1 Central Eurasia in the eleventh century xxi
2 Qarakhanid roads to China xxii
1 Qarakhanid missions to the Liao court 53
2 “Uyghur” missions to the Jin court 94
4 Missions to the Northern Song from Cengtan and Fulin 153
5 Amber imports during the Han-Tang 185
6 Amber trade during the Northern Song 186
7 Maritime frankincense trade during the Northern Song 190
8 Continental frankincense trade during the Northern Song 194
9 Qarakhanid missions to the Northern Song 224
1 Qarakhanid Female Image on a Ceramic Fragment (Courtesy of Jambyl Region History Museum, Kazakhstan) 70
2 Qarakhanid Siren with a Female Face from Kanka, Uzbekistan (© S. Iliasova, from Iliasova et al. 2016) 72
3.1 Song China and the Western Regions, from General Map of Chinese and Non-Chinese Territories in the Past and Present in Lidai zhili zhizhang tu, 1130s, Ming dynasty edition, Courtesy of the National Central Library, Taiwan, No. 04161 89
3.2 Song China and the East, from General Map of Chinese and Non-Chinese Territories in the Past and Present in Lidai zhili zhizhang tu, 1130s, Ming dynasty edition, Courtesy of the National Central Library, Taiwan, No. 04161 90
4 Foreign Envoy Presenting a Lion, Amber Plaque from the Liao Tomb of the Princess of Chen and her husband Xiao Shaoju, Qinglongshan town, Naiman Banner (Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, after Shen ed. Schätze der Liao, fig. 77, p. 285) 165
5 Foreign Artist Training a Lion, Three-color Pottery Bowl from the Liao Tomb, Xiaoliuzhangzi Village, Ningcheng (Inner Mongolia Museum, after Feng ed. Zhongguo taoci, fig. 123, p. 150) 167
6 Foreign Artist Riding a Lion, Porcelain Statue from the Liao Tomb in Lamagou Village, Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia (Aohan Banner Museum, after Ta and Chen ed. Zhongguo chutu, fig. 67, p. 67) 168
7 Merchant Pulling a Horse, Qingbai Porcelain Statue from the Song Tomb in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province (Courtesy of the Jiangxi Provincial Museum) 171
8.1 Envoys from the Western Regions with Camels and Khotan “Floral Horses,” from Portrait of Tributaries of the Myriad Regions by Li Gonglin (1049–1106), Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: Gift of Charles Lang Freer, F1911.180, Detail 174
8.2 Envoys from Rum, from Portrait of Tributaries of the Myriad Regions by Li Gonglin (1049–1106), Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.: Gift of Charles Lang Freer, F1911.180, Detail 175
9 Central Asian horseman leading a horse brought from Khotan in 1087, from Portrait of Five Horses by Li Gonglin, 1049–1106 (current location is unknown, after Zhang, Li Gonglin, fig. 7, p. 7) 175