Note on Translation and Transliteration

In: Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ
David Bertaina
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Note on Translation and Transliteration

Arabic words, terms, names, and titles of books are transliterated according to the method of The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (EI3). Technical terms in Arabic are all italicized apart from common terms (e.g., Qurʾan, hadith, sura). The tāʾ marbūṭa is written as ‘-a’ (e.g., sura) without the -h on the ending. Biblical names are translated using their English forms and Islamic names are transliterated using their Arabic forms. The Qurʾan is listed by sura chapter and verse (e.g., Q 3:42).

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Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ

The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam

Series:  Arabic Christianity, Volume: 4