
In: Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ
David Bertaina
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I am grateful to the individuals and institutions who have collaborated with me to make this book possible. The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library at Saint John’s University provided me with a digital copy of the Sbath/Salem manuscript. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris gave me time to study their manuscript. In addition, this book could not have been completed without the institutional support of the University of Illinois Springfield. I would like to thank the United States Fulbright Commission for their Scholar Program, which awarded me research time in Spain in order to work on the completion of this book. The University of Córdoba, and my colleague there Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, helped me to develop and disseminate this research to an international audience. Thank you to publishers for permission to use material from earlier articles in the introduction. The Arabic manuscript collation, digital formatting, and translation were aided in part by the valuable assistance of Naglaa Hamdi Boutros, Nathan Gibson, Ayman Ibrahim, Azza Mohammed, and Christian Sahner. My graduate students in “Qurʾan to Crusades” at the University of Illinois Springfield analyzed the introduction and translation. The University of Notre Dame’s Medieval Institute hosted a workshop where participants – including Gabriel Reynolds, Rita George-Tvrtković, Kate Perl, Andrea Castonguay, and others – greatly improved some of my arguments. I would like to especially thank the Director, Tom Burman, who helped me as I made connections between the Arabic text and its literary afterlife in Latin. I benefited from conversations and suggestions from Sally Adel, Omar Anchassi, Wadi Awad, Mark Beaumont, Monica Blanchard, Aaron Butts, Elie Dannaoui, Stephen Davis, Sidney Griffith, Andrew Hayes, Bert Jacobs, Sandra Keating, Michael Pritchard, Aslisho Qurboniev, Mark Swanson, Mourad Takawi, Shawqi Talia, Jack Tannous, David Thomas, Charles Tieszen, Clare Wilde, Jason Zaborowski, peer reviewers, and many others. The editorial process with Arabic Christian Texts and Studies, and its series editor Alexander Treiger, greatly improved the content of this book. I am thankful to the librarians across the country who procured many publications for me. My colleagues in the History Department provided me with steadfast support during the research and writing process. Most importantly, I am grateful to Cheryl, Joseph, and Anna, who lightened my heart at stressful times and continue to bring me joy.

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Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ

The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam

Series:  Arabic Christianity, Volume: 4