This appendix is based in part on Amador de los Ríos 1879 [AR]: page references to his volume are given in square brackets. These were verified and supplemented by my own readings of some of the gates he was not able to read. All Qurʾānic passages were verified against the text in Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Qurʾān, with the help of Kassis 1983; the translations provided here are his. These readings have been supplemented – and, where necessary, corrected – by the readings in Calvo 2010a [indicated by C].
The locations of these gates are plotted on Figure 67. The gates of al-Ḥakam’s original eastern façade are reconstructed in Figure 61, and illustrated in Figures 62–65. The gates of the ʿĀmirid façade are illustrated in Figures 66, 68–74.