Appendix 2 Documents on the Qarakhanid Diplomacy and Trade

In: Qarakhanid Roads to China
Dilnoza Duturaeva
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Official documents related to the Qarakhanid activities in China can be divided into two groups: “outer” correspondence of ruler-to-ruler and “inner” communication of ruler-to-official. Additionally, these documents also divided into several categories. Imperial documents issued in form of edicts (zhao), decrees (chi), or letters (shu). Qarakhanid letters referred to as memorials (biao) could be in form of reports (zou), requests (qing), and congratulations (he). The collection of imperial edicts of the Northern Song emperors Song da zhaoling ji preserved texts of three imperial letters of decrees (chi shu) issued in response to the Qarakhanid memorials and presents.1 Short versions and extracts of documents related to the Qarakhanid diplomacy and trade in China, including Qarakhanid letters can also be found in other Song official sources, particularly, in Song huiyao jigao. This Appendix includes four letters exchanged between rulers that preserved almost in their original form, and selected extracts of “inner” edicts and memorials on Qarakhanid diplomacy and trade. Texts and translations of other related documents have been also given in the main part of the book.

The translation of documentary sources is a difficult task that requires hours of intensive, sometimes agonizing work. Here I followed Michael Drompp’s approach and concentrated mainly “on utility rather than elegance of the translations.”2

1 Examples of Letters Exchanged between Song Emperors and Qarakhanid Khagans

Document 1. A Letter of Imperial Decree Granted to Tughril Qarakhan of Khotan for His Presents

[Song da zhaoling ji, 240: 945]

勅于闐國𥒖鱗黑汗王。省所差人進奉馬一疋、金五十斤、玉鞦轡一副、胡錦一十八段。事具悉。卿介居藩服。馳望闕庭。露函奏以致誠。出方奇而底貢。眷惟來享。  良紉嚮風。仍傳象譯之言。願覩使華之盛。須期通道。始議遣行。載念恭勤。殊深嘉歎。所進到物色。今回賜卿錢二百貫文。其馬一疋十貫文。以浙絹充。兼別賜卿國信物。對衣金腰帶銀器衣著等。具如別錄。並交付差來首領尹納祝等。至可領也。所將到蕃書文字。譯得。乞差人般赴本圖。候通路行日。相度遣使。故茲示諭。想宜知悉。夏熱。卿比平安好。遣書不多及。

The Imperial Decree to houlin heihan wang of the Yutian state3 [Tughril Qarakhan of Khotan]: We are aware of the people you sent, who brought one horse, 50 jin of gold, one pair of saddles and bridles of jade, and 18 pieces of hujin [foreign brocade]. We know all about this matter. Although you live in fanfu,4 you earnestly long for the imperial court. By revealing your letter you express your utmost sincerity, and sent your precious local products as tribute. You think only of arriving to the court with tribute, and you are always full of admiration for us. You transmitted words, which were translated, expressing the wish to see envoys from the magnificent Hua [Chinese] court. But the roads should be traversable, only then we will begin to discuss sending persons as envoys. Thinking about your obeisance and officiousness, we admire you very much. For your various presented objects, now in response we bestow to you 200 guan of cash. Your one horse, which is worth 10 guan of cash, was substituted with silks from Zhejiang. Besides we bestow to you also official gifts: a set of clothes, golden belts, silverware, garments and other things. All things are the same as recorded in a separate list and they were given to your messenger shouling [chief] Yinnazhu [LMC. jyn ́-nap-tʂiwk, Inalchuq] and the others. He [Yinnanzhu] is certainly able to lead. The letters and documents that will reach foreign places were translated. You asked messengers to move and go following the original map, we wait for the day when the pathway is open for traveling, and then we can consider sending envoys. Therefore, we notify you about this instruction and we think that you should be informed of it. This year the summer is hot. Peace, tranquility and goodness be with you! We send this letter without adding anymore.

Document 2. A Letter of Imperial Decree Granted to Qarakhan of Khotan for His Congratulation on Our Enthroning in the Yuanyou era, 1086

[Song da zhaoling ji, 240: 945]

勅于闐國黑汗王。省所差人進奉賀登位事。具悉。卿守藩西極。慕義中華。遠聞踐祚之新。來致梯山之貢。眷言忠恪。良用歎咨。回賜卿銀下闕 具如別錄。想宜 知悉。

The Imperial Decree to heihan wang of the Yutian state [Qarakhan of Khotan]: We are aware of your letter brought by your messengers to congratulate on our enthroning. We know all about this matter. You are in charge of the remote regions in the west and you admire the righteousness of Zhonghua [China]. You heard the news in the remote place about that we acceded the throne and your messengers arrived and offered tribute climbing the mountains for that. Your loyalty and respectfulness are worthy of our admiration. We reward you in response with silver, some characters are missing; all things are the same as recorded in a separate list. We think that you should be informed of it.

Document 3. A Letter of Imperial Decree Granted to Qarakhan of Khotan

[Song da zhaoling ji, 240: 945]

勅于闐國黑汗王。省所差來進奉使阿保星進到真珠等事。卿遠馳專使。來效貢 琛。載詳象譯之言。深亮勤王之意。益隆褒賜。以答忠誠。今因阿保星回。賜卿銀絹。其所差來人。亦各賜衣帶等。想宜知悉。

The Imperial Decree to heihan wang of the Yutian state [Qarakhan of Khotan]: We are aware that you sent your envoy Abaoxing to present pearls and other things. You dispatched special envoys from afar to offer precious things. Your words that were recorded in detail from translators deeply illuminated your thoughts of serving the throne. We reward and bestow you abundantly and generously in return for your loyalty and sincerity. As Abaoxing is returning now, we bestow silver and silk. All the other messengers were also rewarded with clothes, belts and other gifts. We think that you should be informed of it.

Document 4. A Letter from Arslan Qarakhan

[Youhuan jiwen, 5:46]

日出東方,赫赫大光,照見西方五百國,五百國條貫主,師子黑汗王,表上日出東方,赫赫大光,照見四天下,四天下條貫主,阿舅大官家: 你前時要者玉,自家甚是用心力,只為難得似你尺寸底。自家已令人兩河尋訪,纔得似你尺寸底,便奉 上也。

The sun rises in the East, the splendid radiance illuminates the state of 500 li in the west,5 the letter from Tiaoguanzhu Lion heihan wang [Tabghach Arslan Qarakhan king] of the state of 500 li to my uncle, Great Emperor of the Dynasty, Tiaoguanzhu and the whole world in the East, where the sun rises and the splendid radiance illuminates the whole world: “Regarding the jade you wanted last time, we put a lot of thoughts and efforts into finding it. But it is very difficult to find it in the size you wish. We have already ordered men to search it in the two rivers, as soon as we get it in the size you wish we will offer it to you.”

2 Examples of Documents Exchanged between Song Emperors and Officials

Document 5. A Memorial from the attendant in charge of presents from the Yutian state and an Imperial Edict on March 21, 1064

[Song huiyao jigao, Fanyi 7:31]

押伴于闐國進奉所言: 「羅撒溫等朝辭,特賜錢五千貫文。今如賜見錢,慮以買物為名,未肯進發。欲望以絹、綾、錦充。」從之,仍詔將所賜疋帛內二分與有進奉人,一分與無進奉人。

The attendant in charge of presents from the Yutian state said: “Luo Sawen [Boyla Saghun]6 and others arrived at the court to take leave and he was exceptionally granted money of 5,000 guan. Now if he is granted money, he will consider buying products and will not want to leave. He needs to be supplied by silk, damask and brocade.” The Emperor accepted it and as a result issued an edict to give two-thirds from the granted silk to those who came with tribute, and one-third to those who came without tribute.

Document 6. A Memorial from the Imperial Secretariat and an Imperial Edict on January 30, 1083

[Song huiyao jigao, Fanyi 4: 16]

中書省奏: 「鴻臚寺狀: 于闐國進奉人安泊驛舍踏逐禮賓院,今來禮賓院有西南蕃進奉人所指占。乞指占都亭西驛中位及東位安泊。」詔: 「 于闐 國般次卒未有期到京。及至闕下,西南蕃蠻人當已辭去,可只令於禮賓院安下。」

From zhong shu sheng [Imperial Secretariat]: “The honglusi [Court of State Ceremonial] stated: people that came with offerings from the Yutian state stopped for rest at the posthouse and inquire to get into the residence for distinguished guests. Now the residence is occupied by the people who arrived from the southwest with presents. We ask to instruct them to occupy the central and eastern parts of the capital’s western posthouse for rest.” The Imperial Edict: “The army of the Yutian banci has not yet arrived in the capital. When they reach the palace, the southwestern barbarians will have already bowed out and gone and then we can just order them to rest at the residence for distinguished guests.”

Document 7. A Memorial from the Military Commission of the Xihe and Lanhui Circuits and an Imperial Edict on June 7, 1083

[Xu zizhi tongjian cnangbian, 335: 8071]

熙河蘭會路制置使司言西賊犯蘭州,破西關,殺管勾、左侍禁韋定,并擄略和雇運糧于闐人并橐駝。詔贈定文思使,依永樂例推恩,所擄略于闐人畜,令制置司優 恤之。

The zhizhishi [Military Commission] of the Xihe and Lanhui Circuits reported that western bandits invaded Lanzhou and destroyed the western pass, killed Wei Ding, the guangou [Controller] and zuo shijin [Palace Attendant of the Left], and captured men hired to transport provisions of the Yutian people including their camels.” The Imperial Edict: “I order to bestow Wei Ding the title wensishi [Commissioner for Merits and Moral] according to the rules of “eternal joy” to extend kindness to his descendants and order the Military Commission to give compensation to the Yutian envoys for their people and animals [that were captured by bandits in Lanzhou].”

Document 8. An Imperial Edict on February 17, 1087

[Song huiyao jigao, Fanyi 4:17]

詔于闐 國黑汗王貢方物回賜外,餘不以有無進奉,悉加賜錢三十萬。

The Imperial Edict: “Besides the reward for local products offered by heihan wang of the Yutian state [Qarakhan of Khotan], regardless whether they have any gifts to offer, I increase the reward for additional 300,000 [guan].”

Document 9. An Imperial Edict on February 18, 1087

[Song huiyao jigao, Fanyi 4:17]

詔 于闐國使以表章至,則間歲聽一入貢,餘令於熙、秦州貿易。

The Imperial Edict: “When envoys of the Yutian state arrive with a memorial then during the year they are allowed to enter once with tribute and I order them to trade in Xizhou and Qinzhou.”

Document 10. A Memorial from the Military Commission of the Xihe and Lanmin Circuits on August 15, 1091

[Song huiyao jigao, Fanyi 4: 18]

熙河蘭岷路經略安撫司言: 「于闐國進奉人三蕃見在界首,內打廝蠻冷移四唱廝巴一蕃已准朝旨特許解發外,今來兩蕃進奉人緣已有間歲許解發指揮,欲只令熙、秦州買賣訖,約回本蕃。

The anfusi [Pacification Military Commission] of the Xihe and Lanmin Circuits stated: “Three foreigners that arrived with presents from the Yutian state are now at the forefront of the border. One foreigner Neidasimanlingyisichangsiba was allowed to be escorted and sent outside according to the will of the court; now there are two foreigners who arrived with presents since there is the instruction that allows envoys to come once per year, and we only want to order Xizhou and Qinzhou to complete the trade and ask those two to return to their state.”


Song da zhaoling ji, 240: 945.


Drompp, Tang China and the Collapse of the Uighur Empire, 211.


According to Song shi, houlin is the golden-winged bird in the Khotanese language. Song shi, 490: 14108. It is identified with Garuda, a legendary bird in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions. However, the Qarakhanid Khagan hardly could use the name of this bird as part of his title. More likely, the Qarakhanids explained the meaning of the title Tughril, which is the name of the legendary hawk or falcon in Turkic mythology and the Chinese identified Tughril with Garuda. Heihan was explained as a corrupt version of the title kehan (Khagan). See, Song shi, 490: 14108. But the title kehan was never applied referring to the Qarakhanid rulers in Chinese sources. The form heihan appeared in the official letters sent by the Qarakhanids to the Chinese court. The Qarakhanids employed Tsongkha interpreters, who might translate Qarakhan as heihan (Black Khan) that was understood at the Song court as a corrupt version of kehan. Also see Chapter 3.


Fanfu is one of the places of jiufu, a designation of subject regions located outside of the imperial capital in ancient China. Jiufu was divided into nine zones, each 500 li wide. Fanfu was the most remote zone. Zhou li, 62.


The Qarakhanids never used this epithet. It was probably added by the translator. The character li is missing here and it refers to the region fanfu that covers 500 li. For more details about fanfu, see Document 1, n14.


Luo can be a corrupt version of the title peiluo (Boyla). Osman 2002, 48–52. Also see, Chapter 3.

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