Portrayal of the Affects, passions, desires, and sorrows of Persons275
The Sixth Chapter
End of Affects.
No one is free of passions, Affects, or the human inclination to weakness.
What Human Affects or passions are.
Aristides was the first portrayer of Affects.
With what features of the face the affects are to be portrayed.
Nature makes the Affects known.
Histrionica are gestures like those that Comedic actors utilize.
On portraying the affect of Love.
Example of the History of Antiochus and his Stepmother Stratonice.
Artful guile of Erasistratus the Doctor.
Wondrous love of Seleucus for his Son.
A Proverb: “Where love is, there’s the eye”; for the eye is the messenger of the heart.
A Vase is an ewer.
On portraying Motherly affection.
Trojan Paris painted, in whose face and figure many affects were to be seen.
Consideration of how this might be done.
The eyes are the seat of desire.
How to portray lightness of spirit.
On the brow, accuser of Souls and Book of hearts.
The brow likened to heaven.
On a double brow, and what makes for the most cunning of enemies.
On the eyebrows, in which one comes up against a person’s thoughts.
Painters are unable clearly to distinguish between laughing and crying faces.
How one portrays laughter.
How to portray crying.
Demon was artful in portraying the affects, as one reads from his life.
Timanthes, too, in the aforesaid sacrifice of Iphigenia, was [artful] in the portrayal [of affects].
How one shall portray interior sorrow with exterior motions of the limbs.
Aeneid, book 6.
Sorrow, death, and illness populate the entryway to Hell.
An art, too, to portray the sick and the dead.
Gualtherus Rivius, book 3.
This was a curious old Painting, in which Sorrow, Joy, and Death were well and naturally portrayed.
This picture is now (I think) in the possession of the Emperor Rudolph.
On portraying the Affects, the Soul of Art.
Example of rage and sorrow portrayed in a cast bronze Figure admixed with Iron in the face.
This example should rouse the Painters.
Painters draw great advantage from sundry colors.
On the depiction of cruelty and rage.
On Envy; Metamorphoses, Book 2.
On Downheartedness.
Example of Lucas van Leyden, in the portrayal of frenzy.
Example of Giotto, in the portrayal of terror.
Example from Pliny, book 35, chapter 9.
Example: how the pain of death was portrayed, withal anxious care.
Pliny, book 35, chapter 10.
Speculation upon how this might have been portrayed.
More than they realize, great Masters engage in the portrayal of Affects, for he who is good at one thing is often good at all.
Pliny, book 34, chapter 8.