Charters Wynn
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Academy of Science 329, 329n95
agitational politics
against Bolshevik Party 341n164, 363n301
in Bolshevik Party 16, 30, 136, 136n120, 170–171, 384
alliance see smychka
Alliluyeva, Nadezhda 237–238, 238nn116–118, 342
All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions (VTsSPS) 76n93, 93nn183–184, 99, 107n282, 167n167
with Amsterdam and British unions 173
on Anglo-Russian Committee 185, 188, 202–203, 203n190, 205
on British general strike 197, 197n152
British trade unions and 187–188, 187n98, 205, 211
Central Committee on 74, 106–107
Civil War and 71, 95–96
establishment of 45, 45n206, 59n1
European unions attending meetings of 175, 175n30
on food and factory committees 75
international trade visitors and 190, 190n116, 195
Komsomol tensions with 283–284
Lenin and 83–84, 87, 112
Lozovsky and 99, 100n230
Mensheviks in 68n46
Narkomtrud and 72
office space and 68–69, 68n49, 69nn51–53
Politburo and 296–297
productivity norms by 70–71
Purcell on 203n192
Right Opposition power in 281
Rudzutak and 144n167
Ryazanov and 108–110
Shlyapnikov and 78n107, 99, 110
Stalinists pressure on 318–319
on statification of trade unions 66
Tomsky and 45, 59–60, 66, 66n35, 68, 74, 76–77, 78n106–107, 85, 102, 113–114, 157–158, 169, 186–187, 202, 216, 216n2
Tomsky and collegiality with 85, 89, 92
on Tomsky and one-man management 86
Tomsky resignation from 311–312
on trade union independence 73–74, 73n76, 74n79–81, 78, 218
on trade union sacrifices 283
on Trotsky 97, 99–100
Tsektran support in 97n208
TUC on 210
United Opposition and 257, 257n215, 258n218
on wages 249, 249n170
All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) 77, 81, 81n117, 130–131, 216
Anarchist mass demonstrations 49–50, 50n224, 50n230
Andreev, Andrei
Anglo-Russian Committee and 204–205, 204n202, 206, 206n212, 208n229
in Central Committee 93n184
children of 163n274
in Moscow Secretariat 62n12
Stalin and 204n202, 266n265, 275, 279, 289
Tomsky and 102, 113, 157, 157n242, 204–205, 205n204, 206n215, 220n20, 225n46, 349–350, 369
Anglo-Russian Committee
Andreev and 204–205, 204n202, 206, 206n212, 208n229
as British and Soviet trade unions 1, 185–186, 187n100, 206n211, 208, 210–211
British general strike and 195–196, 204
collapse of 211–213
Fourteenth Party Conference on 188, 195
IFTU on 193
Lozovsky for 186, 208–209
Murphy, J., on 202n181
pinnacle of 190–191
Politburo on 201–202
Profintern on 188
starting of 170, 187
Tomsky and 170, 183, 183n71, 194–195, 204n199, 205, 205n206, 206–207, 208n229, 213, 253, 384
Trotsky on 209
TUC on 203, 206–208, 208n230, 211–212, 211n249
United Opposition on 207–208
VTsSPS and 185, 188, 202–203, 203n190, 205
Zinoviev on 186–187, 200–201
Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites 361–365, 363n304, 363n306, 365n310
April Theses 42, 42nn184–186, 63n17
Artamonov, Alexander Fedor see Tomsky, Mikhail
Assessment and Conflict Commission (RKK) 250, 250n175
Association of State Publishing Houses (OGIZ) 323n58, 325nn71–73
Gorky and 322–323, 324n65
Great Purges and Tomsky staff of 354n259, 356n271
Kamenev and 329–331, 330nn97–98
Kanatchikov at 325–326, 325n74, 326nn75–76, 330
Khalatov chairing 323n56, 325, 355, 355n261
Lozovsky at 377
on popular books 333–335, 334n125
textbooks by 331–332, 332n112–113, 332nn115–116, 333–334
on Tomsky 354–355, 355n260
Tomsky chairing 322–328, 322nn54–55, 323nn56–57, 327n82, 327n85, 331–335, 359
Barmine, Alexander 120–121, 120n19, 121nn22–23
Basmachi guerrillas
as anti-Soviet 126, 130
fighting and 116n1, 133, 133n102, 262, 263n245
negotiations with 131
Soviets on 127, 131
on Tomsky 133, 133n102
Bogdanov, Alexander 23–24, 31, 31n118
Bolshevik Centre 31, 31n117
Bolshevik Party
agitational role and 16, 30, 136, 136n120, 170–171, 341n164, 363n301, 384
Bukharin and 10n3
Civil War and survival of 74
on economic problems 60–62, 62n13
Europe emigration and 21, 21n63
expropriations and 24, 24n82, 27n99
Goloshchekin 142n156
Great Purges of 1, 353
Kremlin captured by 56–57
Lenin on split and 101, 101n238, 102n241, 105
on mass demonstrations 45–50, 47n209
membership in 32n123, 43, 43n189
Mensheviks and 22, 22n70, 23, 24n77, 25n84, 26, 43
moderation in 6, 6n26, 42
newspaper of 51
Right Deviationists purged by 319, 319n28
RSDRP as 23, 23n74
Second Congress of Trade Unions and 76n93
Stalin on 273–274
on strikes and unions 67
Tomsky as right wing of 45
Tomsky career in 17, 17n32, 23, 26–28, 32, 43–45, 49, 49nn216–217, 382
Tomsky on opposition and 317–318, 317n20
on trade-union debate 114
on trade unions 21–22, 25n83, 27, 27n95, 61, 79–80
after tsarist abdication 42–43, 43n190
workers and 27, 61
Bonch-Burevich, Vladimir 159, 159n257
books 20n59
Central Committee on class-enemy 331–332, 331n108, 331n110, 332n116
Khrushchev and 16n29
OGIZ on popular 333–335, 334n125
OGIZ textbooks and 331–332, 332n112–113, 332nn115–116, 333–334
on Trotsky 314n3
Bramley, Fred 178, 185, 188, 192, 192n125
IFTU controlled by 175n28, 177–179
on Soviet state 191n121, 192
on sympathy strikes 210n241
on Tomsky 206–207, 206n216
war scare and 252–254, 252n192
British Communist Party 187, 203, 203nn194–195
members of 204–206, 205n208
Murphy, J., leading 172, 201–202
Tomsky on 208
British general strike
Anglo-Russian Committee and 195–196, 204
failure of 171, 195–196, 203
Politburo on 197, 197n151
Soviet state on 196–197, 212, 296n149
surrender reactions on 198–199, 199n162
Tomsky on 199–200, 209, 212
VTsSPS on 197, 197n152
British Trades Union Congress (TUC) 171, 208n228
on Anglo-Russian Committee 203, 206–208, 208n230, 211–212, 211n249
Bramley of 178, 185, 188, 192, 192n125
Citrine of 183, 190, 192, 192nn126–127, 205, 211n246
general strike surrender reactions on 198–199, 199n162
Labour Government and 176
Purcell heading 176–177, 188, 194, 199, 199n164, 210–211
on Soviet assistance offer 197–198, 198n156
Tomsky and 175–176, 176n31, 183, 183n76, 194, 194n136, 206–207, 207n218, 208–210, 212
Tomsky on London raid and 253n195
Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev on 200
on VTsSPS 210
on war threat 190
British trade unions
on IFTU and VTsSPS 187–188, 187n98, 205, 211
on Lozovsky 182
Sixth Trade-Union Congress and 184–185, 184n83, 185nn88–89, 186
Stalin on 188, 188nn106–107, 200–201, 201n175
Tomsky charming 170, 170n3, 176–177, 177n36, 177n38, 178, 178n42, 178n44, 180, 184, 186n92, 190, 205n208, 235
Trotsky on 188, 188nn106–107
Bubnov, Andrei 332, 332n113
Bukharin, Nikolai 1, 2n7, 215, 242n138, 352n244, 387n8
adherents of 355–356
Bolshevism and 10n3
communist caucus leader as 74
execution of 380
image of 217, 230, 241
Kamenev and 287, 287n46
Krupskaya and 344n181
on Kuibyshev 290, 290n70
on labour militarization 86, 86n149
moderation by 236–237, 237n107
Molotov on 278, 286
NEP and 2, 287, 287n43
1929 Central Committee and 309–310, 310n188
on peasantry 241–242
popularity of 4nn13–14
removal of 315n8, 316n13
resignation by 293–294, 294n95
Right Deviationism and 5
Right Opposition as 310–311, 344, 344n182, 350
on Sokolnikov 379n402
on Stalin 265–267, 286, 290–291, 290n70, 319, 379–380
Stalinists on 310–311
Stalin on 242n137, 310, 319
on suicide 378
Tomsky and 5, 7, 358–359
on Tomsky and British trade unions 188, 188nn106–107
on Tomsky suicide 377–378, 377n389, 378n397
United Opposition and 55n257, 208
wife of 378n395
worker radical literature and 16, 16nn29–30
on Yagoda 364n309
CCC see Central Control Commission
Central Asia see Turkestan
Central Committee 113n321
Andreev in 93n184
on class-enemy books and schoolbooks 331–332, 331n108, 331n110, 332n116
on extraordinary measures 279, 287
on guilt 362n298
on IFTU 193
on Kamenev 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
for Lenin 87
members of 93n183
on one-man management 94n189
Party Unity resolution and 105, 114, 114n323
Politburo and 97n210
relations in 286
Ryazanov and 108–110, 108n291, 109n293, 112–113, 112n314
Shlyapnikov and 88n159, 113n317, 114n323
on specialists 98
for Stalin 294
Stalin on delegates and 111, 111n301
Tomsky, Bukharin, Rykov and 1929 309–310, 310n188
on Tomsky 91, 97n211, 108, 111–113, 111n305, 187, 319
Tomsky and 59, 357
on Tomsky and Central Asia 114–115
Tomsky criticizing 151, 151n211
Tomsky on 81, 81n116, 89, 93, 103, 114, 388
on Tomsky suicide 379
on trade unions 98–99, 190, 190n119
on Trotsky 256n208, 258–259, 258n223, 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
Trotsky and labour armies to 81–83
after Twelfth Party Congress 229n71
on VTsSPS 74, 106–107
on Zinoviev 259, 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
see also Pravda
Central Committee Plenum (April 1928) 273–275, 275n331, 278n347
Central Committee Plenum (December 1936) 360–361, 361nn290–291
Central Committee Plenum (January 1933) 350–353, 352n244, 352n248
Central Committee Plenum (July 1928) 278–279
Central Committee Plenums 359, 388
Central Control Commission (CCC)
function of 343n179
interrogation by 346, 346n193
Kaganovich bypassing 353n253
on oppositionists 343–345, 343n179
purge by 352n248, 353, 353n253
on Tomsky 343–350, 352
Central Purge Commission 356, 361n292
Chamberlain, Austin 253–254, 253n198
Citrine, Walter 191, 197–198, 203–204, 331n106
Tomsky and 190n119, 203n193, 208–210, 322n53, 334n126, 358, 358n281
of TUC 183, 190, 192, 192nn126–127, 205, 211n246
Civil War
Bolshevik survival and 74
Club of the Nobility during 68–69
economic crisis after 72, 94, 102–103
epidemics and food in 70, 75–76, 75n89
Kanatchikov after 115, 115n326
Koshchi during 145–146, 145n174, 152n216
Samara-Orenburg-Tashkent railroad line in 126, 126n56
Tomsky during 60, 72, 76
trade unions during 74–75, 80
VTsSPS and 71, 95–96
White Armies and foreign intervention in 74, 79n110
class consciousness
Safarov on 145, 145n173
trade unions with 21, 21n65
collective leadership 245, 265, 341n163, 387
avoidance of 280, 288
health under 337–338, 338n139
kulaks and 3, 139, 155n236, 169
party expelling over 342
peasantry on 317n15
Politburo on 338–339, 338n147
problems with 337–339
Sixteenth Party Congress during 315
Stalin and 264, 264n251, 287n42, 317n16, 337–338, 344–345, 365n320, 388
collegial management
Lenin on 86, 86n150, 91
Tomsky for 85, 89, 92
trade unions for 84n133, 85, 89, 92n178
Comintern see Communist International
Commissariat of Labour see Narkomtrud
Communist International (Comintern) 180
Fifth Congress of 179, 179n50
forged trade union ‘letter’ and 191–192, 192n123
Tomsky and 172, 172n12, 173n21, 212–213, 216
united front strategy by 175, 175n25, 212
Communist Party Central Control Commission (CCC) see Central Control Commission
Communist Party Politburo see Politburo
of trade unions 62–65, 62n14, 63nn19–20, 65n25
trade unions on 312n203
Constituent Assembly 53, 57, 57n276, 62–63, 63nn17–18
Frunze on 134n111
Russian peasants on 135n113
Tomsky on 135, 144, 150
in Turkestan 122–123, 126, 126n57, 129, 134n111, 135–136, 135n113, 135n118, 139n135
NKVD on Tomsky 167n304, 371
for Tomsky 166–168, 166nn304–305, 167n304, 336–337, 337nn134–135, 339
for top party leaders 166–167, 166n302
‘Declaration of the 46’ 232–233, 232nn84–86
Trotsky on 232, 232n80
Workers’ Opposition for 96, 101
Democratic Centralists 84n134, 87n156, 92, 101n236, 103
de-Stalinisation 358n278, 359n285, 374–375, 380n410
Dogadov, Alexander 318–319, 319n27
Dzerzhinsky, Felix
death of 221n22, 285n33
image of 217
Lenin on 159, 159n256
Politburo and 229n71
as political police head 230, 285n33
as right wing 255n202
on Tomsky 112
Bolshevik takeover and 60–62, 62n13
Civil War crisis in 72, 94, 102–103
Eleventh Party Congress on 221, 221n23
industrial production in 84n136, 219, 224, 239
Kalinin on 155n234
kulak agriculture surplus on 240, 242n136
Mensheviks on 103
peasants on prices and 264, 264n256, 286, 286nn39–40
Petrograd demonstrations on 103
‘scissors crisis’ on 232, 232n81
Stalinists on 388
Tomsky on unions and 67, 70–72, 225–226, 226n48
tsarist regime and 61n10
War Communism on 219, 221–222, 250, 266, 325n72
worker demonstrations on 103, 103n252, 103n254, 103n256
Workers’ Opposition on 87–88, 101
see also collectivisation; New Economic Policy; Supreme Council of the Economy
Efremov, Mikhail Pavlovich see Tomsky, Mikhail
Eighth Congress of Komsomol of Leningrad 283–284
Eighth Party Congress 79–81, 106n274, 119, 129n83
Eighth Trade-Union Congress 301n141
on Kaganovich 306–307, 312–313
Kuibyshev on Five-Year Plan at 285, 297
Molotov at 306–308
NEP and 280, 312–313
Stalinist showdown and trade unions at 282, 295, 309, 386
Tomsky and 52, 215, 297, 297n117
Tomsky defeat at 214, 249, 282, 304–305, 304n157, 305n159, 309, 386
Eismont, Nikolai 342–343, 345, 349–350, 355
Eleventh Party Congress 332n113
on specialists and economy 221, 221n23
Tomsky and 158–159, 158n249, 220–222, 225–226, 226n48, 227n56
entrapment 330, 330nn102–103, 341n161
Bolshevik emigration and 21, 21n63
on Tomsky moderate inclinations toward 31
Tomsky on revolution and 73
VTsSPS with unions of 175, 175n30
expropriations 24, 24n82, 27n99
‘extraordinary measures’ 279
Stalin on peasants and 215, 278, 287n42
Tomsky on 278n345, 310
factory committees 44–45, 67–68, 67n42, 68n44
factory elders 18n41
Civil War and 70, 75–76, 75n89
of First Five-Year Plan 313
Lenin on 141n150
of 1932–1933 344n183
in Russia 133–134, 134n107, 144, 149n197, 224
Stalinists and grain in 266nn265–266
Stalin on 344, 344n184
in Turkestan 125–126, 126n57, 149n197
VTsSPS on factory committees and 75
Fifteenth Party Conference 207, 247–248, 261n239, 282
five-year plan by 263
on United Opposition 261–262, 274
Fifth Congress of the Comintern 179, 179n50
Fifth Party Congress 28–29, 215
Fifth Trade-Union Congress 95, 157n243, 219n14, 226
First Congress of the Writers’ Union (1934) 327n81
First Five-Year Plan
falling wages in 283n16, 283n19
hardships and famine of 313
Kuibyshev drafting 285, 297
Tomsky on 281, 298, 351
First Trade-Union Congress 59, 59n1, 60, 78n93
on strikes 67
Tomsky and 63, 77, 101, 171
forced collectivisation see collectivisation
foreign intervention 74, 79n110
foreign policy
of Soviet regime 170n2
Tomsky and 170, 384
see also Anglo-Russian Committee
Fourteenth Party Conference
on Anglo-Russian Committee 188, 195
Krupskaya at 244
Stalin and 243n141
Tomsky at 240, 240n134, 243n143, 246n159
Fourth Trade-Union Conference 73, 328
Tenth Party Conference and 106, 113
Tomsky and 68, 72, 113, 116, 157, 169, 204–205, 262, 347, 383
French Communist Party 187n96, 195n145
Frunze, Mikhail 127n67
on cotton access 134n111
image of 217
on Indigenous population 124, 127–128
influence of 159n255
as Old Bolshevik 159n253
as Politburo candidate member 229n71
Red Army and 116n1, 124, 134n111, 153n221
Tomsky and 111–112, 116n1, 158–159, 166, 373
on Trotsky 159, 159n253
German trade unions 174–175, 175n24
Goloshchekin, Filipp 127, 142n156
Gompers, Samuel 85, 85n142, 177n39, 220n21
Gorky, Maksim
on Lenin 31, 31n118
on Lenin and Bogdanov feud 31, 31n118
Moscow return by 324n62
OGIZ and 322–323, 324n65
on Socialist Realism 326n78, 327
on Tashkent scientists and scholars 132, 132nn98–99
Tomsky and 26, 290, 291, 332n115, 351
on Tomsky and OGIZ 322–324, 324n64, 329n96
Great Purges
by CCC 352n248, 353, 353n253
on dissenting voters 309, 309n186
executions of 317, 317n18
Great Terror as 314n2
on Old Bolsheviks 1, 353
on publications 334
on Shlyapnikov 352n248, 355n260, 362–363
Stalin and 320, 366n320, 388
suicides in 371, 371n351
Tomsky OGIZ staff and 354n259, 356n271
Tomsky on 9
on Tomsky staff 354n259, 376–377, 376n380
Tomsky suicide in 1, 3, 56n265, 167n304, 168, 334, 358, 360n288, 364–372, 376–377, 379, 389
on United Opposition and Right Deviation 314
Great Terror 314n2
Hall of Columns
congresses in 74, 184, 186, 297, 327n81
former Club of the Nobility with 68–69
Lenin body in 233–234
Shakhty trial in 276
for speeches 258
hereditary workers 11, 11n6
Tomsky and 16, 38, 166–167, 239, 316n14, 347–348, 359, 363n303, 366
by top party leaders 166n299
IFTU see International Federation of Trade Unions
imprisonment 34n134
avoidance of 21, 30n114, 33
of Kanatchikov 20, 33–35, 33n129, 35n146, 40n171
of Krupskaya 371
Russian Criminal Code and 36n148
in Siberia 6, 10, 16, 20–21, 33–40, 37nn155–156, 43
of Tomskaya 33, 36
of Tomsky 6, 10, 20–23, 29, 30n114, 31, 33–37, 34n133, 37n154, 39–41
Indigenous population
activities by 122, 122n32
Frunze on 124, 127–128
land requests from 139n134
Russia settlers on 139
Tashkent Soviet on 122–126, 123n38, 124nn41–42, 125n49, 125n51
Tomsky and 127, 168
tsarist regime on 124, 124n46
in Turkestan 116
economy production in 84n136, 219, 224, 239
Kaganovich supporting 303–304
Kuibyshev on 286, 290, 290n70, 292, 292n80, 297
Sixteenth Party Congress during 315
Tomsky and 282–283, 310, 321, 321nn40–41, 388
industrial managers 220–221, 220n18, 221n23
International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU)
as Amsterdam International 171, 171n6
on Anglo-Russian Committee 193
British control of 175n28, 177–179
British trade unions on 187–188, 187n98, 205, 211
Central Committee on 193
international members of 172n10
Lozovsky and 179–180, 194
Politburo and negotiations with 181, 181n60, 183
Purcell heading 178, 178n44, 185, 193, 210–211, 211n246
on Russian trade unions 184–185
Thomas of 178, 192, 198–199, 198n158, 198n160, 203n190, 329n92
on Tomsky 185n86, 212
Tomsky on 171–172, 177–178, 177n39, 193–195, 193n132
International Trade-Union Council (ITUC) 172–173
international trade-union issues 171–172, 171n7
international trade-union visitors 190, 190n116, 195
ITUC see International Trade-Union Council
Ivanovna see Tomskaya, Maria
Joffe, Adolf 147–148, 147n187, 148n191
Joint Central Transport Committee (Tsektran)
for military discipline in unions 94–95, 94n193, 95n199
Platform of the Ten on 99–100, 99n225, 102n248, 104
Trotsky for 96
VTsSPS support of 97n208
Kaganovich, Lazar
CCC bypassed by 353n253
Eighth Trade-Union Congress on 306–307, 312–313
from exile 120, 304n152
Molotov on 304
at 1936 Central Committee Plenum 361n291
Purge Commission chaired by 353n253
for rapid industrialisation 303–304
show trials by 361n293
Stalin and 204, 267, 295, 303
on Tomsky 4, 304n151
on Tomsky purge commission 366–367
trade union purge by 312, 312n212
Turkestan Commission and 127
Turkestan trip by 120n19
on VTsSPS Presidium 302
Kalinin, Mikhail 2n6, 23–24, 245, 319, 333
on economy importance 155n234
image of 90, 217, 234, 247, 335
on Lenin death 234
moderate politics of 248, 261, 311, 311n198
on Rightists 311, 311n198
Stalin and 280n3, 288, 288n54
as Stalinist 248, 288, 288n51
wife of 164n281
Kamenev, Lev
biography on 1n4
Bukharin and 287, 287n46
Central Committee on 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
execution of 379, 379n406
hard labour and death of 331
image of 217, 254
1926 purge and 246
as not erased 56n269
OGIZ and 329–330, 330nn97–98
Politburo and 252, 252n189
at Seventeenth Party Congress 346n195
show trial on 361–362, 362nn295–296
on Stalin 159n258, 244–245, 245n155, 279
Tomsky and 200, 215, 243n143, 244, 262–263, 279, 367
troika including 227–228, 228n57
on Trotsky 233
as United Opposition leader 200, 251–252, 251n184
wife of 164n281
Kanatchikov, Semen
anti-drunkenness congress and 31n116
autobiography by 3n11, 11, 115, 326, 326n76
after Civil War 115, 115n326
factory labor by 13–14, 14n19, 15, 15n25, 23
imprisonment of 20, 33–35, 33n129, 35n146, 40n171
newspaper of 40
1905 Revolution and 18
1926 purge and 24–248
at OGIZ 325–326, 325n74, 326nn75–76, 330
on public speaking 27–28, 28n103, 58
reading by 20n59
in Siberia 40, 40n173
Tomsky and 11–12
on Trotsky 229
on worker radical literature 16, 16nn29–30
Khalatov, Artashes 323n56, 325, 355, 355n261
Khrushchev, Nikita
banned books and 16n29
de-Stalinisation and 358n278, 359n285, 374–375, 380n410
home of 372n359
on Tomskaya 374
on Tomsky 56n269
Kirensk, Siberia 37–41, 41n180
Kolpino industrial complex 11n5
Komsomolskaia Pravda of 284–285, 296, 298, 302
leadership of 243, 243n145
of Leningrad 298n121
party leaders on 246
Stalin and 244, 283–284
Tomsky and 243–244, 275n327, 285, 298–301
trade unions on 284–285
VTsSPS tensions with 283–284
Komsomolskaia Pravda 284–285, 284n23, 296, 298, 302
Koshchi (peasants) 145–146, 145n174, 152n216
Kosior, Stanislav 284, 284n27
Kozelev, Boris
diary and execution of 312n204
on Moscow Committee 55n264, 65n27, 66n30
as Tomsky friend 205n204, 284, 301–302, 312
Bolshevik Party capturing 56–57
cafeteria of 164, 164n286
capture with destruction 57, 57n274
life in 160–165, 163n274, 163n277, 163n280, 164nn285–286, 165nn289–290
1928 party regime at 281
Ninth Party Congress on 161, 161n267
Tomsky on capture of 56–58, 56nn265–267, 57n273, 57n276
Kronstadt Revolt 49, 103–105, 103n254, 104n258, 107, 338
Krupskaya, Nadezhda
Bukharin and 344n181
at Fourteenth Party Conference 244
image of 234
imprisonment of 371
as Lenin wife 24n82, 136, 136n123, 161n270, 164n281, 297n116
opposition by 242, 316n13
Testament and 235nn98–99, 236
Tomsky and 244, 244n148, 244n150, 316n13, 323n56, 337n138
Kuibyshev, Valerian 229n71, 248n168, 296n113
Bukharin on 290, 290n70
First Five-Year Plan and 285, 297
on industrialisation 286, 290, 290n70, 292, 292n80, 297
on military affairs 127
in Politburo 267
Tomsky and 108, 221, 285–286, 289, 297–298, 303–304, 347–349
on Trotsky 263n249
VSNKh and 269n285, 285n33
agriculture surplus by 240, 242n136
definition of 140n149, 240
forced collectivisation and 3, 139, 155n236, 169
image of 141
Lenin on 141n150, 147, 149
Molotov on 266n267
OGPU on 265–266, 266n269
Platform of the Four on 242–243, 243n142
Politburo on 140, 140n141, 140n149, 143–144
Safarov on 137, 137n124, 140–142, 147–148, 155n229
Soviet regime on 144, 240, 266
Stalin on 265–266, 266n266, 337
stealing from 75
Tomsky on 2, 145, 168
labour militarization 95n196
Bukharin on 86, 86n149
Central Committee with Trotsky on 81–83
Lenin on 81–83, 83n123, 88n158, 97–98, 100–101
Rudzutak on 97
Tomsky on 93–96, 100–101
Trotsky for 27, 81–83, 83n126, 89n161, 94–95, 97–98, 100, 114, 175, 232–233, 381
workers in 27, 81–83, 83n123, 83n126, 83n129, 86, 97, 105, 114, 232–233, 381
labour unions see trade unions
land reform
Joffe on Turkestan 147–148, 148n191
results in Turkestan 148–149, 149n197, 155
Safarov on 139–143, 145, 155n229
Stalin and 155n236
Turkestan and 139–142, 142nn153–154, 148–149, 149n197, 155
‘last service’ 1, 1n2, 364
Lenin, Vladimir
on Bolshevik Party split 101, 101n238, 102n241, 105
brutality of 149–150, 149n202
Central Committee for 87
on collegial management 86, 86n150, 91
on Constituent Assembly 63n17
death of 233–234, 233n88–89, 233n91–92, 234nn93–95
on Dzerzhinsky 159, 159n256
Eighth Party Congress and 129n83
on food shortages 141n150
Gorky on 31, 31n118
health of 120, 120n18, 146, 146n180, 155, 158, 229n68, 229n70
image of 80, 90, 217
indecision by 50, 50n226
Kalinin on death and 234
on Kronstadt revolt 103, 103n254
on kulaks 141n150, 147, 149
on labour militarization 81–83, 83n123, 88n158, 97–98, 100–101
on mass demonstrations 45, 47–48, 47n209
Mensheviks and 23
on Muslims 129n83, 150, 150n209
newspaper of 32
at Ninth Party Congress 90–91, 91n174
as Old Bolshevik 5n14
on one-man management 83–84, 83n131, 84n133
on party newspaper 44, 44n197
return of 41–42
on Rudzutak 173–174, 174n23
Rudzutak on death of 233n91, 234
on Russian chauvinism 128–129, 128n76, 147, 150–151, 150n210
on Ryazanov 110–111, 111n300
on Safarov and Tomsky 146, 146n183, 154–155
on self-determination 119–120
sister as Ulyanova 311
Sokolnikov and 153n222
on Stalin 235–236, 235n99
for statification of trade unions 77–78, 111
on Tashkent and food 133–134, 134nn110–111
Testament of 235–236, 235nn97–98, 236n101
title by 30, 30n112
on Tomsky 97, 101–102, 111–114, 116, 159, 159n258, 169, 173–174, 174n23
Tomsky opposing 5, 31–32, 41, 49, 58, 85–86, 158, 158n250, 382
Tomsky role after death of 233–234
Tomsky supporting 2, 4, 25–26, 28n104, 60, 114n324, 351
on trade unions 22–23, 29, 61
Trotsky after death of 233, 233n88, 233n92
Trotsky and 227, 227n56
on Turkestan 126–127, 133–134
VTsSPS and 83–84, 87, 112
wife of 24n82, 136, 136n123, 161n270, 164n281, 297n116
on Zinoviev 50, 236
Lomov, Grigory 156, 156n237
lower-class culture 11–12
Lozovsky, Alexander 172n14
Anglo-Russian Committee and 186, 208–209
on Constituent Assembly closing 63n18
description of 173, 179n49, 179n52, 181–182
on IFTU invitation 179–180, 194
image of 174
ITUC headed by 173
on languages 172, 172n13
Molotov and 295n101
at OGIZ 377
on Platform of the Ten 102n248
as Profintern general secretary 172–173, 173n19, 179–180
Tomsky and 172–173, 179–181, 184, 188, 213, 213n254, 307–308, 308n177
VTsSPS majority and 99, 100n230
Luppol, Ivan 328, 328nn88–89, 330n97, 354n254
mass demonstrations
as armed 50, 50n229
Bolshevik Party on 45–48, 47n209
Lenin on 45, 47–48, 47n209
in Petrograd 45–49
Soviet state on 51–52
Tomsky on 45–52, 50n226, 52n238, 56n269, 56nn265–267
Medvedev, Roy 277, 277n340, 286n40, 365–366, 365n312
Medvedev, Sergei 220
Mensheviks 108n288
Bolsheviks and 22, 22n70, 23, 24n77, 25n84, 26, 43
for economic demonstrations 103
at Fourth Trade-Union Conference 73
Lenin and 23
newspaper of 5
as passive 17
in Revel, Estonia 18
on Tomsky 370
Tomsky on 44–45, 75–76, 293n85
trade unions and 21–22, 26n93, 76
in VTsSPS 68n46
Bolshevik Party and 6, 6n26, 42
by Bukharin 236–237, 237n107
expectations on 280
Kalinin politics of 248, 261, 311, 311n198
Nogin and Right wing 45, 53–54, 54n255, 55
by Rykov 236–237
Stalin on 255, 267, 279, 387
Stalin ousting rumors and 254–255, 255n202
Tomsky on demonstration of 50–51, 55–56, 56nn265–267
Tomsky on lack of 77, 77n100
Tomsky on rapid industrialisation and 282–283
Tomsky on Stalin and 236–237
Tomsky politics with 6–8, 10, 22, 41–42, 87, 104, 171, 201, 213–215, 226, 237, 292, 381
Molotov, Vyacheslav 110n294
on Bukharin 278, 286
children of 163n274
at Eighth Trade-Union Congress 306–308
on Kaganovich 304
Komsomol of Leningrad and 296
on kulaks 266n267
Lozovsky and 295n101
Orgburo and 157n246
on Politburo commission 106
on Right Deviationists 278
on Rightist families 374–375
on Rudzutak 117n5
on Rykov 278, 286
Stalin and 248, 267, 278, 366
as Stalin devotee 248, 267, 278
on Stalin potential assassination 366
at Tenth Party Conference 113
on Tomsky 4–5, 18, 52, 278, 286, 307, 349, 369
on top government privileges 167
Bolsheviks on Kremlin and 56–57
economic demonstrations in 103
Gorky return to 324n62
Government moved to 160n263
newspapers in 58n278
1928 trade-union regime at 281
Tashkent and 117n3
Tomsky to 52, 152, 156
trade unions and Soviet of 62, 68n49
Uglanov as party boss and 282, 340n158
workers in 55
Moscow Committee 55n264, 65n27, 66n30
Moscow Secretariat 62n12
Murphy, John 172, 201–202, 202n181, 232n86
Murphy, Kevin 250
on class tensions 145n173
land holdings by 139n135
Lenin on 129n83, 150, 150n209
on pan-Islamism 128, 128n70
on Soviet state 128
Soviet state on religion and 129–131, 129nn84–85, 130n88
of Tashkent 119, 121–130, 132, 136, 139, 141–142, 145–147, 149–151, 153, 155, 168
Tomsky on religion and 129–130, 129n84, 130
veiling and 130–131, 130n88, 130n90, 131n93
women and 130–131, 131nn92–93
mutual aid societies 29, 29nn109–110, 39
Narkomtrud (Commissariat of Labour) 66, 70, 72–73, 78, 249, 293n83
for workers 222–224, 223n35
nationalizations 70n58
national self-determination 119–120, 136–137, 168
Nevsky, Vladimir 376
New Economic Policy (NEP)
for agriculture development 219
Bukharin and 2, 287, 287n43
for cost-accounting procedures 219, 219n11
for economic development 219
Eighth Trade-Union Congress and 280, 312–313
industrial managers during 221n23
peasantry during 240
Stalin abandoning 267, 279, 281
Stalin and 267, 279, 280–281, 317
Stalin on 267, 317
Tomsky on inequality and 168
Tomsky on preserving 281, 286–287, 289, 316n14, 357, 385
Tomsky on Tashkent and 129, 144, 151, 155
Tomsky roles during 214–215
trade unions during 216, 220–221, 220n21, 223, 282
unemployment under 224–225, 225n42, 225nn44–45
wage levels under 248n168, 251
of Bolsheviks 51
of Gorky 54
of Kanatchikov 40
of Lenin 32
Lenin on party 44, 44n197
of Menshevik 5
in Moscow 58n278
Purcell and British 189n113
of RSDRP 23, 23n74
on Shakhty Affair 267–277, 277n336, 277n339
Tomsky and 17–18, 23, 41, 43–44, 58
for workers 43–44, 43n195
the Revolution of 1905 17–18
Tomsky and 10, 19, 19n42, 20–21, 33, 55, 381–383
on tsarist government during 196n149
Ninth Party Congress
on Kremlin living conditions 161, 161n267
Lenin at 90–91, 91n174
Tomsky at 88–93, 93n183, 383
trade-union debate at 95n202
worker management resolution by 92, 92n182, 95n202
NKVD see political police
Nogin, Victor 45, 53–54, 54n255, 55, 57n276, 63n18
OGIZ see Association of State Publishing Houses
OGIZ Purge Commission 332, 352
on criticism lack 355
on Tomsky 353–354, 354n254, 356
Tomsky popularity at 354–355
Tomsky response at 354–356, 355n265, 362–363
OGPU see political police
Old Bolsheviks
child adoptions by 161n271
executions of 379n406
Frunze as 159n253
Goloshchekin as 142n156
Great Purges on 1, 353
last service by 1, 1n2, 364
Lenin as 5n14
Nevsky as 376
Pravdin as 150n210
relations among 163n277, 239
Ryutin Platform of 340
Safarov as 136, 136n122
Smilga as 256
Sokolnikov as 153n22
on Stalin 336n130
Stalin as 5n14
Stalin on 236, 274, 297, 373
Tomsky as 5n14, 6, 314, 335
Trilisser as 339n153
Trotsky as 3n11
on United Opposition 251n184
on Yezhov 364, 364n309
one-man management
Central Committee on 94n189
introduction of 93, 93n187
Lenin on 83–84, 83n131, 84n133
Stalin on collective leadership and 245, 265, 341n163, 387
Tomsky on 84–85, 89, 221
trade unions on 83–84, 83n131, 84n133, 84n135
Trotsky on 89, 94
CCC on 343–345, 343n179
by Krupskaya 242, 316n13
Murphy, J., on 232n86
Trotsky on 231–232, 232n82
see also Right Deviationists; Right Opposition; United Opposition; Workers’ Opposition; Zinovievite Opposition
Organisational Bureau (Orgburo) 160n261, 216n5
Molotov and 157n246
post appointments by 231, 231n77, 231n79
power in 93nn185–186, 157–158, 158n247
Stalin controlling 157n246
Tomsky and 93, 104
Tomsky as full member of 117, 157, 157n245, 216, 226, 226n53
Osinsky, N 61, 61n5
output norms 239–240, 388
‘palace coup’ 288, 288n55, 339–340, 339nn152–156, 358n278
Party Unity resolution 105, 114, 114n323
Bukharin on 241–242
on economy and prices 264, 264n256, 286, 286nn39–40
on forced collectivisation 317n15
Kalinin on 248
mid-1920s concerns on 240
purge order on 352–353, 352n248
Rykov on 241n135
smychka toward 351, 351n235
Stalin on 286, 286n39
Stalin on agriculture and 263–264, 264n254
Stalin on extraordinary measures and 215, 278, 287n42
Tomsky on middle 240, 278, 286
on war possibility 254, 264, 264n251
see also kulaks
Petrograd 45–49, 103
Platform of the Four 242–243, 243n142
Platform of the Ten 99–100, 99n225, 102n248, 104
Poletaev, Nikolai 28n104
Politburo 179n51, 216nn3–5
accurate information for 147n186
on Anglo-Russian Committee 201–202
anti-Stalinists in 280, 280n3
on British general strike 197, 197n151
Central Committee and 97n210
on collectivisation 338–339, 338n147
on ‘Declaration of the 46’ 232–233, 232nn84–86
Dzerzhinsky and 229n71
Frunze and 229n71
health benefits of 164–165, 165n289, 165n297
on IFTU negotiations 181, 181n60, 183
Kamenev and 252, 252n189
Kuibyshev in 267
on kulaks 140, 140n141, 140n149, 143–144
on London raid 253n195
Molotov on 106
1933 Central Committee Plenum on purge order by 352–353, 352n248
purge order by 352–353, 352n248
relations in 286, 286n38, 291
on resignations 294
Rykov to 159n255, 228, 319n30
on Second Congress of Trade Unions 74
on Shakhty Affair 269
Stalin and 342, 342n172
Stalinists and 295–296, 302
on Tomsky 108, 114, 301–302, 319–322
Tomsky and Turkestan at 153
Tomsky as full member of 117, 155, 169, 216, 223, 226, 384
Tomsky on 352
Tomsky warned by 35n8, 35n10
Trade-union commission of 301–302, 301n141
for trade unions 285
Trotsky and 228–229, 228n58, 248n163, 252
VTsSPS and 296–297
Zinoviev and 252
political police (NKVD)
at show trials 361
on Tomskaya 367
on Tomsky associates 376–377, 379
on Tomsky dacha 167n304, 371
on Tomsky dead body 370
on Tomsky family 373
on Tomsky papers 372
on Tomsky sons 373
on wives and Right-Trotskyite spy traitors 374, 380n409
Yagoda heading 367–368
Yezhov on 368
political police (OGPU)
Dzerzhinsky heading 230, 285n33
on enemy agents 253n196
on kulaks 265–266, 266n269
as NKVD 143n157
on Ryutin Platform 341, 341n165
on Shakhty Affair 267–274, 267n278, 268n284, 271n299, 277n336, 277n340
Stalin sent agent 256
Tomsky on 231, 273, 273n314
Yagoda heading 290, 329n96, 339
Yevdokimov of 268, 268n281, 277n342
Pospelov, Peter 359n285
Pravda (Central Committee newspaper)
on engineers 269
false congress summation by 309
Testament and 236
on Tomsky 56n265, 294, 294n95, 363, 363n306, 365–366
Tomsky on 43–44, 49
Tomsky suicide and 363–364, 363n306
tsarist troops on 51
Pravdin, Alexander 150n210
Profintern see Red International of Labor Unions
public speaking
Kanatchikov and 27–28, 28n103, 58
by Tomsky 1, 4, 18, 58, 81n118, 186, 263, 348–349, 351, 354
Purcell, Alf
British press on 189n113
on British socialist revolution 193n130
IFTU headed by 178, 178n44, 185, 193, 210–211, 211n246
image of 189
Russian trade unions on 185, 185n89, 257
Tomsky and 187
TUC headed by 176–177, 188, 194, 199, 199n164, 210–211
on VTsSPS 203n192
Purge Commission 305n161, 332, 352–356, 353n253, 362
Kaganovich and trade union 312, 312n212
of 1926 246
on peasantry 352–353, 352n248
Politburo ordering 352–353, 352n248
Radek, Karl 158n249
on compulsory labour 95n196
investigations on 363, 377, 379n403
on Party Unity resolution 105
VTsSPS Presidium and 86, 108, 303n150
Rakovsky, Christian 176n32, 177n36, 217
Red Army
Frunze and 116n1, 124, 134n111, 153n221
Tomsky on 133, 133nn103–105
trade unions and 70, 74–75, 75nn85–86
tsarist officers in 86n152
Red International of Labor Unions (Profintern)
on Anglo-Russian Committee 188
ITUC preceding 172
Lozovsky and 172–173, 173n19, 179–180
Tomsky and 173, 180, 183–184, 193–194, 218n7
rehabilitation 1n3, 373n362, 374–375, 375n370, 380, 380n410
Rei, August 20, 20n55
Revel, Estonia 17–19, 19n42
Right Deviationists
Bolshevik Party purging of 319, 319n28
Bukharin and 5
deaths of 314
Great Purges on 314
Kalinin on 311, 311n198
Molotov on 278
popularity of 4n13
Rykov and 1
Stalin and 282n15, 293–294, 310n194, 316–317, 358
Stalinists and 280, 280n1, 310, 358n279
Tomsky linked to 1, 1n3, 293n87, 388
see also Right Opposition
Right Opposition 310n188, 310n194
as Bukharin 310–311, 344, 344n182, 350
for internal opposition 356, 356n268
meetings of 290
Molotov on families and 374–375
‘palace coup’ and 288n55, 339–340, 358n278
Seventeenth Party Congress capitulation by 357n276
Shmidt as 294
Sixteenth Party Congress on 311
Tomsky and 1, 1n3, 310–311, 318n24
VTsSPS in 281
Yagoda on 339, 367n324
see also Right Deviationists
right to strike
First Trade-Union Congress on 67
Tomsky and Second Trade-Union Congress on 74, 78–79, 79n111
Tomsky on 225–226, 225n46
Rodchenko, Alexander 334–335, 335n128
Rosenberg, Arthur 6–7
RSDRP see Russian Social Democratic Labour Party
Rudzutak, Yan 25n85, 112
execution of 143n157, 352n245
Fifth Trade-Union Congress and 157n243
food requisitions by 143n157
illness of 144n169
image and description of 117–118, 117n5
on labour armies 97
on Lenin death 233n91, 234
Lenin on 173–174, 174n23
Molotov on 117n5
1905 Revolution and 117n4
on Safarov 142–146
for Stalin 288
at Tenth Party Congress 117n4
Tomsky and 117, 117n4, 119, 144, 157n241
as Turkestan Bureau head 117, 127
VTsSPS and 144n167
famine in 133–134, 134n107, 144, 149n197, 224
informal first person in 270n296
peasants on cotton 135n113
settlers on Indigenous 139
specialists for 89–90, 90n167
Tashkent with enclave and 121, 121nn26–27
Tomsky in post-tsarist 41–42
Turkestan and 122–123, 122nn29–30, 124, 124n46, 125–126, 125n51
Turkestan settlers from 138–140, 138nn130–132, 140n141
vodka and 349n222
Russian chauvinism 155, 169
Lenin on 128–129, 128n76, 147, 150–151, 150n210
Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDRP)
newspaper of 23, 23n74
Tomskaya in 32, 37
Tomsky and Congress of 24–25, 24n79, 28
Turkestan Commission and 117n3
Unity Congress by 22–23, 22n71
Ryazanov, David
Central Committee on 108–110, 108n291, 109n293, 112–113, 112n314
on Constituent Assembly 63n18
Fourth Trade-Union Conference and 328
image of 109
Lenin on 110–111, 111n300
as Marxist scholar 113n315, 329nn92–93
Tomsky and 110, 328–329
for trade unions 60, 65–66, 68, 71n65, 78
VTsSPS and 108–110
Rykov, Alexei 32, 83n128, 215, 352n244
on Bogdanov 31
on British war scare 252–254, 252n192
on compulsory labour 95n196
execution of 380
image of 90, 217, 230, 249
on Lenin 31, 42n185, 98, 99n225
moderation by 57, 57n275, 236–237
Molotov on 278, 286
1929 Central Committee and 309–310, 310n188
1936 Central Committee Plenum on 360–361, 361n290
as not erased 56n269
on peasantry 241n135
Politburo and 159n255, 228, 319n30
popularity of 4n13
resignation by 63n18, 293–294
Right Deviationists and 1
on Shakhty Affair 269–270, 269n285, 273–274
Sixteenth Party Congress on 316
on Sokolnikov 379n402
on Stalin 58, 245, 255n203, 265–267, 286, 292
Stalinists on 310–311
Stalin on 310
Tomsky and 7, 13n13, 358n282
on Tomsky suicide 377–379, 377nn390–391, 379n407, 380n409
on trade unions 104
on Trotsky 255n203
Trotsky on 228n62
university and 36n151
as VSNKh head 84, 91–92
warnings to 35n10, 315n8
on worker management 91–92, 92n178
Yagoda and 339n153
on Zinoviev and Kamenev 54n255
Ryskulov, Turar 128, 128n74
Ryutin, Martemian
on Stalin 340–341, 340n160, 341n161, 341n164
on United Opposition 340nn158–159
Ryutin Platform 339n156, 341n164, 341n166
OGPU on 341, 341n165
Stalinists on 340–341, 343, 345–346, 345n191, 346n193, 350
on Stalin removal 341–342
Tomsky and 339–341, 344n182, 346n194, 347–348
Safarov, Georgy
Bolshevik history of 136, 136n122
on class tensions 145, 145n173
image of 137
Joffe on land reform and 147–148, 148n191
on kulaks 137, 137n124, 140–142, 147–148, 155n229
on land reform 139–143, 145, 155n229
Lenin on 146, 146n183, 154–155
as ruthless 137–140, 142–143, 142n156, 148, 266
on self-determination 136–137
Sokolnikov on 154
Stalin on 147
on Tashkent 124, 127, 137n124, 142
Tomsky on 116, 136–138, 144–146, 158
War Communism and 148
Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail 167, 167n308
Second Congress of Trade Unions 74, 76n93, 78–79, 79n111
self-criticism campaign
by Stalin 274, 284n27
against Tomsky 274, 284–285, 284n27, 346–350, 355, 357, 366–367
Seventeenth Party Congress 343n179, 346n195, 357, 357n276, 358n278
Seventh Trade-Union Congress 240, 248
Shakhty Affair 156n237
Germans in 277n338
interrogations in 268, 268n280, 268nn283–284
investigation in 269–271, 270n292, 270n294, 272n308, 272n311
newspapers on 267–277, 277n336, 277n339
OGPU on 267–274, 267n278, 268n284, 271n299, 277n336, 277n340
Pravda on engineers and 269
Rykov on 269–270, 269n285, 273–274
as Stalinist show trial 276–278
Tomsky and 215, 267, 270–273, 271n304, 272n311, 273n314, 275, 275n327, 276n335, 386
town of 267n277
trade unions and specialists in 222
trial on 273, 275–277, 275n331
Vyshinsky as judge and 277, 277n338, 277n340
see also specialists
Shelekhes, Yakov 156, 156n240
Shlyapnikov, Alexander 24n77
on arbitration or strikes 226n50
biography on 3n12
on Central Committee 88n159
Central Committee on 113n317, 114n323
Europe emigration by 21n63, 33
Great Purge on 352n248, 355n260, 362–363
image of 82
nepotism and 78n105
on Tomsky 104–105, 111, 111n306, 113–115
Tomsky and 85n139, 96n207, 99n224, 113, 220, 227n50, 261n236, 363, 363n301, 383
Tomsky on 85n139, 87–88, 110
trade unions and 65–66, 71, 78, 78n106, 83n129, 84–85, 87, 114
on Trotsky 229n64
VTsSPS and 78n107, 99, 110
‘Workers’ Opposition’ head as 5, 10n2, 59, 62, 87–88, 88n159, 102, 104–105, 107, 111, 220
Yezhov and 364n309
Shmidt, Vasily
accusations on 343, 347–348, 352
as Commissar of Labour 42, 78, 223n35, 281–282, 293, 339n156
rightist support by 294
Stalinists on 293, 293n83
Tomsky replaced by 111
trade unions and 42, 78, 223n35, 281–282, 293, 339n156
show trials
of Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites 361–365, 363n304, 363n306, 365n310
as first major 276n333, 361
by Kaganovich 361n293
on Kamenev 361–362, 362nn295–296
new Soviet Constitution before 361
on ‘palace coup’ and Tomsky 288n55, 339–340, 339nn152–156, 358n278
Shakhty trial as 276–278
Sokolnikov and 361, 361n291, 363, 379nn402–403
of Tomsky deceased 361–362, 362nn295–296
Tomsky without 314
Trotskyists in second 379n403
on Zinoviev 361–362, 361n293
Siberia exile
as criminal 40–41
distrust in 39, 39n168
imprisonment in 6, 10, 16, 20–21, 33–40, 37nn155–156, 43
Kanatchikov in 40, 40n173
in Kirensk 37–41, 41n180
location choice in 36, 36n151
as political 38, 38n161, 39–41, 39n166
spouses joining 36–38, 37nn159–160, 38n164
Tomsky to 20–21, 20nn57–58, 36–40
Sixteenth Party Congress
Bubnov at 332n113
demoralization at 318, 340
during forced collectivisation 315
during industrialisation 315
on Rightists 311
Tomsky after 319–321, 354
Tomsky humiliation at 315–316, 329, 337
on trade unions 304n151, 316n11
Sixth Trade-Union Congress 184–185, 184n83, 185nn88–89, 186, 239
Smilga, Ivar 256, 256n206, 258, 329n96
Smirnov, Alexander (Foma) 290, 339
Smirnov, Vasily
purging of 356n267
Stalinists on 342–345, 347–348, 363
on Tomsky 42n185
Tomsky defending 351, 356, 356n266, 363
Smirnov-Eismont-Tolmachev group 342, 345, 349–350, 355
smychka (alliance) 279, 285n33, 286, 310, 351, 351n235
Socialist Realism 326n78, 327
Sokolnikov, Grigory
Bukharin and Rykov on 379n402
Lenin and 153n222
1926 purge of 246
as Old Bolshevik 153n222
on Safarov 154
show trial and 361, 361n291, 363, 379nn402–403
Stalin and 242, 242n139, 246, 287n45
Tomsky and 363
Turkestan Commission and 117n3, 153–154, 153n218, 153n221
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 371
Soviet state
on Basmachi guerrillas 127, 131
Basmachi guerrillas as anti- 126, 130
on British general strike 196–197, 212, 296n149
British Labour government on 176
British on 191n121, 192
factory nationalizations by 70n58
foreign policy of 170n2
on kulaks 144, 240, 266
on mass demonstrations 51–52
Muslim opinions on 128
on Muslim religion 129–131, 129nn84–85, 130n88
new Constitution of 361
on Orthodox Church 129n84
on Russian settlers 140, 140n141, 140n149, 143–144
on Stalin 255n204
of Tashkent 122–123, 126, 126n61, 126n63
Tomsky and 1–2, 2n6, 59
specialists 214–215, 233, 269, 385
Central Committee on 98
Central Committee Plenum on 275, 275n331
Eleventh Party Congress on 221, 221n23
informal first person used by 270n296
Lenin on 90–91
Russia need of 89–90, 90n167
Rykov on 91–92, 92n178
Stalin on 273, 275n330
Tomsky on 86, 89–90, 222, 270, 274–275, 386–387
wage disparities for 223
workers on 72, 84, 221–222, 267–268, 270–271, 271n299, 271n303
as ‘wreckers’ 273–274
see also Shakhty Affair
Stalin, Joseph
Alliluyeva as wife and 237–238, 238nn116–118, 342, 342n169
Andreev and 204n202, 266n265, 275, 279, 289
on British trade unions 188, 188nn106–107, 200–201, 201n175
on British war scare 252–254, 252n192
on Bukharin 242n137, 310, 319
Bukharin on 265–267, 286, 290–291, 290n70, 319, 379–380
on Central Committee delegates 111, 111n301
Central Committee for 294
at Central Committee plenum, April 1928 273–274
on Chamberlain 253–254, 253n198
on collective leadership 245, 265, 341n163, 387
on collectivisation 264, 264n251, 287n42, 317n16, 337–338, 344–345, 365n320, 388
on confessions 361n292
dark side of 237–239, 238n114, 239n122, 265, 387
on famine 344, 344n184
Fourteenth Party Conference and 243n141
as General Secretary 159, 159n258
as ‘high-functioning psychopath’ 345n190
images of 80, 217, 230, 247
Kaganovich and 204, 267, 295, 303
Kalinin and 280n3, 288, 288n54
Kamenev on 159n258, 244–245, 245n155, 279
Komsomol of Leningrad and 244, 283–284
on Komsomolskaia Pravda 284–285, 284n23, 296, 302
on kulaks 265–266, 266n266, 337
land reform and 155n236
Lenin on 235–236, 235n99
on Lenin Testament 236, 236n101
on moderates 255, 267, 279, 387
moderates on 254–255, 255n202
on Muslim religion 130n88
NEP and 267, 279, 280–281, 317
on non-party writing 328, 328n87
office space and 68n48
Old Bolsheviks and 5n14, 236, 273–274, 297, 336n130, 373
opposition to 335–337, 335n129, 336n130, 338n147, 340n157
on Orgburo 157n246
‘palace coup’ against 288, 288n55, 339–340, 358n278
on pan-Islamism 128n70
on peasantry 286, 286n39
on peasants and agriculture 263–264, 264n254
on peasants and extraordinary measures 215, 278, 287n42
Politburo and 342, 342n172
political skills of 386–387
Pospelov on 359n285
purges of 320, 366n320, 388
radical positions of 264–265
on Right Deviationists 282n15, 293–294, 310n194, 316–317, 358
Rudzutak for 288
Rykov and 58, 245, 255n203, 265–267, 286, 292, 310
Ryutin on 340–341, 340n160, 341n161, 341n164
Ryutin Platform on 341–342
on Safarov 147
seamstress mother of 12, 12n11
self-criticism campaign by 274, 284n27
on Socialist Realism 326n78
Soviet party leaders on 255n204
Stalinists removed by 294n92
Thirteenth Party Congress and 312, 312n205
Tomskaya and 237–239
against Tomsky 255n201, 274–275, 283–284, 286, 288–289, 288n50, 294, 294n93, 310–311, 315, 315n5, 386
Tomsky and 3, 8, 32n126, 58, 215, 236–239, 245, 245n156, 279
Tomsky and potential assassination of 366, 366n318
as Tomsky friend, former ally 1, 237–239, 283, 333n123, 367
Tomsky on 253–255, 265–266, 279, 289nn62–63, 292, 335n129, 358, 380
on Tomsky suicide 369, 369n333, 379
on trade unions 282, 294
troika including 227–228, 228n57
on Trotsky 237
Trotsky on 252n189, 255n204
at Twelfth Party Congress 155
on United Opposition 256, 256n212
United Oppositionists on 253n197
Voroshilov for 248, 288
War Communism copied by 265–266
Yaroslavsky for 259
Stalin, Svetlana (daughter) 165, 238, 342n169, 375, 375n372
on Bukharin 310–311
economics by 388
at Eighth Trade-Union Congress 282, 295, 309, 386
entrapment by 330, 330nn102–103, 341n161
on families 374, 374n364
fear by 343, 345
grain hunting by 266nn265–266
group against 280, 280n3
at January 1933 Central Committee plenum 350–351
Kalinin as 248, 288, 288n51
over Rightists 280, 280n1
on ‘palace coup’ 288n55, 339–340, 339nn152–156, 358n278
Politburo for 295–296, 302
Politburo with anti- 280, 280n3
on Right Deviationists 280, 280n1, 310, 358n279
on Rykov 310–311
on Ryutin Platform 340–341, 343, 345–346, 345n191, 346n193, 350
on Shmidt 293, 293n83
on Smirnov, V 342–345, 347–348, 363
Stalin removing 294n92
on Tomsky 263, 263n248, 279, 291–292, 307, 310–311, 348–349
Tomsky on 351
on Tomsky suicide 369, 369n333
on trade unions 297n118, 312–313
trade unions on 311n199
on VTsSPS 318–319
on VTsSPS Presidium 302, 302nn147–148
Stalinist show trial see show trial
State Depository of Precious Metals and Precious Stones 156, 156n238, 156n240
statification of trade unions 64–66, 66n31, 66n34, 96
Lenin for 77–78, 111
Platform of the Ten on 99, 104
Stepanova, Varvara 334–335, 335n128
St. Petersburg Committee 31n118, 43
St. Petersburg industrial complex 11n6, 22, 22n70
Britain on sympathy 210n241
Citrine on 197–198, 203–204
First Trade-Union Congress on 67
German trade unions failure by 174–175, 175n24
of 1926 249–250, 250n173
Shlyapnikov on 226n50
trade unions and 14, 14nn17–18, 78–79
see also British general strike; right to strike
Subotsky, Lev 331–332, 332n104
by Alliluyeva 342
Bukharin on 378
Great Purges and 371, 371n351
by Tomsky 1, 3, 56n265, 167n304, 168, 334, 358, 360n288, 364–372, 376–377, 379–380, 389
Supreme Council of the Economy (VSNKh) 68n48, 269n285, 285n33, 286
production and 72, 72nn72–73
Tomsky on 321
syndicalism 26n93, 80n114
Barmine and 120–121, 120n19, 121nn22–23
food from 133–134, 133nn107–108, 133nn110–111
irrigation structures in 135–136, 135n119
Lenin on 133–134, 134nn110–111
Moscow and 117n3
Muslims of 119, 121–130, 132, 136, 139, 141–142, 145–147, 149–151, 153, 155, 168
population of 123n35
with Russian enclave 121, 121nn26–27
Safarov on 124, 127, 137n124, 142
scientists and scholars of 132, 132nn98–99
Soviet of 122–123, 126, 126n61, 126n63
Soviet on Indigenous population 122–126, 123n38, 124nn41–42, 125n49, 125n51
Tomsky on military and 133
Tomsky on NEP and 129, 129n80
Tomsky Russian chauvinism on 119, 130
Tomsky sent to 117, 120–122, 384
on trade unions 120n21
Turkestan and 121
weather in 122, 122n28
see also Indigenous population
Tenth Party Congress 110n294, 157
Fourth Trade-Union Conference and 106, 113
Kronstadt and 103
on lifestyles 161n267
Molotov at 113
Rudzutak at 117n4
Tomsky and 104, 107n286
trade-union debate at 100, 104, 113
on Workers’ Opposition 105–106, 106n274
Krupskaya and 235nn98–99, 236
of Lenin 235–236, 235nn97–98
Pravda and 236
Stalin on Lenin 236, 236n101
Tomsky on 235, 310
Trotsky on 236n104, 236n106
Third Congress of the Profintern 179–181
Thirteenth Party Congress 114n323
Lenin Testament and 236, 236n102
Stalin and 312, 312n205
Tomsky and 240n133
Thomas, Jimmy 178, 192, 198–199, 203n190, 329n92
of IFTU 198n158, 198n160
Tolmachev, Vladimir 342–343, 345, 349–350, 355
Tomskaya, Maria Ivanovna
death of 374n366
description of 35–36
exile joined by 37–38, 37n159
on illegitimate child 189, 189n112
imprisonment of 33, 36
Khrushchev on 374
necklace for 168, 188–189
NKVD on 367
as RSDRP member 32, 37
Stalin and 237–239
on Tomsky imprisonment 35
Tomsky marriage with 15, 20, 162
on Tomsky suicide 367
work by 163–164
Yagoda implicated by 367, 368n326, 368n328
Yezhov and 367, 372, 374n364
Tomsky, Mikhail
Artamonov, alias of 29n107
biography of 117, 117n2
capitulation and death of 315
charisma of 4–5, 58
descriptions of 34–35, 37, 120–121, 165, 165n295, 173, 183, 186, 188
family of 1, 3, 21, 121–122, 158–162, 161nn269–271, 162n272, 238, 373–376, 373n362, 375n370
funeral and burial of 370, 370nn344–346
health of 52–53, 69, 69n57, 195, 304–305, 304n157, 305n159, 321–322, 321n43, 322n52, 322nn48–49, 324–325, 324n67, 325n68, 333, 349n221, 358, 358n282, 380
images of 46, 64, 80, 88, 90, 152, 162, 182, 189, 217, 247, 249, 260, 335, 360
personal archive of 3–4, 3n12
public speaking by 1, 4, 18, 58, 81n118, 186, 263, 348–349, 351, 354
residence of 372, 372n356, 372nn358–359
temperament of 5–6, 16, 16n28
youth of 10–14, 20n50, 381–382
see also specific subjects
Tomsky, Yury 364, 375–376, 376n375
Trade-Union Commission 98–99, 99n221, 176n33
trade-union debate
Bolshevik Party on 114
at Ninth Party Congress 95n202
at Tenth Party Congress 100, 104, 113
Tomsky in 59–60, 383
trade unions 222
Anglo-Russian Committee on British and Soviet 1, 185–186, 187n100, 206n211, 208, 210–211
bargaining by 220, 220n17
benefits for 250–251, 250n177
Bolshevik Party and 21–22, 25n83, 27, 27n95, 61, 79–80
Central Committee on 98–99, 190, 190n119
during Civil War 74–75, 80
with class solidarity and class consciousness 21, 21n65
collegiality and 84n133, 85, 92n178
Comintern and forged ‘letter’ of 191–192, 192n123
comradely courts of 71–72, 71n68
Congresses, lack of 312n203
congresses of 62–65, 62n14, 63nn19–20, 65n25
cost accounting and 219–220
at Eighth Trade-Union Congress 282
factory committees and 44–45, 67–68, 67n42, 68n44
IFTU on Russian 184–185
independence of 73–74, 73n76, 74n79–81, 158, 217–218
Kanatchikov and 21
on Komsomol of Leningrad 284–285
legalization and creation of 21–22, 21n64
membership in 30nn113–114, 70n60
Mensheviks in 21–22, 26n93, 76
Moscow Soviet of 62, 68n49
negotiations for 223, 223nn31–33
during NEP 216, 220–221, 220n21, 223, 282
1928 autonomy and power for 281
office space and 69n50
on one-man management 83–84, 83n131, 84n133, 84n135
on output norms 239–240, 388
of Politburo 301–302, 301n141
Politburo for 285
Purcell on Russian 185, 185n89, 257
Red Army recruits by 70, 74–75, 75nn85–86
Ryazanov for 60, 65–66, 68, 71n65, 78
Shlyapnikov and 65–66, 71, 78, 78n106, 83n129, 84–85, 87, 114
Shmidt and 42, 78, 223n35, 281–282, 293, 339n156
Sixteenth Party Congress on 304n151, 316n11
skilled and unskilled workers of 14–15
on Stalinists 311n199
Stalinists on 297n118, 312–313
Stalin on 282, 294
statification of 64–66, 66n31, 66n34, 77–78, 96, 99, 111
St. Petersburg industrial complex and 22, 22n70
strikes and 14, 14n17, 78–79
subsidies and 219n12
Tashkent on 120n21
Tomsky and publishing 8–9, 14, 14n20, 14n22, 15–16
Tomsky and strike by 14, 14n18
Tomsky heading 1–3, 4n15, 7, 20, 20n49, 21–22, 68, 71n66, 72–73, 106, 117, 216, 226, 259, 259n226, 281–282, 388
Tomsky missed by 338
Tomsky on 30, 63–66, 65n25, 67n38, 67n40, 70, 87–88, 91–94, 114, 161, 385
Tomsky resignation of 293–294
Trotsky on 60, 62n11, 81–83, 94, 175, 228nn60–61
Tsektran on 94–95, 94n193, 95n199
TUC on assistance and 197–198, 198n156
United Opposition and support within 257
on VSNKh 286
VTsSPS 283
VTsSPS on independence and 73–74, 73n76, 74n79–81, 78, 218
wages and 223–224, 224n36, 224n39, 240n130
workday reductions for 259–260, 259n226, 260n232
workers and 70, 164n283, 214
Yaroslavsky on 307–308, 308n181
Zinoviev on 51n234, 63–64, 66n36, 68
transliteration 9
Trilisser, Meer 339n153
of Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev 227–228, 228n57
Tomsky joining 228–229
on Trotsky 228, 228n58, 229n71, 230–232, 230nn72–73
Trotsky on 231, 231n76
Trotsky, Leon
on Anglo-Russian Committee 209
on anti-Stalinists 280–281
autobiography by 3n11
books on 314n3
on British trade unions 188, 188nn106–107
Central Committee on 256n208, 258–259, 258n223, 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
clothes of 165n295
‘Declaration of the 46’ for 232–233, 232nn84–86
on democracy 232, 232n80
Frunze on 159, 159n253
image of 88, 217, 227, 254
Kamenev on 233
Kanatchikov on 229
Kuibyshev on 263n249
for labour militarization 27, 81–83, 83n126, 89n161, 94–95, 97–98, 100, 114, 175, 232–233, 381
on labour militarization and Central Committee 81–83
Lenin and 227, 227n56
after Lenin death 233, 233n88, 233n92
on ‘nominating from above’ and ‘trade-union debate’ 231–232
as Old Bolshevik 3n11
on one-man management 89, 94
oppositional letters by 231–232, 232n82
on Platform of the Four 242–243, 243n142
Politburo and 228–229, 228n58, 248n163, 252
on railways 94
Rykov and 228n62, 255n203
on ‘scissors crisis’ 232, 232n81
second show trial and 379n403
Shlyapnikov on 229n64
on Stalin 252n189, 255n204
Stalin on 237
on Testament 236n104, 236n106
on Tomsky 5, 10, 18, 51, 96, 97n211, 100, 102, 104–105, 114, 210, 318, 318n25, 383
Tomsky opposition to 7–8, 60, 85, 94, 96, 96n207, 97, 100, 159, 214–215, 263n249
on Tomsky suicide note 366
on trade unions 60, 62n11, 81–83, 94, 175, 228nn60–61
on troika 231, 231n76
troika on 228, 228n58, 229n71, 230–232, 230nn72–73
for Tsektran expansion 96
at Twelfth Party Congress 228, 230n72
as United Opposition leader 200, 251–252, 251n184
VTsSPS on 97, 99–100
for War Communism 96, 96n206
wife of 164n281
workers on 103
Yaroslavsky on 259
for Zinoviev 202n182, 233
Zinovievite Opposition and 362–363, 365
tsarist regime
abdication of 40, 40n172
Academy of Science from 329, 329n95
Bolshevik Party after 42–43, 43n190
on child labor 13n14
economic decline in 61n10
1905 Revolution on 196n149
political trials of 34, 34n138
on Pravda 51
Red Army and 86n152
on Social-Democratic movement 16–17
Tomsky and political police of 10, 20, 29, 29nn107–108, 382
on Turkestan Indigenous population 124, 124n46
on worker discontents 18n41
see also imprisonment
Tsektran see Joint Central Transport Committee
Tsvetaeva, Marina 167n304, 371n354
TUC see British Trades Union Congress
cotton in 122–123, 126, 126n57, 129, 134n111, 135–136, 135n113, 135n118, 139n135
famine in 125–126, 126n57, 149n197
Kaganovich to 120n19
land reform results in 139–142, 142nn153–154, 148–149, 149n197, 155
Lenin on 126–127, 133–134
as place of exile 119n8
recall from 117
RSDRP and Commission on 117n3
Rudzutak as Bureau head and 117, 127
Russia and 122–123, 122nn29–30, 124, 124n46, 125–126, 125n51
Russian chauvinism on 128, 150, 155, 169
Russia settlers to 138–140, 138nn130–132, 140n141
Tashkent and 121
Tomsky sent to 114–116, 116n1, 118–120, 153
trips to 120, 120n19
see also Tashkent
Turkestan Commission
on bride price 131
on cotton 135
creation of 127, 127n66, 128
Kaganovich and 127
on requisitioning 129, 132
Sokolnikov and 117n3, 153–154, 153n218, 153n221
Tomsky chairing 117, 117n3
Twelfth Party Congress 229n71, 231n74
Stalin at 155
Tomsky and 231, 240n133
Trotsky at 228, 230n72
Udalov, A.I 332, 354–355
Uglanov, Nikolai 278, 363
expelling and execution of 293n81, 346, 346nn194–195
as Moscow party boss 282, 340n158
undermining of 292–293, 292n80, 293n83
Ulyanova, Maria 311
unemployment 248, 248n167
under NEP 224–225, 225n42, 225nn44–45
of youth 298–299, 298nn125–126
United Opposition
on Anglo-Russian Committee 207–208
Bukharin and 55n257, 208
as crushed 215, 260–261, 292
Fifteenth Party Conference on 261–262, 274
Great Purges on 314
as Left 389
Old Bolsheviks on 251n184
Right Deviationists and 362
Ryutin on 340nn158–159
Seventeenth Party Congress capitulation by 357n276
on Stalin 253n197
Stalin on 256, 256n212
Tomsky and 207–208, 215, 251–252, 255–256, 255n205, 257–258, 279, 385
on trade-union support 257
as Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev 200, 251–252, 251n184
VTsSPS and 257, 257n215, 258n218
Voinov, N.I 358–359, 359n283
Voroshilov, Kliment 25n88, 248, 288, 351–352, 352n242
VSNKh see Supreme Council of the Economy
VTsIK see All-Russian Central Executive Committee
VTsSPS see All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions
VTsSPS Presidium
Kaganovich on 302
Radek and 86, 108, 303n150
Stalinists on 302, 302nn147–148
Vyshinsky, Andrei 277, 277n338, 277n340
First Five-Year Plan with falling 283n16, 283n19
levels of 248n168, 251
Seventh Trade-Union Congress on 248
for specialists 223
Tomsky on 240
trade unions negotiation of 223–224, 224n36, 224n39, 240n130
VTsSPS on 249, 249n170
War Communism
on production and workers 219, 221–222, 250, 266, 325n72
Safarov and 148
Stalin copying 265–266
Tomsky against 129, 225–226
Trotsky for 96, 96n206
war scare
on British 252–254, 252n192
peasantry on 254, 264, 264n251
White Armies 74, 79n110, 346
workdays 259–260, 259n226, 260n232
Worker-Peasant Theatre Administration 163–164, 164n281
Bolshevik Party and 27, 61
as compulsory 95n196
economic demonstrations by 103, 103n252, 103n254, 103n256
education for 23, 23n73
Eighth Party Congress and control by 79
as industrial managers 220, 220n18
Kanatchikov, Bukharin, Tomsky on 16, 16nn29–30
Kanatchikov as 13–14, 14n19, 15, 15n25, 23
in labour armies 27, 81–83, 83n123, 83n126, 83n129, 86, 97, 105, 114, 232–233, 381
in Moscow 55
Murphy, J., on 232n86
Narkomtrud for 222–224, 223n35
Ninth Party Congress resolution on 92, 92n182, 95n202
one-man management and 83–84, 83n131, 84n133, 84n135
on output norms 239–240, 388
party newspaper for 43–44, 43n195
RKK on 250, 250n175
Rykov on management and 91–92, 92n178
Tomsky for 279
trade unions and 70, 164n283, 214
tsarist regime on 18n41
War Communism on 219, 221–222, 250, 266, 325n72
on youth 299–300, 299nn130–131
Zinoviev on 51n234, 63–64, 66n36, 68
see also specialists
Workers’ Opposition
for democratization and trade unions 96, 101
on economy management 87–88, 101
on Point Five at Eighth Party Congress 79–80
Shlyapnikov heading 5, 10n2, 59, 62, 87–88, 88n159, 102, 104–105, 107, 111, 220
Tenth Party Congress on 105–106, 106n274
Tomsky and 220, 220n20
Yagoda, Genrikh
arrest and execution of 368, 368n327, 368n331
Bukharin on 364n309
image of 291
OGPU and NKVD headed by 290, 329n96, 339, 367–368
on Rightists 339, 367n324
Rykov and 339n153
show trial on 365
Tomskaya implicating 367, 368n326, 368n328
Tomsky implicated by 337n134, 339, 367–368
Yezhov on 368, 368n330
Yaroslavsky, Emelyan 259, 304, 307–308, 308n181, 346
Yevdokimov, Yefim 268, 268n281, 277n342
Yezhov, Nikolai
depositions by 359n285
Old Bolsheviks on 364, 364n309
on ‘palace coup’ 339n155
Shlyapnikov and 364n309
Tomskaya and 367, 372, 374n364
on Tomsky 368, 370n346, 371, 376
Tomsky suicide and 364, 364n309
on Yagoda 368, 368n330
Zinoviev, Grigory
on Anglo-Russian Committee 186–187, 200–201
biography on 1n4
Central Committee on 259, 261–262, 261n234, 261n236, 261n238
as Comintern president 180
execution of 379, 379n406
forged trade union ‘letter’ of 191–192, 192n123
image of 217, 230, 254
on Lenin 50, 236
1926 purge and 246
as not erased 56n269
Politburo and 252
popularity lack by 4n13, 180, 180n57
at Seventeenth Party Congress 346n195
show trial on 361–362, 361n293
on Stalin 159n258
St. Petersburg and 24n77
on Tomsky 22, 180, 200–201
Tomsky and 359, 359n284, 361–363, 365, 367
Tomsky on 63–66, 181, 215, 243n143, 367
as Trade-Union Commission chair 98–99, 99n221, 176n33
troika including 227–228, 228n57
Trotsky and 202n182, 233
on unions and workers 51n234, 63–64, 66n36, 68
as United Opposition leader 200, 251–252, 251n184
Zinovievite Opposition 7, 155n229, 194, 243, 246
Trotsky and 362–363, 365
  • Collapse
  • Expand