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Index of Subjects

abject 186
Abraham 54, 57–62, 64–66
Absolon 236
Acallam na Senórach 163–164, 169n14
Acheflour 191, 192–195, 202–203, 204
Aelfric 78
affective piety 53, 54, 68, 72–73
affect theory 148
Ahmed, Sara 147, 148, 163
Aided Con Culainn  171
Aided Derbforgaill  174–175
Albertano of Brescia 33
alētheia  254–255
Alfonso IV 16
Alfonso VI 23–25, 28, 31
Alfonso VIII 22–23, 28
Alfonso X the Wise 21, 22, 25, 30n43
al-Ghazālī (Algazel) 34
allegory 40
al-Manṣūr bi-llah 30–31
Almqvist, Bo 134n40
Alundyne 204
anachronistic readings 161
Anderson, Earl 241–242
androgyny 81–82
anger 10, 17, 19, 28, 30–36, 256
Anson, John 82
Aristotelian Golden Mean 34
Arthur 1–3, 239
Atlakviða  99–101
Atlamál in grœnlenzko 99–101, 109–110, 112
Authority, Gender, and Emotions in Late Medieval and Early Modern England (Broomhall, ed.) 2n2
Averroes 34
Avicenna 34
Bachrach, Bernard 192
Badb 184–185
Bailey, Anne 234, 238
Baldr myth 127, 130, 130n32, 133, 135
Bamber, Linda 257
bean chaointe  173
Becc Bretha  180
Beckwith, Sarah 54–55
Beowulf  130n32
Berenguela of Castile 33–34
Bernard of Clairvaux 44
Bevers saga 132n35
blame poem 156–158
Blathmac 187–188
blood drinking
appearance in Irish narrative literature 170–172
Booth, Stephen 256
and keening 170, 184–185, 189
life-giving power of blood 174
and poetic inspiration 173–176, 179–184
Spenser’s mockery of 165
Botelho, Lynn 249
Bourdieu, Pierre 18, 235
Bourke, Angela 166n3, 167
Breitenberg, Mark 248
Bright, Timothie 248
Brome Sacrifice of Isaac
about 53–54
affective techniques 56–57, 68–72
feminine grief 54, 61, 64, 71
“heart” in 56–57
masculine obedience 54, 57–62, 69–71, 74
Sarah’s absence 53, 54–55, 57, 61, 66
Bromwich, Rachel 166n5, 171
Brot af Sigurðarkviða 97
Brynhildr 95–99, 125, 139
Burgess, C. F. 56
Butler, Judith 5–7, 120–121, 140–141, 148, 168n13, 214, 229, 234
Caciola, Nancy 134
Caílte 163–164
cannibalism 165, 185–186
Caoineadh 166, 168
Caoineadh Airt Ui Laoghaire  172
Carruthers, Mary 196
Castile and León, Kingdom of, chronicle genre in
about 20–21
Crónica de Castilla 22, 27–28, 29
De Rebus Hispaniae (Ximénez de Rada) 23–25, 26, 28–29
gendered nature and cultural contingency of emotional norms 32–36
Latin chronicles 22
literary character of 21–22
purposes of grief in 16
rhetoric of grief in historiography 20–32
Cauldron of Poesy 182–184
character 5
Charlemagne 134
Chaucer’s Sexual Poetics (Dinshaw) 230
child, death of . Brome Sacrifice of Isaac
in Brome Sacrifice of Isaac 53, 60–61, 64, 67, 69–74
in Crónica de Castilla  27–28
in De Rebus Hispaniae  23–25
in Egils Saga 112–115
in Gesta Danorum 129–130
Harris’s studies of 130n32
Mary’s loss of Jesus 48–49
in medieval Catholic theology 74
childhood mortality 55–56, 67–68
child sacrifice 67
chivalric masculinity 22, 211–215, 231–232, 239–246. Morte Darthur; Sir Orfeo; Sir Perceval of Galles; Ywain and Gawain
Christ 48–49, 56, 172–173, 187–188
Chronica latina regum Castellae  22–23
Chronicon Regum Legioninsium 16
Clover, Carol 139
Comrac Fir Diad  145, 149–156
comrade, death of 4
Conchobor 142, 143, 145, 146, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161
confusion 5
Consolation on the Death of Friends (Gerson) 238
Constructing Gender in Medieval Ireland (Sheehan and Dooley, eds.) 2n2
courage 252
courtesy 211
Crónica de Castilla  22, 27–28, 29, 33–34
Cross of Jesus 39–40, 43–44, 43n11
Cú Chulainn 142–143, 145, 148, 149–156, 164, 168n12, 174–175
Currie, Gregory 80–81
Davidson, Clifford 64
death, border of 119–120
death from grief . suicide
Egils Saga 129
Fagrskinna 119–120
Fljótdæla saga 130
Gesta Danorum 128, 129–130, 136–137
Guðrúnarkviða in fyrsta 123–127
Heimskringla 132–133, 135
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks 121–122
Hrólfs saga Gautreksson 135–136
Laxdæla saga 138
Magnúss saga Góða 132–133
male suicide 128–141
Njáls saga 140
Ólafs Saga Tryggvassonar 122–123
Ǫrvar-Odds saga 122
Snorra Edda  127
Sǫrla saga Sterka 127–128
Vǫlsunga saga 118–119, 123–127
Þáttr af Ragnars Sonum 130–132, 137–138
debate poetry 38n2, 40n6, 45
Delacourt, Marie 82
De origine et situ Germanorum (Tacitus) 100
depression 18–19
De Proprietatibus Rerum  246
Derbforgaill 174–175
Derdriu 142–143, 145–146, 148, 154, 156–160, 164
De Rebus Hispaniae (Ximénez de Rada) 23–25, 26, 28–29
Derrida, Jacques 215, 221, 254, 255
De Secretis Mulierum 246
Destruction of Dind Ríg 168n12
De Temporum Ratione (Venerable Bede) 249
The Differences of the Ages of Mans Life (Cuffe) 250
Dinshaw, Carolyn 77, 230
displays of grief
Arthur and knightly culture 1–3
codes governing masculine 215–218
decried in Middle Ages 238
emotional display as political 19
gendered performance 17–18
Dispute Between Mary and the Cross
about 37
dearth of scholarly analysis 38
grief of Mary 44–46, 45n14, 49, 52
implications of memory in 39
Dobb, Penelope 191
Dooley, Ann 162–163, 169n14
doxa 235
draugr  133–134
Dream of the Rood  40
drinking of blood 5
Ebersole, Gary 235
Eddic heroic elegies
Atlakviða 99–101
Atlamál in grœnlenzko 99–101, 109–110
feeling and action in 102–103, 104–105, 110
female strength of mind and depth of feeling in 94
“The Greenland Lay of Atli” 99–101
“The Greenland Speeches of Atli” 99–101
grief and action 99
Guðrúnarhvǫt 101–102, 109–110
Guðrúnarkviða fyrsta 102–106
Guðrúnarkviða inn fyrsta 101–102
Hamðismál 106–107
“Short Poem about Sigurd” 95–99
Egill Skallagrímsson 12, 112–116, 129, 137–138, 140
Egils Saga 112–116, 129, 138–140, 182n63
ego 5
“The Ego and the Id” (Freud) 5
elegiac features 94–95
Elisabeth of Schonau 43
emasculation 25n34, 149, 242, 249n53, 250, 253
embodied nature of emotional expression 18
emotion . specific emotions
affective manipulation of 68
in Castilian histories 17
history and comparative study of 8
medieval versus modern conceptions 161
in Middle Ages 4
performance of 7, 19–20, 236
as rhetorical device 15
social, political, and embodied 163
stereotyped gender differences 190
emotional communities 8–9, 18, 30n42, 235–236
emotional habitus 18, 19
emotional styles 18
Estoria de Espanna  21–22, 25, 27
Eucharist 174
Euphrosyne . see Life of Euphrosyne
Evans, Gareth Lloyd 140
Fagrskinna 119–120
Falk, Oren 231
familial time 78–79
Fáñez, Alvar 24
Farina, Lara 162
Fein, Susanna Greer 38
Feis Tighe Chonáin 134n40
female poets 178–179
feminine grief . gendered expressions of grief
accepted 3
in Brome Sacrifice of Isaac 54, 56, 61, 64, 66–67, 75
death from grief in Scandanavian texts 128, 139–140
grief and poetic inspiration 178–179
keening as province of 165–168, 178–179
in Malory 2, 245–246
outward and physical manifestations of grief 32
vengeance and 32n50, 255–256
feminine holiness 82
Fer Diad 149–156
Fergus 198
Fernando III 21
Fernando IV 31
The First Lay of Guðrún 101–107, 110
Fitzgerald, Christina 57
Fljótdæla saga 130
forspell 103
Foyster, Elizabeth 249n52
franchise 211
Frauenlieder 99–100
frenzy 191
Freud, Sigmund 5–6
Friðriksdóttir, Jóhanna Katrín 139–140
friendship 23
funerary behavior
Baldr’s funeral 127–128
blood drinking 166
burning of corpses 111, 135
dress 131
hierarchy in 140–141
keening 166–168
lamentations 112
lyrical laments 116
male 17–18, 238–239
rites of passage 119n3
Gawain 1–3, 195–197, 239
gaze 154
gender and sexuality 162–163
gendered expressions of grief . feminine grief; masculine grief
about 17–18
in Castilian chronicles 32–36
in Eddic and skaldic poetry 116–117
passive/active divisions 245–246
in Renaissance 248–249, 249n52
in Scandanavian texts 137–141
gender identity
Arthur’s display of grief and 2–3
Butler on 234
grief and 7–8
in Life of Euphrosyne 81–83, 91
in medieval Scandinavia 139–140
Oedipus complex and 5–6
performance of 7
presentation versus constitution 6
in Sir Orfeo  210, 230–233
social nature of 6
Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Nuravyeva and Toivo) 2n2
Gender Trouble (Butler) 229
Gerson, Jean 238
Gesta Danorum  128, 129–130, 136–137
God, grief and confidence in 17
Greco-Roman tradition 234
Greek women’s lament 166n4
“The Greenland Lay of Atli” 99–101
“The Greenland Speeches of Atli” 99–101
grief . feminine grief; gendered expressions of grief; masculine grief
in Brome Sacrifice of Isaac 54, 56, 61, 64, 66–67, 75
bursting from 137–141
as cause of madness 191–192
defined 4
to die of ( see death from grief )
in Guðrúnarkviða fyrsta 103
hierarchies of 121, 140–141, 168n13
and identity 7–8
illness and 119–120
in Life of Euphrosyne  79–80
madness, and poetry 173–184
of Mary 44–46, 45n14, 49, 52
modern psychology of 18–19
physical components of 4
political communities and 120–121
prolongation of 18–19
and rage or anger 30–31
restraint of 20
social nature of 6–7
as uncomfortable emotion in Castilian political social milieu 17
Grief and Gender, 700–1700 (Vaught) 2
grief-madness 5, 191, 209
cures 206–208
knight-turned-wildman motif 195–202, 220–224
in Le Morte Darthur 191, 197–201, 205, 206–207
in Sir Orfeo 203–205, 217–218, 233
in Sir Perceval of Galles 191–195, 202–204
wild woman persona 202–203
in Ywain and Gawain 191, 195–197, 205–207
grievable lives 141, 148, 170
Guðrún 99–112, 123–127
Guðrúnarhvǫt 101–102, 109–110, 112, 124
Guðrúnarkviða fyrsta 102–106
Guðrúnarkviða in fyrsta 123–127
Guðrúnarkviða inn fyrsta 101–102
Guenevere 204, 208
Guerin, Aron 77
habitus 235
Halberstam, Judith/Jack 147
Hamðismál 106–107
Harding, D. W. 251
“Hard Loss of Sons” 112–115
harmr 97, 98, 103, 111
Harper, Stephen 192, 208
Harris, Joseph 130n32
Harvey, Katherine 237–238
“The Healing of Sir Urry” 240–246
Heidegger, Martin 254–255
Heimskringla 132–133, 135
Heimskringla (Sturluson) 25
Henry VI (Shakespeare) 247
Heruodis 212–213
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks 121–122
Heurodis 203–205, 213–214, 215, 217–218
Historia de rebus Hispaniae (el Toledano) 21
Hollo, Kaarina 168, 169
Holst-Warhaft, Gail 167n8
Holy Wild Man 224
homosexuality 82
Horden, Peregrine 205
Hrólfs saga Gautreksson 135–136
humoral imbalance 161, 191–192, 246
Huot, Sylvia 203
Ibn Rušd (Averroes) 34
Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) 34
Iceland, medieval 139
identification with other 5
illness and grief 119–120
incest taboo 5
incitement 106–107
ingesting blood . see blood drinking
Ingibjǫrg 121–122
The Inner Life of Women In Medieval Romance Literature: Grief, Guilt, and Hypocrisy (Rider and Friedman, eds.) 2n2
instrumental use of emotional display 19–20
Irish literature
Acallam na Senórach 163–164
Aided Con Culainn 171
Aided Derbforgaill 174
Becc Bretha 180
Caoineadh Airt Ui Laoghaire 172
Cauldron of Poesy 182–184
Comrac Fir Diad 145, 149–156
Irish lament 142–143
Longes Mac n-Uislenn 171
Longes Mac N-Uislenn 142, 144, 145–146, 156–160
Macgnimartha Find 170–171
Macgnímartha Find 180
Noínden Ulad 144n7
Oided Mac nUisnig 171
Sanas Cormaic 180
Scél Mis ocus Dubh Ruis 171–172, 175, 181
Táin Bó Cúailnge 142, 143–145, 149–156
Tochmarc Emire 174–175
Triads of Ireland 180
Uraicecht Becc 180
Isaac 53–54, 56–66
anger in 35
weeping perceptions 35
Íslendingasögur 140
Isode 197–199
Jean de Mailly 133–134
Jesus wept 238
Juan of Osma 22–23
Kanerva, Kirsi 139
Karras, Ruth Mazo 3
Keen, Maurice 212
keening 5
and abjection 186–187
about 165–168
in Acallam na Senórach 169n14
blood drinking and 170, 184–185, 189
madness and 169–170
origins 168
Kimbrough, Robert 251
King Lear (Shakespeare) 236, 249–250
kings, emotional display as political 19
kinsman, death of 136–137
Kline, Daniel T. 62, 67
knightly culture
in Arthurian romance 192–193, 196, 197–198, 200–201
chivalric masculinity 211–213, 214–215
masculine weeping 237, 239, 240–246
public emotion of 3, 18
knight-turned-wildman motif 195–202, 220–228
Kompridis, Nikolas 255
Kroll, Jerome 192
Kvasir 181–182
lamentation 4, 5, 17, 146, 237
Cú Chulainn’s in Comrac Fir Diad 149–156
Derdriu in Longes Mac N-Uislenn 156–160
public demonstrations 238
The Lamentation of Mary to Saint Bernard 44
“Lament for the Dead” (Lysaght) 167n8, 168n12
Lancelot 191, 199–201, 206–207, 208, 239, 240–246
Laqueur, Thomas 139, 248, 249n52
largesse 211
Larrington, Caolyne 19
laughter 96–97
Laxdæla saga 138
learned Doctor trope 69–73
Leborcham 145n10
Leclercq, Jean 83
Legend of the Seven Sleepers 78
Liber de Passione Christi (Clairvaux) 172–173
Libro del Cavallero Zifar 32
Lidwina of Scheidam 123n15
Life of Eugenia 78
Life of Euphrosyne
death of Euphrosyne 88–90
destabilization of community 86–87, 91
feminine agency in 92–93
gender and queerness in 76–77, 81–84
manuscript context 78
Pafnuntius’s timeline and grief 84–87, 90–92
role of grief in 79–80
temporal development in 76–79, 83
temporal disruption 80–82
women as economic assets 79–80, 85
Life of Mary of Egypt 78
liminality 179n52, 186
Longes Mac n-Uislenn 171
Longes Mac N-Uislenn 144, 145–146, 156–160, 164
López de Haro, Diego 22
loss 4
of child 6
of lover 4
love 62, 75
loyalty 211, 212–213
Lynch, Andrew 237
Lysaght, Patricia 185
Macbeth (Shakespeare) 236, 251–257
mac bronn 186
Macgnimartha Find 170–171
Macgnímartha Find 180
madness . grief-madness
grief and other causes 191–192
grief, poetry and 173–179
Magnúss saga Góða 132–133
mania 191
Map, Walter 135
Mary 42–43, 44–46, 45n14
masculine grief . chivalric masculinity; gendered expressions of grief
about 234–235
and effeminacy 236
erasure of mourning in critical discourse 146–147
instrumental aspect of English manhood 236
in King Lear 249–251
in Life of Euphrosyne 84–87, 90–92
in Macbeth 251–257
male suicide in Scandanavian texts 128–141
masculine grief in Sir Orfeo 215–219
in Morte Darthur 240–246
mourning in Comrac Fir Diad 149–156
in Renaissance 249–250
self-restraint 32–33, 34–35
in Sir Orfeo 215–219
violence and 31
weeping 3, 13, 136, 138, 234–239
maternal grief 37–52
McKracken, Peggy 174
Medb, Queen 142, 144, 145, 149, 151, 152, 154, 161, 168n12, 170, 184
medicine 191
melancholia 5, 191
the Cross in 39–40
in Dispute Between Mary and the Cross 39, 40–42, 44, 47–49, 52
men . see masculine grief
mental health 234–235
mental illness 192
The Miller’s Tale (Chaucer) 236, 241–242
Mills, Kristen 146–147, 169n14
miracula of William of Canterbury 238
Miraculorum Sancte Marie Rupe Amatoris 238
móðugr 101, 104, 109
monastic life 82–83
Moral Love Songs and Laments (Fein) 38
“More in Anger than in Sorrow” (Bourke) 166n3, 167, 167n8
Morte Darthur 191, 197–201, 205, 206–207, 236, 237, 239
mournable 120, 141
mourned 120
and border of death 119–120
in Brome Sacrifice of Isaac 73
categories of 120–121
in Comrac Fir Diad 149–156
erasure of men in critical discourse 146–147
gendered, in Irish literature 160–164
gendered, in medieval Europe 17
in Irish death tales 163–164
in Longes Mac N-Uislenn 156–160
in medieval Catholic theology 74
in Táin Bó Cúailnge 149–156
mourning verses 143
Murray, Alexander 121
narrative 8–9, 19, 77–78
Nic Craith, Caroline 173–174
Ní Dhomhnaill, Nuala 178, 179
Ní Dhonnchadha, Márin 178n50
Njáls saga 140
Noínden Ulad 144n7
Noisiu 142, 145, 146, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
obedience 54, 57–62, 66–67, 69–70, 75
Óðinn 126, 182
Oedipus complex 5–6
Of Grammatology (Derrida) 215
Oided Mac nUisnig 171
Ólafs Saga Tryggvassonar 122–123
Ordóñez de Cabra, García 23
Orfeo 203–205, 211–212, 215–219, 230–233
Orgel, Stephen 248–249, 249n52
Orpheus 210
Ǫrvar-Odds saga 122
Pafnuntius 11, 76, 79, 80–81, 83–92
Partridge, Angela 169
Passion of Christ 40, 42
Passion of St. Eustace 78
passivity 116, 245–246, 256
patriarchal grief and desire 86–87
Paul, Saint 230–231
Pearsall, Derek 201–202
Pelayo of Oviedo 16
Perceval 192–195
Petrarch 34
Pierce Penilesse 237
poetic inspiration 165–166, 173–184
political communities 120–121, 148
political intentions 16–17
The Powers of Horror (Kristeva) 186
Preiddeu Annwn 183
prowess 211, 215
psychological illness 18–19
public emotion
admired 3
codes governing masculine displays 215–218
decried in Middle Ages 238
emotional display as political 19
gendered display of 17–18
lamentation 238
Queer Phenomenology (Ahmed) 147
queer theory 147–148, 162
rage 30–31, 32
Ragnar 129–130, 137
rape 161
Rawḍ al-Qirṭās (Ibn Abī Zar‘) 25
relational ties 120–121
remembering 196
Renaissance 248–249
Rennes Dindschenchas 169
The Representation of Women’s Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (Perfetti, ed.) 2n2
Representing Medieval Genders and Sexualities in Europe: Construction, Transformation, and Subversion, 600–1530 (L’Estrange and More, eds.) 2n2
restraint of grief 20
Richard II (Shakespeare) 246–247, 248
Richardson, Janette 58–59, 72–73
Ricouer, Paul 78
Rider, Jeff 8
romance, Arthurian
about 190–191
knight-turned-wildman motif 195–202
Le Morte Darthur 191, 197–201, 205, 206–207
Sir Perceval of Galles 191, 192–195, 202–204
wild woman persona 202–203
Ywain and Gawain 191, 195–197, 205–207
Rosenwein, Barbara 8–9, 18, 146, 235
sacramentality 55
sadness 5, 17
saints and sainthood 76
Sanas Cormaic 180
Sancho IV el Bravo 22, 31
sanctity 238
Sarah 53, 54, 57, 61, 64, 66
satire 186–187
Saul, Nigel 239
Scandanavian texts
Egils Saga 129
Fagrskinna 119–120
Fljótdæla saga 130
Gesta Danorum 128, 129–130, 136–137
Guðrúnarkviða in fyrsta 123–127
Heimskringla 132–133, 135
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks 121–122
Hrólfs saga Gautreksson 135–136
Laxdæla saga 138
Magnúss saga Góða 132–133
male suicide in 128–141
Njáls saga 140
Ólafs Saga Tryggvassonar 122–123
Ǫrvar-Odds saga 122
Snorra Edda 127
Sǫrla saga Sterka 127–128
Vǫlsunga saga 118–119, 123–127
Þáttr af Ragnars Sonum 130–132, 137–138
Scél Mis ocus Dubh Ruis 171–172, 175–177, 181
Scheer, Monique 18
scopophilic gaze 154
Scottish Gaelic lament tradition 172
“The Seafarer” 116
Second Battle of Mag Tuired 169
The Second Lay of Guðrún 105–109
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky 162
self-mutilation 204–205
self-restraint 32–33, 34–36
sexual potency 231
Shahar, Shulamith 55, 56
shame 249
Sheehan, Sarah 144, 154
“Short Poem about Sigurd” 95–99
Siete infantes de Lara 30–31
Sigrún 120, 125, 126–127, 135
Sigurðarkviða inn skamma 95–99
Sigurðr 95, 181
Sir Orfeo
about 210–211
chivalric masculinity in 211–215
crisis of identity 220–229
grief-madness in 203–205, 233
knight-turned-wildman motif 220–228
loss, grief, and identity in 210
masculine grief 215–219
masculine identity in 230–233
Sir Perceval of Galles 191, 192–195, 202–204
skaldic poetry 112–117
Snorra Edda 127
social nature of grief and gender 6–7
social relationships 19–20
societal expectations 156
solitude 107
Sonatorrek 137
sorg 97–98
Sǫrla saga Sterka 127–128
sorrow 5, 18, 255
Spiegel, Gabrielle 15, 17
spiritual disorientation 5
spouse or lover, death of 4, 128
male-female difference in grief 132–133
stoicism 216n15, 219
Sturluson, Snorri 25
suicide 109, 110–112, 121–122, 160. death from grief, in Scandanavian texts
Suter, Ann 237
Tacitus 100
Táin Bó Cúailnge 142, 143–145, 149–156, 164, 168n12, 169n14, 170n20
“The Tale of Sir Gareth” 240
temperance 34
temporal systems 77
Þáttr af Ragnars Sonum 130–132, 137–138
theater 54–55
theological disorientation 5
The Third Lay of Guðrún 108–109
Tiresias 187
Tochmarc Emire 174–175
Toledo 16
Treatise of Melancholie (Bright) 248
Trenery, Claire 205
Triads of Ireland 180
truth 254–255
Trystram 191, 197–199, 201, 206–207
Turner, Victor 168
Turner, Wendy J. 209
Ulster Cycle
about 143–145
Comrac Fir Diad 145, 149–156
Longes Mac N-Uislenn 142, 144, 145–146, 156–160
Noínden Ulad 144n7
Táin Bó Cúailnge 142, 143–145, 149–156
Undoing Gender (Butler) 7
unmourned 120
Unterberg, Marielle 234
Uraicecht Becc 180
Urry 240–246
Van Gennep, Arnold 167–168
Van Tilburg, Miranda 234
Vauchez, André 238
Vaught, Jennifer 2, 236
vendettas 32
vengeance 32–33, 95–101, 137, 245, 255–256
Vengeance in the Middle Ages: Emotions, Religion, and Feud (Throop and Hyams, eds.) 2n2
vernacular histories 31–32
Versión (retóricamente) amplificada de, 1289 22, 28–29
victim-blaming 161
A View of the Present State of Ireland (Spenser) 165
Vingerhoets, Ad 234
violence 31, 216n15
Vǫlsunga saga 118–119, 123–127, 181
walking corpses 133–135
“The Wanderer” 116
Ward, Aengus 21
weeping 3, 13, 17, 136, 138, 234–237. keening; public emotion
Whetter, K. S. 239
“Wife’s Lament” 95–96
The Wife’s Lament 112
witnesses to emotional performance 19–20
women . see feminine grief
women’s manliness 33–34
Woolf, Rosemary 56
The Work of Mourning (Derrida) 221
wounds and bodily integrity 243n38, 249
Ximénez de Rada, Rodrigo (el Toledano) 21, 23–25, 26
Yamamoto, Dorothy 205
Ywain 191, 193, 194, 195–197, 201, 205–206, 207–208
Ywain and Gawain 191, 195–197, 205–207
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