Notes on Contributors

In: Maritime Spaces and Society
Agnieszka Kołodziej-Durnaś
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Frank Sowa
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Marie C. Grasmeier
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Notes on Contributors

Jan Asmussen

is Political Scientist at the Institute of Social Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel Germany. He served as Professor at the Faculty of Command and Naval Operations at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia and as Head of the conflict and security cluster at the European Centre for Minority Studies in Flensburg, Germany. His work includes monographs and articles on conflict and security, ethnic and political history and naval history & strategy.

Robert Bartłomiejski

is the Deputy Director at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Szczecin. He holds PhD in Social Sciences, in the sub-discipline of urban sociology. His research interests revolve around maritime sociology, environmental conflicts, Polish – German borderland and urban studies.

Benjamin Bowles

is a lecturer in Social Anthropology at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - University of London and a Research Fellow at the Open University. His research has interrogated a number of topics pertaining to statehood and governance including: narrowboat travelling communities in London; the assurance of resilience in infrastructure; cultures of infrastructure financing communities; and the UK police response to the Covid-19 pandemic. He also teaches at Fordham University’s London Campus.

Isabel Duarte

is a full professor at Lusófona University, and the Scientific Coordinator of the Degree in Human Resources Management, at the School of Economic Sciences and Organizations of Lusófona University. She holds a PhD in Sociology, by the University of Münster. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of Human Resources Management and Business Management, as a university professor and as a consultant. She has several publications in the field of Human Resources Management.

Eduardo Sarmento Ferreira

is a full professor at Lusófona University and a senior researcher member of CEsA-CSG (ISEG, Lisbon University). He is a specialist in tourism development and international economics of SIDS (Small Islands Development States) as well as marketing issues. He has several international publications in major journals as well as chapter in international and national books. He belongs to various scientific commissions of international journals.

Rita Grácio

holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Exeter (UK). She is Assistant Professor at Lusófona University. As a researcher at CICANT-Lusófona University, CICANT, Rita Grácio takes part in several funded projects, such as filmEU, filmEU_RIT, RestART-Mentoring Second-chance Female Entrepreneurs, as well as in muSEAum (PTDC/EGE-OGE/29755/2017) and YouSound (EXPL/SOC-SOC/0504/2021, hosted by NOVA University of Lisbon). Rita has published book chapters and articles, either single or co-authored, in several outlets, such as Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies (JOCIS), Museum International, Working with Older People, Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, among others.

Marie C. Grasmeier

studied nautical science, social anthropology and gender studies at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Bremen University. She wrote her PhD-thesis on the occupational culture and occupational identities of seafarers in the global merchant fleet. She currently works in the civilian maritime search-and-rescue fleet as a nautical expert and teaches ethnographic methods at the University of Bremen.

Karolina Izdebska

is an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Szczecin. In her research, she deals with the sociology of art, especially the social functioning of art in public space. She is the author of the book Space and Place in Artistic Practice. A Sociological Case Study (2015) and scientific articles published in Polish and international journals, as well as the editor of joint publications in the field of sociology of culture and art.

Seung Kuk Kim

is guest professor (2020-2025) at the Department of Sociology, Jilin University (Changchun, China) as well as emeritus professor at Pusan National University (South Korea). He received his PhD in Sociology from Indiana University at Bloomington, US, in 1982. His main research interests are Social Theories, Ocean Sociology, and Civilzation Shift. He is preparing an article, ‘Towards a Logic of Oneness: Hybridization as Post-Western Sociology” to be published by Brill in 2022.

Arkadiusz Kołodziej

is assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Szczecin (Poland). He conducts academic courses in the field of computer data analysis, human resource management, social systems, and structures. His main research interests include marine sociology (studies of seafarers and fishers, the social context of the sea), quantitative data analysis (the use of computer technologies in the analysis of social data), studies of social structures, and the theory of the social system.

Agnieszka Kołodziej-Durnaś

sociologist and psychologist, is professor at the University of Szczecin, Poland. She has published articles on maritime professions (e.g. in European Societies, Transformations in Business and Economics) and introduced the Research Stream in Maritime Sociology to the European Sociological Association conferences. Her scientific interests also comprise organizational sociology and cognitive science.

Maciej Kowalewski

is a sociologist, and professor at the Institute of Sociology, University of Szczecin, Poland. His research and teaching works are in the domains of urban studies, and current research focuses on relation between politics and urban imaginary. His works has been published in journals such as: Cultural Geographies, Space and Polity, Geoforum, Space and Culture.

Urszula Kozłowska

is a sociologist, historian, and professor at the University of Szczecin, author of books and scientific articles on the history and sociology of health, as well as medicine, social history, and gerontology. Her scientific interests also include sexual education, conscious motherhood, social pathologies, psychology, and biographical literature.

Ulrike Kronfeld-Goharani

is a research associate at the Institute of Social Sciences at Kiel University, Germany. With her scientific education (diploma in oceanography, PhD in maritime meteorology) and her many years of experience working on security policy issues with maritime relevance she works on research projects from a social and natural science perspective in a transdisciplinary manner. The focus of her research deals with issues related to ocean governance aspects, sustainability, marine pollution and maritime economy.

Rute Muchacho

is Professor of Communication Design and Media Production at the School of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Technologies (ECATI) at Lusófona University. She has a degree in Communication Design and a post-graduation in Museology and New Media. She is currently doing her PhD in Communication Sciences at Lusófona University and is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT). Muchacho currently participates in the research project: MuSEAum “Branding de ‘Museus de Mar’ de Portugal” (FCT-P2020, 2018-2020). As a result of nearly 20 years of experience in this area, she is responsible for the Communication Design office of Grupo Lusófona, which includes more than a dozen institutions.

Giacomo Orsini

is a postdoctoral researcher of Ghent University where he coordinates the European Research Council (ERC) funded ChildMove project analysing the wellbeing of unaccompanied refugee minors transiting/settling in Libya, Italy, Greece, and Belgium. He also teaches courses on migration, race, ethnicity, and diversity politics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Since over a decade, he has conducted several studies on the functioning of the EU external border both on land and at sea, to analyse the effects that international migration and the governance of it produce on marginal, vulnerable individuals and communities.

Włodzimierz Karol Pessel

is expert in Cultural, Urban and Scandinavian Studies, professor at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw, and associate at the Scandinavian Faculty of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. He also is co-founder and first supervisor of the Urban Studies Team (Pracownia Studiów Miejskich), Vice-Director of Urban Studies Faculty (Studia Miejskie UW). In 2009–2013 he served as the General Secretary of the Polish Association of Cultural Studies. His research topics include Polish-Scandinavian international relations and Baltic region, issues of the Danish society, city cultures including the topic of sanitation in Warsaw. He came out a.o. with award-winning books: Antropologia nieczystości. Studia z kultury sanitarnej Warszawy (Anthropology of Waste. A Study of Warsaw’s Sanitary Culture) and Czerwono-biali i Biało-Czerwoni. Dania, Polska, Północ – problemy sąsiedztwa kulturowego (Red-Whites and White-Reds. Denmark, Poland, North – The Problems of Cultural Neighbourship).

Célia Quico

PhD Communication Sciences by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, is professor and researcher at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias since 2009. She currently participates in the following research projects: LusofonAtiva (ULHT, 2021-2022), SMaRT-EU (EC, 2020-2021), Nazaré Imersiva (ULHT-CICANT, 2020-2021), and MuSEAum “Branding de ‘Museus de Mar’ de Portugal” (FCT-P2020, 2018-2020). Currently, her main areas of interest are immersive media, interactive media, media literacy, audience development for museums, digital heritage, sustainable and creative tourism. Quico teaches in the Cinema and Communication Sciences graduate courses, master degree course KinoEyes and also PhD courses Communications Sciences and Media Arts.

Harini Sivalingam

is currently a doctoral candidate in the Socio-Legal Studies program at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her doctoral research focuses on the lived experiences of maritime forced migrants as they navigate legal and non-legal governance over borders and mobilities. Sivalingam’s research interests explore the intersections of forced migration studies, critical border studies, critical security studies, and post-colonial studies.

Joana Sousa

is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, University Coimbra (CES-UC), in Portugal. She has experience in ecology and environmental anthropology in Guinea-Bissau, Portugal and Kenya. She has worked on the representations of non-humans in critical perspectives of nature conservation and on the circulation of knowledge and technology in agrarian societies.

Frank Sowa

is Professor of Sociology at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Germany. He received his PhD from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen–Nuremberg in 2013. His main research interests are poverty, social welfare and social policy as well as culture studies, identity politics in Greenland and sociology of social problems. One of his latest works is The transformation of work in welfare state organizations: New public management and the institutional diffusion of Ideas (together with Ronald Staples and Stefan Zapfel, Routledge, 2018).

Nuno Cintra Torres

(MBA) is a former high-level corporate executive and entrepreneur with diversified experience in print media, broadcast radio and TV, and pay-TV. Experienced political communicator, strategist, speechwriter, director of documentaries, and of winning political campaigns. He is an Integrated Researcher at CICANT, Lusófona University Lisbon, managing MuSEAum, the FCT funded project on museum branding, visitor experience, and digital communications for audience development. Torres teaches management at the Film, TV and Sound faculties at Lusófona University Lisbon. He has been a member of EU-funded projects on entrepreneurship for film students and on museum audience development. Columnist and author of several books on TV and communications. His present focus is on museum management.

Günter Warsewa

is Senior Researcher at the University of Bremen, Honorary Professor for Urban Sociology at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen and former Director of the Institute Labour and Economy in the University of Bremen, Germany. His research focus lies on urban and industral sociology, sustainability studies, institutional change and governance. Particular research interests are dedicated to the culture and transformation of port cities, conditions for social cohesion and sustainable working conditions.

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