The editors would like to thank the Arts and Humanities Research Council for their generous support of the project ‘Power, society, and (dis)connectivity in medieval Sardinia’ with a four-year Standard Grant Award in 2019 that allowed the research and writing necessary for completion of this volume.
We would also like to thank the Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (isem–cnr) in Cagliari for hosting Alex Metcalfe as a Visiting Researcher with a short-term mobility scheme award in 2013 during which a round table event was convened to discuss sources and methodologies, and at which several of the contributions in this volume have their origins.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves and Alex Metcalfe are grateful to Lancaster University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and to the Lancaster University History Department for their support of this book project and its associated research. Marco Muresu would like to thank Dumbarton Oaks Research Library in Washington D.C., for a Research Award in January–February 2020 to study its collection of Byzantine coins and seals.
Our thanks are also extended to Kate Hammond and Marcella Mulder from Brill, and to Nicola Castangia, Giovanni Serreli, Federica Sulas, Paolo Lombardi, and Eugen Russo for the diverse parts they have played in bringing this project to fruition.