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active imagination 18, 31, 75, 9092, 199, 226, 228, 231, 233
Adorno, Theodor 34, 46, 49, 68, 335339, 343345, 347352, 354,
anthropological structures 32, 39, 4142
archetype passim
Aristotle 17, 2425, 2728, 30, 87, 208
cancer VI, 211213, 216219, 222224
capitalism VII, 258, 263, 356357, 359, 363, 365
turbo-capitalism 155, 363
collective imagination 5, 32, 33, 3739, 42, 45
complex V, VII, IX, 12, 34, 3637, 66, 78, 80, 9192, 97, 109, 121, 126, 128, 131135, 137, 142, 149, 153, 159160, 173, 185, 191192, 226, 232233, 236, 238, 240, 245246, 254255, 261, 263264, 270271, 273274, 277, 279, 282284, 293, 295, 297, 299, 301304, 306316, 325, 348, 357358
culture 239240, 244, 248
Western culture 238, 240, 242, 245, 248
cultural complex V, VII, 132133, 137, 235, 245, 264, 293, 301316, 325, 364
dead mother complex 12, 235, 238, 240, 245
dance 9, 11, 226234, 242, 296, 314
Darnton, Robert 12, 251, 256, 262
death anxiety 293, 304314
dream passim
Durand, Gilbert 9, 3233, 41, 50, 67, 69, 117, 129, 136
Earth 236237, 239, 246, 248249
earth-spirit 236, 248249
ecopsychology VI, 235236, 249250
ego passim
ego-Self axis 235, 243244, 247
feminine VI, 92, 94, 116, 130, 156, 162163, 170, 175, 197, 202203, 207, 235237, 239241, 248, 250
filmosophy 153, 158, 161
Frankfurt school 13, 34, 46, 336, 343, 349, 353
Geertz, Clifford 12, 251257, 259, 261264
German völkisch movement 251
God (-dess) 2, 910, 11, 35, 78, 8082, 86, 93, 112, 137, 145146, 181, 190, 202, 206207, 251, 254, 282, 300, 321, 363
Great Mother VI, IX, 11, 167, 170172, 175176, 184, 235, 237, 239, 244, 246247, 250, 277278, 292, 359, 364
Grotowski, Jerzy 177, 182, 187193
Hermes 910, 95, 108, 112114, 137, 141, 145148, 150152
Hillman, James 11, 18, 30, 91, 93, 150151, 177178, 182189, 191193, 233, 317, 329333, 336, 338, 354, 357
instinct (-ual, -ive) VI, 3, 5, 12, 3538, 49, 62, 87, 107, 121, 128129, 133, 184185, 188, 267280, 282, 284285, 292, 305, 339340, 345348
Jung, Carl Gustav passim
Kant, Immanuel 4, 36, 39, 41, 55, 160, 343
Kantian 39, 41
Kaxinawá VI, 10, 162164, 167168, 171173
Kilint af, Hilma VI, 11, 194209
Lacan, Jacques 4, 9, 53, 6372
Lacanian 9, 67
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 9, 33, 5153, 55, 5859, 6267, 7172
mandala VI, 194195, 197207, 210211, 218
masculine 240241
myth passim
mythology 80, 94, 139, 141, 162163, 168, 174, 178
Nature 236238, 240241, 243, 245, 248
natural world 236238, 242
neoliberal ideology 356, 363365
Ouroboros/ Uroboros 171, 201, 207, 235, 238240, 242243
parapsychological experiences 195
Pareto distribution 282283
participation mystique 37, 52, 57, 111, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243, 245, 248
personalisation V, 75
personification 75n, 321
Plato, Platonic, neoplatonic 4, 24, 25, 26, 35, 76, 87, 128, 129, 208
pop culture 177
populism VII, 293297, 307, 311, 315316
primal relationship 235, 243n
Progoff 2, 33, 345, 346
projection 1, 11, 108, 110, 118, 134, 170, 171, 179, 185, 214, 224, 238, 241, 282, 299, 300, 304, 308, 309, 312, 362, 365
psyche passim
psychoanalysis passim
psychoid(s) 6, 39
rebirth 168, 171, 175, 201, 211, 220n, 280
regression 358
religion/religious 1, 6, 8, 13, 18, 32, 39, 42, 52, 53, 57, 59, 60, 61, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 90, 96, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 154, 169, 170, 172, 177, 180, 186, 198, 254, 258, 260, 278, 301, 302, 305, 307, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 335, 336, 339, 340, 341, 343, 345, 346, 349, 353, 357, 358, 361, 363
religious function 61, 301, 336
Rosarium Philosophorum 11, 195, 200, 207, 211, 212, 220, 221
sebastianism VII, 13, 317318, 322329, 333334
Selbst 122
Self, archetype of the self 2, 5, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, 41, 47, 55, 57, 59, 60, 65, 90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 109, 110, 111, 112, 119, 122, 123, 127, 163, 171, 175, 178, 180, 184, 186, 192, 194, 197, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 235, 239, 243, 244, 247, 248, 252, 260, 298, 300, 301, 303, 308, 341, 343, 358
semio-structuralism 53, 63, 64, 67, 68
shadow VI, 7, 10, 17, 20, 41, 45, 81, 90, 143161, 169, 178, 222, 253, 279, 280, 293, 298, 299, 300, 303, 304, 308, 309, 310, 312, 317, 327
Shamdasani 317, 329, 330, 331
social hierarchy / social hierarchization VI, 12, 154, 267n
social imagery 42
social imagination 32, 39, 42
sociology VI, 2, 8, 12, 52, 53, 5659, 251262, 336, 338, 343, 344, 353
symbol / symbolic passim
synchronicity 27, 52, 54, 59, 61, 62
Taylor 9, 3233, 4247
Temenos V, 137n
terror management theory 12, 293n
therapy, psychotherapy VI, 9, 10, 22, 29, 92, 153161, 212, 213, 240, 312, 332, 335, 336, 338, 341, 348352, 357, 364, 365
transcendent function 90
trauma / traumatic 1, 11, 62, 102, 106, 149, 170, 226, 228, 230, 232, 259, 303, 306
trickster 10, 137, 145n, 317
unconscious passim
Wotan VI, 12, 4849, 80, 93, 251, 254255, 257262, 301, 314
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