We acknowledge with gratitude the following centres, networks and research funding schemes based in University College Dublin and the University of Iceland for supporting the collaboration behind this collection: ucd Humanities Institute; ucd College of Arts and Humanities Seed Funding; Irish Memory Studies Network; Centre for the Research in the Humanities, University of Iceland; University of Iceland Research Fund; and edda Centre of Excellence, University of Iceland. Particular thanks to Professor Gerardine Meaney (ucd) for supporting our Ireland-Iceland network over a number of years in many different ways. We are grateful to the European Cooperation in Science and Technology funded cost Action is1203 In Search of Transcultural Memory In Europe, the network that provided the first seeds of the ideas behind this project. We are indebted to Helena King, Kristín Anna Hermannsdóttir and Vera Knútsdóttir for expert copyediting. Above all, we express our deepest thanks to our contributors for sharing their work and for their collegiality and patience. We are especially grateful to them for working with us through the difficult conditions created by the Covid-19 pandemic.