Jennifer Mara DeSilva
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2.1 Giuliano Amadei, a miniature decoupée of Pope Sixtus IV attending Mass in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Palace (15th century). Courtesy of Musée Condé, Chantilly, France. © Photo Josse / Bridgeman Images 44

2.2 Detail from Robert van Audenaerde (1663–1743). Nuoua et esatta pianta del Conclave con le funtioni e ceremonie per l’Elettione del nuovo Pontefice fatto nella sede vacante di Papa Innocentio. XII. che sedé anni. IX. mesi. II. giorni XV. nel quale entrorno l’eminentissimi Signori cardinali adi IX di Ottobre MCDD (Rome: Domenico de Rossi, [1700]). Call #: ART Box R763 no. 27 (size XL). Used by permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 66

2.3 Alessandro Strozzi, Pianta di Roma in Res priscae variaque antiquitatis monumenta undique ex omni orbe coniecta (Map of Rome, in Ancient objects and various monuments of antiquity drawn from all over the world) (1474), Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, cod. Redi 77, fols. 7v–8r. Photograph courtesy of Magite Historic / Alamy Stock Photo 68

2.4 Detail of Wilhelm Pleydenwurff and Michel Wolgemuth, Map of Rome from Hartmann Schedel’s Liber Chronicarum (Nuremberg: A. Koberger, 1493), 58. Photograph courtesy of HeritagePics / Alamy Stock Photo 69

3.1 The fifteenth-century façade of Palazzo Patrizi in Siena. Photograph courtesy of the author 77

3.2 The façade of Johann Burchard’s palazzetto, built between 1491 and 1500, at Via del Sudario 44 in Rome. Photograph courtesy of the author 88

3.3 The façade of the church of San Lorenzo in Collina, in the archdiocese of Bologna. Photograph courtesy of the author 102

3.4 The inscription made by Archpriest Antonio de’ Grassi (1480), now part of the façade of the church of San Lorenzo in Collina, in the archdiocese of Bologna. Photograph courtesy of the author 103

4.1 Façade of the Cathedral of Santa Maria dell’Assunta, Pienza. Photograph courtesy of the author 120

4.2 A detail of the vaulted ceiling above the choir in the Cathedral of Santa Maria dell’Assunta, Pienza. Photograph courtesy of the author 121

4.3 Carved wooden stalls for the cathedral canons, some of which bear the Piccolomini arms in a decorated roundel within a Gothic arch, Cathedral of Santa Maria dell’Assunta, Pienza. Photograph courtesy of the author 121

4.4 Tomb slab of Agostino Patrizi, Cathedral of Santa Maria dell’Assunta, Pienza. Photograph courtesy of the author 122

5.1 Agostino Patrizi Piccolomini, Caeremoniale, fol. Vv (BnF, Départment des manuscrits, Latin 938). Courtesy of / Bibliothèque nationale de France 151

7.1 Maiestatis pontificiae dum in Capella Xisti sacra peraguntur accurata delineatio (An accurate depiction of the pontifical majesty as holy rites are performed in the Sistine Chapel) (Claudio Duchetti and Hendrik van Schoel, 1582). © The Trustees of the British Museum 201

7.2 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by mendicant procurators-general, 1483–1521 211

7.3 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by cardinals’ chaplains, 1483–1521 211

7.4 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by cardinals’ secretaries, 1483–1521 212

7.5 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by archbishops and bishops, 1483–1521 212

7.6 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by squires and familiars, 1483–1521 215

7.7 Graph of ceremonialist comments on sermons by the remaining “other preachers,” 1483–1521 215


2.1 Papal chapel monthly salaries, May and June 1455 48

2.2 Known members of the office of ceremonies from 1400 to 1600 54

2.3 A comparison of fees designated by Pastoralis Officii (1513) 64

3.1 Offices and benefices held by Agostino Patrizi, 1460–†1495 81

3.2 Offices and benefices held by Johann Burchard, 1467–†1506 91

3.3 Offices and benefices held by Paris de’ Grassi, c.1470–†1528 98

4.1 A table of bishops of Siena and Pienza and Montalcino, 1450–1600 117

5.1 Extant ceremonialist diaries at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, c.1400–c.1600 136

6.1 Texts written by Agostino Patrizi 172

6.2 Texts written by Johann Burchard 182

6.3 Texts written by Paris de’ Grassi 187

7.1 The prevalence of certain groups, excluding the mendicant procurators-general and their replacements, in the identification of preachers in the ceremonialists’ diaries from 1483 to 1521 209

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