On Fabrics or Drapery
The Tenth Chapter
End of Stuffs and Drapery.
Fabrics, an excellent branch [of Art], expedient to its well-being.
The well-created Human body, more beautiful than any clothing.
In the Indies, people walk about naked, but shame teaches us here to clothe ourselves.
Clothing correspondent to persons.
Likewise the colors of clothing, each fitted to [a person’s] nature and age.
Various Fabrics, their varied folds and creases to be observed.
Example of Dürer’s Stuffs.
Example of Mabuse’s little cloths.
Coarser fabrics on top, not beneath.540
Example of Lucas van Leyden’s stuffs.
Various types of Fabrics, after the life.
Stuffs have more the nature of spirit than do foliage or hair.543
How to bunch and drape fabrics.
Movement of folds, out and in.
Where the Fabrics must fold and crease.
Where the Body and limbs are lit, avoid folds, but leave them flat, in order to avoid harsh illumination.545
Folds that mutually arise from something that projects or is raised.
Pocket-folds are to be avoided.
Where folds end and begin.
Avoid a confusion of folds.
Example: Aldegrever, who creased too copiously.
Example: Albrecht Dürer’s planar Stuffs.
Example: Lucas’s and Albrecht’s prints.
Flowing Garments of Women.
Round the edges subtly [with flourishes].
Avoid perforated ridges.
Example: Venetian Painters of beautiful little silks and changeant or compound silks.
Colors to be investigated for the purpose of painting reflections.566
Splendid, wide expanses of Silk, with a flickering fold here and there, look good: so, too, do flat woolens, as on Monk’s cowls, and also modern clothing.
Diverse properties of clothing.
Make use of glazing.
On Velvets and silks.
Examples of Italian Stuffs.
Titian’s woodcuts as Examples.
Further examples of the Italians.
There are few if any good Stuffs to be found in Antiquities.
Several bronze Female statues in the Palazzo Farnese.
Good, fluttering Ancient drapery.
Example of the Flora there.
Fluttering drapery makes a nude figure stand out.
Pythius was the Father of Apelles.
Idee: the imagination, or memory.
Flying wimples and veils of the Nymphs.
Example: Europa, described by Ovid.
The Painter’s Brush must listen to the Poet’s pen.
Figured Stuffs and Damasks.