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abolitionism 274302. See also antislavery ; Sharp, Granville
Acosta, José de 30n4, 32, 82, 8890, 9294, 97100, 103106, 112, 173
acquisition 1718, 25, 79, 87n27, 9495, 101, 105, 120, 164, 185n30, 188, 189n55, 216, 219220, 233235, 241, 325, 374, 380382, 385n93
Adam 1, 65, 7273, 96, 226
Aesop 284
African peoples and kingdoms 276, 279, 285
Eboe (Ibo) 293294
Fantee 291
Fuli 279
Jalof 279280
Koya Temne 299
Mandingo 279
agrarian law 65, 78
agreement 12n19, 18n39, 78, 115, 128, 133, 140n76, 151n16, 155, 158, 161, 169, 185, 187n47, 193194, 209213, 223225, 228, 230, 233, 249, 253, 256257, 259, 268n109, 324, 377378, 389391, 395, 402, 418
agriculture 7, 52, 58, 68, 71, 74, 76n51, 239, 337, 342, 410, 414. See also cultivation
Alcman 284
Alexander vi, Pope 107108
Alfred, King 50, 52
American Revolution 298
Amoebaean singing 68
analogy between individuals and states 6566, 257
in Grotius 145, 156, 169, 254n35, 259, 266
in Hobbes 626
in Locke 138139
in Pufendorf 194, 236, 243, 247
in Vattel 266
in Vitoria 9495
ancient constitutionalism 274, 276, 296, 297, 311, 339, 355. See also frankpledge
Anthropocene 363
antislavery 274280, 282284, 286, 289, 293, 295, 300301
legalism and 275, 277, 280, 301. See also abolitionism ; Sharp, Granville
appeal to Heaven 114, 122123, 133, 137n66
Aquinas, Thomas 3, 92, 249250, 260
Arctic 29, 3940, 42, 47, 5051, 5354, 5659
Greenland 53, 54n85, 58
Northeast Passage 38n37, 50, 52
Northwest Passage 53, 42n49
Qikiqtaaluk/Baffin Island 50, 53
Scandinavia 50
Siberia 50, 52, 53
Aristotle 3, 35, 38n39, 8485, 90, 92, 94, 100, 166, 172173, 196197, 219, 228, 240, 243, 249, 250n13, 284, 328
Arthur, King 36, 41
artifice 47, 54, 58, 120n17, 136, 305, 311, 315, 324, 330
atmosphere 345, 360, 369
Austin, John 248249, 253, 266, 269
Bacon, Francis 306, 311314, 316, 318, 323, 328
Baldus de Ubaldis 111
banishment and exile 235, 307, 309, 374
barbarism 24, 68, 74, 86, 90, 9394, 97, 100, 103, 172173, 242, 284, 304n1, 343344, 351, 357, 361
Barbeyrac, Jean 180n6, 182, 265
Bartolus of Sassoferrato 111
Bellarmine, Robert 108
Benezet, Anthony 274280, 284, 286, 289, 291, 293, 301
Bentham, Jeremy 246272
Best, George 53
birdsongs 63
Blackstone, William 3, 275, 281283, 265, 275n47
Blumenbach, Johannes 320
Bodin, Jean 35, 184185, 192, 211212, 217, 243
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount 306316, 320321, 327, 329
Bonaparte, Napoleon 269
Borough, Stephen 38, 52
Boucher d’Argis, Antoine-Gaspard 260
bourgeoisie 79
Brierly, James Leslie 272
building 31, 5556, 5859. See also cultivation
Burke, Edmund 258, 271, 305321, 327332
Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques 259
Bynkershoek, Cornelius van 255, 259
Cabot, John 4041
Cabot, Sebastian 3841, 43, 50
Calvinism 157, 209, 263, 310, 356
capitalism 309401, 416420
Carr, Edward Hallett 272
Ceres 74
Charlemagne 255
children 6265, 71, 80, 129n46, 167, 169, 192, 216227, 232243, 278, 287n46, 291, 293
Cicero 3, 155n25, 156n30, 158, 162n58, 188, 195, 197n104, 249250
civil society 65, 94, 116, 124125, 127128, 132, 141142, 153, 179n6, 185186, 189, 195, 202, 208, 211, 217, 219, 221222, 231, 242, 244, 304305, 315, 318, 321, 325, 332, 337, 380, 383
civility 28, 30, 47, 5456, 59, 279
civilization 8, 5657, 62, 64, 7179, 175, 294, 311, 322323, 325, 331, 357358, 390, 401
Clarke, Samuel 309
Clarkson, Thomas 274275, 284, 290
climate 5556, 364, 366, 377, 390
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 320, 328329
Collins, Anthony 310. See also deism
colonies, English 47, 50, 274276, 288289
Roanoke 47n72
Virginia 31, 32n8, 4849
Columbus, Christopher 39, 8283, 250
commercial society 177, 185, 193194, 198, 202203, 207, 213214
commodification 195196
common law 33, 36n27, 121n20, 275276, 281283, 288289, 296298, 301
commons 296, 317, 381383, 409410, 418
by acquisition 17, 18n39, 216, 219220, 233235, 241
by institution 219, 233, 235, 240
Comte, Auguste 254
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de 262
express 128129, 185, 193, 212213
tacit 129, 185, 193194, 209210, 212n167, 213214, 225227, 236, 253, 298
Constantine, Emperor 70
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) 390
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1973) 390
Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere (1940) 390n110
Convention Relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State (1933) 390n110
Corydon 70
Cudworth, Ralph 306, 320321, 328, 329n26
Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah 274277, 289294, 298301
cultivation 46, 5859, 296. See also agriculture ; building
Cumberland, Richard 179n6, 202, 206
Cyrenaicism 197n105
D’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste le Rond 260
Damoetas 70
De Bry, Theodor 47
Dee, John 36, 43, 50, 52n78
deism 306, 310, 311n12. See also Bolingbroke ; Collins
Descartes, René 316, 328329
Desmoulins, Camille 270
Diderot, Denis 262
divorce 225, 243
Domat, Jean 190
donatio mortis causa 70
double-contract theory 209
Drake, Francis 35
Dreiständelehre 199200, 207
Dumont, Jean 254
duty 46, 103, 115116, 118, 120, 129, 152, 191, 199n112, 218, 221, 225230, 235, 257, 355, 376, 383, 388389, 418
East India Company 31, 34, 161, 266, 297n75
Edgar, King 3637
Edict of Caracalla 201
education 12, 71, 206, 223
Encyclopédie 261262, 265
Epictetus 284
Epicureanism 197
Equiano, Olaudah 275276, 289, 292295, 299, 301
experience 50, 5253, 87, 100, 137n64, 261, 290, 293294, 301, 307, 311312, 316, 322, 324, 327, 329, 336
famuli (servants) 77
ferae bestiae 95, 280281, 287, 294
Ferguson, Adam 267n106
Filmer, Robert 221, 226, 237238, 243
Finley, Moses 204, 207
fishing 34n21, 5152, 342, 369n12, 391, 394395
Foole, Hobbes’s 6, 22
four-stage theory 214n177
Franklin, Benjamin 276
frankpledge, Anglo-Saxon 274, 296297, 299. See also ancient constitutionalism
French Civil Code 181, 190n62
French Revolution 183, 203, 249, 255, 267271
Frobisher, Martin 36, 41n48, 42n49, 47n72, 50, 5354, 59
Galatea 69
Garnsey, Peter 163
generation 203204, 207, 219, 225226, 235
Genêt, Edmond-Charles 269270
Gentili, Alberico 62, 64, 66, 87, 111
Gentz, Frederich von 258
Gilbert, Humphrey 4050
dissolution of 133134, 137n65
formation of 210, 238, 240241
Grégoire, Henri, abbé 270
account of bellum solemne 160161, 169
account of liberty and servility 147
account of natural order 155156, 158
account of voluntary obligations 158
Grotius, Hugo 45n64, 7273, 7576, 84, 87, 109110, 112, 115n6, 124n31, 133n56, 141, 145175, 179, 180n6, 183, 185, 190n61, 191, 194, 209212, 228, 230n56, 246247, 248n4, 250n18, 251253, 256257, 259, 263266, 268269, 275, 278, 282n21, 287n46, 298n82, 385n92
Mare Liberum, Hakluyt’s translation of 3335
Habeas Corpus Act, England (1679) 280
Haggenmacher, Peter 156
Hakluyt, Richard (the elder) 2930
Hakluyt, Richard (the younger) 2846, 5051, 5355, 57, 59, 304n1
Hale, Matthew, Lord Chief Justice 282
Hariot, Thomas 47
Hawkins, John 35, 46n67
Hayek, Friedrich von 197
Hayes, Edward 46
head of the household or family 166, 218, 224, 227, 232, 235, 237, 243
Heemskerck, Jacob van 161
Henry vii, King 38n37, 39, 41
Herzog, Tamar 88, 96
Hesiod 3
Hobbes, Thomas 3, 626, 31, 7576, 85, 114116, 119, 121, 124, 129n46, 139n74, 141143, 147148, 174, 177, 179188, 190194, 196198, 200202, 204214, 216221, 229236, 240243, 252254, 257258, 263, 265268, 270, 272, 275, 297298, 304, 306308, 317318, 321, 329332, 363365, 371380, 382384, 387389, 397, 399407. See also, Foole, Hobbes’s
Hornius, Johann Friedrich 239
Hume, David 127n41, 135n62, 137n65, 177178, 181, 192n70, 194, 203, 213, 214n176, 267, 306307, 315n17, 316, 318321, 324n22, 326327, 329, 363365, 384389, 404
Hunter, John 319n20
hunting 51, 337, 342, 396, 410, 413
husband 80, 169, 218, 222225, 232, 235, 242243, 286
Hutcheson, Frances 179n6, 194n89, 204, 207, 275
Iceland 5458, 392393
idealism 320, 327328
idylls 68, 76
imagination 47, 50, 75, 7980, 98, 310, 317, 330331
imitation (as second nature) 6869, 71, 74
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling 1946 (icrw) 391
International Court of Justice (icj) 247, 355, 392
International Environmental Law 46, 363364, 367, 370, 397
Inuit 5354
Jansenism 178n3
jarpa ii 392393
Jaucourt, Louis de 261262
Jefferson, Thomas 262
Jephtha 123
Jónsson, Arngrímur 5455
Kames, Henry Home, Lord 319320
Kant, Immanuel 4, 213, 260, 270, 327, 384
Koselleck, Reinhart 266
Krabbe, Hugo 271272
labour 79n61, 80, 282, 295296, 300301, 315, 380381, 394, 417
laissez-faire 178
Laslett, Peter 114115, 121n22, 126n38, 138, 141n79
Lauterpacht, Hersch 256
Lebrun, Charles-François 269
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 258, 307n5, 309, 310n10
letters patent 30, 33, 38, 4041, 42n49
Locke, John 34, 88, 90, 96, 114143, 179n6, 202203, 206, 213, 216217, 219222, 224227, 228n45, 230233, 235240, 242244, 287288, 304, 306311, 323329, 331, 363365, 374, 378384, 387389, 394395, 397, 400, 402404, 408, 410, 419
Long, Edward 286287
Lovejoy, Arthur 66, 330
Lucretius 3, 66, 69, 197n104
Lutheranism 199200, 207
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de 255259, 265
Machiavelli, Niccolò 8, 14, 25, 89, 103, 252n28, 316
Madoc 36, 39, 41
Mancall, Peter 34
Mansfield, William Murray, Lord Chief Justice, 1st Earl of 283
manumission 70, 235, 297
Martens, George Frederic von 255, 258259, 270, 368n10
Marx, Karl 80, 405
materialism 325328
matrimony 218, 222223
Melian Dialogue 6, 1325
Mercator, Gerard 58
metals 28, 31, 47, 54
metaphysics 270, 309, 320321, 328329
Middle Temple 30, 33, 35
Molina, Luis de 250
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord 319332
money 5556, 61, 6364, 6970, 194, 231, 288, 295, 418
Montaigne, Michel de, 47, 205n135
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de 3, 263, 275, 280, 353, 405
Moser, Johann Jakob 275, 289, 291, 301
motion 306307, 310, 313, 316, 319321, 326, 347
natural history 214, 305, 319321, 329, 336
natural philosophy 307n5, 309, 311n12, 312n15, 319321, 331
natural slavery
and American Indians 85, 105, 149. See also José de Acosta, Thomas Aquinas, Juan de Solórzano y Pereira, Alonso de la Vera Cruz, Francisco de Vitoria
natural society 97, 159, 181, 187, 192, 201, 208209, 211, 213, 222, 227, 303, 305, 318
negative communion 72
Newfoundland 40, 46
Newton, Isaac 306310, 316, 320321, 328
Nowell, Lawrence 50
occupation 4, 41, 47, 64, 78, 9497, 110112, 375. See also José de Acosta, Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, Juan de Solórzano y Pereira, Alonso de la Vera Cruz, Francisco de Vitoria
Ohthere 36, 5052, 59
oikeiosis 155n25, 192
oikonomia 199, 180181, 199, 203205
oikos 176, 179, 181, 200, 243
opinion 9899, 105, 108, 110, 240, 310, 312, 314n16, 324, 349, 360, 402
Oppenheim, Lassa 368n10
Ortelius, Abraham 55, 5758
Ovid 163
ownership 78, 94, 9798, 101102, 105, 163165, 179n6, 185, 202, 230, 288, 295, 301, 373375, 380, 381n70, 385400, 408409, 411, 418
pacta sunt servanda 256257, 367n7
Paley, William 310, 320
Pateman, Carole 216, 217n1, 405
Pattyn, Charles-Philippe 261
Peace of Westphalia 249, 253, 255, 267, 270
Peckham, George 32n8, 4346, 4950
Penn, William 258259, 270
Pillichody, Jean Georges 261
Plato 3, 66, 80
Platonism 306n4, 320321, 329n26, 331
prescription 8990, 101106, 109, 111, 189n55
Purchas, Samuel 32, 47n70
Pyrrho 329
Rachel, Samuel 255
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista 38n37, 4041
Rawls, John 34, 216217, 385386, 405
Réal de Curban, Gaspard de 261
Rebanks, James 62
Recorde, Robert 50
Robespierre, Maximilian 267
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 3, 128n43, 216217, 220n10, 222, 227, 232, 243n126, 244, 263265, 270271, 317n18, 330331, 341, 343, 352, 374n36, 378379, 401
Saint-Pierre, Charles-Irénée Castel, abbé 258259, 270
Sallust 285
Sannazaro, Jacopo 67
Scaliger, Julius Caesar 67, 69
Selden, John 36, 110
Seneca the Younger 172, 196, 198n108, 250n13
Servius, Marcus Honoratus 68, 74
Shaftesbury, Third Earl of, Anthony Ashley-Cooper 206207, 220n9, 405
Shakespeare, William, 47
Sharp, Granville 230n53, 274278, 280284, 288290, 296301. See also abolitionism ; antislavery ; Sierra Leone
Sidney, Philip 67
Sierra Leone 274, 276, 296301. See also Sharp, Granville
Smith, Adam 7879, 163n64, 177178, 181, 192n70, 194, 202204, 207
Solórzano y Pereira, Juan de 82, 8790, 94, 9698, 101, 104112
Soto, Domingo de 93n53, 104, 108, 268
Stammler, Rudolf 272
Stoicism 155n25, 158, 184n23, 188, 191192, 195, 200, 206, 250251, 266n102, 315316
Suárez, Francisco 150n12, 250251, 254, 256, 268269
Tacitus 285, 358
Terence 284
Textor, Wolfgang 255
Theocritus 76
Thirty Years’ War 251, 253
Thomasius, Christian 213
Thucydides 626, 31n6, 304n2
Tityrus 6970
transboundary harms 377378, 383, 389390
Trosne, Guillaume-François Le 258
trust 17, 21n46, 117, 122123, 127, 131132, 134, 137143, 237238, 240, 304n2, 305n3
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques 178, 181
tyranny 9899, 103106, 114115, 136137, 139, 169n87, 265, 275, 279, 287
Ulpian 189, 191n64
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) 390, 396
value (exchange value) 194198
Vattel, Emer de 3, 174, 213, 266269, 368n9, 371
Vázquez de Menchaca, Fernando 101n97, 109
Vera Cruz, Alonso de la 82, 88, 91103, 111
Vicat, Béat Philippe 264
Vico, Giambattista 61, 65, 7480
Virgil 61, 6370, 74, 76, 163, 205n135
Vitoria, Francisco de 32, 8291, 92n47, 94101, 103105, 107112, 250n18, 280n14
Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet 258, 264, 348, 351, 353
Waldron, Jeremy 381n71, 387n101
Walsingham, Francis 38, 43n58
Weber, Max 214
whaling 52, 55, 364, 365, 391397
wife 127, 169, 216218, 222, 224, 232, 234235, 242243, 278
Wolff, Christian 174, 213, 365
Zeno, Nicolò 5659
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