Sarah Albiez-Wieck
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1 The corregimiento Cajamarca with its provinces Huambos, Cajamarca and Huamachuco. Figure: Stangl, Werner. 2020. “Basemaps of Spanish American Jurisdictions (1701, 1725, 1750, 1775, 1787, 1800, 1808): Harvard Dataverse, V1.” With permission by Werner Stangl 52
2 The Intendencia de Trujillo. Figure: Stangl, Werner. 2020. “Basemaps of Intendencias (1775, 1787, 1800, 1808): Harvard Dataverse, V1.” With permission by Werner Stangl 53
3 The Spanish province of Michoacán. Figure: Stangl, Werner. 2020. “Basemaps of Spanish American Jurisdictions (1701, 1725, 1750, 1775, 1787, 1800, 1808): Harvard Dataverse, V1.” With permission by Werner Stangl 58
4 The archbishopric of Michoacán. Figure: Stangl, Werner. “Basemaps of Spanish American Bishoprics (1701, 1725, 1750, 1775, 1787, 1800, 1808): Harvard Dataverse, V2.” With permission by Werner Stangl 59
5 The Intendencia de Valladolid. Figure: Stangl, Werner. 2020. “Basemaps of Intendencias (1775, 1787, 1800, 1808): Harvard Dataverse, V1.” With permission by Werner Stangl 61
6 Development of the numbers of tributaries (men) in the province of Cajamarca and the alcaldía/subdelegación of Michoacán throughout the colonial period (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 65
7 Summary of the most relevant dates for colonial obligations in Peru. Figure elaborated by the author (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 75
8 Summary of the most relevant dates for colonial obligations in New Spain. Figure elaborated by the author (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 76
9 Comparative growth of tribute income (in pesos) in both viceroyalties (1680–1809), without Charcas. Figure elaborated by Raquel Gil Montero for the author. The data for Peru are based on table 3.6, p. 44, and for New Spain on table 5.5, p. 88, of Klein (1998) (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 85
10 Tribute income in the caja real of Trujillo in pesos de a ocho reales. Figure elaborated by Raquel Gil Montero for the author with data collected by TePaske, available online at (Garner 2011) (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 121
11 Fiscal categorizations in Michoacán, New Spain (above) and Cajamarca, Peru (below) in comparison. Figure elaborated by the author (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 134
12 Partial genealogy of the Huitziméngari-family. Figure elaborated by the author, adapted from: (Castro Gutiérrez 2004, 58) (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 209
13 Genealogy of Juan Casimiro de la Cruz according to his petition contained in (ARC 1760–1760) (© Sarah Albiez-Wieck) 256
1 Localization of colonial petitions in archives 142
2 Chronology of the petitions in comparison 144
3 Synthesized self- and external adscriptions in the colonial petitions analyzed 146
4 Synthesized self- and external adscriptions in the Peruvian colonial petitions analyzed 148
5 Synthesized self- and external adscriptions in the New Spanish colonial petitions analyzed 149
6 Typology of self-adscriptions in Cajamarca in the long seventeenth century (with petitions dating from 1571 to 1715) 154
7 Typology of self-adscriptions in Michoacán in the long seventeenth century (with petitions dating from 1548 to 1733) 155
8 Typology of adscriptions in Cajamarca in the eighteenth and nineteenth century (with petitions dating from 1732 to 1819) 156
9 Typology of adscriptions in Michoacán in the eighteenth and nineteenth century (with petitions dating from 1740 to 1818) 157
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