Appendix 1 Genealogy of the Banū Abī ʿĀmir, 711–1085

In: Articulating the Ḥijāba: Cultural Patronage and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus
Mariam Rosser-Owen
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Most of the information about the family relationships of the Banū Abī ʿĀmir is compiled from the biographical information given in the main historical sources for this period:

Ibn ʿIdhārī, Al-Bayān al-Mughrib, II: 273–274, 293–294 [Fagnan’s translation 424–427, 455–456], and III: 3–74 [Salgado’s translation, 11–74]

Dhikr Bilād al-Andalus 1:175 [2: 186, §147–148]

Al-Maqqarī, Nafḥ al-Ṭib min ghuṣn al-Andalus al-raṭīb, Gayangos’ translation pp. 178–179

The other major source which has provided additional information is Ibn Ḥazm, Ṭawq al-Ḥamāma, 1953 translation, as follows: p. 22: on Wāhid, the gardener’s (or cheesemonger’s) daughter; pp. 43, 50, 143: on Abū ʿĀmir Muḥammad (ibn al-Muẓaffar); pp. 127–128: on Burayha’s aunt (the necrophiliac!); p. 217: on al-Muẓaffar’s daughter, Ḍanā.

Al-Ḍalfāʾ is only mentioned during the accounts of the destruction of al-Zāhira in Bayān III (see Chapter 4). Her father Khālid ibn Hishām, is mentioned at Dhikr Bilād I:148 [II:186–7]. The grand-daughter of Mujāhid who was the favoured wife of Abū ʿAmir ʿAbbād al-Muʾtaḍid (Taifa ruler of Seville, 1041–69), is mentioned at Bayān III:208 [translation, 175].

Information on those grandsons of al-Manṣūr, and their offspring, who became Taifa rulers, is taken from Wasserstein 1985, 83–98.

Other non-textual evidence has also been drawn on:

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Yaḥya ibn Abī ʿĀmir, al-Manṣūr’s nephew, succeeded Wāḍiḥ as governor of Fez, and his name appears on coins issued at Madīnat Fās in the years 389 and 390: cf. Miles 1950, 70.

Abū ʿĀmir Muḥammad, mawlā (?) of Hishām II, as the son of Burayha (grandson of al-Manṣūr) is mentioned in an inscription given in Lévi-Provençal 1931 (#190), n. 2.

Biographical information for al-Manṣūr is also provided by De la Puente 1997; Viguera 1999; Bariani 2003, 52–55; Ballestín 2004a; Fierro 2008; and Echevarría 2011, 33–43.

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