Appendix 4 Inscriptions on Objects Made for the ʿĀmirids

In: Articulating the Ḥijāba: Cultural Patronage and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus
Mariam Rosser-Owen
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Inscriptions associated with Hishām II

1 Casket Made for Hishām II, Girona Cathedral (Datable 976; Figures 1–2)

بسم اللّٰه بركة من اللّٰه ويمن || وسعادة وسرور دائم ‫/‬
لعبد اللّٰه الحكم أمير المؤمنين ‫/‬
3المستنصر باللّٰه || مما أمر بعمله لأبي الوليد || هشام ولي عهد ‫/‬
المسلمين. تم على يدي جوذر تزيينه

In the name of Allah. Allah’s blessing, prosperity, || happiness and everlasting joy / for Allah’s servant [ʿAbd Allāh] al-Ḥakam, Commander of the Faithful / al-Mustanṣir bi-llāh. || This is what he ordered to be made for Abū’l-Walīd Hishām, the heir apparent. / Its decoration was carried out during the mandate of Jawdhar.

Signatures under the lockplate:

عمل بدر وظريف عبيده

Work of his servants Badr and Ṭarīf

This reading follows that published by Labarta 2015. Note that she believes the signature Ṭarīf should be read Ẓarīf.

2 Ṭirāz Woven in Hishām’s Name, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, inv. 298 (Datable 976–1009; Figure 9)

بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم البركة من اللّٰه واليمن والدوام للخليفة الامام عبد اللّٰه هشام المؤيد بلله أمير المؤمنين

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. The blessing from Allah and prosperity and long life for the Caliph, the Imam ʿAbd Allāh Hishām al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh, Commander of the Faithful.

Published: Lévi-Provençal 1931, 192 (#211)

3 Foundation Inscription Naming Hishām II in Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, Madrid, inv. 5.266 (Undated, Figure 48)

  • ‫1 […]‬م ال‫[…‬

  • ‫2 …]‬ما الح‫[…‬

  • ‫3 …‬المص‫]‬طفا وام‫[‬ينه

  • ‫4 ‬امر الامام المؤ‫[‬يد …‫]‬

  • ‫5 ‬امير المؤمنين وىى‫[‬

  • ‫6 …]‬

  • 1 […]

  • 2 […]

  • 3 [al-Muṣ]ṭafā and [his] am[īn …] /

  • 4 Ordered the Imām al-Muʾ[ayyad bi-llāh …]

  • 5 Commander of the Faithful and […]

  • 6 […]

Published: Souto 2007, 127–8 (inscription no. 11)

Inscriptions associated with the ʿĀmirids (in chronological order)

4 Minbar from the Andalusiyyīn Mosque, Fez (Dated 369/980 and 375/985; Figures 5–7; Chapter 7: 1.1)

a. right panel (ordered by the pro-Fatimid ruler of Fez, Buluqqīn ibn Zīrī (r. 979–985)):

بسملهعمل هذا المنبر في شهر شوال تسعة و ستين و ثلاث مائة من التاريخ

Basmala. This minbar was made in the month of Shawwāl in the year 369/980 of history

b. left panel:

Qurʾān 24:36: ‘In temples, Allah has allowed to be raised up, and His name to be commemorated therein; therein glorifying Him, in the mornings and in [the evenings] …’

c. backrest – upper panel:

بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم هاذا ما امر بعمله

الحاجب المنصور سيف [ال]دولة الامام [sic] عبد

اللّٰه هشام المؤيد باللّٰه اطال اللّٰه بقاه

6 أبو عامر محمد …‬

بن ابي عامر وفقه اللّٰه في شهر جماد الاخر

سنة خمس وو ثلث …‬

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. This is what the ḥājib al-Manṣūr Sword of [the] State ordered to be made [for/on behalf of] the Imām ʿAbd Allāh Hishām al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh – may Allah prolong his life! Abū ʿĀmir Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir – may Allah bring him complete success! In the month of Jumāda II of the year 3[7]5/October 985.

d. backrest – middle panel:

unread by Henri Terrasse; nothing recorded in Maroc Médiéval

e. backrest – lower panel:

no inscription

5 Tombstone of an ʿĀmirid mawla (Dated 985; V&A: A.92-1921; Figure 8)

بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم / هذا قبر جمعة بن فتوح بن / محمد العامري. توفي ر/حمه اللّٰه ليلة الأربعاء / لت[سع بقي]ن من جمادى الآ / خرة سنة أربع وسبعين / وثلاث مائة غفر اللّٰه له

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. / This is the tomb of Jumʿa ibn F.tūḥ ibn / Muḥammad al-ʿĀmirī. He died, may God have mer/cy on him, on Wednesday eve / at ni[ne (nights) from] Jumādā the la/st of year 374. May God forgive him!

Published: Barceló 2014

6 Inscription Commemorating the Restoration of the City of Lisbon in April 985 (Museu da Cidade, Lisbon, inv. MC.ARQ.CSJ.40.EP.0009; Figures 19–20)

بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الر[حيم] | أمر أمير المؤمنين هشام | المؤيد باللّٰه أطال | اللّٰه بقاءه بتجديد | مدينة الاشبونة على يدي | عبده وحاجبه وسبف | دولته أبي عامر محمد بن أبي | عامر وفقه اللّٰه فتم تجديده | على يدي نجم بن الحكم وخليد | ابن أبي سليمن في شهر ذي القعد|ة سنة أربع وسبعين وثلاث ما|ئة

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Commander of the Faithful Hishām al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh – may Allah prolong his life! – ordered the restoration of the city of al-Ashbūna [Lisbon], under the direction of his servant and his ḥājib Sword of the State [Sayf al-Dawla] Abī ʿĀmir Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir – may Allah bring him complete success! The restoration was completed under the direction of Najm ibn al-Ḥakam and Khalīd ibn Abī Sulaymān in the month of dhu’l-qaʿd of the year 374.

Published: Barceló 2013

7 Al-Manṣūr’s Marble Basin (Dated 377/987–8; Figures 108–9, 113–118; Chapter 7: 1.2)

  • ‫1. … نعمة [؟] ونصر وتاييد

  • ‫2. للحاجب المنصور ابي عامر محمد

  • ‫3. بن أبي عامر وفقه اللّٰه مما أمر

  • ‫4. بعمله بقصر الزاهرة فتم بعون اللّٰه وحسن تأييده على يدى خالفتی الكبير [؟] العامري سنة سبع وسبعين [وثلاث مائة]‬

  • (1) … ?grace/favour and victory and support

  • (2) to the ḥājib al-Manṣūr Abū ʿĀmir Muḥammad

  • (3) ibn Abī ʿĀmir – may Allah bring him complete success! (This is) what he ordered

  • (4) to be made in the Palace of al-Zāhira. And it was finished with the aid of Allah and His good assistance, under the direction of Kh(-alaf?), the ʿĀmirid fatā al-kabīr, in the year (3)77/987–8.

8 Inscription Commemorating the Restoration of a Bridge at Écija in 988 (Museo Fuentes de Andalucía; Figure 21)

‫[بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم أمر أمير المؤمنين هشام المؤيد باللّٰه أطال اللّٰه بقاءه بتجديد هذا الجس]ر | [للحاجب أبي ع]امر محمد بن أبي عامر أ | [عزّه اللّٰه] ظلمه سيل شتوة سنة ثل[ث | وسبعين فتم بعون] الل[ه …]‬

[In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Commander of the Faithful Hishām al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh – may Allah prolong his life! – ordered the restoration of this brid]ge / [from the ḥājib Abī ʿĀ]mir Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir – may [Allah glorify him!] It was damaged by a winter flood in the year 3/[73/983. It was completed with the help of] Alla[h].

Published: Barceló 2013

9 Inscription Commemorating the Restoration of the Bridge at Toledo (Puente de Alcántara), 997–8 (Figure 22)

‫[بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم] امر ببنيان هذه القنطرة وزير امير المؤمنين [المؤيد باللّٰه] هشام [اطال اللّٰه بقاءه] المنصور ابو عامر محمد ابن ابى عامر فتم [بعون اللّٰه على يدى] قائد طليطلة خلف بن محمد العامرى فى سنة سبع وثمانين وثلاث مائة

[In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.] The vizier of Commander of the Faithful, [al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh] Hishām [– may Allah prolong his life!], al-Manṣūr Abū ʿĀmir Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir. And it was completed [with the help of Allah, under the direction] of the qāʾid of Toledo Khalaf ibn Muḥammad al-ʿĀmirī in the year 387.

Published: Rodríguez and Souto 2000a; Souto 2007, 121–2 (inscription no. 4)

10 The ‘Ashmolean’ Pyxis (Dated 389/999; Figures 139–141; Chapter 7: 3.1)

بسم اللّٰه بركة ونصر وتأييد للوزير ابي المطرف بن المنصور ابي عامر محمد بن ابي عامر ايده اللّٰه عمل في سنة تسع وثماني[ن وثلث] مائة

In the name of Allah, blessing, victory and support to the wazīr Abū’l-Muṭarrif ibn al-Manṣūr Abī ʿĀmir Muḥammad ibn Abū ʿĀmir, may Allah support (or strengthen) him! Made in the year [3]89/999.

11 The Pamplona Casket (Dated 395/ 1004–5; Figures 120–127; Chapter 7: 2.1)

  • ‫1 ‬بسم اللّٰه بركة من اللّٰه وغبطة وسرور وبلوغ أمل في صالح عمل

  • ‫2 ‬وانفساح أجل للحاجب سيف الدولة عبد

  • ‫3 ‬الملك بن المنصور وفقه اللّٰه مما أمر بعمله علی يدی الفتی الكبير

  • ‫4 ‬زهير بن محمد العامري مملوكه سنة خمس وتسعين وثلاث مائة

In the name of Allah. Blessing from Allah, goodwill, happiness, and the fulfilment of hopes through good [or pious] works, and extension of life, to the ḥājib Sayf al-Dawla ʿAbd al-Malik ibn al-Manṣūr – may Allah bring him complete success! (This) is what he ordered to be made, under the direction of the fatā al-kabīr, Zuhayr ibn Muḥammad al-ʿĀmirī, his slave, in the year 395/1004–5.

12 The Braga Pyxis (Datable 1004–8; Figures 11, 15; Chapter 7: 2.2)

بسم اللّٰه بركة من اللّٰه ويمن وسعادة للحاجب سيف الدولة أعزه اللّٰه مما أمر بعمله علی يدی
الفتا [الكبير زهير بن محمد] العامري

In the name of Allah. Blessing from Allah and good fortune and happiness to the ḥājib Sayf al-Dawla – may Allāh strengthen him! This is what he ordered to be made for him, under the direction of the fatā [al-kabīr, Zuhayr ibn Muḥammad] al-ʿĀmirī.

Latin inscription on the base of the chalice now housed inside it:

In n[omi]ne D[omi]ni Menendus Gundisalvi et Tudad[o]mna sunm

In the name of the Lord, we are Menendo González and Toda

13 Basin Made for ʿAbd al-Malik al-Muẓaffar (Datable between 1004 and 1007; Figures 128–133; Chapter 7: 2.3.1)

  • ‫1. ‬بسم اللّٰه بركة من اللّٰه ونصر وتأييد للحاجب سيف الدولة

    ناصر الدين و قامع المشركين أبي مرون عبد الملك بن المنصور

  • ‫2. ‬أبي عامر أطال اللّٰه بقاه مما أمر بعمله

  • ‫3. ……‬

  • ‫4. … وثلاث مائة

(1) In the name of Allah, blessing from Allah and victory and support to the ḥājib Sword of the State, Defender of the Faith and Tamer of Polytheists, Abū Marwān ʿAbd al-Malik ibn al-Manṣūr (2) Abī ʿĀmir – May Allah prolong his life! (This is) what he ordered to be made (3) … (4) [in the year] 300 [and]…

14 Fragmentary Basin Found in the Casa de Suero Téllez de Meneses in Toledo (Chapter 7: 2.3.2)

عبد الملك بن] المنصور؟[‬

ʿAbd al-Malik ibn … [al-Manṣūr?]

15 Basin Fragments Found in the Secano at the Alhambra (Figure 134; Chapter 7: 2.3.3)

illegible (A)

‫[ب]ن أبي عامر وفق[ه اللّٰه]‬  (E)

[Ib]n Abī ʿĀmir, may [Allah] bring [him] complete success!

16 The Doha Casket (Dated 394/1003–4; Figures 145–146; Chapter 7: 4.1.1)

‫[بسم اللّٰه الرحمن ال] رحيم بركة من اللّٰه ويومن [sic] وسعادة وغبطة وسرور وعافية كافية ونعمة صابغة [sic] والاعالية [sic] ونعمة متصلة لصاحبها [sic] مما عمل في شهر ربيع الأول وذالك في سنة أربعة وتسعين وثلاث مائة

[In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the] Merciful. Blessing from Allah, and good fortune and happiness and bliss and joy and sufficient health, and abundant and of the highest [i.e. from Allah] grace, and uninterrupted grace to [fem.] its owner. This was made in the month of Rabīʿ I which was in the year 394/1003–4.

17 Minbar Possibly Installed by ʿAbd al-Malik in the al-Qarawiyyīn Mosque in Fez (Dated 1005); Chapter 7: 2.5

بسملهتصليههذا ما أمر بعمله الخليفة المنصور سيف الإسلام عبد اللّٰه هشام المؤيد باللّٰه أطال اللّٰه بقاءه علی يد حاجبه عبد الملك المظفر بن محمد المنصور بن أبي عامر وفقهم اللّٰه تعالی وذلك في شهر جمادی الاخرة سنة خمس وتسعين وثلاث مائة

Basmalataṣliyya … This is what the Caliph al-Manṣūr Sword of Islam ʿĀbd Allāh Hishām al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh – may Allah prolong his days! – ordered to be made, under the direction of his ḥājib ʿAbd al-Malik al-Muẓaffar ibn Muḥammad al-Manṣūr ibn Abī ʿĀmir – may Allah the Most High bring them complete success! And this was in the month of Jumāda II of the year 395/March–April 1005.

18 Suaire de Saint Lazare (Datable 1007–8; Figures 84, 136; Chapter 7: 2.4)

i. Autun fragment:

Inscription across the belts of three horsemen:

‫(1) المظفر (2) نصره (3) اللّٰه

al-Muẓaffar, may Allah bring him victory

ii. Lyon fragment:

Badly-damaged inscription on the round shield carried by one of the riders:

‫المظفر أعزه اللّٰه‬

al-Muẓaffar, may Allah strengthen him

19 Ivory Casket in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence (Late Tenth/Early Eleventh Century; Figures 148–149; Chapter 7: 4.1.2)

بسم اللّٰه بركة من اللّٰه ويمن وسعادة وغبطة وسلامة شاملة وعافية كافية ونعمة د[ايمة] وسرور دايم لصاحبه

In the name of Allah, blessing from Allah, and good fortune and happiness and bliss and total peace and sufficient health and per[petual] grace and perpetual joy to its owner.

20 Basin Brought to Granada by Bādīs ibn Ḥabbūs (Early Eleventh Century; Figures 156–158; Chapter 7: 4.2.1)

The inscription (carved c. 1305) is on only one side of the object. The letters given here indicate: (a) right hand edge, running bottom to top; (b) top edge, running horizontally across the top of the basin; (c) left hand edge, running top to bottom.

  • ‫(a) بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم …….‬

  • ‫(b) الرخام كلّه باديس بن حبوس الصنهاجي الی قصر حضرته (؟) غرناطة حرسها اللّٰه ولما لا….. [السلطا]ن الملك العادل المنصور المؤيد أمير المسلمين وناصر الدين أبي عبد اللّٰه ابن مولانا أمير المسلمين ابن مولانا الغالب باللّٰه…..‬

  • ‫(c) ….. و ذالك في شهر شوّال من عام أربعة وسبعمائة والحمد لله ربّ العالمين

  • (a) In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the All-Merciful …

  • (b) Bādīs ibn Ḥabbūs al-Ṣanhājī [brought?] the marble, all of it, to the palace of his capital, Granada – may Allah keep it safe! And when…. [the Sulta]n, the king, the just, the victorious, the supported (by Allah), Amīr al-Muslimīn and Defender of the Faith, Abī ʿAbd Allāh, son of our master, Amīr al-Muslimīn, son of our master al-Ghālib bi-llāh …

  • (c) and this was in the month of Shawwal of the year 704/April–May 1305. And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

21 Bronze Disc Found in Calle Cruz Conde, Cordoba (Archaeological Museum, Cordoba, inv. CE009509; Figure 18)

الحادي أربعين / ومائة من / الأبدان الصقلبية / المزيّنة للحاجب [المنصو/ر] محمد بن أبي عامر / وفقه اللّٰه

Number 14/1 of the mail coats decorated / in the Slav style, property of the ḥājib [al-Manṣū/r] Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir, may Allah bring him complete success!

Published: Labarta 2016; Labarta 2019a

I have put ‘al-Manṣūr’ in brackets because I do not read it on this disc.

22 Bronze Disc Found in Excavations at Cercadilla (Archaeological Museum, Cordoba, inv. CER 93/S1/VE1/10-9-93)


الحادية عشرة / من الغلائل الحرانية / للحا/جب محمد بن أبي عامر / عدة في سبيل اللّٰه

Number 11 / of the Ḥarrānī chainmail tunics / property of the ḥājib Muḥammad ibn Abī ʿĀmir. / Equipment for the cause of Allah


وزنها عشرون / رطل

‫erased: وزنها واحد وعشر/ون رطل

Its weight is 20 raṭls

Erased: Its weight is 21 raṭls

Published: Labarta 2016; Labarta 2019a

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