On Cattle, Animals, and Birds
The Ninth Chapter
End of the Animals.
To fashion well-beseeming Animals is a worthy task.
Let one strive to be universal.
On tame Beasts.
On the Horse.
Characteristics of the Horse.
Examples of the nature of the Horse.
Pliny had himself written a Book on Horses. Pliny, book 8, chapter 42.
My intention is to demonstrate in writing, not by means of pictorial images.
The form of a Horse, and its beauty.
The Painter shall find favor through the coloring of Horses, or other Beasts.
Attend to the luster of fur, and the direction in which the hair grows.
Diverse Nations of Horses.
More on the coloring of Horses.
Attitude of Horses.
On the froth of Horses.
Example of a Painter who fashioned the froth [of a Horse] by chance.
Example of a Horse’s froth, in the Battle of Constantine in the Belvedere.
Example of a Dog’s froth.
Another Example of froth.
Whatever turns out well is good.
Men formerly expended much effort on Horses, for thereby was a Prize to be won.
Apelles desired to have the judgment of Beasts: Horses snort at his painted Horses.
Examples of very beautiful Antique Horses, in Venice, in Rome.
The Ancients availed themselves of flayed Horses.
On other Creatures.
Bulls have shorter horns than Oxen.
On the form of Cows.
Amongst many creatures, the females, or the she-animals, are softer and smoother than the males, or the he-animals.
On Bulls.
Some graceful young Cows, or Heifers.
The coloring of Cows.
Cows and Oxen, etc., their [paired] ears always colored alike.
Long heads are deplorable.
The Animal-painter of Bassano prized as an Example.
Example of the ancient [painter] Pausias.
Example of the foreshortening of Beasts.
Example of Nicias.
Example of the Bull, to be seen in Rome, in the Palazzo Farnese.
Example of the young Cow, or Heifer, in cast bronze, by Myron.
Epigrams by the Ancients, in praise of the Heifer [of Myron].
The first Epigram.
The second Epigram.
The third Epigram.
The fourth Epigram.
The fifth Epigram.
The sixth Epigram.
The Seventh Epigram.
The eighth Epigram.
The ninth Epigram.
The tenth Epigram.
The eleventh Epigram.
The twelfth Epigram.
There’s nothing better than to paint all things after the life, and above all, to render everything subtly.