
The Editor would like to thank the contributors for their individual chapters and for acting as commentators to designated chapters during the “internal open peer-review” process or the very special “double-guard” process. The latter in particular selected four chapters from emerging IP scholars or papers worthy of a merit mention in order to identify scholarship. While those who served on the double-guard review team knew the identity of authors, the authors on the other hand did not know who commented on their chapter in the capacity of double-guard. It was an interesting feat of teamwork, where several stages of feedbacks by (1) designated commentators, (2) double-guard review, and (3) general open comments for all or any chapters provided further insights and challenged some assumptions and arguments. Thus, to all the contributors, your comments, critiques and insights were invaluable in guiding the chapters for a better intellectual outcome.

The double-guard review panel comprised of:

  • Ainee Adam

  • Johanna Gibson

  • Jyh-An Lee

  • Philip Johnson

In addition, special commentators for specific papers in terms of the intellectual property argument and critique were:

  • Shubha Ghosh

  • Zvi Rosen

We are also grateful for the comments from the external peer reviewers Brill commissioned to comment on the chapters. Their suggestions helped us to improve the chapters and make additional arguments where necessary.

The editor wishes to express his thanks to Tommi K. Kortelainen for assistance especially on the indexing.

At Brill, my sincere thanks to Wendel Scholma and the series editors for accepting my initial ideas and proposal for the project. Furthermore, Alessandra Giliberto joined the production team and all have been rather helpful in the entire publication process.

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