, 9, 1213, 84, 126, 137, 170, 171, 174
treaty with Rome 47
Vandal conquest 78
cartography 137, 138, 139140, 141, 142
Catalonia 285
navigation to 134
Cato the Elder, Roman statesman (d. 149 bce) 65
cave churches 72, 87, 358, 360, 364. See also Sant’Andrea Priu
Cecilia, St (d. 235) 122
Cefalù (pa) 329
Ceres, Roman deity 70
Cerkis variant of the name Zerkis, 324n39
Cesariense, Mauritania (Roman province in North Africa) see Moors
Cesello, martyr (d. 300s) 3132
Chalcedon, Council of (451) 109
chancery 14, 122, 230, 231, 241, 300, 310, 311, 317, 323, 326, 330, 331, 335336, 339, 341, 342
charistikion, imperial grant 123
Charlemagne (d. 814) 207
Charles Martel, Frankish noble (d. 741) 157
charters 1, 13, 14, 18
Byzantine 38
digraphia 256, 311312, 315, 324, 325, 327, 339, 348349
documentary loss 14, 39, 240241, 314315, 344
features 333, 336338
formulariese 338342
Greek characters 169
minatio clause 312, 337, 340, 341
proto-literary narrative 356357
red vellum 253
Siculo-Greek 253
vernacular 348, 350. See also Carte volgari
Childhood of Jesus (fresco) 365366
chorbishops 94, 117
Christ in Majesty (fresco) 368, 370
Apocalypse 155, 156, 294n3, 303, 305, 368
Augustinian 98
Byzantine orthodoxy 109
Christ Pantokrator 192
Christology 75, 110, 192, 368, 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 377. See also Arianism
Constantinian Peace 71, 72
doctrinal unity 102
early 53, 7177, 271
Gregorian reform 218, 243, 274275, 277, 282, 323, Gregory vii
Iberian church 111
Iconoclasm 113, 115
Marian cult 105106, 113114
Sardinian church 83
scripture 304, 337, 340, 373, 375
See also cave churches, pilgrimage
Christodoulos, amīr of Sicily (d. c. 1025) 253
chrysobull, imperial decree 213
Chrysopolis 81
Cicero, Roman orator (d. 43 bce) 34, 50, 57, 67
Cimitile (na) 295, 389
Cirredis (Villaputzu, near Cagliari) 187
Citonatus, bishop of Carales (d. post-685) 110, 116, 318
Civita, bishopric 290. See also Gallura, Olbia
Civitate, battle (1053) 243. See also Normans, in southern Italy
Cluny abbey, Saône-et-Loire 284, 285
Codex Theodosianus, Roman law code 75
Codice Rurale, part of the Carta de Logu law code 86
bronze 191, 200
dirham, silver 152, 153, 188, 265
follis 8, 173174, 176, 177, 181, 182, 191, 196, 201, 202
globular forms 89, 171, 190, 196
gold 202203, 380
gold imitations 250
Indiction and regnal dates 173, 181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 196
Islamic 152, 153, 188, 265
Lombard 175, 177, 187
nummus, bronze 177n28
‘S’ abbreviation for ‘Sardinia’ 8, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183184, 186, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200; as retrograde ‘S’ 8, 183, 187193
siliqua, silver 194
solidus, gold 7, 8, 171, 174175, 176, 178179, 180, 181, 182, 183184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 198, 200, 201
tremissis, gold 8, 171n10, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 380
colliberti (semi-free peasants) 86
colonisation 23, 64
Greek 4647
Muslim 126
Punic 52, 56
Roman 52, 53, 5556, 65, 72. See also Cornus, Tharros, Turris Libisonis, Uselis
Columbaris, episcopal complex near Cornus 99, 111
iii of Arborea (1131–46) 226
donnicello of Torres (c. 1100s) 338
condaghes, in-house church records 13, 1415, 35, 84, 85, 86, 333, 334, 336, 343, 348, 353, 355357
San Gavino di Torres 85, 392
San Nicola di Trullas 354
Santa Maria di Bonarcado 354, 357
San Pietro di Silki 60, 85, 86, 87, 319, 323, 334335, 354
Congius, San Vero (church) 116
connectivity 1, 7, 241. See also Geniza, Cairo
Antiquity 4243, 4546
diplomacy 206207, 213, 214, 214n41, 249
geopolitical 251
consanguinity 273274, 310n61
Constans ii, Byzantine emperor (d. 668) 5, 109, 110, 156, 177n27, 187188, 188189, 190, 193, 202
i of Arborea (d. 1131) 357
i of Gallura (d. 1133) 234
ii of Gallura (d. 1170) 235
de Castra, bishop (Bosa) (c. 1073) 301, 400
hypatos kai doux (c. 700s) 164
hypatos of Gaeta (d. 866) 328
king and iudex 3839
of Lacon i of Torres (d. 1128) 233
Salusius ii of Calari (d. 1103) 223, 228, 229, 280, 288, 298, 322, 324, 326, 341, 406, 413
Salusius iii of Calari (d. 1163) 299
the Great, Roman emperor (d. 337) 75, 122, 309, 390
iv, Byzantine emperor (d. 685) 8, 110, 187, 187188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 200, 202
v, Byzantine emperor (d. 775) 201, 202
vi, Byzantine emperor (d. pre-805) 202
vii Byzantine emperor (d. 959) 212, 213, 214, 296, 340
Constantinople 4, 199. See also Byzantine, empire, Holy Apostles (church)
Council of (553) 109
Council of (681) 110
Council of (843) 115
Golden Gate 339n94
mint 171, 178, 180, 181, 190, 191, 194, 196, 197, 198
patriarchate 115, 116, 201, 309
Copper Age 42, 43
coral fishing 142
Cordoba (Spain)
caliphate 225, 250, 385
mission to (942) 213214, 248249, 272
Cornus 44, 53, 64, 67, 79, 92, 93, 99, 106. See also Columbaris
bishopric 94
fortifications 82
corona (‘court’, ‘judicial assize’) 333, 349350
de Logu 239
Corsi, tribe of Roman Barbagia 52, 53
Corsica 13, 56, 79, 128, 137, 207, 208, 214, 240, 242, 246, 277, 283, 286, 289, 290, 291, 403404. See also Obertenghi
diocese 276, 289
kingdom 219
navigation to 130, 134, 266
Roman 51n34
Cosa, Porto Argentario 50
Cossoine see Santa Maria Iscalas
councils, ecumenical see Carthage, Chalcedon, Constantinople, Ephesus, Lateran, Nicaea, Rome
Crete 43, 168n35
Crimea 110
Cuccuru Nuraxi 46
Cuerpos santos (‘Holy bodies’) 2, 1718, 1923, 2930, 3233, 407
Cuicul see Djémila (Algeria)
Cunincpert, Lombard king (d. 700) 202
curador see curator
curadoria see curatoría
curator 166, 167, 168, 316
curatoría 6, 160, 165166, 167168, 394
Romangia 85
Curiosities, Book of (astronomical geography) 139
Cyprus 43, 168n35
Cyrillus, Byzantine doux from Carthage (6th c.) 80
Al-Ḍabbī, historian (d. 1202) 260261
Decimoputzu 296
Deletone, fabricated author of Gialeto’s epic 27
Della Marmora, Alberto, Italian statesman and historian (d. 1863) 18, 25
demography 49, 55, 65
decline 126
non-urbanised 53, 87
Dénia (Andalusi ṭāʾifa) see Mujāhid
deportation 5556, 58. See also exiles to the mines
Desiderius, abbot of Montecassino (d. 1087) 321, 337, 338
Desiderius, Lombard king (d. 786) 202
Desquivel, Francisco, archbishop-historian (d. 1624) 2223, 30, 3233. See also Cuerpos santos
Al-Dhahabī, jurist-historian (d. 1352) 128, 246
Diodorus Siculus, historian (d. c. 30 bce) 62
Djémila (Algeria) 79
Dolia, diocese 329
Dolianova 118. See also San Pantaleo at Dolianova
dominium eminens 227, 239. See also Genoa, papacy
domus de janas see cave churches
Donatism 4, 77
Donori see San Nicola at Donori
Dorbeni variant of the name Torbeni, 59
Dorgali 42
Doria 405
Dorueni variant of the name Torbeni, 59
ecclesiastical province of Sardinia and Corsica 22, 32
agriculture 62, 64, 65, 82, 84
latifundia 6466, 307
mines see mining
monetary 7, 9, 132, 241
Roman 67
self-sufficiency 86
stagnation 126
trade 9, 47, 58, 64, 241, 249, 250, 252, 385386
Edom, biblical kingdom 303, 304
Egypt 12, 110, 114, 116, 319, 384
Umayyad see Qurra ibn Sharīk (709– 15)
Einhard, Frankish historian (d. 840) 207
Elat, pagan deity 70
Eleanor of Arborea (d. 1403) 27
Elpidios, strategos of Sicily (d. post-802) 132
English attack in Sardinia (1075) 285, 288
enkolpion pectoral cross 380
Epanagogé, Byzantine law code (886) 236
Ephesus (Turkey) 339n94. See also St John of Ephesus
Council of (431) 105, 109
St Ephysius of Cagliari (d. c. 300) 116, 120
Arabic 130, 151153, 264265, 266
digraphia (Latin in Greek characters) 349
Greek 119120, 123, 164, 210211, 220222, 295, 296, 297, 299, 305, 308309, 317, 339n94, 347
Latin 23, 31, 47, 55, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 81, 99100, 122, 306, 307, 389390, 401, 402
Punic 68, 6970
Eshmun Merre, cult associated with Asclepius 70
Esquirro, Serafino, Sardinian Capuchin father (d. 1631) 30
Etruria 50
Etruscans 46
Euboea (Greece) 168n35
Eugenius iii, pope (d. 1153) 291
Eugenius iv, pope (d. 1447) 407
Euphemios, Byzantine rebel in Sicily (d. 828) 132
Eupraxia, deacon 319
Eusebius of Caesarea, bishop and historian (d. 340) 302
Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli (d. 371) 7576
Euthalios, bishop of Sulci (c. 649–80) 109, 110, 318
Evusum, bishopric. See also Ibiza 79
Exarchate of Africa 13, 84, 126, 136, 137, 193, 240, 316
origins 81
praefectura 111, 161
exile 3, 4, 73, 78, 79, 80, 95, 110, 405
exile to the mines 71
Famea, Roman noble from Cagliari (c. 64 bce) 67
Fanfani, Pietro, philologist (1815–79) 25
Fās, Morocco 261
Fatimid dynasty in Ifrīqiya (909–64) and Egypt (965–1171) 130, 131, 246, 384, 385. See also al-Muʿizz, caliph, Ṣābir
against Genoa 244
narratives of conquest and destiny 138
truce with Byzantine empire 247
fauna in Sardinia 66
Felix, archdeacon and slave-owner (500s ce) 82
Felix, bishop of Carales (d. 740) 150
fidelitas, bond of loyalty 227, 278
Flavius Pancratius, doux Sardinias apo eparchon (c. 600s) 106, 114
Flavius Sergius, of the church of Carales (c. 711–32) 318
Flight into Egypt (fresco) 366367, 373
Fluminimaggiore 69
Fordongianus 23, 52, 55, 175, 177, 317. See also Aquae Hypsitanae, Forum Traiani, St Luxorius
forgeries 150, 151
charters 341n101. See also Arborea, Falsi
epigraphy 73
Fortunatus, bishop of Caesarea (c. 300s) 75
Forum Traiani, Fordongianus, 72, 79, 81, 92, 9495, 95, 102, 102, 163164, 306, 318. See also Aquae Hypsitanae, St Luxorius
bishopric 79
diocese 91
Forum Ware ceramics 119
Franciscan monks 412
Frankfurt see Traiectum
Fraxinetum (La Garde-Freinet) 138n55, 157, 158
Frederick i Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor (d. 1190) 220, 226, 235
frourion (watch-post) 81. See also Forum Traiani
Frugiferius, pagan deity 70
Fulgentius, bishop of Ruspe (d. 533) 4, 7879, 89, 91, 405
Gaeta (lt) 12, 244, 328, 349
‘archon’ of 212
Gaiseric, Vandal king (d. 477) 78, 79, 91
Gaius Julius Caesar Strabo, uncle of Caesar (d. c. 24 bce) 49
Galillenses, tribe of Roman Sardinia 53
Galite Islands, Tunisia 134
bishopric 13, 276, 281, 289, 290
kingdom 223, 234, 293, 328, 341, 394. See also Bareson i of Gallura, Constantine i of Gallura, Constantine ii of Gallura, Torkitorius i of Gallura, Torkitorius ii of Gallura, Ubaldo ii Visconti
Galtellì, bishopric 290. See also Gallura
Garigliano (fr), battle (915) and Muslim settlement 116, 157, 243
Gavino see Gavinus
Gavinus, St, martyr (d. 300s), 81, 83, 95, 96, 122, 342, 392. See also Turris Libisonis
Gelasius ii, pope (d. 1119) 274
Gelimer, Vandal king (530–34) 8081
Geniza, Judeo-Arabic documents, Cairo 250
Gennarus, bishop of Carales (d. early 600s) 9394, 101
Genoa 9, 147, 158, 204, 216, 219, 220, 241, 243, 246, 251, 273, 277, 289, 314, 348, 395. See also Doria
archbishopric 290. See also Jacobus da Varagine
commerce 252
forces 131
naval force 247
overlordship 227
raid on 244245, 248
Genseric see Gaiseric
George, bishop of Suelli (d. 1117) 119
George Maniakes, Byzantine general (d. 1043) 252
George of Cyprus, early 600s geographer 111
George, St 107
of Alfama, order of the Knights of 407
Getit (c. 900s) 220
Getita 295, 297
wife of archon Torkitorius, 296
Ghana, medieval kingdoms of 89
Gialeto, fabricated king of Sardinia 2627
Gianuario, St, martyr (d. 300s) 342
Giglio Island (gr) 13, 272, 286
Girona, bathhouse 256
Giudicati see iudikes, kingdoms of Arborea, Calari, Gallura, Torres
giudices see iudikes
Giuseppe Vella, Maltese forger (d. 1814) 151
Godas, Vandal slave-functionary (d. 533) 80
Gonarius of Lacon, ii of Torres (d. 1154) 233234, 328
Gorgona Island (li) 277
Gostantine vernacular variant of the name Constantine, 3839, 229, 233, 235
Gracchi see Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus
Greek script 14, 46, 169, 256, 308, 311, 312, 312313, 348, 349, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 345, 346347, 389
Gregory the Great, pope (d. 604) 7071, 72, 81, 82, 83, 9394, 106, 107, 209, 302n31
vii, pope (d. 1085) 123, 210, 214n45, 218, 223, 226, 230, 234, 252, 276, 277, 281, 282, 285, 286, 287288, 323; Reform 206, 243, 269, 275, 278279
Gregory the deacon 319
Gregory of Nazianzus, theologian (d. 390) 309
Gregory Asbestas, archbishop of Syracuse (c. 800s) 113
Guasti, Cesare, philologist (1822–89), 25
surname 305, 389. See also Constantine-Salusius ii, Marianus-Torkitorius ii, Padulesa
villa see Ugunale
Gunnari variant of the name Gonarius, 328
Gunthamund, Vandal king (d. 496) 80
Ḥabīb bin Abī ʿUbayda, raid commander (735) 128
Hagios Basilios at Kurt Dere (central Anatolia) 376
Ḥammūdid dynasty (1015–56) see Málaga
Henry ii and iii of Germany (d. 1024 and 1056) 216, 217
Heracles (African) see Melqart-Makeris
Heracles Sotér, cult of 72
Heraclius, Byzantine emperor (d. 641) 8n7, 187188. See also Christianity, Christology
Hermas, St, (Erasmus of Formia, d. 303) 101
hermits 125, 123
Hierapolis of Phrygia, west-central Anatolia 339n94
Hilarius, pope (d. 468) 78
Hildebrand of Soana see Gregory vii
Hilderic, Vandal king (d. 533) 79, 80
Al-Ḥimṣī, travelling scholar in Sardinia (d. post-1184) 261
Al-Ḥimyarī, geographer (1300s) 128, 140, 141, 142, 216, 255
historiography, Early modern 1819, 2022, 24n32, 146147, 148; Islamic 11, 129, 143146, 158
hoards see San Giovanni of Noale, Nurra
Holy Apostles of Constantinople (church) 103
Holy Cross at Ittireddu (church) 116
Holy Roman Empire 204, 217, 218, 276, 289. See also Frederick i Barbarossa, Henry ii, Henry iii
Hubert, archbishop of Pisa (d. 1137) 399
Hugo, archbishop of Cagliari (d. c. 1089–90) 323
Al-Ḥumaydī, biographer (d. 1095) 259
Huneric, Vandal king (d. 484) 78, 79
Iberian Peninsula 43, 56, 69, 126, 130, 133, 138, 208, 215. See also al-Andalus
Ibiza 79, 134
Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam, historian (d. 871) 143, 144, 145, 148
Ibn ʿAsākir, historian (d. 1175) 128
Ibn al-Athīr, historian (d. 1233) 128, 129, 145, 208, 245, 256
Ibn Baṭṭūta, traveller (d. 1369) 142
Ibn al-Ḥabḥāb, governor of Ifrīqiya (734–41) 128
Ibn Ḥawqal, geographer (fl. 970s) 137138
Ibn Ḥayyān, historian, (d. 1075) 214, 248249
Ibn ʿIdharī, historian (fl. 1300) 129
Ibn Jubayr, pilgrim-traveller (d. 1217) 134, 260
Ibn Khaldūn, historian (d. 1406) 129, 141, 246, 251
Ibn al-Khaṭīb, historian (d. 1374) 140
Ibn Khurradāḏbih, geographer (d. 912) 136137
Ibn Rashīq, poet (d. 1064 or 1071) 251
Ibn Rustah, geographer (fl. 900s) 137
Ibn Saʿīd al-Maghribī, geographer (d. 1286) 142
Ibn Taghrī Birdī, historian (d. 1470) 145
Ibn ʿUfayr, jurist-historian (d. 840) 144, 145
Ichnussa, ancient name for Sardinia 45. See also Sandaliotis
Al-Idrīsī, geographer (d. post-1165) 56, 139140, 141, 142
Ietoccor, Ietocor variants of the name Ithoccor, 60, 306
Ifrīqiya, (E. Algeria, Tunisia. W. Libya) 12n14, 13, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135, 138, 149, 208–9, 244, 247, 252, 260, 264, 265, 267. See also Bishr ibn Ṣafwān, Būna, Mahdīya, Sardāniya, Zīrids
silver dirhams 141
Iglesias 23. See also Iglesiente
Iglesiente 66. See also mining
Ignatius the Grammarian (c. 800s) 168n35
Iliensi, tribe of Barbaria 62, 49, 52, 53
Indovinello Veronese,’the Veronese Riddle’ 352
ii, pope (d. 1143) 289, 290, 291
iii, pope (d. 1216) 227
Innocentius, bishop (c. early 600s) 9394
Iolei-Diaghesbei, ancient population of Sardinia 65
Iraq (ʿAbbāsid) 137
Iron Age 44, 57
Iscribonissa, personal name 99100
isolation 1, 16, 131, 332
absence of evidence 241
Antiquity 68
artistic 360
geopolitical 126
hinterland 53, 76
imperial detachment 112113, 315
kingdom of 29
southern 9, 13, 14, 158, 222, 315, 328. See also Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Normans
See also Etruria, Lazio, Liguria, Tuscany
Ithoccor 306
of Gallura (c. 1100s) 234
son of Torcerus 60
Ithochor, Ithocor, Itthoccor, Ittocorre variants of the name Ithoccor, 60
Itzoccor variant of the name Ithoccor, 306
iudices provinciarum 160161
iudikes 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 27, 126, 146, 150, 160, 162, 164, 169, 204, 204, 205, 226, 238, 242, 257, 258, 279280, 284, 285, 289, 291, 300, 305, 394. See also iudices provinciarum ; Arborea, kingdom ; Calari, kingdom ; Gallura, kingdom ; Torres, kingdom
Arborea 59
correspondence with Rome 210, 230231, 252, 273274, 286, 312
diocesan organisation 118
documentary production 122, 217, 317, 328, 342, 343. See also charters
government 165166, 280, 282, 342. See also assoltura, rennu
origins 28, 3536, 82, 84, 123, 132, 140, 209, 219, 220, 224, 237, 268, 292, 327328, 335, 343, 348, 390. See also titles, princeps Sardiniae
palaces 351, 335. See also Àrdara, palace
pictorial production 358
as reges 206, 217, 218, 226227, 228, 229, 230231, 232, 233, 234, 234, 238, 288, 301, 328, 341
society 8586
Iulia Augusta colonia Uselis
ʿIyāḑ, al-Qāḍī, jurist (d. 1149) 135
Jacobus da Varagine, Genoese archbishop-chronicler (d. 1298) 246n20
Januarius, St, martyr (d. 300s) 392
Jerome, St, Early Church Father (d. 419) 100, 102
Jerusalem 235, 303
Jews in Sardinia 77, 250
Johannis, bishop of Tharros (c. 484) 91
John, archbishop of Cagliari (c. 800s) 113
John Chrysostom, Early Church Father (d. 407) 107n70
John of Ephesus, church historian (d. c.588) 103
John Karamallos 319
John the Baptist 368
John viii, pope (d. 882) 211
Judaism 77
Julian, Byzantine count of Ceuta (711) 132
Julius Caesar, Roman emperor (d. 44 bce) 50, 51
Justin ii, Byzantine emperor (564–74) 161
i, Byzantine emperor (d. 565) 204205, 303; institutions 160, 161, 165, 210, 211, 307; reconquests of 4, 77, 78, 81
ii, emperor (r. 685–95 and 705–11) 78, 165, 171, 172, 177n27, 178, 179, 187, 187188, 192, 194, 195, 196, 202, 202
St Justus, martyr (d. 304) 112
kaballarios, knight, soldier-farmer 1011
kastron, stronghold, closed village 81. See also Tharros
Khalīfa bin Khayyāṭ al-ʿUṣfurī, chronicler (fl. 700s) 127128
Kletorologion of Philotheos, list of Byzantine offices (899) 166, 167
kouratoría see curatoría
Kufic Arabic script 153n109, 381, 383
kulix, ‘chalice’ 5758
Kunstwollen, ‘spirit of the time’ (art) 360, 390
surname 222, 305, 389. See also Anna of Zori, Constantine i of Torres, Constantine-Salusius ii, Torbeni of Lacon
villa see Làconi
Làconi (Barbagia) 305
Lambert, archbishop of Cagliari (c. 1089) 280
landholding (social class) 7677
aristocracy 120. See also nobility
Byzantine 82
iudikes 85. See also liberos
possessores 107, 162, 163, 164, 353
Punic 66
Roman 64. See also economy, latifundia, slavery
landscape 8787, 142
Arabic 154155, 261262, 381, 384
bilingualism (Greek-Latin) 106, 120, 309, 315, 317, 348349, 347, 389
bilingualism (Latin-Sardinian) 245, 330332
Canaanite 57
diglossia 313, 347
Greek 10, 114, 155, 253, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 307, 308, 311, 312, 317, 350, 351, 332, 334, 338, 340, 343, 245, 347, 372, 389
Italian 19
Italo-Tuscan 355
Latin 10, 24, 64, 155, 295, 297, 300, 301, 307, 310, 313, 317, 350351, 323324, 342, 348
Multilingualism 312, 329, 344
Protosardinian 57, 59, 302n31, 307
Sardinian 1, 10, 14, 15, 24, 28, 84, 85, 169, 256, 295, 297, 300, 301, 305, 310, 311, 312313, 348, 350, 351, 324, 325, 327, 339, 342, 343, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 396
Slavic 155
Syriac 155
Languedoc, navigation to 134
Las Plassas 60
Late Antiquity 45, 9, 87, 159, 271
documentary production 349
writing practices 331
Lateran Council of (649) 109, 110
Sardo-Punic 68. See also Roman, Byzantine
Lazio, Latium 13, 101, 209, 371
iii, Byzantine emperor (d. 741) 8, 170, 172, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 194, 195, 198, 200, 201, 202
iv, Byzantine emperor (d. 780) 202
vi, Byzantine emperor (d. 912) 116. See also Epanagogé
iv, pope (d. 855) 113, 209, 210, 236
of Ostia, Marsicanus (d. 1115/7) 232. See also Montecassino
León (Spain), cathedral of 263, 381
Leontius, Byzantine emperor (695–98) 171n6, 172, 173, 193, 194, 195, 202
Lesbos Island (Greece) 168n35
Libellus Judicum Turritanorum 35, 355, 85, 396
liberos (Sardinian freemen) 85
Libertinus, bishop (c. 599) 9394
Libya, ancient 46, 69
Liguria region 15. See also Genoa
limes, Roman frontiers 60
literacy 15, 318, 348
Liutpert, Lombard king (d. 702) 202
of Cremona, historian (d. 972) 245
king of the Lombards (d. 744) 111, 112, 177, 187, 202, 203, 380. See also Lombards
Livy, Roman historian (d. 12/17 ce) 62
locket, Santa Maria Navarrese 153, 261263, 380385
logu 67, 226, 342. See also, Arborea, kingdom ; Torres, kingdom ; Calari, loco
Torres 233
Carta de 6n4. See also Codice Rurale
Logudoro 232. See also Torres, kingdom
Lombard ‘band’, decorative blind arcade (architecture) 414
Lombards 5, 201, 204, 231, 252. See also Liutprand, king
coinage 202, 203
lordship 1011, 238, 242
Losa, nuraghe 175, 193
Louis the Pious, king of the Franks (d. 840) 206
Lucifer, St (d. 370) 30, 3132, 74, 7576, 77, 83
Lucius iii, pope (d. 1185) 227
Lucius Marcius Philippus, consul (91 bce) 50
Lucius Valerius Triarius, propraetor in Sardinia (77 bce) 50
Luni (sp) 254
Lussorio, St (sanctuary) 102, 177. See also St Luxorius, Forum Traiani
Luxorius, St 3132, 72, 83, 95, 96. See also St Lussorio, Forum Traiani
Lūzā (‘Olbia’) 156
Macarius, St 116
Macedonian Renaissance 115, 308
machaira (short dagger) 5758
Macomer 59
Mâcon (France), bishop of 284
Al-Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ, Cordoban palace (c.936–1013) 250
Al-Mahdīya (Tunisia) 246, 248, 251n38
Maimone 154
Maiorica, bishopric (Mallorca) 79
Málaga (Spain) 260. See also ṭāʾifa
malaria 65, 66
Malta 137, 157, 206, 240, 243, 252
Mālūt, Sardinian ruler (d. c. 1016) 215, 256259
Mamilianus, St 269, 270, 271, 272
Manca, Cosimo Maria (c. 1800s) 18. See also Arborea, falsi
Manno, Giuseppe, historian (d. 1868) 24, 28, 3435
Al-Maqrīzī, historian (d. 1442) 128, 131, 141
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus 50
Marcus Aemilius Scaurus 50, 55
Marcus Atius Balbus 50, 5152
Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor (d. 180) 68
Marcus Aurelius Cotta 5051
Marcus Cecilius Metellus, proconsul 55
Marcus Perperna 50
Marcus Pomponius Matho 62
Maria Stella Maris 73
Salusius i of Calari (d. 1058) 218, 223, 228, 269
Torkitorius ii of Calari (d. 1130) 228, 311, 333n73
i of Torres (d. c. 1000s) 321, 322, 330
donnicello of Torres (c. 1100s) 338
nepos of Bareson i of Torres (c. 1100s) 338
Marianus iv, iudike (d. 1375) 86 see also Codice Rurale
Marinianus, bishop of Turris (c. 599) 9394
Marseille (France) see St Victor (abbey), 13
Martin i, pope (d. 655) see Lateran Council
Martini, Pietro, historian (d. 1866) 1819, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 3435
Massacre of the Innocents (fresco) 366367, 373
mastruca, goat-skin vest 66
Mater Matuta, temple in Rome 49
Matilda of Tuscany, noble (d. 1115) 276277
Mauretania (Roman Africa) 80
Mauretania, primateship see Fortunatus, bishop
Mauri ‘Moors’ 163
Maurice Tiberius, Byzantine emperor (d. 602) 177n27, 187188
Maximus the Confessor, theologian (d. 662) 109, 110
Melfi (pz), Synod of (1059) 217
Melqart, Phoenician and Punic deity 70
Melqart-Makeris, Punic deity 69
mereias, ‘regions’ 67, 3536, 38, 223224, 228, 229, 230, 316, 324, 342
Merovingians 339
metalwork 380386
Mezezius, Byzantine usurper (d. 669) 110
militarisation 10, 55, 106, 294
mining 6566, 84. See also exile to the mines
gold 66
quarry 66
Roman 67
salt 66
silver 9, 66, 7778, 140141
Minorica, bishopric (Menorca) 79
mint 8, 132. See also Carthage, Constantinople, Ravenna, Rome, Syracuse
in Sardinia 170, 197, 199, 241
transfer 193194
Mommsen, Theodor, scholar (d. 1903) 18n5, 19, 26, 151
monasticism 13, 14, 83, 289, 314, 318
Basilian 4, 95, 9798, 123, 212, 328n51. See also Mount Athos
Benedictine 100101, 123, 125, 315, 323, 394, 395. See also Montecassino, St Victor in Marseille
cave 122123
discipline 120121
early Sardinian 99. See also San Saturnino, San Vito
post-Byzantine 120
record keeping 356357
relation with Rome 282, 284, 288
Vandal 95
Monastir (su) 46, 82
Mons Garigliano (fr) 157, 243
Mons Iovis see Montecristo
Mont’e Prama at Cabras 44, 57
Monte Arci 42
Monte Claro 43, Copper Age
Monte Sirai 69
Montecassino abbey 13, 35, 123, 125, 228, 233, 241, 266267, 283, 284, 286, 301, 309, 351, 319, 320, 321, 330, 331, 337, 341n101, 394, 395
Montecristo Island 13, 270, 272, 277
Montiferru 44, Cornus
Mores (ss) 385
Mount Arci 53. See also Uselis
Mount Athos (Greece) 109, 337
Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr, raid commander (724/5) 128
Mujāhid al-ʿĀmirī, ruler of Dénia and the Balearics (d, 1044/5) 131, 147, 168169, 206, 215, 216, 218219, 219, 220, 222, 224, 241, 244, 251, 267, 269, 272, 253256
murals 360364, 365370, 378. See also Sant’Andrea Priu, Santa Maria Iscalas
Hellenistic 372
velarium 373374
Mūsá bin Nuṣayr, governor of North Africa and Spain (d. 716) 127, 144145
Müstair (Switzerland) 376
al-Mustanṣir, Fatimid caliph (d. 1094) 384
al-Muʿizz, Fatimid caliph (d. 975) 138, 247
Naples (na) 14, 199, 244, 248, 249, 295, 347, 348349, 389
duke 212213
mint 194, 198, 200
nationalism 34, 17, 27, 2829, 3435
Sardinian ‘nation’ 28, 45, 57, 58
naval warfare 47, 130131, 133, 155156, 246, 254255
Navarre (Spain) 259n71, 263264, 383
Neapolis 52, 68, 92. See also administration, oppida
Nero, Roman emperor (d. 68 ce) 52
Nicaea (nw Anatolia)
Council of (318) 340341
Council of (325) 109
Council of (787) 116, 376
i, pope (d. 867) 211
ii, pope (d. 1061) 217, 275
Nicita ‘Lebita’, Sardinian scribe 351, 352, 320, 331, 338
Nikephoros ii Phokas, Byzantine general and emperor (d. 969) 222
Nispella 59, 295, 300, 306
wife of Salusio, archon (c. 1000s) 221, 297
wife of Torkitorius, archon 5960
wife of Torkitorius, iudike 307
Nispellus 59
Nispenini 59
nobility 4546, 160, 206. See also Athen, Gunale, Lacon, landholding
Calari 237
iudikes 85
local lords (mulūk al-ribʿa) 140
maiorales 239
Sardo-Punic 6667
Torres 237
Nora 52, 79, 81, 9192, 94. See also Sant’Efisio at Nora
Normans 13, 231, 243
in southern Italy 217, 218, 252, 265, 266267, 283, 287
North Africa 3, 7, 9, 10, 13, 48, 5556, 5759, 68, 69, 77, 78, 101, 119, 126, 131, 136, 166, 207, 243, 246, 269, 293, 384, 385. See also Ifrīqiya, Libya, Numidia, Victor i, pope
Berber revolts 130
bishops 78
immigration from 58, 79, 84, 89, 94, 95, 98, 100, 111, 141142, 142, 405
Nostra Signora di Bonacattu (sanctuary) 116
Numidia, Roman province 59, 80
Nuragic culture 43, 44, 57, 62, 69
Greek perception of 4445
Nurallao 154
Nuraminis 122. See also San Pietro Apostolo
Nurra coin hoard 171, 175, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187
Al-Nuwayrī, historian (d. 1333) 129, 145, 148
Nuxedda 256
Nuxis see Sant’Elia of Tatinnu
Obertenghi 276
officials see titles
Ogliastra 306, 383, 384
Olbia 23, 52, 53, 65, 68, 69, 72, 95, 111, 155, 156, 214, 224n79, 264, 265. See also St Simplicius
bishopric see Victor, bishop
Oliena 42
Arabic 154155, 316
Greek 116, 302, 306
Protosardinian 307
Roman 307
Sardinian 305306
optimates 44
Orani-Nurdole 46
Orbetello 286
Ore see Torres
kingdom of 232. See also Torres, kingdom
Orientalism 149154, 151, 158159
Oristano 26, 42, 149, 318. See also Aristianis
Gulf of 92 see Sinus Afer
Ortacesus 175
Ortzocor 295, 306
of Arborea, archon 40, 316, 324
of Zori, i or Arborea (d. early 1100s) 223, 324n39
ii of Arborea (c. 1100s) 324n39
Torkitorius i of Calari (d. 1089) 210n25, 226, 228, 230231, 252, 269, 273274, 275, 280, 286, 287, 287288, 298, 301, 312, 321, 322
(from Villasor) 221, 297
Orune see Sant’Efisio at Orune
Orzokor Greek variant of the name Ortzocor, 223
Oschiri 124
Ostrogoths 161
Othoca 4546, 92, 94, 118. See also Sant’Iusta
Ottonians, in Calabria 244
Oviedo (Spain), reliquary 384
Ozieri 43
Padria see Santa Iulia
Padulesa of Gunale 234
Palazzo di Baldu, Luogosanto 266
Palermo, Sicily 25, 218, 250, 114, 319
archbishopric 329
raid (1064) 251n38
Palladius 65
Pancrazio, ‘pope’ 399
Paolo Tronci, Pisan chronicler (d. 1648) 216
papacy 4, 13, 21, 28, 72, 76, 83, 101, 109, 119, 204, 216, 217, 218, 230, 231232, 235, 243, 269, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 281, 283, 284, 286, 288289, 292, 317, 348, 329, 330, 344, 376, 390, 394. See also iudikes, correspondence
overlordship 227, 238, 239, 278, 282
schism 289, 290, 291
Parati 62
Paschal ii, pope (d. 1118) 399
Pastore, St, martyr (d. 304) 112
Patti (me), cathedral 340
Paul i, pope (d. 767) 371, 372, 373
Paulus, cleric 71
Pausanias, geographer (d. c. 180 ce) 142
Pavia (pv) see St Augustine, translatio
peasants 82
Pelagius of Cordoba, St (martyr, d. 926)
reliquary 381
translatio 263
Perctarit, Lombard king (d. 688) 202
peregrini 86, 68, 83
Peter iv of Aragon (d. 1387) 407
Peter i of Arborea and rex (d. 1206) 227
Peter ii of Arborea (d. 1241) 238
Peter of Athen (c. 1100s) 125, 352
Peter, donnicello of Torres (c. 1100s) 338
Philip iii, king of Spain (d. 1621) 2223
Philippikos Bardanes, Byzantine emperor (d. 713) 180
Phoenicians 4548, 52
culture 69
script 46
Phokas, Byzantine emperor (d. 610) 187188
phylacterium, amulet 383
pilgrimage 104
Pillito, Ignazio, forger (mid-1800s) 18
piracy 62, 130n23, 135, 146, 208, 270
Pisa 9, 25, 158, 204, 214n45, 216, 216, 217, 219, 220, 227, 231, 241, 243, 247, 251, 254, 255, 273, 276, 277, 282, 287, 289, 314, 348, 319, 321, 324, 325, 327, 329, 330, 333, 359, 385386, 390, 395, 407
archbishopric 290, 412. See also Baldwin, Hubert
commerce 252
concessions 140141
expedition 214, 233
fleet 134
forces 131
overlordship 235, 239
Santa Maria (cathedral) 39, 233, 234, 322, 323, 333n73, 404
stonemasons 392
synod 291
Pisan route 286
Pisanco (Sardinia) 216
Pliny the Elder, Roman scholar (d. 79 ce) 52
Pluminos (Cagliari) 269
pluteus (sculpture) 386387, 388
Pontian, pope (d. 235) 73
poriclos de angaria (functionaries of the iudike) 350
Porto Argentario see Cosa
Porto Conte 42
Porto Torres 22, 23, 210, 220, 317. See also San Gavino
inscriptions 81
Posada (nu) 87, 187
praesidium 81. See also Nora
Praeneste 52, 55
Presentation at the Temple (fresco) 366
Pretiosa de Orrubu, regina (c. 1100s) 233234. See also Gonarius of Lacon, ii of Torres
Primasius, bishop (c. 500s) 78, 95
Procopius of Caesarea, historian (d. c. 570) 163164
Protestantism 19, 32
Protus, St, martyr (d. 300s) 342, 392
Provence (France) 15, 42, 134, 209, 285. See also William ii of Narbonne
navigation to 134, 266
provincia Sardiniae 75, 205, 231, 237
ecclesiastical 281
Pseudo-Methodius, apocalyptic history 155156
Ptolemy, geographer (d. c.170 ce) 53
pyxis see locket
Q.l.rīh, ‘Calari’ 128n9, 152n109
Qayrawān, qāḍī of see Asad ibn al-Furāt
Quinisextum Council (692) 192
Quintasius, bishop (c. 314) 75
Quintus Antonius Balbus, praetor (83–82 bce) 50
Quintus Lutatius Catulus, consul (78 bce) 50
Qurra ibn Sharīk, governor of Egypt (709–15) 133
Quthum bin ʿAwāna, raid commander (737) 128
Ranieri Sardo, Pisan chronicler (d. 1004) 215, 255
Ratchis, Lombard king (d. post-757) 202
Ravenna 199, 349
fall of 115
Lombard capture 201
mint 178, 181, 185, 190, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200201
rebellion in the hinterland 6064, 49, Iliensi, Balari
regionalism 268269
relics 2, 18, 19, 21, 23, 30, 31, 309, 381. See also Cuerpos santos
human sacrifice 70
paganism 7677
Punic 69
Roman 69
See also Christianity, Judaism
reliquaries 381382, 384
rennu, ‘realm’ 342, 230. See also logu
Richard, abbot of St Victor (d. 1173) 284
Robert Guiscard, Norman count and duke (d. 1085) 266267
Roger ii, count and king of Sicily (d. 1154) 340
Roman Empire
citizenship 51
domination 4871, 69
heritage 8487
law 6, 85
rule 23, 46. See also Justinian i, institutions
Romanesque see architecture, sculpture
Romanisation 3, 53, 58, 60, 62
Rome 5, 13, 16, 47, 66, 101, 137, 199, 210, 241, 373, 390, 398
Council of (649) 94
Council of (680) 110
Council of (1065) 229n98, 273
mint 180, 190, 196, 197, 198
Muslim attack on (845) 209
Santa Maria Antiqua 371372, 373, 374
Ruinas (or) 202
rural space 304. See also Codice Rurale
agricultural settlement 55, 58, 6465, 86
cave-dwelling 62. See also Aconiti, Balari, Parati, Sossinati
nuraghi 108, 87, 76, 62
pastoralism 53, 55, 64, 65, 84, 86. See also transhumance
saltos 336
termen 336
Sa Domu Beccia, nuraghe at Uras 10n12
Ṣābir, eunuch raid commander (929/30) 248
Ṣadaqa bin Yūsuf, Fatimid vizier (1040s) 384
Saint-Denis, basilica in Paris 379
Salento Peninsula 328
Salerno (sa) 248
princes of 212213
Salousius variant of the name Salusius
Salusio variant of the name Salusius, 11, 297, 302, 303
Salusios Greek variant of the name Salusius, 221, 326
Salusius 11, 302n31, 303, 304, 305. See also Constantine-Salusius ii, Marianus-Salusius i
archon 221, 297
Samassi 272
San Bardilio in Cagliari 21
San Gavino at Porto Torres 15, 102, 267, 359, 391, 392, 393, 396, 403. See also condaghes
San Genesio (church)
Decimo 322, 323
Cagliari 288
San Giorgio (church)
Aneletto (Anela) 109
Cabras 40, 114, 116, 135, 211, 316, 317, 318. See also seals (lead)
Cagliari 288
Decimo 322, 323
Suelli 299300
Tharros 81
San Giovanni (church)
Assemini 116, 221, 295
Cabras see San Giovanni di Sinis
Sinis 103, 105, 111, 316, 318
San Giovanni of Noale, hoard (Ossi) 175, 180, 183
San Isidoro, Real Colegiata de (León) 384
San Lussorio (sanctuary) 104, 379, 380
San Marco di Sinis 383
San Michele di Plaiano 322
San Nicola (church)
Donori 108
Trullas (Semestene) 125. See also condaghes
San Nicolò Gerrei 70. See also Baal-Hammon
San Pantaleo at Dolianova 108
San Paolo ‘fuori le Mura’, Rome 284, 286
San Pellegrino, Bominaco (aq) 376
San Piero at Grado (pi) 392, 400
San Pietro Apostolo at Nuraminis 309
San Pietro in Bosa 400
San Salvatore at Mores See also acquamanile (ewer)
San Saturnino in Cagliari 119120, 322, 388, 395, 405412
basilica 23, 32, 79, 405. See also St Saturninus of Cagliari
monastery 9899, 101
sanctuary 102, 103
San Sisto (pi) 392, 400
San Sperate 99
San Teodoro at Siurgus Donigala 108
San Vincenzo al Volturno (is) 375, 376, 379
San Vito in Cagliari 9899
Sandaliotis ‘Sardinia’ 45, Ichnussa
Sant’Andrea Frius 108
Sant’Andrea Priu 1, 16, 72, 124, 358, 360370, 372, 373374, 375
restoration 365
Sant’Antioco at Sulci 23, 81, 102, 103, 120, 297, 309, 325, 360
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo 376n39
Sant’Efisio (church)
Nora 102, 120, 413415
Orune 53
Sant’Elia (church)
Montesanto 321
Tatinnu 116, 117
Sant’Eulalia of Mérida (Spain) 384
Sant’Iusta 94, 99, 118
Sant’Adriano al Foro 379
Santa Barbara di Bauladu, nuraghe 108
Santa Cristina (pi) 400
Santa Gilla see Santa Igia
Santa Igia (settlement) 247, 250
Santa Iulia 99
Santa Maria (church)
de Bubalis 321
de Portu Gruttis 120, 412
de Portu Salis 412
del Porto 412, 413
del Regno 15, 391, 394, 395, 396405
di Bonarcado 357. See also condaghes, Nostra Signora di Bonacattu
di Castro 109
di Monserrato 360
Grumentina (Grumento Nova, Basilicata) 302n31
Iscalas 116, 377378
Navarrese 1, 383. See also locket
Tergu 233
Santa Restituta 99
Santa Rosalia at Cagliari 18
Santa Vittoria at Serri 109
Santa Vittoria at Telti 380
Santi Apostoli (fi) 400
Al-Sard, ‘the Sardinians’ 141
Sardāniya, Ifrīqiyan villa complex (mid-960s) 138, 139, 247
Sardi venales 49. See also slavery
Sardinia and Corsica, kingdom 239, 219
Sardo-Libyan 56, 57
Sardonic smile 4445
Sards 47, 48, 49, 51, 5556, 67, 69. See also al-Sard, Barbaricini, Sardo-Libyan
resistance 62
under Vandals 78
Sardus Pater, Sardinian deity 46, 51, 58, 69, 71, 142
Sārdūs, son of Hercules 142
Sarrabus 154
Sartāniya, ‘Sardinia’ 138
Sassari 25, 26, 42
archbishopric 22
Saturn, deity see Baal-Hammon
Saturnino see St Saturninus of Cagliari
Saturninus of Cagliari, St, martyr (d. c.300s) 30, 31, 95, 96, 122, 407
passio 104, 406
Saturnus, St see St Saturninus of Cagliari
sculpture 386390
Romanesque 387, 391
sea-silk (bisso, pinna nobilis) 242n2
seals (gold) 212
seals (lead) 333
Bulgarian 340n96
Byzantine 3738, 135n42, 166, 211, 316. See also Sergius, stratelates
Islamic 135, 152
Sardinian 328
Sardo-Greek 2, 3541, 169, 219, 222, 223, 224, 226, 229, 230, 298, 305, 310, 311, 312, 316, 318, 324325, 325326, 330, 341. See also archontes
Selargius 256
Senafer, bishopric 79, 91, 92, 93, 9495
Senzius, St 269, 270, 271, 272
Serdica, Council of (343–44) 75
Sergius, stratelates (c. 500s) 81
Sergius, St 107
Serri-Santa Vittoria 46
servitude 65, 75. See also colliberti, servos
servos 85
Sestu 272
Settimo San Pietro 46
castra 82, 108109, 132. See also kastron
civitates 68. See also Carales, Neapolis, Olbia
municipia 51, 52, 53. See also Bosa, Carales, Nora, Olbia, Sulci
oppidum 52
villae 108, 230, 300, 321
Sextus Peduceus (c. 48 bce) 52
Sicily 3, 9, 12, 12n14, 56, 78, 103, 107, 115, 119, 122123, 126, 129, 130, 131, 131, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 151, 157, 158, 168n35, 201, 206, 208209, 214n45, 240, 241, 248, 250, 252, 265, 282, 289, 328, 329, 340. See also Elpidios, strategos
county 243
Norman conquest 266267
Sid Babi, Punic deity 6970
Sidonius see Sid Babi
Silki see condaghes, San Pietro di Silki
Silsila Island (semi-legendary) 144, 138
silver 249. See also coinage, mining
Simeon the Great, Bulgarian emperor (d. 927) 340n96
Simieri 300
Simplicius, St (d. 304) 95, 122
Sinis 317
diocese 316
Sinispella 300, Nispella
Sinnai 256
Sinus Afer 92
Siurgus Donigala, nuraghe and Byzantine burial site 108
Antiquity 52
Byzantine 82
Christianity 75
Punic 66
Roman 49, 67
See also servitude
Solinus, Roman scholar (d. post-258) 141, 142
Sorica 295
Sorrento (na) 295, 389
bishop 233
Sossinati 62
Stone Age 42, 43
Strabo, Greek geographer 62, 65
strategos, military governor 10, 132, 160, 236, 242, 248
Sts Peter and Marcellinus, basilica 75z
Su Mulinu at Villanovafranca, nuraghe and Byzantine burial site 10n12
Su Pallosu 266
Sūdāniya, ‘Sardinia’ 138
Suelli, bishopric 79, 91, 119, 300, 307, 318, 329 see Eutalio
Sulci 52, 53, 68, 69, 70, 79, 82, 92, 95. See also Sant’Antioco, administration, oppida, Elat
Jewish presence 77
Sulcis 42, 4546, 71, 109, 149. See also Sant’Antioco, Mount Athos
Sulla 50, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, Lucius Marcius Philippus
Surdāniya, ‘Sardinia’ 138
Symmachus, pope (d. 514) 78, 83
Syracuse (si) 5, 156, 171, 199
mint 180, 181, 190, 194, 196, 197, 198, 201
Syria 43, 261, 319
Tanit, Phoenician and Punic deity 70. See also Sid Babi
Taranto (ta) 157
Tarragona (Spain) 50
Tavolara Island 270, 271, 272
taxation 6, 9, 242
Byzantine 82
exemption 321
jizya 129, 130
Roman 65, 66
vectigalia 64
ṭāʾifa (petty states in al-Andalus) 250, 251n36, 384. See also Dénia, Málaga
Taʾrīkh jazīrat Ṣiqilliyya, ‘History of the Island of Sicily’ or ‘Cambridge Chronicle’ (later 900s) 245, 248
Termoli (cb) 248
Terreseu 70
Thapsus, battle of (46 bce) 51
Tharros 4546, 50, 53, 68, 69, 70, 72, 81, 92, 93, 102, 111, 224, 259, 266, 317. See also Cabras, Melqart, San Giovanni di Sinis
bishopric 91, 318
castrum 318
fortifications 82
Jewish presence 77
Theodore, St 107
the Studite (d. 826) 113, 211, 376
of Tarsus, (d. 690) 106n68, 113, 211, 376
Theodosius iii, Byzantine emperor (715–17) 171n9, 183184, 195, 202
Theophany (fresco) 370371
Theophylactos, curator (c. 600s) 166
Theotokos see Christianity, Marian cult
Thietmar of Merseburg, chronicler (d. 1018) 254
Thrasamund, Vandal king (d. 523) 78, 91
Tiberius ii, emperor (d. 582) 175, 177n27
Tiberius iii, emperor (d. 705) 171n7, 174, 175177, 177, 178, 180, 195, 196, 196, 197, 198, 199, 199, 202
Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, Roman consul (238 bce) 48, 49
Tiberius, Roman emperor (d. 37 ce) 8n7
Tirso valley 306
titles of officials
archon 164n21, 205, 212, 222, 229, 230, 235236, 237, 296, 296, 341, 389. See also archontes
archon Arboreas 318, 233
archon Sardenias 213, 212, 224, 225, 301, 318, 327
consul 209, 235, 237
cubicularius 316
curador see curator
curator civitatis 166167
donnicello (honorific given to Sardinian upper nobility) 338
donno ‘sire’, ‘lord’ 85
doux 91, 106, 110, 164, 209, 210, 318. See also Constantine, dux, Flavius Pancratius
dux 161, 163, 164, 209, 211, 235, 237, 307
eparch 106
hyparchon 211
hypatos 160, 164, 209, 210, 328, 349. See also Constantine
imperatori 341
iudex 235236, 318 see iudikes
iudicissa (female iudex) 238
magister militum 316
malik ‘ruler’ 257
patrikios 136137
possessor see landholding
praefecturius 349
praefectus 55, 161
praeses 91, 101, 161, 162, 163, 164, 204, 210, 235, 236
princeps 285
princeps primus 211–12
princeps Sardiniae 211
protonobilissimos 253
protospatharios 221, 222, 225, 296, 297, 311n64, 389
ṣāḥib jazīrat Sardāniya ‘lord of the island of Sardinia’ 213
strategos 160, 209, 242, 248. See also Elpidios
tourmarches 132
Tocotorio variant of the name Torkitorius, 302
Tola, Pasquale, historian (d. 1874) 2526, 28, 35
toloneum, tax exemption 321
‘tombs of giants’ 43, 87. See also Nuragic culture
Torbeni 306
of Arborea, archon 40, 223
at Busachi 59
of Calari, iudex 39
of Caruia 59
of Lacon, iudice parte de Arbarea 39, 226
at Ula Tirso 59
Torbenius Latin variant of the name Torbeni, 59, 306
Torbennios Greek variant of the name Torbeni, 40, 226
Torbenus variant of the name Torbeni, 59
Torbini variant of the name Torbeni, 39
Torcatorius Latin (ecclesiastical) variant of the name Torkitorius, 312
Torcerius 306
Torchitorius Latin variant of the name Torkitorius
Torcotorio Latin (ecclesiastical) variant of the name Torkitorius, 295296, 297, 298, 301, 303, 310, 312
Torgodori variant of the name Torkitorius, 299
Torgotori variant of the name Torkitorius, 310
Torgotorios variant of the name Torkitorius, 298
Torgotorius Latin variant of the name Torkitorius, 301
Torkitori variant of the name Torkitorius, 301
Torkitorius 11, 302, 310. See also Marianus-Torkitorius ii, Ortzocor-Torkitorius i
archon 221, 296, 300
of Zori, of Gallura (c. 1100s) 234
Dezzori (witnessed a charter of Constantine-Salusius of Calari) 299
of Gunale (or Ugunali) see Marianus-Torkitorius ii, Ortzocor-Torkitorius i
iudex (Nispella’s spouse) 60
iudike (donator of Suelli) 300, 307
protospatharios 221, 296, 297
Torkotori variant of the name Torkitorius, 310
Torkotorio variant of the name Torkitorius, 11
Torkotorios Greek variant of the name Torkitorius, 300, 326
Torquitor Latin variant of the name Torkitorius, 299, 300, 302, 303, 305, 310
Torquitorio variant of the name Torkitorius
Torquitorius Latin variant of the name Torkitorius, 299
archbishopric 237, 275, 280, 281, 290
kingdom 15, 26, 84, 86, 125, 222, 223, 232, 234, 237, 293, 323, 328, 341, 342, 354, 355, 391, 394, 395, 403. See also Bareson i of Torres, Bareson ii of Torres, Constantine of Lacon i of Torres, Ubaldo ii Visconti
See also Porto Torres
Torvenius Latin variant of the name Torbeni, 306
Totarum Island 209
Traiectum 371. See also Frankfurt
transhumance 64, 65
Trapani (tp) 265
Tratalias (su) see Santa Maria di Monserrato
Tre Fontane in Rome, abbey 286
Trent, Council of (1545–63) 19
trigonias, regional subdivision 67
Trogodori vernacular variant of the name Torkitorius, 299, 310, 311
Trogotori vernacular variant of the name Torkitorius, 299
Troodori vernacular variant of the name Torkitorius, 299, 300, 301, 310
Trullas see condaghes , San Nicola di Trullas
Turarius see Tavolara
Turbini vernacular variant of the name Torbeni, 226
Turin 25, 27, 3940
Turris Libisonis (Porto Torres), 52, 73, 74, 81, 85, 92, 95, 101, 102, 164
bishopric 79, 91. See also Marianus, bishop
Jewish presence 77
Tuscany 15, 359. See also Pisa, Santa Cristina, San Piero in Grado, San Sisto
Tuscany March 276, 289
Tyrrhenian Sea 13, 157, 214, 251, 269, 270, 271, 276, 290
islands 78
Tzazo, brother of king Gelimer (d. 533)
i Visconti (d. 1230) 235, 238
ii Visconti (d. 1238) 238
ʿUbayda bin al-Ḥabḥāb, governor of Ifrīqiya (734–41) 128
Ugunale (Gallura) 305
Ula Tirso 59, 306. See also Torbeni at Ula Tirso
Ulbia Olbia. See also Civita
Unale 305
Unuspiti 295
Urban ii, pope (d. 1099) 281, 323
urbanism 3, 10, 46, 53, 82, 86, 393
Byzantine 82
contraction 6465, 111
incastellamento 129
Urseccur pre-Roman variant of the name Ortzocor, 306
Uselis 53
al-ʿUsfurī, Khalīfa bin Khayyāṭ, historian (d. 854) 145
Valentia 52. See also administration, oppida
Valentinus of Turris (c. 484) 110. See also Christianity, Christology
Vandals 7780, 163, 303
kingdom 78, 80, 206. See also Gaiseric, Gelimer, Gunthamund, Hilderic, Huneric, Thrasamund
Varro, Roman scholar (d. 27 bce) 65
Vatican Secret Archive 273
Venice (ve) 116
duke 212213
Venosa (pz) 329
Vercelli see Eusebius, bishop
bishop (c. 600s) Olbia/Phausiana 9394
i, pope (d. 199) 73
iii, pope (d. 1087) 323
St Victor in Marseille (abbey) 13, 116, 118, 123, 228, 234, 241, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 311, 319, 322, 323, 330, 332, 333, 394, 405, 406, 412, 413. See also architecture, Victorine ; monasticism
villae, villages see settlements
Villanoviano ii period 46
Villasor 296, 325
Vincent, St, martyr (d. 304) 112
Vincentius, bishop (c. 599) 9394
Virgilius, bishop (c. 1090) 118
Virgin and Child (fresco) 368
Vivaldi, villa residence in Cagliari see Santa Maria del Porto
water-pourer see acquamanile (ewer)
archbishop of Cagliari (d. 1119) 274
bishop of Populonia (d. c. 1080) 286
of Massa, iudike of Calari (d. 1214) 291
the Pious, duke of Aquitaine (d. 918) 284, 285
William ii of Narbonne, iudex of Arborea (d. 1424) 219
Worms, Concordat of (1122) 289
Yāqūt al-Rūmī al-Ḥamawī, historian (d. 1229) 139
Yazīd ibn Masrūq al-Yaḥṣubī, raid commander (721) 127
Yaʿqūb bin Isḥāq, raid commander (934) 248
Zeno, Byzantine emperor (d. 491) 80
Zerkis 250
archon Arboreas 40, 223, 316, 324
iudike of Arborea 324n39
Zīrids of Granada 387388
Zīrids of Ifrīqiya 139
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