
1.1 Percent of smokers who had ever smoked 100 cigarettes by age 21

1.2 Rate ratio for Illinois lung cancer-related outcomes for Black related to Non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics related to Non-Hispanic Whites 22

2.1 Cluster plot for 11 indicators of lung cancer mortality across 27 countries 37

2.2 Lung cancer clustering results presented on the map of Europe 42

2.A Cluster dendrogram based on hierarchical clustering 51

3.1 Incidence of reported cases of zoonotic foodborne diseases in the United States, 2010–2019 65

5.1 Relationship between the amount of treatment and the total costs of treatment and health benefits 107

5.2 Economic interpretation of the use of personalized medicine in the cost-effectiveness table 113

6.1 H2020 health, demographic change and wellbeing projects, by European Union country, completed and ongoing, data for period ended December 2020 129

6.2 Input and output analysis of H2020 health, demographic change and wellbeing projects, data for period ended December 2020 134

6.3 Holistic assessment of H2020 Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Societal Challenge 138

7.1 Bank locations (2018) and population density for US census tracts 151

7.2 Bank density quantiles at different measurement radii (in miles) 152

7.3 Bank density versus population density (2-mile measurement radius) 153

7.4 Mean deprivation values, “bank desert” vs. non-desert bock groups 157

8.1 Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure) 169

9.1 The structure of medical exports by four main product groups in 2018 and 2020 187

9.2 Revealed comparative advantages for trade of COVID-related pharmaceuticals: selected top exporters compared in 2019–2020 190


1.1 Mortality hazard ratios for patients diagnosed with breast cancer across six zip code income and education categories 12

1.2 Cox regression results for all cause mortality for patients diagnosed with breast cancer 13

1.3 Illinois state cancer registry data on lung and bronchus cancer incidence, mortality and stage at diagnosis by race and ethnicity 19

1.4 Average annual rates per 10,000 for hospital admissions, lung resection procedures and low dose CT screening for Illinois residents coded as having lung cancer (2016–2018) 19

2.1 Cluster means for 11 indications and lung cancer mortality 38

2.A1 Cluster analysis data by country 49

2.A2 Multiple linear regression results for normalized lung cancer mortality 51

3.1 Summary of important zoonotic foodborne bacteria 55

3.2 Reported cases of zoonotic foodborne diseases in the United States, 2010–2019 63

4.1 Characteristics of theoretical healthcare models 78

4.2 The characteristics of healthcare systems of the selected developed countries 81

4.3 Rankings of healthcare systems and their effectiveness 90

6.1 Horizon 2020 and H2020 health, demographic change and wellbeing projects in numbers – data for period ended December 2020 128

6.2 Key performance indicators for H2020 societal challenges set by the European Union 131

6.3 Methodology of data collection for the assessment of H2020 health projects completed by December 2020 132

6.4 Efficiency indicators for H2020 health, demographic change and wellbeing projects, data for period ended December 2020 136

6.5 Description of the steps to be followed in holistic assessment, operationalization of the indicators, method applied 139

7.1 Summary statistics for bank densities and deprivation index 153

7.2 Population, area, and population density by tract group 154

7.3 Bank density at lower quantiles within density deciles and at different radii 155

7.4 Lower quantile bank densities for tracts located in Chicago (N = 781) 155

7.5 Summary for “banking desert” thresholds for selected population densities 156

7.6 Statistics for regression errors and “bank deserts” at different radii 157

8.1 Current health expenditure, 2000–2018 167

8.2 Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP) 168

8.3 Risk of catastrophic expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk) 171

8.4 Export market share: pharmaceutical industry 172

8.5 Number of patents in the biotechnology sector – applications filed under the PCT (priority year) per billion GDP (constant prices, constant exchange rates, OECD base year) 173

9.1 Top ten exporters of medical products in 2019 188

9.2 RCA index for four groups of medical goods trade of top 10 world’s exporters, 2019 189

9.3 Trade Intensity Index (TTI) for medical goods: selected top exporter compared, 2019 190

9.4 Trade Intensity Index for bilateral trade of pharmaceuticals: selected top medical exporters compared, 2019 191

10.1 Main statistics for analyzed indexes and companies 202

10.2 Correlation coefficients between WIG20TR return and examined entities 204

10.3 Performance measures for companies and indexes in 02 January 2017– 23 February 2020 205

10.4 Performance measures for companies and indexes from 24 February 2020 to 15 March 2020 206

10.5 Performance measures for companies and indexes in the period 16 March 2020 to 13 June 2021 207

10.6 Performance measures for companies and indexes in 2 January 2017– 13 June 2021 208

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