On drawing, or the Art of Delineating
The Second Chapter
End of the art of Drawing.
Drawing, the father of painting well, or again, drawing is the Body, and painting the Spirit of drawing.
The art of Painting, that exists in and through the art of Drawing, which is the wet nurse of all good Arts and sciences.
The art of Writing is nursed by the art of Drawing.
What drawing or the art of Drawing actually is.
The necessity of understanding the ovoid and the cross.
There is need for a Book on first principles for young Painters, which might teach them to place a Figure with ease, and guide them from there to even greater perfection.
Amongst the ancients, the artful Painters wrote diverse Books on their Art.
For Painters, nothing had previously been written in our language.
For youths it is useful to get under way with a good Master.
Gently to draw on the lit side.
To draw on Paper [prepared] with a ground color, heightening and deepening, is most advantageous.
One shall not place highlights and deep shadows side by side.
The ground color is the middle- or half-tint / tone.
That it is good to work after prints or another’s manner of handling, wherever deep shadows and highlights are to be found, as well as after sculpture in the round.
That highlights achieve much in the art of Drawing.
That one must work much after the life. In life, a sure, sweet, and simple ease is to be found.
Life is the lodestar of Picturing, its foundation stone and target.
One finds everything in life.
One must work from out of oneself, in order to possess invention.
Memory, mother of the Muses, and for that reason called Mnemosyne; see Plutarch in his On the [Liberal] Education of Children.
The model, that is, the nude figure one intends to portray, should not be set too close.
The Velum is a casement with threads strung in a grid, which is likewise drawn on the sheet of paper to ensure good placement while looking at the model through this velum.
Muscles must fully be fathomed, but activated only when appropriate.
One shall draw hatches in a downward stroke from above.
Crayons: how one makes them.
Crayons are useful for representing colors after the life.
The Art of Drawing is useful to Princes, Captains, and Soldiers for recording cities and fortifications; read the first part of the lives of the Painters, how Lucius Scipio, the Brother of Scipio Africanus, portrayed the capture of Carthage.9112