Notes on Contributors

In: Sustaining the Future of Higher Education
Bruno Broucker
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Rosalind Pritchard
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Göran Melin
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Clare Milsom
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Notes on Contributors

Iyad Abualrub

is Associated Research Fellow in Higher Education at the Department of Education, University of Oslo. His research interests in the higher education area include: Institutional dynamics, learning environments, student experience, quality and change management.

Avril Margaret Brandon

(PhD) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law at Maynooth University. Building on her research at Universitas 21, she is passionate about enhancing accessibility to higher education opportunities, and increasing graduate employability.

Bruno Broucker

(PhD) is guest professor at the KU Leuven and higher education policy advisor at the Institute of Tropical Medicine. He is member of the executive committee of EAIR and Series Editor of the book Series “Higher Education: Linking Research, Policy and Practice”.

Leo Buning

is project leader at HAN University of Applied Sciences. His expertise is green and intelligent mobility. Since 2018 he is a PhD student. His PhD research is on perceived institutional rationalities within three professional communities: education, industry and research.

Cynthia Cogswell

(PhD) is the Director of Strategic Planning and Assessment and an adjunct instructor at Ohio University. Through her work and research, she aims to enrich the scholarly dialogue about student learning, engagement, and institutional change in higher education.

Vanessa Cui

is a research fellow at Birmingham City University education research centre CSPACE. She has over ten years’ experiences in researching higher education learning and teaching practices and policies in the UK.

Frans de Vijlder

is Professor of Governance and Innovation Dynamics in Social Organisations at HAN University of Applied Sciences. He has been involved in Higher Education Policies and Practices since the 1980s in a large array of roles.

Kurt De Wit

(PhD in Sociology) is senior policy adviser and head of the IR Unit in the Education Policy Department at KU Leuven (Belgium). He is editor-in-chief of Tertiary Education and Management (TEAM), the journal of EAIR.

Mervi Friman

(PhD Educ.), works as Research Manager at HAMK UAS. Her interests focus on HE pedagogy and policy, ethics and sustainability. She has an active role in HE networks, and she has edited several publications as editorial board member.

Martina Gaisch

(PhD) is professor of English, Intercultural Competence and Diversity Management at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. As academic head of diversity management at the School of Informatics in Hagenberg, her research areas are at the interface of educational sociology, higher education research and sociolinguistics.

Anne Gannon

(PhD) is a HR Manager and has worked in University College Cork (UCC) since 2000. She completed a part-time PhD in 2019 in the Department of Government and Politics in UCC, examining Institutional Change in the Irish University 2008–2014 through the lens of institutional logics.

Caroline Hetherington

is a higher education student support and experience specialist. She has been part of several international collaborations to design student engagement activities, most recently for the Universitas 21 network and the University of Birmingham’s Forum for Global Challenges.

Ester Höhle

is a sociologist and works as a higher education researcher in academic projects at universities in Germany. Her research areas are gender, international comparison and careers in academia. She has published a number of articles.

René Krempkow

studied sociology and worked in a dozen German universities and institutes. He does management, research and consulting in the field of Higher Education and is editorial board member of the journals Qualität in der Wissenschaft and Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung.

Anne Laakso

(MA, Health Sciences and Economics), is Development Manager at R&D Services in HAMK. Her special interest focus is on foresight, which she has studied alongside economics. Previously she worked as head of the Nursing Degree Program in HAMK.

Lotta Linko

(MA, Transl.) is Quality Manager at HAMK UAS, with almost 20 years in the administration and support functions of the institution. Previously, she has been working in the telecommunications sector and chemical industry.

Aleksandra Lis

holds a PhD in management and is preparing her second dissertation in cultural studies. Her fields of interest include Higher Education management, governance and academic culture. Currently she is engaged in the activities of the Future University Lab.

Göran Melin

has conducted numerous studies or evaluations targeting issues such as organisation of higher education institutions, alliances and mergers between higher education institutions, funding mechanisms, academic careers and cooperation with the surrounding society.

Clare Milsom

is Academic Registrar at the Liverpool John Moore University. She is a National Teaching Fellow and is involved in the QAA review of the Higher Education credit framework for England. Clare has worked in higher education for over twenty years and is known for her work on the evaluation of qualitative survey data.

Matt O’Leary

is Professor of Education and Director of the education research centre CSPACE at Birmingham City University, UK. He is well known internationally for his extensive body of work on the use of classroom/lesson observation in understanding and improving teaching and learning.

Jason Pina

serves as the Chief Strategy Officer for Global Programs and University Life at New York University. His career spans over 25 years and includes senior roles in student affairs, enrollment, and diversity at several public and private universities.

Rómulo Pinheiro

is Professor of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Agder, Norway. Rómulo co-heads the Public Governance and Leadership Group. His research interests are located at the intersection of public policy and administration, organizational and higher education studies.

Ilana Pressick

is the Acting Head of Department for Children and Young People’s Health at Birmingham City University where she has worked since 2016. Born and raised in South Africa she move to the UK in 2003 where she now resides.

Rosalind Pritchard

is Emeritus Professor of Education at Ulster University, United Kingdom, where she was Head of the School of Education and Co-ordinator of Research. Her research interests are in higher education and in the training of ESOL teachers (English to Speakers of Other Languages). She is a Senior Distinguished Research Fellow of her University, a member of the British Academy of Social Sciences, an Honorary Member of the British Association for International and Comparative Education, Secretary of the European Association for Institutional Research and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy.

Victoria Rammer

studied Communication, Knowledge Media and Content Strategy. As research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, she has been involved in numerous projects in the field of diversity management, higher education research, ICT and women in STEM.

Bairbre Redmond

was previously Provost of Universitas 21. She has a long-standing interest in the development of critical reflection in higher education curricula. She is Professor Emeritus in Higher Education at University College Dublin and works as a higher education consultant.

Stephanie Reynolds

is a senior lecturer in pre-registration adult nursing at Birmingham City University. She is a registered District Nurse and nurse prescriber. Her teaching interests include community nursing using real time simulation.

Lee Roberts

is a registered adult nurse, with a background in acute and community nursing care. He is passionate about high quality care and education, and teaches student nurses and trainee nursing associates on NMC approved programmes at Birmingham City University.

Radosław Rybkowski

is Associate Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He is co-leader of the Future University Lab, and focuses on the interrelation between US culture and politics, and higher education policy.

Peter Schuur

received a PhD in Mathematical Physics from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. His research interests are: (closed-loop) supply chain management, vehicle routing, distributed planning, dynamic pricing, reverse logistics, renewable energy, layout problems, and warehouse modelling.

Wafa Singh

is a PhD candidate at the Department of Community Health Studies, Durban University of Technology (DUT), South Africa. Her research work involves exploring the forms and modalities of community university engagement in higher education institutions in India.

Odd Rune Stalheim

is an Associate Professor at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and received his PhD in innovation and pedagogics. His research focuses on quality and innovation in higher education with a particular interest in how student involvement in learning processes contributes to professional and personal development.

Nathalie Turville

is a Senior Lecturer in Children’s Nursing with 20 years’ experience of teaching and supporting student nurses. She remains committed to the importance of education informing practice to promote the best care for the child and family.

Nick White

is a Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University and course leader for the BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy degree. He has a professional background as a therapeutic radiographer and also has over 18 years’ experience working within radiography education.

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Introduction Sustainability of Higher Education in Uncertain Times
Chapter 1 Sustaining the European Higher Education Area
Chapter 2 Striving for Research Excellence by Understanding Institutional Rationalities
Chapter 3 When Excellence Meets Relevance
Chapter 4 Student Driven Innovations
Chapter 5 Experiences of Academic Leadership in Ireland 2008–2014
Chapter 6 Using Innovative Observation to Improve Teaching and Learning
Chapter 7 Using Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) for Building Youth Consciousness on Democracy in Everyday Life (DIEL) in India
Chapter 8 Linkages between Academic Culture and Management in Polish Higher Education
Chapter 9 Exploring the Impact of Student Mobility and Extracurricular Engagement on Academic Performance and Graduate Outcomes
Chapter 10 Can the New COVID-19 Normal Help to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4?
Chapter 11 The Roles of Higher Education Managers in Germany
Chapter 12 The Incomplete PDCA Cycle in the Research, Development and Innovation Activities at a Finnish UAS
Chapter 13 Organisational Change in Student Affairs


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